Chủ Nhật, 24 tháng 9, 2017

Youtube daily an Sep 24 2017

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JPMorgan said Bitcoin is a fraud

and Government will close down this cryptocurrency

For more infomation >> JPMorgan Chase support blockchain | Jamie Dimon against Bitcoin is a Fraud -shut down cryptocurrency - Duration: 7:31.


Sawaan Pakistani Film by Farhan Alim, An International Awarded Film Detail in Urdu or Hindi - Duration: 3:41.

Subscribe to our channel for more videos

For more infomation >> Sawaan Pakistani Film by Farhan Alim, An International Awarded Film Detail in Urdu or Hindi - Duration: 3:41.


Shanghai Has An Enormous Ad Featuring Lay That Stretches For 1000 Square Metres - Duration: 1:48.

Shanghai Has An Enormous Ad Featuring Lay That Stretches For 1000 Square Metres

Lay's face was plastered all over Shanghai with what is dubbed to be a gigantic advert.

The advert is part of Maple Story 2's promotional campaign for its recent release.

170919 Maple Story 2 Weibo Update: Yixings 1000m squared ad is revealed outside Shanghai Global Harbor Mall #lay #yixing #张艺兴 #레이 #レイ pic.


com/bum8efDQpx   — 张艺兴吧✩XingPark (@XingPark) September 19, 2017.

To celebrate the release, they decided to organize a 1000 m2 advert outside Shanghai Global Habor Mall.

The images were captured by their fans and ultimately became a big hit online.

Add that to the viral CF video previously released and Lay has landed himself an adorable image.

It certainly rallied a lot of fans to become an island master on Maple Story 2! .

For more infomation >> Shanghai Has An Enormous Ad Featuring Lay That Stretches For 1000 Square Metres - Duration: 1:48.


Install an Android Virtual Device on Kali Linux - Technology Tech - Duration: 4:13.

For more infomation >> Install an Android Virtual Device on Kali Linux - Technology Tech - Duration: 4:13.


Taeyeon Has An Irresistible Habit Of Doing This With Her Fingers - Duration: 1:24.

Taeyeon Has An Irresistible Habit Of Doing This With Her Fingers 

Fans have recently begun to notice that Taeyeon has a fetching habit when shes deep in thought or nervous.

Indeed, Taeyeon can actually be frequently spotted nervously or thoughtfully nibbling on her finger if youre looking for it.

You can definitely leave it some of her fans to hunt for evidence.

The uncanny habit of biting her finger did not only appear in online broadcasts or public appearances… .

but most of her promotional shoots feature Taeyeon doing the exact same thing! .

You definitely have to be a super fan to spot this one.

Source: Idol-Best.

For more infomation >> Taeyeon Has An Irresistible Habit Of Doing This With Her Fingers - Duration: 1:24.


''SOVEREIGN"- A Short Film (An Experiment with ''शांत रस") - Duration: 9:27.

For more infomation >> ''SOVEREIGN"- A Short Film (An Experiment with ''शांत रस") - Duration: 9:27.


O My Baby - an original bluegrass song - Duration: 2:39.

Oh my baby's got a real good eye

He can see over valleys, he can see far and wide

Oh my baby's got a real good eye

I swear he sees every girl in the county line

Oh my baby's got a real big heart

and his love runs deep, yeah his love runs far

Oh my baby's got a real big heart

I swear he loves every girl from here to Mars

Oh my baby's got a real sharp mind

He can talk so good, he can talk so fine

Oh my baby's got a real sharp mind

I swear he sounds so pretty when he's telling a lie

Oh my baby's got a real nice ride

Got a pretty little Chevy with the 4 wheel drive

Oh my baby's got a real nice ride

I'm sure that every girl could tell ya 'bout the seats inside

Oh my baby's got a real big heart

his love runs deep, yeah his love runs far

Oh my baby's got a real big heart

I swear he loves every girl from here to Mars

and he loves every girl from here to Mars

and he loves every girl from here to Mars

For more infomation >> O My Baby - an original bluegrass song - Duration: 2:39.


Even The Queen Has an iPod (2017) - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Even The Queen Has an iPod (2017) - Duration: 1:00.


Wahlen - Bad Segeberg Polizei beendet Streit an AfD-Wahlwerbestand - Duration: 3:41.

For more infomation >> Wahlen - Bad Segeberg Polizei beendet Streit an AfD-Wahlwerbestand - Duration: 3:41.


Tucker Carlson Interviews An Actual Witch To Explain Trump's Bizarre Behavior - Duration: 4:54.

