♪ DO IT ♪
♪ DO IT ♪
♪ DO IT ♪
♪ DO IT ♪
For more infomation >> We Bare Bears - Do It - Duration: 0:08.-------------------------------------------
Party Dress- Mother's day Card #2 |Do it Roxy - Duration: 3:03.
Via Rail Safety Day - My Halifax - Things To Do In Halifax - Duration: 3:41.
Hi guys, for this week's My Halifax, we've come down to the family day Via Rail.
We're going to go take a look at the trains.
Before we get into that, please subscribe to our channel make sure that you don't miss
out on any of our vlogs.
We go every week on Monday.
We'd love you to see the videos.
These videos aren't about me they're about everything you can do in and around HRM.
So let's go check out those trains!
We've just come inside.
There's some model trains we're going to go look at.
Unfortunately there was some technical issues with the trains so you can't actually go ride
on the trains.
But I still like model trains so let's go take a look at it!
So behind me is a full sized train so you can actually go take a look at that.
I've never been this close to one of these guys before.
It's actually pretty cool.
There's also displays from EMS and the police so they're going to talk to you about rail
I think that's the nice thing here, there's a lot of things about safety and how you can
have fun with the trains but also stay safe.
Reverse or forward just like the backup or go forward.
The black handle one if it goes down, is our throttle.
If you flip it around and go up, it's our dynamic break.
Our dynamic break the way it works the wheels are going forward, and it's sending current
backwards so it's helping slow the train down.
So we just came from outisde the inside the cockpit.
Very crammed but at the same time there's a lot of cool things in there that I never
expected like they actually have a working microwave an a hot plate, which you never
think about when you're on a train that the guy driving it actually needs to eat.
Which sounds stupid but I was like wow the guy actually has a microwave!
It was very cramped there was a lot of us in there cause they were trying to get the
tours through.
It was really cool to actually go in and I've never actually been in a cockpit before so
it was really cool.
I'm just really impressed with the amount of stuff that's here and it's very friendly
and very family friendly.
There's a lot of stuff and a lot of information especially about being safe which is one of
the big things thy're trying to do which is get people to be more safe when they're on
We've just come back in from outside where I was doing the push down thing.
They wouldn't let me ride it fully but it was kinda cool to see how it was in use because
I've never seen one of those ever.
Inside it's starting to get really busy now were just going to look at some more model
So that's the end of this week's My Halifax.
I have to say that that was a really cool event.
Not only because it was about safety it also gave me a good idea of what things you can
do no trains cause I have never been on a train.
Not since I've been in Canada anyway.
In England but it was like a short journey but the idea of being able to get on a train
and go out to BC or Toronto and kind of in a moving hotel room seemed kind of like a
really cool idea.
Thank you for watching.
If there's any where you think we should make a video please let us know in the comments
Thank for liking commenting and subscribing and we'll see you next week!
How Do I Save 50% of my income? Easy Ways to Start Saving 50% of Your Monthly Net Income - Duration: 13:27.
