Chủ Nhật, 24 tháng 9, 2017

Youtube daily how Sep 24 2017

Required Material




Natural Honey






Kismis/Dry Grapes


Take a glass bowl and add chopped apple

add banana pieces

Add Promogranite seeds

Add dry fruits

Add little sugar

Add natural honey

add ghee

Add little milk

Mix thoroughly

Taststy healthy natural fruit salad is ready with no artificial ingrediants is ready

For more infomation >> How To Make healthy and tasty Fruit Salad easily |fruitsalad with out custard | Weightloss Deserts - Duration: 3:51.





Although Big Brother 19 came to a dramatic end Wednesday night, fans are still interested

in Cody Nickson's thoughts about his America's Favorite Player win and his confusion over

garnering the coveted designation.

Viewers are further intrigued by Josh Martinez's BB19 grand prize victory and the statement

Cody made about keeping his word when he lodged his jury vote that snagged Josh the win over

Paul Abrahamian.

This season of Big Brother had many viewers split regarding houseguest support, similar

to the lines drawn in the BB19 house between players.

Cody was clearly an adversary for returning cast member, Paul, and Cody was one of the

few houseguests that refused to become a loyal follower of the bearded clothing designer.

Because of his resistance to Paul, almost every other cast member, with the exception

of his showmance partner, Jessica Graf, turned on Cody at Paul's bidding.

Although he was evicted within the first 30 days of the game, he returned after winning

a special Battle Back Showdown and remained in the Big Brother 19 house long enough to

become the first member of the BB19 jury.

His showmance with Jessica, dubbed "Jody," and his perseverance in the BB19 house garnered

the adoration of many viewers, who then voted for Cody to win AFP.

Not only that, outside the Big Brother 19 house, Jessica, who was evicted just prior

to the formation of the jury, campaigned hard on social media to garner him the AFP designation

and the $25,000 that goes along with it.

Despite this, when Big Brother host Julie Chen announced Cody was chosen as this season's

AFP, he appeared flummoxed.

During a backyard interview with RHAP after the BB19 finale episode, Rob Cesternino asked

Cody how he felt about being AFP.

Cody replied, "I don't know…

I don't really understand it that much."

Nevertheless, he added that he realized Jessica played a huge part in his win.

Rob noted that the fact that Cody and Jessica resisted joining Paul's forces in the BB19

house may have played a major part in the AFP vote.

Cody agreed, saying that he and Jessica were "beat down the whole time in the house"

so he couldn't see how anyone wouldn't "sympathize" with their situation, as

they kept fighting "all the way until the end."

Rob then turned the topic to Cody's "deciding vote" and Cody saying during the voting

process that he was keeping his word.

He asked Cody to share what type of "promise" he had made regarding his vote for Josh.

Cody admitted he had "a little influence in the jury house" but no promises were


Cody said, speaking about the other jurors, "We sort of had a word together and…"

Rob interjected, asking if this "word" was a "pact," and Cody nodded his head

in the affirmative.

Cody stated, "Sort of, sort of.


Cody added that in the end, he didn't like Josh or Paul, but noted, "At least Josh

got up in my face…

I respect that…"

He had no respect for Paul, he said, because Paul did his dirty work "behind closed doors

The BB19 jury has been called bitter and emotional this season, with most apparently feeling

as Cody did regarding Paul and his game moves this season.

This cost the veteran BB18 player the win in a five to four decision, mirroring his

loss to Nicole Franzel last year.

Although this season of Big Brother 19 is over, in just a few months Celebrity Big Brother

will premiere on CBS this winter.



How to use a basting stitch | Impatient Tutorials - Duration: 0:54.

How to use a basting stitch

Basting Stitch: a quick, removable hand stitch to temporarily hold fabric together

When you don't want to use pins

1. thread the needle

2. trim to length of fabric

3. take large stitches

leave an inch of the thread out

4. continue stitching

ready for the sewing machine

For more infomation >> How to use a basting stitch | Impatient Tutorials - Duration: 0:54.


한국어 배우고 달라진 나! How learning Korean changed me 🇿🇦 🇰🇷 - Duration: 8:15.

Hi everyone, it's Lindie

Today's topic is how after I learnt Korean,

how I changed.

