For more infomation >> DIY toy car | mini car | how to make a toy car | stupid engineer - Duration: 2:50.
Formula Car Crashes During Testing - UF FSAE ep.1 - Duration: 4:43.
Fire her up.
What was the warning you just got?
There was something on the...
13 diagnostic errors.
I tend to dive way out to the right and then turn in a little later
'cause it gives me a straight shot.
Were you here with the pedal chip broke on me?
Good times.
K I think we're good. Let's start it up.
Sometimes you get, and sometimes you get got
and today, you got got.
Was this one 3D printed?
We did some testing in a parking lot and we got the tires up to 180 degrees
It's okay I mean like, you know
hot chocolate probably gets hot.
It's not leaking or anything.
Um, there's a cricket in the car with me.
What button does what?
Dude I got you.
Alright, so...
Car Hit By Light Rail Train In Midtown Sacramento - Duration: 0:23.
Trunk-or-Treat Car-stumes and Other Tips for a Scary-but-Safe Halloween - Duration: 2:05.
we think of Halloween is a time to celebrate monsters and mischief as kids
head door-to-door in search of candy and maybe a few scares but the scariest part
for parents of trick-or-treaters isn't Dracula the Wolfman or a Frankenstein
it's cars in the street Halloween should be a ghoulish good time but the
frightening fact is and it's considered the single most dangerous day of the
year for child pedestrians children aged 5 to 14 are between two and four times
more likely to be struck and killed by a car
compared with the nightly average for a given year unsurprisingly the deadliest
hours are from 4:00 to 10:00 p.m. when trick-or-treaters are out in full force
here are some things you can do to ensure this Halloween is a treat not a
tragedy always use sidewalks are designated walking paths and only cross
at corners keeping close watch for cars and obeying signals at crosswalks a
fixed reflective tape - kids costumes opt for more visible light colored
costumes and have trick-or-treaters carry a flashlight or glow stick all to
ensure they can be seen by passing cars choose face paint or at least avoid
masks that obstruct a child's vision likewise avoid costumes that hang low
near the feet posing a tripping hazard drivers slow down an exercise extreme
caution in residential areas as kids are impulsive and prone to making sudden
unexpected moves another suggestions Halloween fun trunk or treating join
with friends neighbors and fellow parents of school children to organize
an event in a field parking lot or other open space in which you dress up you're
parked vehicles and do it yourself Halloween costumes and have the kids go
from car to car collecting candy in a safe controlled environment that's fun
for everyone this year cars calm dressed up our best
of 2018 award-winning Volkswagen Atlas SUV as Frankenstein's monster it's our
own little tribute to the 200th anniversary of author Mary Shelley's
gothic literary classic and just one example of something you can do to
ensure a scary safe Halloween it's
It's Story Time My Car - Duration: 8:04.
hello stalkers I'm Kathryn DeSinaasappelen and today I'm doing my first
storytime and it's gonna be epic so today I'm going to be talking about my
car and I I really do I shouldn't because it's such a nifty electronic all
hip and cool car because it's like keyless entry you push a button to start
it there's a lovely GPS it has the front and back sensors it's my car just
doesn't like to work half the time and it's been this way since I bought it so
it sucks and luckily when we got the car we also got the warranty so when it
broke down for electrical reasons which is like all the time it's my car we
didn't have to pay for it so it's been good except now the warranty is expired
any new it's because of the fact that my car is completely undependable that I
started using the bike I'm given the choice between the two I choose the bike
because I like the bike the bike is fun it's free and there's exercise so it's
good normally on the weekends whenever we do our stuff we take Prince
Charming's car admittedly his car just isn't as cool as mine because his his
car is old its it's so old it's so old you have to crank the windows that's how
old it is unfortunately we've started having problems with his car because the
battery just doesn't like to work half the time this fateful weekend we went to
take his car which the battery wasn't working and that's something prince
charming worked on on Saturday and Sunday today and it just it looks like
he's going to have to call a garage to come get the car or see if they can come
here to think because his awesome guy car skills just
it's not fixing the car which is inconvenient because now he doesn't have
a car but he has a bike so at least he has a way to get to work going off the
story that means that this weekend we used my car to go grocery shopping and
to go take the kids to swim lessons and then we decided to go to cortex so that
I could go get some sports clothes because if you guys don't know I'm doing
a second channel where I show you my weight loss progress and now that I'm
actually doing cycling and running on a regular basis I thought it would be a
good idea to invest in proper sports clothes you knew there was but when we
got to the exit I could pack my car just decided to freak out we got this like
big notice that said stop driving the car and so we pulled over on like the
highway all these systems are failing the anti-pollution the uphill assistance
