how to get the galaxy skin in fortnite | how to get free skins
For more infomation >> how to get the galaxy skin in fortnite | how to get free skins - Duration: 4:56.-------------------------------------------
MOVING TO LOS ANGELES - How to Be A Voice Actor - Duration: 5:47.
How To Increase Your Youtube Subscriber 100% Working BLIND RECORD - Duration: 6:34.
if it doesn't give me much speed. Why should I spend my time perfecting the technique?
Well, It's important
because it greatly affects your body position
which in turn affects your rhythm
these elements combined contribute to your speed
We'll start by doing some dryland exercises
This ankle exercise is effective for improving the flexibility of your feet
You can use a fitness mat to do the exercise comfortably
Get down on your knees and sit on your heels to get into the starting position
During the exercise, feet should stay in the same position as while swimming
meaning that the big toes should stick to each other and the heels should spread apart
The best practice is to keep sitting on the heels
with your arms behind you
and your knees are able to move upwards
Such perfect technique requires months of practice
Most likely, you will feel pain in your feet
when moving the knees upwards
In this case don't move them up to the very end
Move them only to the point at which you start to feel the pain
In this exercise you should always get a little pain, otherwise flexibility won't progress
Slowly on, you will reach great flexibility and your feet movement will be more relaxed and effective
You should do 3 sets with 12 repetitions in each
It is possible that these dryland exercises can cause some pain
However, it is impossible to improve flexibility without feeling a little pain
It is crucial to understand that it's not the kind of pain that you might feel when you are hit
also when you finish doing the exercise, the slight pain should immediately leave
In butterfly, for every one arm stroke, you should perform two kicks
The kick is done by both feet simultaneously
Non-simultaneous or freestyle kicks is a common mistake which many beginners do
In this video I will talk about common mistakes in butterfly swimming and how to avoid and fix them
The first kick starts in the middle of the arm stroke movement
in such a way that the kick is finished at the same time as the arm stroke
Remember that the first kick has less power than the second one
This is because a powerful kick needs a big amplitude from up to down
But the higher you move legs for a kick, the more water resistance you will gain, so your speed will be slower
After an arm stroke you'll have high speed
at this point you need to perform a smooth first kick
so that you gain additional speed and so that the water resistance does not increase
The second kick is done at the moment when the arms are entering the water
You might wonder - why is this kick is stronger?
It's because your speed decreases while you are returning your hands forward
At the moment, when you do the second kick, your speed is already quite low
and you really don't want to lose any more speed
So, you need a bigger amplitude and must do a stronger kick
The knees should be slightly bent before the kick
There is a common mistake when the knees are too bent before the first kick
As a result, the speed decreases and the body sinks into the water
It is very important to combine the wave-like movements of the body with the kick
You can help yourself in keeping up the correct working tempo of the legs by counting the kicks in a series:
Keep in mind that there is a little pause between the two kicks in the series
And a bigger pause between the series themselves
Another common mistake is doing freestyle kicks - the movement of the feet are not simultaneous
If this is something you want to fix, you must always stay focused on keeping your feet together
There is a good way to train this
put an elastic band around your feet so they are stuck together
Remember, this is a good option ONLY if you are confident about your swimming skills
Swimming with an elastic band on your feet may cause an uncomfortable feeling and it may also be dangerous
Be careful!
Also, you might see that some swimmers raise their legs so high
that the legs can be seen above the water – this is not correct
the legs must be fully in the water
The swimmer gains the speed only from the movements in the water
Any body movements above the surface slows you down
To fix this mistake, you should always monitor how you're doing the kicks
try different ways, compare your feelings
and get a friend to watch you!