While most people in the world this week were distracted by those real issues happening,

you know, like the ongoing investigation by Bob Muller, Donald Trump speaking at the UN,

the increasing tensions in North Korea.

Tucker Carlson decided to tackle the issue that too few people in this country are actually

willing to tackle.

Take a look.

President Trump doesn't always do what people expect him to do or even what his supporters

want him to do.

Is he being unpredictable or could there be another cause, perhaps, a magical one?

Mandy Yates Garcia is the Oracle of Los Angeles.

She says she's a witch, tarot card reader, spell caster, energy healer, intuitive medium,

shamanic practitioner and magical life coach.

Last night she helped cast a so called, binding spell, on our president to prevent him from

causing harm to others.

We've asked many witches to come on this program, but only Amanda Yates Garcia was brave enough

to accept our invitations.

What does this mean, exactly, that you cast a binding spell on the president?

Binding spells are like any other spells, so they're a symbolic action used to harness

the powers of the imagination and achieve a tangible result.

That's right folks.


Seriously, all right.

Tucker Carlson did a segment where he interviews a witch, and look, he kept a very straight

face, so it's very hard to tell if he is trying to be sarcastic through the whole thing or

if he's really trying to get information out of her.

I'm 99% sure this is pure sarcasm, and he's doing everything possible to not break out

in laughter during that ridiculous intro and during the interview itself.

But, it's not just the fact that he interviewed a witch who says that they're putting these

hexes on Trump.

The fact of the matter is that his producers need to be fired, okay?

There are very real issues happening in this country right now and more importantly, other

countries that the United States is involved in.

And yet, you devote your air time, your prime time air time, to interviewing a witch, as

if that somehow helps to explain Donald Trump's erratic behavior.

Now, maybe you were trying to do this as a way to show how crazy the left is, and look

at this, you know, laugh behind the scenes about it.

But the real reason you're doing this is because you don't want to talk about those real issues.

You don't want to talk about the fact that our president is insulting one of the most

dangerous people in the world, who's insulting him back and actually doing a much better

job at it.

You don't want to talk about the fact that Russia is violating the sanctions that are

in place against North Korea.

You don't want to talk about the fact that Bob Muller's investigation is getting increasingly

closer to Donal Trump himself and threatens to take down his entire presidency.

So, you fill your air time with the most ridiculous nonsense you can come up with.

Look, you interviewed a witch about Donald Trump's behavior, you know, couldn't you go

back to what you usually do and just talk about Obama and Hillary Clinton?

Hillary Clinton had a book that came out this week and it's probably going to surpass the

Art of the Deal in sales after only a few weeks.

Maybe talk about that.

But for the love of God, don't ever dig this deep to either try to make somebody look foolish

or because you're trying to avoid talking about the real issues.

That segment was insulting.

Not just to the woman who came on, but to anybody who legitimately watches your show

and thinks that they're getting news from you.

There's only so much longer this whole Fox News Network is going to be able to go on,

before they have to start addressing what's actually happening in the world.

I think this little witch segment was about the most bottom of the barrel that you could

get for Fox News.

So, maybe, just maybe, after this segment, they're going to say, "There's literally nothing

else we can talk about.

I guess we're going to have to talk about that special prosecutor or the Russia thing,

or the North Korea thing, or any of the other really pressing issues that have real-world

ramifications, rather than talking about hexes and spells that might be influencing Donald

Trump's behavior."

For more infomation >> Tucker Carlson Interviews An Actual Witch To Explain Trump's Bizarre Behavior - Duration: 4:54.


An unhelpful guide to V - Duration: 6:59.

For more infomation >> An unhelpful guide to V - Duration: 6:59.


Things that will TRAUMATIZE an ITALIAN IN KOREA: The Italian food in Korea 😱 - Duration: 10:16.

For more infomation >> Things that will TRAUMATIZE an ITALIAN IN KOREA: The Italian food in Korea 😱 - Duration: 10:16.


GIN TUẤN KIỆT | HÃY CHO CON MỘT MÁI NHÀ | ft Bảo An, Gia Khiêm, Nghi Đình, Minh Chiến [OFFICIAL MV] - Duration: 5:24.

For more infomation >> GIN TUẤN KIỆT | HÃY CHO CON MỘT MÁI NHÀ | ft Bảo An, Gia Khiêm, Nghi Đình, Minh Chiến [OFFICIAL MV] - Duration: 5:24.


What is an unforgettable woman - Duration: 2:59.

For more infomation >> What is an unforgettable woman - Duration: 2:59.


5 Ways to Survive Small Talk as an Introvert - Duration: 4:44.

5 Ways to Survive Small Talk as an Introvert

Sometimes, small talk is necessary in order for us to be socially accepted in the society,

however, it doesn't do much justice for introverts who dread it.

