SINIRSIZ İNSTAGRAM TAKİPÇİ HİLESİ ŞİFRESİZ 2017 (İZLEMEYEN PİŞMAN OLUYOR ) - İNSTAGRAM HİLELERİ - Duration: 4:50.-------------------------------------------
Domestic Violence in Mercy Aigbe's Marriage, Her Instagram Post Hints How True. | Pulse TV - Duration: 1:54.Is Mercy Aigbe Going Through Domestic Violence in Her Marriage?
Our findings show that Mercy Aigbe posted on her Instagram that real men don't hit their
wives while her husband, Lanre Gentry replied insinuating that promiscuity could lead a
woman being beaten.
According to Linda Ikeji's blog, Mercy Aigbe has been enduring domestic violence for a
long time in her marriage but it has gotten worse lately.
Mercy Aigbe and her husband were reportedly in a nasty fight last week that left the actress
with severe injuries and she's still receiving treatment at an undisclosed hospital in Lagos.
This is not the first time domestic violence allegations have trailed Mercy Aigbe's marriage.
In 2013, it was reported that Mercy Aigbe was beaten up by her husband at a public event.
The event allegedly happened on Sunday April 7,2013 at recorded TV Show for Oodua Amounmaworan
That's ONE SPICY MEATBALL!!!! - Duration: 16:21.You've heard of Lego Starwars
You've seen red Rover
Then you've played [Call] of [Duty] [and] club pengui. Now, for the game craze of the year
Welcome ladies and gentlemen my [name] is Eli Maagic
I'm a [singer-songwriter] actor vlogger from South Texas, and I just want to say thank you for coming out and joining us today
We're gonna be having a dinner party and by that. I mean, we're gonna be having people over for dinner. Go figure now
We're gonna be having spaghetti and meatballs, but I've got a little game plan see instead of a regular dinner party
We're actually me having a bit of a game show, now, I haven't told them this yet
I think you guys gonna like it the game of the day is going to be called
Spicy meatballs. Now, That's all I'm gonna. Leave you guys with for now, but um
Let's get right into it. Hey guys before we start. I just want to introduce the players for today's game
We have not only myself. I'm not gonna do an intro for myself. You guys know me I?
[introduced] myself in the beginning- but today we have three players and they are from the
Lds church here, they are
Sister Shickedan
Sister Castro
Sister Smith
Yes, I'm calling this game spicy meatballs. tell me first off um
Do you know what this is?
what yes? What is it?
It's a Habanero
That is correct that is very correct now
Have you ever heard of the game Russian [Roulette]? Yes.
You have? well spicy meatballs is a deviation of Russian Roulette, so the way this game works is *booty*
So the way that it works is if you say a word while having conversation, or talking about a story
You have to eat a meatball. That meatball may or may not have a habanero in it
In a single meatball yes... eheh
Someone gets a meatball with a habanero pepper
(it) starts now
For a secon- I know for a second. I thought that the word I just said it was the word
[the] word and I was like "oh, no", but should it be a word
Common word like okay. That sounds like a pretty good word. That's it. Yeah, okay?
Okay, okay, okay? Wait guys guys from now on a Trigger-word is okay
"can't say ok uhmm well actually"
well, they lose
[I] lost the first leg fighting
She said all of them
Okay, okay, so so it's okay um well actually yeah, all right. I just won't talk at all.
You have to talk. eggnog we have to go around and tell either a story... or experience
"Let's talk about our baptisms"
"I'm a missionary, what else do you want from me?"
[I'm] just listening into like everything right now like I
I'm cautious. [I] I can't be that. I shouldn't do that. It shouldn't be in the mind. That's just
If you want to- Simon should start sharing his story
*tries talking while No one else is*
He's trying to think about the words. He doesn't wanna say the wrong words- go ahead. Do it I do
mmM, "Sliced cheese"
"SLiced cheese" Do we have regular cheese? "Uhmm'
Oh eat more anymore
Okay, he just puts it all
*Le gasp*
No, I said it. Oh no. Oh, no
You know you you notice you didn't say anything? Oh, I thank you for that. [oh], [God]. [oh] *is a wuss*
Really here's here. Oh, I didn't get a say story
What [oh], gosh? Oh gosh?
