You said you'd bind yourself to me
Forsaking immortal life of your people
and to that I hold
this is a dream
Then it is a good dream
why do you fear the past?
You are Isildur's heir.
Not Isildur himself
The same blood flows in my veins
The same weakness
Eowen : Where is she?
The woman who gave you that jewel?
Let her take the ship to the west
let her bear away her love for you to the undying lands
There to be ever green
But never more than a memory
Why do you linger here when there is no hope?
She stays because she still has hope
She stays for you. She belongs with her people.
There is still hope
I would rather share one life time with you
than face all the ages of this world alone
Why are you saying this?
Arwen's time is ending
Elrond: Let her go
Elrond: Whether by the sword or the slow decay of time, Aragorn will die
I am mortal. You are elf kind
Elrond: and there will be no comfort for you.
No comfort to ease the pain of his passing
He is not coming back
She is sailing to the undying lands
with all that's left of her kin
It was a dream Arwen
Nothing more
I don't believe you
I choose a mortal life
I have made my choice
you cannot give me this
it is mine to give to whom I will
This belongs to you
Like my heart
it was a gift
Keep it
I cannot give you what you seek
Elrond: there is nothing for you here
only death
Elrond: Arwen is dying
The light of the evening star is failing
Elrond: take her by the safest road
a ship lies anchored in the grey heavens
it waits to carry her across the sea
The last journey of Arwen Undomiel
We cannot delay
You have the gift of foresight
What did you see?
Elrond: I looked into your future and I saw death
But there was also life
You saw there was a child
You saw my son
That future is almost gone
But it is not lost
nothing is certain
Some things are certain
your time will come
You will face the same evil
and you will defeat it
If I leave him now
I will regret it forever
For more infomation >> { Carry me to my love } || Arwen and Aragorn || Their Story || - Duration: 5:50.-------------------------------------------
Seby Dogg feat. Kalle Engstrom & Lilla My - Eyes On Me - Duration: 3:29.
I can hear the silence, as I'm walking by
Come on say something, I wanna hear your voice
All the eyes on me
All the eyes are all on me
All the eyes on me
All the eyes are all on me
All the eyes on me
All the eyes are all on me
All the eyes on me
All the eyes are all on
eyes are all on
All the eyes on me! Babe all the eyes on us!
We giving all or nothing cause the moments getting lost
I can hear the silence, as Im walking by
from the ground to the sky
Learned from you how a lover smile!
and you ain't telling no lie!
I reset myself phone, when i seen the ex's call
You made myself a fuckin' boss, ever since we met in the bar
So all the eyes on us, but only the god can love us
I seen a lot of people envious,
they think our love is poissonous
We built a temple as if we were miraculous
Tell me baby now, who do you loves better?
I wanna hear your voice, let's calling me video on Messenger!
I wanna sinning with ya, I'm like a savage, no amateour
If she wanna ride me, I'll be the Dodge, she'll be a Challanger
The Penguins of Madagascar Stop Bugging Me #3 - KIERAN GRAY - Duration: 3:31.
PLEASE LIKE, SHARE, COMMENTS & SUBCRIBE Video! Thank you very much!
oh wait a minute skipper I think I hear
some strangely familiar about that man the Poland's buttons whoa oh it's
officer X now known as exterminator X the grapple dream lives she's forgotten
about this dude I smell something something I haven't
smelled since penguins make for the exit you birds cost me my job and animal
control so yeah it's payback time let's go with
the harder they fall maneuver on three the three will be silenced so heads up
one two
crapola Catholic high men but for private to save yourself kid I've been
carrying this around waiting because I knew I knew I'd see you egg once again
everyone thought I was crazy blaming paintings Oh penguins are Tooting loudly
oh no they're not oh yes they are no you don't know him
the way I know him they've got devious brain robert think
dude you broke a bro seriously shut it that dude is gonna go
pro magnet on us all right all right right Shh let's think proactively bro
actively I'm not even sure that means penguin and three little approaches do
against a batty exterminator / aren't just three of us bro Master this is no
time for the willies sometimes at night I just lay awake
thinking about penguins
nowhere to run now Punk
almost there sweet get it on the next one ready swing
India - How a Dog's Medallion took me Birdwatching to Incredible India. - Duration: 12:56.