The pure meaninglessness of conversations that revolve around the weather just to avoid

silence can actually be more stifling when no actual growth or learning takes place.

The absence of these components blocks honest connections with others that can cause introverts

to feel even more alone than ever.

And yet, to survive socially in this world, we have to be willing to meet somewhere in

the middle.

The world isn't a mind reader, so we shouldn't treat it like one.

Instead, we can be brave and join the dance.

In this video, I'm going to share with you 5 ways to survive small talk as an introvert.

Likewise, if you find this information is helpful to you, make sure to like this video

and subscribe our channel so you won't miss any interesting update in the future guys!


If you feel anxious about making small talk, just remember that the situation in itself

isn't threatening, but rather the anxiety is based on your own beliefs and doubts.

Not every conversation you have with someone will be life-changing or fulfilling, but if

that were the case, then we wouldn't have a need to form exclusively special relationships

with the few people we have the confidence to call our best friends or our lovers.

If you fail at making small talk with someone to get the ball rolling, it's okay.

Give yourself credit for stepping out and trying.

It's going to be awkward at times, but that's not to say that it'll be like that for every

single experience.

Be kind to yourself.

Part of getting better at something means having to take both the good with the bad.


Put less pressure on yourself.

If you don't want to be in the spotlight, then you don't have to be.

You can still engage in small talk without having to disclose a lot of information about


Instead, ask questions to get to know the other person better.

Once you can weave a solid ground that establishes some similarities that the two of you share,

slowly, you can pitch in and relate.


Elaborate on your responses.

When someone asks you how your week is going, instead of just saying, "It's going well,"

you can say something like, "It's going well.

I've been making more time for myself to enjoy life."

That way, the other person can ask you more questions along the way, so the conversation

doesn't remain stagnant and substance can be added as it grows.


Steer the conversation by offering a chance to dive in the deep.

This is your chance to shine!

You can get to know the person you're conversing with on a deeper level by asking open-ended


This allows the other person to say more than just a few words.

Questions that ask about their opinions, what their dreams are, or factors that they can

largely identify with can make room for the conversation to build up into something more

stimulating and fulfilling.

Then, you can reciprocate and insert your own opinions and relevant life stories.


Don't brood over what went wrong.

Instead, take mental notes (or physical ones) to help you do better next time.

Rome wasn't built in a day.

Instead of blaming yourself, wishing you could've done things differently, take each experience

you engage in small talk as a lesson to sharpen your skills.

Ask yourself questions, such as What worked, What didn't work, What can I do next time

to prevent this from happening again?

The best part is that you always have the power to help yourself.

And remember that making small talk is just a tiny part of you; it's not an accurate

portrayal of who you are.

Rather, it only acts as a gateway for something potentially bigger and meaningful, but you

have to be receptive to those opportunities if you ever want to grow.

Well, that's the 5 ways to survive small talk as an introvert.

Really cool information isn't it?

I'd like to see your opinions on this and please do share your thoughts and experiences

in the comments below!

Don't forget to give us account subs and watch other amazing videos on our channel.

Thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> 5 Ways to Survive Small Talk as an Introvert - Duration: 4:44.


COMIC THEORY: Is Superman REALLY an Illegal Alien??? || NerdSync - Duration: 9:17.

For more infomation >> COMIC THEORY: Is Superman REALLY an Illegal Alien??? || NerdSync - Duration: 9:17.


Kleiner Body-Makel: Fällt euch was an Dani Katzenberger auf? - Duration: 1:36.

For more infomation >> Kleiner Body-Makel: Fällt euch was an Dani Katzenberger auf? - Duration: 1:36.


Hubble Reveals an Odd Object In the Asteroid Belt Between Mars a - Duration: 4:16.

Hubble Reveals an Odd Object In the Asteroid Belt Between Mars and Jupiter

In September 2016, just before the asteroid 288P made its closest approach to the Sun,

it was close enough to Earth to allow astronomers using the Hubble Space Telescope to observe

the intriguing characteristics of an unusual type of object in the asteroid belt between

Mars and Jupiter: two asteroids orbiting each other and exhibiting comet-like features,

including a bright coma and a long tail.

This is the first known binary asteroid also classified as a comet.

The images of 288P, which is located in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter, revealed

that it was actually not a single object, but two asteroids of almost the same mass

and size, orbiting each other at a distance of about 100 kilometers.

That discovery was in itself an important find; because they orbit each other, the masses

of the objects in such systems can be measured.

But the observations also revealed ongoing activity in the binary system.