hey guys thanks for tuning in today in
today's video I'm going to be talking
about the spending stratigies my wife and
I used to save a lot of money every
single month compared to national
average numbers now I don't want these
videos to go too long but I also want to
have enough detail so they're meaningful
for you guys so what I'm going to do is
I'm going to break this into a couple
different videos or create a series and
then we'll take it up through there but
if you're here to save money if you're
here to find ways to tighten your budget
and keep more of the money you make
every single month this video is for you
so stay tuned
I am MK the cpa and along with my
sidekick chipper as you guys know on
this channel we teach you things that
you were not taught in school such a
personal finances investing taxes and so
much more these are videos that are
going to help you save time money and
frustration of you trying to figure this
out all on your own so if you're new
this channel please consider subscribing
because we make new videos for you guys
every single week alright guys as we
dive into the video the first thing I
want you to know just for full
transparency purposes is that the
national average is I'm going to be
discussing in this video relate to
numbers and articles I found online
that's is where I'm pulling the detail
now the only reason I'm pulling that
detail is so we have something to
compare what we're saying we're saving
versus what the natural national
averages are and just so you guys know
getting ahead financially it does take
sacrifice nothing you will ever want in
life does not come without some sort of
sacrifice I don't care what the TV says
I don't care who says what but hard work
and discipline is involved if you want
to be successful in anything that's
especially true in finances but the tip
I'm sharing with you are all things i
truly my wife and i truly do every
single month to save as much money as
possible currently we're saving fifty
two percent of our net take-home income
i'm excited to be sharing information in
this video because i really think if you
take this information and go back and
study your expenses I think you're going
to find ways where you could be maybe
save me more of your net monthly cash
flow let's go ahead and dive right into
it alright guys the first day I really
want to talk to you guys about this
saving money on your smartphone now this
is my phone it's the iphone 5s I know
it's yeah I notice it's not the seven
it's not the success it's not the
Samsung Galaxy whatever phone there on
now I have no idea and I purposely I
really don't care but this is the iphone
5s it only has 16 gigabytes of memory I
do not get the expanded member
on my phone now what we do is we do not
my wife and I do not chase new cell
phones down it is so expensive and it's
a complete waste of money in my personal
opinion I agree that cell phones are
phenomenal I totally agree with you but
by always going after one of the oldest
models of phone you can save a lot of
money and the phone is still fantastic
the technology is so good that sure
maybe the other camera is a little bit
better but really there's nothing
life-changing about it from what I found
now the average cell phone bill
currently in the US for the smartphone
ranges can range from forty dollars a
month up to a hundred and sixty dollars
a month these are real numbers I've done
my research and those are the numbers so
my phone bill has never exceeded seventy
dollars a month so compared to the
national average that's a thirty dollar
savings per month right there now I try
to hold on these phones as long as
possible so in two months my I just
checked with my phone store or my phone
carrier this phone is going to be
completely paid off and my cell phone
bill is going to drop from seventy
dollars a month down to forty five
dollars a month and I do not plan to
purchase a new phone if the battery is
going to get faulty on me I'm actually
going to try and let me know if you guys
have done this but because I've never
tried it yet but I'm going to see if I
can purchase a battery online and
install it myself because I would really
like to keep this thing going as long as
possible and notice I do have this
otterbox case on the phone and it is was
worth every penny the otterbox case was
I think we're like 30 or 40 bucks but it
has saved my phone more times than I can
even speak about and so I've never
broken a smartphone because this all in
all I don't have to buy cell phone
insurance or anything like that so after
this phone drops to forty five dollars a
month I will be saving about fifty five
dollars a month on average compared to
the national average so be smart about
you're spending on your smart phone
number two landline I do not now most of
I think most Millennials aren't going to
get a landline but
no if you're watching this you have a
home phone I don't have we don't have
one and the average home phone landline
costs between fifteen to thirty dollars
a month and I just don't see a need for
it my mom has one and I finally
convinced her to get rid of it and just
get a cell phone because every time with
everything being connected to the
Internet the TV the phone etc etc well
when her internet service goes down I
can't call her and so she's realized at
this point that the landline is
completely useless and so we're going to
get her a cell phone so by cutting the
landline like I said we're saving
fifteen to thirty dollars a month on
average alright continuing with saving
money on phones and phone related things
let's talk about number three which is
we do not do unlimited plans if any kind
there's unlimited plans four carwashes
on limited plan for golfing there's
unlimited plans for data uses on cell
phones I think the data usage plans on a
cell phone are a great example I have
never paid for an unlimited plan they
can be very pricey and I do have
internet that I purchased for my own
home but what I found by cracking your
usage and I think if you track your own
usage to you might find this for
yourself but due to the nature of my
life and my work I'm pretty much always
around Wi-Fi internet so on average i
have actually i did over three months i
looked at my data use it's on my phone i
was using less than 1 gigabyte per month
and so there was totally no need for me
to ever get an unlimited plan it was a
