On his CNN program on Monday, wildly liberal commentator Don Lemon said, "I don't see
Democrats killing people" over politics.
House Majority Whip Steve Scalise, who was shot last year when an unhinged leftist opened
fire on Republican lawmakers practicing for a Congressional baseball game, quickly helped
him remember.
During a panel discussion on Monday, CNN's Don Lemon argued that President Donald Trump's
rhetoric had contributed to Saturday's synagogue attack in Pittsburgh and the pipe bombs sent
to prominent Democrats last week, saying, "I don't see Democrats killing people"
over politics.
But conservative commentator Mike Shields countered and said that people on both sides
of the political spectrum have created the current climate; it's not just Republicans
who are guilty of engaging in violence.
Shields offered the example of James Hodgkinson, who shot and nearly killed Rep. Steve Scalise
last year.
Hodgkinson fired at least 70 rounds and managed to wound six during the June 2017 melee at
a GOP baseball practice.
Prior to opening fire in Alexandria, Virginia, the 66-year-old had confirmed that those on
the field were Republicans, leading the Virginia attorney general's office to conclude that
he was "fueled by rage against Republican legislators."
CNN even reported that the shooter, a Bernie Sanders presidential campaign volunteer, had
posted on social media that "Republicans are the Taliban of the USA."
In another post, Hodgkinson wrote, "Trump is a Traitor.
Trump Has Destroyed Our Democracy.
It's Time to Destroy Trump & Co."
However, on Monday's program, Lemon argued that the baseball shooting is a false equivalent
to the attacks carried out by "right-wingers."
He told Shields, "You're not being honest.
This is not equal, and I understand the whole argument about both sides."
"Bernie Sanders is not the president," said Lemon.
"So why do you keep bringing up other people instead of talking about the person who is
the president of the United States, the rhetoric that is being spouted by one network (Fox
News), and the conservative media?
Why not just take ownership of that and talk about how you can correct it on that side
instead of this whataboutism?"
"For both sides to understand this, they both have to realize they contribute to it,
OK?" said Shields.
But Lemon disagreed.
"The right-wing group killed the woman in Charlottesville.
This guy is a right-winger who killed the people in the synagogue.
The right-winger sent bombs to CNN and to Democrats.
I don't see Democrats killing people because of political — yeah, there may be democratic
operatives who are out there," he said.
"Well they tried to," Shields countered.
"OK, fine, they tried to, and that's not right," said Lemon.
"But for the most part, what do you see here, Mike?
You see these extreme right-wingers."
Panelist Max Boot sided with Lemon, saying to Shields, "It is not equal contribution.
There is nobody on the Democratic side who is engaging in the kind of dehumanizing language
that Donald Trump engages in.
There is nobody on the Democratic side who is encouraging violence like Donald Trump
Of course, we all know that's a crock.
Hillary Clinton said "civility can start again" only when the Democrats are back
in power.
And let's not forget how she called Trump's supporters deplorable Americans.
During an appearance in Georgia, Barack Obama's former Attorney General Eric Holder told activists
that they should kick Republicans and Trump supporters.
Interestingly, the Democrat leaders who spoke some of the vilest words against Trump supporters
are the same people who were sent the ineffective mail bombs.
Should they accept some of the blame for what a crazed man in Florida decided to do all
on his own?
For his part, Steve Scalise responded with a simple tweet:
If for some reason you needed more proof that the mainstream media is shamelessly biased,
look no further than this conversation between Don Lemon and Mike Shields.
Lemon owes Rep. Steve Scalise an apology.
The man's life was nearly lost but Lemon would prefer to sweep that all under the rug
simply because his attacker shares the same political persuasions as the folks over at
It's despicable, really.
For more infomation >> CNN's Don Lemon Says 'I Don't See Democrats Killing' — Scalise Helps Him Remember - Duration: 4:36. -------------------------------------------
LES RATS T ''LES OUBLIETTES'' - Duration: 3:46.
For more infomation >> LES RATS T ''LES OUBLIETTES'' - Duration: 3:46. -------------------------------------------
Don't Use YouTube Premier feature Daily ! Youtubers Must Watch To Apply This Feature On Videos 2018 - Duration: 8:13.
For more infomation >> Don't Use YouTube Premier feature Daily ! Youtubers Must Watch To Apply This Feature On Videos 2018 - Duration: 8:13. -------------------------------------------
Don't Hold Yourself Back | FIRST & FIVE | ALEX WILLIS - Duration: 2:01.
For more infomation >> Don't Hold Yourself Back | FIRST & FIVE | ALEX WILLIS - Duration: 2:01. -------------------------------------------
Animal Rights Presentation - Voices We Don't Hear - Duration: 32:59.
I wanna also thank deeply to Valery who gave me this opportunity to stand here in front of you tonight
and have this lecture.
