Hi there, I'm Angela Brown, and this is Ask a House Cleaner.
This is the show where you get to ask a house cleaning question
and I get to help you find an answer.
Today's question comes from a brand-spanking-new house cleaner who is going to start her own business.
And she wants to know "What am I supposed to charge customers for house cleaning?
I have no idea what the going rate is.
I have no idea what I'm supposed to charge.
That is a that is an exciting question because every house cleaner at some point has asked
that question.
So, what you need to know, and this is based on Home Advisor and Angie's List which are
two national websites that do house cleaning referrals across the country.
And this is the country of the United States.
In the United States, the going rate for house cleaning is anywhere from $25 to $45 per hour.
There's a range in between you could say the average is $35 an hour and that would be a
fair price just about anywhere.
There are some way tiny remote places out in the country the charge a little bit less.
There are places in New York City and probably Boston and some other really highly populated
areas where might be a little bit more.
But the going rate across the country is about $25 to $45 per hour.
Now there are two ways you can bid a job.
The first way is you can bid by the hour and you can just charge a flat rate.
"I charge $30 per hour or $25 per hour."
The second way you can charge by the job.
And it depends on the way your business is setup which will determine which way you choose.
If you're just getting started in the house cleaning business and you're brand spanking
new and you don't have a business plan setup, and you're just getting started, my recommendation
is this; make it easy on yourself.
Don't get hung up on, "what is the square footage of the home?"
And "what is going to be involved?"
And how… you don't know how to bid a house you don't know how long it's going to take
to clean.
You don't know what is involved as far as the chemicals and the cleaning supplies and
all of the things that you're going to have to bring and provide, in order to offset those
So, having said that.
Don't charge by the job when you're getting started.
It's super complicated for somebody who has no idea what they're doing.
If you're brand-spanking'-new to the business, (I love this,) just charge by the hour.
Now, you don't have the credentials because you have not done this as a business.
You don't have a big list of happy customers.
So, you don't have the credentials of the referral system behind you.
You probably don't have a certification of where you've been through house cleaning training.
So, if you're just kind of winging it, and you're going to figure it out as you go, my
recommendation is that you don't charge top dollar.
If you screw up something people are going to be really quick to fire you.
And say "I'm paying top-dollar and you're just kind of screwing around
figuring things out."
So, don't do that.
I don't want to encourage you to lowball your prices because I'm a very big advocate that
has house cleaners we get what we are worth.
Having said that though if you're just getting started here's an easy way to get started;
charge $25 per hour.
And I know that's right at the very bottom of the rung, but here's what that is; this
is an easy math problem.
So, the easy math is I only have 4 hours to clean your house. So however big or however
small your house is, I only have four hours."
So if I can clean your house in 2 hours it will be $50 dollars.
If I can clean your house in 4 hours it will be $100 dollars.
And you can do the math and so can the client so that's super easy.
When you get to a customer's house and the customer says "Well, I have a hoarding problem
and I have all of these things that I have collected over the years how long will it
take you to do that?"
Please do not try to bid by the job.
You have no idea what you're doing, and you have no idea how long it's going to take.
So, bid by the hour and say "Listen I only have 4 hours, let's see how far we can come
in 4 hours that will cost you $100."
Now, as you're getting started, what this is going to do for you is it's going to
fill a time slot.
They call it low-balling the price.
And the reason I recommend this is because you don't have a system in place.
You don't have cleaning systems in place that will tell you how quickly and how fast.
The more you do this the more proficient you will become.
You'll walk into a house and you will look around and will say "This will take me 2.5
hours and it's going to cost x amount of dollars."
And you'll get that good at it.
But right now, in the beginning, $25 an hour.
And then you can figure it out as you go you have a chance to create some systems.
And to figure out how fast and how efficient you are.
What cleaning supplies you're going to need, and it gives you a little bit of wiggle room.
Because the customer is not taking the biggest bet on you at $50 an hour.
If it takes her twice as long at least that's the $50 bucks.
So, they'll say "Well, I'll give this girl a chance.
If it takes her twice as long at least that's the $50 bucks."
So, they will give you a little bit more leeway.
The second thing is once you fill up your schedule there will be people that drop off.
That's just the natural progression of this business.
As people drop off if you decide that you're worth more, and you want to charge more, you
can certainly raise your prices.
But keep your beginning clients at $25 so the people that you hire you in the very beginning
when you're just getting started, that you've got them locked in at that rate.
This is the only profession I know where you can jump in,
This is not anything that you should laugh about.
This is the only profession I know where you can jump in, where you don't need a college
You don't need four years of training, and you can walk in the first day on the job and
say "I get $25 an hour."
That's a pretty good income for somebody just starting out on any job.
On any job that's pretty good money.
If you work 8 hours a day at $25 an hour you just made $200 in your pocket.
If you do that five days a week, you just made $1,000 in one week in your pocket.
So my point is that you can earn some pretty good money just starting out even if you start
at the bottom of the rung.
And as you start out at the bottom of the rung and you work your way up you're going
to become quicker at what you do.
And your processes will change.
And you may switch altogether from bidding by the hour to bidding by the job.
But at the $25 an hour there's another element here that's really important.
Because the math is simple, the math is also simple for the people that you work for.
So they can turn around to their friends and say; "Listen, I just got this really great
house cleaner and he only charges $25 an hour."
And the person that they're speaking to thinks in their head "Well, wait a second.
I'm paying my current housecleaner $35 an hour and they're not very good.
I should give your guy a try."
And immediately you're going to pick up some referral business from friends and neighbors
of the people that you work for.
So very quickly, your schedule will become full.
One of the biggest problems that I see and this again goes back to social media.
There are house cleaners that will jump on the internet and say; "Well, I'm worth $50
an hour I'm going to charge $50 an hour."
That's fine but how do you justify that price?
If you're just new and you don't have the systems in place, and you're not efficient,
and you don't have the credentials, and all of these things, you're going to get fired
very quickly.
And then instead of having some money coming in, you have no money coming in.
And now you have to go out and spend money to advertise to get new customers.
Because you have this attitude that's a little bit on the arrogant side; "Oh, I'm worth so
much more money."
If you don't have anything to back it up, guess what?
You're not worth that much more money!
You have to be able to back it up.
And so stay humble in the beginning.
Charge a lower price, completely fill up your calendar.
And in the event, that you have customers that drop off.
And you're going to get new customers, and I'm talking six months down the road and you
want to raise your prices, you can do that at that time.
Because now you can justify that price.
Alright, so until I see you again,
figuring things out."
if I can clean your house in 4 hours it will be $100.
where you don't need a college degree.
leave the world a cleaner place than when you found it.
For more infomation >> Price By The Hour or Job for House Cleaning? (2017) - Duration: 9:19.-------------------------------------------
2017 Income Requirements for Fiance or Spouse Visa or Green Card gen71 - Duration: 9:52.
This is Fred Wahl the VisaCoach
To days topic is: "What are the Income Requirements for Marriage based immigration
to the USA?"
Visa Coach
Fast, Easy and Personal
I am Fred Wahl, the VisaCoach, I am known for the personal
one-on-one relationship that WE share, (thats you,
me and your partner), as WE work together, as a TEAM, to
overcome the many challenges of immigration,
Don't risk your happiness, Don't go this course alone.
Alone, its too easy for you to make mistakes that cause
tears, delays and expensive denials.
Do Pick up the Phone and speak with me directly, so that, you and I, can get to know each other.
This is the free consultation I talk about later.
If we are compatible, thats the beginning of
our beautiful relationship to get you the immigration approvals you need.
This is what two of my clients Dan and Ying, had to say: Ying comes from China and I helped
her get her Fiance visa, and after the wedding to get her Green Card.
