Aslam-O-Alikum Friends, My name is Ghulam Mohy ud din
How to Switch from Blogger to WordPress without Losing Google Rankings - Duration: 13:48.Do you want to migrate your Blogger blog to WordPress? Well keep watching, in this
video I'll walk you through how you can migrate your Blogger site to WordPress today.
There are a few things that we need to set up to get this process going
so I'll show you the things that we'll be doing. First we need to set up a
hosting account, second we need to install WordPress, and then we need to
migrate or import Blogger information from your Blogger site over to WordPress.
So if you're ready, let's get started. If you don't already have a hosting
account you'll want to get one set up so that we can start the installation of
WordPress to get this going. Since you're setting up your site for
the first time we usually recommend Bluehost it's a very inexpensive way to
get started on your own WordPress site and WPBeginner has worked with Bluehost
for several years so we've been able to get a discount for you. If you click on
the link below you can claim that offer. From here you just want to click the big
green button to get started now and during this process you can select your
plan. normally if you just have one web site then the basic is fine. I tend to
like setting up a lot of websites or a lot of domains so a lot of times I will
choose the plus area but the basic is fine as well. For you just want to select
the one that's best for you and then we'll move on. On this screen you'll want
to choose your new domain. If you already have a domain for the website then you
can put that in here otherwise you'll want to put in the
domain that you want to set up and the great thing about this discount is your
domain name comes free with this and from here you just want to fill out the
account information that'll be associated with this account.
Scrolling down real quick I want to just show you that by default the account
plan is for 36 months but you can change this here if you need to and you'll see
how much you're saving here. Also under the package extras we usually suggest
unchecking all of these to get started and then down here you'll see the total
discount and the amount due today. So go ahead and fill out all this information
to set up your hosting plan and then we'll move on. All right once you setup
the hosting account now we need to install WordPress. They make it really
easy, what you want to do is from your cPanel scroll down until you find
something called install WordPress. We'll click on that button from here you see
that we have an overall progress side up here it shows everything that we've done
so far and what still needs to happen. Then down here you want to pick the
domain that you want it to go under as well as where you want it installed. We
want to installed right where the domain is so let's click Next. Now it will go
through the process of installing WordPress for us and there's not much
that we have to do except just wait. Once it's completed installing you'll notice
the installation details here. You want to copy that information now we can go
to our website and log in. To do that open up a new tab, type in your website
address, and at the end type in wp-admin that will take you to the login area so
that you can enter your login information and login. Great now that
you've logged in you see that you have your dashboard area for WordPress. The
next thing we want to do is we want to go back to Blogger so that we can export
the information from our Blogger site. So log in to your Blogger site and go down
to your Settings area. From the Settings area let's click Other and we want to
backup our content. So we'll click backup content and yeah we want to save it to
our computer. You can name it whatever you want and it will be an XML file for
us to import into our WordPress site later. So let's click Save and you'll see
down here that it's saving to our computer. Great once that's done I can
close that out and we want to head back over to our dashboard in WordPress. So
I'm going to click on my dashboard for WordPress because we need to import what
we just exported from Blogger so on my side tabs I'm going down to my Tools
area click Import. There are a few different import features that we have
that we can import from other things. This is the one we want to import
so we need to install it first and once its installed we can run the importer.
Now it'll bring us to this screen so now we have to find where we just saved that.
You can also if you have it in your taskbar, you can left-click and drag it
up to choose the file and you see it's there or you can click Choose file and
go find the XML file click on that we see it's ready and we can upload file
and import the content. What thats, what that's going to do is now that we
imported it we need to decide do we want to create a new user for all of the
posts that were under us or from the drop-down select the user that we want.
