Top 10 Romance Ecchi Anime Where So Much Cool Girls AMV Anime Ship Wrek & Zookeepers Ark by Feelings Anime
Madeleine von Schweden Warum der Hof ihre Schwangerschaft so früh verraten hat - Duration: 2:47.-------------------------------------------
STORY TIME Chapter 4. MY TAIWANESE BOYFRIEND IS SO HOT ! SEX FRIEND? - Duration: 7:19.Hi my Followers, I'm VDK_POST !
P...Private LIFE !
My Followers, do you know PRIVATE LIFE? (LOL)
My followers you chosen the subject of this Story Time, this chapter; By voting on my website VDKPOST.COM ! You chosen: ...
" My Taiwanese Boyfriend is so HOT ! Sex friend? "
OK! Definitely not a SEX FRIEND! He was really my Boyfriend !
I say "was" because with TAKUMI we are not longer in couple! ...
in fact, we was not longer together when I started this storytime : HOW I MET MY TAIWANESE BOYFRIEND
OK! Let me explain you how we broke-up in the next video post that will be the last one! Yes I will close this Storytime: "How I met my Taiwanese Boyfriend" !
You can let me all of your questions in comment of this video or send it to me on INSTAGRAM, FACEBOOK, TWITTER... And I will answer it, on the next video post !
My followers, TAIWAN is the First ASIAN country that legalized the same-sex marriage !!!!! WhooooooOOOOOOOWWW
My Followers... You don't care about it ???
Why? Because it's not your country! Or maybe because you don't care about equality between people
but, Do you know that it's thanks to the openness of Taiwan that with TAKUMI we were able to live our love story without social pressure
OK, now TAKUMI...
as you already know... Yes, because you already seen the previous chapter, right?
After our first meet, with the incredible feeling that we have and despite the first week a little bit difficult... We finally found our one way
we have lived a beautiful love story...
OK, maybe a little bit short ( 2 months)... But a real LOVE STORY ! ... Amazing !
We had our first appointment with another couple (Straight)... We went to eat at the restaurant
We went in the covered part of Shilin Night Market; It's like a large hall with several stalls and restaurant ...
We ate on stools, drunk the TAIWAN BEER, discussed and laughed very loud in the middle of the other conversation; all surrounded by the good smell of food ! wooooooOOOOOOOWWW ! My first first experience as " ASIAN DRAMA style life"
With TAKUMI, we also spent a lot of time together walking and discovering the night streets of Shilin
Very romantic !
We often go to the cinema too! We love movies...
we saw "GET OUT" ... and also "BEAUTY AND THE BEAST
it was very romantic, I caressed his body !
아니, my Followers!
what I wanted to say is that "Yangming Theater" (阳明 戏院) is an old cinema, so not crowded and the atmosphere was romantic, I watched the film holding his hand and I could lay my head on his wide shoulders...that's what I meant!
TAKUMI is really ... A good Boyfriend! Really attentive ...
He takes care a lot, of me...
Do you remember that I had to go to the hospital in Taiwan ... Nothing serious, just for the vaccines before going to Cambodia ...
It was TAKUMI who made the appointment for me, he accompanied me, he was the translator...
He's perfect ... um, not ALWAYS!
on leaving the hospital, we pass beside a young man ... TAKUMI looks at him and tells me: "-Woooow he is so Handsome"! -_-
why I'm falling in love with a guy like this!
BUT!... He is so SEXY
I remember an afternoon spent together, it made me discover a space of "board game"...
at the end of the day, arrived at the metro station, when we separated...
he kissed me !
in the middle of the street! In front of everybody
he is my SUPERHERO !
OK... After that, he ran to get home !
But... Woooooow it's so CUTE !
and... He is really sexy when he RAN !
it reminds me that ...
TAKUMI is very HOT! With a very good and great body... very SEXY!
and ... I experienced the most embarrassing experience of my life, in TAIWAN
I went to a pharmacy, because with TAKUMI we talked about: "moving on to the next step of our relationship" (* expression to say sexual relation)
so I go to a pharmacy ... The pharmacist is an old man, a "grandfather" ... so I felt stressed, embarrassed ... fortunately I was alone in the pharmacy
I was there, to look for ....
a toothbrush * (* I'm too shy to pronounce the word "condom" in my video)
so I chose a toothbrush* very quickly, randomly! And I go to checkout
and then I watch the pharmacist come out of the counter and change the toothbrush*, I do not understand why...
he goes back to the cashier looking at me and tells me ...