"We detected strong indications of the sublimation of water ice due to the increased solar heating

-- similar to how the tail of a comet is created," explains Jessica Agarwal (Max Planck Institute

for Solar System Research -, Germany), the team leader and main author

of the research paper.

This makes 288P the first known binary asteroid that is also classified as a main-belt comet.

Understanding the origin and evolution of main-belt comets -- comets that orbit amongst

the numerous asteroids between Mars and Jupiter -- is a crucial element in our understanding

of the formation and evolution of the whole Solar System.

Among the questions main-belt comets can help to answer is how water came to Earth [2].

Since only a few objects of this type are known, 288P presents itself as an extremely

important system for future studies.

The various features of 288P -- wide separation of the two components, near-equal component

size, high eccentricity and comet-like activity -- also make it unique among the few known

wide asteroid binaries in the Solar System.

The observed activity of 288P also reveals information about its past, notes Agarwal:

"Surface ice cannot survive in the asteroid belt for the age of the Solar System but can

be protected for billions of years by a refractory dust mantle, only a few metres thick."

From this, the team concluded that 288P has existed as a binary system for only about

5000 years.

Agarwal elaborates on the formation scenario: "The most probable formation scenario of 288P

is a breakup due to fast rotation.

After that, the two fragments may have been moved further apart by sublimation torques."

The fact that 288P is so different from all other known binary asteroids raises some questions

about whether it is not just a coincidence that it presents such unique properties.

As finding 288P included a lot of luck, it is likely to remain the only example of its

kind for a long time.

"We need more theoretical and observational work, as well as more objects similar to 288P,

to find an answer to this question," concludes Agarwal.

For more infomation >> Hubble Reveals an Odd Object In the Asteroid Belt Between Mars a - Duration: 4:16.


Misgendering Trans People is Not an Act of Violence | How To Deal with Being Misgendered - Duration: 12:06.

Are people misgendering you? How can you learn to cope with that?

And why is being misgendered not that big of a deal?

Let's talk about that now.

[Autumn Asphodel]

Hi everyone! We are going to be discussing being misgendered,

how to cope with it, and why it's not an act of violence like

some activists claim. First, we must understand what is

misgendering. Misgendering refers to the act of

accidentally or purposefully referring to someone by the

gender pronouns they do not go by. For instance, since I am a

transgender woman who was born male and have transitioned to

female, people can misgender me by calling me by male pronouns.

I do not present as male, I do not look male, I do not sound

male, and so on. Rather, my identity is female since I

present, behave, and take the role of a female according to my

society. I have been accidentally and intentionally

misgendered, and neither of which, at almost any part of my

transition, affected me once I began my transition. However,

when I was presenting as male, being viewed and referred to as

such was very upsetting to me. Nevertheless, once I did

transition, being seen and referred to as such wasn't a big

deal since I knew in my mind I was a female. I was accidentally

misgendered initially by my family since it takes a while

for the people around you to get accustomed to calling you by

different pronouns. However, it was when I built an online

presence that I started being misgendered in a demeaning way.

But, despite all the terms people used and even the hatred

that came from some people, I never let that affect me to such

a degree that I would consider it anything more than simple

harassment and insecurities in that other person. A common

argument some people make, especially those in the

transgender community, and activists, is that being

misgendered is an 'act of violence.' Saying it's an act of

violence is nonsense for the simple fact that it's just

words. The reason why people think it's violence, however, is

often because it's uncomfortable being misgendered and it can

lower your own self-worth and esteem. Accidental misgendering

is understandable, but deliberate misgendering is rude

and ignorant. Regardless, to those who claim or think

deliberately misgendering someone is an act of violence,

let's be clear and rational here, it's not.

He/she/they/them, whatever you decide to call yourself and

identify, are just words. The moment you begin to let words

hurt you is when people start seeing how little self-esteem

you actually have and will often exploit that to hurt you more.

Am I affected by when people call me a man, guy, dude,

whatever? No, because the people who are deliberately saying this

are people who are often rude and inconsiderate and don't need

to be in my life. It's not an act of violence, but rather an

act of rudeness and perhaps harassment. These people are

entitled to their opinions the same as anyone else is. There

are people who see me as a male, and you know what, I was born

male and will always be one biologically so I see where that

thinking comes from. I get nasty comments every single day about

my transition, how I mutilated my body, how I will never truly

be a female, and guess what, it doesn't bother me because I

don't let it. If you let simple words hurt you,

then you've given these people so much more power

than they should have on the way you

feel about yourself. Let's take a deeper look at why people

think it's an act of violence. A large number of people who think

being misgendered is an act of violence are often people who

let their entire life and world revolve around their gender.

