hi guys jackowlgem here
steve minecraft
▼Grik - I Want Her Take Me Away - Duration: 2:39.▼Grik - I Want Her Take Me Away
'Ask Kaushik' - Question 6 || It's Me Kaushik - Duration: 2:44.
You've acted as hero in 21 serials.
2 serials as a villain.
5 serials as a character artist.
The sims 3 hates me... - Duration: 1:07:26.-------------------------------------------
Tarocchi Interattivi - Come mi vede é cosa sente per me la persona che mi interesa? ITA - Duration: 19:36.-------------------------------------------
'I Know He's With Me Every Day': Bridge Victim's Family Carries On In His Memory - Duration: 3:57.-------------------------------------------
Would you kill for me? // The Steindor Jonsson Wariety Shov - Duration: 3:52.I love you so much, Stacy
How much do you love me?
I love you more than anything in the world
Steve, would you do anything for me?
Yeah, I'd do anything for you, Stacy
Would you
Die for me?
Die for you?
Yeah, I'd die for you, sure
I'd jump off the town hall clock tower for you, Stacy
Would you kill for me?
Yeah, I'd kill for you, Stacy, sure
No, come on, would you kill for me?
Yeah, I'd kill for you
All right
Your target is Sergey Koliskov
Russian arms dealer
What, but I'm
Suspected on five counts of trafficking, money laundering
Fraud, conspiracy and heinous murder
But I'm just a coffee barista, what
Now, our intelligence have located his compound
Here on the Crimean border
Your mission
Is to infiltrate his inner circle
Gain his trust
And take him out
Stacy, what's going on here
Who are you?
Master Steve
Who are you?
For your mission, you will be equipped with the following items
A 9mm semi-automatic handgun
Piano wire to strangle your enemies
Cleverly disguised as dental floss
And this cyanide capsule
Which I will now install in your mouth
Now, make sure you don't accidentally chew on it
Because it looks like bubblegum
And it tastes like bubblegum
But it will kill you in an instant
[Three years later]
My very good comrade
Who three years ago appeared into my life
Out of nowhere
Sergey, my man
You have stood by my side
While I bribed government officials
Sold weapons to children soldiers
And murdered peasants in the local villages
Good times
Yes, good
Let us drink
To our future
In Crimean crime
Agent, the time is now
Execute mission delta
Take Koliskov out
Yes, this is an order
Vodka, vodka, vodka
Agent, the target is vulnerable, do it now
Fucking do it now!
I can't, I can't
I don't have the stomach to kill
Well agent
You are an unreliable asset
We must renounce you at once
Consider this your burn notice
What does it mean?
I'm breaking up with you
My new intro + Me TNT jumping - Duration: 9:02.-------------------------------------------
PLAN WITH ME | August 2017 Bullet Journal Setup - Duration: 6:06.-------------------------------------------
Lil Uzi Vert Type Beat 2017 | "Let Me Know" [prod by STICKUPBEATZ] 🔥🔥🔥💸💸💸 - Duration: 3:08.-------------------------------------------
Gotham/Nygmobblepot丨Dead to Me - Duration: 1:19.face the truth
and I want to leave you behind
I love you
you are the best friend I've ever had
I don't want to lose you
you are my best friend as well Oswald
remember that
I want to take what you believed
I cared about you
I wouldn't let you hurt him
Barbara: you rather die than give in the man to try to kill you Ed: I want you to die
I wouldn't
you can always count on me
thank you
goodbye Oswald
there was someone inside of me
someone stronger
and smarter
someone the people will fear
no one else saw that
except Penguin?
except Oswald
질문해주세요! + 수다영상☕️✨ (일본여행/Q&A) /ASK ME QUESTIONS! - Duration: 8:56.Hi everyone~
I hope you've all been well!
I've come back from my vacation
and have continuously been filming and editing
I thought I'd just chill out by turning on the camera
and make a video talking to you guys!
I don't have anything in particular planned to talk about
I just literally sat down thinking I'd be chatting away
so I might be going off tangent here and there
I hope you guys just relax, get ready, do your thing
drink some tea whilst watching this
think of this as we're having a chit chat!
