How To Do A 🤸 CHIN-UP PULLOVER 💗 Justice - Duration: 1:51.We're going to teach you how to do a chin-up pullover.
Hi, I'm Girl With Heart Ambassador, Natalie.
And I'm her little sister, Savannah.
And today, we're going to teach you
how to do a chin-up pullover.
The first thing we have to look at is our hand placement.
When we grab the bar, we need to have our hands cupped
like when you're swimming, 'kay?
And then you get a good grip on the bar.
Savannah, can you do that for me?
Now that we have our hands on the bar,
we need to do a chin-up.
Here you go, good job.
Okay, keep your legs together.
Now that we're in the chin-up,
we need to flip around the bar, and that's the fun part.
Good job.
As a recap, you put your hands on the bar,
do a chin-up, and then you flip over
into the front laying position.
If you're having trouble flipping over,
just remember to keep your legs and all of your body tight.
I hope you enjoyed learning how to do a chin-up pullover.
Don't forget to like and subscribe
for more Justice videos.
Famosos que votaram em Jair Bolsonaro e ajudaram na eleição do candidato - Duration: 5:06.-------------------------------------------
Novo Ford Territory estará no Salão do Automóvel de SP - Duration: 1:00.-------------------------------------------
O futuro do Museu Paulista - Duration: 6:59.-------------------------------------------
DO I GET TIRED OF EATING SALADS❓❓❓ - Duration: 10:23.hey guys back with another video I have been recently answering questions that
people have been damn damn oh excuse me DMing me and also leaving in the comment
section of my videos or private messaging me on Facebook I'm sorry if
I'm late kinda sorta with some of the answers to your questions because I
might not go on to Facebook for long periods of time mainly on Instagram and
I'm still also learning that platform as well so sometimes when people leave me
private messages they kind of get piled up back there because I'm just learning
the app so you know I just you know spur the moment when I'm just you know maybe
don't have anything to do I might say oh let me check to see if I have any
messages and a lot of times I don't even expect to have any in my DMS but I do so
I'm gonna answer viewers questions that they asked me some of the questions are
easy to answer and some of them are just simple questions like this one here
someone had asked me do I get tired of eating salads I was kind of surprised at
this question because this had to be from a viewer who follows me quite
frequently to know that when I do my refeeds that I do eat a lot of salads
and when I talk about eating those the kinds of foods that I eat a lot of
different kinds of salads as you know I love my dairy so I do eat cheeses
different kinds of cheeses like walkins all the cheese and blue cheese in my
salads whatever have you but yes I do get bored with eating salads and I when
I get bored sometimes that's how I get on the deep end with some time at the
fried food like the fried fish and the fried chicken the southern southern
style of cooking comes out in me and I'll start eating in a not so
good way and that's what triggers me to sometimes go on these binges
is when I stop eating raw produce on salads in particular and I get tired of
eating salads cold foods raw foods and then I stop eating you know fried
chicken and baked chicken and you know barbecue and you know just you know
southern style cooking food that's real savory and rich just like almost like a
Sunday dinner I'll make Monday through Friday for my
family including myself when I have a taste for savory home-cooked foods and
when I want to get away from salads and I do get tired of eating salads I'm not
going to tell you a lot that is why recurring my issues of I'm losing the
weight then I'm out of stall then I might pick up three or four pounds
I have not gained any of the weight that I have lost back I have lost about 75
pounds when i fluctuate now it's between 14 and 19 pounds near before it used to
be between 19 and 24 pounds I'm currently as of today I did one meal
a day because I want to go into a fast a mixture of a water and dry fast with the
option to juice but trying to stay away from solid food for some time not gonna
say how long because every time I start a fast and I announce it I don't stick
to it so I don't want to really say too much about on where my progress is right
now with the last remaining amount of weight that I need to lose but it's
going to be a drastic weight loss the remaining of the weight that I need
to lose and no I will not be eating salads to lose the remaining of this
weight I'm kind of like on the outs with salads I'm you know I want to stay away
from solid foods including salads to the point where I miss salads and then I
want to eat it again you know how it is when you're fasting either water fasts
or juice fast your body will indicate when you wanna re feed so I think it'll
be a while before I want a salad or any fried chicken or even fried fish I think
that I'm I've been rewarding myself more than trying to lose a remaining of this
weight I did manage to do a nine-day juice fast I was supposed to do a 30 day
juice fast but I stopped at nine days keep in mind I have been juicing almost
ten months nine months and like 14 days or something like that I mean even when
I stopped juice and I always had a 32 ounce juice before any solid meals so I
am still detoxing in healing I'm still on that journey even when I fall off and
I might eat lemon squares and fried chicken and fried fish I'm still on my
journey and I still detox every single day my urine is still filtrating if for
people that don't know what that means stuff dead skin cells and disease and
all that stuff filters through your kidneys and comes
out in your urine I still have kidney filtration which is
a good thing the also the cholesterol rings in my eyes are like disappearing
so it took about almost nine months for them to completely go away so it'll
probably take another nine months for it to be completely you know gone eighteen
months to two years so you know for me to have this progress in nine months
imagine in another nine months period me looking healthier and more vibrant
through juicing and living a fasting lifestyle now when I say a fasting
lifestyle I'm not going to eat salads for the rest of my life one thing I will
say while I'm on this earth which is a lifestyle changes yes I will incorporate
salads as a meal replacement or something that I eat part of the meal
and juicing is something that I will do mandatory before any solid meals on I
will definitely have that written in stone until God calls me home I will
definitely have a juice every single day 16 to 32 ounces a day but I am going to
always be on a fasting lifestyle and I doesn't mean dry fasting not eating for
five days you know I think that I paid my dues you know and when I say pay my
dues everything that I needed to do at the beginning of this journey has been
accomplished which was to stop myself all stop myself off on the right track
with the detoxification and healing I'm really excited about the next part of my
journey because now I'm working on and I don't want to make this years and years
to come of me figuring out the the you know the the recipe to healing my
anxiety and my sleeping disorder I want to take notes like I did this last nine
months that's how I figured out when I was juicing that cucumbers were the main
ingredient that was growing my hair like a weed including some biotin that I use
with it that's very effective but the cucumber I want to find out what fruits
and vegetables I can use as a stringent in my due
that can correct my hormonal and have my anxiety in my muscle spasms and all that
stuff that I have in my sleep and disorder I want to get that back in
check so I'm going to document like I have been doing here on hey as I have
been doing what I feel like on a daily basis is not really about the weight
anymore I still have some weight to lose and I will announce when I lost all of
the total weight that I need to lose but I need to document how I'm feeling on a
daily basis how my sleep was on a daily nightly basis and what is the formula so
that I can apply it in my life and use make up the chills and also you
know pass that on to my family so that if they wanted these issues like me
which was all my life anxiety have any anxiety and probably some depression
they know how to cope with it so I'm not even cope with it you you know what to
to drink for juice or eat as foods that are medicine to cure it I call it a cure
heal it I mean I say kill heal it healing is a better word so I see that
this video was going into eleven minutes I just want to say please subscribe to
my channel like and she had this video and make it a favorite and I'll see you
guys in the next video bye for now
Top Sertanejo 2018 Mais Tocadas (Lançamentos) - As Melhores do Sertanejo Universitário 2018 - Duration: 1:00:49.Hello friends ! If you like this mix please Like & share, sub channel. Thanks you very much !!
