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How to any DIVI section disable or Unpublished or hide Easily
PLAYER UNKNOWN'S BATTLEGROUNDS FAILS | Pirate Crew or Biker Gang? - Duration: 18:26.a great big hello to everyone watching this I'm alliebeemac aka a girl whose
camera is frozen um all right seems like it's working fine to me what
do you mean my camera's frozen hello is anyone out there is this thing working?
hello oh good okay you're back on anyways you guys are watching another
entry in my player unknown battlegrounds misadventures featuring the illustrious
steggs and Colonel failure you can find links to their channels in the
description below I am very cold here so I'm kind of
hoping some battlegrounds action is going to get my blood pumping so I don't
freeze to death with that in mind let's get right in the game alright
hey chirps I think we can safely say we've warmed up now and we're ready to
go with with some strategy all right what's the strategy
well the strategy is that we're going to stay on the plane Oh got a plane
oh wow ah we are heading east hysteria coming out they're all coming out now
kind of you're right no Colonel please like a bow and go good
one I'll go but after yet the one that hung around it from where you're coming
into oh we've got to go already how did he get it Thompson get one time
run the plane takes the punch and trying man down no wonder why you shooting me
and that was not fair buddy that's good he's gonna hang out no I'm not even
gonna choose knocks untouched in the shots man you go away you go away you
get it you get him Ali you get him
this is this is giving me a happy flashback to know when we first got
started I feel like we're getting closer every time though look at seven there
always has to be a first so you're welcome to every other team we
broke a yeah everyone else is loser I like that we yeah we've we break
the ice excellent so those little little tiny islands that
don't have any roads going to them are those reachable the routing since coming
Bay well technically they are reachable yes okay I don't want to over there but
if you do go there there's not anything on there and it turns out they're just
big rocks yeah and then what happens takes we drown route yeah I didn't know
you could drown in this game yeah really I cannot swim that's kind of putting a
damper on my plans of becoming a Pirate King huh you want to be a Pirate King
here uh well I want to see I like I always like to go for both because I
want someone to fight me out on the high seas like just just because well are you
saying we're gonna have to get a speedboat done right that's precisely
the most thing I found myself some fingerless gloves I'm in business
there are eyelash let us find a vehicle speedboat just saying there is one that
I saw when we were coming in well of it good knowledge is it in the water yeah
yeah yeah good stop let's get stopped I'm saying I felt like I don't know one
else goes out and sweep us in any of the games that I played so far and I just
really want to point someone and like to come a pirate and do piratey things
start is over the Northeast ish got it alright everyone I gotta forget
about compile it all right who's driving sighted I don't mind valley you've got
the pirate fixation yeah because this this could perform a trend
oh no no not even a little bit it's gonna be terrible but okay it's the what
else is up I would usually do it you think I should yeah I Drive it alright
then the kite Oh we'll just odd just don't beat chess you're done breach the
speed back thank you the body I'll try not to
she's going to beach the boat there's a buzz leeching coming up here yeah I mean
it's a good thing to experience they're everywhere off you go if you
follow the coast round to the north and then head towards blue let's go
all right do you think like a distant doughnut how do you Bella turn out for
us god I love doughnuts yeah let's do it
one off they're very slow this is a slow doughnut oh there we go uh yes I I feel
like I'm in both Miami Vice and Baywatch at the same time that's good that's it
that's better than codels j-turn no thanks is really giving us that Baywatch
vibe with just that you really need the oil oil yourself up for that and start
running in slow motion that is true that is true I can't do it though you know I
can't vote please well you ought to get out of the boat you want to get asked if
your son is worthy of self on things except for the very strange turn you
might want to be East just as we go I'll stop driving from the back tell you what
I'll just I'll just sit here and maintain a tactical alert well the thing
is that dollar I was originally planning on just crashing into the landmass there
but since you told me not to I guess I guess I'll have to go around like oh
thank you know did you want this crash though yeah because I usually do the
driving and and I'm not I'm not a good passenger you're not a good driver
either no no am i I mean my main goal is just to fight someone who else who's
also on a boat I don't really care about the driving as much as I just want to
shoot up another boat and I'm not finding a lot of opportunity also gas is
running out ish I mean I I could get another boat and we could like joust or
something I don't know I'm still awfully quiet okay remember how you said there's
a big rock what's the last real quick her to the north I got oh yeah that's
something definitely that might be silent that is spawn island and it's not
actually on the map oh no it is on the map we want to pick it out do we want to
check it out or do we want to keep going we don't have that much cash so you got
to make a decision we're almost out of gas yeah like almost
gonna be they're going to be stuck on the high sea let's save that for the
next adventure okay oh well jump out the plane onto it
but be like James Bond I mean we're not far from safety but running out of fuel
in the middle of the ocean would be problematic I mean it's a pretty calm
ocean as far as oceans go all right I'm gonna get ready to the whoa keep
thinking against tanks that was James Bond did it did it no it's walking good
thing that doesn't seem Acker all right cool we're like out of gas just in time
literally just in time oh that worked out so well my boat yes
okay well speed is bullshit there we go there we go and call my Oh
that was a good beach in as well right that was you nearly at the end oh right
okay where should we go next there are buildings there that may
contain things of merriment and joy I love things with merriment and joy why
do you think I set that as a waypoint mm-hmm you know me so well regrettably I
do destroy all cars possibly know that the three of us on individual
motorcycles I think could be splendid oh we could be a motorcycle gang that would
be so cool nice squat is we can make all the steak house
what's the crew shut that name you don't know we don't like that name put them on
the back burner stakes is angels Wow getting really a WoW I don't like how
like Hells Angels like uh uh what don't reference that Wow no no not really
thinking I'm thinking these are beautiful suggestions but let's just hug
workshop it I'll come up with a new one all right well what's the first one you
said sex pounds or something steak sounds yeah like like help like
hellhounds yeah and you know and then we gotta have a fixation go well no do that
look like a gangs are right all of them I've never been in a biker gang of you
I've been in at least a dozen you're just working off the stereotypes
things like I thought so yes yes I am as a motorcycle gang member I'm a little
bit offended but that's all you think man to any motorcycle gang members to
watch the YouTube videos I apologized profusely if I cannot profuse this it is
there's a UMP in here if you want something with a little bit more table