Okay, right now. I just feel the warmth of the meatball that's
I wonder spicy meatball
Every time someone said a trigger word I like that she said that you have to say that's one spicy meatball
Every time you call someone out you say that's one spicy meatball. This was one spicy meatball guys
if I'm getting caught with a meatball one of you guys are [too] I
put too high
you're gonna turn distance or like saw being like
There's a Habanero in a meatball. Yeah, we let your biggest one so gosh
[you] [get] spaghetti
But for anywhere the meatballs are filled with habaneros
Mmm. I know sounds I'm sorry. I'm sorry [oh]
How spicy is that that's a lot spicier now that I eat the rest I
Think oh, gosh. Oh gosh
Actually let me say I have been blessed me. I was completely blessed here ah
Cuz I didn't not normally I would have died but for some God blessed meatball reason the meatball. God
He let me live with nothing not my spices. I thought I'd be oh
Wow, you think that's me because I took all the seats, but I can feel it in my chest right now
maybe it's [just] [Aa] [loaded] I wish
once wow good meatball I
Like [oh] yeah, you need to eat up some spaghetti, so I thought happen now because um
I mean, I made spaghetti noodles out of Habanero
Wow, that is awesome a dozen left in that I feel like I could totally go for a whole habanero
Imagine that instead
I'll be making spaghetti sauce without tomatoes. You made it with a habanero pepper sauce
Say something
You should care
No, glad you up of them
Yeah, [I] check I would allow [it's] [not] so hard
They're conspiring
It's a mutiny now who is tom stories? I was there, but I am I
am say oh
Yeah, you got a meatball eraser machine skip him program, Mr.. Smith. You're up
Story of my life excellent. How about
Ieave me water. I'm drinking water. Well. What do you want them?
Habanero juice
Okay, let me give that favorite mission experience
Well, [don] [best] problem a bit mission extreme MMM-hmm
Drivings support again tonight [your] berries down the road. [I] don't [wait] to appointment, and it's got me the lady
We're going to see I know they're coming
But she live in Donna's we have all over Donna
And as we're driving myself. They're walking on the street, and I thought
that's so silly because
We're driving somewhere. We can pull over and talk to [spend]
and thinking and thinking and thinking about going over understand
And so I said fine we pulled over me pulled around then we drove back and parked and talk to the guy [I]
Said I help you said honestly. I'm really really cracking
Like just barely lost [everything's] house everything he's walking
like crap
You guys stop and [pull] over and tell me that God knows who I am and [be] aware of my situation
Like that's incredible because [I'm] playing for that. I'm wanting to know and
That was [wasn't] before that's too spicy though folks because you said that
Was a cool way, well, where did she say upset okay? And she said um oh?
Because that's a go let's see ya, then what's going to happen now [um] do it what oh yeah?
Got anything
zooms in intensely on the face
Anything nothing so far so great. Oh, man dar. Maybe you like almond bite?
I was going to savor that meatball, but yeah, I just like no don't you got it easy all right up?
This is a really good meatball right? I love my ball. [I] sincere it shows art
I mean, there's another people over there if you won't want [on] [my] [stash]
[my] [hellos] - I know
That was a good one [alright]
That was really nice [today]. [I] was around the streets everybody meet me paul. It's your turn. Wait what hey I'm sorry
[Jimmy] oh you're Gonna get point
your bone all right um up there oh my
Buddy, we're Gonna. Talk come on one nice to meet ya
Let it be known. I'm the worst at this game. [I] I have no right no part in flame
[I] think there was lessons of okay
good ah is it the
Spyglass David First Caravan ever
we are working on A
Favorite quote come on cheese boy. I'm worried because I chopped I chopped the second meatball up. I tried the second Habanero up
It's a great spicy meatball, but personally I liked mine
[I] think it's because I just swallowed it like I didn't give it time to react that's probably why I feel in my stomach
Whoa, remember when I said that that meatball was Gonna kill somebody oh
You want some water [yes], Simon, oh?
Oh, no, don't sign it. She's gonna die
[code] no sick over the cups
This is my [quit] the habanero pepper once known as the hottest chili around the world
Can you milk?
no understandable
Thank you one habanero nut and top this mark. It's not my why there's a three. Oh wait. I'm losing yours
Just in case I got picked again. No, it's a morning. Those are the really three. I wish there were my real
I don't cook one
Follow you ran away
Meatball already knows I doing
You can't enter into her. I think he's just kidding don't
Follow you people I'll be there for you
Don't believe me I
Like there is the ring
[oh] man, okay? You can [actually] see my neck starting to read up. Yeah
You know how in those cartoons the character will like [Eda] eat something spicy. No just entirely the entire body will turn red
That's me, so guys this was uh
Thank you for playing. That's one spicy meatball with us, and he will catch you guys on [the] flip side. Oh
Hey guys alright, so that [is] it for that's one spicy meatball the game
I hope you guys enjoyed it if you did like subscribe comment turn on notifications
Message me call me cute. Call me. Maybe
Call me on your cell phone hello
Anyway guys it was nice having guys and uh hope see you guys next week
There's also behind the scenes you [can] go ahead and check this out right up there probably I up no
[all] [right] guys you guys want to see the behind the scenes of this video
Go ahead and check it out right here on my face, and then there's um a subscribe button here on
[the] page click on it click on it now
Do it do it?
do it
do it
[guys] it was nice. Having guys again. Catch you on the flip side and keep on rockin
Food Tutorials Videos | Best Instagram Food Tutorials Compilation 2017 🍰 #7 - Duration: 4:38.Thanks For Watching!!
