People joke about this topic all the time. I've had people come up to me and
say, "Oh so-and-so could really use you." have you ever wondered seriously what
can a psychologist do for me? When people find out that I'm a psychologist, I get
all kinds of different reactions. Some people want to tell me their whole life
story. Some people don't dare tell me anything
at all. It's just interesting what the perceptions are. You might have been
wondering what can a psychologist do for me. There are different kinds of
psychologists and I can't speak for all of them.
From a basic standpoint, I think my job as a psychologist is to illuminate the
obvious. Which is kind of cool. I get paid to tell people things they
already know. But there's obvious things that are unnoticed. Your clothing for
example. Do you notice it? Can you feel it? Yeah, it's obvious now but before I
mentioned it, it wasn't even noticed. Obvious but unnoticed. The fact that we're
speaking English. Honestly, did you notice? Some of you will say yes to that because
you're not native English speakers. And those are the ones who notice. If you
were raised speaking English primarily, you didn't
notice we were speaking English. It was just obvious but unnoticed. It's obvious
once I call it to your attention. There are processes in our mind that are just
like this they are obvious once they're called to your attention but completely
unnoticed up until that point. One of these processes is called metacognition.
Metacognition is a made-up word. Do we make up words in psychology because we
feel smarter when we can. Breaking it down, cognition means thinking. If we
place cognition right here on this level. metacognition is a higher level.
It's thinking about thinking. And do you notice that you can do this? That's good
news. Because metacognition creates a little space. And in that space, is where
choice exists. Some of the processes that are constantly going on in our own mind
in our cognition are obvious but completely unnoticed up until the time
that they're called to your attention. That's what I do as a psychologist. I
think that's what people in my industry do. We help you to see those processes in
a metacognitive way because once you go to the metacognition level, then we enact
choice. And that's huge. We go through life sometimes not even
seeing that it's a choice. And I can tell you until you see it as a choice, it's
not. You will simply roll with whatever you're programmed, train, taught and
educated to do. And it's not necessarily by choice at that point. It's just your
programming. Programming like English you know, we talked about earlier. I don't
choose to speak English, I'm programmed to speak English. Well, with metacognition,
I can see that, "Wait a minute, English is not the only language, it's not
necessarily the best language. It's just the one that I'm programmed with." Could
we pick another one? Yes, we could. And that brings up all of the issues around...
Well, I'm not used to the other language, I'm not fluent in the other language,
right. So, you enter into a practice process. That's the other thing that I do
with my clients is to create for them opportunities to practice a new language.
A new programming, if you will. Where before, "My life is terrible, horrible,
awful, no good, got stuck in depression, anxiety." Whatever
it is. To speak a new language of, "You know what? My life is awesome. My life
rocks." And I've got the power to improve it from here. Both of those are positions.
But until you see it as a choice, it's not. The world that we work in in
psychology tends to be based around feelings and thoughts and beliefs and
relationships. All of which are affected by our previous programming. Most of
which were not even aware of because we just roll with our programming instead
of experiencing our choice. One of the biggest things that psychologists can do
for you is to help you see the processes that
are going on in your own mind clearly enough that you can get back into a
choice position. And determine for yourself. See, I can't tell you how to
think. I don't have that kind of authority. Plus it would just tick you
off anyway. I just want you to see that you are thinking. That thinking has
predictable results on all of your outcomes. Your relationships, your
finances, your health, your mental health, your happiness. Thoughts have
consequences. I and my other colleagues in the industry of psychology want to
help you get out of your own way. Now, I have to add a little disclaimer here.
Because none of the psychologists that I know, including the one on the screen
right now. None of us have this all figured out. We're just fellow human
beings on the planet. What I've discovered however is that
principles determine all of life's outcomes. And there are certain
principles that by virtue of my practice and what I've been able to do here for a
quarter of a century. I have observed that certain principles determine
certain outcomes with happiness, for example. Positivity. You've heard this.
Forever, right? Just think positive. Does that annoy you too? Probably depends on
who's saying it and why. I've figured out through my practice and what all my
clients have taught me used over these years, why? That is absolutely very
literally true. The positivity is a choice in that it matters and that just
think positive, we'll take the just out of that phrase and it's more accurate.