I'm currently sitting by the window in my room
I'm trying to film in different areas
but it's not perfect
I'm trying to settle down to one spot
and my room's not very big
I decided to film here so I moved the flowers over here
I have a few things I want to talk about
Firstly about my Summer vacation
Currently it's actually Summer vacation period
Last week, I went to my Summer vacay with Wootso
but I need to go on my own vacation
I'll be going on vacation during August, September and October!
that'll be 3 times during the 3 months
but surprisingly, all those 3 times will be to Japan
How it came to be was
I originally planned to go to Fukuoka in September
there were really cheap sales on beginning of the year, so I grabbed those
Because I thought July/August would be peak season
I was planning to go on vacation beginning of September to Fukuoka
that leaves August and October
In August, I'm going on a family vacation to Sapporo
We were thinking as a family
and it's been a very long time since we went on an overseas holiday
It was pretty tough getting everyone's schedules lined up
so we decided to go somewhere close by
The reason why we chose Sapporo
apparently it's quite cool in Sapporo in Summer time
I'll know for sure when I get there
but compared to Korea and South East Asian countries
I was told it'd be much cooler
we chose to go to Hokkaido and Sapporo
we have decided to go at the end of August
So where am I going in October~?
I've decided to go to Nagasaki
My cousin is currently working in Nagasaki
She's living there
so myself, my mum and aunt are going there to visit my cousin
Somehow, all the places I booked ended up being Japan
I felt like I was going to Japan a bit too much
So I was contemplating how I'd film my vlogs
Would I film them as I normally do?
So I'm in the middle of planning how I would film them
I wonder whether I can fully film a vlog explaining
everything in detail whilst I'm with my family
Or I could have a specific topic and film around that
Or I'd just film as I would normally film my vlogs
not sure what kind of videos would be made
but hope you all look forward to them!
I'm pretty sure they'll be more entertaining than
the videos I film at home haha
I will most definitely! be successful! with my trips around Japan!
As if I'm about to go around the whole country!
The cost of my travels are adding up
so I'm currently tightening up my spending
Have you all had your Summer vacation?
Where did you go and what's a good place you went to?
Please leave them in the comments!
I always ask you to tell me through the comments hehe
The next thing I want to talk to you about is
I want to receive questions from you all!
Basically, I'm planning to film a Q&A video!
Initially, I was thinking whether I should do one or not
because through all my videos
you'd get to know me more as a person
and know quite a lot about me
But I don't think it's always the case
so even though you watch a lot of my videos
I'm sure there would be questions you'd want to ask
so I have planned to make a Q&A video!
so please leave your questions on this video
I'll read them all
I probably won't be able to answer every single question
well if there's like 3 or 4, I'd be able to haha
But I'll try my best to answer them
I hope to get funny questions
I'm not asking you to ask me funny questions
more like interesting questions
Questions that will allow you to really know me as a person
special kind of questions :)
I'd personally would love those kind of questions
It is definitely your freedom to ask me whatever
Questions like "how old are you", "what school did you go to"
if you're really really curious to know
I'll try to answer them
but instead of those kind of questions
questions that you've been wondering in the past
or questions you may have asked previously,
but I have missed them in my older videos
I hope to get a chance this time to answer those
As my name is "Sunghee"
I'll truthfully answer all the questions!
oh goodness
I'm currently filming in my room without the fan on
and there's no aircon in here, so it's really hot
Feels like a sauna in here!
It's so hot
As I mentioned in my last video
I'd like to thank again for reaching 10,000 subscribers!
Let's continue to radiate the positive energy
haha I feel like I'm meditating
radiate the positive energy
and continue to build a positive relationship!
that's so weird hahah
I suck at talking haha
there's suddenly been a lot of good news lately!
Wootso recently reached 110,000 subscribers
In such a short span of time, we're thankful to reach that many subscribers
Also, Goteng's vlog channel! Everyone thought it died
It reached 40,000 subscribers today!