knife another pistol I found a gas mask so now I'm very much empty child yeah
I've been watching a lot of TV recently you drop some Doctor Who in there yeah
I've been watching it like it's the product this is the store well let me
walk through it are you gonna try now there we go yeah yeah no it was open I
swear don't gotta life with it I'm going to send you guys a clip because it
looked like it was open just have a low say if there's anything useful in here
got it and I use tags which mean only me well we're looking see if there's
anything useful only it was a compliment an actual compliment
no it wasn't I say the latter blade in a jokey turn voice which means that it
probably wasn't a compliment but it sounded like one anyway
normally when we do this you would then go oh yeh Colonel honest terrific we are
best friends for all that jazz um but I we already are best friend
I know we're best friends I'm Coco enough yeah you guys have the mat and
goggles to prove it exactly it is the team awesome goggles
there it is the goggles of friendship friendship goggles wear then stay on let
me get it out to put a 2-player vehicle only I'll just follow along badly no no
no no no no it's cool it's it's alright I'm not on go you go find a better
vehicle I'll be back you you guys hole up somewhere
hey we got this man we're gonna be fine sure we don't even worry about it
I I believe I fake a lot of faith there's a lot of faith right now mm-hmm
I feel it sort of is that what it feels like I say is not misplaced
okay is it all I am coming oh oh you come back here
it doesn't stop immediately there's no handbrake on this thing uh I'm gonna be
in the cuddle feet okay there we go good I like that they balance through
those here we go right let's go do a car chase well first we should find an enemy
vehicle I agree oh I can't shoot anything can I no but you can yell
encouragement I can I'm good at this as well in real life real good if you had a
special move it would be yell encouragement yeah what you're like a
bond that's what I was just thinking I was like he's the part of the I mean I
don't I'm not offering any talents in particular but I'm just saying you would
be the part as of right now I'm a bot Eurobond Oh trouble ahead trouble ahead
that's right Carol on the train would you say this where's the Train we'll get
the woman XY posture all right no not a flyby that's it that's it try and run
him down again can you motorbike you can I don't really
have less come under where is he I don't know I don't know I'm kidding
like how alleys I was offering random fire to keep on his toes that's good no
I like that I don't getting any idea with those no your hair done again all
right do you guys I'll go see you this person anywhere I'd like to see him by
just calm if I see them all I'll aim straight at it I have form when it comes
to mowing down the innocent look at this chap is no innocence that I do however
believe you may have left the area all right oh I think you got the kind of hot
pursuit we had in mind no oh what's this sparkly curtain oh man
oh we need to go back dude yeah I know that to press the bite now oh man good
boy person bad
person maybe hair labor I'm working it Oh Johnny go hold on six sacks I took
him down oh no I shouldn't have taken him down
sparks occur subjects when they can oh well thank you ladies runs Thank You
Frankie remember I have dude where are they negate it on the bike I'm getting
on the bike right over on not me okay late my friends look I had to make sure
that he was dead oh well you didn't I did Jimmy was gonna get my life
kappa dem externa help me there are these naught is not an essential
maneuver that was Andhra I got we killed Philippe dead now down to three
I didn't hear I was a hero very impressive right do we want to go
back and get those Falls with you're shooting at us malign I'm hurt I'd like
to just heal up all right hold on our parking miscarriage okay that was some
good fucking dude go away okay healing everyone be careful it's a it's a car
getting destroyed as we sit here that is a possibility
no definitely not I mean sitting out of the car is how I get sniped but it's so
much fun oh I know young you look like a badass as well right I feel like this is
as close to action movie as I'm ever gonna go gosh oh my gosh
wait oh no no just talk to you I've got to go in I've got a gas can
yes you did on a Orion vehicle deploy something I do it jump in get your
mental resin no tab and then press right click we know the last round I don't
have it in this round
this is fucking sex oh my god okay running we need to go there we go I got
we've all gone in different directions we're still going towards the same white
point this is the first round I haven't had a gas can and I'm so sad I thought I
fix one up on lots of shots happening south
most yeah there really are a lot in fact I can even see the people are doing it
really yeah do one had the right vendor in those
buildings and they're taking on someone who's outside at the moment I'll be
honest it's going to make a great video we can just watch them permitted in
other news they also have a working UAV shall we go and try and jacket
Yeah Yeah right okay let's do this and I have one concussion grenade flash me I
maintain evasive posture I just entered the building on the far right the tank
train without any window Aarthi okay of course a an out are there's assumed an
entirely hostile environment has anyone got just a random grenades
I've got random great I hear it yeah go down on what the far right oh yeah a bad
person I didn't shoot you artillery that was coverage oh shit
oh you got me Oh comes like it no nobody does it Oh providing covering
glass I'm sorry I got I died I get okay Abbasid you're not dead yet you're
almost then uh uh uh on the other side karo yo-yo you're on your own buddy it's
bouncing bliss you've got that oh oh I'm not everything
oh you don't got this oh yeah um oh yeah I think I'm where are you an apology
yeah yeah that was friendly fire grenade alley yep Moana and going to me fire on
a on a hostile gentleman and and our teammate dad ran in front of me okay
alright uh-huh I was on burst fire packs I
really didn't realize I was running straight in front of you I was trying to
run to the right and clearly just don't have any coordination with my hands
which is worrying I just I just I can't get the stuff I just I just can't get
the staff these days who's doing stuff elaborate on who the
staff is here but like a like a like a magical stuff alright I can walk my way
out of anything Donna
the Astor is not going to give you a sock today that was WOW that was great
okay so so and that feels like a good place to pause our gameplay comment
below share your thoughts with me also don't forget to submit ideas for aka
intros and I might use yours in a future video thank you to Troy the toy
submitted the ID I use for this one if you enjoyed this content and/or
appreciate the fact that I'm wearing a winter coat in the middle of the summer
for your entertainment make sure to hit that like button if you want to see more
content like this hit that subscribe button thank you guys so much for
watching this video I'm going to have the next video up very very soon so I
will see you then
Overstuffed House - Love It or List It - HGTV - Duration: 2:47.-------------------------------------------
Exposure to fine dusts during pregnancy increases premature labor or underweight infants: Study - Duration: 0:42.A new study suggests that exposure to high levels of fine dust raises the risk of pregnant
women giving birth to premature or underweight babies.
Researchers at the New York University School of Medicine found that mice exposed to highly-polluted
air in the first trimester had an 83-percent higher chance of going into labor prematurely
compared to those living in clean air.