It's usually gender this and gender that and that's all they

think about. Some people going so far as to constantly observe

what pronouns people use for them and try to censor and

change other's perception and opinions of them. These very

same people often suffer from a severe lack of self-confidence

and worth because they essentially let other people

determine how they feel about themselves by the words of

others. The truth is, words can be abusive, absolutely. I will

not delegitimize all the victims of verbal childhood abuse, since

I personally was one. A child developing is greatly affected

by the words and actions of their parents when growing up as

their mind is developing. If they are constantly told they

are unloved and left all by themselves, abandoned, they will

feel alone and unloved when they are an adult until they can

overcome their past trauma. But, the moment when someone is an

adult and can make the decisions of their own life, they choose

to let the past and present actions of others affect them.

So, when someone feels that being misgendered is an act of

violence, the problem isn't with the person that is doing the

misgendering who has the right to their opinion and freedom of

speech, but rather with the person taking offense in the

first place. You don't have to let it affect you, and if you

do, the only person you can blame is yourself. Check out my

video about taking offense that goes into much more detail.

If you are misgendered, there are plenty of reasons for this.

Let's say you fully pass as a man or woman and no one can

tell. Yet, it's only until after you tell people that they

misgender you. They could do so accidentally, but also

intentionally. In this other person's mind, they know you

were not born as the sex you are presenting as and thus will try

to delegitimize you. Or it could even be the other way around,

that you don't pass well and people can't see you as male or

female. Let's say you have transitioned to female, but your

voice is deep, you have very dark facial hair, a receding

hairline, and so on. These are often traits of a male, and thus

people see you as a male. This can be extremely challenging for

some, and they want to pass so badly, but are unable to.

Regardless of if you pass or not, however, you can still be

happy and not worry about being misgendered. This is entirely up

to you. This also goes along with the society you live in,

and the expected roles of male and female determined by your

society. Now this is different from the biological differences

between men and women. Men typically are this and that way,

and their body structure reflects this. That's

biological. Societal is mostly the interests, such as men like

to do this and women like to do that. So, if you disobey society

and go against the typical "boys like blue, girls like pink,"

mentality, then people will view you differently as what they

consider male or female because they are conditioned, by

society, to believe these things determine male and female, when

in reality, it's many other things that determine it.

Another reason people may misgender you after they find

out you are trans is because they go by biology, saying

things like, "You are not biologically male or female."

As if that's a reason to purposefully misgender someone.

While it is true that trans people aren't biologically the

sex they transition to, as in chromosomes, physical features,

genitals, and so on, if you present as such, and wish to be

viewed as such, then others should respect that. But, it

doesn't mean everyone will agree with it. If you are being

misgendered, what are some ways you can cope with this?

Let's talk about that now.

Dealing with being misgendered can be challenging since it does

affect your self-esteem and self-worth. But, that's the hint

as to what to work on to being able to take being misgendered.

For you see, the biggest thing is working on your own

self-esteem and self-worth. If you love yourself, accept

yourself, and live each day with gratitude and positivity, then

other people trying to bring you down will be unable to put a

dent on your happiness. I'm not saying you will be exempt from

negativity entirely, but most of the time it just wouldn't

matter. To build up your confidence with being

misgendered, realize that these pronouns are just words. Does

'he' define you? Does 'she' define you? Do they really

define who you are? No, you are much more than your gender. As I

mentioned earlier, when all you think about and focus on in life

is your gender, you will be incredibly impacted when someone

misgenders you because you are constantly observing and

analyzing others and their perception of you. Instead of

worrying about how others perceive you, focus on how you

perceive yourself. When you let those pronouns, or other words

from people in general, define you, then you are letting the

other person have too much power. How you feel about

yourself is what you think of yourself. You can't let people

define you, only you can define you. If you identify as a woman,

but don't look it to others, does that really matter? If you

are a woman, and feel like a woman with whatever you consider

what a woman is, then that's all the happiness you need. The way

I compare it is like this, an older person transitioning may

feel like they will not pass or look good enough. But, that

doesn't matter. When they transition, they find the

happiness within themselves and that's all that matters. Other's

opinions don't matter and should not define you. Check out my

video about this that goes into much more detail. You cannot

force people to call you by the correct pronouns. Let me say

that one more time, you cannot force people to call you by the

correct pronouns. Self-explanatory. There are a

lot of people who do this, not just with being misgendered

either. When you expect and demand people change for you,

all that shows is how self-centered you are. Rather,

you have no control over someone else's thoughts and actions.

Focus on changing yourself, not how to control others.