Hello Fred!
Thank you very, very much for all of your hard work.
I purchased Fred Wahl's package for the "Front Loaded K-1 Visa Petition" and also
the "Adjustment of Status Petition Package."
My fiancee from China and I were very glad we did.
He coached us every step of the process.
He helped us by letting us know exactly what to do
and he prepared a very professional package of
all of our documents to submit to start the process.
He then guided us every step of the way from submission,
thru the consulate interview process, getting her visa,
travelling to the U.S., getting married and getting thru the Green Card interview!
He really did a great job getting everything together for us and I cannot recommend his
services highly enough!
We will use his services again in 2 years to "Remove Conditions on Residency".
Thank you Fred!
Dan + Ying (Fiance Visa + AOS from China)
Now, lets talk about "the Income Requirements for
Marriage based immigration to the USA?
In order to successfully petition for your spouse or
fiancee to come to the USA, or obtain a Green Card after marriage,
you the US sponsor must demonstrate to Immigration that you have
enough income coming in, to support your spouse, and household.
The minimum financial requirement is that you must have income
equal to and preferably more than 100% of the poverty
income level where you live to be eligible to sponsor for a
Fiancee Visa, and over 125% of the poverty level to be
eligible for Spousal Visa or Adjustment of Status.
Each year the Department of Health and Human Services
publishes their Poverty Guidelines.
The new Poverty Guidelines have risen about $200 from last year.
As of March 2017, for residents in the continental US the Financial Eligibility requirements
for Permanent residency are as follows.
Required Annual Income (For Fiancee Visa) $16,240, if 2 Persons in Family or Household
$20,420, if 3 Persons in Family or Household $24,600, if 4 Persons in Family or Household
For each Additional person add $4,180
Required Annual Income (For Spousal Visa or Green Card)
$20,300, if 2 Persons in Family or Household $25,525, if 3 Persons in Family or Household
$30,750, if 4 Persons in Family or Household
For each Additional person add $5,225
The Financial eligibility thresholds are lower for
active military, and higher for residents of
Alaska or Hawaii.
Proving your Income.
Normally you provide your most recent Federal Tax Return,
3 to 6 pay stubs showing 'Year to date' earnings, plus a letter from your employer confirming
your job, and what your expected annual pay is.
If your income might be low, but you have 'money in the bank' your cash assets, can
be used as a alternative for annual income.
'Cash' assets are assets which can be easily converted
(sold)to cash.
For example: stocks, bonds, certificates of deposit, cash in the bank
You may have a lot of other assets such as your car, boat, coin
collection, business or investment property but because these
can NOT be easily turned to cash immigration will not accept
them as alternatives to annual income.
The one exception to an asset that is hard to convert, but
CAN be counted is your home.
If the market value of your home is higher than your mortgage you
may use the equity just like a cash asset.
$5 cash assets is the equivalent of $1 annual income
For example, a retired Fiancee Visa sponsor living in California,
with NO income, and no dependents would need to have
5 times $16,240 or $81,200 in cash assets to quality for the Fiancee
Alternatively a combination of income and assets will work.
For example, if the sponsors income is $10,000 per year,
then he should have $31,200 cash or convertible assets
to qualify.
$16,240 - $10,000 = $6,240 x 5 = $ 31,200 cash assets needed.
What if you don't have enough income OR assets?
In that case you can ask a relative or friend to act as a joint-sponsor.
Just like buying a car, your joint-sponsor could 'co-sign' your loan.
When a joint-sponsor is used the size of the household increases.
The combined household (for the financial calculations) would include
the household size of the sponsor combined with the household
size of the co-sponsor.
For example, a college student petitioning for his fiancee,
asks his father to joint-sponsor.
Both the college student and the father would each complete an
affidavit of support.
The student's household is just 2 persons, himself and his fiancee.
The father's household would be father, mother, and the two siblings
still living at home.
Thus the combined household would be 6 persons,
and the combined income of both sponsor and joint-sponsor
would have to be $32,960 or more.
A joint-sponsor can be used for any Spousal Visa or
Adjustment of Status petition, and can be used for MOST
Fiancee Visa petitions.
Not all consulates allow the use of a joint-sponsor for a Fiancee Visa.
For example: Philippines, Indonesia, Vietnam and Nigeria do not.
If you are applying for a Fiancee visa and need a joint-sponsor,
before filing the petition, best is to contact the consulate directly and
confirm whether the consulate's policies permit the use of a
financial joint-sponsor.
This was Fred Wahl, The VisaCoach
Please "like" or add your comments to this video.
Then go to VisaCoach.com and sign up for the VisaCoach monthly newsletter.
Each month it is full of tips and advice on immigration.
And its free of charge.
Finally, when you are ready to hire my help to WIN your case, please call for your free
consultation and to get started.
Before starting on your immigration adventure, before entering an arcane maze of rules, regulations
and procedures, before committing yourself to a risky path that could
mean an end to your happiness, speak with the VisaCoach and ask for his Free Consultation.
He listens to you to learn the red flags and strengths of your case, your eligibility and
He will suggest which visa is right for you, the best strategy to get it, and how soon
your love could join you.
The friendly advice and wisdom he'll freely share with you, might make the difference
between approval and denial, and could save you months,
or years, of loneliness and separation.
What have you got to lose?
Book your free consultation today.
CERTIFIED AMERICAN BADASS #1 Audie Murphy - Duration: 9:11.
ANNOUNCER: This is Certified American Badass with your host, former Willy-weight world champion Pete DuPedmont And your co-host, Special-Ops Mercenary Faulk Sinuse With field correspondent Sia Ninn And senior commentator Forest Forest-Trump
PETE: Hello everybody and welcome to Certified American Badass - I'm your host Pete DuPedmont... FOX: And I'm the co-host guy, Faulk Sinuse. Want some? Get some, bad enough, take some. heh,heh (Silence) (mumbles) - I'm just addin' somethin' funny and y'all monkey wrenches ain't gonna laugh? sheepskin. PETE: Language! Certified American Badass, where we bring you the awesome stories of those individuals, American individuals, who have proven to be the most super-kick ass, bad to the bone - nurse better leave this one alone momma humpers to ever kick your ass and grace this promised land we call the U S of money lovin' A !! Mudder jumpin' Certified American Badasses!!! Woo,woo,woo! SIA: Ahem! Hello, I'm Cee-Ab correspondent Sia Ninn, bringing you a balanced, unbiased, Carbon-free, ya know, hashtag transgender affirmative action protest climate change PETE: Oops, sorry, forgot, 'ladies first', token, tree huggin' HIPPY this is CERTIFIED AMERICAN BADASS, this is for the boys and their toys and not some..Ugh! . FOX: Jeez Pete, you OK? PETE: Yeah, Sin-sin, I just get so Gold darned mother bumpin' excited, ya know?! CERTIFIED AMERICAN BADASS!, ya know?! (breathes) FOX: Yep, Certified American Badass. Bring it in Forest.
PETE: ... And there it is Ladies & Gentlemen, thee most spectacular, American spectacular, five minutes of historical skid-mockery ev…(interrupted) SIA: Daddy said 'no use cryin over marks on the lenin, let the maid clean it', Haha, Embrace the languages, or as Ma'd say, 'tongue'...unity and equality by law Pete: The sign says - 'Certified American Badass', not 'Certified American Badass-ette' Why don't you take your next vacation to South Africa and report on social equality being enforced around there? Like us, Subscribe! I said subscribe Mother-Fathers!… now enjoy them Cities! FAULK: Yep, enjoy them Cities. ANNOUNCER: Don't forget to subscribe, ladies & gentlemen. so Certified American Badass can send you some cool stuff. need a T-shirt? We got 'em need a ball cap? We got those too. Now, you're gonna SUBSCRIBE! And you're gonna LIKE US! ...or not. Who gives a frog?