In my first butterfly lesson, you have practiced the body movements
by doing dolphin kicks with the hands close to the legs
Now, you can train the kicks by using your experience from the previous practice
Keep up the constant working rhythm of the legs
and do the movements with a large amplitude during this exercise
Always double check that the resistance which you feel from the water
as you do the leg movements is not too strong
A difficult but useful technique drill is performing the dolphin kicks in a vertical position
It is not an easy drill, but it shows if your legs are working correctly or not
If your technique is good
then you'll be able to stay for a long time in the vertical position
because the power of your kicks will push you upwards
If the technique is not correct,
then your body will be shaking forwards and backwards quite much
This exercise should be done with smooth movements of the legs- back and forth, without the body shaking
You can also swim side dolphin kicks to practice the smoothness of the movements
I described this exercise on the 1st lesson
In the 1st lesson, I talked about doing dolphin kicks on the back
Then we focused on body movements
Now we're going to focus on kicking
The knees should not appear above the water surface during this exercise
If they do, it's something that you really must fix
The legs should constantly be in the water
Remember how it felt while you were doing the technical drills
Now start swimming with butterfly kicks while looking for the same feeling
There are a few ways to swim while just kicking
The most comfortable and suitable for most people
is when the hands are in front of the body, stretched forward without a kickboard
You can also use flippers for this exercise
Try to achieve the same feeling as when doing the technical drills
The second way to train butterfly kicks is with a kickboard
This is a good practice for those swimmers whose bodies are flexible enough
and who can do smooth body movements
If your body is not so flexible,
I recommend doing the butterfly kicks with yours hands stuck to the side of your body
or with your hands out in front of your body
Swimming with flippers will help beginners to experience the correct sensation of moving through the water
and will help them to practice proper technique
Remember to always control the body movements and the legs while swimming with flippers
Setting up the kicks is our second step of building good butterfly technique
It is crucial to learn to do the kicks correctly in a relaxed manner and only then move forward to the next lesson
In the next video, you will learn how to do an arm stroke
You have probably already seen that obtaining proper butterfly technique can take some time
What do you think? How much time does it usually take? leave your thoughts in the comments!
Like the video and make sure to subscribe to the channel so you don't miss my next video
How to install and set-up the Estimator Pro sample template - Duration: 8:45.
>> Hey and thanks for watching the video.
This is Todd Baginski,
I'm a Microsoft MVP,
and the partner and CTO at Canvas.
In this video, I'm going to show you how to install and
set up the Estimator Pro PowerApp Sample Template.
To install and set up
the Estimator Pro PowerApp Sample Template,
first go to like I have here,
and then click on the "Apps" tab.
After you click on the "Apps" tab,
scroll down in the "Make apps like these" section and
locate the Estimator Pro PowerApp Sample Template.
Here you can see it.
Then, you can click "Make this app."
When you click "Make this app", first,
you will pick the form factor of
the app you'd like to create.
You can either create
the mobile version like we see here,
or you can create the tablet version like we see here.
In this video, I'm going to create the tablet version,
so I'm going to click "Make this app."
When you click "Make this app",
you'll be prompted to login again,
and after you do so,
the PowerApps editor will load,
and the PowerApp will download into your editor.
After it's downloaded into the editor,
it will open up in the editor experience,
and the PowerApp will now be ready
to be saved to your environment.
As you can see, that process goes pretty quick.
Next thing you want to do is click "File",
and then, give the app a name, and click "Save."
Click "Save" one more time,
and now the app is saved
inside of your PowerApps environment.
At this point, you're then able to click
the "Share this app" button to share it with
other people in your organization.
To check that the app is working,
come up and click the "Preview" button.
Once you click the "Preview" button,
you should be able to see the app run and see
In-meeting invites from your calendar display right here.
Out of the box,
the Estimator Pro PowerApp Sample Template uses
internal collections to serve up the images
that are displayed on the Products page right here.
These images are set when you download it
inside of the "OnStart" function
right here in the Appointments screen.
This collection called ProductList created by
the ClearCollect function here defines the Title,
ID, ProductName, ProductPrice, ProductDescription,
and finally the Image that represents your product.
If you wish to use this PowerApp and
define their ProductList inside of the PowerApp itself,
all you need to do is edit the values in
here or if you need to add an additional product,
just copy and paste another product
like copying this section and pasting it back in below.
So, that's how you can add the different products
directly inside of the PowerApp itself.
As we come down to the last screen on
the PowerApp and take a look at it here,
it's called Setup PowerApp.
It also describes the steps I just described
here on how to configure
the PowerApp with internal collections.
It walks you through exactly what I just talked about
on how you can create
additional products within the PowerApp.
Now, another way you can go about creating
your products and make it a little
easier to update them
without having to work with the code inside
of the PowerApp is to connect
this PowerApp to a SharePoint list.
To do that, you'd follow these instructions right
here on how to configure
the PowerApp with the SharePoint list.
But before you actually configure
the PowerApp to use the SharePoint list,
you need to make the SharePoint list.