Yeah, about that.

I'll be talking about my habits,

language-related things, and

opportunities. What kind of interesting opportunities have come my way since I started learning.

So first is habits.

Like many other foreigners learning Korean,

sometimes when I get hurt I say "aigoo"

or "omo"

I react like that

When I'm surprised I'll say "omona" or "aigoo"

The second habit is that I started eating Kimchi

When I was a high school student I worked in a Korean restaurant part-time

I slowly started eating Kimchi there.

And I really don't think I can live without kimchi now.

I'll show you my fridge and you can see I have a big glass jar of Kimchi there.

The third habit is taking of my shoes at home

My family lived in Japan for a long time

and in Japan of course one takes off their shoes at home

I don't know if that habit is something I picked up after learning Korean or after having lived in Japan.

I can't distinguish that, but in any case, I personally take my shoes off at home most of the time.

The next point: when I take notes, I usually write in Hangul.

Hangul words are a lot faster to write than English words since they can be written in a shorthand manner.

For example: I'm a designer

and when I got design homework as a student, I would write in my diary ㄷㅈ for "Design" [디자인]

Its a lot faster than writing out "design" in English.

So my diary and planner usually has a lot of Korean written in it.

Any notes I take are usually in Korean since it's faster.

And I think my handwriting has changed too!

Lots of Koreans have similar English handwriting styles [because of the geometric structure of the Hangul alphabet]

When [Koreans] write the letter "i", sometimes the "i" is written with a line instead of a dot.

I also somewhat started writing like that.

Probably because I write Korean a lot more than I do English!

Ok! Point 2 is languages

Korean and other languages - how they changed and so forth.

When I was in high school, I listened to a lot of Kpop

Korean bands often release Japanese songs

I think it was SHINee, a Korean band, that released some Japanese songs

So thanks to Kpop I secondhandedly got introduced to Japanese

And I became interested in Japanese

I started learning Japanese a bit more,

and I realized the two langauges have lots of similarity to Chinese.

Hanja and some words are similar

so I thought, "let me learn Chinese too!"

Thanks to Korean, I started learning both Japanese and Chinese. Thanks, Korean!

And another thing related to languages,

I started reading a lot of interesting books.

There's a bookshop closed to Gyeongbok-goong in Seoul, I think its called Kyobo books,

I went to Kyobo books and it was like heaven!

I thought "wow, Koreans must really love reading books"

We don't really have such big book stores in South Africa, and

people don't read as much here either.

So when I was in Korea, I bought a few books

and I also got some books from friends

Thanks to learning Korean,

I got introduced to some excellent books.

Third point is


What kind of interesting opportunities I've experienced

Let's take a look


I was able to visit Korea.

The Korean embassy in South Africa had a competition where you had to make a video about why you love Korea

When I was in high school, I made a silly little video like "Hi, I like Korea blah blah"

But thanks to that video I received the first prize, which was a ticket to South Korea

And I finally visited Korea

When I was in Korea, I also starred in a travel program on Arirang TV called Travel Story.

If I hadn't started learning the beautiful Korean language, I don't think opportunities like these would have popped up.

Another nice opportunity is...

There is a design exhibition called Incheon Design Fair (INDEF) in Incheon

A really close friend of mine who studied the same major as I (information design) invited me to participate

So last year

my design works were exhibited in Incheon and also printed in the catalogue.

I feel like if I didn't learn Korean, things like this wouldn't have happened.

And a few years ago

when I worked at a Korean restaurant (in South Africa)

there was a magazine that was always delivered to the restaurant

Korean magazine. When there were no customers, I'd sit and read the magazine, marking words I didn't know.

I read the magazine a lot

and decided to write an email to them.

"Hi, I'm South African and I really like your magazine" etc

I sent them an email like that and then they featured me in their magazine.

I thought that that was quite an exciting moment in my life.

And I also think my fashion sense, handwriting

and design style has changed.

Korean typography

difficult word!

I'm really interested in designing Korean fonts

I've designed one Korean font before

When I design a font (in English), I try to design a matching Korean version

I think my design style has been influenced by Korean design as well.

I really like Korean design.