everything is just like not working not working check check check check I got
this issue before like my car just it doesn't like to work half the time so
I'm like okay we'll just wait a minute and restart the car because it's like a
computer sometimes that works there's always a but it didn't work
thank goodness Prince Charming was with me because I don't know the words for
broke down car on the side of the highway in French or in Dutch and so I
would have been screws ville though would not have gone down well because oh
gosh like just very grateful that he was there with me anyhoo we had to get the
car towed and can I just say getting your car towed is a lot of money however
on the bright side where my car ultimately ended up breaking down it
wasn't raining which is a big plus because when we were driving it was
raining the whole way thumbs up to the weather for that and also when we called
the people to come get the car towed I saw
expected to have to wait a couple hours but we didn't it was maybe 3045 minutes
at most and the nice thing was is that since they came so quickly we didn't
freeze outside because one of the safety measures that you're supposed to do in
Europe is that when your car breaks down your car is supposed to come with the
triangle and you can actually get in trouble if you don't have this triangle
so you set the triangle 50 metres in front of the car and then the passengers
of the car are supposed to get out and be 50 meters in front of the car and
that's for like safety of somebody like hits the car nobody dies though yeah we
were outside and it was really cold because it's Belgium and they like to
pretend it's fall but it's not it's winter anywho after the car gets towed
it gets taken to my garage and I actually know the people at this garage
fairly well because I've gone there so many times since moving to buffering it
the guy he saw me she knew my car and he was like oh it's probably this because
they know the problem with my car and they're all the trouble that my car
gives me and I do hate the car and I sort of hate the brand of the car the
people at the garage they are so nice and friendly because one of the things
that I was sort of freaking out about was how are we going to get home because
you know it's a small garage so they may or may not be able to rent us a car and
so I had mentally prepared myself that we were going to have to walk and it was
raining and it was cold it was not looking forward to it the guy actually
let lent us a car free of cost and it's a really nice car I really like the car
it's a lot nicer than mine mostly because it doesn't break down right now
we're in a situation where neither one of us has a car however I'm overall
actually sort of happy about this let me know that so
like really insane I'm a positive person I like to find the positive side of
things thankful that I wasn't alone because that would not have been a fun
situation to experience by myself I'm happy that the garage people were really
nice and gave us a car we didn't have to walk in the rain I'm thankful that the
tow truck came a quick amount of time so that we weren't out in the cold too long
and I'm also very thankful for the fact that displayed all this poo poo that's
been thrown at us it's mostly an inconvenience because luckily we're not
in a financial strain that this would like really put us in the hole and
hopefully in like two years we can get rid of both of them and just get a super
nice car and then we can invest in some electric bikes and then we won't have to
deal with cars because cars just sucks be honest my bike does not give me this
much problems in fact the one and only time my bike broke down is when I got a
flat and then I had to fix it which prince charming was able to do it for
free and I towed it myself for free so yeah bikes are just so much better ride
your bike that's why I helped you guys today
what did you think of this story time how could it be better or just was it
already awesome I don't know tell me about it in the comments below and hey
also if you've had some like mishaps when it comes to your cars be sure to
share those stories too if you like this video be sure to give it a thumbs up and
if you want to stalk me be sure to check out the description because I left you
all the links to my social media for your convenience I'll see you guys in
the next video Tot ziens mijn appelsiens Can I just say I'm sort of happy
that October it's over with because I haven't had the best luck Burnt myself
with the iron I hurt my knee I fell backwards on my bike and hurt my elbow
and then I tripped on something and fell back and hurt this elbow and then today
I cut the inside of my hand right here and it hurts so bad
Video Captures SUV Crash Into Parked Car On N.J. Highway - Duration: 0:25.
SIAN goes to the car wash with his sisters! [The Return of Superman/2018.10.21] - Duration: 16:42.
(It's an exciting morning for the Lee trio.)
(Happy morning.)
(The happiness must take a pause.)
- It's going to pop. / - Balloon.
- Sua is... / - Are you fighting again?
We're not.
(The water balloon is mine.)
What is that?
- A wand. / - A wand.
- A wand? / - I want one too.
(I want one too.)
It's mine.
They're usually not interested
until someone else picks it up.
You have to share it.
Raise it for a moment.
Give it to me.
Give it to me.
- Give it to me. / - No.
This doesn't look good. It's an explosive situation.
(No one is backing down!)