ESTIMATING REPAIRS & How to do a Wholesale Real Estate Deal - Duration: 8:50.CLOSED CAPTION BY YOUTUBE! in this video we'll talk about making repairs and we're gonna talk about how
to do real estate wholesale deals of course as usual but exactly how do you
estimate repairs stay tuned alright what's going on this is all coming to
your life on my Empire Pro studios I have a quick question here that came in
and let's just go ahead and address this question it's it's ok so I might have a
deal on the contract soon so means never ok but I'm innocent like we don't have a
real deal my question is how do you estimate repairs I have no idea how to
do this would anyone in South Jersey be able to walk through a few properties
with me well why don't we just do that right here on this session ok first of
all before I get into the answer to that question let's just talk about what is
wholesale real estate right also never list what is that well it's basically
when you put a house on that contract at the discounted price maybe not so
discounted but at a price that investors love what is the price that investors
love so think of it this way the property is worth $100,000 right after
repair it needs to work it needs about $20,000 of repair ok so because of that
you're not just gonna assess as a seller as a owner it's not as simple as just
doping on the market for a hundred thousand dollars - $20,000 and valving
$80,000 then somebody's gonna come Happiny and purchase the property and
then fix it for $20,000 and then voila $100,000 it's not that simple when the
property needs work it becomes less attractive to the regular market to the
retail market you know people this is their home they
need to fall in love with a dinner for the woman need to fall in love with the
kitchen the bathroom the the lawns and it needs to have to call appeal right so
people need to fall in love with that property for the by so if you have a
puppy that needs $20,000 worth of work and it's worth $100,000 after I repair
the office you're gonna be getting on the market if you put their house on the
market it's gonna be a lot less than $80,000 which is the difference there's
gonna be a lot less than that okay you're gonna be getting offers for forty
fifty thousand dollars why because it's not attractive now that's if you get any
offers at all there's a very high chance that you're not gonna get any offer okay
because again it's not attractive it's not an attractive house and the
retail market basically wants a ready to go live in so the kind of people that
will be interested in such properties are investors investors who would like
to purchase the property put the work in and then sell it for a profit on the
market okay which is legal you know they deserve to make a profit from that
that's the idea of real estate investing so basically if they go purchase the
property for $80,000 and they put in work for $20,000 they sell it for
$100,000 there's no profit there right so was a reasonable profit for an
investor a reasonable profit for an investor is 30% is somewhere around 30%
does that make sense if somewhere around 30% but the more the better
okay a lot of times investors will want war basically here in New Jersey versus
like $40,000 profits okay it keeps the business going they invest
some money they make some money everybody keep everybody go home
everybody goes home right so basically the way that works is an investor will
come in and and do the math of what is the 65% of $100,000
that would be $65,000 right and now they will now subtract the cost of repair
estimated cost of repair from that that's basically $20,000 so 65 minus 25
that's 45,000 dollars so the investor will purchase it for $45,000 sometimes
they do off 270 present okay so that means they purchased the property for
17-20 that's $50,000 so deep properly for $50,000 putting work of
$20,000 there cost us up to $70,000 they put it back on the market for $100,000
they make $30,000 for investing $100,000 to represent ROI it's a beautiful day
they just made profit they can do the business over and over they can feed
their family that's how the business what they are paid taxes on that too by
the way all right so so the question here is
basically based on that repair part because as a wholesaler you help this
investors find these deals which is why I prefer the number 65 percent because
investors can pay up to seventy seventy five percent you make the spread between
which is a five to ten percent spread right so you can make someone between
five to ten thousand dollars on a hundred thousand dollar deal and
investors will happy repair you the seller will happily get rid of this
property that that means work you know and that's your responsibility to find
such deals so when you find such deals you need to learn how to estimate
repairs in the beginning some people say I find a contractor but maybe it's not
that easy contractors like to get paid so but contractors don't get paid up
front potatoes will give you an estimate of work on a house and hope that you
give them the job okay so you could do it that way and observe how they are
serving things but also the way I like to do it for every new market that I
explore is I just Google the information okay I'll say I'll say Stockton
California cost off roof and some numbers will come up and those numbers
are usually good enough to estimate if they are bad you find out in good time
because your investors will tell you and plus you have to remember that investors
your number you'll find on Google is probably already more conservative than
the numbers the investor will be looking at because investors have deals that
they you know the cost of things are cheaper the cost of fixing up a house
are cheaper for them because they do the business over and over again so they
have that volume type of discount in their deals so your numbers Republican
basically enough another way that I find myself doing sometimes if a house need
carpet and painting if based on what I'm looking at I would probably put 10 to
$15,000 worth of work on that if you need a little bit more than that let's
say like cabinets kitchen and new kitchen stuff
I'll put thirty thirty-five thousand dollars on it if that house needs got
work like you've got it that's seventy two hundred thousand dollars worth of
work and I know that from you know just experienced over the years but again
those are two different ways I gave you idea to learn how to estimate actually
they give you three the first way find a contractor and observe what they're
doing and do that a few times eventually it's not rocket science you will see
what they're trying to do and then you can use that information Google some
more information and you come up with a nice little system to do your repairs to
do your repair estimate the second way that I showed with you is actually
Google the information depending on what mark and you're getting into in this
world of virtual wholesaling you should be able to do that on the fly using
Google the third way that I share with you is basically what the third way
remind me remind me or maybe I need to clear my - okay
the third way is what I just share with you which is based on experience I
wouldn't do that unless you've had some experience I said if you miss copy
dinner worth $15,000 if it needs a little bit more maybe a kitchen cabinet
maybe thirty thirty five thousand dollars right and if he needs like got
at work that's seventy to a hundred thousand dollars work depends on the
area it depends on a lot of other stuff so that's how I do it personally and it
works perfectly fine for me so hopefully that was helpful for you if you want to
know more about what I'm teaching this course my real estate wholesaling
basically you want people want to fill your pipeline with leads telling you
about properties for sale all the time grab the book is absolutely for free
smart real estate wholesaling car and simply go to Smallville Estelle click like on this video right here below like put the share
button and comment your questions below and hopefully you've been enlightened
today and educated I'll see you on the next one and the
Why Do Stupid People Think They're Smart? The Dunning Kruger Effect (animated) - Duration: 8:41.One day in 1995, a man robbed two Pittsburgh banks in broad daylight.
He didn't wear a mask or any sort of disguise.
And he smiled at surveillance cameras before walking out of each bank.