And in terms of my fashion sense,

I bought a lot of clothes in Korea, so I guess that's why my style may have changed

I buy a lot of clothes in Japan/Asia, so I've heard that my fashion style doesn't seem "South African".

And finally, the best point is that I've made many special friends.

I've also met some of my subscribers

I usually talk a lot on Kakao Talk

So I've made some nice friends on there too.

I also have a language exchange Open Talk room on Kakao

the link is in the description if you want to join!

Thanks to apps like Kakao, I've made good friendships

I'm so glad I started learning Korean!

So happy. Thank you, Korean!

This was quite a long video, but thank you for watching

I just wanted to share my love for Korea

Please give this video a like and subscribe if you haven't already!

See you next time! Bye!

For more infomation >> 한국어 배우고 달라진 나! How learning Korean changed me 🇿🇦 🇰🇷 - Duration: 8:15.


How to Make S'mores Ice Cream Pie - Duration: 4:21.

Hello Everyone, welcome to the channel. This is Amy Tong.

Today, I have this super fun and delicious recipe to share with you.

This ice cream pie is inspired by the American dessert: S'mores.

Besides having all the components of a S'more, this pie also includes layers of ice cream and magic chocolate sauce.

It's a decadent and super fun dessert to enjoy.

Follow me to the kitchen and I'll show you how to make this S'mores Ice Cream Pie.

First, we'll need to prepare the chocolate graham crust.

We will need 1/2 a cup of semi-sweet chocolate chips along with 4 tablespoons of unsalted butter.

Heat them in the microwave over high heat in 30 seconds intervals.

Make sure to stop and stir the mixture well in between the heating.

Let the mixture slightly cool down while we prepare the graham crackers.

Place 20 square pieces of the graham cracker into the food processor.

Process the crackers until you get fine crumbs.

Reserve 1/4 cup of the cracker crumbs for the pie fillings. You should still have 1 and 3/4 cups of the cracker crumbs in the food processor.

Drizzle 1/2 of the chocolate sauce that we prepare earlier into the food processor.

Pulse a few times until the mixture is well combined.

Then, add the remaining chocolate sauce into the cracker crumbs. Process the mixture until it's well incorporated.

Transfer the chocolate graham cracker crumbs on to a 9-inch glass or ceramic pie dish.

Press the cracker crumbs on to the bottom and the sides of the pie dish into an even layer.

And here's a tip for you: you can use the bottom and sides of a drinking glass to create the flat surface easily.

Transfer the pie crust to the freezer for 15 minutes to firm up.

To create a magic chocolate sauce, we will need 1 cup of semi-sweet chocolate chips along with 2 tablespoons of butter.

Heat the mixture in the microwave over high heat in 30 seconds intervals.

Make sure to stop and stir the mixture thoroughly to ensure even heat distribution.

Transfer 1/2 half of the magic chocolate sauce onto the chocolate graham cracker crust that we prepared earlier.

Spread the magic chocolate sauce with the back of the spoon to create an even layer.

Add 1 1/2 cup of softened vanilla bean ice cream on top.

And here's another tip for you.

If you add your ice cream in scoops, it'll be much easier to spread out later.

Next, sprinkle the 1/4 cup of graham cracker crumbs that we reserved earlier on top of the ice cream.

Followed by 6 tablespoons of semi-sweet mini chocolate chips.

Transfer the pie back to the freezer for 30 minutes to firm up.

When 30 minutes is up, add another 1 1/2 cups of softened vanilla bean ice cream on top.

Just a side note, since I ran out of vanilla ice cream that day, I'm using a mix of vanilla and coffee ice cream for the top layer.

The pie turned out so delicious! So feel free to explore with the flavor of ice cream that you like.

Again, spread the ice cream until you get an even layer.

Next, add the remaining magic chocolate sauce on top of the ice cream.

Spread the magic chocolate sauce with the rubber spatula until it's evenly distributed.

Last but not least, cover the top with 2 cups of mini marshmallows.

You can simply add the marshmallow on top and spread it into an even layer or arrange it nicely like I do.

Cover the pie and keep it in the freezer for at least 2 hours or preferably overnight.

Here's the fun part! When ready to serve, char the marshmallows on top with a kitchen torch!