Before I start, I'd like you to turn your mobile phones on silent mode,
and please keep your questions until the end.
you can write them down so you won't forget them.
For some of you who may not know me, I am Idan, I am 26 years old today.
I have been a student here for about 2 years or so, and I have been vegan for about five and a half years.
Over the last year, I've started being an activist on and off, and recently I've started doing it on a weekly basis
Today I am going to talk with you about one of the biggest industries
that the biggest corporations do not want us to know about.
which is the animal industry.
Now, I want to clarify that I am not here to judge you nor preach you or something like that.
Choosing veganism is not like joining a cult, nor changing your religion or something like that.
All I want is to show you the evidence,
the truth which is being hidden from us, so you could reconsider your lifestyle.
I am going to start with a short video and then we'll continue.
-Yeah we apologizing that it's too slow, be patient-
-Sometimes it does that-
That was an intense video.
While you watched it, I looked at your faces and I saw that some of may have felt bad, angry or sad.
And it's good! Because this is what I want to focus on. The compassionate side of you, the humane side of you.
And the good thing is that we don't have to be that guy who destroys and ruins Earth and kills its creatures.
Today I am going to talk with you about the law in Israel against animal abuse,
the industries, ecological effects, vegan diet, and what can we actually do.
Does anyone know what the law in Israel says about cruelty against animals?
Well the law says that: "A person shall not torture an animal, he shall not be cruel to it,
nor abuse it in any way".
Now I have a question.
To whom does this law apply to?
Is it only for some people? when some people can torture and some cannot? Or dose it apply to anyone?
Allegedly, it's supposed to be to anyone, it's above the judge and even the officers .
However, we can see two kinds of harms, yet one of it is out of our awareness.
The first one is the domestic harm.
We all hear about these kind of harms in the media.
About a guy who hit a dog, punched a cat, killed an animal.
And if we see this kind of harm on the street, we'll try as much as we can to do something.
To get involved, maybe to call the cops. And we can see how these vicious people will go to custody, the court.
We can see the law is being upheld.
However, there is another kind of harm which is being hidden by the institutions and the government itself.
Which is the Institutionalized harm.
This kind of animal abuse ...
*Sorry, I had a blackout*
is approved by the government and it let hundreds of corporations, institutions, and companies practice it.
And it doesn't really matter whether it's a goose, a cat, a sheep, a tiger or an elephant in Thailand.
They are both feeling the same pain.
And just to clarify your thought, while there are thirty thousand cases of domestic harm,
there are three hundred million cases of Institutionalized harm.
Now I believe that you are not a number in the statistics of the domestic harm, god I hope not.
But in indirect way we do pay for these people, this institute, to make these (animals) suffer for us.
He doesn't do it because it's fun, because we pay him to do it.
Now once again, it doesn't really matter which animal is it. They are all feel the same suffer.
Does anyone know which basic needs and rights do animals have?
Any guesses?
Well. Their basic needs are: Freedom from violence, satisfying basic needs,
appropriate environment, to be socialized and have a family.
And surprisingly, these are also their rights. To have this freedom of violence, and so on..
To have these basic needs.
I'm going to explain about the industry, I'll start from the biggest industry
which is 220 million chickens for meat, to the smallest industry which is about 600 thousand mammals.
cows, sheep that come from the meat and the milk industry.
The logic that stands behind this is while a chicken, a fish is a small animal
that one person, two people can eat it, for a whole cow, a goat you need several people.
The poultry industry
For the poultry industry we need both male and female chicks.
And like in any other industry, we need an appropriate stock,
we need to sort the damaged one and to get rid of the damaged stock.
and by saying get rid of them I mean, kill them.
They throw.. they kill them by throwing them into the garbage and then they let them suffocating.
The chicks in the bottom will die from the massive weight that crushes them.
That was a humane way to kill them until a couple of years ago.
Now the humane way is to grind them up alive in a crusher.
I have a question, by raising your hand who do you think is older?
who think is it the right one?
who think is it the left one?
Only you?
It's ok -who is older guys?-
who is older?
Who is older? Which one is older?
The right one or the left one?
The left one?
Ok, so most of you said it was the left one, the right answer is neither of them. They are both 42 days old.
How is that?
By using a technique that called "Artificial selection".
This is a technique that is used to create new strains of animals,
by only breeding certain animals with certain traits .
In this example, only chicken which has large breasts were bred in order to be..
to create new chickens that are naturally meaty for the meat industry,.
They are overfed by playing with their bodies.
A chicken in the nature eats in the day light and sleeps at night, so the technique here is to bring them food,
turn on the light, let them eat and after a while to turn off the light.
And once again, they turn it on and over and over again.
Same thing with turkeys, you can see the lights on the side.