Of course the police found the robber and later than night arrested him.Interestingly
enough, when the robber was handcuffed, he was puzzled and he mumbled "but I wore the
juice".Apparently, this bank robber thought that smearing lemon juice on his face, would
render him invisible to bank's security cameras.
And he didn't just think that, he was pretty confident about it.His rationale was that
since the chemical properties of lemon juice are used in invisible ink, it should render
him invisible to the bank security cameras.This is obviously a completely dumb way of thinking.But
what's interesting is that, even after the police showed him the footage of his robbery,
he was genuinely surprised that it didn't work and he thought the footage was fake.The
police concluded that this man was not crazy or on drugs, just incredibly misinformed and
mistaken.The funny robbery led two social psychologists, Dunning and Kruger, to study
this phenomenon more deeply.
Specifically what interested them the most, was the confidence exerted by this robber,
that made him believe he'd be able to obstruct the security cameras with just lemon juice.To
investigate this in the lab, they examined a group of undergraduate students in several
categories: their grammatical writing, logical reasoning and a sense of humor.
After knowing the test scores, they asked each student to estimate his or her overall
score, as well as their relative rank compared to other students.This is when Dunning and
Kruger found something fascinating.They found that the students who scored the lowest in
these cognitive tasks, always overestimated how well they did.
And not just by a little, but by a lot.
They thought they had scored above average, while their score was one the lowest.So not
only were those students incompetent or less skilled in those areas, but they obviously
didn't even know just how bad they were at them.Students who scored the highest, had
more accurate perceptions of their abilities, but they made a different mistake.
Paradoxically the highest scoring students underestimated their performance.
They knew they were better than average at the test, but because it was easy for them,
they assumed it was easy for everyone.
They didn't know that their ability was at the top percentile.Today this phenomenon is
known as the Dunning-Kruger Effect.Essentially, low ability people do not possess the skills
needed to recognize their own incompetence or lack of knowledge.
Their poor self-awareness leads them to overestimate their own capabilities.You can clearly see
what I mean in this graph here.Having barely any skill or knowledge, leads to massive confidence.
However when you become more knowledgeable about a certain topic, that confidence falls.
Only when you start to reach above average skill, is when the your confidence about a
certain topic starts to pick up again.Contrary to popular belief, this is not just limited
to cognitive tasks.
It doesn't seem to matter what specific skill we pick, the less a person knows about any
given activity, the more likely they are to overestimate their skill or knowledge.The
Dunning-Kruger effect can be observed during talent shows like American Idol.
The auditions are usually filled with a variety of good and bad singers.
The ones who are bad at it, almost never realize how bad they really are.
That's why they're genuinely disappointed when they get rejected.The truth it, we're
not very good at evaluating ourselves accurately.
In fact, the majority of people believe, that they are better than average.
88% of people think that they're better drivers than the majority, and even elderly people
rank themselves among the best drivers.A more interesting example is that; 94% of professors
assume that they are better in comparison to their colleagues.We judge ourselves as
better than others, to a degree that violates the laws of math.
But why?
Why does being less skilled make you more confident in your abilities?I'm going to help
you visualize how this happens.
This is Mike.
He's an amateur photographer.
And this box represents how much he knows about photography.And this is how big he thinks
the field is and how much there is to know about it.
With this reasoning, he's easily at the top percentile of all photographers.
But let's say he meets a professional photographer, someone who has been doing it for 7 years,
but he still has a lot to learn.
This photographer knows this much about photography.
But he also knows that the field is much larger, and there's this much to know about it.Because
this photographer is more knowledgeable about the subject he knows that this gray area exists.
However, Mike does not.Now you can see why Mike is so confident in his ability.
He has no idea, just how much he doesn't know.
Because he only has a little knowledge of the field, he doesn't know that it's way more
extensive than that.
And because he doesn't know, what he doesn't know, he thinks he knows 90% about photography.Meanwhile,
experts tend to be aware of just how knowledgeable they are.
But they often make a different mistake: they assume that everyone else is knowledgeable
as well, mostly because others exert so much confidence.In this instance, the photographer
is aware he only knows about 70%.
But if he met someone like Mike, he would underestimate himself.90% is better than 70%
after all.We are all susceptible to the Dunning-Kruger effect.
But how can we prevent ourselves from falling prey to it?
Well the answer is, you should strive to educate yourself as much as possible.
You're not expected to know everything after all.Thinking you're always right is a clear
sign of foolishness.It seems that the more knowledge people have, the more they realize
how little they know in reality.
In other words, the more people know about a certain issue, the more they realize how
complicated, unexplored and extensive it is, and how many things they do not understand
or know yet.
It's a beautiful paradox in which the more we study something, the less we know about it.
On the other hand, people who dabble on the surface of anything they pursue, will never
know how much they still have to learn.
In the Dunning-Kruger experiment, unskilled or incompetent students improved their ability
to correctly estimate the test results after receiving minimal tutoring on the skills they lacked.
It's helpful to have someone who is ahead of you show you what you have yet to learn.So
next time you feel confident that you know a lot about something, take a closer look
at the topic as it could be that you are a victim of the Dunning-Kruger effect.
You just might not know what you don't know.
Thanks for watching.
If you enjoyed the video, hit the like button.
And if you're not subscribed, make sure to subscribe.
This way you won't miss out on more videos that will make you better than yesterday.
Moro saúda Bolsonaro e sugere caminho para resgatar confiança do povo na classe política - Duration: 4:23.-------------------------------------------
In what order do I add winterizing chemicals? - Duration: 1:44.[music]
Rob: Welcome back to the Poolside Chat presented by
I'm Rob.
Matthew: I am Matthew, and this time, we're
going to get right into the question.
No messing around, just smack dab right into
the question because a couple of times, we kind of
lollygag at other times, and people leave comments
and we're not going to do that this time.
We are hopping right into the question.
Rob: Quick learners.
Matthew: What was I saying?
Rob: I don't know.
Matthew: The question goes as such.
When the pool pump shuts off, water sprays up
through the skimmer, and blows the lid off.
Why is this happening, Rob?
Rob: Well, the most common cause will be air build up in your filter.
See, air can get in there either-- maybe you've taken
the equipment and air got in, or you have a suction
side air leak, but anyway, air will build up in
the filter and it's compressed while the pump's running.
When the pump shuts off, that air
expands, forcing the water back through
your line and up through the skimmer, and that's where the lid pops off.
Some other things we've heard of, if you have return
jets and maybe you have valves returning those return
jets, if that valve is closed or somewhat shut off, not
as much water is flowing through the system as needed.
Again, the back pressure builds up
when the pump shuts off, path of least
resistance, goes right back towards the skimmer, and blows the lid off.
Have you heard of anything else?
Matthew: Well, another thing we've heard from a few homeowners
is that if their filter is very dirty and they need to
backwash it, the water will create a lot of back pressure,
and when the pump turns off, it'll rush back into the pool.