106 hours in Amsterdam - Duration: 12:47.Are you sleepy?
Are you?
Oh my god! Teslas everywhere!
Smells like bread with chorizo.
Are you sleepy, Ana?
I am.
You look like you need a nap.
If I could, I would sleep here.
Are you going to step on it?
Maybe not.
Go João Vitor, you can do it.
Are you enjoying it?
The park?
I'm warming up my lips.
You're so silly. Enough.
Good now?
Not warm yet.
No? Why?
Still warming up my cheeks.
Is it a pretty park? Yes. Yes.
It's cold. There's bits of snow.
They're everywhere!
Where you at?
I'm here.
Wow! It all went foggy.
It's not just your glasses.
What happened there, João Vitor?
Always waiting for João.
There's no one left... this museum. Those are guards.
We're all waiting for João.
Yes, sure.
Always the same thing.
Always the last ones... leave.
In fact... We were meant to come here...
But João didn't really read the book.
We're going to another museum...
We're going to another museum. But not this one.
Because this one... is closed.
João Vitor!
Where you at?
Me? Still here.
Same place.
Here now.
Can't feel my fingers.
It's good.
Tastes like pastel de nata.
It's not pastel de nata.
But it's really good.
It has a bit of a phallic shape that... that sausage is presented.
Nice one.
You want a sausage... hmm?
Are you recording?
I am.
What are you recording?
You want to get in frame?
Get in!
Get in just for a second.
I'm here.
Get in, get in. Say something.
I'm in.
But you're not saying anything.
I'm speaking.
You're not speaking.
I am. I'm saying things now.
And... yeah. I'm saying. And... it's cool.
Shut up!'s not the same thing.
Maybe there are a few in here.
You went through a red light!
Good morning!
Happy birthday!
Oh. No pictures?
Say goodbye.
how to download instagram photos - Duration:
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Classical Musicians React: DAY6 'Letting Go' vs 'I Wait' - Duration: 16:20.Kevin: ~Letting go~
yunyi: le- kevin: ~can't comeback anymore~
Letting go
Letting go
HEre I stand HAHAHA
*Rossini's Semiramide Overture plays*
(Tf is going on)
Fiona: ~Soomebody somebody~
Some some somebody
some some some
some body
Umu: Now we're moving on to Day6. This is a boygroup, this is a band
actually Shimon: ~Leti it goooo~
Naoki: ~Let it snow~ Umu: No
Umu: This is not a kpop group this is a band
so they're playing their instruments and they're singing and they're hot and I love rock music
Lindsey: Oh I've seen people request them Davis: ~Let it goo~
~Letting goo~
Umu: This song is called letting go
Jarod: ~Letting gooo~ umu: no
Lindsey: Excuse me
I did not Umu: Ok I love you
Peyton: Threeee
Jarod: Kachow Lightning McQueen
Naoki: Nice
Lindsey: Oh those harmonies Davis: Alright
Man that's great
Jarod: Very much into the intro
Emiel: The lighting is sick
peyton: ~minor chord~
~major chord~
~back to the minor chord~
~back to the half step dominant major one~
Yunyi: Awww rip guitars
Kevin: Rip
Get it cuz they're ripped apart
Henry: They use 7th chords
Yunyi: They're shredded
get it
shredding guitars
Henry: They must be really intense
Emiel: That's some sick chords in there
henry: I can't hang, man
Kevin: Nice
Peyton: Wow
That was not what I thought it was gonna be Jarod: Subtle
Davis: Car crash Lindsey: Was that the same person twice
Davis: I think so Umu: Yes
Gwen: God why are they all tenors
Yunyi: There's like a really
deep droning
am I the only one hearing that
maybe it's just these headphones
Gwen: Better question, why are they all such good tenors
Emiel: Freaky photo editing Henry: that nice little- it's not vibes it's just like
one of those pianos that just plays vibes
Jarod: They have very gentle voices
Gwen: That jazz organ setting though
That's me in piano class
I'm like this is boring, I'll put it in harpsichord
Fiona: It's a lot of attractive men Emiel: And we keep going
Henry: Wow that's a lot of attractive men right there
Emiel: Wow
Hugo: Woah that is a lot of bands Gwen: WOOOOH!