Those instructions are here in
the Setup-Sharepoint screen in the app.
As you can see,
these screens are instructions
instruct you to login to SharePoint,
go to the site collection where you want
the ProductList to be created,
click "Add an app", pick "Custom list."
After you do that,
enter the name ProductList,
and then go to
the upper right corner and
select "Create column" underneath
the Columns header to create the columns that
match the schema you see right here.
When you've done that,
it will look just like this.
So, I followed those exact same instructions here,
and I added in my products,
one through six here inside of my SharePoint list.
You can notice that this SharePoint list is in
my site called PowerAppsFlow,
and the list name is ProductList.
This list matches exactly the name that I specified here.
So, now that I have that done,
if I'd actually like to make this particular
PowerApp talk to my SharePoint list
instead of the internal collections,
I'll follow these steps right here.
So, the first step I'm going to
walk through him right now for you here,
is to go to back to the appointment screen and delete
the ClearCollect function from the OnStart property.
So, here's my appointments screen OnStart,
I said property before I meant function,
here's my ClearCollect function.
I'm going to go ahead and delete that entire piece,
and I'm also going to delete
this extra semicolon right here because if I don't,
this error will still be in the app.
So, there we go.
Now that's gone.
Next, I can return to
my setup SharePoint screen right here,
and look at the rest of the instructions.
The next instruction is go to "View",
"Data sources", and "Add a data source".
Select "SharePoint."
Pick the SharePoint list called ProductList,
and then click "Connect."
Because the name of
the data source ProductList that we get back from
the SharePoint list is
the exact same name as
that collection that we created internally,
that's the only change we need to make to
plumb the app so that it gets
the data from the SharePoint list.
So, I'll do that now.
I'm going to go up to "View", "Data source",
"Add data source", click "New connection" here,
then I'll scroll down and locate SharePoint.
Here it is. Now, I'm
going to connect to the SharePoint list,
so I'm connecting directly
into the cloud for the SharePoint list,
and it's going to come back and show me the list of
SharePoint sites that I have worked with before,
and allow me to locate a SharePoint list here.
If I don't see
that SharePoint site inside of my list here,
you can enter the full URL here.
But here's the one that I'm working with.
So, I'm going to create that one,
and here's my ProductList.
As I mentioned before,
if you don't see it in the list,
just type it in here and click this checkbox.
Then click "Connect."
After you do that,
the connection will be added to your PowerApp, and now,
if you actually go back
to the home screen of your PowerApp,
we can again verify we are not getting our products here.
From the OnStart function,
we can play our PowerApp.
We can pick on an individual estimate.
Go through the Order screen,
and now here are the products that are coming from
my SharePoint list instead of
from inside of the PowerApp itself.
So, that's how you go about setting up
the Estimator Pro PowerApp Sample Template.
We hope this video helps you install it,
and you get a lot out of
this app in your own organization.
If you wish to see more videos about
this app including an end-to-end tour of
all the functionality as well as deep dives that
describes some of the cool things
we did in this PowerApp,
I encourage you to check out the other videos I made.
I look forward to seeing how you extend
this app in your own organization,
and I hope it comes in handy for you.
I'll see you next time. Thanks.
How to BBQ a lamb leg - Duration: 2:10.
Here's how to roast a leg of lamb
in a covered barbecue over indirect heat.
Start by lighting the burners under one half of the barbecue.
Then coat the lamb with olive oil,
using your hands to rub it all over the skin,
and season with salt and pepper.
To start cooking the lamb,
lay it fat-side down on the lit side of the barbecue.
Close the barbecue and cook for 10 minutes or until well browned.
Then turn over and transfer it to a roasting pan.
Place the lamb in the pan over the unlit side of the barbecue.
Close the barbecue again and cook for about two hours,
rotating halfway through.
If you don't have a covered barbecue, you can use your oven for this.
Just preheat it to 190 degrees Celsius.
When the lamb is cooked to your liking,
remove it from the barbecue, cover with foil
and set aside to rest for about 15 minutes.
This helps to ensure the meat
will be succulent and juicy when you carve it.
While it's resting, whip up a simple salad.
Here's one that's great with lamb.
Take a large bowl and add some salad leaves,
chargrilled asparagus,
cooked sugar snap peas and snow peas,
roasted red capsicums...
..and red onion.
Drizzle with a dressing of olive oil and vinegar.