Now, I've never seen it happen myself, their
lines could be the dirty as their filter.
If it happens to you, that might be one of
the things causing it, but I think you answered it.
Rob: Yes, you did as well.
Matthew: Yes, better.
We've been practicing.
If you like these videos, please like and subscribe.
If you have any questions, leave comments down below.
For anything pool and spa, visit
Thank you for joining us.
Let's Do The Modern Day Business | Dodoh (Promo) - Duration: 1:00.Peace be with you.
I'm Dodoh Rahmat,
from FFG, Jakarta, Indonesia.
Speaking about the networking business,
or network marketing,
where people commonly knows it as
Multi-Level Marketing.
Nowadays, people have the wrong understanding
about this network marketing.
Actually, ladies and gentleman,
there are no big business in this world,
that is not network marketing.
That is why I will try to explain it,
in this webinar that will be broadcasted by FFG TV,
on Tuesday, November 6th, 2018,
at 19.00 Western Indonesia Time.
TOP SERTANEJO 2018 - Só As Mais Tocadas(Lançamentos) - As Melhores do Sertanejo Universitário - Duration: 1:00:49.Hello friends ! If you like this mix please Like & share, sub channel. Thanks you very much !!
Abraham Hicks 2018 🙂 All You Have To Do Is Find Satisfaction ~ No ads during video - Duration: 12:37.Wow I'm nervous to say this but I have a message from Jerry
so that Esther looks more beautiful than ever and when she came out I just was so
moved and felt that and then as it was progressing I realized oh that's Jerry
so those are welcome words my pleasure yeah good to live it so I want to have
the best conversation that we can have let's have the most satisfying
conversation yeah yeah and I'm not sure if that's talking about an issue and I
know you know what I mean well the most satisfying solutions are those that
matter to you sure okay and the issues usually are the things you've been
thinking about but we for sure got to get on the satisfying side of the
equation okay yeah but you can start anywhere and we can move there okay sure
okay I'm a musician I'm a cellist and a singer and songwriter and producer and
do a lot of different things and I have a question do you make any money no no I
do it I do I do I make some money I make some money for music money yeah
it happens it happens I'm friends with a lot of really successful musicians
famous musicians and play with some of them and what I notice about them that I
want is that they have so much fun and I have fun
but for me it's at a place and it's okay that I'm there but where I'm at is that
it feels like there's just a little bit more struggle then there is fun so your
struggle is muting your fun it's muting my fun what can you make out
and it's alright to describe them as you perceive them or as you feel them let's
see if you can find the solution factor what is it about them that isn't quite
the same with you that you could attribute to the fun that they're having
stay here with us just for a little bit so think about satisfied worried
satisfied worried satisfied worried satisfied no worry satisfied no worry
satisfied stress satisfied worries what maybe a little present in you isn't
present in them so focus upon what is present in them satisfied confident
satisfied sure satisfied steady satisfied relaxed satisfied
expecting that is by steady here's the point that we're making you can always
find satisfied you might not be able to find secure you might not be able to
find steady you might not be able to find yet famous you might not be able to
find yet lifetime contract you might not be able to focus on and find all of the
reasons that they feel satisfied steady but you can find satisfied and you know
the vibration of satisfied is as big for you as it
for them you hear that satisfied is the productive link to all of it because
there's no resistance in it and then satisfied turns in to all of those other
emotions with more momentum satisfied confident satisfied relaxed satisfied
playful satisfied fearless satisfied intuitive satisfied relaxed see what
we're getting that I do I do and I do know it I know it I know it
vibrationally and have felt it and have experienced it and lived it maybe can I
direct us to talk about what and I know that you've talked about the performing
experience and what's really going on in a vibrational level and that the the
person performing is linking up with source and then and beaming that out and
really is not conscious of the humaneness that's present but maybe we
could talk a little bit more about that hold that thought right where you
presented it to us and here's the piece that you're looking for earlier we said
it but now we're going to set and apply it right to where you are your creation
is about your relationship with anything your relationship with your instrument
your relationship with your orchestra your relationship with your industry
your relationship with anyone your relationship is more about the thoughts
that you've been thinking than this moment in time it's about what you have
accomplished in terms of preparing or pre paving your vibrational atmosphere
now isn't it logical that someone who's been in that position longer would have
relaxed into it they did a lot of their preparing of their vibrational
atmosphere by playing in the orchestra and by having all these gigs and by
making all this money and by getting all this notoriety because that does produce
more and more the better you get at something and then the more you attract
and the more you attract then the more you observe it and the more you observe
it the better you get at it but how do you get that ball rolling to begin with
you have the experience before you have the experience you have vibrational
experience you have the experience of satisfaction you have the vibrational
experience you practice it in your mind by not letting your mind go to where
you're worried you practice the feeling of satisfaction of it in your mind not
just on this topic of this musical experience but on every topic that you
can find I'm a satisfied person I'm satisfied satisfied satisfied satisfied
because the more satisfied you are about the more things the more you have
prepared that vibrational nucleus and then the more chronic the more often
you're tuned in tapped in turned on and that's the reason for your satisfaction
confidence security well-being it's not about what's happening in the moment in
time you know that don't you sure because if I'm satisfied
I don't need my performance or my music career etc to be anything ... you are not looking
for that to give you satisfaction your satisfactions gives you that oh yeah
when you were speaking with the friend just before I remembered an inspired
thought that I had that everyone actually enjoys more being something or
someone who enhances an already wonderful thing rather than someone
who's fixing something everyone would want to experience themselves as an
enhancer that's absolutely accurate and here's why because to be part of that
increasing momentum gets better and better and better as opposed to being at
the beginning of it or trying to fix something now there's resistance in the
mix which is less satisfying than if there isn't what we want to impress upon
you the distinction between the relief of letting go of a little more
resistance and the deliciousness of being satisfied where there is no
resistance this is what we want to impress upon you the speed with which
satisfaction moves to empowerment and confidence and just over the top when
you stand in these emotional vibrational first and then emotional is the way you
feel of it you accomplish the vibration and then the emotion confirms it when
you stand in this emotional vibrational stance of well-being and you have
figured out how to do it deliberately so that you do it often and you begin to
notice the leverage that you then have that's what you're seeing in these
people that's what you're seeing in the ones that have quote-unquote
made it and what they've made is the conscious connection so it just becomes
their expectation that's why they don't feel any risk they're not trying to
prove themselves they're not worried about somebody judging them and throwing
them out of the club they know they've got it because they've got it and when
you accept that all you have to do is find satisfaction and then you've got it
then everything else follows there's another piece of this that I think will
really help everyone and that's that when I imagine my life right when I was
sort of like think about a timeline especially in regards to this piece
something that I want I've sort of been trying to reconcile or make myself okay
with oh well it's alright that I'm on the way to this a lot of work isn't it
and you reconciling with the timeline yeah you know why it's more work because
all of your powers now and when you try to look where you can't see you
introduce worry instead of satisfaction you can't be satisfied in the future
there's no satisfaction factor in the future there's the idea of it all of
your emotions no matter whether they feel good or not so good your emotions
are always about your relationship with your inner being and that relationship
with your inner being is now now now now now now now
you cannot project yourself into the future and feel what your future
relationship with your inner being is going to be about you can think about
the future but your relationship with you
inner beans happen in now so when you do a timeline into the future you can feel
when you deviate from what your inner bean knows about what's unfolding from
your vortex it's almost immediately like almost as soon as I start to even
doesn't matter if you're thinking about past present or future doesn't matter
where you're looking it only matters that wherever you're looking you're
looking at it the way your inner being looks at it so let's say you had a
terrible experience in the past your inner beans not looking there and when
you do you don't feel good let's say you're looking in the now and what
you're looking at is something that is causing you to feel a little insecure
that's because your inner being isn't looking at it like you are let's say
you're looking into the future and you are feeling all frisky and confident and
excited you're looking at it like your inner being is looking at it so what
we're asking of you is that you don't need your current experience to be the
momentum to make you expect good in the future you don't need to see it before
you believe it you believe it and then you see it and the reason you believe it
is because you can cause yourself to feel however you've decided to feel and
when you choose satisfied there's plenty of reasons to do that and when you do
you join with your inner being who is yodeling down the canyon with enthusiasm
about what's coming for you yeah yeah and then to others that don't understand
that you might look unnaturally confident they might think what's this
newcomer to this great palette of success why is he so confident because
there are humans that may not think you've paid enough price to be so sure
of yourself but you don't want to look for mutuality with them you want to look
at mutuality with your inner being who knows there's no price to pay right
I think that's amazing
Halloween Makeup Tutorial: How To Do Skeleton Look Inspired By Kim Kardashian - Duration: 14:38.Hi guys.