You can't fight.
Give it to me.
You can't fight.
Now that we think about it,
- the only person without a twin is Sian. / - Right.
He must play mediator a lot.
You can't fight. There's only one.
We don't fight, right?
- No, we don't. / - He's not at that age yet.
- But they do. / - With Donggook?
I told them to stop, but they keep fighting.
Do you two want to try being apart?
Lately, they've developed the concept of ownership
and started bickering a lot.
I prepared something so that
they won't fight over such trivial things.
Try staying apart for a day.
- Every day. / - Not every day.
I'll show you how great it is to be twins.
I'm going to separate you for the time being.
You're going to be separated from now on.
- Dad. / - Leave the scissors.
- It's so long. / - Right.
From now on, you can't pass this line.
Sua on this side and Seola on that side.
- Okay. / - You can't cross over.
- It's so big. / - All right?
- Okay. / - My space is much bigger.
Seola, you can't go to the bathroom.
(The bathroom is off-limits.)
And you can't enter the kitchen even if you're hungry.
The kitchen is Seola's territory, right?
- Right. / - She's in trouble.
I've got a sausage.
(Sua is already being affected.)
- Open this for me. / - I'm a mediator.
I can't take sides.
(Then I'll open it myself.)
- Don't eat it. / - Oh, no.
Gosh, she is pouring gasoline into the fire.
Sua has to find something to play with.
(She prepares for a counter-attack.)
Sua's territory includes the playroom and all the toys.
Sua has all the toys.
She's starting to provoke Seola.
She had the first strike.
Now Seola is using the yogurt.
She's getting more food.
Sua is trying her best not to look at the food.
She's playing with her toys.
(The war of Seola versus Sua begins.)
(Where are you going now?)
She's emptying the fridge.
- What is that? / - This is mine.
Hey, Sua. Look at what Seola brought.
They're at it again.
(I want some too.)
(Taking a bite of a plum)
The skin tastes bad.
The inside is tasty, though.
(She's falling for it.)
She's imagining the taste.
(How dare you, Seola.)
Take a bite, Sian.
(Take a bite too, Sian.)
Okay. Here's one for you.
Take one for Dad too.
(Sua is losing her mind.)
(Then hurry and reconcile.)
I want some plum.
I'll bring some.
You have to ask Seola for permission, then.
I'll go.
I'm a judge.
So he considers himself a mediator.
(Sian is surely on my side.)
(He brings)
(a book?)
That's not a plum.
That's a book on plums.
She's talking about edible plums.
- The edible one? / - He brought a book?
The plum you just ate. Leave that book be.
Ask Seola first.
You have to get her permission first.
- No. / - She said no.
She's not letting you pass, Sian.
(I definitely said no!)
(Fidgeting uncomfortably)
- She denied him. / - Time to counter-attack.
I'll wear a dress.
- Dress attack. / - I'll wear a dress.
- Each of them knows / - They know exactly.
one another's weaknesses.
- I'll put this... / - Gosh.
This war is over, Sian.
(Strong counter-attacks, jelly and crackers)
Isn't that her trump card?
- What is that? / - Even the judge
is drawn by those.
This is tasty.
(I want some too.)
(What is this empty feeling?)
Sure, they were bickering, but now they feel strange.
They're both on the ground.
You might have plenty of things,
but it's not as great as sharing them together.
They're learning that the other is precious.
Where did they get that?
(They saved an octopus together.)
(They always had fun when they were together.)
Of course.
(How did we get to this?)
(Can't we be friends again, Sua?)
Hey, Sian.
Hey, Sian.
Get me one of those.
- I want that thing Seola is having. / - Speak louder.
I can't hear you.
Tell her to give me
one of those jellies.
Seola, give one of those to Sua.
He's the mediator.
Not that one. That over there.
(Seola offers her a jelly.)
Of course she has her preferences too.
Even in such a situation.
I know. It's good.
(Sian, the peacemaking dove)
You're both friends.
He's so mature.
How do you like being apart?
- I don't like it. / - Why?
I think it'll be better if we don't fight.
- Didn't you want to fight? / - Good answer.
- That's a great idea. / - I wish we didn't fight.
Let's be friends.
Shake hands.
- There you go. / - It was a familiar sight.
Sure, we all have little bumps sometimes.
Shake hands.
- We'll be friends. / - My goodness.
One, two, three.
There you go.
(They both dismantle their dividing boundary.)
- That's touching. / - See? It's better.
(Let's stop fighting.)
(Come here, sisters.)
(Thank you, Sian.)