The findings also showed lower birth weights in babies born to the mice that were exposed.
Researchers say fine dust is more harmful in the early stages of pregnancy,... advising
pregnant women that they should avoid heavily polluted air... and/or use air-purifying products.
Potty train a puppy or dog in 48 hours - Duration: this video I'm gonna give you three tips that are going to help you to potty
train your puppy or your dog within 48 hours
hello dog lovers my name is Saro I'm a dog trainer and I coach dog owners if
this is your first time here and you want to become an educated dog lover
make sure to subscribe to my channel and also make sure to click the bell icon button
so you won't miss anything by the way what is the most annoying thing about
your dog leave that in the comments area so I can address that issue in my future
video it is actually very easy to potty train a puppy or a dog all you have to
do is follow these three steps and it will be done within 48 hours
tip number one take your puppy or dog every two hours out and let them do
their business outside more on that in a second but it's good idea to take your
dog or puppy every two hours you want to avoid them having any accident inside
the house tip number two take your dog or puppy after every eating sleeping and
playing session this will give a good routine to your dog to start managing
their bowel movement tip number three leash your dog and take your dog outside
of the building or outside of the house or outside of wherever you are living
or wherever they're living and let them do their business outside unfortunately that's
one of the biggest challenges of dog owners to actually take their dogs out
the reality is that your dog needs to go out they don't want to do their business
where they live they want to do it outside so you have to put a leash on put the
coat on and go out and let your dogs do it's business outside so if you do all
these three steps and stick to it within 48 hours your dog is going to be
potty trained I have a bonus tip as well the diet of your dog has
to do a lot with their potty routine as well so what I mean by that is dogs who
are on kibble or dry food tend to drink a lot of water and that causes
them to have full bladder most of the time so that causes them to have
accidents all the time but dogs who are on raw diet or wet food or home cooked
diet they tend to drink less water therefore they have less accidents and
also it's easier to train them when it comes to potty training them I have
prepared a handout of everything that I talked about today and the link would be
available on the description area click on it and go ahead and get it it's free
and you will have a visual to also follow through this concept of potty
training your dog you want to learn about dogs dog psychology dog training
and anything to do with dogs and become an educated dog lover don't forget to
subscribe to my channel and until next time have fun with your dog
Sundered First Impressions - Resist Or Embrace? - Duration: 8:43.Hello and welcome to my first impressions of Sundered, a side scrolling 2d rogue like
metrodvania game with one of the most amazing art styles I have ever seen.
Developed by Thunder Lotus Games, the people who brought you Jotun.
Available on PC, Mac, Linux and PS4.
As I'm sure you're all aware, there have been plenty of visually impressive titles
this year in terms of breath-taking art styles.
And just when you think 2017 has played all of its cards, Sundered comes out of nowhere
to steal the show.
Being a metrodvania style game, you'll find yourself doing a fair bit of exploration and
back tracking throughout the beautiful and crazy world that Sundered takes place in.
After spending 2 and a half to 3 hours with the game I'm ready to give my first impressions
of it, so lets get started.
The story of Sundered starts with mystery, your character is walking through the desert
without explanation, when they happen upon a ruin.
On your approach, a crazy ass monster appears and without hesitation kills you.
Suddenly you find yourself roaming through another world or dimension and you're treated
to a short introduction to the controls and core mechanics of the game.
Towards the end of the tutorial you meet the only character that I had any interaction
with during the first 3 hours of playing.
This character seems to be some kind of spirit or god that appears to exist within a dark
black and red gem, so its basically one of the lords of hell from diablo 3.
I won't go into it much more but in short this thing gives you your ability to attack
using some kind of demon energy sword.
More importantly, this location called The Sanctuary, serves as your base of operations.
Being a rogue like, Sundered has to have its own form of character progression that persists
with you through death, and the way it chooses to do so is using one of my favourite things
in video games, Talent trees.
During your exploration, you will encounter breakable containers and monsters that have
a chance on death to drop shards, these small yellow collectables serve as your currency
and persist with you through death.
Which is going to happen a fair bit so get used to it scrubs.
Once you respawn at the sanctuary you are able to spend your shards to unlock bonuses
from your talent tree, which immediately reminded me of the tree from Path of Exile but just
on a smaller scale.
Now so far I can't say that I have encountered talents that drastically change the gameplay
or give new abilities.
A majority of the talents I encountered were increases to shield, health and energy regeneration
speeds or total capacity.
Another aspect of progressions comes In the form of perks that seem to drop randomly from
containers and monsters.
Having only collected 2 I once again cannot comment on if they will provide you with drastic
changes to your abilities, but the ones I encountered did seem to change your playstyle
a little more drastically than talents did.
For example I found one that increased shield regeneration by 80% but lowered the overall
I'm pretty certain you unlock another weapon that functions as a heavy attack but once
again, I haven't managed it within my 3 hours of playing.
Because of this I did some light researching to ensure i'm providing relevant information
but light enough so as to not spoil the game for myself, and have seen reports that as
you progress through the game and encounter Elder Shards, you can choose between embracing
their power or destroying them, which in turn opens more of the talent tree and offers more
powerful effects and modifications to your attacks.
Depending on your choice this can also change the ending of your game.
What I have managed, is to get myself thoroughly lost and attacked by a varying amount of enemies.
The combat in Sundered is somewhat wave based and this can lead to some pretty intense segments
that tend to arrive when you've finally found yourself heading in the right direction,
further adding to the intensity because if you're anything like me, you might forget
your way back even though theres a map to help you and you're gonna be terrified of
dying again.
Attacks have a few variations that are dependent on the direction you are moving, I say a few,
I mean four.
But each direction also has a little combo to go with it, nothing as intense as street
fighter, this is more of a press attack again, then again and again to get your 3 strike
combo off.
The option to block has been replaced with a regenerating shield that protects your health
bar until depleted, once empty yours health is vulnerable and upon losing it all your
current run is at and end and you return to the sanctuary.
This brings a greater emphasis on your dodge roll ability, as the name suggests, you roll
out of harms way which costs you stamina, at the start you have enough stamina to perform
3 dodge rolls before you are out of stamina which will regenerate over time.
If like me you aren't the most mindful of dodging or paying attention to your shield
and you end up losing health, Sundered has your back with health flasks, which are very
limited in their use and once gone, will not regenerate over time during your run.