Taehoon's vlog channel reached 1,000 subscribers! or was it 1,100?
so we've had a lot of celebrations recently
and thanks to everyone, the vibe in Wootso is definitely positive
Even when we film, Wootso is driven to produce good content
like a factory, we're chugging along to make videos!
Also, we're working hard with the Wootso's online shop
and we're working really hard with everything else
All seven of us!
Since it's August now
I'm planning to get in to exercising more
I'm trying to fit a lot more things in to my schedule
Let me know your August plans!
Tell me everything!! haha
I'm addicted to reading comments
I'm going to head out to eat lunch now
what should I eat...
It's so hot now that I have no appetite to eat
I usually always love to eat
I'm not someone who loses their appetite
but there's nothing I particularly want to eat today
Then again, once I start eating, I'm fine!
Maybe I'll eat some dumplings
Let us meet in the next video~
I started to ramble too much
Leave me lots of questions down below
and I'll see you in the next one! Bye~~
ME CREO EN EL SIMS 4 - Duration: 7:49.-------------------------------------------
This is What Fuels Me, What Fuels You? - Duration: 0:33.I believe that you should be motivated by beauty and rage. So if they're merely
trying to tear me down and they're wrong, I just get off on proving them wrong and
that is what I'll say is 20% of what fuels me 80% is the beauty of the things
that I want to build and create and bring to this world and 20% is f#%k you.
Okay that's just the truth right and I know not everybody is going to get into
that, but that's served me on a lot of cold winter nights let me tell you.
[Best Nightcore] Calls Me Home Nightcore - Duration: 3:11.Calls Me Home Nightcore
Decorate With Me: Getting Started & Drawing Floor Plans - Duration: 10:04.Hi friends! How are you? I hope that you're doing well and that you're
feeling a little bit better than the weather is outside today because it's
going from like sunny, to gloomy, to sunny, to gloomy so, hopefully, you're
just feeling plain old sunny! Today, I thought I would share a little bit of an
update on where I'm at with decorating this place, as well as some helpful tips
for getting started on a project like this. Now, I have to admit that I haven't
really made a lot of progress since I showed you around last time. But, if you
remember where I was a couple months ago you'll be happy to know that I have
upgraded to some prettier temporary shades. The sheet and the blanket are now
gone, which is great... right? Yes, this is a nice aesthetic upgrade and helps to hold
me over while I make some decisions, but it is not a permanent solution and I am
very much looking forward to something that is more of a permanent solution.
Between the client projects I've been working on, getting started on these
videos, other partner projects, and just balancing my life out again things have
been at a standstill... and I really haven't had the stamina or the bandwidth
to kind of push this forward. And, now that kind of puts me in a situation of being
the cobbler with no shoes, which is kind of sad and a little embarrassing... um... but
it's going to change so it's all fine. Plus, I am super picky when it comes to this
type of stuff, so I really haven't found things that inspired me and I wanted to
be part of this project. However, I have recently discovered a couple things that
I am super excited about, as well as some DIY projects that I have on my radar so
things are starting to turn around. My vision is coming together a little
bit more and I'm just getting more excited to finally push this forward and
start to get my home more settled, be more comfortable, and just be inspiring
again and the place that I like to call home. I'm sure many of you have found
yourself in decorating situations because you've just moved or you want to
makeover a part of your home and you're standing there going... "I don't know where
to start." "I don't know to do."
"I'm so overwhelmed."
"Where do I start?"
"What do I do?"
"Do I start over here?" You're not alone. Even the most well versed designer or
home DIY-er finds themselves overwhelmed when they're starting a new project. But,
that's why we simply take a step back and we break it down. To help get your
thoughts organized about what you're about to do you want to start by making
a list. I know it sounds super basic, but it's imperative to help you focus on
what you're about to do and get all your thoughts in order.
It also helps so that you don't continue to cycle back around to the same thing,
if you've ever noticed that... you keep thinking about one thing that you need
to do. Like, for example, that I need to take care of my windows. I know. I keep
staring at them every day... but I want to get that thought out of my head so I can
move on to something else... so write it down. You want to think of
this as your brain dump on decorating. Let your creativity run rampant and do
not discourage yourself because of budget... YET. You never know what you'll be
able to DIY or find on sale. Now, if you remember that you need a coffee maker, or
pots and pans, or something like that don't put that on this list. Keep this to
the project at hand, which is decorating, and remember... down to the smallest detail.