Then toss it together gently.
To carve the lamb,
start by carving a 'V' piece from the top.
Then continue cutting thin slices at the same angle.
Serve your barbecued lamb
with the salad and chargrilled bread.
That's how you freshen up
the classic Aussie lamb roast,
by cooking it outside on your barbie.
For more barbecue recipes,
head to our 'BBQ season' playlist here.
And to make sure you don't miss out
on any of our videos,
click here to subscribe.
And make sure you hit the bell icon
so you get notified
when there's a new video ready for you.
How Airlines can Exceed GADSS Standards for Modern Flight Tracking - Duration: 1:31.
GlobalBeacon is a first of its kind product from Aireon and FlightAware.
It's a turnkey compliance solution for the
I-C-A-O Global Aeronautical Distress Safety System, "GADSS," which outlines
"global" from logo reduces (other elements disappear) and becomes the first word in GADSS
universal performance-based flight tracking standards for airlines
GlobalBeacon facilitates communication between aircraft operator and controller
with constant fleet monitoring and automated distress alerts
GADSS requires airlines to track their fleet globally every fifteen minutes during normal
By twenty twenty one, it will be once-per-minute for aircraft in abnormal situations or distress.
GlobalBeacon makes minute-by-minute tracking possible and provides robust alerting functionality
that exceeds GADSS standards.
GlobalBeacon leverages existing ADS-B technology, giving it a unique advantage over other potential
because it does not require any new hardware or equipage.
It's also designed to work in conjunction with existing processes and tools,
making it extremely easy to deploy.
With GlobalBeacon, you'll get
Position updates at least once-per-minute.
100% truly global coverage with no gaps over oceans, deserts or polar regions.
Instant distress notifications
GlobalBeacon transcends borders to offer a truly global safety tool for aircraft operators.
Globalbeacon dot aero
How will you be voting on Prop 420? - Duration: 2:14.
Of course 418 isn't the only proposition on the ballot. There are a number of others and for Flagstaff residents. In particular,
there are three that address public transportation.
One of those is proposition 420, which if passed will increase the sales tax within city limits,
with the intention of building an overpass to give downtown traffic
another option to avoid being stuck behind a train. NAZ Today's Joey Wright reports.
If you live in Flagstaff, you know the traffic
can be a nightmare especially downtown.
That's what proposition 420 is designed to address, but this is an image of the
Lone Tree railroad overpass. Prop manager of the Flagstaff metropolitan planning organization, David Wessel, says if proposition
420 passes, the city has a lot of work ahead of them. Wessel: "Building a
overpass connecting Butler to Route 66 up and over the railroad tracks at Lone Tree Road."
That's right, if passed you'll be able to go from here
to here without having to worry about this, but it's not going to be cheap. Wessel: "About 73 million dollars.
It's fairly expensive just because you're you're jumping over the railroad tracks." Plus making adjustments to Lone Tree and Route 66
at the new intersection and some purchasing power will be needed to pave the way. Wessel: "Because it's cutting across
properties and not just parallel to properties, like a road widening,
does involve the purchase or acquisition of several key parcels.
There are a handful, I think five homes,
that will be impacted." To pay for the project, the proposition will add a
0.23 percent sales tax on items that already have a sales tax for the next 20 years.
To put it in perspective, that would be a 23 cent tax on a hundred dollar purchase.
Aside from educating the public on the city's proposition, Wessel only has one piece of advice. Wessel: "I just encourage everybody to get out and vote"
Joey Wright, NAZ Today.
To learn more about proposition 420 and all other propositions made by the city of Flagstaff visit
How to make Gift box - Square, Origami gift box for Kids - Duration: 7:13.
How to make Gift box - Square, Origami gift box for Kids
NativeCAM How to Install - Duration: 6:17.
1- Download NativeCAM for debian (.deb file)
You can download NativeCAM from the link on the video description
2- Open Synaptic update LinuxCNC,
your debian OS and
install the graphic installer Gdebi
3- Right click on the NativeCAM file, change permissions if needed
4- Now proceed to install NativeCAM with Gdebi
4- Open LinuxCNC manager and select NativeCAM sim configuration
5- Copy and Paste the help instruction on a terminal carefully
I created a sim configuration the demo purposes
6- To embed NativeCAM into your LinuxCNC configuration from the terminal go to your config. folder
cd /home/"user"/linuxcnc/configs/"user config folder"
7- Then copy the NativeCAM command from the instrucions...