King Size! Good for you
OK my Followers, thank you for following this STORYTIME: HOW I MET MY TAIWANESE BOYFRIEND
see you! on the next video post who will be the last, to finish this STORY TIME
do not hesitate to ask me your questions in comment of this video...
Stay connected to me on my social networks: FACEBOOK, TWITTER, INSTAGRAM ... Give a "LIKE" and subscribe, if it has not already been done! See you soon
3,000 People Rescued In Houston So Far - Duration: 2:31.-------------------------------------------
Top 10 Romantic Girl So Cool In Anime AMV Anime ASVR Firestarter by Extreme Anime - Duration: 12:40.Top 10 Romantic Girl So Cool In Anime AMV Anime ASVR Firestarter by Extreme Anime
TOP 50 SONGS 2017 COUNTDOWN (so far...) | 洋楽 ヒット チャート 最新 2017 - Duration: 12:20.-------------------------------------------
The All-Star Group's Contemporary Performance | Season 14 Ep. 11 | SO YOU THINK YOU CAN DANCE - Duration: 2:11.-------------------------------------------
Lex & Gaby's Contemporary Performance | Season 14 Ep. 11 | SO YOU THINK YOU CAN DANCE - Duration: 1:55.-------------------------------------------
Logan & Allison's Hip-Hop Performance | Season 14 Ep. 11 | SO YOU THINK YOU CAN DANCE - Duration: 1:55.-------------------------------------------
Dassy & Fik-Shun's Contemporary Performance | Season 14 Ep. 11 | SO YOU THINK YOU CAN DANCE - Duration: 1:58.-------------------------------------------
Koine & Kiki's Salsa Performance | Season 14 Ep. 11 | SO YOU THINK YOU CAN DANCE - Duration: 2:00.-------------------------------------------
Name aus 2 Welten: So heißt der Sohn von Janni & Peer! - Duration: 2:00.-------------------------------------------
Taylor & Lex's Jazz Performance | Season 14 Ep. 11 | SO YOU THINK YOU CAN DANCE - Duration: 1:57.-------------------------------------------
Spaß hinter den Kulissen: So läuft's bei "Curvy Supermodel" - Duration: 1:54.-------------------------------------------
Dassy & Mark's Hip-Hop Performance | Season 14 Ep. 11 | SO YOU THINK YOU CAN DANCE - Duration: 2:00.-------------------------------------------
Americans know so much about Canada | Just for Laughs - Duration: 1:21.Well, you know, I was, um...
I was having lunch with a friend in New York the other day
and, uh,
we were talking about the current labour dispute
with Ontario's teachers and, um...
You know, I compared it to
1911's famous
Springhill coal strike in Cape Breton, Nova Scotia.
And my friend said,
she's like, "Oh boy, we can only hope the militia won't have to be called in like
they were in 1909's miner strike
in Nanaimo, BC."
And we both laughed.
And I said, you know,
isn't it sad?
Americans know so much
about Canada,
and yet Canadians aren't exposed
to American culture at all.
She was like, "I know, eh?"
Warryn Campbell Explains Why Saying "I Love You" Is So Powerful | Black Love | Oprah Winfrey Network - Duration: 1:00.WARRYN: See, I was working.
I was in the studio like -
ERICA: But I love watching you work.
WARRYN: And I was working, she was standing behind me,
she just said...she tapped me. I said, yeah?
She was like "I love you" and I was like...
And there were arists there, I was like -
ERICA: Did it scare you?
WARRYN: No, I remember, I said I love you too.
ERICA: Did you?
ERICA: I don't remember that part.
WARRYN: Yeah, I said I love you.
WARRYN: When I say I'm in love with you,
that means I'm prepared to deal with your ignorance.
And all of the dumb stuff that comes with you.
ERICA: Pause!
ERICA: Wait, so that's why you?
WARRYN: No! That means like...all the stuff that I don't like
about you, I love that too. Is what I'm saying.
ERICA: You fixed that real good, Mr. Campbell.
Why Beric From Game Of Thrones Looks So Familiar - Duration: 4:58.In the George R.R. Martin books that HBO's Game of Thrones is based on, the character
of Beric Dondarrion has a relatively small part to play.
But when you have an actor as talented as Irish star Richard Dormer, you want to showcase
him as much as possible.