You'll have to pray to the gods that you find a health elixir in one of the breakable
On to the movement and controls themselves.
This is where people will be the most divided as though the combat and dodge controls are
responsive and tight, the movement takes the opposite approach.
Loose and floaty are definitely words you'll l hear attached to Sundered, and the easiest
way for me to give you an accurate reference would be this, if you've played the game
called n, n+ or n++, its just like that.
The wall jumping, momentum and floaty air time are all super reminiscent of the way
n+ feels.
For me, It took a little getting used to but fits right in with the level design and adds
a nice touch to combat when fighting on the varying platforms in the world.
Time to talk monsters.
Sundered is going to throw plenty of monsters at you, that alone probably won't feel like
much of a threat.
Each one has their preferred attack pattern and abilities that you will quickly get to
grips with.
The real fight starts when they all come at you dynamically and you end up juggling several
attack patterns that are all designed to challenge and eventually overwhelm you.
The enemies have another aspect that may make or break the game for you, and that's their
unrelenting desire to end you.
Some of these guys shoot lasers, and these lasers can target you from off screen, through
walls and more often than not won't stop until you've dealt with the bastard firing
This can be a little off putting and totally come across and unfair at times.
At first I thought wtf is this madness?
But slowly grew to enjoy the threat of the unfair advantage the baddies had over me.
Which in some ways is what Sundered is really all about.
The game focuses on the intensity of combat.
It wants to push you to the limit and make you lose your shit when you're overrun with
all kinds of attacks, explosions and lasers coming your way.
And once you experience surviving and defeating a horde attack with just the skin of your
teeth and one pixel of health to your name, you'll realise you're hooked.
You want more, and the fights can't come often enough.
Maybe the exception is when you're lost and desperately running in circles trying
to find the way forwards but I feel like that's probably down to me not being a great player
of Castlevania style games.
All of that is based on my experience with the standard enemy to enemy combat you encounter
whilst traversing the world, I'm yet to actually have a big boss fight.
I can't say the boss fights are good, amazing or intense as a fact having not reached one
myself, but I've killed a mini boss and can say based on my experience with the comat
so far, I think its safe to say bossfights might be some of the more intense and spectacular
sections of sundered.
Lastly but by no means least.
Just look at this game.
It's like samurai jack was a girl and was given a game worthy of its amazing visual
Sundered is beautiful and there's no denying it.
A few times I've been caught off guard by enemies attacks because I'm too busy looking
at how fucking cool they are.
The spinney meteor monster seems to do this the most to me so watch out for it.
I could spend another 20 minutes talking about how pretty the game is, but one, I haven't
the words to do it justice, and Two, if you cant see it from the gameplay I'm showing
you then either you blind or this isn't gonna tickle your fancy.
If you're looking for an awesome metroidvania style game with rogue like elements that focus
on talent tree style progression wearing one of the most beautiful art styles ive ever
seen then buy Sundered now for the love of god its so much fun.
If you're looking for a story heavy game, I can't say I encountered too much of it
in my first 3 hours, so that's something I can't guarantee or comment accurately
But with the possibility for you decisions to change the ending you receive, it's likely
that the story ramps up as you play through the game.
And sure, so far the talent tree and perks progression don't change the game in massive
ways, but that might not be a problem as my light researching revealed that some pretty
cool looking powers and visual changes come your way eventually, also as the core of the
game is so satisfying and polished, it doesn't really need heavy game changing mechanics
to be tied into talents and the like to keep you hooked.
So if you're a fan of metroidvania style games, you're not sick of rogue likes just
yet and you think this game looks beautiful, Sundered is definitely for you.
Sundered is available for pc, mac, linux and ps4.
Take care, and I'll see you next time.
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5 Stocks to BUY in AUGUST 2017 📈 | Top 5 Stocks to WATCH🔎 INVEST📊or TRADE📈 - Duration: 11:49.-------------------------------------------
CROCHET BRAIDS VS. SEW-IN FOR SWIMMING, VACATIONING, OR CRUISING| LIA LAVON - Duration: 8:50.Hey YouTube! It's ya girl Lia back again with another video. Today's video if you
cannot tell from the title is a video about why I'm so passionate about
crochet hair over sew-ins. Now this is going to be a quick impromptu video cause I
get a lot of questions about people wondering why I prefer crochet hair
over sew-ins for beachwear, cruise wear, vacation wear and all that. So this video is going
to be very quickly telling you why me in my experiences with swimming with sew ins
versus me swimming with crochet hair. How I see the benefits of the crochet hair
over the sew-ins. Now first let me address the little elephant in the room. I was in
a car accident recently so I'm okay everything is okay with me body function
wise but I do have some bruising and I do have some scars on my body. So if you
guys see that. I didn't want to not. You guys are part of my family and my
YouTube family is very important to me. And so I still wanted to film because it
keeps my mind off of it. It was kind of traumatic for me and I did kind of get a
little bit of anxiety surrounding it but I still wanted to come on here and
film for you guys to distract me. You guys know I use YouTube as my outlet and
talking to you guys and talking through things with you guys really helps me
out. So yes just ignore this right now I don't also want to conceal or put makeup
over this because it is very fresh. So I do want these things to heal and I'm
just going to wear these like a badge of you know I'm still here type of a thing.
But yes so just addressing this really quickly before I get questions about
girl what happened. So now why I prefer crochet hair over sew-ins. If you guys have
been following me from the beginning I would have never known about crochet
hair. Never even thought to take a look at it if it were not for a beach trip I
took the last year. Before I had my channel. This was like June 2016. Early
June 2016 or mid June 2016 I went to the beach with my friends. We all went. My 4
good college friends. I was a sew-in Queen at this time. Like I would use my
Peruvian body wave hair and go everywhere with my Peruvian body wave.
That was it. I would have sew-in for upwards of you know seven eight months
out of the year and thought nothing of it. Because it was like you know its a sew-in.
It looks beautiful. I love my hair. I liked my straight
long hair because I am protecting my real hair being braided up. I just thought
this was the what it was. This is everything. I would do partial sew-in too. I
didn't. I've never been a fan of like full closure types sew-ins or anything
like that. I really liked the partial. So some of my hair being left out in the parting
space area and in the back so I can pull it up and stuff like that. So I've been
very much so a fan of that. And so we went to the beach. Imma put insert a
picture of me right now before I was you know I was stunting on my beach with my
long hair all of this. I was loving it. I was like yes honey. And then we were all
in the pool and I was like yeah I can get in the pool. I'm going to look fabulous. I'm going to look
amazing, I got in that pool and it was over for
my hair. I don't know why what made me think I was going to last the rest of
trip stepping in a pool. Because yea I went up to the room and I used the hair blow
dryer that they have in the room and I washed my hair and I thought I was gonna
be stunting. I'm gonna insert a picture of me standing beside my best friend who
had crochet hair in at the time. I had a sew-in in.