In conclusion, misgendering refers to the act of

accidentally or purposefully referring to someone by the

gender pronouns they do not go by. It's uncomfortable being

misgendered and it can lower your own self-worth and esteem,

and that's where to begin with learning to deal with it. You

cannot change other people's perception of you, or their

thoughts or actions, but you can learn to build your own

self-confidence to properly deal with being misgendered.

It's so important to share this information any way you can.

With censorship on the rise, it will be buried and hidden and we

must fight against it. However you can support this cause helps

fight the censorship. If you would like to see more content

like this, feel free to donate via Patreon or PayPal. Sign up

for my free email newsletter. And be sure to check out my

other content. Thank you very much! If you have any other

input on this topic, I would love to hear it so please feel

free to leave a comment and let me know what you agree or

disagree with, and/or how this has helped you or someone close

to you. Have a wonderful day!

Thank you for watching my video!

If you would like more content, please feel free to subscribe.

For more infomation >> Misgendering Trans People is Not an Act of Violence | How To Deal with Being Misgendered - Duration: 12:06.


Go on a journey into movie land with an old car! [Battle Trip / 2017.09.24] - Duration: 16:45.

(Numerous great tips on trips)

(Lee Hwijae, special host, Jeong Chaeyeon)

(Kim Sook, Sung Sikyung)

Traveling is war.

Battle Trip!

It's the Chuseok long holiday special.

We've had a two-week special in Latin America

and we visited Cancun and Cuba.

- It was so great. / - But it's not over yet.

- It's not over. / - We have the hidden cards.

- It's 69 votes and 65 votes. / - That's right.

There's only a difference of four votes.

- The results might change. / - Table may be turned.

- Totally. / - Or it may stay this way. You never know.

- Let's introduce them. / - Okay, then.

First, let's introduce the two guys who became

loyal brothers over tequila.

Tequila Bros!

Tequila, tequila.

(Kangnam, Lee Taegon)

What is he saying?

(He pretends to be Mexican)

- It looks good on you. / - Right?

Kangnam, are you certain about winning today?

- Yes, 100%. / - 100%?

I got goose bumps last week.

- It's the hidden match. / - Yes.

Everyone got brainwashed by Taehun's explanations.

So I'm going to stop him from doing so.

- Let's call that person out. / - Yes.

They're the representatives of Cuba.

They don't lose when it comes to words.

Please come out, Cuba Libre!

(Kim Taehun, Director Lee Wonseok)

Come here.

This is what they do in Cuba. They just dance.

This is what they do in Cuba.


We're back together again.

It's Cuba vs. Mexico. It's Mexico vs. Cuba.

Tell us about your outfits.

The famous people as shirt models...

In 1st place is...

- Bob Marley. / - Bob Marley.

- He's a Jamaican singer. / - I see.

- "No Woman No Cry." / - And another one is...

Che Guevara of the Cuban revolution.

- Here comes the history lesson. / - Yes, that's right.

This is how they get brainwashed.

I lost votes because of my history talk

so I won't go into that today.

- This is Che Guevara. / - Che Guevara.

- They gave us large shirts. / - Besides the shirts...

Che Guevara once said something

that moved many people's hearts.

You still have more to say?

It's hard to get by for the younger generation these days.

There's the harshness of reality

and they get discouraged.

The most famous thing that Che Guevara said was...

"Be realistic, demand the impossible!"

- I'm getting goose bumps. / - That's how...

He started the revolution in Cuba.

- I want to demand the possible. / - Okay.

- Are you that frustrated? You don't look happy. / - Right.

It's just that...

Your face cringes every time Taehun speaks.

I know Taehun very well.

When he's at a disadvantage, he starts to explain

more deeply and intensely.

- He's trying to steal your hearts. / - Of course.

Okay, everyone.

- Let's now start our final match. / - Okay.

- We're going to start with Cuba. / - Okay.

Is there something to look out for?


We came onto the stage to "Guantanamera."

This song is very sad and beautiful at the same time.

To Cubans, it's as meaningful as "Arirang" to Koreans.

You may think of many things when you think of Cuba

but the most important thing is music.

There's a very famous movie called

"Buena Vista Social Club."

It's a very famous music movie.

You'll be able to see the historical sites

and main characters through this trip.


What about you the Mexico team?

We actually

went out to the sea to see a certain group.

- That's right. / - We didn't expect much.

But we were so impressed by

this huge group.

- We were so surprised. / - That's enough.

It wasn't a group of squids, right?

- You have to go at night for squids. / - It's a huge group.

- It could've been mackerel. / - You need to go at night.

- You'll be surprised. / - You can only see them now.

- Only now? / - You can only see them now.

Croakers are in season these days.


they'll judge objectively this week as usual.