Again you also can see the massive density where they have to live.
After about two years...
no, sorry.
You can also see the consequences that they can't barely stand, barely walk properly.
Their chest is getting forward, the leg is very small,
the reason is because we don't eat the feet, but we eat the chest.
After two years old..
After 42 days they will be violently transported to the slaughterhouse in a small cages.
To make the job easier, the workers will shake the cages. Sometimes the body parts....
stuck behind the bars. And body parts can torn off .
The fish industry. I wrote here that the fish industry responsible for the cruelest kill.
Why is that? because for some of you may not know, fish do feel pain. They also need oxygen.
for some of you who have an aquarium in your house needs..
he also needs to buy oxygen, and also to replace its water, because they live in the same water.
Do you think this fish has oxygen?
He is suffocating.
Moreover, he lives in a crowded space. We can compare the size of this space to a bottle of water
Plus they don't replace their water, so they still live in their own filth.
We can dived the fish industry into two. The aquaculture which is fish ponds and sea cages.
While from distance it may seem spacious and clean, but inside this pool, they are thousand of fish.
They are all crowded, and in this kind of aquaculture, once again we use the artificial selection.
These two salmons are at the same age, only that one was raised in the fish pond.
the other technique is the commercial fishing, to throw a net into the ocean.
Whatever comes to the nets goes up and they are all suffocating when they are not being in their natural area.
Not only fish get inside these nets but also other water animals like seals, dolphins, sharks, turtles, and so on.
Another victim are the pelicans who come from Europe and they want to go to Africa.
They want to have a break and eat from our fish , but we can't let them to eat our goods,
so the solution is to shoot them.
The egg industry. People may ask what is so wrong about the egg and the dairy industry?
because there is no animal that was died for it. Let me refute this claim.
For egg we need a female chicken that will lay this egg.
The male chicks are not appropriate and they are not profitable.
So? what we are doing with an unprofitable product?
To get rid of it. All the male chicks that were just hatched go to be ground up in a crusher.
This is the humane way. The female chicks...
This is about fifteen thousand chicks per day .
the female chick will get her beak cut by a hot metal blade heated to 700 degrees,
this is so they can prevent violence when they'll put her in a battery cages.
A battery cages is a small place, we can compare the size of the space to a half size of A4 paper.
This is all the place she has. If one chicken wants to turn, the other chicken must change her position as well .
The battery cages' floor. As I was saying, it's a slanted battery cage made of bars,
the reason for it is for the egg can roll, and their feces will fall to the ground and they won't live in their own filth.
After two years, when they cannot lay anymore eggs, they will be electrocuted.
Their meat will come to our pet food or they will just bury it.
Does anyone know How much a hen, a female chicken lay in nature and how much does she lay the industry?
Any guesses?
While in nature she lays approximately between 12 to 30 eggs per year,
in the industry, using the artificial selection, she lays about 300 eggs per years.
The dairy industry. It may seems clean and harmless industry. But I want you think about it for a minute..
To whom does the milk belong?
cows, the baby cow right
To the baby, to the calf, to the kitten, to the puppy, to any mammals who need to nurse from its own mother.
how did we make it possible to drink from another animal? We are to only species who does it.
This milk has lots of hormones inside so it gets this calve to be a bull, to be a cow, to get to tones.
And we drink it instead of it? have you have seen a dog who drinks from a rat? A pig that drinks from a dolphin?
No. we are the only species who drink from another animal, from goats, from cows.
So If you go to a random cow, which is not from the industry and you press its udders, there will be a zero percent
there will be milk inside. Why is that? because for milk you need pregnancy. How do they do it?
They take a sperm from a bull, and they artificially inject it, put it, into the cow.
this is called an Artificial insemination.
After 9 month, like us humans, the cow will give birth, she will lick it she will clean it , she will try to protect it.
But after no longer than half an hour, the calf will be taken away from her.
The mother will try to scream, she will mooing she will do anything she can. but there is nothing she can..
If it's a male calf , he will be put in a crowded cage , he will eat a lean substitute of milk,
so its mussels will be soft, and he will be slaughtered for veal.
if it's a female calf, after half a year, she will live like her mother, be over milked and over impregnated.
Until her udder will be huge, full of infections, blood, and other gross things. In the end we drink from this.
She will eventually collapse, she lives in filth.
This cow was held like that so the farmer could inject her , so she cannot resist.
A cow in the past produced about 8 liters during her whole life.
Now she produces about 30 to 40 liters during her whole life.
Eventually she will die, she will live near death.
Does anyone know for how long a cow lives in nature and how long she lives in the industry?
Any guesses?
-20 years-
20 years yeah, 20 years she lives in nature. And she will die..
she will transported to the slaughterhouse at the age of 5 years old,
when she cannot produces anymore milk for the meat industry.