FOREST: Saving the best for last, huh? Of course you are, of course you are. Forest Forest-Trump here. I'm your man, the man with the big ol' plan to make Youtube great again, d'ya know why they brought me in? Because I make deals happen and I've got a great big ol' cock. Did you see what I just did right there? No, Of course not. Ya see, while you distracted by this hand, t'other one's doin' the dirt - and playin' with my big ol' cock. just take a gander at that goose! Hey, Hey we got the same hairstyle and everything! Carpet matches the drapes and errthing. I keep tellin' folks, if you can't stand the monster...don't date a a girl named Ivanka…Heck yeah I need to build a wall - around my wallet. Gal's worse than Sharon Osbourne, That's right, I'm right,... SIA VOICE: Forest! FOREST: Shaddup, Ladies & gentlemen we present to you; Certified American Badass #1- Audie Murphy. Now bring the noise!
PETE: ... And there it is Ladies & Gentlemen, thee most spectacular, American spectacular, five minutes of historical skid-mockery ev…(interrupted) SIA: Daddy said 'no use cryin over marks on the lenin, let the maid clean it', Haha, Embrace the languages, or as Ma'd say, 'tongue'...unity and equality by law Pete: The sign says - 'Certified American Badass', not 'Certified American Badass-ette' Why don't you take your next vacation to South Africa and report on social equality being enforced around there? Like us, Subscribe! I said subscribe Mother-Fathers!… now enjoy them Cities! FAULK: Yep, enjoy them Cities. ANNOUNCER: Don't forget to subscribe, ladies & gentlemen. so Certified American Badass can send you some cool stuff. need a T-shirt? We got 'em need a ball cap? We got those too. Now, you're gonna SUBSCRIBE! And you're gonna LIKE US! ...or not. Who gives a frog?
WTF Skill or Luck ? (Overwatch) - Duration: 0:14.
How to Fix ""Connect Nunchuck or Classic Controller to Wii Remote I"" Dolphin Emulator WWE '13 Error - Duration: 6:07.
Hey What's going on guys today I am back with another video
Today we will be talking about "How to Fix Dolphin Emulator Connect Nunchuk or Wiimote 1 Error" So Basically there are two ways to fix it
You can check in my latest video of WWE 2K17 Wii Many People have start talking about How to fix Nunchuk error
There are two ways to fix this error 1.Goto Dolphin Setting & Setup 2.Download My Dolphin Emulator Settings
There are two ways to fix this error 1.Goto Dolphin Setting & Setup 2.Download My Dolphin Emulator Settings
Advantage of Downloading my files will provide fix error + 2 or 4 players play + high fps
Maybe Tutorial 1 may provide low fps + no 2 players play
Lets Start things out!
First of all i will delete or move my current dolphin settings
Now Let's Open Dolphin Emulator
You can see it is default emulator
So Let's first checkout error which it popup!
So Let's first checkout error which it popup!
Open the Game!
Open the Game!
Open the Game!
Open the Game!
Open the Game!
This is the error guys!! Now let's solve it with first method
Open Wiimote option & set Wiimote 1 to Hybrid Wiimote & set Wiimote 2 to Hybrid Wiimote
So You can see it is fixed!!! No Errors!!! That's for first tutorial Goto GCPad to set game to 2 players ( bit difficult )
Goto GCPad to set game to 2 players ( bit difficult ) ( better download mine setting :D )
Goto GCPad to set game to 2 players ( bit difficult ) ( better download mine setting :D )
So Now! Tutorial 2: Goto Browser & type the Link given in description
Follow the Link & wait for 5 sec
Follow the Link & wait for 5 sec
Follow the Link & wait for 5 sec
Follow the Link & wait for 5 sec
Follow the Link & wait for 5 sec
Follow the Link & wait for 5 sec
Follow the Link & wait for 5 sec
Download 91KB File!!
Download 91KB File!!
Download 91KB File!!
Extract it to C:\Users\Username\Documents\Dolphin Emulator
Extract it to C: \Users\Username\Documents\Dolphin Emulator
Now all Done!
Let's Open Emulator & BanG!!!
You can see Everything Setup!!
Just Open ISO & Fixed Everything!
Let's see if we got some error
Let's see if we got some error
Let's see if we got some error
Fixed!!! HeLL YeaH!!! Speed Depends on your PC Memory! 4GB RAM makes game perfect!
So That's it for today Thanks for Watching Guys!!!
Like the Video, Subscribe to Channel & Comment If you got some trouble
1K Subscribers = WWE 2K17 Wii Mod by Team Samar
Do you want me to start videos in Urdu/Hindi Language or English Language Comment Below!!!!
#MyYoungerSelf Is Coming! - Duration: 1:01.
(gentle music)
- [Voiceover] I have learning challenges.
- [Voiceover] I have ADHD.
- [Voiceover] I have depression.
- [Voiceover] I have OCD.
- [Voiceover] Anxiety.
- [Voiceover] Borderline personality disorder.
- [Voiceover] I was dyslexic.
- [Voiceover] What I would tell my younger self is,
"You didn't do anything wrong."
- [Voiceover] Sometimes just having a dance party can
really help anxiety.
- [Voiceover] You're not the only one who feels this way,
not by a long shot.
- [Voiceover] There's no shame in asking a teacher for help
and telling a friend that you're uncomfortable.
- [Voiceover] To be a sensitive person that takes things in
in a deep way is what makes you amazing.
- [Voiceover] When you're at school, it seems really
important to fit in.
But in life, it's good to be different.
- [Voiceover] You are part of a treasured and extraordinary
circle of people.
- [Voiceover] It was a challenge and it was a struggle,
but I'm so proud and so happy of who I am
and who I've been able to become.
- [Voiceover] I have depression, but look,
talking to you, I feel better already.
Thoughts Become Things - Duration: 3:15.
Welcome to Network Marketing Pro.
My name is Eric Worre.
And many of us have seen the movie The Secret or maybe read the books As A Man Thinketh,
or Acres of diamonds or Think and Grow Rich.
And this idea thoughts become things is real.
And if I was to give advice to you or to any person wanting higher levels of success inside
of network marketing, is to do the following: think about your network marketing business
all the time.
All the time, when you are working out, when you are getting ready to go to bed, when you
get up in the morning, when you are in your car, when you are doing anything you are doing.
The more you engage your mind and you think about your business the more successful its
going to be.
I don't know of any high level successful person inside of network marketing that has
not done this.
Some people brag about this fact that they can, "Oh I can turn it off.
I can turn this part of my life on, I can turn this part of my life off."
I don't know about that, when it comes to entrepreneurs, entrepreneurs turn it on and
it stays on.
It's on all the time.
That doesn't mean you don't love your family, it doesn't mean that you don't care about
the people around you.
You do.
But your mind, your passion, your subconscious brain is always cranking, you're always thinking
about ideas, you're always jotting things down, you're always improving on some strategy that
you are working on.
You're constantly thinking about your customers, your distributors, your duplication, your
leadership, your presentation, your training, everything you can think of is constantly
rolling around in your mind and that process allows you to get better.
So my advice for you today is think about your network marketing business all the time,
and watch what happens with your success.
You are going to be amazed at how fast you grow.
That's our show for today ladies and gentlemen, my wish for you is that you decide to become
a network marketing professional, you decide to go pro, because it is a stone cold fact
that we do have a better way.
Now let's go tell the world.
Everybody have an awesome day and I will see you tomorrow.
Take care bye bye.
