Today on fashion tips after 50
understanding the importance of color to
make you look and feel your best
well thanks for staying with us for
another segment with Scarlett, Scarlett
thanks for staying over, my pleasure
on this segment we want to talk
about really the importance of color and
dressing I know I well right now I never
have color people tell me why don't you
ever wear anything with color I don't
know why I'm resistant to it maybe I
don't know how to use color? you're not
alone a lot of women don't wear color
some sometimes there is like security
in just wearing the dark color or you
know simple you know white or black
period. The color can make all the
difference in the world first of all
when you put something on and you don't
know why you don't like how you look in
it ... there's something bothering you about it ...
a lot of times it's the color well let me
put it this way, somebody can ask you are
you feeling okay today and it could be
that you're actually fine but if you're
wearing a green that makes you look green
they're gonna want to know if you're okay interesting, okay!
It's really important and in women, look you
know colorful eyes like you it is
amazing how often they don't wear a
color to bring out the color of their
eyes, it's a lost opportunity so do wear
a color that's the color of your eye you
may be surprised when your eyes are just
sort of pop out, so when you pair when
you wear the wrong color you are
going to look sick you are going to look
older than you are
and you are going to look tired those
are three things that one never strives for
so old tired and sick
old tired and sick, and I always say
when I give presentations that if you wear
the wrong color for a few days in a row in
an office setting and you call in sick
every ones gonna go oh yeah she doesn't look too good
so you know it's really it's
amazing what color can do when you wear
the right color you are going to look
rested you are going to look healthier
and you're definitely going to look
somebody can ask you if you had any work done
so the thing about color is you want to
you want to look at your eyes
you want to look at your hair you want
to look at your skin tone and just
experiment a little bit you know I mean
I I mean I can go really in depth but
I'm going to give you like you know
the basics yeah do what makes your eyes
pop okay see what makes your eyes
brighter see what make the
white of your eyes yellower or whiter
you don't want to go for the yellower
so see even your teeth get affected by
the color you wear, they can look
whiter or they can look yellower again
yellower is not the way to go
so so the thing is experiment you know
and then don't don't get caught up like
you were saying how you always look you
know always kind of wearing the same
colors or a dark color because you're
really missing out on an opportunity
well I've gone to you know going and
going in my uniform my 2nd Act
uniform I'm looking at the old you know
different videos I've done it's all the
same I need to change Scarlett help!
Many, many years ago before I knew what I did
I did wear a lot of the wrong color and I
looked sad, oh I can't imagine you looking sad
I looked sad and I looked sad because I was
wearing awful color but I was raised that
you only wore brown and beige there's
no such thing as black ... brown or beige
brown or beige ... well they're really not
great colors for me though my earlier
days I don't look too good because I
didn't know any better you know so now I
know better. So would you say
there's no bad color is just bad colors
for you there's no colors to avoid it's
really the ... I mean I know that
there's people that that specialize in
doing color ....when I
when I work with somebody either personally or
virtually I always do color analysis
okay just okay because you know first
when you know what colors are right for
you or what's wrong for you, you're going
to make a lot fewer mistakes when you shop and
you better find out that
thing in your closet that you never
like to wear, you're going to understand why you
don't want to wear it and why it doesn't
look good on you and you're going to be
very happy to get rid of it as opposed
to holding on to it because if you're going to
look older or sick or tired why would you
ever want to wear that? Yeah, right right
I mean sometimes you can cheat
and add something else to it to make it
work and I talked about that in my video
series but for the most part if you look
sick it's not really the best thing for you to
wear, so there definitely are colors that
was women shouldn't wear and there is
color that she should wear so I mean I
had clients who have come to me and said
I don't know what colors to wear I just
don't know what to wear so their closets
are pretty much black and white ... that's me
yeah yes and beige, and pinky and
stuff yes you should try more blues ... hmm
you know and so I know if you have
colored eyers, you know match them up
that's the easiest thing to do right
away so you have no excuses now ...well
my eyes are green what if I wear olive and
look sick no I don't know I you know
no you can wear it you can definitely wear
some green absolutely yeah yeah I'm
just kidding ... I have I and olive on me makes
my skin look more olive and then I don't
look good ... you look gorgeous in what you're
wearing right there in the turquoise I
guess yeah it's just beautiful beautiful
say yes and so on in your program your
online program you do help with color
do you walk somebody through a
color analysis ... I hold colors up
colors up to my face and I talk about
colors and I show the palette of colors
that each person should be and I help I
help you decide what color palette you
should be in okay and that way you will
know what to look for and what to avoid
and it's a video that goes more in
depth in what I just said now but
basically there's I just four seasons of
color that the easiest way is to do it
winter summer spring and fall and I'm
a winter but I'll tell you that as we
I forgot how you describe it ... but as we
get better our the colors
that used to look good on us don't
always look the same on us... so I always use
Elizabeth Taylor is the perfect example
she was this you know bright-eyed
brunette and then as she aged she was
very silver hair so the colors
that she used to look good in were
terrible for her for her
silver look so she totally changed from
more bright colors to softer colors so
we need to keep that in mind as we
change we have to change our colors the
clothes that we wear sometimes the size
that we wear and the style that we wear
and once you realize that it's like
it's like earth chattering ... I want to offer
your people if they, when they buy my
program if they send me an email with
the subject 2nd Act TV I will then
give them a free 30-minute consultation
oh my gosh yeah whatever whatever they're
more comfortable doing, but I would
love to do that ... oh how fun no that would
be great yeah I mean that that's
well worth it right there just to be able
to get you for 30 seconds live, I mean 30
minutes live ... 30 seconds is nothing 30
minutes is a lot! terrific well I will make
sure that I'll capture that as well in
our notes ... we will link to all your
information on our website and also in
the video description and we hope to see
you back soon on another episode of 2nd Act TV!
Hope you enjoy our segments with Scarlett
today. If you missed any of our previous
episodes they are posted right over here
and please don't forget to subscribe to
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