Always remember to replace the generic names with your data
ncam -i = "your ini file name" -c = "the valid catalog for your configuration"
Now you have install NativeCAM on LinuxCNC.
Thumbs up for Fern!!!
It's pretty nuts how much cameras have shrunk in the last few years and
actually some of them even started to fly.
Today we're gonna be talking about my favorite angles
to capture and share an amazing day in the mountains.
So first of all the P of V angle.
It's a really nice angle to cut a shot and to transition from the main angle.
One important rule with the POV is to try to vary the angles and vary the shots as much as possible.
The POV is also a great tool to tell a story, so what I do quite often, in a line
is that I'll be riding, I'll be stopping in a crack in the line and I would stick out my helmet
and quickly tell the story.
The aerial angle, this is my favorite and it's been the latest revolution
to being able to take a drone in the mountain for everyday riding.
The aerial angle is really crucial to being able to show the real dimension of a line.
Before drones the only way to shoot aerials was with helicopters.
In our expeditions we've been trying all sorts of different tools and toys to being able to film from the air
and finally the drones have arrived, they've miniaturised a ton
and they make our life so much easier to tell the story
and really show the dimension of the place and of the line
And then there is the Barbie angle, which is the good old school angle,
which you will be filming, sitting in front of your line, with your barbecue going with a big lens
and which will kind of give a big overall impression of the line.
It's totally skippable if you have a drone, but if you don't it's a mandatory angle
And then there is the on slope angle, like when someone is shooting you from inside the line.
This is never going to be you main angle but it's a great way to show reaction from close.
I think it is a great satisfaction to being able to capture all your best moments
and share them with your friends but, hey at the end of the day let's not forget,
to live the actual moment, and I mean for real.
LEARN TO BEATMATCH - 03 How to use the Pitchfader - Duration: 3:02.
In this video, I will show you how to Tempo-match two tracks, without the use of the "SYNC" button
It's essential because it gives you greater control over your mix, plus it's also fun to do !
Like I said before, Manual beatmatching is still an important skill that all DJs SHOULD LEARN
because one day, maybe hitting "Sync" will not work as expected.
Especially if you plan to play more funky music than regular beats.
Just talk about music and speed.
The unit used to measure the speed of a song (also called Tempo) is the BPM.
BPM means Beats Per Minute, so when the BPM is high, the song is fast.
Each music genre has it's own BPM range.
For example, Hip-Hop is around 90 BPM,
POP ROCK is around 100 BPM,
HOUSE around 120 BPM,
and finally DUBSTEP 140 BPM.
In general, to make the beatmatching process easier, DJs are trying to choose music in
the same kind of genre, and within 5% of BPM distance.
My advice, to train your ears, is to begin with House music because the rhythm is more
easy to feel.
Let's go into our demo library and load 2 demo songs: House Loop1 in Deck number 1
and House Loop 2 in Deck number 2
You can see that DJUCED has automatically calculated the BPM of these songs.
Deck one is 120 BPM and Deck 2: 124
So, How do we match tempos without using the SYNC button?
Well, that's what the Pitch Faders are for!
The Pitch faders let you speed up or slow down a track
Pushing it up, slows down the track,
Pushing it down speeds it up!
Putting the Pitch fader in the middle position will play the track at its original speed.
You can see the speed changing in real time on the DJUCED interface :
the tempo value is changing right here, and the waveform expands or contracts
Let's hit play on the Left Deck. If I want to Tempo-match the 2 tracks,
I need to slow down Deck 2's speed
from 124 to 120 BPM
So I need to move the Pitchfader UP.
If you use a controller with the BEATMATCH GUIDE feature, you can see that little red arrow
telling me to move the slider up until I reach the good position.
When I catch the right value, the red arrows turn on for one second, then switch off.
It allows you to match BPMs between songs without looking at your computer!
It's a great function to train your ears.
And Voila! You can now see that both songs have the same
BPM, so the same speed.
In the next video, we'll learn how to beat match with the jog wheels
Now, it's your turn!
LEARN TO BEATMATCH - 02 How to count the Beats - Duration: 1:57.
In this Video, we will learn together how to count the music like a DJ
As you probably know, the time in music is not measured in minutes and seconds, but in
Bars and Beats
Most of the Music you'll play, as a DJ, is 4/4 Time.