She had crochet hair in. She had the crochet FreeTress bohemian braid hair in. She
went swimming too. Probably more active than I was in the pool cause she's a
better swimmer than I am. So she was swimming. I was swimming. All of that. One
of our hair still look on point. And one of our hairs look tragic.
Can you guess whose hair is tragic. I didn't even want to take the picture. I
was done with photography after that. But they were like let's get a group shot
in. I was like okay . But my hair has been ruined for the remainder of the
trip. There was no coming back from it. And if I had I would've needed like 5
hours to come and get a whole look together.We went back to the room and we
were like okay we're going to get ready we're gonna get dressed and then we're
going to go to Broadway at the beach. We were at Myrtle Beach, And I was like okay
but I'm gonna need like 4 hours to get. They were like no you only got like 30. We only got
30 minutes times span. We got to get things together. So I only had a few
minutes to go from stepping out with the sew-in in and my hair soaking wet to washing
it. Blow drying it. Trying to Flatiron it as fast as I could. And that's one of the
things that really made me say okay well Sasha was in the bathroom for five
minutes. She went like. She rinsed her hair off. Fluffed it up. And was out the
door. So why why do I need a five hour routine when I'm at the beach. It's about
having fun when you're on a vacation. You don't want to worry about your hair.
That's the last thing you want to worry about. You want to have at
least the least amount of time worrying about your hair than anything. And I was
more concerned with my hair. I didn't take any more pictures. So having a sew-in
really ruined my beach trip. And having crochet hair in for my best friend was easy
peasy for her. Was no sweat off her back. She could role on and do what she needs
to do. And that's why I feel like crochet hair is much better option for swimming
than sew-ins are. You can easily easily make the transition from pool to
whatever you have to do next in a matter of 30 minutes. Where as is the sew-in. I
don't know if you guys use a curly-er sew-in . If you use a lace closure sew-in.
Then maybe maybe. I can only speak to somebody who has a partial and loves
partial sew- ins. But for me. Sew-in was just was not hitting it for me. And
especially when I went on my cruise. How my crochet hair came in handy for my
cruise and that's what happened. I went to the beach maybe a month before I
went on my cruise. And I saw my friend and I was like okay so what hair do you
have in. Okay so you have crochet hair in. Okay so that's what I need for my cruise.
And so I got my hair for my cruise and the thing about it why I really
recommend crochet hair for cruises. Is because when you're on a cruise and you
do your excursions or you have your days your port day. So whenever you go. For us
we went to Nassau Bahamas and Freeport Bahamas. We when we get off that ship we're
off the ship for maybe eight you know six to eight hours. And we're in of
course beachy town. So I'm going to of course want to swim. I want to be near
water. But say you step off that boat you get in water at 8 a.m.. You're not going
to see your room again until maybe you know 6 p.m. 7 p.m. at night. So you're
going to. You have a long window of time for your hair to be a hot mess if
you don't get crochet hair. That's what I. The way I look at it. So when I went to
Nassau we went to Atlantis. I was in the pool. You guys saw my photo of that I'll
insert it again. I was in the pool I was doing all this activewear stuff. Which I
feel like if I had some kind of like straight sew-in style wouldn't have
looked as good. Now I was able to get out the pool and still live my life in
Atlantis. Ride the slide to do everything that they have there at Atlantis and
then get back on the ship and be like okay so we're ready for dinner. Instead
of having to get back on the ship and doing all this maintenance to a hair. Of
course when I got back to the ship of course I rinsed the hair off and all
that. When you're on vacation you're on vacation.
It's about relaxation. It's about taking time for yourself and all that. The last
thing you need to worry about is your hair. Crochet hair for me like I say
and like I suggest to all of you guys. It is worth it a hundred percent for
trips. It's like I. You guys can tell I've had an experience with water
with a sew-in with straight hair. Doing my straight hair thing. And I've
had experience with my crochet hair and doing my crochet hair thing. Enjoyed the
crochet hair trip a lot more because I had a lot less worries about my hair. I
could do everything I wanted and didn't impede on me taking pictures after the
fact. I still went through the rest of the trip. My pictures still turned out
phenomenally. My was the same as it was when I stepped in the water as I
when I got out the water. Clearly that it was not the case with the sew-in. Hair
was on a different level. Never took a picture again
other than the group shot that everybody wanted. Because why wouldn't everybody
else want it. Their hairs were still on point. It was only my hair that looked a hot
tragic mess. So yeah I think that was the turning point for me.
And what really pretty much launched my channel pretty much. I think you know
having a phenomenal crochet hair that lasted and did some amazing things
really put me on point like okay this crochet hair thing is A1. This crochet
hair thing is legit. Let me let me see what this crochet hair game is about. So
yeah that was my mini storytime. My mini rant. My mini like answering you guys's
questions. Why I'm so crazily passionate about crochet hair.l It's because I had a
crappy sew-in hair experience at a beach. And I said never again and that's pretty
much it. If you guys have any questions. If you guys still love sew-ins tell me
what sew-in you guys wear to the beach. Hair you guys use if you use sew ins
and go to the beach and how your hair looks. Cause I'm coming from a place where
I love my straight Peruvian body wave was my sew-in hair of choice. That was it.
I love Peruvian body wave. Couldn't get me to try any other hair. I wasn't so
much into those Malaysian kind of really curly styles. I wasn't into those type
looks. I was really into my straight hair and clearly that was an epic fail for
beachwear. But yeah like I said make sure you comment. Make sure you like. Make sure
you follow me on instagram at lialavon9. Make sure you follow me on snapchat at
misstalia89. And i will see you in my next video. Thank you so much for
Gay Of Thrones S7 E3 Recap: The Kween's Juicefast (with Carla Jimenez) - Duration: 4:15.- Did you see "Game of Thrones" this week?
Does Jon Snow make my kitten purr?
Spoiler alert,
Honey, I'm about to break out that Restylane, because
the filler episodes are back.