So that's cabinet knobs or touching up a spot on a wall somewhere that you need
to take care of... write all of that stuff down. Now, you can do this list as one
huge master list that you can later go through and categorize by room, or you
can actually do it where you just start breaking it out by room from the start. I
prefer to break my list out by room because that's how my mind thinks. So,
I'll go through and I'll have the living room, bedroom, entry, kitchen, bathroom, and I
have all of those spaces written out. When you break things out by room the one thing you
want to do is make sure you leave space at the end of that list so that you can
always continue to add to it... because you never know what other things are going
to pop in your head and you don't want to get your list all sloppy,
disorganized or have to unnecessarily rewrite it. So, just keep that
in mind. The next fun thing we're going to do is draw a floor plan... to scale. I
know! I bet the floor plan part sounds really fun but the "to scale" apart... hmm... that
sounds kind of hard and tedious, right? Well, it's not. I promise it's much easier
than you think and it's actually going to save you a lot of frustration and
money in the long run. Now there are programs out there online that will be
able to help you create a floor plan, however, I actually still prefer to do
the old-school method of graph paper. Now, to get started you're going to want to
measure your entire space, as well as any nooks and crannies or boxouts, kind of
like I have back there in the corner of my living room, and any furniture that
you have and you want to keep. Don't worry about drawing it to scale at this
point. You can just make it really rough. You can see here that mine is actually
quite sloppy and really not neat and tidy at this point... totally fine. Once you have
everything measured and sketched out now it's time to talk about drawing it to
scale. The reason you want to draw it to scale is because it's going to help
you to know what's going to fit and what's not going to fit. So, when you go
to shop for furniture, bring things into your space, you're not going to buy
things that are too small and you're not going to buy things that are too big...
you're going to buy things that are just right... so you can kind of think of yourself as
Goldilocks. Don't be intimidated by the numbers when it comes to drawing to
scale. I know that can be overwhelming, but it's really quite simple and I have
faith that you're going to be able to do this even if you're not a numbers person.
So I'm going to break it down for you right now so that we can try a little
bit together. So there's only a couple supplies that you need for this. You
basically need a pencil, a good eraser, a ruler, a calculator, and some graph paper...
and I'll put a link to all those items in the description below in case there's
anything you don't have and you want to do a quick order for. Now, I like to use
an 8 x 8 graph paper because I find that the squares aren't too big, they're
not too small and they're really just the right size to fit a good-sized space
on that piece of paper. So the first thing we're going to do is determine the
scale for our floor plan... and what that means is we're basically figuring out
how many inches each one of these little teeny, tiny squares is going
to represent... and to do that I'm going to take the longest measurement that I have,
which for this space is 243... and I'm going to divide that by 2....and that
equals 121.5. Now, there aren't 121 squares going across this piece of paper.