I'm Cynde Watson, professional makeup artist,
and I'm excited today because I'm going to show you
how to get the Kim Kardashian skeleton look.
So, the first step is you want to get
a crayon like this in white.
We're going to do everything white first.
Since this is a black-and-white look
it's easier to do all your white makeup first
and then do the black makeup so you don't get it
and make it turn into a gray look.
First thing I'm gonna do is trace around my eyes
so that we can get that sunken, skeleton look.
So, I take the white pencil
and above your brow,
you come in
and it doesn't have to be so perfect,
and there.
And then again on the other side,
go around
and come in, and there are no mistakes in skeleton
you can just color in.
So, now you have the eye sockets
and next we're going to do the nose.
So, the nose has a little bit of a,
comes up kind of like so,
so it's almost like a z.
I'm kind of making a z or a two.
Comes around and comes down.
And you're just going to fill that in with black later.
Okay, just like that.
So, now you have your nose and your eyes.
It's so easy.
So, it's really just like a contour.
You start the center of your ear
and kind of go around like so, bring it around.
See that, you're kind of making a line like so.
Now, on the other side, same thing.
Kind of just two lines like this.
It gets tricky when you come out here.
You're going to come up a little bit here,
just like this towards the mouth
and then again towards the mouth like that.
On the other side, same, up,
and towards the mouth like that.
So now, you're ready to do all-over white.
All right?
So, with that, you can either use a sponge, or I prefer
as an artist to use the brush to start.
I have on a little makeup already,
but, if you're coming home from work or school
you can just go right over your makeup.
If not, to protect your skin, you want to make sure
you use a primer first, so you primer your skin
so you can protect the skin
and so your makeup lasts longer.
And, start putting that makeup on.
And, I'm just really dabbing it on.
Dab, dab, dab.
Dab it in.
Dab it in.
And then I change to a smaller brush
and just press it in.
So it's important to just get it on first
and you can make it more opaque
which means thicker and not so see-through later.
This is a great brush because it has both sides
or, like I said, you can use a sponge also.
And, sponges are sometimes actually less expensive
and easier to get a hold of
even though I love to use brushes.
And I like this look too because the way she did it
her hair was all the way back.
And you can take it down your neck if you'd like
or you can wear a turtleneck, you can kind of cheat it out.
Cover it over your mouth.
And when the liquid makeup starts to dry down,
it makes it so much easier to layer.
And you just keep layering over.
Kind of coming together here.
And so you just trace over.
So, it's so much easier to get this white on
just like I was saying earlier, before you put the black on.
A lot of times you see, there are people
who put the whole white face first.
And when you do that,
the black mixes with the white.
And it just becomes a big hot mess.
And you see how I am pressing in,
pressing, pressing, pressing,
that is the best way to get more
of an opaque white or whatever color you're using.
And it smooths it out also.
See it so far?
I think we're coming together.
I think we're coming together.
And in here it gets a little tricky
with the nose, what you'll see it coming together
once I put the black in there.
And then just kind of make sure
you can look into the mirror
and try and make it symmetrical
so both sides are even.
And make sure you don't forget your ears with the white.
Now I'm going to be using a cream
just to make it a little more white.
And it has a little bit of iridescence to it
so it kind of glows.
And this is just like party makeup.
It's very inexpensive.
And, of course, I would be wearing
a turtleneck with this or a body suit.
Fingers are also very good to use
just to make sure it's all set.
Little pinky finger.
It's good just to tap it in around your hairline.
Just tap it out.
See how I'm doing that?
Okay, I'll let that set
and now we'll start putting the black on.
And you can go on the inner water line
under your eyes they're like,
right in the water line.
As close as you can get to that.
So you just want to drag that down, that pencil.
Also on your lids, color in.
Already looking spooky.
Okay, a bigger crayon, and then just color in.
You can start to trace that same shape
that you traced with the white,
you can do it with the black.
Now, some of that white will be there,
but not as much as it would have been had we started
doing a whole white face.
And it will look a little gray
but we're going to go back with some paint.
And we'll do the same thing.
I'm really just coloring on the eyebrow
and then, bring it in, back around.
You can see it on this side and this side.
Okay, then I'm going to color the nose in.
You want to get the complete nostrils and everything.
A brush like this,
and you'll go into your black
and then you can go back and paint.
And pressing like this is best to get
the black on quicker
and it will be the most black this way
'cause it won't have the opportunity to mix
with the white paint.
Can you see the difference?
This brush is great because it has a really precisioned end
and you can get the nice edges
and smooth the edges really nicely.
Now I'm just really smoothing the black.
Now to the nose.
It's detailing up a little.
Okay, so now we're going to start doing the jawline.
And you're going to start right at the ear
where I had that open space.
And you're really just contouring
on your natural contour.
This is not perfect.
It's not supposed to be perfect.
So, it's kind of almost like a tree branch a little bit.
I'm getting there.
Okay, and the other side, same thing.
And don't worry if the sides aren't absolutely perfect.
It doesn't matter, just as long as they get
in the closest vicinity.