Peyton: Wooaahh
Jarod: That's dope
Naoki: This is like light rock isn't it
Davis: That was a cool shot
Naoki: I was expecting something more intense
Gwen: It sucks that I go to a music school because everytime I see.. someone attractive
successfully playing an instrument it just makes it even more attractive
And that's like everyone here
Kevin: Let it goooo Umu: Stop (Lol she's so done)
peyton: V
ii...ahhh ii V I to a new key ;A;
Yunyi: I really like how this is
Very sentimental but... it's
Has that energetic drive
it has that like energy, it's not quite a ballad
~fiiiive, ooone~
WOW ohp nope i went up iTwent UP
Triple it triple it
Jarod: What in modultion
Hehehe I just imagine the cowboy hat on
Yunyi: Oh that guitar riff
Kinda sounds like Green Day
Lindsey: He's singing at himself, rapping at himself Davis: Oh man don't you hate it when you argue with yourself
Me too
Naoki: You should get an earring as well
Shimon: Aww that was disappointing
Kevin: It sounds like a church because of the way it goes to the half cadence Yunyi: Yeah
Hugo: Ooohhh yeahh
Yunyi: That gospel coming in
Shimon: it just lifted up in the air
Naoki: Yeah, it was just suspended over nothing
Lindsey: He's got a really good--- got like a nice range
Lindsey: I like the like gritty quality of his voice in the upper range because he's not going into a falsetto at all
Yunyi: Oh I like how he went up that time
Henry: Yo actually like real chords though
Henry: They're just like seventh and ninth chords which is like good progressions Emiel: Yeah this is sick
Fiona: This is interesting like hearing like typical kinda kpop voices with like more rock
Henry: Yeah it's really refreshing to hear like a real band
Emiel: Yeah Henry: Like VERY refreshing
Naoki: I'm more of a fan of this kind of bass line
Naoki: As opposed to the stuff that we were listening to earlier
Shimon: <shoots>
Shimon: <misses>
Emiel: We're gonna have the piano fade out and yup and....
Everyone: <waiting in anticipation>
Peyton: I knew it Jarod: There's that resolution
Peyton: Can't quite go <bing> it's gotta go <ta-ting>
Kevin: Mm mm mm mm mm
Gwen: That was actually like an amazing song
Hugo: It was very refreshing also to hear like it was good to hear the kpop cause it was definitely kpop but it
Hugo: It was good to hear actual instruments
Umu: mmhmm Hugo: Yeah like it was so--- it was great to watch them playing the instruments too Gwen: They were actually playing--- that they were actually recording
Gwen: It wasn't like midi--- like I heard an actual guitar, didn't hear a midi guitar Hugo: It was just something refreshing
Hugo: Yeah it was just very refreshing and they did it well and they sounded good
Gwen: It was an analog for sure but you can tell when it's a fake midi... synthesized
Hugo: Better than midi most of them were just actual like... they were really good
Hugo: And most kpop groups use that really well but it was really nice to just hear that
Gwen: Just have it be a real
Hugo: Sometimes it's nice to have a song that doesn't have a heavy story but it's just a really good song
Umu: I liked listening to it! Gwen: And I liked the little dinkies in the background
Gwen: dink dink dink dink dink dink dink
Hugo: Yeah and then that moment the bridge when they went to an all chords
Gwen: gasppp asdjfksajdh Hugo and Umu: That was so awesome
Umu: So you like that style of music? Even though it was light rock and--- Shimon: I think I like that the best out of all of the ones we've listened to today
Umu: Oh today? Not an all time? Shimon: Yeah today today
Naoki: It was just too fluffy to be rock
Naoki: It was more leaning towards the pop side
Naoki: But even then it has, it's like in between, and because it's in between it's neither there or there so just
Shimon: Well maybe if you think about it as its own genre then it might
Naoki: Well I don't like that genre then
Shimon: I do agree with him on like, it would have been nice if it was like a one clear even bigger climax maybe?
Shimon: Just seemed... Naoki: yeah nothing really happened I guess
Shimon: But it would be nice if there was like--- idk where I was going with this
Umu: No I think, just like more of like, I mean it had direction of more than like upward
Umu: And then like something big happens sometime
Shimon: Like a clear Naoki: We need to be taken on a journey Umu: Oh oh I see
Henry: Wow I thought it was pretty good! I like really enjoyed listening at that
Fiona: I enjoyed the vocalist..? idk, his voice didn't really match the background music
Fiona: It was just like surprising to me, so kpopy
Emiel: That was a great song...I like that
Lindsey: yeah Davis: It was very ballady
Davis: But at the same time his voice is 90% of what made me like that so much...was his voice Lindsey: I like how they all played their instruments
Yunyi: I felt like the chorus repeated like four times, it repeated so many times but like I just never got sick of it cause like
Yunyi: everytime they delivered it, it was a slighty different way and it just, the whole piece was a big crescendo
Umu: ohhh, I can see that Yunyi: To the end, it was really nice.
umu: I can see that yunyi: it made it very sentimental
Kevin: I think when it got to the end it just stayed there, but that doesn't mean it's a bad thing
Umu: Right, you ready to move onto "I wait"?