The meat industry consumption is divided into two. We have 35% that comes from fresh meat.
And 65% which is a frozen meat from South America.
The distribution of fresh meat consumption is divided into three,
we have the calves and cows that from the dairy industry, what we spoke about right now.
The herds, 13% of herds of cattle and 47% from the live shipping.
In both dairy and meat industries they use the same technique to marking them.
They use hot blade to number them. They take out their horns by using caters and caustic powder.
This female calf is a half years old calf that was go back to the cowshed so she would live like her mother.
She still have the instincts to nurse from its mother, But she has a nose ring. So if she tries, the cow will kick her.
In the live shipping, when they come from Australia and Europe. They will be transported in a..
It's a journey of about two weeks to a month in this crowded boat. Where they have no place to breath,
to drink, to eat. They'll live in their own filth.
Some of them will die during this journey, and the ones who died will be thrown to the ocean.
Sometimes we can see bodies of calves on our beaches. on the way, it also pollutes the ocean.
. When they come here they will violently transported to the slaughterhouse, they will do anything to make them
move. The will use shockers. And I saw once a technique that one of the workers drug a calf from his
leg and made the other pack of calves to chase him, and that how he made them move.
In the end they will be under the sharp knife in the slaughterhouse.
Now I want you to think about of the word a slaughterhouse. A house of slaughter.
we've actually built a house where we violently put innocent, loving, feeling creatures, and we kill them for us.
Because of taste? Tradition? Habits maybe?
Is that really worth it ? Is that really the right thing to do? and the only way to exist?
Some people will say that animals do not feel pain, and they have no awareness.
I want to show you a great story from the Freedom Farm Sanctuary,
here in Israel that made a reunion between a mother sheep and her two lambs.
Well, that was a relief. I want to go over quickly about the ecological effects.
You can see that while all human being weigh 300 million tons on Earth, all domesticated animals weigh
700 million tons. More than double! you can ask yourselves how come the consumption of the meat is so
huge? I mean it wasn't at all like it used to be in the past. One of the reasons is greed.
We have it, and we can eat as much as we can. Sometimes it can effect illness like obesity and other
illness. On the way it's also..we can see a massive of wasting food. And if you think about it for a minute
These animals need to eat. 70% of the world's grain goes directly to the animals in the farm.
We can use this agriculture properly, maybe we can solve the hunger problem.
If we use this energy, we can use this water to ourselves. Also as you could see from the life shipping,
It also pollutes our ocean, the water sources where we drink, the sea, where we are swimming.
And it also contributes the global warming.
A funny fact is that a cow's fart that pollutes methane gas,
in this kind of amount pollutes much more than the whole transportation industry.
So what do we have?
We have over consumption of meat that can cause illnesses like cancers,diabetes,strokes, and much more.
The hunger problems - we can may solved it by using agriculture properly.
Food that is been wasted,
water pollutes,
cutting rain-forests
global warming
and of course the suffering of innocent animals.
So over the years people ask themselves:"Ok what can we do?"
So they tried to avoid and to reduce animal products, and it made dietitians and nutritionists to see if this
avoiding is really good for us. And they found that it is possible. One of the great example is the position of the
American Dietetic Association that says that : "Well-planned vegetarian diets are appropriate for individuals
during all stages of the life cycle". A balanced vegan diet contains all essential nutritional values like zinc, iron,
calcium , protein, ,vitamins. For some of you who may concerned about vitamin B12.
This vitamin is grown next to.. it's a bacteria that grows next to plants. Vegetarian animals get it when they eat
plants, but the animals in the industry get it throw injections or they get this supplement in their food.
So this is the only vitamin that we need to take as a supplement.
There is also a saying that vegans are weak. But like any other thing in life you cannot generalized things.
For example, these athletes are vegans and they achieved amazing scores
So the bottom of line what we can we actually eat?
Legumes like beans, chickpeas, lentils, soy.
With soy we can do all kind of great things like milk and tofu, vegetarian cream, cheese, yogurts,
and also drinks, milk from oat milk, coconut milk, rice milk, almond milk, and so on.
Grains, fruits, vegetables, seeds and nuts, with all of these great ingredients we can do almost anything!
like burgers, I ate this one last week. our national food! The Falafel, Hummus, Shawarma
made of soy and mushroom, and on the top is not fat it's onion. Seitan, omelets that made from lentils flour
and chickpeas flour. Veggie "meatballs" and salted pastries ,sweet pastries, sandwiches, ice creams,
and of course all the restaurants. Every restaurant that respect itself has a vegan option.
And of course sites! technology! just Google whatever you want, any dish that you want, you have the vegan option for it.
And don't be afraid of being different .Over the years people have made this change and they've seen these
advantages. And if you're still unsure on how to do it. There is a great solution for it , which is Challenge 22+ .