4/4 time is the classic notation to say Four Beats in One BAR of Music
DJs have a simple method to count music : it's the 4 Bar counting trick.
To do this exercise, you can go into your Song Library in DJUCED, select "Demo songs"
then drag the HOUSE LOOP 1
into the Deck One, like this.
Then, hit the play button on your controller and count like this :
1-2-3-4 / 2-2-3-4 /3-2-3-4 / 4-2-3-4 / 1-2-3-4… and so on.
So, why did I do this?
I have counted 4 Bars, and each Bar has 4 beats in it.
The reason I count like this is that something generally happens on THE ONE
THE ONE is the first beat of the first Bar.
This is where, as a DJ, I generally Put a CUE point, to start my track from the ONE.
When you play your track, hitting the CUE Button returns you to the CUE point you set.
It stops the playback, so you are ready to drop your track on the FIRST BEAT.
In DJUCED, you can see the CUE marker as an ORANGE TRIANGLE under the waveform.
If you want to change the position of your CUE point, just move to another position on
the playhead, and hit the CUE button when the song is stopped.
Now, You know how to count music like a DJ and how to put a CUE point on the first beat!
Don't forget that training your ear to count and feel the beats is something really important,
my advice is to do the same exercise every time you are listening to music.
Now, it's your turn!
How to create a maze on scratch - Duration: 7:58.
just starting music up.
First off, you need to search in your browser
Now we need to click on create to start creating!
Stupid flash.
now go to costumes and create the player
Now create the maze (im gonna take a while so maybe skip)
just making it more confusing!
New song!
Go to Events and get the "when flag clicked" block!
Go to Control and get the "Forever" block!
Now get two "If <=> then" blocks!
now go to Sensing and get two "Key [Space] pressed?" blocks!
Set one to "Up arrow" and the other to "Right arrow"
Put them in the If blocks.
Go to motion and get a "change x by (10)" block and a "change y by (10)" block
Remember the order i put them in!!
and maybe change them to four like this
Duplicate the If keys like this (and drag them into the forever block!)
set these to -4
run the script and press the arrow keys!
drag the player to the start.
Get one more If <=> then Block and put it in the forever block (getting more lazy)
Go to motion and get a glide 1 secs block
get the if touching color block from sensing
in motion get the go to x # y # block
if you want label the start and end
press the arrows to navigate thru the maze
thanks for watching! please subscribe!
[New]How To Get Free Xbox Codes 2018 or Xbox Gift Cards For Free - Duration: 2:51.
[New]How To Get Free Xbox Codes 2018 or Xbox Gift Cards For Free
How to prep toddlers natural hair for swimming - Duration: 4:39.
মালিকানা পরিবর্তন || Name Transfer Process of Bike in Brta D|| how to transfer ownership of a bike - Duration: 5:40.
welcome to my channel
Las Vegas Inspirational Story - And How A Magician's Life Was Changed - Duration: 6:32.
Today I'm gonna tell you the story that both encourages me and kicks my behind
at the same time. And it's the story that when I tell it, I have trouble not
tearing up, so hopefully today I could get through it
without getting all emotional.
"Me and the Magic Man went for a long drive."
Hey it's a great day to be alive, my name is Derek Selinger, welcome to
Magic Inspired, it's the channel that's really built on this one idea. That there's
magic all around us and we just need to notice it. And today is the very first
episode of "Stories from the Road".
And today's 'Story from the Road' comes from Las Vegas, Nevada.
I was performing in Las Vegas many years ago now, and was in kind of a variety
show. Performing in Las Vegas is a bit of a strange experience, but I went into the
show and I gave it my all. Now my act, at the end of it, I want my audience to
really have this sensation of joy. I mean that's really what I'm trying to create.
At the end of my act is this feeling of celebration and joy, and I'm
pretty confident that most of my audiences feel that way. But this day,
performing in Las Vegas, they weren't having it. They weren't
digging me. I don't know why, I just felt a lot like nobody gets me. You know, I got
to the end of the act, and it was a polite applause and I went off, but it
wasn't kind of what I wanted to create, and what I was used to. Bottom line, is I
felt kind of rotten and I went to my dressing room and I changed pretty quickly
and got dressed and exited the theatre. And I got into the elevator and I began
to go up to my room. The elevator stopped at a floor and a very tall gentleman got
in with his son who was equally as tall, a young man I'd say 17, 16 somewhere in
there. As we started going up, this gentleman kind of looked over at me and
said 'hey, you were just in the show weren't you?'