~singing opening I Wait melody~
*switches it to mamamoo wtf*
*And the extra kicks in*
*and back to day6*
Umu: Let's do it go
Henry: Wow that's aesthetic emiel: that's pretty cool
Emiel: Aesthetic is on point
Henry: *gasp* hey it's the chrysler building
It's New York city
Naoki: Well I like this one better already
Cuz of the different timbre
Jarod: The clouds
Peyton: I like the
Fiona: I'm diggin this Emiel: This has a good groove Henry: not real drums but it's ok
Lindsey: This is some weird video effects Davis: this is some- yeah
Yunyi: Oah I love his voice Kevin: Oah
Fiona: Ooh that was hot
Naoki: He also sings really high which.. doesn't really happen in rock I feel
It's more of a pop thing
Hugo: ooh
Naoki: I would like them to have lower voices like it adds a different color to the song
Yunyi: Is it a seventh built.. a third up right
Kevin: It's- it's all over the place actu- it's actually all over the place
Oh that bass work
Henry: interesting chords actually
Jarod Woahwoahowahoahw
Lindsey: Oh that's awesome
Kevin: Jazz transitions with like a rockin chorus
Naoki: K this is better
but I like the crowd shouting as well
But then it disappears straight away
Hugo: Ungh ungh ungh
Gwen: When silence is stronger than sound
Peyton: Oohh bring it back
Lindsey: I like when the... rock songs are more based around a drum beat and the other one was a lot more just like
Jarod: This is like the 3rd snapchat filter like you swipe one and it haha yeah
Yunyi: This is in minor right
For some reason it feels really ambiguous
it's in minor
Davis: I just wanna push his glasses up on his nose
like they're like...
Kevin: Figuring out the jazz chords
Kevin: but the chorus is SUPER major Yunyi: I, II, III
Naoki: It's like a fusion of styles Shimon: I think like... like... Umu: Green Day
Shimon: You're saying like there's too big of a gap between the baseline and then like the vocal part
Shimon: For that like really open, it's like an open chord.. being a closed chord Naoki: <agrees>
Yunyi: I actually don't like it when they have the crowd you know in the music but
Yunyi: These kids do it so well Kevin: Right
Peyton: I think they're singing like the upper extensions of like the bass notes
Peyton: *bididi like you're just taking the 7 and the 9
Both:<jammin', hype>
Hugo: Oh yeah Gwen: Aw h*ll yeah, that's a really good effect that they're putting on his voice
Emiel: That guy is pretty serious bass player
Kevin: Filtered voice
Naoki: have you been there? this is New York
Henry: I wonder what bass he has, it looks like a fender something
Yunyi: It's gonna modulate? <waits> no
Henry: haha the bassist jumped in the air and went to go down strum like he was a guitarist and then he remembered he was a bassist and was like
Henry: <demonstrates> lol Emiel: haha henry: that was weird
Yunyi: or is it hail? is it snow?
Both: <jammin'>
Emiel: Oh that's really weird they keep switching every beat
Jarod: Everything's a lot more metal when there's just like rain
Davis: This is a classic and addition to any music video, just get some rain Lindsey: Yeah
Kevin: The Drummer did that Yunyi: Oh you see that bit of static that they put in there?
Lindsey: It's awesome, I really like this, it's very fun
Lindsey: This is, it's like more similar--- Davis: oh OH that was a nice little
Both: WOAH Jarod: Drop it!
Peyton: <bigadigadoop>
Fiona: I like how it's raining
Emiel: I like how literally the color filter's changing every bar, now every half bar, now it's done
Emiel: Okay
Peyton: Every day <says dramatically> Jarod: Every day <echos for effect> Both: 6
Both: Applause
Woah woah woah Yunyi: oh those minor viis
Kevin: yes well yeah, there was a ninth there
Kevin: That's the cool one
Kevin: Cause everything goes a maj- a minor third
Kevin: Very R&B stuff
Kevin: So it's kinda like a sequence isn't it?
Kevin: A weird D chord sequence
Kevin: <bam>
Shimon: I want more substance more <yes shimon we totally get what you want>
Naoki: Did you just burp or was that like Shimon: That was like a mmm
Everyone: <MMM>
Peyton: Uh middle school all my friends were into this so I kinda like listened to it a good bit and it's got a good energy
Peyton: Like I appreciate the energy of it cause it's just like <demonstrates>
Jarod: Like this isn't the worst thing I've ever heard but it's not necessarily the best thing I've ever heard
Henry: That was sort of like.... that was like... pierce the veil meets pop punk or meets kpop
Henry: uhhhh Lindsey would like that Fiona: Okay I can see that
Henry: yeah that was definitely like pop punk meets kpop Fiona: That's better than my interpretation
Henry: Wait what'd you say again? Fiona: Cold play plus Arctic Monkeys
Henry: ahahah aw man Emiel: Question mark at the end
Hugo: That was dope, that was awesome
Umu: What'd you think of like whether the, is it chest to head voice the <demonstrates>
Umu: What is that?