Oh my god, at the beginning, Jon Snow
is giving me full on beach boy realness,
catching all the waves en route to Key Westeros.
- And then, he sees his old college pal
Munch Munch, who is still calling
him his nickname from college.
- The bastard of Winterfell.
- The dwarf of Casterly Rock.
- Christina tries to appeal to Jon Snow
by reciting her favorite Tori Amos lyrics.
- I've been chained and betrayed,
raped and defiled.
- Back in King's Landing,
Jared Let Himself Go had some real talk with brother D.
- Does she like it gentle or rough?
A finger in the bum?
- So most people would think it'd be really
awkward to ask someone how to fuck your sister,
but he breezes right on through it.
- You know what, I'm really into that part
right up until the butthole shaming.
Every booty hole is deserving of love.
And honey, the irony of vintage Mia Farrow killing
her Kartrashian ass with a poison lip kit,
not lost on me for a minute. - No.
♫ Miss her, kiss her, love her.
♫ Wrong move you're dead.
♫ That girl is poison.
- And nothing gets a vintage Mia Farrow hotter
than unhealthfully processing her grief.
She opens those big fat murder lips
and smothers the d of brother D.
- It's Fuck Watch 2017--
Incest is Best Edition.
Christina Aguilera, she's like, I got some dragon glass.
But I'mma also give you some dragon ass.
- You better get to work, Jon Snow.
- And meanwhile, Sansa Fierce
gives her best Anna Wintour devil wears
wolf quality control story.
- Are they covering those breastplates in leather?
- No, my lady.
Well, shouldn't they be?
- Oh.
And by the way, the broach count was out of control this week.
Broach, broach, broach, broach, broach.
- And then out of nowhere, Baby Miss Cleo
is back from college.
And honey, he was tripping balls on that ayahuasca.
He learned the most.
- I'm the Three-Eyed Raven.
It means I can see everything.
It's all pieces now.
When the long night comes again, I need to be ready.
- I don't know what that means.
Oh, and then baby Barack Obama
leads an army of Shredder cosplayers in operation
"Shawshank Deception."
[MORGAN FREEMAN] Went through 500 yards of shit-smelling foulness
I can't even imagine.
- Only to find out that the rest of his troops
have full on been Dunkirked by Jared Let Himself Go.
And then ultimately at the end, we've
got Highgarden Maggie Smith.
She's doing the most in her grandma den,
listening to her end of life care options under Trump Care.
- Whipping you through the streets
and beheading you in front of the Red Keep, flaying you alive
and hanging you from the walls of Kings Landing.
- But before she dies,
she's reclaiming her time.
Your sister, she's a disease.
I'd hate to die like your son, clawing at my neck.
He really was a cunt, wasn't he?
Tell Cersei.
I want her to know it was me.
♫ That girl is poison.
Woo, girl, you better fuck me with this blow dry.
Giving me Melisandre realness.
I'm going to fuck someone with this hair.
Where are--
- -uh, my dragons?
3 Home remedies to lighten the skin in armpits, neck, elbows or knees with easy ingredients - Duration: 4:21.The hyperpigmentation of the dark skin or males is due to the increase in the amount of melanin
that the body produces.
This originates from internal causes as well as external factors.
If the cause is external can easily be solved with home remedies if this is
internal should be carefully analyzed with a specialist what kind of diet we are
carrying and what is the most advisable for these spots to disappear from our
Today in todo en salud we will show you 3 remedies to combat this.
Remedy # 1 The ingredients we will need will be:
- Natural yogurt - Turmeric Powder
The procedure is very simple just add two tablespoons of yogurt in a bowl,
followed by 1 tablespoon of turmeric, now mix until
homogenous consistency.
This mixture should be applied in the area to be treated and leave to act for 30 minutes then wash with
soap and water.
For it to take effect, it must be used for at least 15 days in a row.
Turmeric contains curcumin a substance that can help fight skin cancer,
cures eczema wounds, treats acne and helps to lighten the skin, while
yogurt contains acids that upon contact with the skin help to blur the Spots
that are in this.
Remedy # 2 The necessary ingredients will be:
1 lemon Sugar
This remedy is very simpe to do first you must break a lemon in half.
Now we pass a half of the lemon for the sugar and rub with this the part with males
in circular movements during 5 minutes, then we leave another 5 minutes to remove
later with lukewarm water.
The effectiveness of this remedy is because the lemon contains citric acid which
works as an exfoliant also has vitamin C which will help us to lighten the skin,
otherwise the sugar will help remove dead skin cells
so that So the properties of the lemon can reach more depth
This treatment should be done every other day, until you notice the results
you want, usually the improvement will begin to notice after the first month of constant use of
this remedy.
Remedy # 3 The necessary ingredients will be:
- Olive oil - Sugar
To prepare this recipe we must add olive oil to a little sugar until
a homogenous substance is obtained, which is neither so liquid nor so dry.
Then with circular movements apply this in the area to be treated, give massages for 5 minutes
and leave to act another 5 minutes, remove with warm water.
This remedy is recommended because the sugar eliminates the dead skin
cells allowing the oil properties to go deeper, the oil by
the amount of antioxidants and regenerative properties it contains will protect the skin and also
moisturize it, thus allowing That the dark pigmentation of the skin fades
little by little.
This remedy should be done every other day, the results will begin to be noticed after
a month of constant use of this recipe.
We hope this video has been useful, remember that your opinion is very important
so score, comment and share and if you have not subscribed, subscribe to the
daily upload new videos.
Bollywood Marriages - 11 Bollywood Stars Who Married 3 Or More Times | Secret Marriage | Full List | - Duration: 5:28.Please Check Video Description For Details/Updates
How a More Defined Ear Fold (Antihelical Fold) can be Done in Primary or Revision Ear Surgery - Duration: 6:11.Thank you for your question.
You submitted your question with a single photo of your ear and you describe in your
question that you had an otoplasty performed years prior but it appeared to you that the
surgeon took care of part of the prominent element of the ear but never addressed the
antihelical fold and you're asking is that possible to do in revision otoplasty.
Well, I can certainly share with you my approach to otoplasty and how I would suggest a solution
for someone like you who would come to our practice.
A little bit of background, I'm a Board-certified cosmetic surgeon and Fellowship-trained oculofacial
plastic and reconstructive surgeon.
I have been in practice in Manhattan and Long Island for over 20 years.