And I kind of glanced up and I said, 'yes sir, yes I was'.
And he said 'oh you were amazing. We
loved it, it was so fantastic you know loved your act it was awesome'. That of
course warmed my heart a little bit, and then this is what kicked my butt.
And that I carry with me on on a daily basis really as I continue to
work as a performer, and as a communicator, and a filmmaker, and all
these things. His son turned to me and said in very,
very broken speech, the young man clearly had a severe
learning disability, perhaps other things going on with him, what was clear is it
was very difficult for him to form words and it wasn't stuttering, it was...there
was something else, but he to the best of his ability expressed to me that
I was his favorite part of the show. And I remember leaving the elevator in
complete shock, going to my room and completely losing
it. And why is that. I think it was both an encouraging moment, and extremely
humbling moment for me as an entertainer. You see, we're all trying to impress the
masses, right...we're all trying to get people to go 'hey you're great, you do a
great job' because we inherently know that that's what we need in order to
progress in our careers. Whether you're a performer or you're involved in a company
doing a task we need people to notice and recognize that we're good at what we
do, and when we're not recognized it bums us out because we really feel like we
can't progress in our careers and down the path we want to progress. And that
gets tied into our egos pretty darn quickly. Again, especially if you're a
performer. And when this young man said those words to me it did two things. The
first is it made me realize that if I do my job well and connect just with one
person it's worth it. It's all worth it. Honestly I look back at that show even
though in my mind I know that the audience didn't respond to me the way I
wanted to, it's one of the best shows I've ever performed because of that
moment in that elevator, and what that young man said.
The audience of one. And I always have that in my mind. And if you're a performer, if
you're an artist, whatever you do, remembering that idea
'the audience of one'...that if you make an impact in just one person's world today
that's worth it. That's awesome. And that humbled me in that way. And then
the second thing it did is it encouraged me. We don't know the impact we have in
other people's worlds in a positive way when we're living out our
gifts and our abilities and our callings in this world. We really don't know.
I mean how many people have I not interacted with in my life that I may
have had an impact on. It really has caused me to look at all that I do in my
career ever since that day with a real sense of focus, that now I can make an
impact in somebody's world.
Now that's our very first Story from the
Road, we're gonna be telling one story a month and some of them are a little bit
ridiculous, some are quite funny, but this one I wanted to start with because it's
really, really important to me, to my heart. I carry it close to my consciousness
to remind me about why I do what I do, and it just motivates me this
story. So it's the first story I wanted to share with you. I hope that you might
continue down this journey with us, please remember to subscribe to the
channel so that you can get updated and you know you could be on top of all the
content that we release. Also if you like this video, hit the like button that
would mean a lot to me. Don't forget to let me know about
the Easter egg that I dropped early on, if you don't know what that is about,
watch this video first, or next. Watch this video next to hear all about
this channel, and we'll see you next time.
Live bright, love big.
Directing Distance - How SSSS Gridman Speaks With Space - Duration: 6:38.
Hello & Welcome - To Replay Value
Good direction is hard to define, and I think that's in large part because the word has
been sanded down to the point where it doesn't really mean anything and is just another generic
line to put in a criticism or analysis.
So let's take a quick second and actually rediscover the meaning here: Direction is
the execution of how the concept is conveyed in the narrative.
There's a huge variety in the scope here, it can be as macro as how the themes are carried
from premise to conclusion, to the specific details in one shot - from how the score is
used in one scene, to how a character's journey is reflected through the color palette
over the course of the show.
Direction is NOT the words spoken by the character but the tone with which they are spoken, it
is NOT the specifics of plot details but the way those details are given life on screen.
The Direction is the Vision - It's what makes a sequence designed to make you consider
the majesty of the forest more engaging than a generic table-top conversation constructed
only to vomit exposition.
Eventually I'll make a video going through commonly used terms in analysis and criticism
so that we - as a community here on Replay Value - have a shared understanding of what
certain words mean.
But until then, I'll keep on using my intros to define words before quickly switching gears
to the topic at hand - and would you look at the time it's SSSS Gridman.