Here's a look at some of Dormer's previous roles to help you remember just why Beric
from Game of Thrones looks so familiar.
Dormer got his start on the stage, appearing in over two dozen plays.
In 2002, a one man play he wrote and starred in resulted in Dormer's big break, with his
portrayal of controversial Irish snooker star Alex Higgins in Hurricane garnering rave reviews
over its three-year run.
Higgins himself was a fan of the play, attending several performances and striking up a friendship
with Dormer.
Following Higgins' battle with throat cancer and subsequent death in 2010, Dormer revived
the play for a last hurrah at the Belfast Opera House in order to give "a final farewell
to a true genius and a legend."
In 2011, Richard Dormer landed a featured role in the four-part BBC thriller/conspiracy
drama Hidden, starring Philip Glenister as small-time solicitor Harry Venn.
When Venn is asked to help track down the truth about a missing witness, he finds himself
well over his head in a deep conspiracy that may have ties to his own dark past.
He enlists the help of Dormer's character Frank Hanna, a resourceful ex-con who's out
of his depth, and finds himself in more than one sticky situation along the way.
Whatever Venn is paying him, it's definitely not enough.
A year after his appearance in Hidden, Dormer returned to television when he appeared in
two episodes of the Cinemax/BBC television series Hunted, joining Game of Thrones alumni
Stephen Dillane and Indira Varma in the production.
Dormer played venture capitalist Lewis Conroy, who is present during a murder committed by
his business partner, Jack Turner.
Conroy later attempts to track down the woman who witnessed their crime in order to find
out exactly how much she knows.
Good Vibrations
In 2013, Dormer teamed up with yet another Game of Thrones co-star — Liam Cunningham
— for a dramedy based on the life of Belfast record-store owner Terri Hooley, founder of
the "Good Vibrations" record store.
Set during the height of the violent "Troubles" in the 1970s, Good Vibrations finds Hooley
opening his Belfast shop on "the most bombed half-mile in Europe."
After hearing some up-and-coming underground punk bands, Hooley embraces the new art form,
inspiring to start his own record label.
Good Vibrations gained wide critical acclaim, bringing Dormer a Best Actor nomination at
the Irish Film and Television Awards.
"It's showing you know, a sense of people rising above and against something that's
ultimately dark."
In 2014, Dormer starred in another film about the Troubles when he appeared in the historical
thriller '71.
When a unit of the British Army is deployed to Belfast, they find themselves stationed
in a dangerous neighborhood with Catholics on one side and Protestants on the other.
Under attack from both sides, they're forced to withdraw, accidentally leaving one soldier
Dormer plays a Catholic man who helps the soldier, putting his daughter's life in grave
We're Doomed!
The Dad's Army Story
Created in 1968 by Jimmy Perry and David Croft, the sitcom Dad's Army focused on a fictional
group of British Home Guard soldiers during World War II.
The show became one of the U.K.'s most beloved comedies, running for 80 episodes and spawning
two different movie adaptations.
In 2015, the BBC premiered a TV movie about the making of the series called We're Doomed!
The Dad's Army Story, with Richard Dormer playing the series' co-creator, David Croft.
11 Minutes
Also in 2015, Richard Dormer starred as a sleazy Hollywood director in the Polish experimental
action movie 11 Minutes.
The film chronicles the lives of a number of Warsaw residents, including a low-level
drug runner, an elderly artist, a hot-dog vendor, a skyscraper window washer, a student,
a team of paramedics, and an actress and her jealous husband.
As director Richard Martin holds an "audition" for the actress in a hotel room, the rest
of the characters go about their lives.
But for 11 minutes, their paths all intersect in unexpected and life-changing ways.
2015 continued to be a busy year for the actor, as that's when Dormer got his own starring
television role in the Amazon Original series Fortitude, playing Sheriff Dan Anderssen,
the man charged with protecting the residents of an isolated town.
The town of Fortitude is historically
But that all changes when a local scientist is found brutally murdered — the first violent
crime in the town's history.
"This would not stop me, nevermind a bear."
Unbeknownst to Anderssen, one of the town's residents has placed a call resulting in the
arrival of London Police Inspector Eugene Morton, who comes to Fortitude to "help" with
the investigation.
The show has run for two seasons thus far, with fellow Game of Thrones alumni Michelle
Fairley joining the cast in season two.
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