Think positive. How do you do that? There's 2 processes.
Evaluation and creation. I went over that in another video. And in fact, you know
what? I would be happy to share with you my mini book. In fact, you know what? I
would be willing to share with you a free digital copy of my mini book.
Portable Positivity. I'm not trying to sell this to you. What I'm offering here
is an insight into the principles that I have learned through 24 years
of clinical practice where I've figured out how positivity works and how you can
immediately implement it in your life. I wrote it up as a mini book. There's a
model in here that describes 2 processes in your mind. Evaluation and
creation. You can't turn either one off and your imagination drives both of them.
You can get a free digital copy. Just check down in the description for the
link and enjoy. This is what I do in my work is a psychologist. I've been
speaking specifically about what I do as a psychologist. Other psychologists have
different specialties, different areas of practice. I used to for example do child
custody evaluations for the court. Some of the videos here on the channel are
about that. I don't do that kind of work anymore but I share what I've learned in
these videos so that you can benefit from it. I did a doctoral dissertation on
bedwetting. Who knew? I know more about that than you ever want to know. But you
what? If you want to know what I know, go see the videos that I've done on
bedwetting. Different psychologists have different focuses or areas of practice.
And so, how they can help you might differ from how I can help you. Where I
focus on things like positivity and parenting and relationships and
entrepreneurship and productivity in the workplace. See, those are the things that
light me up. Another psychologist might focus on research or on a particular
educational approach that helps to maximize learning or whatever it might
be. It's just like any other field or industry where there are different
subspecialties. Poked around a little bit and see what you can find out about the
particular areas that you're interested in. Or leave me a comment down below, send
me an email. Engage with me in ways that I can help to answer those questions for
you too. I'd be happy to do that. Hey, Live On Purpose family. I am so
impressed that you're still here. That you're listening to the outro for this
video. And because of that, you get a special bonus. Don't tell anybody else.
But down there in the description is a link where you can get a free copy, a
digital copy of mini eBook. Portable Positivity. Check it out in the
description. Thanks for watching.
again soon
For more infomation >> What Can A Psychologist Do For Me? - Duration: 10:36.-------------------------------------------
The Passage (FOX) "Monsters Do Exist" Promo HD - Mark-Paul Gosselaar series - Duration: 0:33.
AMY BELLAFONTE: My name is Amy Bellafonte.
I didn't used to believe in monsters, but I do now.
Oh my god.
How is this possible?
The only thing that matters is that you're safe.
Let's go.
Stay right behind me.
You could help us save millions.
You might be the most important little girl in the world.
NARRATOR: "The Passage," coming this January to Fox.
Preview: Monsters Do Exist | Season 1 | THE PASSAGE - Duration: 0:48.
Certyfikowany mechanizm dostępu do internetu - film instruktażowy - Duration: 2:36.
Lei Federal sobre Infraestrutura de Rede de Telecom - Grandes Temas do Direito da Comunicação - Duration: 5:56.
Hello, I am Ericson M.Scorsim
lawyer and consultant consultant on public law
specialized in communication law
Phd in law through the University of São Paulo (USP)
author of the book series about communication law published on Amazon
in today´s video we are going to talk about the Federal Law
that approves the general rules regarding licensing, sharing and infrastructure of telecommunications networks
This federal regulation contains the criteria to facilitate the making of investments
in the fields of infrastructure of telecommunication networks
What are telecommunication networks?