Hey my name is Eric Worre and if you are involved in the network marketing profession, I want
to invite you to come to the Network Marketing Pro YouTube Channel.
Every week we put out content on how you can become a network marketing professional.
We have tips, ideas, strategies, interviews with million dollar earners in the profession,
interviews with global icons like Tony Robbins or Sir Richard Branson.
Lots of different things that we provide, they are absolutely free.
Do yourself a favor, click on the link, subscribe to the YouTube Channel, tell your friends
to do the same, and I can't wait to see you there.
Best Par 3 On Course Golf Strategy - How To Break 100 or 90 For That Matter - Duration: 8:11.
Hello I'm Brian Fitzgerald The Golf Doctor.
And today I am going to show you a little bit about a strategy.
And this strategy is aimed at helping you break 100.
It can also help you to break 90.But I am particularly looking today at breaking 100.
If you are interested in that.
Stay tuned.
So here we are having a Par 3.
I thought we would get out on the golf course an really work on lowering our score.And we
have a 120 meter Par 3.
Which is 132 yards.
The thing about this hole is we have got 2 bunkers.
One on the left and one on the right.
The one on the left is about 20 yards or so short of the green.The one on the right is
level with the green.
Now if your strategy is to try and break 100.
There is really only 2 places that you don't want to go when you play this hole.
I could say there was 3 but I will focus on 2.
You don't want to be in the bunker on the left.
And you certainly don't want to be in the bunker on the right.
The third one is you don't really want to be over the back.
But we are not really going to worry about that today.
I am going to show you a strategy that will not get you over the back.
So if you are having trouble with bunkers you could always go to my bunker playlist.
And there is plenty of bunker videos that will help you.
But let's say we are not interested in improving bunkers.
We just don't want to get them in the bunker in the first place.
So then you say.
OK that's 20 yards short of the green that bunker on the left.
It's 132 so what club can I hit around about 90 yards.So it could be a variety.
You could hit a pitching wedge 90 yards.
You could hit a 5 iron low and running.
It really doesn't matter.
And the thing about golf is you just have to remember what it's about.
You look it up on Wikipedia and it says something like.
Golf is a game.
It uses clubs and balls.
You hit the ball with the club until it gets in the hole.
Lowest score wins.
It doesn't say anything about having to hit beautiful pretty shots.
It's simply lowest score wins.
So it doesn't matter how you do it.
Make it low.
So if I said to you you were trying to break 100 or even 90 is 4 a bad score on this hole.
And you would have to say no it is not.
Even though it is a shorter hole.
Four is a good score.
In fact if you bogey every hole you would shoot 90.
The best way to bogey every hole is to get on the Par 3's for 2.
Get on the Par 4's for 3.
Get on the Par 5's for 4 and 2 putt every hole and you just shot 90.
So you are certainly breaking 100.
If somewhere along the line you chip it a bit closer and you actually have a 1 putt.
You have just broken 90.
So you don't have to hit amazing shots to break 100 or 90.
You just have to play conservative.
So what I am going to do here is I am just going to play an 8 iron.
And of course I am not going to hit this full.
I am not even attempting to hit the ball on the green.
But what I am going to do is I am going to aim it at that bunker on the right.
Because I am just going to effectively hit a half pitch shot with my 8 iron.
This should go around the 80 meter mark.
Which shouldn't get me in the bunker on the left.
Even if I pull it a little bit.
But it is going to get me down close enough that I have got a simple pitch or chip to
get on the green and we go from there.
Now today the pin is right up the back.
And that is a sucker pin.
If you try and get close to that green the further we hit it on this green the less room
there is up there.
It sort of goes to a bit of a point.
Past there.
So you don't want a bar of hitting the green.
If you hit the green you have accidentally hit the green.
We want to miss it front right.
And well and truly front right.
So I am going to take my aim over at this bunker on the right hand side.
Knowing I can't get into that bunker.
And I am just going to hit a little half shot.
So I just pulled that a little bit.
But it's down there.
Just short of the green.
It's almost run on to the edge of the green.
So I could be saying yeah I am really not happy with that I pulled that.It really wasn't
the best swing of the lot.
But what it's done is set me up nicely to play the hole.
So we will go and see what happens next.
OK so here we have I have arrived at where my ball finished.
You can see I am only about 3 paces off the edge of the green.
I actually caught the down slope so I landed it at the right distance but the ball kicked
a little bit too far off the down slope.
So if I did pull it left I would have been further left and that would have put me in
the bunker.
But I am no where near that bunker on the right.
So I aimed it far enough right to getaway with it.
So I would probably consider putting from here.
Because the grass is fairly low.
We certainly don't want to hit this in the air and that shot you know the Phil Mickleson
type shot.
It looks exciting but it's a fairly low percentage.Let's say we are going to be conservative here.
Instead of using a putter.
I am going to use my hybrid.
So we just take our set up with it.
And I have a couple of practice swings.
You can use all sorts of techniques with a hybrid.
It doesn't have to be perfect.
But I am using the hybrid because there is not much loft on that club face.
So that is going to help me to make the ball run.
So I am here not trying to be a golf pro.
I am here thinking I am trying to be the average guy trying to shoot less than 100 and hopefully
less than 90.
So I can see here that the ball is going to roll a little bit to the right.
I have got to aim a fraction left of the flag.
And I just want to get it up there.
Now the pin is up the back.
So remember the goal here is to get it on and 2 putt.
We don't want to get too tight.
And it go too much at that flag.
So if I can get this ball half way to three quarters of the way.
That is going to give me a fairly simple 2 putt and get my bogey.So we will see how we
So I have hit that it is running along.
It's just up there and it seems to be about a flag stick short of the hole.
Very simple.
Not a lot of technique involved.
I basically just pretended I was putting.
So from there I have got my putter.
So this is what I am faced with.
It's a little bit more than a flag stick from the hole.
But it sets me up nicely to have my bogey.
But it gives me a chance that I can actually get a 3.
So I will stand here.
It's going to break a little bit right to left.
I just get my set up.
Have a little practice swing.
It didn't break.
It stayed there.
Damn I missed the 3.
But that's ok.
I have just made the easiest 4 you could possibly
Very little stress.
Nothing too exciting.But I have made 4 and as I said 4 is a pretty good score.
So start thinking a little more strategically about how you are going to play the hole.
Don't just get up there and say this is a Par 3 and I have to get on the green.
There are many different ways of playing it.
So I hope you have enjoyed that.
Thank you for letting me help you with your golf.
I'm Brian Fitzgerald The Golf Doctor.
And if you like my videos you can click on the round avatar down the bottom there and
you can subscribe to my YouTube Channel.
You can get further information on my FaceBook page or my Twitter feed.
And you can go to thegolfdoctor.com.au and sign up to my electronic newsletter.
The 100 3x13 Promo "Join or Die" (SUB ITA) - Duration: 0:45.
The key to survival on Earth. What is it?
Not dying?
The key is to keep...
We need each other, Bellamy.
Against all odds.
Just tell us where Clarke and the others are hiding.
I can't do that.
The minute you give up...
you're dead.
Which one is better: FUE or FUT? Confused, then watch this video - Duration: 3:39.
Hi,I am Dr.Sachin pawar hair transplant surgeon at HairMD pune to answer your
question which is the best method for hair transplant FUE or FUT
let me explain how both these procedures are done in FUT method a
small strip of width about 1 centimeter is taken from back of your head
right ear to left ear and the wound is closed with sutures and the follicular
units are separated from the strip.In FUE method induvidual follicles are
removed the skin is holed with different sizes of punches, punches size varies from
0.8 to 0.9 millimeter and the follicular units are extracted under
magnification to compare FUT and FUE.