Please be very careful when you use a blowtorch and follow all the manufacturer's instructions for safety reasons.

And here's another tip for you.

Let the pie stay in room temperature for 5 to 10 minutes, it'll be much easier to cut into slices.

You can also dip the knife in a glass of hot water before slicing.

See how gorgeous this pie turned out? I definitely love how you can see and taste each different layers.

I hope you enjoyed today's tutorial and will give this recipe a try real soon.

Before you go, please remember to click on the subscribe button and subscribe to my channel.

That way you'll be the first to know when I have a new recipe coming up.

And remember, Eat, Drink, and Be Happy!

Thank you so much for watching and I'll see you all next week!

For more infomation >> How to Make S'mores Ice Cream Pie - Duration: 4:21.


How to make a music player button! [Works!] [Turn on Sub Titles!!] - Duration: 8:25.

Hi YouTube! I'm going to be showing you how to make a music player button! Let's get right into it!

Now open up a baseplate or one of your world's you already made. It don't matter.

It's slow for me. Sorry.

Told ya.

Ok, it loaded up finally. Now let's get into it.

I get my self set up quickly.

Make sure to have Explorer and Properties open for this.

Now, insert a part.

Just like that.

Now copy exactly what I do from here.

I just put the surface input like that. Don't copy that.

And make sure to have toolbox open and go to audios.

Forgot to put the stop button color to red. My bad.

Insert a script inside of the "Play" Button.

Don't forget to insert a "Click Detector" Inside of the play button as well.

Very Important!

Now copy what I script.

Copy this.

Now to insert the function to make the Button actually work. Copy!

Exactly this.

There's the Play button script complete.

Make sure to have the sound that you picked out on looped!

Let's test it.

Works! :D

Now to script the Stop Button. Yes there's more.

Basically the same thing like the play button. The script is a bit different though.

Forgot to insert a click detector inside of the stop button.

Copy this main script I put. It hast to be out of the function. Like how I'm doing it.

Copy this.

Now to put the stop part in the script. Make sure to put it inside of the function.

Just like this.

Now the button's are completely done!

Don't forgot to anchor them or they will go flying around if you step on them.

Time to test them out.

For more infomation >> How to make a music player button! [Works!] [Turn on Sub Titles!!] - Duration: 8:25.


How to compress PNG files in WIndows - Duration: 3:57.

Hey guy's R4GE VipeRzZ here and today I'm going to show you how you can easily

compress PNG images in Windows so to compress PNG images we're going to be

using a program called PNGGauntlet now to download PNGGauntlet you want to

come to this website here the link will be in the description and you want to

click download for Windows now this will download the installer for the program

and once the installer's finished downloading you want to open it up then

you want to click run, then you want to click Next and then you want to read

through the end-user License Agreement and once you've read through it and you

agree to it you then want to tick the box here and you want to click Next, now

at this section here you can change where the program installs you can leave

it at the default one like and going to our if you want to change you can click

the Change button here and select where you would like it to install but like I

say I'm gonna leave it default so I'm just gonna click Next and then to

install the program you just want to click the install button here now if any

prompts come up asking for permission you just want to click yes and now the

program is finished installing I'm just going to click the finish button and

then I'm gonna search in the search bar PNG and as you can see PNGGauntlet has

now been installed so I'm just gonna open it up and before we import any PNG

files into the program where first going to create a folder to save the

compressed PNG files to so you can create a file wherever you want and you

can name it whatever you want but I'm gonna create a new file on the desktop

and I'm gonna call it compressed so compressed like so, so now there is a folder

on the desktop called compressed and we're going to save all our compressed

PNG images to it, so once you've created your folder you then want to come to the

program and you want to click the three dots in the top right hand corner, then

you want to navigate to wherever you created your file so as you can see mine

is called compressed and it is on the desktop so I'm going to press on that

there and then I'm going to press ok now to import your PNG files you can either

click add image and use the file explorer to find them or you can just

highlight them and drag them into the program like so

so once you've got your images on the program you can then just click optimise and