complete waste of money and by avoiding
that unlimited plan we're able to save
at least twenty five fifty dollars a
month depending upon the phone carrier
let's talk about number four see this my
wife and i do not purchase alcohol the
average person in America can easily
spend twenty to sixty dollars a month on
alcoholic beverages and the worst part
about spending all this money on alcohol
is the product life cycle is only last
until you're Nick's into the next
morning so it's not going to stay with
you very long number five home cooked
meals how we save a lot of money and I
this is a really common one but it's so
true now for my research online I found
that the average American our average
person is spending 232 dollars a month
on average eating Mills out and I don't
know if you guys knew this because I
didn't but the average person spends 18
it goes out 18 to 20 times per month so
it can really add up fast by key food
has gotten so expensive especially as
minimum wage increases keep increasing
that restaurant like McDonald's or even
subway it can really add up quick so
even it can be five to ten dollars per
mill and if you go to a sit-down dining
establishment it can easily be ten to
twenty dollars or more per a mill
especially once you add the tip now I do
go out sometimes I'm not going to say
don't but really guys you can save a
tremendous tremendous amount of money
just by cooking more for yourself and
this eating food that you buy from the
store so with statistics like that you
could easily see how a person could
spend a couple hundred dollars per month
just eating out and food is one of the
most crucial and most expensive parts of
the average person's budget currently I
spend between sixty to eighty dollars a
month or we spend between sixty to
eighty dollars per month eating out and
compared to a 232 dollar national
average that's a net monthly cash flow
savings of 150 to 170 dollars per month
that we save just by cooking at home
number six we cut the cable so now what
we do is we just use hulu hulu plus and
netflix and you guys can use the same
thing or any other combination of those
streaming services that you want and by
doing that we're we're only spending
twenty dollars a month compared to the
sixty dollars we use has been so that's
an easy net saving the forty dollars per
month that we get to keep instead of
giving it to those cable company all
right number seven let's talk about
clothing clothing everybody loves
clothing well a lot of you guys do but
the average person according to forbes
the average person in america
one hundred and forty dollars per month
on clothing ouch so the trick are the
thing that my wife and I do is we make
sure if we're buying clothes we never
ever pay full price there's no reason to
there are so many freaking clothing
stores you do not have to pay full price
and you're just acting on intelligently
if you do so I encourage you not to pay
full price now we do have a lot of
brand-name clothes now wife does
purchase things I express but she always
pulling from the clearance rack and I I
really don't do big big name brand
clothes myself I used to have the fear
that if I didn't purchase really nice
clothes it was going to hurt me in my
career that was completely fault if you
still dress professional dress nice act
professional and do good work you can
still get ahead even though your shirt
doesn't cost if you buck even though
your pants don't cost a hundred bucks
even though your shoes don't cost to a
hundred or two hundred dollars you can
still get ahead still get promotions so
the whole thing about clothing yes it's
important but you can still look for a
dress professional for less money just
really look into where you're purchasing
clothes so we we shop at places like TJ
maxx Ross everyone smile will purchase
things online some of my shirts i get
from target some of my shirts i get from
JC Penney's so clothing is a big one and
just remember you can save a lot of
money in that particular area if you try
alright let's get some numbers chipper
do you have the totals for us on the
savings right away sir by implementing
these seven strategies we discussed in
this very video my wife and I are able
to save 380 up to five hundred and
twenty-five dollars compared to national
averages on these expense categories
dominating but I just want you guys to
know what I would recommend doing is
make a budget if you don't know how to
make one I'm be making a video on that
very very soon look at your budget track
your spending habits track how much you
use services like data and cell phone
usage etc and you can start to find ways
and think of ways where you can save
even more money every
months because it takes sacrifice to get
ahead financially but trust me the
stress free life of not having to worry
about money is so so good alright guys
i'm gonna start wrapping up the video
here if you have any comments or
questions about anything we've discussed
today please leave it in the comment
section down below and if you're saying
Mike you're spending way too much
freakin money on the thing Judas
mentioned you big dumb dumb well let me
know I want to be saving as much as
possible just like you guys so please
leave your suggestions on how you save
money and ways that you get ahead for
you and your family it would be awesome
to share it we can all learn from each
other and that's what that's why i love
youtube and what youtube can become it's
a great community where we can share
information for free to help each other
out now if you like the video please do
not forget to hit that like button
before you leave especially if you
learned even one new thing today because
these videos I make for you guys are
really meant to help you get further and
farther ahead in your life by watching
by you spending time watching these
videos if you're new to this channel
please do not forget to subscribe over
here and down below and in description
below I'll leave a couple of videos on
taxes and other financial subjects on
some of the other videos I've done so
make sure to check them out and with
that being said chipper and I will see
you in the next video I hope you guys
have a fantastic week and I really just
encourage you take this information and
use it to live your life on caged by
everybody see you next week
TAEHYUNG CAN DO RAP? - Duration: 2:41.