They're the most objective group of judges ever

on Battle Trip.

- We have 100 judges in the audience. / - Welcome.

(100 judges in the audience)

As you know, we're four votes ahead of you.

- Yes. 69 to 65. / - 4 votes.

There's only a difference of four votes.

So I'm sure they won't be able to win.

- What? / - So...

- The judges are quite stingy. / - That's right.

- Four votes is a big difference. / - Huge difference.

Where is the hidden location chosen by Cuba Libre?

As you know, I went on a trip with a movie director.

So we went to famous movie destinations.

- Movies. / - That sounds nice.

A lot of people go on trips...

- After watching movies. / - That's right.

I also went to Ireland after watching a movie.

- Really? / - Yes.

Just like how Hong Seokcheon and Bong Mandae

went to the sites of "A Better Tomorrow"

and "Chungking Express."

I wanted to go to England after "Notting Hill."

What kind of movies were shot in Cuba?

- There's "The Godfather 2." / - And a recent release.

The start of "The Fate of the Furious" is Cuba.

- The driving scene? / - Yes.

And my favorite movie "Bueno Vista Social Club"

was also shot in Cuba.

It also played a big part in my decision to go to Cuba.

From what I know, this is the first time we're

ever going to show a live performance

of this group on Korean television.

To be honest...

We went to there without having any expectation.

- I guess you met someone there. / - Yes, we did.

But that person wasn't scheduled to come there.

Who could it be?

Did you meet that the "Bueno Vista Social Club?"

The last survivor.

My gosh, this is incredible.

Now, let's see Cuba Libre's trip to movie destinations.

(It's a place where history is still alive)

- So pretty. / - Time has stopped.

- Time is slow in Cuba. / - It's so pretty.

One of the must-see 1,001 architectures of the world.

- The colors are so pretty. / - Look at the colors.

Is this really the actual color?

Gosh, it's so incredible.

Right? I thought that too.

It makes you take off your sunglasses.

It makes you want to check if that's the actual color.

- Cuba Libre. / - Cuba Libre.

Hemmingway's favorite drink, mojito.

You said you're not a good drinker.

The seasons have faded the paint.

You can't make that color.

I've never seen that color before.

They don't have this in Mexico.

- They only have this in Cuba. / - That was so cool.

We're being so...

(A trip to Cuba, where time has stopped)

Cuba Libre!

(Lee Wonseok designed this unique trip to Cuba)

(Their last hidden destination is coming soon)

(9 a.m., fourth day in Cuba)

(They're still sound asleep)

(Alarm ringing)

(Wake up, old men)

Who woke up first?

I did.

(Cuba's encyclopedia starts the day with a wail)

You only have one bed.

It's two stuck together.

(Traces of yesterday's intense activity)


- From the morning. / - He's all alone.

You look crazy.



Hey, we have a busy day ahead of us.

Movie director, wake up.

- Hurry up! / - You can go by yourself.

What are you talking about?

I think I broke my knee yesterday.

We're going to movie destinations today.

We need you today.

I was so surprised when I saw your closet.

Does this even make sense?

My gosh.

Where do you buy these?

We thought he was wearing the same clothes.

It was an optical illusion.

He has those shirts in every color.

(His fashion will be revealed soon)

(They will go to famous movie destinations in Cuba)

It feels like a huge Hollywood set.

When you go there...

It really does look like a beautiful movie set.

Fine, I'll stop.

I told you, I'll stop.

(Story about clothing makers for royalty)

("The Tailors")

(These are all Lee Wonseok's works)

(This is his journey to movie Cuba)


I've caused so much harm to the staff of this show.

They said all I did on this trip was eat,

drink and show reactions.

So I've prepared something for you.

Cuba is famous for movies.

Countless movies were shot in Cuba.

Out of all those movies, I chose my favorite ones.

My three favorite movies of all time were shot in Cuba.

We've decided to go to Cuba.

I'm sure we have different thoughts about Cuba.

So let's write down what comes to our minds

and what we'd like to do.

I don't know if I spelled it correctly.

- "Buena Vista Social Club?" / - Yes.

"The Godfather."

("The Fate of the Furious")

("The Godfather2," "Buena Vista Social Club")

Cuba is all about movies.

So I'll take you on a journey into movie land.

They shot it from up there.

They shot it from here.

The mafia were able to enter this place...

The opening scene from "The Fate of the Furious."

Yes, the opening scene was cool.

This is art.

(The mafia loved Cuba of this time)

You don't know the song, do you?

I'm tone deaf.



My bucket list.

- I think I'm excited. / - Yeah.

I really wanted to come here.