I'll give you this flair after it, this Challenge 22 is on Facebook, and also on Whats'app for teenagers.
where you can get professional help by professional clinical nutritionists and also vegans, you can speak with
them , talk with them one on one, and they will help you, whatever you want.
Whether you're an athletic or you have a pregnant, anything.
We are not alone in this battle, we are a many. And in the bottom line you should to live according to your heart.
Said Gandhi: " Be the change that you wish to see in the world".
When you have the option, please explain it to other; share this information.
To save life, to save our planet, to save yourselves.
In the name of all animals – thank you so much for listening, I really appreciate it. Have a great night
For more infomation >> Animal Rights Presentation - Voices We Don't Hear - Duration: 32:59. -------------------------------------------
Don't Use Truecaller | How Truecaller Work & Earn Money| Never Install Truecaller onyour MobilePhone - Duration: 8:33.
The Market is currently offering New application..
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So, Hello guys This Is Sourabh
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So let's Begin it..........
For more infomation >> Don't Use Truecaller | How Truecaller Work & Earn Money| Never Install Truecaller onyour MobilePhone - Duration: 8:33. -------------------------------------------
DON'T OPEN the WRONG Mystery DOOR Challenge! - Duration: 5:59.
Hello everybody! Welcome to the Kids Fun Show!
Today we're gonna be doing a DON'T OPEN the WRONG Mystery DOOR!
As you can see, we have five doors with numbers!
Behind four of them, our daddy hidden surprises.
And behind only one of them is something spooky.
We have no idea which of these doors is wrong.
We will have three rounds. In each round, we will take turns choosing a door.
The one who makes a mistake and chooses the wrong door will lose!
By the way, don't forget to subscribe, put you thumbs up and hit the bell.
Let's begin!
Are you ready?
Yes! We are ready!
Who is gonna be first?
Ok Ulya! Choose your number!
I choose this number!
Ok! Open up the door!
Well done Ulya you guessed the door!
I think I will choose this door.
Ok! Open up the door!
Well done mommy!
So Ulya it's your turn now!
Choose your number!
I choose this number!
Ok! Open up the door!
Well done Ulya! You got one more egg!
So mommy you have two doors number two and number five. Wich one will you choose?
I will choose this number!
Ok! Open up the door!
You failed!
Ulya you won this round!
Our spooky ghost here!
Round number two. Are you ready girls?
Yes! We are ready!
So mommy it's your turn now! Choose your door!
Let's choose this one!
Number one!
Ok! Let's do it!
You got your prize! Well done mommy!
So Ulya it's your turn now!
Come on Ulya!
I choose this number!
Ok! Open up!
So girls! Round number three!
Ulya! It's your turn now! Let's do it!
I choose this number!
Room number three!
Open up the door!
Yes! You guessed! Take your prize!
Ok mommy! It's your turn now!
Let's choose this one!
Open up the door!
Well done mommy!
Kinder Surprise!
Wich one will you choose?
I choose this number!
Door number five!
Are your sure!
Open up the door!
Well done Ulya! Get your prize!
I think I will choose this door!
Open up!
Kinder Surprise!
Well done mommy!
You both get all eggs!
So no one lose today!
It's awesome!
No one lose today! Well done girls!
Door number four
There is a spooky ghost there
We hope you liked our challenge!
Subscribe to our channel if you want to watch more intresting videos!
Bye! Bye!
For more infomation >> DON'T OPEN the WRONG Mystery DOOR Challenge! - Duration: 5:59. -------------------------------------------
Brightech Lightview LED Magnifying Lamp - Try It or Don't Buy It? | Sophie's World - Duration: 5:47.