When Do Star Wars Plot Holes Matter? - Duration: 9:58.
(narrator) The most famous line from one of cinema's most revered films is probably a plot hole.
(Kane) "Rosebud."
(narrator) In the opening sequence of Orson Welles' 1941 classic, Citizen Kane, we see the final
moments of Charles Foster Kane.
With his last breath, Kane whispers his cryptic final word launching a probe into the man
and his past.
Who or what is Rosebud?
Was it a former lover?
A riddle?
Why was Rosebud on his mind moments before his death?
All these questions provide the basis for the greatest character study in film history.
There's only one problem.
Who was even in the room to hear Kane say Rosebud?
(music playing)
There's a lively debate on whether Rosebud is actually
a plot hole or not.
It's hard to claim that the nurse who handles Kane's corpse heard the whisper
through a closed door in the other room.
Later in the film, Kane's butler claims to have heard "Rosebud,"
(Kane's Butler) "He just said Rosebud."
(narrator) but if we are to believe that, why wouldn't we see the butler in the room?
Also, are we supposed to accept that the butler just hung out in the corner of a room,
letting Kane die?
(Kane's Butler) "He said all kinds of things that didn't mean anything."
(Reporter) "Sentimental fellow aren't you?"
(Kane's Butler) "Hmm..."
(narrator) On top of this, there's an apocryphal claim that when an interviewer asked Welles about
this plot hole, he urged the question not be brought up again.
Who knows if it's a plot hole?
And even better question--who cares?
Even if it was an accident, this doesn't take anything away from the film.
If a viewer's major takeaway from Citizen Kane, a movie packed with some of the best
examples of filmmaking, is gripes with a plothole, they are probably missing the point.
But Kane and the "Rosebud" incident do bring up an important question concerning
plot holes: when do they matter and why?
To understand this more, let's take a look at the Star Wars saga,
a movie series rife with plot holes.
What's most interesting about the plot holes in Star Wars is how audiences
respond so differently to them.
How could a small inconsistency become a major problem for a viewer, while a serious breach
in logic and plot structure goes by unnoticed?
Let's first take a look at an example of plot failure in each episode of Star Wars.
Then we can determine why some affect us more than others.
("Star Wars Opening Theme" playing)
The invasion of Naboo presents some problems.
(Jar Jar Binks yells)
First off, if Sidious orders the viceroy to
(Darth Sidious) "Wipe out, all of them."
(narrator) during the film's major battle, why do the droids later take prisoners?
(Padme) "Put down your weapons, they win this round."
(narrator) There's another Naboo plot hole made infamous by the biggest fan of the prequels,
Mr. Plinkett, in his 2009 review of The Phantom Menace.
(Mr. Plinkett) "Why not land right outside the city, or in the city."
Why would the trade federation begin their invasion from the hemisphere
opposite the capital.
This strategy seems, at best, far from optimal.
(music playing, blasters firing)
During the battle on Geonosis, the ship carrying Anakin, Obi-Wan and Padme is blasted by an
enemy, rocking Padme off the spacecraft.
(Anakin) "Padme!"
(narrator) When a clone later finds her lying on the ground, she orders him to take her to the
hanger where Anakin and Obi-Wan are dueling Count Dooku.
There is no explainable reason why she would know where those three ended up.
(music playing)
In one of the larger plot holes of the saga in its entirety, Obi-Wan and Yoda decide to
place Luke in the foster care of his Uncle and Aunt on Tatooine.