Okay, so now you have the jawline, the nose, the eyes,
and then what I will do now is take the thin pencil
and this is where you can kind of really do a little work
on like, perfecting a little bit more.
Adding a little more detail.
You want it to be blackest around your actual eye,
so, go back in with the blackest pencil you have.
Not bad.
So, let's do a little detail on the eye.
So, this is just like the cracks in the skull.
We're gonna put the little cracks.
So, it's important to get like a really thin
point eyeliner, liquid eyeliner.
It makes the cracks in the skull look really real.
And, your lines don't have to be the same thickness.
Some are thinner, some are thicker,
it's fine, don't worry about it.
Spooky, spooky.
And now I'm just going to make this
I'm going to use this just too make it a little blacker
around my eyes.
Add a little white in here.
Just another sized crayon.
I'm going to put a couple of little marks in here.
And here's where you kind of just feather it in.
You don't want it to be too perfect.
You want to take it in to the lip a little bit,
just like this.
Press the black into the lip,
so you can look dead.
All of this is fine-tuning.
You want to add a little bit of bronzer just for depth.
Any bronzer that you have, it doesn't matter.
Even contour, I'm using a contouring pallet,
so, you just add it around your lips.
It's good we're putting in the lines.
It's so easy, down.
Some are thicker than the others.
Now, I'm using a little eyeshadow
just to bring the drama, and you can see
how it's starting to develop a little bit more.
This will also help set the makeup
'cause it's crayon, and it's all sort of waxy and creamy.
So the powder will help lock it in.
Even on the sides, this is where you're going to build in
a nice even jawline.
And then you can the use it
to sort of softly come together here.
It starts to look spookier.
You can shadow a little bit.
And you can go back with the white.
In between brightens that up,
makes your mouth a little spookier.
And don't try to be perfect down here
because it's not supposed to be.
Just do a little bit more on my neck.
And you just take it down as far
as whatever you're going to be wearing.
Just a few layers to really get it where you want it to be.
So, once that's done, you just look at it
and just decide, is it ready to go?
I feel like I want to find
this pencil and take the top off
and just fine-tune this area a little bit more.
And you can see,
pretty much there.
And just one last on the ears,
make sure that goes all the way back.
The final step is to set with a translucent powder lightly.
You don't need a whole lot of it.
Just really just tap it, the white areas mainly,
because we used the black eyeshadow on the black,
that's fine.
Don't forget your lovely neck.
And you can see that I press a lot.
This really keeps it, sets it in,
and it gets it on quickly.
And there we are.
The Kim Kardashian inspired skeleton look.
You can do it yourself.
(laughs spookily)
Qanon - SerialBrain2: Jeff Sessions: Trump's Secret Weapon. Do You See The Storm? - Duration: 4:50.Jeff Sessions Trump's secret weapon enjoy the show so let's talk about Jeff
Sessions I told you several times in several posts echoing commenting and
decoding Trump and cue that you need to trust sessions the only way you will
enjoy the show is if you make here's this recommendation from cue cue 11:22
trust sessions trust ray trusts Kansas trust or wit's trust Huber cue these
five nights are the eye of the storm their concerted actions will be
devastating to the enemy and will purify America and the world from its
destructive darkness do you see the storm when POTUS refers to the calm
before the storm the trained Mockingbird media agents
know there is something going on behind the scenes and they are terrorized look
how our excellent Sara Sanders has fun handling them with these established
premises let's now answer this question from cue
cue 151 how do you capture a very dangerous animal do you attack it from
the front do you walk through the front door
do you signal ahead of time you will be attacking what makes the deep stay
dangerous nuclear weapons and spying tools to play with false flag
capabilities involving MK victims climate control etc agents infiltrating
all levels of the US and world governments and a huge number of
sleeping people snoring in unison with mainstream media's demonic deceiving
mantras so if you don't want to blow up the planet or a civil war you need to
have a plan a smart one a plan that takes you from
being besieged by the deep state after election day with MSM constantly lying
about you and people rallying against you all over the United States to the
shutting down of their NK nuclear platform and destroying their electronic
spying infrastructure q 2016 blind eyes in the sky shall we play a game
you cute 2020 GCHQ beaut sent distress sigit onine EST and sa no more q q 2021
main frequency bands terminated goodbye q that's what is happening on the
military battlefield at the judiciary level you need to take control of the
system using smart tactics like the ones described in q posts you need to feed
the animal with powerful soporific drugs so it can snore louder for you than for
the mainstream media and that's the feud between Trump and sessions this strategy
works so well that the left now only swears by sessions and we now get to
appreciate tweets like the following one from some of their brightest minds we
are now in the optimal situation where our programs sleeping people are
rallying behind sessions against Trump thinking he is Trump's worst problem
with illustrative moves like the indictments of two GOP congressmen
before the midterms and it's apropos accompanying presidential wrath the
storm Trump and sessions have now set the trap disallowing the left from
claiming political bias the day sessions will drop the hammer on their leaders
that day I predict he will be wearing a FISA t-shirt q 2067 with love comes
trust schedule changes can be very painful q how do I know this I sometimes
see in the comments section very surprising comments like we already knew
this why did it take you so many lines to get to this you see this is the
difference between conjecturing something is true and getting it from
the horse's mouth I know this because in addition to cues hints it's all coded in
Trump's tweets yes it's all in Trump's tweets would you
believe it if I told you that right after no-names departure he coded some
crucial information about it and that it was related to sessions I will show you
let's look together first we need to analyze the four first tweets of
August 24 2018 a day prior to no-names departure did you notice how Trump
attacked sessions very early in the morning right after going through his
wins in the economy and international relations Trump is about to take them
down enjoy the show
Halloween Makeup Tutorial: How To Do Unicorn Look InspIred by Jenna Dewan - Duration: 21:45.- Hey, everybody, I'm Gretta Monahan,
and I am here at the Rachael Ray Show studios.
Today I am gonna create a unicorn out of this
and I'm gonna use all these goodies in here.
So the inspiration is Jenna Dewan.
Actress, beauty.
This is her Instagram picture where she did a unicorn look
and this actually almost broke the internet,
and I think that this look for Halloween is next-level.
When we think of unicorns, we think about rainbow,
we think about the trends, the season in beauty,
whether it's pastel hairs, or multicolor hair,
it's really like a fantasy palette.
Pretty much, you can make that what it is.
Let's say you love blues and greens.
So go with blues and greens, and make your unicorn
look blues and greens.
Maybe someone loves pink and yellow and orange.
You can totally rock that.
So it doesn't have to be exactly these pigments,
but work with what you have.
Let's say that you have a compact like this,
and it's broken or there's a few, you know, shimmery spots,
or maybe there's one color in here you never use.
All you need to do is keep this,
put it in a bag for Halloween, and know that that's kind of
your little stash, and save those compacts
that are maybe broken, and also mistake colors.
This was mine.
I mean, I really wanted to wear green,
but frankly, for every day, that was just not...