They are the mobile phone networks, the networks of optic fiber cables
that are spread through the cities in Brazil
So this federal regulation contains the general norms
that should be complied by both states and municipalities
This law intends to establish a rationality regarding the criteria of licensing, installation and sharing of these infrastrutcture
of networks, antennae, cables and optic fiber cables
But the problem is that many municipal laws are not compatible with this federal law
So there is a conflict bewteen the rules stablished by the Union
while exercising its private competence to legislate over the telecommunication services
and the norms stablished by the Brazilian municipalities
for example regarding the installation of antennae of mobile phones
so frequently this theme ends up in juridical disputes
There are controversies even though the intention of the federal law
The law 13.116 of 2015, known commonly in the field as general antennae law
The goal of the federal law is to stimulate the ampliation of the telecommunicaiton networks
In order to facilitate providing the services of mobile telecommunication and mobile internet broad band
There is not still a final solution for this conflict in the judiciary
And there are also other parallel themes regarding this subject of network infrastructures
For example some Brazilian municipalities, such as the Curitiba municipality
Has a law determining the subterranean installation of the cable system in the city
That means: all the cable system of the fixed communication service or even electric energy
it has to be subterranean
The companies need to, as determined by the public municipal authorities,
(either the telecommunication, Pay-TV and energy companies)
they need to bury their cable system underground
This theme is also being analyzed by the federal supreme court
There is not a definitive position of the supreme court in regard of considering constitunional those laws of the subterranean cable system
We know that the goal of the municipal legislators and the city halls is commendable
The city hall intends to avoid the visual pollution that so frequently take place on the posts in the streets and avenues inside the urban perimeter
So the municipality exercising its competence to legislate over local matters
and also its competence to legislate over themes concerning urbanism
The municipalite defines laws but there also is the question of the federal normative
so there is a conflict stablished and these questions end up in the judiciary
Repeating that there is not a final decision, a solid jurisprudence of the supreme federal court
when regarding the urban infrastructure and its relation with the services of telecommunication, Pay-TV,
and also, by default, the infrastructure of electric energy, since the utilization of the posts is shared
between the energy companies and the phone, Pay-TV and internet companies
Thank you for you attention and until the next video about Great Themes in Communication Law
TW Answers--Did Christ Do Away With the Law? - Duration: 3:10.
Welcome to Tomorrow's World Answers where we answer your questions,
straight from the Bible.
One of the beliefs, common in some elements of the Christian world, is that Christ did
away with His Father's Law.
Is this idea really supported in Scripture?
Some will turn to Matthew 5:18 to support this idea.
"For assuredly, I say to you, till heaven and earth pass away, one jot or one tittle
will by no means pass from the law till all is fulfilled."
This is used to justify the claim that Christ obeyed the Law, hence fulfilling its requirements
so we do not have to.
Others will point to Romans 10:4 which states:
"For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to everyone who believes."
The argument has been made that if Christ is the end of the law, then the law has concluded,
and adherence to it is no longer required.
However, the phrase "end of the law" uses the word "telos" in Greek,
meaning "the point of" or "the result of."
In other words, it is saying that Christ's character, His example is that which resulted
from living and thinking in full accordance with the Law of God, thus producing righteousness.
Far from saying the law is done away, these scriptures demonstrate that one who follows
the guide of God's scriptural Law (the Ten Commandments), learning to think as God thinks,
will be led to righteousness.
Jesus' life, as we see from scripture, was to be an example for us to follow, as the
Apostle Paul well understood when he wrote:
"Imitate me, just as I also imitate Christ."
Notice also the admonition of the Apostle John,
writing 60 years after Christ's time on earth.
"He who says he abides in Him ought himself to walk just as He walked."
We are to imitate Christ, including the rules of life He followed.
This is what Paul taught when speaking to the Corinthians 24 years after Jesus' death
and resurrection.
"Circumcision is nothing and uncircumcision is nothing, but keeping the commandments of
God is what matters."
If Jesus taught the Law had been abolished
He obviously did not convey that to John or Paul.
Therefore Scripture is clear that Jesus did not do away with the Law of God, but rather
lived it as an example of how we should live.
To submit a question for the show, email us at
Be sure to watch us online at
or by searching Tomorrow's World Answers on YouTube.
Make sure to do this before selling your phone - Duration: 0:59.
Things to do in Kauai Hawaii - ride the bicycle from Kapaa to Kuna Bay and back! - Duration: 3:21.
Aloha! Today we went on a biking adventure with all the family, on a trail
called "The Path That Goes by the Coast" or Ke Ala Hele Makalae path. It is
located on the east side of Kauai and it is about eight miles long. The path can
be walked on, jogged on or biked on. You will always have the ocean with the breeze on one
side. There are many access points to this trail at Lydgate Park,
Lihi Park or Kealia Beach. You can start right from the beginning with
Lydgate Park all the way to Kuna Bay through Lihi park and Kealia Beach
or you might as well begin at any access point of the path.