If the goal was to hide the whereabouts of Anakin Skywalker's son, why would they put
the boy on Anakin's home planet, and keep his name Skywalker.
There's always the possibility that Anakin didn't have the heart to seek out his son,
but the Emperor?
(music playing, blasters firing)
Under siege by Darth Vader and the Empire, Princess Leia sends C3P0 and R2D2 away in
an escape pod to the nearest planet, Tatooine.
When spotted by the Empire's forces, the commander orders his squad to...
(Commander) "Hold your fire. There's no life forms"
In a galaxy filled with battle and spy droids, why would the Empire only care about life forms?
And if they spared the pod because they were trying to cut costs for their laser batteries,
they didn't seem all that concerned with economy moments earlier when they began their attack.
(Darth Vader breathing, Chewbacca yells)
During Han and Leia's mixup on Cloud City, Luke is under the tutelage of Master Yoda on Dagobah.
Unless Luke's master course in Jedi-ism only lasted a few days, it makes no sense
that he would later meet up with the team back on Cloud City.
(Princess Leia) "Luke, don't! It's a trap!"
Either time has stretched or Luke goes on a massive training regime, confronts his darkest fears,
and explores the depths of the Force in light speed.
(music playing, Darth Vader breathing)
The Emperor is one of the smartest people in the galaxy, but why does he sign off on
a second Death Star with a design flaw?
Maybe it's hubris.
Still, that's transparently a bad idea.
But it's not just the Emperor with a stupid plan.
Luke's plan to rescue Han at the beginning of the film makes no sense at all.
(Luke) "I present you with a gift. These two droids."
(Threepio) "What did he say!?"
(narrator) Even after you give him points for having the Force on his side, it still makes no sense
why he would take so much unnecessary risk.
And what about Leia's attempt to rescue Han?
(Jabba The Hut laughing)
(Han) "I know that laugh."
(narrator) Even if she would've succeeded, Jabba would still be alive to send more bounty hunters
after Han, he'd still have the droids, and Chewie would be doomed.
Oh, and if these weren't enough, the entire film relies on a race of human-eating
teddy bears outmaneuvering the Empire's finest troops.
(music playing, Rey panting)
Starkiller base makes about as much sense as a second Death Star, but even worse,
how did the First Order even construct such a massive weapon secretly.
(Han) "So, it's big."
(narrator) The Republic has a horrible intelligence unit.
Speaking of intelligence, Maz Kanata is supposed to be a shrewd, perceptive pirate queen,
(Maz) "If you live long enough, you see the same eyes in different people."
(narrator) yet she hides her most valuable possessions in an open basement and she doesn't notice
the two spies hiding out in her castle.
In a seemingly fatal crash on Jakku, Finn survives and notices that Poe has disappeared.
It's assumed he is dead, but later in the film, Poe pops up relatively unannounced with
close to no explanation on how he got there.
Kylo leaves Rey, the most valuable prisoner in the galaxy, under the guard of just one
single stormtrooper, the universe's most inept infantry unit.
(Stormtrooper) "...and I'll drop my weapon"
(narrator) You get the point.
Plot holes run rampant in the galaxy far, far away.
But why do only some register, while others are ignored or completely forgotten?
For instance, many of the fans who grew up on the original trilogy often cite the plot
inconsistencies of the prequel films as a major deterrent from enjoying the first three movies
While some who grew up on the prequel trilogy often pinpoint the plot flaws in
The Force Awakens as a barrier to their appreciation.
All the while almost no one mentions the plot puzzles in A New Hope and The Empire Strikes
Back, despite those two films having some of the most egregious examples of porous plot
points in the entire saga.
The most likely explanation is that plot holes are only a concern when the audience has other
underlying problems with a film.
If you're having to think about how a plot hole could be possible, the movie is failing.
You rarely notice a plot hole if a film is working.
And if you do, you are quick to dismiss it.
You realize how unimportant it is.