In FUT method there is linear visible scar on the back of
your head that prevents you from keeping your hairs short then FUT method
again there is considerable pain factor
because of large sutured wound and that also prevents early ambulation of the
patient in FUT method there is limitation for the number of grafts as you can get
limited number of grafts in session from given state so and you
can't use this method for body hair harvesting as compared to this in FUE
method there is no linear scar the individual scars are tiny and they are
not visible to naked eye if this procedure is done by experienced surgeon
in the paint factor is also less due to very small
wounds in FUE method and early ambulation is feasible in FUE method again
you can harvest any number of grafts in a FUE method both from your permanent
zone of scalp and body hair like beard so to summarize both these procedures
earlier FUT method was considered as gold standard for hair transplantation
but now a days FUE method is most recent, most advanced and most preferred method
by the patient even if this method is a little
tedious and time consuming for surgeon again for FUE method
you should choose a experienced surgeon as FUE method has long learning curve and
it is is technically more chanllenging thank you
i hope i have a explained answered your
question properly.If you have any query or further question you can
write me on the comment,thank you
Future Ad Pro - FutureNet Adpro Review or Scam? Watch Me Deposit $4000 USD 2017 - Update1 - Duration: 23:00.
I what up what I went up and we are
about to start another beautiful journey
into a company and I've actually been
away for a bit she has been following me
you'd see that I actually joined a
couple a couple different companies MCA
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this video
probably because you either doing
research on future net ad pro or future
parole over there I guess future app Pro
and it's based around the exact same
concepts of my pain crypt left only it's daniel campos futurenet, future net income, futurenet,
a little bit in my opinion more
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products they have so many different
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companies online and actually they far
surpassed many of the any other
companies that have you know made a
really big deal in the industry so
future future out Pro or future net
future net Pro it's a winner so I've sat
I sat in the seat behind the scenes
watching this company for about a year
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because I wanted to see where this
company was going whether it's going to
stay legit and yeah they're there futurenet adpro calculator, futurenet adpro hindi, futurenet adpro login, futurenet advertising program,
they're legit I could safely say
and so I'm about to put $4,000 into
future at Pro and so I'm putting my
money where my mouth is right um
I don't sit here I'm not gonna try tell
you that this is a perfect investment
because stuff for one it's not an
investment I use my own money as an
example to show you my confidence in the
company you as an adult you need to make
your own educated adult decisions okay I
can only offer information and show you
what I'm doing I could you know with any
company like it doesn't matter if it's
future I Pro or anything some unforeseen
circumstance we all risk you know there
with with great game there's also risk
and you have to be an adult of all your
decisions can you handle the risk
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is more valuable than money so yeah I'm
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from MPCA
my painter class and putting it into
future Eric Pro and the reason why I
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because of how sustainable how proven
the business infrastructure is how
proven the corporate owners are I mean
that they're doing an amazing job and
I'm actually happy that I waited because
I watched the progression of this
company grow into different types of
income streams and bringing in new
products and now they're going to be
launching their own cryptocurrency
called future coin which is really
amazing and it just proves the concept
that these people know what they're
doing and they're building a real
business infrastructure that's not based futurenet beach, futurenet bitcoin, futurenet blog,
on some type of Ponzi scheme where
people's money goes in one door to pay
the other people right
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through products future I Pro is a later
product that was created the actual
initial product was a social network
that they created which is already
attached to future ad pro so when you
whether you're going to be doing
recruiting or bringing people into
future at Pro they're already linked to
you so all they have to do is log into
their future future net Pro social
networking account
they're already they have account
created for them so it's really cool
that it kind of hits them with - you futurenet business, futurenet business plan, futurenet business presentation, futurenet business presentation english,
know you're knocking up two birds with
one stone so to speak right so I don't
want to bore you guys too much i money I
put my money where my mouth is so I'm
putting four thousand dollars into
future I Pro and probably about a few
weeks down the road I'll be putting
another thousand dollars into it and futurenet by yok, futurenet cafe, futurenet calculator,
this is me putting my money where my
mouth is and proving to you that this
company is a life changer for a lot of
people you know the fact that you can
you know you even you have to recruit
but you can actually use the whole
revenue share advertising Cox as a as a
wage or in a business like five minutes
per day using you know in my case my is
eight okay so if you have a smartphone
you could run your business because they
actually have an app that to run your
business from so you let me show you
right here and see that future future
Night Out you can see it there hopefully
I'll pop it up there see they got their
own apps really cool right so you can damian zukiewicz future ad pro, future ad pro, future ad pro 2017,
actually if you have a good smartphone
you could probably run your business or
your smartphone there so without further
ado let's let's log in here
my account
and as I said futuro future net is the
first social media platform with its own
coin which is going to be launching very future ad pro adpack, future ad pro calculator, future ad pro damian,
soon here this is a big deal another
stream of income so how does this work
if you're trying to understand with
future I Pro as I said before it's a
revenue share advertising platform so
you use this platform to advertise
another business and attached to it is
an opportunity to earn money it is not
an investment platform I repeat it is
not an investment platform so you're not
investing into something in hopes of a
return okay you're actually buying
traffic so when I'm making my purchases
here I'm on am buying traffic and I'm
going to be utilizing that traffic to
promote other things that I'm promoting
online right now and so it is important
for you to understand that concept this
is not an investment platform however
with the attached opportunity of the future ad pro deutsch, future ad pro español, future ad pro francais,
revenue share platform where you could
participate in the traffic exchange to
serve 10 ads per day a tickets like 10
to 20 seconds per ad or something like
that and watch those ads you get a
return from the collective company
revenue for that day so let's say I put
in $4,000 okay let's do the math I'm
going to be buying I'm maxing out on old
$50 odd tax right so 4,000 a lot of us
50 is 80 a box and it returns at a
hundred and twenty percent right okay so
let's say so 80 60
times a $4,800 and it's growing at about future ad pro hindi, future ad pro how to buy adpacks, future ad pro ita,
one point so I don't all say 1.3 percent
right so 1.3 percent of for 800 I guess
it'd be on any
no that's not right
1.8 let's just do not 1 2005 so it's
$100 50 to 4050 that's 10 15 15 30 so
I'll be making about 30 60 about $65 per
day I'll get back from my initial so the
way it works is when I serve my ads and
you'll see see it says right here please
watch out when I click that and watch my
ads I will get around one point I use
the mountain Center well one point three future ad pro italiano, future ad pro jak zaczac, future ad pro kalkulator,
percent I don't know what it is right
now right so it fluctuates and this is
not like a guaranteed one point eight
this is what you're getting it based on
an algorithm of how much money they're
making daily right but using for example
an estimation of what I was told by one
of my one of my friends is that it's
around 1.3 percent or round or something
like that right so when I get my $60.00 future ad pro login, future ad pro matryce, future ad pro pl,
most people they'll take the $800 that
they make in profit and it'd be like oh
great you know and start what you're on
our money because I believe in this
company because I know it's going to be
around for a couple more years I'm just
saying I'm not saying it's gonna
collapse in a couple years I'm just
saying I give it a couple years before future ad pro presentation, future ad pro prezentacja, future ad pro review,
you know in my books I'm gonna be
growing this mother for at least you
know I'll be withdrawing money out of
daily which is great you can withdraw
daily but I you know I'm going to keep
growing this company because this
company is doing so many amazing things
with creating products that there's future ad pro rob fraser, future ad pro scam, future ad pro sinhala,
always going to be money to be to be
made the the revenue share aspect so at