Otoplasty is a significant part of the many things that we do in our practice.
Again, in the absence of a physical examination, I can tell you what the systematic approach
to looking at an ear is and then what kind of solutions there are particularly for what
you are describing.
So to begin with, when you look at the ear, you look at the ear at basically thirds: an
upper, middle and lower third.
And basically, you're looking at the antihelical fold, you're looking at the prominence and
the structure called the conchal bowl and then you're looking at the earlobe.
Now in your situation, if the ear has been brought back to a distance that is aesthetically
desirable, in other worlds the conchal bowl was either set back or resected, the distance
is adequate and appropriate, well then focusing on the antihelical fold is appropriate.
Now what does that mean?
Well, when I do this antihelical fold procedure, the technique I employ is referred to as a
Mustarde procedure which essentially is the use of non-dissolving sutures through an incision
made behind the ear to engage the cartilage as well as before doing that, creating a weakening
of the cartilage in order for it to bend in a predictable and consistent way.
And placing these sutures in essentially what's called a horizontal mattress fashion.
It's basically creating these bends and the sutures maintain that appearance so that
the cartilage stays in place.
Now where there may be a possible need for additional procedure is that if in doing that
antihelical fold or creating that antihelical fold, if the middle part of the ear looks
like it's more prominent, well then you may need additional surgery for the middle
part of the ear.
And of course lastly, you have to look at the earlobe to make sure it's not sticking
out too prominently and a procedure for that is fairly straightforward.
So I think to answer your question is can an antihelical fold be formed and the answer
is yes, you can create an antihelical fold in isolation in absence of doing anything
And I would say that it is appropriate to do it in a more, what is considered more standard
procedure such as a Mustarde type surgery.
And basically understand that when you are being evaluated, you still want to ensure
that the elements of each one third part of the ear is in appropriate distance from the
side of the head and so that it doesn't look like the top of the ear is folded in
too much or the middle part is too out.
There are sometimes when people look at themselves from the side and they just bend the ear,
they're really not appreciating how they look from either the front or the back.
So you kind of have to have that discussion with your prospective surgeon.
So I hope that was helpful, I wish you the best of luck and thank you for your question.
How Skin Grafts are Avoided or Minimized in Eyelid Retraction Repair Surgery - Duration: 10:29.Thank you for your question.
You submitted a question with two photos of which appears to be a before and after.
You had undergone lower eyelid blepharoplasty approximately 2 years ago.
And you stated in your question that you developed eyelid retraction and that you've gone to
a doctor who recommended a skin graft procedure.
And you've asked several questions related to the appearance, the healing, the wrinkles
as well as the weight of the skin graft after the surgery.
Well, I can certainly share with you my approach when it comes to dealing with lower eyelid
retraction after cosmetic eyelid surgery.
A little bit of background, I'm a Board-certified cosmetic surgeon and Fellowship-trained oculofacial
plastic and reconstructive surgeon.
I have been in practice in Manhattan and Long Island for over 20 years.
And I have been well-known for helping people who have complications of eyelid surgery,
in particular, lower eyelid retraction.
In fact, patients come to our practice from around the world with exactly this issue and
many complexities and I'll discuss with you my overall approach.
So with this understanding, I'd like to help you get a sense of the anatomy that is
relevant to this issue of lower eyelid retraction and how I make the decision about the appropriateness
of the skin graft.
To begin with, lower eyelid surgery has always been a procedure that is deceptively complicated.
And the reason is that traditional eyelid surgery which is basically taught to most
general plastic surgeons as the "go to" operation is the transcutaneous lower eyelid
That means going at the outside, making an incision underneath the eyelashes, extending
it a little beyond or outside of the outer corner lateral canthus and addressing fat
pockets etc. and then taking away some skin with the desirable outcome of improving wrinkles.
Very commonly, patients will have rounding of the under eye or retraction of the lower
So when we look at the structure of the lower eyelid, there are some key elements that essentially
get disrupted routinely in this type of surgery that are usually not addressed in the restoration
of the eyelid after the surgical procedure is completed.
So there are 3 basic elements: one is the lateral canthal tendon which is the tendon
that holds the eyelid to the bone.
Then there's an area called the posterior and middle lamella of the eyelid which act
like pillars that support the lower eyelid.
And then there's the anterior lamella which is the skin, muscle in front of the eyelid.
Now the muscle in front of the eyelid is called the orbicularis muscle and acts like a hammock
or sling that keeps the eyelid in place.
When I see what appears to be a younger appearing lower eyelid, I am often challenged by the
issues of placing skin grafts.
When you are dealing with a younger person with eyelid retraction, I try to do everything
I can to avoid the skin graft if possible.
And how is that possible?
Well, one of the ways I approach the eyelid is of course I establish by examination the
elasticity of the lower eyelid.
And what I'll do is I'll take the lower eyelid and I'll push it upward.
If the eyelid is able to move several millimeters as close to the original position without
putting tension on the skin then we're in a position where we could probably avoid a
skin graft.
So what I would then do is I would do something called a posterior or middle lamella graft
and that's putting tissue behind the eyelid to act as a support to provide vertical support
to the eyelid.
And then as well as restore the lateral canthal tendon or essentially, re-suspend, fixate
if necessary, the lateral canthal tendon which is usually necessary in order to provide the
remaining support.
Now in some scenarios, when the skin is on a little bit of tension and it needs a skin
graft then skin graft is necessary.
What I try to do is minimize the size of the skin graft.
Now as far as the issue of the physical weight of the skin graft, it's generally not an
It's more about the appearance of the skin graft.
And I always explain to my patients that the skin graft appearance can be prominent in
the beginning and it can be customized and tailored to minimally just the right amount
so you don't have excess.
And that's part of the art and that's part of the strategy.
And once that skin is in, what we do in our practice, we use a lot of different techniques
particularly in the regenerative medicine field where we use something called platelet-rich
plasma (PRP) and extracellular matrix which is advanced wound healing that does help facilitate
the healing process of all the grafts that are all involved in lower eyelid retraction
And it has been quite helpful in expediting the outcome in terms of the rapidity of healing
as well as improving the aesthetic appearance.
Beyond that, the skin graft can also be improved through additional PRP injections, lasers
and other modalities.
So it becomes a challenge in a situation like yours to decide how much is it worth to bring
the lower eyelid up relative to the aesthetics of adding skin from the outside.