hi I'm Sophie and welcome to my world well are you ready for another episode
of try it don't buy it well that's what you got today so in full disclosure mode
I'm going to let you know that this is a product that was actually sent to me by
the good folks over at Brightech now Brighttech makes all these amazing
lamps and lights and all kinds of stuff and you should just check out their
website if you need a light or lamp but what they sent me which was amazing was
this magnifying light so let me tell you a little bit about it while I show you
what it looks like it's a Brighttech lightview Pro dimmable LED magnifying
floor lamp and it was designed to ease your close-up focus even with vision
problems such as aging eyes or macular degeneration now when I was a kid my dad
who worked for the United States Mint had one of these but he had a version
that clamped to the table why I like this model is because it's got this very
nice heavy base that's on wheels so you can actually take it anywhere you want
it's really easy it's not like you have to unclamp it and screw it onto
something or have a table that you can screw it onto I remember the one thing
with my dad's was you had to have specific tables because it wouldn't work
for all tables this you don't have to worry about a table at all it's
self-contained now it does take space because this circular area is about two
and a half feet around so it does have a circular space that you have to think
about but I'm going to just show you see how easy this goes up and down this arm
and it can come in and out so that you can basically get it wherever you need
it you can formulate it around the space that you need it as you can see it comes
out like this and then it's got a screw here so that you can set your head
wherever you want it and then this head also pivots so see that you can see how
the head pivots back and forth has this feature here where you can make the
light brighter softer whiter or warmer and you know it's awesome because
some places you don't want quite as much light because you get some glare
off of like if you're working on like a mirrored surface or a silver surface or
something like that you don't want that you want to use more of a warm light so
then you can use more of a warm light there are some things you want to use a
brighter cooler light and then you've got that button that you can make it go
higher and lower so that's pretty cool then this part you open up right
here and I want to make sure that we get a close-up so that you can see how well
it magnifies and the amazing thing about this is that you know I'm getting older
and my eyes definitely you know are starting to you know age with my body
and having something like this where I can actually see the close-up you know
of my fingers and stuff like that like when I'm tying little knots in fact I
used this to make this necklace that you see here and it has a slipknot and I was
able to use this to tie the Slipknot and you know it's hard to see because it's
very very thin using the magnifying glass here I was really able to focus in
and actually see how I was tying the knots it was it was great and then I
really do like this whole differentiation between like a bright
light and a warm light and a cold light it just it's really great I like how
this protects the magnifying glass I mean I would say this I find a tiny bit
annoying I could probably do without it but I see how it keeps the glass clean
it keeps the glass protected so that's great the button is nice and easy to use
I like that it has this hand hold here so that you can swivel it I love
the fact that it swivels easily and then stays put
and I also like the fact that it kind of easily tucks away if you just fold it
down it totally goes away now it does take up like I said a space about two
and a half feet like so a two and a half foot square it's got about a seven foot
long cord so it's got a half-decent cord and it's very easily movable on those
so I know that this is a product that somebody sent me but you have to
understand if I didn't like this product I would not give it the thumbs up that
I'm gonna give this product I think that this product is a sturdy product I think
it's really well made and I'm hoping that it lasts a long time in fact I'm
thinking about buying one for my mom who makes jewelry and I'm thinking that this
would be a great thing for her to have we're definitely going to be using it
here at the office I know I personally going to be using it for close-up work I
think the main thing I would say about this is that the price point is higher
than the cheaper models that I've seen before it is in the hundred dollar range
but if you are looking for a lamp like this that you are looking for magnifying
you're looking for good light and you're looking for something really sturdy and
you're willing to invest a bit I would definitely say buy it so try it don't
buy it mmm Brightech I'd say if you've got
the money buy it for more great products check us out at Sophie-world.com
and if you've got a product that you want me to review and give you an honest
review I will do so here on try it don't buy it
For more infomation >> Brightech Lightview LED Magnifying Lamp - Try It or Don't Buy It? | Sophie's World - Duration: 5:47. -------------------------------------------
록히드마틴 기술 적용, 조기 생산 성공...이러다 보니 T-50은 훈련기로서는 너무도 고급 기종이었다. - Duration: 11:28.
For more infomation >> 록히드마틴 기술 적용, 조기 생산 성공...이러다 보니 T-50은 훈련기로서는 너무도 고급 기종이었다. - Duration: 11:28. -------------------------------------------
Ed Davis On Whitey Bulger Prison Killing: 'Informants Don't Do Well In Prison' - Duration: 3:23.
For more infomation >> Ed Davis On Whitey Bulger Prison Killing: 'Informants Don't Do Well In Prison' - Duration: 3:23. -------------------------------------------
When People Don't Support You - Duration: 1:26.
- The path to pursuing your purpose can be lonely.
And what a lot of people don't talk about
is the more you rise to the height of your purpose,
the more people who are there to weigh you back and down.
But don't let someone who's never believed
in their own dreams stop you from believing in yours.
Don't let someone's lack of possibilities stop you
from seeing the infinite possibilities in your own life.
It's so important to remember
that not everyone we lose is a loss.
And sometimes we need to let go of people in our lives
so that we can receive the new.
And so, don't let people take up space in your heart
that aren't giving you peace of mind.
Know that the more you step your foot on the path,
the more people are gonna show up
to actually not just be riding with you when you're high
but also dust you off when you're down.
So don't give up.
If you're feeling lonely on the path to your purpose,
know that it's normal to feel that way.
And don't let that stop you
from going after your dreams, your visions and goals.
Because there's nothing worse
than going to the end of your life
with coulda, shoulda, wouldas,
and not having gone after your dreams
because you let someone else stop you.
So never stop believing, know that your tribe is out there.
Comment below and let us know
that you're a dreamer who believes.
Let's stay connected and support each other on our path.