Isn't it nice? No more fighting.
This is mine, though.
- No. / - Are you fighting again?
(Let's get along now.)
The Return of Superman, episode 247.
"You're Always There During Happy Times".
("You're Always There During Happy Times")
It's your first time here, right?
A lot of people are here to wash their cars.
The car wash.
(They enter a booth.)
Let's get off. Be careful.
We're getting off.
(They step out in waterproof clothes.)
- They prepared well. / - I brought these.
First of all, Sian.
- Yes? / - Can you wash this?
Wash this clean.
I'm going to wash this over there.
(He spots a sink.)
Which one do I wash this in?
(Let's place it down for now.)
I'm going to make sure this is clean.
Sian always talks a lot when doing things alone.
(My hand got dirty.)
Oh, no. He can't lift it by himself.
This won't work. He might hurt himself.
Oh, no.
Don't do that.
I knew it. He's wet.
That startled me.
I'm wet.
He's still calm.
- He's soaking wet. / - What should I do?
(He takes off the wet clothes first.)
He's taking it off already?
It's soaked after all.
(I need to get this to Dad first.)
(This looks familiar.)
- Where did he learn that? / - He's a real man.
(Sian is a manly man.)
You insert the card here.
(He fidgets around.)
- Now select that. / - There you go.
- Is it the soap? / - There you go.
Aren't I good?
He's pretending he wasn't startled
when he actually was.
(Spraying roughly)
Dad, we're done.
(What's with Sian?)
Hey, Sian.
Sian, you look so cool.
It's raining bubbles from the sky.
This is too strong. Come here, guys.
(The water pressure scares him.)
Why is this so strong?
It's like "Frozen".
Is this your first time, Dad?
It's actually my first time too.
I've never washed a car like this.
Now try washing it. Come on.
Hey, Sian. Go bring me a wheel detergent.
- A wheel... / - What is that?
It's for the wheel. It cleans the wheels.
Go ask for one. You're good at chores.
Go and get it.
(He's off to buy a wheel detergent.)
(Wheel what?)
(I guess I'll find out once I'm there.)
- ♪ Wipe it clean ♪ / - ♪ Wipe it clean ♪
Did they even fight earlier in the day?
They're getting along so well.
How cute.
It smells good.
But you can't eat it.
No, you can't.
(He arrives at a car product shop.)
My dad told me to buy that thing that cleans wheels.
- For wheels? / - Yes.
Then you need this one.
Is this one right?
Yes, that's the right one.
- Okay. / - I'll help you pay.
Do I get change?
- Sorry? / - The change.
(He makes sure to get back the change. He is thorough.)
Thank you.
Dad will be happy.
Did Dad go to the bathroom?
I should wash all of this.
(Good job, Sian!)
Dad will be happy.
I should wipe everything.
(He wipes away in hopes of praise.)
He can do that?
He's looking forward to getting praised
for his hard work.
Where did Seola and Sua go?
Where did he go?
(Where is Sian?)
What's up with him?
(He is busy washing another car.)
The cars happen to be the same.
(He's working so hard. Oh, no.)
It's the next stall.
- Dad, don't spray it on me. / - The same car arrived.
It's getting all over me.
That's enough.
- Do it like that person, Dad. / - What?
(Glancing over)
Grab this, Dad.
(He seems to be an expert car-washer.)
- He's done it a lot. / - I'm good at this too.
He seems experienced.
(Spilling everywhere)
It's compare-and-contrast.
(There is a world of differences.)
- That's how it's done. / - You spray it over first.
(We're different for sure.)
Why does yours come out like that and mine like this?
Adjust the nozzle.
(He can twist the nozzle and adjust the pressure.)
It's just like a spray bottle.
Didn't I do well despite not knowing this?
He's saying that because he's embarrassed.
Oh, so that area was empty for a while.
What's up with him?
What is he doing to somebody else's car?
(Working hard)
He's working so hard. Oh, no.
(I think I heard something.)
(It's Dad.)
- Where were you? / - He's so cute.
Whose car is this?
Isn't it ours?
(Look closely.)
It's white.
- How cute. / - What about this one?
This one is white too.
(Something is off.)
Okay. Let me bring those here.
(I can just bring it back, right?)
The owner is back.
Why were you washing his car?
It's okay.
- Good job. You didn't know. / - I didn't know.
- Hello. / - Yes, hello.
Sian washed your car by mistake.
Why don't you check if there are scratches?
We happen to have the same car.
Thanks, buddy.
- He said thank you. / - He thanked him.