It might be that getting 1 or 2 millimeters of elevation or restoration of shape and getting
a little bit closer may be adequate.
I've been impressed certainly by situations where I've put a graft behind the eyelid
and I was able to get the vertical height that I wanted.
Now on some people, I've done things to help stretch the skin and do things to maybe
reduce the necessity of the skin graft but that requires a physical exam in order to
determine this.
So with due respect to the doctor who you saw for the skin graft, I think it's advisable
for you to get additional opinions from oculofacial plastic and reconstructive surgeons particularly
surgeons who do a lot of revision eyelid surgery for cosmetic surgery and get that sense of
what would be right for you.
It's very important that you take the right next step to minimize the number of surgeries
you need.
We've had patients who have come to us who had 11 operations before coming to see me
and in those situations, I've actually had to do tissue rehabilitation to make the tissue
healthy enough before I was able to do additional surgery and that's basically unfortunate.
Sometimes what happens, because a lot of operations get done as little patch work approaches,
I'm not saying that the skin graft is not a good definitive operation but it may not
be adequate because when you think of the anatomy, the skin graft is actually approaching
the front but what about what's happening from behind?
Will that be adequate enough long-term?
A lot of times, the eyelid can look good at the beginning but may sag because of lack
of support in the middle lamella.
Again, this might be getting a little bit overly technical but it's important to get
at least a better sense of the principles.
So I hope that was helpful, I wish you the best of luck and thank you for your question.
Awake, Arise, or Be Forever Fallen - Duration: 42:08.-------------------------------------------
How to download Clash of Clans hack or modded app on ios no jailbreak 100% working - Duration: 5:20.OPEN YOUR SAFARI APP
1997-2017 F150 Flowmaster 3.5" or 4.0" Angle Cut Exhaust Tip Review & Install - Duration: 2:28.So Flowmaster's black ceramic tip that we're taking a look at today should definitely appeal
to any F-150 owner out there that might be looking to change out their old and worn out
factory exhaust tip, or for the owner out there that just digs this blacked out theme,
and wants to incorporate a little bit more of the sleek look.
Now additionally, this might appeal to owner's out there that are working with an aftermarket
cat-back but are just looking to change up that style, or for the owner's that don't
mind the stock sound and are just looking to change things up out back.
And the great thing about most, if not all exhaust tips for the F-150, is that they're
gonna install with little to no effort at all.
For that, I'm going to be giving this a very easy 1 out of 3 wrenches on our difficulty
meter here, and about a 15-minute job.
But in terms of the construction and materials here, guys, it's evident right out of the
box that despite being such an inexpensive and small appearance mod, that it's very well-built.
But taking a closer look, this is going to be manufactured out of a T304 stainless steel,
which is gonna be one of the premiere materials for either exhaust tips or exhaust systems.
Additionally, it will then be finished off in a very cool looking black ceramic powder
coated finish.
Which again, is just gonna appeal to any truck owner out there that's looking for that smoked
Pricing wise, you should expect to be spending about 80 bucks to get this onto your truck,
and I honestly think it's a small price to pay considering you're getting really great
materials, that Flowmaster name, and at the end of the day a very sinister-looking execution.
And switching gears to the installation, you're looking at a very easy 1 out of 3 wrenches
on our difficulty meter here and about a 15-minute job.
Now I do want to mention, if you're running a 2011 and newer F-150, the install is going
to be merely slipping this on, tightening it down, and you're good to go.
However, if you are running an older truck, you will need to do the slightest amount of
cutting to your factory tip in order for this to fit.
Either way, I'll still be giving it a very easy 1 out of 3 wrenches on our difficulty
meter here, and a 15-minute job either way.
So I'm Alex and that's my quick review and breakdown of Flowmaster's 3.5 and 4.0-inch
Angle Cut Exhaust Tip, offered in the black ceramic finish fitting your 1997 through 2016
F-150 available right here at
Kurkuri bhindi-crispy ladyfinger-okra or bhindi fry recipe-how to make crispy ladyfinger - Duration: 6:44.Hello freinds
today we r making crispy ladyfingers/okra/ bhindi
Ingredients r 350g ladyfingers,1/2 tsp red pepper,1/2 tsp dry mango powder,1/4 tsp cumin,1/4 tsp carom seeds/ajwaein,1/4 tsp turmeric,1 tsp salt
1 tbsp rice flour,2 tbsp gram flour or chickpea flour,
Cut ladyfinger in half n discard its seeds with knife or with thumb
Cut into vertical thin slices
Discard seeds
Add 1 tbsp rice flour n 2 tbsp gram flour
then it will be crispy with seeds
Discarded seeds see n cutting thin slices now
Cuted into thin slices
Add salt in last it moisturise ladyfingers
Iam adding all plate ingredients in to ladyfingers
Salt,turmeric,red ppper,cumin,carom seeds n dry mango powder
Add rice n gram flour
Mix all ingredients with hand together
Coating ladyfingers well
Checking temperature of oil by droping 1 ladyfinger into oil
Its floating means oil is hot now
Fry ladyfinger in hot oil
Keep on stirring in between
deep fry for 3-4 mins
Take out freid ladyfingers on tissue or on kitchen towel
Frying left over ladyfingers
Take out freid ladyfingers
Thanku for watching
do subscribe n hit like button
MyRoute-app Academy Chapter 2: Video 'Use a route or track from the library' - Duration: 2:14.Hello, and welcome to another video about the library of MyRoute-app.
If you click on library.
As I said before, you will see all the routes
and tracks shared by the users of MyRoute-App.
But now I am going to show you how you can use one
of those shared routes and tracks as your own.
If you click on a route or track.
Let's say this one. You will see that this one is for driving.
It is 81.3 km long. It took 3 hours.
And it is a recommended track, and it was completed by Daniël S.
You can view the complete track when you click on this.
And now you will see the statistics of the route on your left.
You will see that the minimum altitude was -17 meters.
And the maximum altitude was +18.2 meters.
Now this is still a track, you cannot make any alterations to this.
You cannot add a routepoint / Waypoint.
You will need to make this into a route. Now how do I do this you ask? Well this is simple.
You click on the top right corner on 'use as route'.
Here you will have to give it a name. This track was called "New route Test"
I am going to call this "copy of a track driven by a user"
And now this is your route.
And here you can make the alterations.
Within the route, and maybe change the way the route was driven.
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