- I'd be in tears if I heard that. / - Definitely.

Even those who haven't watched the movies...

This place is the first place to come.

(Highly recommended)

I will explain stories from the movies

for you today.

You sound like a scammer.

I haven't done anything after coming here.

I was just standing next to you the whole time.

I need to do something.

What movie do old cars remind you of?

Movies with old cars?

The movie with a bald man.

- It's a famous movie. / - "The Fast and the Furious."

"The Fast and the Furious."

The eighth movie came out recently.

I'm Paul Walker, you're Vin Diesel.

You're Vin Diesel.

No, you're darker.

I have a lot of hair.

I also have a lot of hair.

The first 15 minutes of the film...

- Is a car race in Cuba. / - The cars.

- Two cars race. / - That's right.

That scene was amazing.

- This scene. / - That movie was cool from the start.

- So cool. / - That was the first time...

They shot a movie in Cuba.

That scene was

actually driven by the stuntmen 99% here.

I've heard of actors doing 99% of the work.

- But stuntmen doing 99%? / - Yeah.

That's a fresh take.


- They didn't drive themselves. / - The location is...


If you don't know, you'll just bypass it.

But if you know, it's very meaningful.

I got goose bumps.

Isn't that moving?

First, let's drive the old cars.

Are they all old cars?

- Those are so pretty. / - So pretty.

It's really pretty.

How did they maintain these cars?

Let's choose pink.

Let's do that.

Pink is for men.

- Cuba Libre. / - Cuba Libre.

- That color in Korea... / - This is amazing.

I've never seen that color used for cars.

You're right.

(Among these colorful old cars)

- The cars are really colorful. / - But this...

- Look at this. This is a Buick. / - Really?

They're amazing.

Why do they have so many old cars?

They don't have any new cars.

It's too expensive.

Diplomatic relations with the U.S. severed in 1961.

Because of the sanctions,

there is no industry.

They can't import new cars.

They had to fix and use old cars.

That's how it became the paradise of old cars.

They didn't try to make the cars like that on purpose.

They really are cars from the 1950s.

They are all cars from the 1940s and 1950s.

They keep driving the cars by fixing them.

This car is nice.

It's pink. We wanted a pink car.

This one's better.

Movie star.

- We need to go here. / - Do you know this movie?

"The Fast and the Furious."

- They'll tell you if you ask? / - That's right.

People gather to answer you.

They even get in debates among themselves.

It's over there.

Over there?

So how old is this car?

It's from 1952.

- This is a '52 Buick. / - It's really old.

- 1952? / - 1952.


Don't we look like movie stars?

Right now,

we're going to the opening scene from the movie.

- "The Fate of the Furious." / - The opening race?

- Start line? / - Yes.

(The pink old car heads off)

(The Capitolio)

(And Great Theater of Havana from the first day)

(Seen from the old car)

- This is what it feels like. / - I have something to admit.

- What? / - It's my first time in a convertible.

For real?

I'm surprised it still works.

There are two kinds of people in this world.

Those who have rode classic cars and those who haven't.

The drawback is that they don't have

any air conditioning.

(He ruins the mood)

- But it's a convertible. / - They hardly have air conditioning.

It's really hot.

While they were shooting the seventh movie...

The main character Paul Walker died.

- That's right. / - From a car accident.

This is the final scene.

They used computer graphics on his brother...

- To look like him. / - Really? That was his brother?

His brother's face was changed with computer graphics.

Was it Psy?

He had the most watched video on YouTube.

This song broke his record recently.

- It has the most views now. / - Really?

That's unique. I'm with a Psy look-alike.

Should I do the dance?

(He looks like Psy)


- This is the place. / - It is.

This is it.

(Is it really the spot?)


That's right.

This is the exact place.

Where the car is racing right now.

They race from here.

- That's right. / - Right where this car was.

It's exactly the same. They race like this.

That's right. This is actually a four-lane road.

They only used the middle two lanes

and placed people there

to make it look like a small alley.

- The color is different. / - The color is different.

- Did they edit it? / - The tone is different.

- They edited the color. / - It's computer graphics.

I think they edited the color out.

Did Cuba really regulate this place to shoot a movie?

I didn't know this place was this busy.

It's really interesting. I can't believe

that I found a scene from a movie in Cuba.

- This is amazing. / - You're right.

I didn't know if it was possible.

It's not really unique. It's an ordinary location.

But it's very meaningful since

it's a scene from a movie.

That's movie magic.

If there weren't any cars, I'd like a photo in the center.

Since we're here, shouldn't we race?

They need that woman.

I was wondering what that was.

Okay, let's go to our second spot.

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