We bought drinks.
- They're tasty. / - They went to buy drinks.
I was washing over here.
(Why the other car?)
Why? Really?
I'm too short,
so I thought that was our car.
I glanced over,
and he was scrubbing so hard.
That could happen.
Oh, that's right.
You have to clean these.
(They're bikes.)
This many?
(Three bikes and three kickboards)
Now take yours.
This is yours, Sua.
They're so thorough.
(Spraying the wheels down)
Look at him.
Let me know if you need water.
- I need water. / - Where?
It's moving, Sian.
- Go get it, Sian. / - There he goes again.
- Bring it. / - He's such a prankster.
I guess he can't help himself.
Otherwise, he can't sleep at night.
Oh, my goodness.
Okay, let's clean it one more time.
It seems he's getting used to his dad's jokes now.
I'm going to make this one fall over.
- Hey, grab that. / - I'll take care of this one.
They sure tease him well.
(Donggook is having too much fun.)
Our first carwash.
But they really look happy.
Mercedes-Benz Car Production: The Body | Joyful Anticipation (Tuscaloosa Part 1) - Duration: 1:14.
Police: Car Crash Leads To Brutal Beating By Prison Officer - Duration: 1:35.
NAFTA, explained with a toy car - Duration: 6:37.
This is a 1993 Chevy Suburban.
And this is a 2018 Chevy Suburban.
The 1993 one cost $21,000 brand new and 2018 one costs $47,000.
But if we adjust the price for inflation, the 1993 Suburban would cost $42,000 today.
Even though the 2018 model comes with modern features like a back up camera, remote engine
start, and ya know - airbags - the cost hasn't changed much in 25 years.
It's not just the Suburban — the average price of new cars has risen only 7%
since the early '90s.
While the price for almost all other goods has increased by 86%.
And that, is thanks to NAFTA.
"The nations of North America are ready."
"Strengthened by the explosion of growth and trade"
"To recognize that there is no turning back from the world of today and tomorrow."
When the North American Free Trade Agreement took effect in 1994, it was the first major
trade deal of its kind.
The US, Canada and Mexico agreed to eliminate tariffs, which are taxes on most imported
and exported goods.
The countries hoped it would increase investments and that by strengthening Mexico's economy,
it would slow illegal immigration.
The trade agreement benefited the auto industry in particular.
It allowed automakers to keep costs down, because cars and auto parts could
be traded for free.
Well, for the most part.
If at least 62.5% of a car's parts were sourced from North America, it would be tariff-free.
Cars that didn't meet the requirement, or were made overseas, would be slapped
with a 2.5% tariff.
NAFTA also gave automakers the ability to source cars where costs were lowest.
By comparison, a car made in Mexico costs $1,200 less than one built in the US because
labor and the parts are cheaper.
"As an industry, we've kind of performed some economic miracles when it comes to keeping cars affordable
by being able to source some of those 30,000 parts from, you know, the least expensive places."
Let's take this model of a 2014 Ford Mustang for example.
It's engine was built in the U.S., but it's manual transmission came from Mexico.
It's impossible for a consumer to easily find out where each individual part came from,
but it's likely the doors were molded in Canada.
The speedometer came from Germany or China,
which was assembled in the US,
but then sent to Canada to be installed into
the dashboard.
The seatbelts did come from a company in Japan.
But the seats were probably made in Mexico.
The tires most likely came from South Korea.
In the end, the 2014 Mustang was built in Detroit, but with only 65% of its total parts
sourced from North America.
It made the tariff cut.
And Ford is in no way the only company who does this.
About three-quarters of the cars sold in the US meet the standards to avoid tariffs, including
most cars produced by the top four auto brands.
The US is actually producing more cars now than before NAFTA.
Same for Mexico and Canada.
But you wouldn't know that if you listened to politicians.
"NAFTA was a mistake."
"The single worst trade deal ever made, by any country, anywhere in the world."
"Instead of creating jobs, NAFTA cost us jobs."
In the auto industry alone, a third of US auto manufacturing jobs have disappeared since
NAFTA was signed.
As the same types of jobs have grown in Mexico.
But in reality, that may have less to do with NAFTA, and more to do with automation.
Researchers have found that fewer than 5% of US jobs lost from sizable layoffs can be
blamed on trade with Mexico.
But the timing of these manufacturing layoffs, in lots of different industries, made it easy
to point the finger at NAFTA.
So while most Americans think the trade deal was good for the US, those that feel they
were directly affected are passionately against it.