$60 per day I can be buying one $50 a
pack and one $10
pack per day and essentially what's
happening I'll be adding around $2 in
residual income daily back to my income
plus giving the 60% 120% will turn on my future ad pro tutorial, future ad pro wyplata, future ad pro zarobki
$50 back on my $10 back so it's growing
dramatically in which which happens is futureadpro
you're creating this passive income and
of daily income right so yeah as you
guys see is my account right here and I
already have my blockchain open as you
can see here's my four thousand dollars
or 3.17
Bitcoin right did you see any futureadpro
information blocked out I that's
obviously for privacy reasons
yeah so we're going to go deposit money
into this company right now let me
refresh just make sure still logged into
my account here all right and the
information is locked out it's for
obviously privacy reasons futureadpro
okay so we're a lot of back out here so
let's go see here so we need to go to futureadpro
business sign and my online accounts I
think is actually okay yeah I want to be
depositing 4,000 right there okay future
acryl online account
and I'm gonna be using Bitcoin and so
what they're going to do is they're
going to give me a Bitcoin address to
send money to right now if you don't
have a Bitcoin account you can go to futureadpro
coin is a clean face in this country
yeah Lucy coinbase yeah clients face
and you can create an account and this
is a way for you to load up and buy
Bitcoin and when you buy Bitcoin you can
actually use it after to send you can
use you can actually buy directly and
put your deposit money directly from
here from calling base into this I use
block team because blockchain is
actually the the centralized crypto future adpro
currency wallet place right it's really
high-security doing but yeah but that
said you can go to coinbase calm and
create an account and buy Bitcoin either
through your credit card or your bank
account or something like that get a
hold of me my facebook link should be in
the post should be in the description
box there on youtube and yeah you can future adpro
you can get ahold of me there you need
to get all over me so yeah I'm going to
be depositing this money right now so
top up here telling another Union I
think I'm pretty sure I'm doing right
you can last chance or not be recognized
I need to send this amount 3.13 five
Bitcoin actually no Harold I got some
less this is awesome you son more yeah
so let me pause this video - so - so
so it fixed it so I have to actually
send this moment
now and I have actually that my mouth in
there so I have a copy my good point
address here go to send please
we are for the best amount
we can turn off the power
and I go to next step
and that should be that
we go
the transaction is being confirmed okay
so this transaction completed return
and there you go see my future at pro future adpro
account I just put all just under $4,000
in there so what I would do now is I go
to advertising find you $50 I cocks I
can buy 79 ad packs
I think that's it
give it a sec here
in it successful
there you go future adpro
I have 79 $50 odd tux
you know I just put four thousand
dollars into this company by upgrade or
you others might get too much out okay
so they're going to buy upgrade we got
one month eight dollars okay
eight dollars how much actually see how
much I have in my account right now I
don't have to go through any issues here
future at $10 $10 left future adpro
okay so I've just enough to buy one
month of this and that's all I really
need right now I'll buy another month
later so
I was online account
parents crustle so
that that's not I think yeah it's just future adpro
pretty good one time penalty set to be
safe or kind of sensitive so I will do
this just secure my comp a little bit
more but I have 979 a pox my status
physician 29 days so this is how long my
status physician will last and actually
I will all great later too because on
let me show you something here you
actually earn more money based on your
your level that you buy in so for me
this is very economical six percent on
level one so I learned still six percent
on everybody's purchase and if they're
bringing in people three percent if
those people on second level being and 1
percent and yeah I'll just you know
continues to upgrade if I have to right future adpro
which is nothing $12 16 and then
probably just buy out the year and
eventually yeah so now we're going to
surf my ass so you just click this
and watch an ad and on the Halong the
idler here let's see
so I guess it's just the length of this
just to give you an example so I'm gonna
shut this video down get a hold of me my
link for joining you'll be joining my
email list so I'll be sending out
updates and stuff I'm actually building
a marketing system at the time of this
video I'm building a marketing system
around this company to help you sell
this company so you're not going to have
to sit there and explain so basically
people are going to be clicking on
yelling hitting up your landing page
getting onto your email list getting
redirected to a sales video that
explains the whole process of what this
company is why they need to joining and
they're going to be able to grab their
own free Marketing System so they're not
going to have to explain this up now all
you need to do after that is to send
your link to somebody and say hey just
go through the steps and there's videos
there that will explain exactly what
this company is get a hold of me after
you've watched video so I'm creating
risk in my team
yah-hoo sports so the camera cut out
there but I'm creating this my team and
I'm creating it for you so if you decide
you want to start recruiting people you
can you're not limited to do to just you
know doing the 5 minutes per day of work
in this company and surfing your ads
like you know next ad clicking next ad
you know you can you can build an actual
business of this so click on the link in
the description if you want to join
future net out Pro and jump ahead get a
hold of me on Facebook to let me know if
you want to come in heavy and you want
to you know to put in like moment that
amount of money that I'm putting in make
sure you make an adult decision about
rest assured go you know I'm putting my
money where my mouth is I I believe in
this company I believe in their products
I believe it's going to be here for
extremely long time
have a good day guys ciao
How To Tell If A Relationship Is Karmic, Soulmate Or Twin Flame - Duration: 10:04.
Tell If A Relationship Is Karmic, Soulmate Or Twin Flame
�Soulmates aren�t the ones who make you happiest, no.
They�re instead the ones you make you feel the most.
Burning edges and scars and stars.
Old pains and pangs, captivation and beauty.
Strain and shadows and worry and yearning.
Sweetness and madness and dreamlike surrender.
They hurl you into the abyss.
They taste like hope.� ~ V.Erickson
We all desire to not just fall in love�but to be part of that �once in a lifetime�
type of love story.
As we are evolving, so are our romantic relationships.
No longer are we satisfied by those unions that are convenient or that seem to fulfill
specific ideals that our families or society have taught us we should aspire to.
We are searching for that once in a lifetime crazy type of love�but what really separates
twin flames from soulmates and karmic relationships?
The biggest truth is that one of these relationships isn�t better than the other�it just depends
on what lifetime we are in, here on earth, and what lessons we currently are in the process
of learning.
Sometimes we may experience none of these relationships in a lifetime, and in others
we may experience all three.
The reality is that we often don�t truly realize which type of relationship we had
until long after it�s passed and the lessons have been absorbed.
One of the first relationships we usually enter into is a karmic one.
Karmic relationships often are those lessons that we were unable to learn in a previous
lifetime�these people aren�t meant to take it easy on us, because they are meant
to change our way of life.
The addiction of karmic relationships is that it seems no matter how many tries we give
it�it just doesn�t seem to work.
But that is because karmic relationships aren�t supposed to work out�we aren�t supposed
to live our life with our karmic partner.
It�s hard to accept, because it�s usually not an issue of love, or even about compatibility.
Something is just off and doesn�t work, no matter how much we wish it did�but the
worst decision we can make is to choose to not let go.
Karmic relationships burn hot and seem almost intoxicating at times, but the entire point
of these types of relationships is to come into our lives, change us�and then leave.
Often times, those people who married and divorced young have married their karmic relationship,
instead of letting them go when the time came.
The most important lesson for us is that we just have to be strong enough to let them
move on when the time comes, because no matter what type of relationship we are in, we shouldn�t
have to chain ourselves to it in order to not lose it.
Although some of us may experience several karmic relationships in our lifetime, the
next stage after we conquer those lessons is often the soulmate love.
Soulmates can be just the best kind of love�they can be simple and sweet, yet as complex as
the notes within a vintage Merlot.
Soulmates often are those we marry and choose to build a life with, because there is just
a unique connection present.
These are the feel good people in our lives, and they just seem to touch us on an entirely
different level.
As wonderful as they can be though, soulmates don�t always take it easy on us.
One of the reasons that we get so confused by which type of relationship we are in, is
because in all of these connections, challenges will be present.