(inspirational music)
For more infomation >> When People Don't Support You - Duration: 1:26. -------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> YOU DON'T OWN ME E TAINTED LOVE - Duration: 5:09. -------------------------------------------
Đồng hồ chính hãng Olym Pianus OP89322ADK-T-HT phong cách luxury đẳng cấp trên tay - Duration: 1:04.
For more infomation >> Đồng hồ chính hãng Olym Pianus OP89322ADK-T-HT phong cách luxury đẳng cấp trên tay - Duration: 1:04. -------------------------------------------
Bài #11 (9/11) - Âm /t/ & /k/: Luyện tập Sound journey - Phát âm tiếng Anh giọng Mỹ - Duration: 3:41.
In the first activity, we will test your ability
to recognize the /t/d/ and the /k/g/ sounds in words.
You will hear 4 words, and you will have to make 4 decisions.
We start at "1".
After hearing each word, you'll have to make a decision:
turn left or turn right, based on what sound you hear in each word.
If you hear the /s/ or /z/ as the final sound of the word,
you have to turn to the left.
And if you hear the /t/, /d/, /k/ or /g/ as the final sound of the word,
you have to turn to the right.
After 4 words, we will arrive in a city.
Your job is to correctly guess the name of the city where we have arrived.
Let's do an example:
We're going to the right.
We're going to the right.
We're going to the left.
We're going to the right.
We are in Seattle.
Can you hear the final /t/ sound pronounced as a /d/ in "Seattle"?
In the first and second set of words I will say each word twice.
Are you ready?
Where are we? Write the name of the city in the comments.
Second set of words. Are you ready?
Where are we?
In the third and fourth set of words I will say each word only once.
Are you ready?
Where are we?
Fourth set of words. Are you ready?
Where are we?
Write the name of the cities in the comments.
For more infomation >> Bài #11 (9/11) - Âm /t/ & /k/: Luyện tập Sound journey - Phát âm tiếng Anh giọng Mỹ - Duration: 3:41. -------------------------------------------
Đồng hồ chính hãng Olympia Star OPA58045MSK-T mỏng gọn ôm tay - Duration: 1:06.
For more infomation >> Đồng hồ chính hãng Olympia Star OPA58045MSK-T mỏng gọn ôm tay - Duration: 1:06. -------------------------------------------
Doonka For President! (Anna S. and Nikki T.) - Duration: 0:47.
For more infomation >> Doonka For President! (Anna S. and Nikki T.) - Duration: 0:47. -------------------------------------------
Youtube Is Broken And I Don't Know Why?! - Duration: 3:17.
they will never admit it but I am 100% sure that YouTube is broken
so there are people talking about this on the Internet
mark plier has a great video I'll put a link below about how YouTube is broken
and as he says it's affecting smaller channels like me this channel is growing
and it's growing fast but yet my views are stuck at next to nothing I can't
explain how I know that this channel is growing but it really comes down to the
fact that the comments are becoming really prevalent in these videos not
only that I've been doing this channel for about two years but now suddenly I'm
getting contacted all over the place with people asking me questions about
their inventions so I know the word is getting out there about this channel
I am taking no prisoners we are moving forward with this channel I have made a
decision that this channel is going to become large there is a movement
happening in America and we are going to win you guys are gonna get out there and
you're gonna start manufacturing things and this really isn't just about America
these things are happening in America it's happening in Europe micro
manufacturing is the future as far as I'm concerned forget about the big
manufacturing that's already well-established around the world it's
people like you it's people like me that can take control of our own destiny and
have fun in the process the equipment is now cheap enough the services are out
there all over the world to get our products manufactured all you need to do
is know how so this train is moving forward so you're either with me or you
can go to the other channels that'll tell you about licensing your product
and you can sit around you can pay them and you can listen to their bullshit and
hope that someday you make some money but if you're serious about making real
money as an inventor you're at the right place because I've made a lot of money
doing it and so can you so yes YouTube is broken right now and I
don't care I'm still putting these videos on there hopefully you guys will
get the word out manually send it to your friends you'll talk about it you'll
leave me comments below you'll give me likes you'll do all the different things
that are needed to make this channel grow because I'm help
but they better fix this this channel better grow because I'm starting to get
really pissed about it that I'm doing all this hard work giving you guys this
really valuable information and YouTube is sitting on its butt and not fixing
their problem channels like me need to grow 10,000 subscribers is a joke just
like the guys at these inventions submission places that are claiming how
they made ten thousand dollars selling their trinkets and I shouldn't be doing
this for ten thousand subscribers I need to be at a hundred thousand plus and you
guys are going to help me screw YouTube's make this work
For more infomation >> Youtube Is Broken And I Don't Know Why?! - Duration: 3:17. -------------------------------------------
7 "fatty" foods that BOOST Testosterone (and several other T-boosting tricks)… - Duration: 5:15.