Along the path there are restrooms at Lydgate Park and Kealia beach, picnic
tables, safe swimming areas, scenic lookouts. You might spot whales breaching in the
winter and dolphin pods in the summer. The estimated time to complete a round
trip by bike is one hour.
We found a good rental shop downtown Kapaa called Hele On Kauai Bike
Rentals. There you can get a good bike for five dollars an hour.
Do you welcome success? - Duration: 0:34.
Success. Doesn't come unless you invite it. It doesn't appear unless you create
the chance for it. Have you heard the phrase you can't stop a beast that's
hungry for a better life? Without a change in mindset, forget innovation,
forget growth, forget improvement. What are you doing - to welcome success?
Para #brasileiros #estrangeiros #gringos que vivem e falam do #brasil - Duration: 4:28.
What to do when your OP isn't what you expected. - Duration: 1:41.
If your child hasn't gotten the OP that they need to get into their dream
program it's not the end of the world they don't need to panic, they just need
to do some work to prepare on the alternate pathways that they can use to
get into those dream programs. Don't be scared of making the wrong choice
just enter into your first year doing whatever you think you might like, once
you get into the university it makes it a lot easier for you to be able to
transfer. If your student hasn't finished high school and is looking at entering
into university after a year or a couple of years break there's a couple of different options for them.
Rosi left year twelve without finishing she
was in her final semester but she has now made the decision that she does want
to pursue study and she has now sat the test for tertiary entrance Queensland.
They could explore a tertiary preparation program or a tertiary
preparation pathway through organisations like UQ College all the
way through to attending TAFE and undertaking part or a whole certificate
course and then using those results and that educational experience to move into the university space.
During Jack's course admissions and selection process
we had a minor hiccup which was unfortunate but the great thing was one
phone call to the faculty and they were onto it straightaway and we had an
outcome and a resolution within seven days my of first phone call.
So what we encourage is for you to get in touch if you're unsure about your QTAC
preferences and where your dream program should sit, get in touch with the
university and we can help you through that process.
Comer Frutos do Mar Estimula o DESEJO SEXUAL. Mito ou Verdade? - Duration: 4:17.
Os melhores BLOGS DE MARKETING DIGITAL do mundo que você precisa conhecer! - Duration: 6:25.
WHERE DO BABIES COME FROM? 👶 Conversation with a 4 year old... - Duration: 5:42.
hi birthday girl we're gonna make a video for your birthday tell me what it
feels like to be one day away from being six does it feel amazing you counted to
a hundred today that's a milestone she can count to a hundred do it then do it
you can do it in the car well she's my favorite six-year-old isn't she the most
wonderful Brooklyn let's talk about when you were born six years ago oh she
didn't get it on right there she didn't get it on video Brooklyn where were you
born stand in the spot no it was right right
it was right there right by the fireplace she was born there
so you said that I'm not a funny mom wow I'm nice oh nice mom but not a nice you
don't want to be a mom because you're you're you're funny and I said I don't
wanna hear my balance yeah baby yeah but
I can't find a boyfriend I have kissed the boyfriend and then go away and I
don't that I can't oh you'll you'll get a boyfriend when you get older like my
age I don't want a table you want to get married first you don't want to have a
baby with your boyfriend hmm that's how really do you do that
with Daddy he's your husband not my boyfriend
he had borscht and and then I married him she was first my boyfriend then he
was my husband no so how many kids do you want them no if you wanna have five
kids no you said hey you said three and then you said five yeah okay okay
you'll have four tips no right it's so hard
no how just didn't its how just a mirror Wow
like only father put it in my tummy he goes in your tummy
no he's just like magic doesn't you get the baby and then he pushes it in your
body yeah Olivia believe you doing hi so I
don't have to hurt ya baby
hope how do they help they help feel bad you're so bad that's true hold your head
you're sitting in the spot you were born
but go happy birthday Brooklyn star Escobar oh you're stuck okay bye
we're gonna go to classic have a party you got a new scooter for Brooklyn's
We need to do Share Asort On Soical Media | Watch and share /ASORT INDIAN BRAND - Duration: 2:24.
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