For instance, if the Mexican standoff finale of Reservoir Dogs engrossed a viewer, he or
she is not likely to notice no one is aiming a gun at nice guy Eddie and that when the
guns fire, there's no reason for him to die.
Likewise, rarely does anyone watch Toy Story and have the experience suffer from the film's
internal logic falling apart when Buzz Lightyear, a toy convinced he is real,
(Woody) "You actually think you're 'the' Buzz Lightyear?"
(narrator) still behaves as a toy when a human enters a room.
Plot holes rarely take you out of the movie unless something else isn't working.
If you can get over the confounding and nonsensical life cycle of the alien in Prometheus, you
probably didn't have a problem with the film's empty symbolism, forced situations,
flat characters, and complete lack of self-awareness.
This is to say, arguing that a film falls apart because of its plot holes almost always
amounts to putting the cart before the horse.
This is one of the interesting aspects of Star Wars.
Despite plot holes spread evenly throughout all the films, audiences often obsess over
some while completely ignoring others.
A viewer who disapproves of one instance of head-scratching plot points and not another
probably has greater issues with the filmmaking style or characters.
If not, then plot holes are an odd thing to ruin a film for someone.
Maybe the eagles could have flown Frodo and Sam right up to Mount Doom, avoiding all the
rigmarole of the Lord of the Rings films.
But knowing that shouldn't detract a viewer from appreciating the master blend of image
and sound that make up the trilogy.
And with Star Wars, gripes with plot make even less sense than with other films.
At the end of the day, Star Wars is a mythology and mythology is riddled with plot holes.
It necessarily follows that Star Wars would share in the tradition's inconsistencies.
And so, to take things full circle, the next time you watch Citizen Kane, you can save
your energy appreciating the film's psychological insight, groundbreaking editing, and mind
blowing cinematography.
And if after the movie you're left with a question, hopefully it isn't
"Who heard Rosebud?"
but instead, "Who cares?"
(music playing)
DO YOU ? MEME (Feral Heart) + napisy PL - Duration: 0:49.
Do not let your body hungry iron, iron deficiency supplement body,Iron deficiency remedy, - Duration: 3:35.
hi guys please take notes do not let
your body hunger iron iron is an
important nutrient for the human body it
is an important factor in producing
blood sticking to iron deficiency also
leads to many different risks such as
respiratory system depression
cardiovascular system so we need to
focus on iron supplement for the body to
ensure health and nutrition consequences
of iron hunger iron deficiency leads to
anemia iron deficiency is the leading
cause of serious illness in children the
elderly and women especially one of the
diseases associated with iron deficiency
is respiratory and cardiovascular
disease according to studies iron
deficiency leads to rapid heartbeat
which causes tension and fatigue the
most noticeable signs of anemia are
dizziness dizziness body weakness and
its consequences can be cardiovascular
and respiratory distress according to a
specialist to do thi ng OCD director of
the Ho Chi Minh City nutrition center
iron is a large amount of minerals in
the blood which functions to maintain
the production of hemoglobin and
myoglobin often the anemia is due to
iron deficiency iron deficiency can lead
to hair loss nail ulcer wrinkled skin
long-term iron deficiency is the cause
of thinking decline reduce intelligence
in people pregnant women with anemia or
children receiving unsupervised
nutrition are the most vulnerable in
addition in women during menstruation
iron deficiency is also common please
share and share this video so many
people know about this video how to iron
supplement taking iron for your body
daily is essential we can take iron
supplements through daily foods or
supplements however with the iron
supplement we should note the following
points on average an adult meets 10 to
15 milligrams of iron a day equivalent
to about 100 grams of pig liver 400
grams of beef 550 grams crab tank 400
grams red spinach 500 grams green beans
foods such as red meat fish mollusk
oysters mussels oysters an animal organs
such as heart liver tongue and brucer
red dark green vegetables beans be
eggs milk are high in iron the supply of
iron through foods is better than the
supply of iron by drugs when using iron
tablets follow the instructions of the
specialist food such as t carbonated
beverages and the diet will limit the
absorption of iron from food please
subscribe to this channel completely
free to receive the latest video when I
posted on YouTube channel you see you
around 18 hours a day
Soy Luna 2 - Fernanda mówi do Matteo ''Kochanie''[Odcinek 15] - Duration: 1:03.