I came into this world in the late 1950s right in the heart of the English
Midlands my paternal grandfather was born in the late 1890s
and the earliest words I remember were his but in French carried on granddad's
lips all the way from the first war trenches of Flanders little did I
realize when I was growing up that many words and phrases I heard in my young
life have fascinating histories many of them military as a kid I often wondered
why I was as dim as a Toc H lamp what on earth was a moaning Minnie but why oh
why a dear poor old Benjamin gone Deolali in 1977 a close family friend the
ornithological artist Richard Richardson passed away the last will and testament
of Richard Alan Richardson to Michael Grewcock my mother's Bible my signed
copy of Tarkathe otter my decorative Japanese box
I was so muted and distressed by our friends passing that I paid only cursory
attention to the bequests and only recently did I look at them again
so Deolali is a real place in India and my friend who was in the Norfolk
Regiment and his dog Willow had been there between 1944 and 1945 it was once
a notorious place where some time expired and transiting British soldiers
went crazy with heat and boredom and worse hence the same Gone Deolali And to
alexander library of ornithology at Oxford my personal bird diaries
relating to India everybody (old style radio music and speech)
so I've come to India to see the birds to see the people the architecture the sublime
collisions of race and religion of languages and trades to see for myself
the places that appear in the diary where man and dog walked seventy four
years ago I really am going to a place called Deolali
Deolali sometimes called Devlali is in the western state of Maharashtra
about a hundred miles north of Mumbai
soldiers transited by rail from what was then called Bombay to their tented camps
whilst others waited in the heat of Deolali sometimes as long as a year to
make the return journey home
Deolali is still military remnants of the soldiers transit camp are in use by
the Indian artillery and the military farm where my friend worked is still in
operation some old buildings are in decay and the stories they could tell a
gradually turning to dust
so I'm in Deolali but much of the town is within the military cantonment
and use of cameras is restricted but I did get a marvelous opportunity to look
but before I finally returned home I wanted to walk where my friend and his
dog will I walked perhaps where they sought solace from the crushing might of
army life and on that final day to see the pages of the diaries come to life
What Can A Psychologist Do For Me? - Duration: 10:36.
People joke about this topic all the time. I've had people come up to me and
say, "Oh so-and-so could really use you." have you ever wondered seriously what
can a psychologist do for me? When people find out that I'm a psychologist, I get
all kinds of different reactions. Some people want to tell me their whole life
story. Some people don't dare tell me anything
at all. It's just interesting what the perceptions are. You might have been
wondering what can a psychologist do for me. There are different kinds of
psychologists and I can't speak for all of them.
From a basic standpoint, I think my job as a psychologist is to illuminate the
obvious. Which is kind of cool. I get paid to tell people things they
already know. But there's obvious things that are unnoticed. Your clothing for
example. Do you notice it? Can you feel it? Yeah, it's obvious now but before I
mentioned it, it wasn't even noticed. Obvious but unnoticed. The fact that we're
speaking English. Honestly, did you notice? Some of you will say yes to that because
you're not native English speakers. And those are the ones who notice. If you
were raised speaking English primarily, you didn't
notice we were speaking English. It was just obvious but unnoticed. It's obvious
once I call it to your attention. There are processes in our mind that are just
like this they are obvious once they're called to your attention but completely
unnoticed up until that point. One of these processes is called metacognition.
Metacognition is a made-up word. Do we make up words in psychology because we
feel smarter when we can. Breaking it down, cognition means thinking. If we
place cognition right here on this level. metacognition is a higher level.