Hugo: I thought it was f*cking great
Gwen: yeah no that was like like I think that for boys that's just a falsetto Hugo: They were unapologetic-
Gwen: idk how boy voices work, it's like every boy's voices is different, it's confusing Hugo: well it's like <so done lol>
Hugo: okay well as part of male species I can speak on that behalf, thank you Gwen: <enjoying this so much>
Hugo: They did a great job it wasn't noticeable which is exactly how you want it to be
Hugo: It was artistically good and their sound was unapologetically their sound
Hugo: And it was awesome, it was just so, it was so good and I love that electric guitar and it was great and
Hugo: then they used the analog overdrive on the voice and that was so good Gwen: <yum>
Hugo: It totally fit the style
Umu: okay which one did you like better
Henry: First one Fiona: Second one
Both: <disbelief> Umu: Woah one by one
Lindsey: I definitely liked this one better Davis: I wasn't sure, I was on the fence, but I do like the upbeatedness
Lindsey: I just like this one a lot more (second one)
henry: *whispers* break the tie
Henry: First one Fiona: Second one Emiel: Second one
Umu: woahhhhh
Fiona: The first one just like the vocalist just like his voice is just... seems so weird
Umu: ... but it's the same person Fiona: ... YEAH but it just didn't work like it was just too <ladida>
Fiona: for the background but this one was just like AHH
Emiel: The groove was more killing in this one
Henry: I'm gonna amend, they're both good but for different reasons
Henry: The first one was good because it was like a genuine rock song it was pretty good and they had like real chords which I liked
Henry: This one had a really really dope sort of like prechorus section Fiona: <demonstrates>
Henry: Like with real chords also, real chords, they are good
Umu: What do you mean by real chords
Henry: Chords that aren't just like root position, triads all the time, same vi everytime Emiel: Triads Umu: so more difference?
Henry: And then there's a rap section, yeah like like nine chords
Umu: oooooh
Henry: but like.... the second song like meshed more like the group dynamic was definitely really like a solid conglomeration of all the parts
Henry: I feel like that sort of medium is what they function better in
Jarod: I did like this one, especially cause I feel like if I looked up the translation I feel like there's more of a story to it Peyton: Yeah I liked this one
Umu: Okay so which one do you like better, "I wait" or "Letting go"
Shimon: Oh that's hard... I like the first one better Naoki: I'm equally disappointed
Umu: You like the first one better? okay Naoki: idk, I'm sorry
Umu: Which one? Shimon: Not his cup of tea Naoki: Idk I think the singing was a little bit better
Naoki: It just had more interest Umu: I like the way how you thought it was gonna drop once but then it like took all the like
Umu: um beats Naoki: Yeah
Umu: I wait, or letting go
Kevin: "I wait" Yunyi: "I wait"
Umu: "Letting go" or " I Wait"
Hugo: ooooooh that's really hard cause I really liked both of them
Gwen: The first one? Hugo: yeah but like
Both: Barely
Hugo: Like not even Gwen: And not cause they were like bad, barely cause they were both so good
Hugo: Oh god it was SO good
<2NE1 next!>
Pet the Dog - Duration: 3:15.SCARLETT: I'm so glad we're doing this.
JOANNA: I know! I was just thinking that too. You know we should take a picture!
SCARLETT: Yeah we should! JOANNA: Yeah, okay hold on one minute
JOANNA: Okay, ready. Hold on, ready?
JOANNA: One, two, three … *snap*
BOTH: Oh, oh SCARLETT: ****
JOANNA: That's okay. I think I got it before…
JOANNA: OH. MY. GOD. Scarlett, look.
*sparkly princess rainbow noise*
JOANNA: That is the cutest dog I've ever seen!
SCARLETT: It's so fluffy!
JOANNA: I wanna pet it!
SCARLETT: I need a picture, let's go.
*Joanna gasp*
JOANNA: Oh no...
*looming music*
JOANNA: I really want to pet that dog, but I do not want to talk to that guy.
SCARLETT: Oh my god, is he eating a raw onion?
*grossed out noise*
JOANNA: He's totally using that dog to talk to girls.
JOANNA: And it's totally working.
SCARLETT: No, Joanna, you can not go over there. It's just gonna lead him on.
*Mild Hulk noises* JOANNA: Not fair!
JOANNA: Ugh, you're right, you're right. It's not like I need to pet that dog.
*cuteness overload*
JOANNA: Oh my god he just waved!
JOANNA: If only I could just touch it.
SCARLETT: Snap out of it, Joanna. It's not worth it. What about the guy?
SCARLETT: He just spilled mustard on his arm. Who even carries around mustard?
JOANNA: Eww...
JOANNA: He just licked his own arm.
JOANNA: Aww, he just licked his own arm!
SCARLETT: But I mean, it could be cuter.
JOANNA: Yeah. No, you're right, you're right. It's not like one of those dogs with accessories.
JOANNA: Oh my god, he just put a bow on it.
JOANNA: It's an ugly bow. It's just a…
JOANNA: Ugly tongue...
SCARLETT: No, resist!
JOANNA: That's evil, just evil!