it will compress the PNG images, now you don't want to compress PNG images

multiple times you only want to compress them once if you try and compress a PNG

image that's already been compressed it will most likely make the file size

bigger, so now as you can see it's compressed all of them and you're

looking at about a 40% reduction in size so to clear all the PNG images from the

program now we compress them you can either click the clear images button

here and that will remove all of them or if you want to remove only certain

images you can select them with the mouse and you can select multiple ones

by holding down the Ctrl button and clicking on them and then you can click

remove image but I'm just going to remove them all by clicking clear images, so guys we

will just have a look at how much it's compressed so here is a yellow circle

and as you can see it's 6.98KB and if we look at the

original PNG that is 17.8KB so as you can see it's reduce

the file size by quite a lot which can be important depending on your output

medium anyway guys that's as simple as it gets if you've liked the video don't

forget to the like button, if you dislike it hit the dislike button, subscribe for

more content like this and I'll see you another time, bye.

For more infomation >> How to compress PNG files in WIndows - Duration: 3:57.


How to Create Twitter account on Android Phone [Bangla Tutorial] - Duration: 12:46.

For more infomation >> How to Create Twitter account on Android Phone [Bangla Tutorial] - Duration: 12:46.


How (not) to shoot a black powder rifle at Highland Games - Rapalje Show #28 - Duration: 5:28.

Thank you very much for all the support you've giving us to the Rapalje Show

And thank you for all the T-shirts you send me

In the end of this video I will show you more shots from my new camera

And how to not shoot

a black powder rifle

These are the T-shirts I will use for the next Rapalje Shows

It's a whole bunch already

What I specially like are the self made T-shirts

you send me

And as soon as I receive a T-shirt from you I will

wear it on the Rapalje Show and give you a shout out

And the T-shirt I'm wearing right now

Is from Rapalje beer: Our own beer at our Zomerfolk Festival

We haven't got this beer anymore but we still have some small T-shirts. This is a small size

that actually fits me

We have these smaller sizes: Small and medium

In our Rapalje Shop

Follow the link in our description

And what I like to know

Is when

and where you wear

Rapalje- or Rapalje beer T-shirts

When you're working out? Or when you're cleaning your house

Or if you use your T-shirt as a pyjama when you sleep

I really would like to see your photo or video

On Instagram


Twitter or YouTube

So I got a new camera to shoot more videos

And on this 3rd Rapalje Show video from the Appowila Highland Games

I show you how I shot a video

How to not shoot

A black powder rifle

So be easy and free and I meet you in your T-shirt on social media

For more infomation >> How (not) to shoot a black powder rifle at Highland Games - Rapalje Show #28 - Duration: 5:28.


How to become FASTER - Increase your SPEED - Duration: 2:49.

Welcome guys! Today I want to present you something different.

I will show you how to get faster and increase your speed on the pitch.

In order to achieve an optimal sprint speed, you should avoid the following errors

First, you should not cross your arms.

In addition, a cramping of the upper body should be avoided.

In order to achieve the highest possible speed, you should pass the arms straight on the body and hold the hands open.

The step should be short at the start of the sprint, and be as long as possible when reaching the highest speed.

The inclination of the body should be slightly bent forward.

Thanks for watching guys! Hope you like it! Make sure to subscribe to stay up to date.

For more infomation >> How to become FASTER - Increase your SPEED - Duration: 2:49.


Youtube Analysis: How Fast Should A Channel Grow? - Duration: 14:38.

hey everybody if you're a youtube no matter how big you are big or small you will frequently

wonder am i growing at a good rate or am i just spinning my wheels i personally was considering

that for a long time because you want to know if your growth is due to a trend or fad if

you can keep it up and if you should expect that level of return in the future or are

you not getting covered correctly are you not gaining enough subscribers per views on

your videos and the question of views per subs is what i'm here to answer today I'm

using data that I collected from social blade I've done this kind of video before about

how easy it is to make a 50 thousand dollar salary on youtube using data from social blade

and my own finings I recommend you check that out if that is a question whose answer you

want to know but here today we'll be looking at basket of 7 you tubers different types

sizes and ages pewdiepie is here of course because he adds variance food wishes another

old channel not so big but important as well idubbbz which I've reviewed before and got

a lot of dislikes because of my audio quality he's in here as well because almost 5 million

subs is an important data point his style is different from pewdiepie and food wishes

because they upload every day nigahiga is like idubbbz in that respect but he has considerably