Hey, hey, hey, everybody.
What is up?
Shaun Hadsall here, the owner of Get Lean
in 12 and stubborn fat expert.
Inside today's video, I want to talk to the men out there.
And if you're a female who has a husband or a significant other
over 35 years old, you can also pay close attention.
I'm going to reveal 7 fatty foods that
can help optimize and boost testosterone levels naturally.
Remember, after age 35, several hormones inside the body
start to decline rapidly, testosterone being 1 of them.
And it's kind of become an epidemic.
So if you're feeling fatigued and tired all the time,
you find that no matter how hard, you can't lose weight.
Or you're feeling depressed.
Or you're having sleep issues.
You can't gain strength or gain muscle.
These are all signs of low testosterone.
And fatty foods can help boost testosterone levels.
But before I talk about these 7 fatty foods,
I pulled up a newsletter article we did for our Get Lean
in 12 Club.
It's a private newsletter club that we have.
We did a huge piece on testosterone,
and I learned a ton.
So a couple of other things that can help you besides these 7
fatty foods I want to share, take more vitamin D.
And I'm going to be sharing some foods that
have vitamin D in them to help you with that.
Cold showers can also help, believe it or not.
Taking a cold shower at night before bed
will naturally enhance testosterone levels.
And I recommend that you do the same thing upon rising
after a high intensity workout.
This can wake up your T levels, as well.
You should also avoid plastics because they're estrogenic.
In other words, they have these xenoestrogen in them.
These plastic particles get inside the body,
and they mimic estrogen. And this can negatively
impact testosterone levels.
The other thing is to get at least 6 hours of sleep
every night.
And of course, I recommend eight.
I try to get 7 to 7 and 1/2 hours every single day,
because I feel amazing when I do that.
I get more done.
I'm more productive.
I'm more focused throughout my day.
I'm not looking for that nap in the afternoon.
And another thing is taking mini vacations, even a long weekend,
where you're going to get out in nature and to green spaces
and get out of the city and get away from technology.
This can enhance the brain's ability
to produce more testosterone.
Now let's talk about these 7 fatty foods here.
The first 1 is pasture or farm raised chicken eggs.
And the yolks have a lot of vitamin D in them.
And they also had the friendly fats
and the friendly cholesterol that
can be precursors to helping the body optimize
testosterone levels.
Raw pumpkin seeds are also effective.
Cod-liver oil, loaded with vitamin D. Coconut oil
is very beneficial.
In fact, tribes that have coconut oil,
and it's like saturated fat from coconut oil,
is high, 60% in their diet.
And there's literally no diseases in these tribes
across the world.
Another 1 is raw Brazil nuts.
Just be careful because Brazil nuts
have a lot of selenium in them, which is great for you.
But you should only eat about three or four Brazil nuts
per day.
No more than that, because they can become toxic after that.
The 6th 1 is grass fed butter.
And the 7th 1 is grass fed beef.
Both are loaded with friendly fats
and conjugated linoleic acid, CLA,
which has been linked to better testosterone production.
It's a friendly fat that can also help burn fat.
So hopefully this helps you on your quest
to burn belly fat and optimize testosterone levels.
The 1 last thing that I would share if you can tolerate it,
and I can't, is to use very low wrap, heavy weight,
weight training movements that activate the body's largest
muscle groups.
So deadlifts and squats, done for 5 reps to failure,
have also been shown to help optimize testosterone levels.
I personally cannot not do that.
I'm 46 years old now.
And my back just cannot handle it anymore.
So I use all these other methods instead.
And this is just my advice after 20 years
of being in the trenches doing this,
being a 46-year-old grandpa and helping thousands
of people across the globe.
You can do whatever you want to do, right?
But it's my hope and prayer that you take this advice to heart,
because I believe it can change your body and life in ways
that you've never imagined.
Now as a free gift for watching this,
I put a link to a free report called the "Over 40 Stubborn
Fat Sequence."
You'll see a link somewhere around this video
that you can click or tap where you can download and get
instant access to that.
If it's not in your email inbox within 30 minutes,
go to your spam folder and whitelist us
and download your PDF.
And then we want to continue to follow up and coach you
via email.
And inside this free report, you're
going to get your hands on a 12 minute metabolic protocol that
will help optimize other hormones,
like growth hormone and adrenaline.
And research shows that this 12 minute metabolic movement
pattern can actually activate and increase growth hormone
levels up to 400% to 700%.
It also releases massive amounts of adrenaline, which
is a precursor to fat loss.
So if you've got something out of this video, do me a favor.
Click the Like button.
Give me some hearts and shares.
If you've got questions, post them below.
Thanks for watching this, and keep going strong.