None of these relationships are about appeasing us or making our egos comfortable.
Yet the soulmate differs from the karmic relationship by the type of lesson being learned and the
way in which it is presented.
Karmic relationships are often about how we view the outside world and others�while
the soulmate will trigger those internal lessons involving self-worth, fear, societal pressures
and our worthiness of love.
We simply attract at whatever frequency we are currently vibrating on.
Soulmates are those who we feel an undeniable connection to�as if we�ve known one another
before simply upon meeting.
The biggest indicator of a soulmate love is that they make us feel like it�s us that
needs working on�not them or even issues that exist within the relationship.
Sometimes it�s even the feeling of not deserving the other person.
Certain soulmates come into our lives whose only purpose is to help us realize our greatness
and to assist us in taking on those big questions involving the self and starting to discover
the answers to further our evolution and process of self-awareness.
Soulmates are also the ones who care about us the most�versus the karmic lover whose
only concern is of their own self and needs.
These beautiful types of bonds don�t necessarily have to be romantic even, for more often than
not, we travel in similar soul circles within each lifetime�and those who are family aren�t
necessarily those who we share blood with.
As transcending and eye-opening as the romantic relationship can be with a soulmate, it isn�t
anything compared to the experience of being reconnected with our twin flame.
Twin flames are often regarded as an urban myth of the spiritually enlightened, but as
society is raising their level of consciousness, the more this connection is occurring.
Twin flames are a mix of both karmic and soulmate tendencies�along with some entirely new
qualities which will only further challenge our ego and sense of self.
Twin flames aren�t just those that we connect with on a soul level, but they are someone
we share the same soul with.
As the theory states, twin flames were separated from one soul source in the beginning of time
and split into two physical bodies.
There is a mirror like quality when we come into contact with our twin flame�everything
that we have spent our lives running from or denying is suddenly in front of us.
These types of lovers confront us with our very fears and ego driven desires, but they
aren�t just about what�s inside, they�re about how we interact with every facet of
our life.
Not all of us will be reunited with our twin flame, but if we are, it has the possibility
to be that once in a lifetime�ain�t nothing ever gonna be the same�type of love.
There will be challenges and fears present, without a doubt�there will be phases of
running and chasing, depending upon the spiritual and personal development of both individuals.
But regardless of any of these challenges, it is possible to reunite and stay with our
twin flame�although it is speculated that only occurs in one�s last lifetime here
on earth.
Regardless of what type of romantic relationship we find ourselves in, there will be obstacles
and challenges that have the potential to assist us in our growth and evolution.
The one important thing to remember through all of these types of relationship, is that
if someone is trying to move on�it�s vital that we let them go.
Whether they are a karmic relationship whose only purpose is to come into our lives to
be the catalyst of change, or if they are the soulmate whose here to challenge us to
lovingly become the best person we can, or if they simply are our other half�there
is no love that we will have to beg for or hold onto tightly to, out of fear of losing
Regardless of what type of relationship it is, the love we deserve is also the one that
will want us as much we want it�because the truth is, if we do love someone, the only
thing we can do is set them free, knowing that if it is meant to be�they will return.
And if they don�t, then they�re just
one of the most beautiful lessons we�ll learn.
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Boondocking Near Carmel California! (and Aptos) - Duration: 13:24.
Petey and I are in Carmel.
I guess it's officially Carmel-by-the-Sea.
This is the home of the famous Pebble Beach golf tournament.
It's also famous because this is the hometown of Clint Eastwood.
Yeah, Clint Eastwood lives here. Probably right there.
And everything is beautiful here.
There's actually an absolutely beautiful beach here.
The Carmel beach. It's white sand. Perfect.
This is the famous Carmel beach.
It really is beautiful and right behind me is Pebble Beach Golf Course.
And then, right behind me here, are the homes on the beach
And this is the kind of town if you have to ask how much they cost
you can't afford it.
But it is a beautiful place to visit.
So clearly, Petey and I are just visiting.
Cause, we're the kind
We're the kind of people who ask how much things are.
These really are some beautiful little beach homes.
Well, not little for sure.
And a lot of people have given their homes names here.
So right along the side here
there's two homes tucked in this little driveway.
One is "Hytide" and the other is "Seamist."
If I ever win the lottery maybe I'll come here.
Certainly couldn't do any worse.
Its' nice.
Petey and I are just wandering around now.
I guess we should get going.
We've been here a couple hours.
But ahh.
There's a lot of shopping to do here. Lot's of shopping.
And it's just a gorgeous place.
So, what do you think Mister Petey?
Should we come back at some point in time?
So, as we're driving down the coast,
there's just endless beautiful scenery.
So, we just thought we'd pull over for a few minutes and
enjoy a little bit of it.
It's really amazing around here. Even the hills.
There's not too much wind so.
What do you think, Petey?
Petey's a little afraid of heights so this isn't the best, but.
He thinks it's beatiful. I'm sure. Right?
Alright, Petey. Should we go down to watch the sunset?
What do you think about the sunset?
So, it's about 7:45 or so.
And it's just absolutely beautiful here.
We're actually parked right up on the hill.
We're just going to watch the sunset and then try and boondock here.
There's no signs up there saying no
you know, no overnight parking or no sleeping in your car,
or no camping.
There's no signs at all.
I think, ya, I'm going to try and park there and see what happens.
I've never had a knock on the door and I really don't want to.
So I definitely try to avoid that.
But on the other hand, I want to camp in these spots right here.
This is just gorgeous.
I could just sit here all day and watch the waves
crash across the rocks.
I see these videos on YouTube that are like 4 hours long.
I should make, like, a four hour video of
waves crashing on rocks at Big Sur.
Probably be, like, one of my most popular videos.
What an absolutely beautiful place.
We just watched the sun went down.
And the clouds are all lighting up
The Sun just went down and the moon just came up.
It's a beautiful moon.
We're probably gonna turn in early tonight
So we can get an early start.
It's just about five minutes to 6:00 and
I'm sitting here watching the moon set.
Oh, Petey, my babies.
Petey's over here.
No no, go back to bed. Go back to sleep. Oh.
So, good morning.
Good morning.
It's a little late morning, but ah
Petey and I just been really lazy. It's so beautiful here.
Last night the wind really kicked up.
And there's all these white caps and so
now there's all these, like, really wonderful waves.
it's just, yeah, it's great.
So, of course we slept good. Nobody bothered us.
Great night.
We woke up this morning and watched the sunrise
Watched the moon set.
And then went back to sleep for a couple of hours.
We've just been lazy. Right Petey? Just been lazy.
Ya we have.
We're lazy!
So Petey and I are in Aptos.
And there's a shipwreck here. Kinda cool.
This is the inner most point of
Monterey Bay
It is a lot hotter today than I thought it was.
I guess it's 70 degrees but it feels more like 80.
There's no wind.
Even the breeze off ... well there's no breeze off the ocean.
It's just freaking hot.
Just taking a walk on the beach.
I should have worn, like, a short sleeve shirt and shorts and stuff.
But nope.
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Let Go of Negative People Who Bring You Down - Duration: 4:44.
Hey there, I'm Stephanie Kwong, transformational life coach, hypnotherapist and self-love junkie.
I'm so happy to be doing mindset Monday videos with FitLife.
Now let me ask you, is there someone in your life who drains you emotionally?
Or do you dread being around this person because you feel judged by them?
Or you feel stressed or exhausted when you're with them?
Now we all come across people in our life - whether its family, friends or even strangers -
who are negative towards us.
So, this video is going to be showing you how to handle them so you can keep your energy in a positive vibe.
Your energy is one of the most precious commodities that you have
because it determines the quality of your life, so you've got to protect it.