JOANNA: Oh! Scarlett, I've an idea. Why don't you go talk to the guy, while I pet the dog?
JOANNA: Oh, come on! You owe me.
JOANNA: Remember that time I talked to that total creeper at the bar, so that you could get closer to Jay?
SCARLETT: Remember that time I took credit for your fart in gym class?
SCARLETT: They called me Shartlett for a month!
*JOANNA laugh*
JOANNA: Well, remember when I sat through all three High School Musical movies with you?
SCARLETT: You didn't enjoy that?
*SACHI bark*
JOANNA: Aw, come on! He wants us to pet him.
JOANNA: Look! He's looking right at us!
SACHI: Damn, I really want that muffin.
SACHI: But I really don't want to talk to those girls...
SACHI: No, no, no. No, no! No, nooooooo.
SACHI: No, no, nooo.
SACHI: Aw, man!
SACHI: My muffin!
PHIL: Oh my god, is the dog in a stroller?
PHIL:Oh my god, the dog is in a stroller
Ah, Philip. Philip, you crazy.
PHIL: Kinda good.
JUSTIN KLUIVERT & TOUZANI - Duration: 7:40.If this man is playing on the wings, the audience will get on their feet.
The man that always follows his gut, ladies and gentlemen: Justin Kluivert!
You have already made your debut for Ajax, but now you're gonna make your debut for Touzani TV.
And all of my guests bring a prize, so what did you bring for our viewers?
- You can win a pair of my beautiful shoes.
Those shoes are sick. I think I'm gonna keep them for myself.
So how can you win them? Follow Justin on Instagram, I'll post the link in the description...
subscribe to this channel and post a comment saying why you want to win these fantastic boots.
Thanks to the small screen of the camera, all I can think about is how ugly I am next to you.
How many times have you already been proposed to?
- No, no, not that many.
Not that many?
- I'm still young.
When I watch you play, you make me think of Dortmund's Dembélé.
You can dribble with your left and with your right foot.
Or, no, wait a second. Dembélé makes me think of you.
We're on a playground...
Who were you back in the days?
Kids always like to be someone on the playground...
a professional footballer.
- Cristiano Ronaldo.
I can do magic.
I will give you the voice of Cristiano Ronaldo.
Can you believe it?
- I don't believe you.
That's what I wanted to hear.
I'm gonna show you a few photos of players when they were still very young...
even younger than you are now.
And you have to guess who they are.
First one.
- Rooney.
Nice. Nice.
Second one.
- Messi, I immediately saw it.
You did?
And I thought I picked hard ones.
- No, this was easy.
Okay, but if you know this one, you're a real boss.
A real boss.
These two were still pretty simple, right?
- Balotelli.
How can you immediately see that?
Some people piss on trees...
we're gonna kick a ball in a tree. That's today's challenge.
If you kick the ball in the tree, the loser has to get it out...
so you have to climb, climb, climb, climb.
Rock, paper, scissors to see who's starting.
I am going first.
So, if I kick the ball in the tree, Justin has to climb, climb, climb, climb.
- High.
Everything high.
- One shot.
And I was acting tough and all.
Climb, climb, climb, climb. - Climb, climb, climb, climb.
I suck at climbing, to be honest with you.
I really thought I was going to win.
- Touzani TV in the tree.
Where's the ball? - Over there.
- Somewhere in the jungle.
- Make sure it doesn't break.
- You're falling.
Do not try this at home.
- Now everybody is going to do that.
- Almost, almost.
- Keep shaking.
Shake that ass. Shake! Shake!
King Kong!
Okay, that was today's video with Justin Kluivert.
Did you like it? Don't forget the thumbs up...
Leave a comment saying why you want to win Justin's football boots...
and don't forget to follow him on Instagram, I'll post the link in the description.
See you! Later! Ciao!
- Now you only need to get down.
How do I get down?
- Your foot is stuck, man.
My right foot is stuck.
Crazy Workout with CREW - Street Brothers - Duration: 7:27.Hello people
In this video we're gonna do something different
We will recording the training with crew and freestyle
so enjoy
You know who is Angelo, so he will be today with us
and Matko
so let's get warm up
one more
I will try now
Let's go Angelo
How old are you ?
what is your weight
see you next time
Just what we always dreamed of... - Duration: 3:20.Oh, hey!
You're a lot shorter in real life than you are on the Internet...Well, hey, I'm really
glad that you stopped by!
Uh, we were just about to fire up the grill and cook some chicken here.
Uh, ya know, now that we've been homeowners for like three weeks now, we have EVERYTHING
figured out. (laughs)
Alright let's start this puppy up.
(Sarah off camera) - "Jordan, nothing's happening."
Did this come with the house?
Sarah - "Whoa!"
That was easy!
Buying expensive furniture is extremely cheap and easy.
Got this off of an EXTREMELY sophisticated website: Craigslist.
They've probably never heard of it...