more subscribers and is an older channel joseph lincoln he is an upcoming youtube channel

h3h3 productions which gets consistent viewership per day and myself because I am a tiny channel

and most of the people watching are small like me even though big people will benefit

from this knowledge all the data i collected was viewed on 9/17/17 this was done to get

semi-current data but we will also be referencing past data to get a more holistic view about

youtube growth over the years pewdiepies stuff food wishes stuff these numbers are different

from pewdiepies because pewdiepie clickbait which makes his averages inconsistent idubbbz

stuff the older the channel the more disparity joseph lincoln stuff h3h3 productions stuff

even with theier recent controversy over racial slurs their views per day hasn't really slowed

down that much and they are getting new subs even if their old ones are leaving my stuff

it's not constant enough to be used for current data so I'll only include the lifetime numbers

I'm including my self because the way i've grown is typical for most small channels these

are all the total vies per channel divided by total subscribers to get lifetime averages

the average of all this is 167.6 views per sub now to look at youtube as a culture i'm

going to add all the views and subs and divide the mass views by the mass subs to get a window

into what youtube really is we get 234.3 views per sub off of this basket which

I think is pretty accurate one step further we average the two and get a benchmark of

200.1 views per subscriber the optimal range is 167.6 to 234.3 views per sub and

you should shoot for 200.1 views per sub if your content is as good as that which the

basket of channels produces thanks for


subscribe if you want more videos like


and share with your youtube friends also follow me

on twitter @swedehartyt leave


like bye cool clips play

For more infomation >> Youtube Analysis: How Fast Should A Channel Grow? - Duration: 14:38.


How to Lighten Dark Underarms Naturally at Home ? | Tamil Beauty Tips - Duration: 1:27.

How to remove underarm razor bumps.

After removal underarms becomes soft and supple.

Firstly,coconut oil massage

Massage underarms with coconut oil everyday to reduce razor bumps.

Secondly lemon juice

Apply lemon juice regularly.

As it has citric acid it gets in and reduces razor bumps.

Thirdly baking soda and water.

Mix both and apply .Do it weekly once to reduce razor bumps.

Finally potato.

Keep rubbing potato regularly. It reduces dark circles and razor bumps.

Regularly use homemade products to reduce razor bumps.

For more infomation >> How to Lighten Dark Underarms Naturally at Home ? | Tamil Beauty Tips - Duration: 1:27.


See how the Westerners make dandelion - Rubber Trees | Toon Tube - Duration: 10:20.

For more infomation >> See how the Westerners make dandelion - Rubber Trees | Toon Tube - Duration: 10:20.


Watch How does Aleppo look now - Duration: 1:42.

We're in Aleppo today which obviously was a city very much at war just a

couple of months ago now the fighting is stopped but of course there's still big

differences between the east side where the rebels used to be and the west side

which was always government heald. In a couple of seconds you'll see us go from

a relatively intact part of western Aleppo to what you see right in front of

us here. I mean just look at this. And we used to go here the road would just end

and there would be tarps hanging everywhere in checkpoints because the

other side is where the opposition held areas would begin and now all of that is

is just gone. This is one of the most historic places in the world I mean this

town's been around for five thousand years. Wow I'm just, look how destroyed

this area is. There really isn't say almost a single building in the east of

Aleppo that was left untouched

A lot of people even if their houses are almost completely flattened like some of

the stuff that you see on the sides here they still try to come back and try to

rebuild. So a lot of people still rely on aid they come here with a ration card as

you can see and you can really see how desperate some folks are here people are

literally hurrying running to try and get some of the handouts look over there

look at the commotion over there because there's this bread being handed out. Life

is coming back it's difficult and it's going slowly but you could really see

how how things are changing here in Easten Aleppo.

For more infomation >> Watch How does Aleppo look now - Duration: 1:42.


Animals Breeding Video - Amazing Man Breed Cows - How to bred cows in my Country - part 3. - Duration: 10:30.

For more infomation >> Animals Breeding Video - Amazing Man Breed Cows - How to bred cows in my Country - part 3. - Duration: 10:30.