So take a moment right now, and think about the people you spend your time with.
Are they people who inspire you and have you feel good after being around them?
Or do you have someone or many someones who are bringing down your vibe?
Someone who you feel judged by or you feel drained after being with them.
Now if you do and you're ready to clear your energy of negativity so you can keep yourself in a positive vibe,
here are some steps that you can take.
Now the first step is to determine whether it's time to fully let this person or people go out of your life.
Now favoring nothing but negativity and they don't add anything to your life
would only support you to let them go, and it may even support them too.
So whether that means unfriending, unfollowing, writing a letter to them,
or having an honest and compassionate conversation that you can't spend time with them anymore,
that has to be done.
Now it may be hard and it might feel really uncomfortable or feelings of guilt might even pop up,
but do it because it's necessary,
and because you love yourself enough to not keep people in your life who drain you dry.
Because when you let negativity out of your life,
you create space for what you want to come in.
Now it might be easier to let some people go,
and with others, it might feel way harder like when it comes to family.
So sometimes, it still might be necessary to let a family member go
but it feels too extreme to break up with them, here's what you can do:
The first step is you want to have,
if you want to have real authentic relationships with people in your family, you got to be honest with them.
And it's not a matter of changing them but it's about setting a boundary
and letting them know how you want to be treated.
So you can say something like, "I love you but if you keep criticizing me,
or if you only complain when I'm with you, then I'm not going to be able to spend as much time around you."
Now they might get defensive or become even more hurtful towards you,
and if they are, then it's probably time to start distancing yourself from them.
But by speaking up, you might find that they aren't even aware of their behavior or how it affects you.
And now you've made them aware and it's up to them to choose how they want to be with you.
Alright, now the third thing you can do to shield your energy and handle any negativity coming your way
- from friends, family, or even strangers - is to have more compassion towards people.
And just know all the negative things anyone says to you has nothing to do with you
and everything to do with them.
If they're attacking you, they're most likely attacking themselves all day long.
Because the way that we talk to other people is also our self talk.
So if you're genuinely kind and supporting with other people,
that's usually how you're probably being with yourself.
And if you're mean, it's because you're in so much pain on the inside which is why you express it on the outside.
So to handle the negative energy coming your way,
connect with your heart and send compassion to anyone who's viewing negativity at you.
So choose to surround yourself with people who lift you up,
part of self love as having a higher standard for your inner circle.
And the amazing bonus to your life when you have people who support you in staying positive and uplifted
is that you will start to attract things that you want.
So you're going to attract good people and amazing things if you're giving off amazing energy.
Alright, thank you so much for watching!
If you enjoyed this video, please share it.
I think so many people can benefit from this message.
And commit today to raise your vibe and choose one step to start clearing your energy of negative people.
So whether you let someone go instead of boundary
or you doused someone with massive compassion, do it.
And let me know how it goes by leaving a comment so I can follow up with you.
I'm Stephanie Kwong, I'm so so grateful to be doing these Mindset Monday videos with FitLife.
I love you so much and remember, we're in this together.
Do Our Senses Reveal the World—Or Do They Obscure It? | Beau Lotto - Duration: 5:42.
Is there an external reality?
Of course there's an external reality.
The world exists.
It's just that we don't see it.
At least, we don't see it as it is.
In fact, we can never it as it is!
In fact it's even useful to not see it as it is.
And the reason is because it goes back to really Berkeley, who tells us we have no direct
access to that physical world other than through our senses.
And because our senses conflate multiple aspects of that world we can never know whether our
perceptions are in any way accurate.
And so this has always been a very deep question.
It's not so much "Do we see the world in the way it really is?" but "Do we actually
even see it accurately?".
And the answer is no, we don't.
So if we remember that the information that's coming on to your eye or onto your skin or
into your ears is inherently meaningless (because it could mean anything) then it means that
we need another kind of data in order to be able to generate behaviors that are useful.
And that data is necessarily historical, which means that the functional structure of your
brain is really a physical manifestation of your past interactions with the world, and
it's a physical, active interaction.
It's not passive, receiving data like a Facebook broadcast, it's an active engagement
with that world.
So, for instance, if you take—there's a well-known experiment back in the 70s where
you had two kittens: recently born, eyes just open.
And you had one kitten that was effectively running on the ground, right, perfectly fine.
And you had another one that was in a basket.
And the one in the basket was connected to the one on the ground, which meant that wherever
the one in the basket went it was because it was where the one on the ground also went.
The point is that they had the same visual history of the world.
Then after a period of time you test the vision of the one on the ground, and it seems fine,
as you would expect.
But the question is: what does the one in the basket see?
And the answer is that it doesn't see anything.
It's blind, because it's never been able to physically engage with the sources of this
meaningless information and make meaning from it.
So then when you let it run around, it learns to see again.
Now sometimes it's really difficult for people to understand that the data that your
brain is receiving is meaningless, because when they open their eyes they look around
and they say, "Well I see everything!
What do you mean it's meaningless?"
So a really simple example, in fact it's possibly one of the most fundamental examples,
is color.
So actually if you think about what they call "Dressgate", right—the power of that
I found really remarkable, because we're all familiar with illusions and we're all
quite happy with the idea that someone who was a French speaker has a different word,
different meaning than someone who's an English speaker.
Because we're quite happy that things that are very cultural or in our own experience
we can experience differently or we can have different concepts.
But as soon as people realize that you can have different color perceptions, that really
challenged them because it means if that's true, what does it mean for the perception
of reality, right?
So color is a wonderful concept because it's both very literal and abstract.
And what's true for color is true for everything about what we see.
So take, for instance—what is the source of our perception of color?
It's light.
And it's light from 400 to 700 nanometers, which is actually a very tiny window of electromagnetic
So even at that point we're seeing a tiny window within the potential energy that we
could in theory detect.
What's more, that's a linear scale from 400 to 700, from small to large.
But our perception of color, which starts with light, is anything but simple.
In fact, it's a three-dimensional perceptual space inside our head.
So, for instance, you have a brightness axis, which is intensity.
You have a saturation axis, which is how much gray is in the color: So a fire engine is
very unsaturated or rather a very saturated red.
And a pink is a relatively unsaturated red, it has gray in it.
And then you have hue, which is red, green, blue and yellow.
What's remarkable is that the two ends of the spectrum, the physical spectrum, say short
wavelengths (which we perceive to be violet and blue) and the other end of the spectrum
(which we perceive to be red) are actually perceptually more similar to each other than
they are to the middle part of the spectrum, which means that our perception of color is
a circle.
Which means the largest and the smallest stimuli are actually perceptually similar to each
other, which is like one kilo feeling a lot like a thousand kilos and very different from
five hundred kilos, right?
So even at that most basic level what we're seeing is not what's actually even in the
What's more is our perception of color is categorical.
You can define every color in terms of red, green, blue and yellow.
And each category is defined by what we call unique hue.
A perception of redness, that has no other hue in it.
Whereas orange, you can perceive sort of a combination of red and yellow.
But with red you only see red.
Yellow you only see yellow.
But there's nothing unique about spectra.
There's nothing categorical about spectra.
They're continuous distributions, right.
So at this most basic level we don't represent even the information we're getting in any
accurate way.
And the reason is because it was useful to see it this way.
So we're seeing the utility of the data, not the data.
Great Schism or East-West Schism (part 2) - Duration: 6:25.
New fidget toy? Is it good or not? - fidget stick - Duration: 1:49.
We have a new package and this one is intersting.
they call it fidget stick.
Simple as stick with rubber on both ends.
Hahahaha. no bearings like the common fidget spinner.
let's try it.
Weird huh?
It doesn't work on this table so let's try it on a wooden table.
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