I'm going to assign all of them to an existing user on this site and click
Submit. What this will do is you can see at the bottom is that it'll go through
and start the import process and once that's done you get a message saying
'All done. Have fun.' make sure to update the passwords and the roles of the users
if you've imported users. We didn't but if you do import users make sure you
update the password information. Now that we have that we can go to our posts. It's
imported all the posts that we've had from our Blogger area so you can scroll
through and make sure that you see all of the ones that you import. Now what
we need to do next is we need to set up the permalinks, that's what comes after
your url. Blogger has a different URL structure than what we normally have
with WordPress so we need to make sure that that matches as closely as possible
so that we don't, use, lose any rankings. To change that let's go over to our
settings area, click on Permalinks, and we want to, you see by default it'll do post
name that's the typical setting for WordPress but we want to go to custom structure
and we're going to remove that and I'm going to paste this in here. You
can see it in our blog post basically you want the Year, the month number, the
post name .HTML that's if you want to keep the structure
the same. So once we enter that we should be good to go and you can come
down here and click Save Changes. Now sometimes the structure still won't be
the same and what you can do is if you look at our link on our site you can
copy this bit of code into the functions.php for the WordPress theme and that
should get it close to the Blogger's URL structure and I'll show you how to do
that now. I'm going to highlight this bit of code that you see on our post, gonna
right click and copy. Minimize this, now we need to go back to our WordPress
dashboard we want to go to Appearance, let's head down to Editor and what we
need to do is we need to first we need to say that we understand that we're
making changes to the code and that could break things. WordPress has gotten
really good about saving you from yourself
so we'll be alright. We'll just click 'I understand' and what we need to do is we
need to click on the theme function that's what we're looking for,
scroll all the way down, get into a new line, and right click and we want to
paste that bit of code that we found on wpbeginner. We can update the file, once
we update that all we have to do is visit any of our posts on our website. So
I'm going to scroll down and I'm going to view this post. Great, so what it did
is it simply updated my information, it went it took a script it went and
updated all of the posts permalinks to match what I needed it to match for my
Blogger site so now this is good to go. We only needed to do that once so now we
need to go back into our Appearance area and remove that code we don't want that
in there anymore so we'll click edit and go to the Editor again, go to our theme's
function, scroll all the way down, and we need to make sure we only remove what
started on line 70 and remove that. Again update the
information, now that the permalinks structure is set we can keep going so
basically we have imported everything from our Blogger site into our WordPress
site which is awesome now we need to make sure that anybody who goes to our
old Blogger site will get redirected to our new website. That's very important
otherwise we're not getting any of the traffic to our new site. So to do that we
need to install a plugin and it's called 'Blogger to WordPress Redirector'
and that will help us set up all the redirects that we need to make sure that
anybody who goes to our old Blogger site will now come to our WordPress site. So
let's go to Plugins, Add New from here we are like I said looking for a Blogger to
WordPress Redirection and this is what we want so let's click install now. With
plugins once you install it you also want to make sure that you activate it
for your website and you see it here which is great and we need to go back
over to tools, go to 'Blogger to WordPress Redirection' to get some things set up.
You see some great notes here that we need to keep this activated for the
redirection to work so all we need to do is click start configuration for this to
start and they found the list of blog that we need to update so let's click
'Get Code' and what it's going to do is it's going to generate some code that we
can go back to our Blogger site to put in to make sure that people who come
there will be redirected properly to our new website. So I'm going to highlight
this area, click copy, and with this code we need to go back to our Blogger
dashboard area so I'm going to click back over here and from here we need to
update our theme so I'm gonna go to theme and we need to edit the HTML now
if you have custom code on here that you want to keep now would be a good time to
copy that and save it locally otherwise we're going to select all, delete all
that's there, and we're going to paste in what we got from our Blogger
to WordPress redirection plugin. So I'm going to right click put paste and you
see all of that information that it gave me. Perfect, now we want to make sure that
we click Save theme and we need to do one more thing for the mobile users so
let's go back to theme and you see you have live on blog and you also have
mobile so under here let's click on the gear box and just make sure that this is
showing 'Show desktop theme on mobile devices' and that means that they'll see
what the desktop people see so that's good. So let's click Save Changes and now
if I go click view blog and open it in a new window now you see that it just
redirected everything to my WordPress site which is perfect that's exactly
what we want. So now everything that was in Blogger is now on my site you can go
under blog and you can see all of the posts that I have done over the years on
Blogger and that's perfect. Now here's the caveat for this when you want to
move other content from Blogger to WordPress like your pages or your
widgets that's more difficult you'll actually have to go in and copy the
information for instance I'll right-click select all and I'll
right-click and copy, and then you'll have to go into your WordPress site, go
up to pages, click add new, and you'll need to add each one separately. Make
sure you add the title of the page like it was in your Blogger then click
publish and then you'll have that there. So you'll need to do that for all of the
pages that you have and then one final thing that you'll want to make sure that
you update is if anyone reads your Blogger website and has it in an RSS
feed you'll want to update that as well. So to do that let's go back to our
Blogger area, we'll go to settings, we'll scroll down, go to 'Other', and under post
feed redirect we need to add our own feed so make sure you add in all the
information before, add your URL, and do /feed that is the normal
WordPress RSS feed address. Put that in there and let's click
save settings. So now anybody who reads your Blogger blog they'll now be able to
read it in your WordPress site. So now you've done it
you have successfully migrated your Blogger site to WordPress without losing
any Google rankings. Sid you learn something from today's video? If so
subscribe to our YouTube channel and we'll send more helpful tips to help you
manage your WordPress website and thanks for watching
Visualfy aterriza en Berlín con IMakeApps de Google -Visualfy - Duration: 5:05.-------------------------------------------
Read along with Google Home Mini and Disney's Little Golden Books - Duration: 0:36.Hey Google, let's read along with Disney. Start reading whenever you're ready. In
the small town of Santa Cecilia they lived a boy named Miguel Rivera his
house was full of... Dad skip to my favorite part. Okay.