Micro Brushed Motor Repair Full Disassembly and How To Fix Quadcopter Coreless Motors - Duration: 5:35.

how to repair your micro brushed motor and how to solder new wires to it doing a full disassembly

micro motor to get your mini drone back flying again

and let's dig into it all the things you really need is a curved Stanley knife

with a really sharp point to get the motor disassembled and remove the cap

the most difficult step to get done the motors are not stuck and completely oke

they are very strong 6mm motors spinning free but they are missing the motor wires

but we like to repair them because they give 40 grams of thrust all four of them that's 10 gram for each motor

that's pretty awesome for a 6mm brushed micro motor and let's show you how to disassemble it

it's not going to be easy but there are four points where the outside case is holding the cap

We have to destroy/remove those four points a little bit and we are just going to poke inside of it and push it out

on all four sides

if that doesn't work you can always use a tiny pin to get in and wiggle it open

when you have wiggle it open enuff you can try to use your Stanley knife to get in between the outer case and the cap

and just get in between there and pull it out because the knife is curved your crabbing around the cap a lot more

giving you more grip

and you just go around, around, and around to slowly let it come out and keep on poking the four holes and the cap while release

and the inner copper motor while come out

This is a close-up of the cap and it's two brushes that have to touch the axle of the inner copper motor

when you assemble everything back together so it's pretty important to have the axle straight in between those two brushes

you see those two lines those are the brushes at the end and the axle sit's in the middle when it's assemble

the copper motor is completely solid there are no extra pieces or parts on it it's just copper wire and glue in with

epoxy with the wires touching the axle on the top and probably also on the inside

The outer case is just a metal case with a magnet on the inside

it shows up really difficult but there you can see the magnet on the inside

We are first going to solder the wires back into place before are going to assemble the motor

let's get on with it it's a shame I got 3 red wires and one black wire that are super thin wires

not every wire while fit thru those hole's where we push the wire thru the hole and solder it to the brushes

now it's just a question of assembling the motor back in its place and i want to mention that the upper shaft

is thinner than the axle at the bottom that is twice the size so there is no way you can place it wrong

you just have to push it back into the hole so it surrounds the magnet on the inside

now its just a question of the most micro job getting that axle sits in between the two brushes

it shows up really bad on camera we are going to try ower best

it's smart to use some sort of glue the keep the cap in its place and stay in its place

know we can supply it with power and test how good it works we have assembled the micromotors back into the quadcopter

and now we are going to show you it works

now I've shown you how to disassemble your micro brushed motor how to solder new wires to the brushes

how to assemble it and making it work just like it did straight out of the box hope you like this video

and give it the thumbs up and if you didn't then give it the thumbs down

Subscribe for my weekly video's that coming out and I want to wish you happy flying and goodbye until next time

For more infomation >> Micro Brushed Motor Repair Full Disassembly and How To Fix Quadcopter Coreless Motors - Duration: 5:35.


OMG ! Cambodian Man Mating Animal With Technique How To Bred Cows In My Countryside ការបង្កាត់គោបា#2 - Duration: 10:12.

For more infomation >> OMG ! Cambodian Man Mating Animal With Technique How To Bred Cows In My Countryside ការបង្កាត់គោបា#2 - Duration: 10:12.


How to Create 100% Verified Payza Account | Payza Bangla Video Tutorial - Duration: 21:11.

Today i am going to show

how to create Payza

account with 100% verified

What is Payza?

Payza is a online banking syestem

Let's go... How to create

Payza Account

If you want to create Payza account


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This is a Payza website

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For more infomation >> How to Create 100% Verified Payza Account | Payza Bangla Video Tutorial - Duration: 21:11.


How to get 8 Ball Pool Free Black Diamond VIP Cue - 100% work -Android /iOS - Duration: 1:34.

For more infomation >> How to get 8 Ball Pool Free Black Diamond VIP Cue - 100% work -Android /iOS - Duration: 1:34.


How to make a Paper Purse Handbag - Origami Purse easy making tutorial - Duration: 6:17.

Welcome to Colors Paper, Enjoy, How to make a Paper Purse (Handbag)

You need 1 piece 21cm x 21cm paper and 1 piece 0.5cm x 29cm paper for making origami purse.

Now follow the video step by step for learning how to make easy origami purse.

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