It's thinking about thinking. And do you notice that you can do this? That's good
news. Because metacognition creates a little space. And in that space, is where
choice exists. Some of the processes that are constantly going on in our own mind
in our cognition are obvious but completely unnoticed up until the time
that they're called to your attention. That's what I do as a psychologist. I
think that's what people in my industry do. We help you to see those processes in
a metacognitive way because once you go to the metacognition level, then we enact
choice. And that's huge. We go through life sometimes not even
seeing that it's a choice. And I can tell you until you see it as a choice, it's
not. You will simply roll with whatever you're programmed, train, taught and
educated to do. And it's not necessarily by choice at that point. It's just your
programming. Programming like English you know, we talked about earlier. I don't
choose to speak English, I'm programmed to speak English. Well, with metacognition,
I can see that, "Wait a minute, English is not the only language, it's not
necessarily the best language. It's just the one that I'm programmed with." Could
we pick another one? Yes, we could. And that brings up all of the issues around...
Well, I'm not used to the other language, I'm not fluent in the other language,
right. So, you enter into a practice process. That's the other thing that I do
with my clients is to create for them opportunities to practice a new language.
A new programming, if you will. Where before, "My life is terrible, horrible,
awful, no good, got stuck in depression, anxiety." Whatever
it is. To speak a new language of, "You know what? My life is awesome. My life
rocks." And I've got the power to improve it from here. Both of those are positions.
But until you see it as a choice, it's not. The world that we work in in
psychology tends to be based around feelings and thoughts and beliefs and
relationships. All of which are affected by our previous programming. Most of
which were not even aware of because we just roll with our programming instead
of experiencing our choice. One of the biggest things that psychologists can do
for you is to help you see the processes that
are going on in your own mind clearly enough that you can get back into a
choice position. And determine for yourself. See, I can't tell you how to
think. I don't have that kind of authority. Plus it would just tick you
off anyway. I just want you to see that you are thinking. That thinking has
predictable results on all of your outcomes. Your relationships, your
finances, your health, your mental health, your happiness. Thoughts have
consequences. I and my other colleagues in the industry of psychology want to
help you get out of your own way. Now, I have to add a little disclaimer here.
Because none of the psychologists that I know, including the one on the screen
right now. None of us have this all figured out. We're just fellow human
beings on the planet. What I've discovered however is that
principles determine all of life's outcomes. And there are certain
principles that by virtue of my practice and what I've been able to do here for a
quarter of a century. I have observed that certain principles determine
certain outcomes with happiness, for example. Positivity. You've heard this.
Forever, right? Just think positive. Does that annoy you too? Probably depends on
who's saying it and why. I've figured out through my practice and what all my
clients have taught me used over these years, why? That is absolutely very
literally true. The positivity is a choice in that it matters and that just
think positive, we'll take the just out of that phrase and it's more accurate.
Think positive. How do you do that? There's 2 processes.
Evaluation and creation. I went over that in another video. And in fact, you know
what? I would be happy to share with you my mini book. In fact, you know what? I
would be willing to share with you a free digital copy of my mini book.
Portable Positivity. I'm not trying to sell this to you. What I'm offering here
is an insight into the principles that I have learned through 24 years
of clinical practice where I've figured out how positivity works and how you can
immediately implement it in your life. I wrote it up as a mini book. There's a
model in here that describes 2 processes in your mind. Evaluation and
creation. You can't turn either one off and your imagination drives both of them.
You can get a free digital copy. Just check down in the description for the
link and enjoy. This is what I do in my work is a psychologist. I've been
speaking specifically about what I do as a psychologist. Other psychologists have
different specialties, different areas of practice. I used to for example do child
custody evaluations for the court. Some of the videos here on the channel are
about that. I don't do that kind of work anymore but I share what I've learned in
these videos so that you can benefit from it. I did a doctoral dissertation on
bedwetting. Who knew? I know more about that than you ever want to know. But you
what? If you want to know what I know, go see the videos that I've done on
bedwetting. Different psychologists have different focuses or areas of practice.
And so, how they can help you might differ from how I can help you. Where I
focus on things like positivity and parenting and relationships and
entrepreneurship and productivity in the workplace. See, those are the things that
light me up. Another psychologist might focus on research or on a particular
educational approach that helps to maximize learning or whatever it might
be. It's just like any other field or industry where there are different
subspecialties. Poked around a little bit and see what you can find out about the
particular areas that you're interested in. Or leave me a comment down below, send
me an email. Engage with me in ways that I can help to answer those questions for
you too. I'd be happy to do that. Hey, Live On Purpose family. I am so
impressed that you're still here. That you're listening to the outro for this
video. And because of that, you get a special bonus. Don't tell anybody else.