There's actually only 88, so that's not going to work for our scale. So next I'm
going to try again and I'm going to take 243 and this time I'm going to divide it
by 3 and that equals 81, which is great because that's actually going to fit. So
that means our scale is going to be 3 inches equals 1 teeny, tiny square on this
piece of paper. So now to lay out my floor plan I just take every measurement
that I have and I divide it by 3 and that's going to tell me exactly how many
squares each one of those measurements is equal to. So, let's do a little bit
together... so I know that the length of my space is 81 squares so I'm going to draw
81 squares... and then the width I'm going to take 156 and I'm dividing that by 3
and that equals 52... so I'm going to do the width as 52... and then I'm going to just
finish off the space... and once the space is squared off now I'm going to start to
draw on the windows, which I know the window is 27 inches from the corner... so
I'm going to do nine squares and start to draw the window... and then I know the
window is 36 inches, which is 12 squares... so I'm going to draw 12 squares to
finish that window... and I'm going to keep doing that all the way around until I
land up with my finished space. A little tip I have for you... once you have the
general outline drawn, go over it again in pen so that way, if you have to erase
any furniture as you're drawing it in, you don't have to worry about erasing
the walls or the windows. It's going to make your life so much easier so take
that extra step. But, now once this whole general outline is complete it's time to
start to have some fun with the furniture... and you can start to add that
in in a couple different ways. You can either
draw it in with pencil just keeping the scale in mind that you've already
determined, or you can actually cut out little pieces of furniture to scale that
you can easily just shift around. I, personally, prefer to draw in my
furniture, but if you have several different floor plans in your mind that
you want to test out it can be easier to actually cut out the furniture so you
can easily shift it around. But that's it! It's really not too hard, right? To draw
floor plans of scale... it's really pretty easy. Now, next time I'm going to get into a little
bit more of the details in terms of laying out furniture and some
measurements to take into consideration, so be sure to tune in for that... and I'll
definitely be sharing some things about what I'm going to do within my space as
well. So, I hope that you found this video helpful today
and that you enjoyed it. And, if you did, please, do me a favor and click that thumbs
up button, share it with someone you want to do a makeover with, and be sure to tap
the subscribe button so we can continue to talk about this fun makeover and some
different ideas. Thanks again for watching. I'll see you soon.
Don't Let Me Down_Harley Quinn & Joker_Remix - Duration: 3:27.-------------------------------------------
Spc. 5 James McCloughan: 'They called me Doc' - Duration: 5:01.- They called me Doc.
You know, that's, it's probably one of the best
titles I've ever had.
(somber piano music)
So we're standing at attention.
It's the day that they're announcing where everybody
is going and they got to Private James McCloughan,
southeast Asia, Vietnam.
I'm thinking, he must've been wrong.
He, he's gotta be wrong, I'm staying here.
I, I got initiated the very first day.
We hit our first ambush, had a man die,
had a few people to patch up.
And I shot a man.
That's a lot to digest in your first day of knowing
where you're at now and what you're gonna be facing.
14, 13 or 14 choppers, combat assault led us into
the area near the base of Nui Yon Hill.
Well it was a hot LZ, which means that the minute that
we got there we were fired upon.
I jumped up, I weaved and sprinted through the fire,
and slid in next to him like I was sliding into second base,
and I said well you hang on to your M-16,
'cause you're going up on my shoulders.
So I threw him up fireman's style,
and weaved as my way into the, through the crossfire.
And just as I get to them I hear this ungodly explosion,
well it was an RPG that exploded nearby me,
and just pelted me from head to foot.
I felt it, I mean I felt the sting of it.
But, with the adrenaline flowing and knowing that
here's two guys, let's get going here.
We gotta take care of 'em, what are you gonna do now?
About 10 meters away, there's two NVA looking at me,
just like I'm looking at you.
Only they got AK-47's in there, on hands,
and I had given my weapon up and Folger and Aiken,
they don't have any weapons either.
And I said gentlemen, follow me.
And I turned and I sprinted down that trench line,
and then I realized this is slowing me up,
so I, I got on the, out into the open,
because I could run faster.
And I'm weaving and literally could hear and see
the bullets skipping off the ground, they're firing at me.
When they did finally get in and I got everybody on,
Lieutenant Carrier says to me, get on doc.
Well now I'm real, I looked down and I've got blood
all over me, and then I, my thought goes back to being
on top of the burn and explosion,
and feeling the ping and I realized
yeah, I admit I said, no I'm not getting on.
He said, why not?
I said to him, you're gonna need me.
I said well I'll have to ask my boss.
I can remember what he said, he looked at me,
he said what the hell are you still doing here?
So I can't tell you the mixed emotions that I had taking my,
my personal stuff out of my pack,
and leaving my men.
I, excuse me.
I knew I was going to safety, but I was also leaving my men
and I was their medic.
They also shared with me that they had mixed emotions too.
They were glad that I was getting out of the field,
but they, they didn't wanna lose me as their medic.
So, I was helicoptered in and I became the liaison
for Americal Division for the remainder of my tour,
which was about five months.
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