hey everyone it's Alexis from Sims VIP I hope you're all doing well so welcome to
another Sims 4 news bit video now before I begin I just want to let you all know
that I'm gonna sound very echoey in this video that is because I'm currently
traveling and I'm not my usual home office and studio space the next few
videos are likely to be the same but that'll all be corrected once I'm done
traveling with that said today we're catching up with the latest news from
the sims 4 so let's jump in first off we check out some new info from the sims
for get famous polish fans like dot sim has shared an image of the del Valle
world map from the sims for get famous expansion as you can see there's a total
of three neighborhoods in this world Mirage Park starlight Boulevard and the
pinnacles and there's an additional fourth lot which is currently hidden now
I'm gonna go ahead and read you off the neighborhood description so you have an
idea of what these little neighborhoods are about mirage park with reasonably
priced homes and so close to downtown mirages park is the perfect place for an
up-and-coming star to start their rise to fame the pinnacles fit for the rich
and famous the pinnacles boasts the most expensive homes in all of del Sol Valley
if you want to live here you need to make a big star like Boulevard when it
comes to nightlife starlight Boulevard cannot be beat we're only the most
famous Sims have access to the most exclusive nightclub in town it is where
the who's who of the industry comes to show off now in addition to the world
map dot sim also provided a screenshot of del Sol valleys world icon as you can
see the Sims team is also making room for some additional worlds here by
decreasing the size of the icons it is said that this is something that's
upcoming in the next patch and we'll talk a little more about that in the
next video lastly with regard to the world aveline sims has shared the lot
sizes for each of the available Lots in the world this way you could start
preparing your homes in advance of the game's release now with all this
information on the world a lot of players were concerned that the size of
the soul valley is really small compared to other worlds now after all the
questions and comments on twitter sim guru k took to twitter to explain why
del sol valley looks a lot smaller than the other worlds she stated that as
Maxis continues to create more and more packs they have to be thoughtful of the
game performance and this includes a number of sims and lots she also
responded to additional questions making sure that players knew that this doesn't
mean that worlds will be smaller going forward and players should definitely
check out op con to determine whether the game has other
features that compensate for the smaller world next up we have a new creative sim
category so polish fans like that sim released tons of new photos of the sims
for get famous many of which show off some new creative sim content that
includes teeth styles and a brand new scars category as you can see in these
images here you can have browse cars cheeks cars ice cars and mouths cars and
all these will be added with the sims 4 get famous next up let's take a look at
some of the new traits and aspirations coming with the new expansion pack now
with all the new information released from sims camp last week I went ahead
and provided a complete list of new aspiration sim traits and lot rates that
are coming with the sims 4 get famous the first section here is aspirations
the game comes with two brand new ones the first one is a master actor this sim
wants to hone their craft and become an acclaimed actor the second one is world
famous celebrity this sim wants to become illustrious Lee famous now next
up are the new traits that you can add to your sims and create a sim now keep
in mind there's only one in creative sin however there might be some additional
reward ones for completing aspirations the new sim trait available and create a
sim is called self-absorbed these sims are all about themselves they can fish
for compliments are more excited when receiving a present and may become tense
when they haven't gotten enough attention the celebrity spotlight is
something that they generally relish after all everyone else should love them
just as much as they do the last bit of news here as far as traits go are lot
traits o hottest spot in town an up-and-coming hotspot our exclusive to
public locks and they will dictate how often celebrities show up now there's an
additional one that is specifically for residential lights called celebrity home
this trait is exclusive to residential lots and even though any Sims can live
on these types of Lots only the top-tier celebrities will actually reap the
benefits of this lock trade next up if you wanted a pre-order the sims 4 get
famous expansion fact I want to let you all know that amazon.com has listed the
product for purchase this version of the game is a physical boxed edition of the
game so you will receive a code in a box so to speak when it arrives to your home
the only extra thing you get out of it is that you'll have a box to display in
your collection next up we have a bunch of new get famous screenshots from guru
on Twitter as you can see in these images they've been showing off the new
golden throne some of the actor sets and props a photo of a sim who's tossing
money into a pond full of sharks and sim guru ninja even showed off some of the
new interactions with the media and video production object now if you want
to check out some more of these photos be sure to check out our sims for get
famous archive over at Sims VIP comm next up is a new community blog from the
sense team so this blog tells the story of Vanessa a sim who's new to Del Sole
Valley and has big plans in her future it goes through her ups and downs in the
acting career and the sims team has stated that this will be a two-part
story series if you want to check out the story itself be sure to head over to
soon as VIP comm and last but not least since sims news there were a ton of
videos and info released from those who attended sims camp last week so if you
want to check everything out we have a complete master list over at Sims VIP
comm and that wraps up today's news big video be sure to leave me a comment down
below and let me know your thoughts as usual everything I've mentioned in this
video is linked in the description below head over to Sims VIP comm for the
latest news on the sins as always I hope you all enjoyed this video and we will
talk soon bye guys
For more infomation >> The Sims 4 News Bit: GET FAMOUS WORLD MAP, TRAITS, ASPIRATIONS, & MORE! - Duration: 5:34.-------------------------------------------
hey everyone it's Alexis from Sims VIP I hope you're all doing well so welcome to
another Sims 4 news bit video now before I begin I've on you just wanna let you
guys know that I've put some towels around my microphone this time so
hopefully it doesn't sound as equity as the last video I am actually traveling