And this opposition is why President Trump is following through on a campaign promise.
"A brand new deal to terminate and replace NAFTA called USMCA.
It sort of, just works.
But this isn't a much of a new deal.
While it's essentially a re-branding of NAFTA, it does make one major change to the
auto industry.
Because it would require cars be made with 75% North American sourced parts.
And that 40-45% of those parts must be made by workers who earn at least $16 an hour.
At least 46 and as many as 125 cars sold today, that aren't taxed under NAFTA,
wouldn't qualify under the proposed USMCA
Our 2014 Mustang likely wouldn't meet the new requirements.
So if it is implemented, auto manufacturers will have to decide to just pay the 2.5% tariff
or change how they manufacture their cars sold in North America, even if it increases
production costs.
"What looks small on paper, when you think about the complexity
and how many parts are on every car, it starts getting out of hand fast."
Prices of those cars could go up anywhere from $470 to $2,200 dollars in the US.
And at these higher prices, roughly 60,000 to 150,000 fewers cars would be sold in the
US each year.
That would mean job losses.
"I don't want to see our companies leave and fire our workers.
Those days are over."
But the USMCA could actually incentivize car companies to leave North America.
NAFTA made US car companies more competitive with the global market, and even attracted
foreign car companies to build in North America.
And if those cars are going to face higher costs of manufacturing and tariffs - their
production might get moved to China or other countries.
Building a car with thousands of parts is an incredibly complicated process.
So while NAFTA has kept cars pretty cheap to produce, the USMCA could change that.
And consumers will likely be the ones to pay the price.
Volvo Cars Job Swap: Episode 16 -Marketing Specialist - Duration: 3:16.
My name is Victor Wang and today I'm going to work with marketing.
In this TV series, we let employees at Volvo Cars swap jobs with each other.
In downtown Shanghai,
Victor Wang, who works with supplier quality management,
tries out Rityan Xu's job as a Marketing Specialist.
Victor has been at Volvo for six years.
He loves to spend time with his son, Tiger, and his wife, Cindy,
and to play football.
My expectation today is to learn her job and to know about her department.
I'm always curious about the brand.
My daily work is to plan marketing communication
and deliver advertising materials to the target audience in China.
We will put the slogan underneath.
- Now, Victor, I have a task for you. - OK.
To choose pictures
for promoting our Volvo Downtown Store.
- How many? - I think you can choose three.
- Three pictures? - Yes.
- OK, so I start now? - Yeah.
So, Rityan, I think this will be my first choice.
Yes, it's very nice.
I realised that I need to do the real work.
There are many nice pictures and it's really hard to choose.
My second choice will be this one.
Yeah. So why do you think it's nice?
The car is at the right angle, and it's more like a city environment,
so it's a perfect match to the downtown area.
You have a good creative sense.
- OK, so I will go for this one. - Yeah.
Now, Victor, let's go downtown and see my choice on screen.
OK, so, Rityan, this is the picture you chose, right?
- Yes. - OK.
This one I didn't choose.
This one I also didn't choose.
This one. I recognise this one.
It's the same angle as my choice but a different background.
None of the pictures are the same as mine.
I feel, of course, a little bit disappointed,
but on the other side of the coin, I learned a lot.
He's very smart. He knows the Volvo tone very well.
He did very well.
Zombie In The Dark | Little Red Car | Halloween Videos For Children | Kids Channel Cartoons - Duration: 1:02:16.
Zombie In The Dark
Man found shot dead in car in St. Pete, engine still running - Duration: 1:42.
Prequalify Today For Your Perfect Car | Capital One - Duration: 0:16.
Want to walk into a dealership ready to buy your perfect car try Capital One's
Auto Navigator site see if you pre-qualify for financing in minutes without
affecting your credit score find and finance the car you want all in one
place Capital One's Auto Navigator site
Car Stolen Monday, Branson Police Say Never Leave Running Vehicle Unattended - Duration: 0:21.
Burglars take off with 100 aluminum wheels from metro car salvage yard - Duration: 1:30.
S. Korea's passenger car exports drop by 13.6% y/y in Q3 - Duration: 0:32.
the nation's exports of passenger cars felled in a third quarter in large part
due to weaker sales in the US and Canada according to the Korea Customs Service
the number fell on year by thirteen point six percent in the
july-to-september period marking the fourth straight quarter of declines in
total so shipped five hundred fifty thousand vehicles worth a total of 8.1
billion US dollars in contrast car imports increased by almost six percent
during the same period a trend driven by higher demand for eco-friendly vehicles
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