...and he gave the legends guitar a strum. Story time just got a little more magical.
Hear sound effects from Google Home Mini when you read aloud with
Disney Pixar's Coco and select Little Golden Books.
リップルがGoogleの重役雇用!?Q3売上報告書で見る今後のXRP予想とは!?年末爆上げ?SWELL未発表好材料!暴落下落気味だったRipple最新ニュース!2018年10月11月最前線仮想通貨情報 - Duration: 5:27.-------------------------------------------
Crypto Updates #35 - Taiwan's Proposal, Binance CEO, Google Expert Joins XRP, MapleChange Shuts - Duration: 1:11.
Hello and welcome to crypto updates. Let's have
a look at today's headlines.
A legislator from Taiwan named Jason Hsu
has recommended that there should be a new business category
for cryptocurrency startups for aiding them and he even proposed a new legal framework for security tokens.
The renowned CEO Changpeng Zhao of the largest crypto exchange, Binance
has asked his Twitter followers to
to identify an impersonator who is pretending to be
the CEO of the Korean wing of Binance.
CZ Binance tweeted
As per the Reuters report, Ripple has confirmed about hiring a former senior developer of Google,
Amir Sarhangi who is leaving Google to
lead Ripple's global payments network, RippleNet.
There's a lesser-known crypto exchange, MapleChange
which divulged that it had presumably been hacked
which resulted in a loss of consumer-owned funds
and thus they have closed down. This is what they expressed on Twitter.
This is what they expressed on Twitter.
That wraps it up for today. Keep watching this channel for more updates tomorrow.
How To Disable/Turn Off Google Chrome Notifications On Windows Pc & Stop Pop Up Ads-2018 - Duration: 2:22.Hello whats'up guys and welcome back to my youtube channel
"Theta box. So today I will show you how to disable unwanted notifications in
your Google Chrome web browser and this method almost works on all windows
versions like that Windows 7,Windows 8 8.1 and Windows 10 also. So the desktop
notifications are one of the best features of modern browsers, and it shows
previews of email,breaking news and instant messages. But sometime people's are not
interested to get this kind of annoying notifications, so if you are one of the person,
you can follow my tutorial, otherwise you can leave it. First of
all you can open your google chrome web browser and in this home page section you
can press that vertical 3 dot icon and it is located at the almost right side
of that browser corner. Then it shows lots of options, so here you can go to
"Settings", now one new settings window is opening. Here you can scroll down
and then click to open that "Advanced" settings, now this time you can locate
the settings called "Content settings" and it is located under
the "Privacy and security" settings. Finally I locate it and then click to
open it, and in this section it has the lots of settings, so here you can go
to "Notification" settings and then click to open it. Here you can see it
has two sections and one is for notification allowed websites and the
another one is for disabled notification websites, so you can easily
customize it by pressing that vertical 3 dot icon. But if you're not
interested to get the any website notifications, simply you can turn off
this option "Ask before sending", so you can click to disable it. If once you
disable that option you won't get any notifications in your life time. Due to
the time consumption I finished up my tutorial. So this is the way you can
easily disable your chrome notifications in permanently. For more tech videos you
can subscribe my beautiful tech channel "Theta box" and thanks for watching...
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