But down there in the description is a link where you can get a free copy, a
digital copy of mini eBook. Portable Positivity. Check it out in the
description. Thanks for watching.
again soon
International Students: New Zealand Is a Part of Me Now - Duration: 1:35.
Kia Ora!
New Zealand is a big part of me,
and I feel like I'm a part of the New Zealand family now,
like the aroha and everything around me.
Because of my volunteering,
it's helped me to get an internship.
I'm very grateful for what New Zealand
and Wellington brings to me.
Our clients are all over the world,
and some of them are from China, and sometimes
I become the interpreter to help them
communicate with our senior developers.
Sort of, I become the bridge between
China and New Zealand, and the whole blockchain area,
so I'm very happy with that.
When I went back to China my teacher said,
"oh you have like a Kiwi accent".
Yeah, I think accent and the friends I met.
We exchange knowledge, we exchange experiences,
that definitely helped.
At first I was worried that the Kiwis
might not understand my English
because it's my second language,
so I challenged myself to be involved more -
you know like, mix around with my classmates in uni,
and be more involved in volunteering,
and take up leadership roles.
From my experience here,
I think there's a lot of knowledge or
systems that I can bring to Malaysia that can
grow the economy even bigger for Malaysia.
I like Māori culture as well,
it's helped me understand and appreciate tradition.
New Zealand is definitely a part of me now.
yeah that's a bad day hey everybody we're here with Mitch it
in that today they are going to be truck drivers soon they're gonna be out here
on the road with us ain't that great we can't wait they're excited and
they're gonna do so welcome to the handling right you're gonna watch them I
hope to soon see them out here all right
all right everybody how you doing hi girl hi tell them what who we met today
we met Annette and Mitch I keep trying to say Steve I knew that wasn't right Oh
whoo see this they drove up the sandy San Diego up here to Ontario to visit
with us and we had a great time we had a meal they are very personal people you
might have already saw their clip of them cuz they're gonna be truck drivers
and youtubers just like us it smells delicious someone I can't get into I
like stuff that smells good too why should not is your belief so are you
putting me a box oh yes he likes pedicures so I do why wouldn't you don't
like pedicures you should or haven't got one your woman's like secrets because
you get you your ingrown toenails fix and get massage we're getting there Hey
look guys y'all ain't found my hat yet so I went and bought one and it's child
size it is it's like a moose not the color I was like Andy mmm this looks
like I should get strawberries in and eat and it smells wonderful I get to
lick me out and put strawberries on me we ain't supposed to talk about adult
content things if you gave YouTube that's not adult content if you gave
this to a little kid they would probably try to eat it well honey that ain't
singing a lot they be eating pod tag things okay so yeah I would eat that too
if I was you know starving situation they all have great songs
it's like mousse see how she gets entertained by simple things okay great
thanks Annette I am a nice simple things he should be more entertained bison if
we were all entertained by simple things would be a much much happier world
well that's true it shouldn't take a lot to to make us happy but it does didn't
take a lot to make me happy y'all want to see where we're at net
Steve all right now I'll show y'all a hang on I'll show y'all where we're at
you see that guys that's where we're at our air conditioner has went on the
fritz again and what else did : you have they fixed that was easy that was the
guys that worked off the other day messed it up
the deep and keep imagining meets in wish too
time Jesus
now herein lies the stories and the Rube of the international you know that the
air conditioning and everything on the International Charles Brandon can attest
this is tied in to your own garden that's thinking on guard right and if
the on guard is giving you problems it'll give you other problems that you
didn't have they're kind of made-up problems so and one of them is an air
conditioner stops working so you have to go to international to get it fixed you
know I love international but this could be something that will cause me to not
like international I liked iPhones but when they got it all hooked up with
iTunes and I couldn't move my music around anymore
I got rid of iPhone went back with my freedom phone Android right
international could be syncing themselves to meet international if
you're listening there's a king worth up in Richfield Indiana and I got my eye on