Quadruple S Gridman has been getting a lot of attention for…reasons…but not just
for those assets but also for its solid understanding of framing shots, subtle details and explosive
fight scenes.
And hey would you look at that, it has good direction - scenes are generally well composed
and strung together, and even when it does something weird that I'm not a particular
fan of, it's at least trying something new which I can appreciate.
I've chosen a particular scene from Episode 4 from SSSS Gridman because I think it highlights
why having clear direction is important for a scene, and how we can convey a concept beyond
just dialogue - but also through shot composition, sound design, setting and pacing.
The opening 3 minutes of Gridman's fourth episode take the plot element of Akane's
goal in the opening scene, and utilizes that to show character relationships, what Rikka
desires and our character's personalities all without necessitating being told anything,
but rather by showing it.
Our opening shot is Akane bouncing her foot in irritation - which we can put together
because of the anxious nature of this action and the way the line is being delivered -
This continues until the alien being begins to speak which brings Akane to stopping her
bounce - either the alien's presence is calming for her or she's refocusing that
energy elsewhere.
Here there is a wide shot to reconfirm that Akane's room is still littered with trash
bags and kaiju figures while establishing that Akane wants to confirm Gridman's identity
through dialogue - this is where she's refocused that frustrated energy from earlier - before
we bounce to the title card.
The title card has the sound of cicadas, which primes us for the cut to Rikka's hot summer
day, visually represented by the heat distortion and bright sun lines.
Rikka stands alone at the bus station, before Akane arrives, causing Rikka to take out her
The two stand together by the station - and from this far away position it would look
as though they're close, but it isn't until we get a closer perspective that we
see that this closeness is an illusion, they're pretty far apart in the construction of these
two shots, they're even the window frame splitting the two in this shot.
Sure enough, Rikka mentions that it's been awhile since they talked like this - which
Akane says she didn't realize.
As they grab their seats, Rikka is surprised that Akane walks past her - we see in this
shot that she made room for Akane to sit next to her.
This mini-sequence makes it clear that although Rikka wants to have a closer relationship
with Akane, Akane doesn't seem particularly interested in Rikka's attempt at reaching
out - illustrated through Akane creating space between her and Rikka and using her phone
instead of continuing the conversation.
The two sit in silence for a bit, and again we get this illusion of them being close from
The windows are empty because of the sunlight so the bus becomes isolated from the world,
and I like the framing here because it highlights the solitary position that Rikka is currently
in, Akane is really underplayed in the shot due to the bars and the shadows.
Akane gets to the whole reason why she's there by asking why Rikka's been talking
with Yuta so much - but she's continues to be entirely disinterested in Rikka - not
even bothering to make eye-contact, and ignoring her brush-off attempt.
These are two characters who are alone even when together, as the shots are designed to
isolate them.
Even though Rikka looks back to Akane and we can even see her phone in this shot, it
is clear that this desire for closeness is one-sided, as the tight close-up of Akane
shows no change in her eye-line.
The following pause really highlights how alone Rikka is -
- 7 seconds before being brokenup by the bus stop announcement.
It takes 17 seconds for the conversation to continue - with the first new shot in the
sequence to change up the flow.
Akane is now leaning forward engaging with Rikka as this happens, the phone is put away
and the two look close again.
She can't get the answer she wants without fulfilling Rikka's desire for a return to
their close relationship - and this carries over to the group date later, which Rikka
only goes on because Akane says she's going.
We aren't explicitly told that Rikka wants to be closer with Akane until later, but the
direction in this scene makes it clear far before we reach that point - and more importantly,
we can feel the distance between these two characters through the shot composition, the
timing of the sequence, and the settings utilized between the bus stop and the bus itself.
There's a lot of really great small details packed into this episode - from Rikka's
icon being her and her friends to highlight how much she values relationships, to Akane
taking her bag causing Rikka's to fall over, mimicking how Rikka now no longer desires
to be in this group date.
One of my favorites is the not so subtle EVA reference in the elevator - this is something
very satisfying about holding on a shot like that, letting the irritation of Akane wash
over the scene.
It's too early to say whether Gridman will stay at this level of form - certainly it'll
remained a discussed show if only because Trigger and Rikka - but for now Gridman is
a blast to watch and a great example of how good direction can convey the essence of a
concept through every aspect of it's production.
Hope you enjoyed.
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