Really not happening.
In a normal day going to work, we wouldn't do that.
We wouldn't want to put a lot of powder
on top of gel or cream makeup, but for Halloween,
you can really amp up the intensity
by working with different textures,
so I totally say go for it.
More is more on Halloween.
Really important to use primer because primer creates
a protective seal on your skin,
and this is really important in Halloween
because we really put extra makeup on at Halloween.
I've got unicorn horn, I've got rainbow hair,
we are ready to get started.
(upbeat music)
Okay, so up next, I'm using this little paint palette.
Now, all these are are sheer, kind of bold colors,
but you can probably see that I have
more of a rainbow pastel, which is exactly
what this palette represents, and why
I'm choosing to just throw this into the mix
is because this is gonna help to take out
the natural skin tone I have.
It's gonna basically white me out and give me
sort of a canvas, but with a pastel glow and undertone,
and that's just gonna help me build all the pinks
and all the hues in that I'm looking for
to get that unicorn vibe.
You do not have to go out and buy this.
If you have pastel, let's say, eyeshadow, for instance,
just scrape a little off with your fingernail
or a little end of a spoon,
put that in equal parts with your moisturizer or primer,
and you can pretty much make the same thing at home.
I'm even going down the neck.
I don't like to see, you know, that separation,
kind of, on costume and Halloween wear, so no matter what
vibe you're going for, whatever skin tone,
just canvas the whole thing.
Now, if you're wearing a turtleneck, you obviously
do not have to go all the way down.
A little more pastel on the cheeks.
It's starting to build a mask.
Doing a little lavender on the eye.
The whole eye.
I think everyone worries about everything being so perfect.
Jenna's Jenna.
I'm Gretta.
You're you.
So if she puts lavender on the lid, so be it.
If you put lavender on the cheek because lavender
is your vibe and you dig it on the cheeks, great.
It's your look.
You gotta personalize it, even for Halloween.
So don't second-guess it.
Ooh, I really like the lavender.
Next up, my mistake color that I bought and never used.
It's getting put into action.
Any tone you have is actually gonna look a lot more shimmery
because it's going on top of this base I've created,
and that's the idea, so let's play
and see what it looks like.
Gonna use a small brush.
Small brushes allow us to get a lot more pigment
on the brush if it's tightly-packed, which this is.
If it was fluffier, it would kind of go all over the eye,
and I want a little more precision,
so I'm gonna go with a tightly-packed brush.
You can see, this one I layered in the color.
Pat, pat, pat, pat, pat.
That is placing the pigment in that area,
especially kind of layering it
so that it's more bold than what we would do every day
for just natural makeup.
So I'm layering it in right from the inside corner
to the outside corner of the eye,
and then, I'm just giving it a little bit...
A very light blending.
You do want the feel, even though you want bold makeup,
you want the feel to be very mystical,
almost like you're wearing a filter.
Be careful not to take it all off.
If you blend too much, you'll take it all off.
And unlike everyday makeup, you guys,
you want to draw it way, way beyond your natural eye line.
I know you wouldn't normally go way out there, but it's fun.
It's Halloween, it's supposed to be bold.
So in order to create bigger eyes,
with a bigger illusion, draw that color right out.
A great little guide is to take the end of your brush,
and, you know, normally, if you were working with
one of our makeup pros, she'd say stay about there,
but with this, you can go all the way over
and create a half moon.
This is a fluffy brush.
You can see this.
These bristles are not tightly-packed,
and you can see because it moves really easy.
You can feel how light it is on the skin.
Now, something that's tightly-packed, for instance,
would be more like this.
See how that's a little firmer?
And so this is going to apply much more color,
pick up more pigment on the eye
and create a denser look of color.
This is better for a bigger area,
so now, I'm gonna use this under the brow bone
for a clean sweep of pearl.
So now, just to make that beautiful connection
more of a rainbow vibe, and blur the lines.
I'm placing that right under the brow bone.
I also love the little trick.
I like to put a little bit right in the corner
of the eye, the eye socket.
It kind of just makes it look a little more magical.
So right in here, add a little glisten to the eye socket.
I'm gonna let the eyes rest a moment,
and I'm gonna go to face for you.
So now my entire face.
I have a great canvas, I've got this kind of
pastel pink-y vibe going,
and I'm gonna work with my pigments.
Fluffy brush.
Serious glow.
Jenna applied it here, and basically, that's easy.
You can think about, right in here,
instead of where you would put bronzer,
you're actually gonna put that pink halo.
I think I need more.
Another great brush to do this with,
if you want to switch it up, if you have one hanging around,
is a fan brush, because you see how narrow it is?
If you want to make a little sharper look,
this is very easy.
Just think of two boomerangs.
I guess I like glitter.
She did a little down here, sort of under her shoulder bone,
so I'm gonna do the same.
The pink is on the outline of the face,
and it's very pearly in the T-zone
above the mouth, to give that kind of
glow-y, dimensional vibe, so that's a little whiter,
and that's a little pinker, so I'm gonna go after that.
I'm gonna copy the T, and I'm gonna
pop a little light pearl color...
Basically white, light pink, whatever you have,
and I'm gonna put that there.
So I start to build that.
So this is basically glitter in a little gel.
You can use a little, or you can use a lot, and layer it.
I'm gonna put it on heavy, 'cause it's fun.
It's Halloween, and I'm gonna let it dry
before I do anything on top.
It should be the last move that you do,
kind of on your face.
You don't want to push this around with the brush too much,
because this sits on top of all of your makeup.
On this one, you can either use your fingers or a brush.
It doesn't really matter.
If you use a brush, though, just have a very light touch.
Okay, so I'm gonna show you some lips.
Now, this is also a great time to use any of these
lip colors that you know you kind of bought on a whim,
or you just hated for daytime, work, date night.
Probably get a lot of use out of them now,
especially if they're a weird color.
This is the time to use it.
So I have a pink fuschia that, unless I really put
a lot of gloss on, it's just too pink for me during the day,
and then I've got this kind of purple, kind of,
I don't know, amethyst vibe.
It's cool.
It's not my favorite. I felt a little sick in it.
But it's gonna work perfect, too, for this look.
The other thing is your lip liner.
So you can either go with a straight pink,
or a pink family, or a nude, or none at all.
It's not a have-to, but the other little one
you might want to know about is the white.
The white, if you really want to look very dramatic,
you can actually paint your entire lip in white,
and then whatever color you go over with,
it's gonna really be bold and pop.
So I'm gonna start here, and I'm gonna play.
What I'm showing you now is layering your lip color.
You can layer color anywhere on your face.
The reason I really like this for lips,
especially on Halloween, is who wants to
stop to reapply their lips?
Like, you want it to be done so you can go have fun.
So this will also...
Not only will it pop and be a lot more vivid
than it would be normally, but it will also make it
much more eating-proof, kiss-proof, candy-proof.
Black liner.