We kill carpenter bees just for fun now!
It has nothing to do with the fact that they're destroying our house.
(nervous laugh) Absolutely nothing.
It takes no energy. No time at all! (laughs)
It takes no energy at all. (laughs)
I'm not drinkin' this for energy, it's just--it's cause I like it.
Go to, use the promo code "Jordan" to get 10% off the 24-pack.
You're gonna love it. (slurping)
Everything is perfect ALL the time.
Except for when your faucet is leaking and so you've gotta come down here and shut the
water off but then you realize the valve is--doesn't, doesn't actually work al the way so it can't
shut off and so then ya, you gotta go get a new valve and a new faucet and then you
might as well change out the sink as well because you don't really like the sink so
you're gonna get a new faucet.
(fake studio audience laughing)
So as you can see, owning a home is a piece of cake!
And an organic energy drink.
(fake studio audience clapping)
Hey, guys! But no seriously I'm sorry I didn't upload last week.
And I'm sorry I missed the deadline this week.
It IS Sunday.
I was supposed to upload on Friday, but this house has been kind of a whole crazy thing.
A lot of stuff has been kinda going wrong that I wasn't anticipating, so...if--if you're
ever gonna buy a house, just--ya know, it's not gonna be as easy as it might seem.
Stuff does go wrong.
And so...yeah!
So we'll update you guys on how the, uh---the--the--the--the, what's turning into a remodel, a
it called a "repo"?
It's not.
But, yeah, we'll keep you guys updated, and uh...yeah.
So, we'll see ya next week.
АМЕРИКАНЦЫ СЛУШАЮТ РУССКУЮ МУЗЫКУ | Крокодил Гена VS Бременские музыканты #32 - Duration: 10:39.-------------------------------------------
Follow Me Around Vlog: Errands, Lunch & Photoshoot - Duration: 13:38.There not, I'm not gonna f*** them holy sh**
Fam, I'm just gonna wash them in cold water... ok
I'm gonna wash them in cold water, then I'm gonna put them in the f****** dryer just so you'll shut up
I BOUGHT MY BROTHER HIS DREAM HOUSE (emotional) - Duration: 13:07.I've been waking up at 6am for 3 days
at 6am
but... today is going to be a great day
so guys I hope you have a nice day and
Alright guys, I'm Emilio, and now it's morning
and let's see what we do because I want to do something
and we have to do something, everyone have to do something
because life is all about doing things
we should have fun so let's do something, you just have to do this
what's this???
this means that we are going to the beach so
Alright guys so we are in the beach now, we came with Ruben
and right now he's sleeping right there and we are bored, the water is so cold, is not a good day so
let's prank him
okay guys, I have something very important to tell you
we drive two hours to get to the beach with my brother and Ruben
what I had to tell you is that I have a big surprise for you and my brother
and I'm sure that he doesn't know anything about it
it's and incredible surprise, I hope you guys like it
and well, I have prepared this for a month and a half
I called my mom and I told her, yo, I want to surprise my brother and I want it to be incredible
I want the surprise to mark his life
and guys I DID IT!!!
Alright guys it's the time of the truth, I'm going to call a person who has Ivan's surprise so let's see
REALTOR: I'm now at girasol street number 15
okay, you have the keys?
REALTOR: Yes, I have everything ready
Okay I'm going now
Thank you bye!
Guys, it's the time for the truth
let's go
Alright guys, I got to my destination
I'm in Girasol, Ivan, if you watch this you should now that this is insane for you guys and for Ivan
the guy is here
Are you filming me?
Don't record me
okay sorry
I have the keys here to your new home
Thank you, thank you bye
GUYS!!!! We have the keys
Ivan you should know that this is just for you because we are going to stay together the whole life and you should enjoy it
as you guys know I already have the keys
I have everything and if you guys don't know my friend Ruben is in the game with me
and i'm going to call him now
Tell me
Where are you?
We are in the place of the parking
Oh okay i got you
I have the keys
okay cool
Okay guys, everything is ready, Ivan is going to freak out
maybe he gets emotional or maybe he gets mad
we will see what happen
I'm taking some pictures for the boy
Are you ready for it?
I have a surprise for you
Which surprise?
put this on
you look good like that yes
you look good
What do you think it is?
I don't know
it's big it's so so big
put the hand
what's it?
what's wrong?
for you
this house is for you
I talked about it with mom two months before and we got it for you
open the door
Stop it Emilio Stop
it's not a joke Ivan, open the door
you can't open?
is it working?
it doesn't fit
it has to fit Ivan!
you guys are laughing!
it's a joke Ivan, I didn't buy you a house but I will buy you a house
I thought that I was about to own this house
I'm sorry Ivan
I told you guys PRANK WARS
I'm sorry Ivan I'm sorry
good joke right?
alright guys see you in the next video, I hope you guys liked this one
Ivan I bought you a house
shut up man
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