Hi, everyone.
How was your weekend?
I really hope you like this one
You want to know how to prepare your garage or workspace for priming your van?
You want to know what you need to do?
Great, so keep watching this video
I will share my 8 tips on how to prepare your garage before priming your van
let's jump now to the Greek Westy workshop to find out details
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Before to starting with today's topic be sure to watch this video till the end
that's where I've got an amazing tip on how to prevent rust around the windshield and
the front of your van
with that out of the way
today I want to give you my 8 tips on
how to prepare you workspace before priming your van
As you may know we are rebuilding our 1995
VW T4 Westfalia van
and we choose to do this job at Greek Westy
Of course this space it's already equipped and prepared for this kind of job
but if you're thinking to do it yourself in your garage for example
here are my tips
Number one
choose the correct workspace
for example here we are working in a part of the workshop that is around 5 x 8 meters
it's big enough to fit our van and it leaves a comfortable space around it
Number 2
the workspace should be dry and in a low humidity environment
it prevents water from negatively affecting the application of the primer
and it prevents corrosion
Water can become trapped between the primer and the body metal work
which cause rust
Number 3
the best way to do the job is by building a booth
around the van with a super thin masking plastic or plastic tarp on the walls and ceiling
you can build a simple wooden or metal skeletal structure
for hanging the plastic tarp
just make sure that the plastic it's well stretch
so what move when you work inside
it also won't release any impurities in the air
about the floor, I suggest to wet it down just before priming
the water keeps the dust down and will also protect the floor from overspray
Number 4
Buy a box fan or even more complex fan
you can find it on the market easily
A fan with an already mounted filters
or you can also tape the filter to the rear of the standard box fan
to create a budget-friendly exhaust fan
You'll need to generate a lot of airflow to move the considerable fog out of the work environment
the fan should face outward from the painting area
so that it sucks all the fumes out and blows them outside
The filter prevent dust and chemical residues from sticking to your van
it also help to keep you safe
Remember: these products are chemicals that are dangerous to human health
Number five
Add light sources inside the booth
once you start spraying the fog will make seeing well difficult
and the better you see the better your work will be
you can apply several fluorescent lights around the van
or eventually have several on tripods that you can move around
Number six
Clean the workspace spotless
dirt and dust are the main problems during this process
You first sweep it out, then blow it with air and then use water in order to clean the floor
Remember to do the same both inside and on the outside of your van
Now that the workspace it's clean close everything and let it set overnight
so everything in the air will settle down
Number seven
Take care about your clothing
Be sure to wear clean working clothes
dust usually stay on clothes
but if they are clean no dust flows around when you move
Number eight
SAFETY: at least two major concerns come to mind when priming
the health effects that can occur from exposure to chemicals
and the danger of fire and explosion
you should use a mask with air purifying filters
as for the fire explosion danger
just remember that these kind of chemicals are in their most dangerous state when in aerosol form
So carefully evaluate your given scenario and take appropriate precautions
So this is the small tips I was talking about
What we did is to prevent rust to come back again
especially in the front part of the van
what we did here just
under the windshield where usually all the water's comes down
we made a small hole, there's as a plastic pipe that just go through all the side of the van
and exit here just upon the front wheel
You remember also all the rust around the windshield
well, this is a good tip to avoid it
and I'm gonna show you what happen
It's pretty simple right?
These were my 8 tips about preparing your workspace before priming your van
Leave a comment
If you have any extra questions about this topic or simply if you have any other useful tips
now it's time for me to get going on our van
and as always thank you so much for watching
I'll see you next time
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