and the place I'm at is not really good for recording with that said today we're
catching up on the latest news from the sims 4 so let's jump in first up let's
catch up with the sims Mobile so the trick-or-treat Halloween event is
available for a limited time giving players 10 days to complete the
necessary steps that will reward them with the final Mystics table reward this
event also grants candy corn for completing every day and event related
tasks and is the required currency to purchase the various new halloween
create a sim and build and buy items to check out a step-by-step guide on
completing this quest head over to sims VIP calm next up let's check out what's
coming with the next game patch I know we've all been waiting for this and the
time has come so with all the new information released from the sims 4 get
famous Sims camp event last week many of the attendees gave us information
regarding the upcoming November game patch let's go ahead and recap on all
the goodies that are coming to our game soon first is terrain manipulation now
the sims team already confirmed this feature some time ago but we now have
some additional info bits from attendees some of what is mentioned is that Sims
will be able to go uphill if the terrain isn't too steep and after having some
hands-on time with the actual tools they have stated that the tools are pretty
easy to use next is the style influencer career this is yet another feature that
they announced some time ago and this new career will allow sims to work from
home or head off into a rabbit hole next is a revamped game tutorial so polish
fansite Dotson confirm that the sims 4 will be receiving a brand new game
tutorial that includes a narrator who dives deep into the features of the game
now this option can be turned off at any time and it will greet you at the start
of your new game next are some minor UI changes so polish fan site dot sim once
again confirmed that the game patch is going to bring some changes to the UI so
for example aspirations and create-a-sim will now be square instead of circular
and the magnifying glass that appears when you're zooming out in the
has been replaced with a car icon now it's been confirmed that they're not
working on cars but it's kind of hard to believe that they're not when they add
all these little hints in the game next up is the ability for Simms to label
themselves a self-employed this one really made me happy so popular Sims
youtuber Vic's Ella confirmed in her overview video that the patch is going
to add the ability for sims to register a custom career also known as
self-employment now the way this works is Sims will select the new register
with Ministry of Labor interaction on their cell phone and then they can fill
in the blanks on this pop-up that appears there's no specific skills or
actions that are tied to these careers but it does allow your sims to freelance
and not be labeled as unemployed next is the world selection menu that we talked
about in the last video so push fan site dot sim confirm that the world selector
menu is getting a much needed upgrade as well the world icons are gonna be
decreased in size and a while for a better overview of the worlds and last
but not least something new now dot sim has also indicated that the Sims team
will be adding another new feature to the game with the patch but we're not
gonna know what that is until Maxis reveals it during the next Maxis monthly
livestream on November 6 now speaking of this secret something
during the first official get famous livestream last week sim gurus went into
live mode and quickly closed out a challenge pop-up similar to those that
are seen in the past with Jasmine Holliday now it's unknown what this
challenge is gonna bring to the game but we do know that it's at least 40 days
long and it's called the quote positivity challenge now it's unclear
whether this is what that special something dot sim was talking about so
we'll just have to wait and see when this thing is gonna end up in the game
now last but not least since Sims News is an update to the ball pit that was
released last year with the sims 4 toddler stuff so when the sims 4 Tyler
stuff was released one of the biggest issues for many players was the visual
appearance of the functional ball pit now just a few weeks after it was
released Maxis released the game patch to address the flat texture and improve
the appearance now during the get famous Sims camp event in London 10 days ago
popular Sims youtuber the sim Supply joined sim guru Graham in a real life
ball pit to discuss the real story behind the sims for toddler stuffs ball
pit scandal now during the interview sim gurugram states that the original plan
for the jungle gym was for it to be a fully modular jungle gym now this
created an issue down the road before release where the entire model needed to
be reconstructed in order to be released as functional so what happened is in the
end the texture of the ball pit suffered but they did eventually fix it now over
on Twitter for the first time Simcoe Graham gave us a look at the original
toddler jungle gym that he mentioned during the interview you can see that it
originally was intended to look like three different pieces but was actually
one single object he stated that the tunnel piece was envisioned more for
venues than home Lots but that was another aspect of the original version
that they felt was important to adjust as you can see this issue caused the
item to be reconstructed in order to ship without causing issues for players
so we never did get the original plan for the jungle gym but at least sim guru
granth took the time to share some background on what happened with that
ball pit he then concluded on Twitter with a few tweets stating the following
as I touched on in the interview we had some ambitious goals for this path as we
work through technical implementation challenges work between various
disciplines was getting out of sync resulting in an object that didn't
really behave the way you'd expect you in a sin looking back I learned
important lessons that made me a stronger producer moving for chiefly
making a difficult decision that burdens the team but is ultimately necessary for
our players doesn't absolve us if that results in quality control slipping
elsewhere ultimately I am happy that we were able to patch it quickly to get
everyone more balls and quite proud of the team for rallying around the
requested changes to make something even better so at least we were able to get
the real story behind what happened with the awful texture of this ball pit be
sure to go and check out the sim supplies interview with sim gurugram
over on his channel and that wraps up today's news big video be sure to leave
me a comment down below and let me know your thoughts as usual everything I've
mentioned in this video is linked in the description below head over to Sims VIP
comm for the latest news on the sins as always I hope you all enjoyed this video
and we will talk soon bye guys
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