Sonic CD - PC - #6 - Stardust Speedway - Duration: 7:42.
X-Gamer, ready to beat!
Hey guys, what's up? Here's X-Gamer, welcome!
And now with you, Sonic CD for PC, video #6.
Today we will go through Stardust Speedway, go!
Once again, this Sonic CD for Steam, is bugged!
In the next stage was supossed to be on the good future!
However, we are on the "bad future" again, I hope the ending is good...
Thanks to everyone that watched this far, until next time, see you!
X-Gamer, ready to beat!
Turma do Pica-Pau - As aventuras do Pequeno Polegar (1940) HD - Duration: 7:04.
ALL I DO IS EAT - Duration: 0:28.
Who do you run for? l Get involved - Duration: 0:46.
I ran because my brother,
my daughter,
my niece,
my sister has cystic fibrosis.
Cystic fibrosis is a condition that destroys the lungs and digestive system.
One in 25 people carry the gene that causes it.
There is currently no cure.
By running for the Cystic Fibrosis Trust,
you're helping to fund treatment that saves lives,
invest in research,
and support people with CF and their families when they need it most.
If you do run for the Trust,
you'll get loads of help from us,
and be part of a community
striving to beat CF for good.
Cystic fibrosis is the reason I run for Rachel,
for Frannie,
for Sienna,
for Stephanie.
Cystic fibrosis is the reason I run for my brother David.
hey guys it's Kristin so today's video
is going to be a pretty short one but I
just had something that keeps kind of
bugging me and I'm just wondering if it
bugs you guys - uh-huh and that is when
people film in portrait I don't know
what it is like you see YouTube videos
all the time people film in the portrait
mode instead of horizontally and I think
it may be it's just a habit but I see it
all the time not even just like on
YouTube it just happened actually with
one of my kids like after school things
I kept seeing all these parents like
when you're looking in the crowd there's
all these parents holding up their
phones you know recording and I was the
only one that was holding my phone
horizontally everyone else is doing it
portrait and I don't know why it just
bugs me because it's like when you're
watching it like you have to think about
playback so when you're going to go
watch it back on your computer or your
TV anything other than your actual phone
that's going to look really jacked up
and let's say you are a youtuber or
whatever and you are filming yourself to
put it on YouTube you have to like think
about the after fact I feel like because
when you upload videos to YouTube and
they're you filled in portrait mode then
you have all that black space on the
side and nobody really likes watching
those videos even when it's just for
your own personal use like sometimes I
burn on videos to DVDs for my kids to
watch later and I don't have any full
you know videos in portrait mode because
if I did every time they'd be watching
it even on the big screen you just have
that sliver straight down the middle of
video and the sides would all be black
it just all right God raised me nuts the
only device really that you can watch
that video where it doesn't look messed
up is on your phone so I guess if that's
the only time but then I always think
about like the stuff that you're missing
because if you think about it portrait
is very like narrow so I always think
that like if you change your phone and
film it I don't even know what that
because this is portrait mode I don't
know what it's called landscape I don't
know but anyways you know figure out
like how much more you can get so like
if I turn my camera like this do you
feel like you can only see like my
shoulders you can't really see anything
else and now look at all this space over
now I'm filming against the wall
obviously this space does not matter but
when you're filming like your kid play
baseball or you're filming a concert or
something like why do you film it in
portrait why oh it drives me nuts
I feel like portraits should only be
used to take portraits of people photos
like they're great for Instagram because
you take that photo and then it crops it
for you pretty much so like portrait is
awesome for you know like Instagram or
taking a selfie but not for filming stop
filming in portrait anyways that was my
quick little video /rant bent whatever
you want to call it but I'm just curious
you guys film a portrait to the father
you and people film a portrait but
anyways that's it for today's video if
you guys liked it please give me a
thumbs up and if you want to see more
videos and don't forget to subscribe
I'll talk to you later peace
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