Honestly, any mascara that you're sort of half-done with,
just take a little brush, dip it in,
and you can use mascara as liquid liner.
A little darkness on the lash line makes the lashes
look thicker instantly, it makes the whites of the eyes pop,
and it makes all of this shimmer, shine, and pastel
look high-contrast and really bold.
Honestly, I like both eyes.
You don't have to do liner,
so if liner gives you stress, don't do it.
A lot of people feel stressed about liner.
So this is glitter eyeliner.
You know, this is one of those things you could pick up
for Halloween, but again, you don't really need it,
but I'm gonna try it since I have it here.
Might as well.
You can see it's got little glitter in it,
and I just drew a black line onto my eyes,
and I'm gonna just put this right over.
Oh, kind of cool.
Can you see it?
I'm just putting it right above the top of the line.
Doesn't matter, though.
You just line a little, or put a little in the corners.
Very important.
Don't rub with your finger like I did.
Get these little guys and barely touch it
if you have a little something, but don't worry about it.
When it all dries, it'll come off fine.
Again, I always tell everyone, don't be too exact.
A little on my nose.
Jenna doesn't have that, but I do 'cause I love glitter.
So when your glitter has set, and you can actually feel it.
You just touch it.
It sort of just dries.
You can actually take one of your fan brushes
or something really light, and this is super light.
This is just to set it so you can forget it for the night.
Just put a little extra of your pink shimmer on,
and this will not only make all of that glitter pop
a little bit more, but it's terrific
that it actually sets it for the evening.
So, see?
It kind of looked like I...
It looked like I turned up the volume on the light.
Let's talk brows.
Now, my brows are natural. I mean, I filled them in
just a little bit before I got here.
I could just leave them really natural,
and that's fine.
Essentially, what Jenna did here,
was she colored them in for depth,
but I can't really see that she put any glitter on them,
so that's totally personal and up to you.
I think I'm gonna deepen them in,
and I might try just a little glitter in the brow.
Just to see.
Just for fun.
I mean, what could it hurt?
So pick up your everyday palette that you use.
Doesn't have to be special.
Browns, taupes, natural colors,
if you want to just keep your brow natural.
And all you do is stay on the shade of your natural color,
or just a little tiny bit darker.
But, you know, not really dark.
You don't have to go super dark.
If you're not trying to look for a costume-y effect,
this is just about really allowing all of these
pastel colors to pop, and giving
a little more drama to the eye area.
If so, you just take your angled brush
and just fill in the gaps.
That's all.
Everybody has little gaps.
Or just follow the line and the natural shape of your brow,
which I love, and fill it in.
Gonna try this on my brows.
I'm gonna actually go in with this amethyst color.
Little sparkle, let's see.
I like it.
So now for the fun.
We have all of this ready to go,
and now we just put on these little adhesive rhinestones
wherever we want, pretty much.
Again, if we want to go with our inspiration
and follow that, that's easy because we're just gonna make
a little half moon around the eye
and maybe down the neck, depending
if we want to do that or not.
I mean, you could do it on the nose.
She's got one actually under this eye,
which I didn't even spot until now.
Do more, do less.
Kind of make it your own thing.
Too much?
So, for eyelashes, I actually already have
a set of faux lashes on that are kind of everyday,
so I could just either use my natural lashes
and really coat two or three coatings of mascara on.
Make sure you dry in between or just let them dry
because they're gonna build thicker and lusher and longer
that way, or I can get, like, a super duper Halloween pair
that are really thick or have glitter in them.
That's up to you.
Whatever you think.
Again, you don't have to have lashes,
but if you want that big, sort of beautiful
extra large eye look for your little creature,
then that's what you would do.
Just roll, don't rub.
Fan to dry.
I mean, I love lashes.
I could keep going, and going, and going,
which would mean that I would have to dry them, reapply,
dry, reapply, but you can have lashes
out to here if you want.
I'm excited about hair.
I love hair.
Okay, so, with Jenna's inspiration,
her hair is pulled back, high ponytail.
I don't know if you can see this.
This is clearly a hairpiece because I do not believe
that she has rainbow colored hair naturally.
So, for the unicorn hair, we're gonna actually
pull our hair back into a ponytail,
we're gonna tie it up high or wherever we like to wear it.
Doesn't matter.
So we're gonna spray the whole front with silver to get
this look, and then if you want a rainbow ponytail,
you either use sprays on your own hair
or you can add hair that's faux.
For instance, you can get these little clip-ins.
This little easy banana clip if you're
not someone who's really good with your hair
or you feel like, "Ugh, I hate having to, like,
"sit there and do a ponytail."
This just clips right in.
So this is a full wig and it's gorgeous.
It's all pastel colors.
I mean, you can't be a unicorn without a horn.
That's the whole thing.
So how would we do it?
Lots of easy ways.
You can either buy a little headband with a horn,
which they have in every mall,
in every store, pretty much everywhere.
Rachael gave me this great idea.
This is actually a cake decorating kit,
and she said, which was genius, that we could use this horn.
Just break off the little end and attach it to a headband,
glue it on, and there you go.
A happy birthday hat from a kids party.
We usually end up with these all over the house.
I know I do with my two sons.
And the art department had a really cool idea
of just taking glitter, having the kids decorate,
and this is how we get our kids involved.
Okay, so after you're done spraying, just let it dry.
It's gonna feel a little bit wet,
and you just want to let it dry.
If you did get a little in your ear, it's no big deal.
You'll just take that little Q-Tip and take it off later.
Easy breezy.
So that's gonna dry, but in the meantime, we're busy.
So we're gonna take our wig, which is our full wig.
I'm gonna cover my ponytail and I'm gonna stick
all of my own hair underneath, and I am going to
literally fasten this baby right on,
and don't worry about what it looks like,
because it doesn't really matter yet.
Just try to get a hairband...
My hair's pretty thick.
That will actually make it on here.
I like it kind of messy and cool.
Up to you, but all you do at this point is
you take a lovely piece of hair like this,
and you know what I'm gonna do.
You guys know what I'm gonna do.
Gonna take this around and I am gonna hide my little bun.
Just like that.
Bobby pin.
Yes, my fingers are silver.
See, I like it kind of messy and cool.
It feels...
I don't know, it feels like a messy topknot,
which is so in-fashion right now.
If you want to make it neat, you can.
You just have to go back, smooth it, and do it.
I'm not into making it neat.
I also want to build it up a little bit.
I like it a little thicker, so what I'm gonna do
is just take this, and I love seeing all these
really fun colors, and see, I can just wrap this around.
It's kind of like unicorn meets I Dream of Genie.
Okay, guys, so what do you think?
This is my version of a unicorn for Halloween.
Have fun, comment, send me your pictures.
I want to see it.
My handle is @grettamonahan on Instagram, Facebook,
and send us your looks to the show.
We'll love it.
Have an amazing Halloween.
I hope you guys enjoyed this, 'cause I did.
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