well they're making it to where you have to go to their shop and their shop only
and their shop might have a two day wait or three day wait or four day wait
meanwhile the TA or Petro or Joe Blow that you hire out of the Yellow Pages to
come fix your truck can't do it so we're in Ontario the temperature is really
nice it's beautiful here but we're going to North Carolina I mean it's got to hit
out across the desert so I'll hit Phoenix and maybe I can get boy look at
you chug girl all right maybe we can get it fixed in
Phoenix I'll call ahead I've got the print out
and I tried to get this OnGuard thing deleted at the at the International and
they told me they didn't know how to do it what do you think about that don't
lick it I know she's gonna lick it later
smell it and we'll see if he this is from the guy that testified to one of
the dog treats and he's great it's made from primarily oh you know what it is
it's a pink Annihilator is that what they're called now or later though now
how do you get nine later where are you from your pink nine later is we call
them not like Annihilator now and later now and later does not go into
Annihilator now later now say now now later and later
I love the shops calling me I got a jump out of here and go pay for my bill I'll
get back with you all right I got my bill it was three hundred and sixty-five
dollars it would have been another $165 they discounted it according to them
what it was if they broke something and they told me about it and then they
charged me for it and then discounted it and act like they did me a favor
that's so nice of them but anyway back to Anita and Mitch
we also know yes and chapstick and every stray want to be great to get some more
happy people out here yeah you're outfitting of a dog but anyway each time
for us to hit on up out of here we're gonna go find an international dealer so
they can miss them more stuff up probably Kenworth is looking a lot
sweeter came north of Richfield we'll be happy to hear that I know if y'all need
a truck matter of fact I'll give the keyword rich to a plug go over and say
Kim worked in Richfield he's a good ol boy boy he does some good cuts on his
edits that do like in work where I don't like a Peterbilt well listen to her
looked at we want reliability that's the important thing
all right all right you still you want some cuteness look if I'm just looking
at trucks uh-huh and my eyes drawn to one first of all it's gonna be drilling
the bat one down there because it's got big sleeper and I know it has a toilet
in your shower and the water tanks and sinks each other
priorities right but if I'm just looking at a standard-sized truck in the parking
lot I am kind of drawn to the Kinney works cause they're big and meaty
on that note we best you go guys mister you know what I'm talking about I
didn't know this but Mitch told me that this mountain right here in front of
Ontario the truck stop here is where Lake Arrowhead is said I thought it was
way farther down that way but hey it's right there just something for you to
know in case you want to burn your way up to Lake Arrowhead or Big Bear or is
it Big Sur Big Sur whatever it's all related oh she don't know anything
either we gotta go we'll see y'all later you all have a
spectacular day we're gonna go spend some more money
god bless our heart we'll see y'all later peace out
she's a silver lining Lone Ranger riding through an open space here in my mind
when she's not right beside me
Lend Me Your Ears - Duration: 3:50.
CHESSER: I tell her, I said, you know if I get some hollering at me I'll just pull it off
put it on the table say talk to the ear and I'll go in the other room.
You might say I've got a pretty good attitude toward it.
Growing old is required growing up isn't and I refuse to grow up and I refuse to let this
get me down.
Here he comes with his paint kit.
How you doing bud?
TRAINER: It's always joy... for the last years, I tend not to see people as patients I call
my big happy family because you're entering a very intimate part of their world and that
person is happy at the end of the day I'm very happy.
CHESSER: This is what I look like most of the time... but I don't give up.
I've ended up with cancer in the whole ear area, and everything and down into my jaw
and down my neck they drastically went surgical at it and that's when I lost the ear.
Before it totally healed they put me through days of radiation every day, five days a week
I've never lost my hearing; I've never lost my taste buds but they had to take out salivary
glands, lymph nodes, muscle and tissue and give me half a face lift... they stretched
everything that they could and this is what I've got... it's what I deal with ... they've
done two graphs that didn't stick, treatments of oxygen therapy, that's setting in a tube
for two hours a day.
It's just had just appearance, and it don't change me any.... women give up breasts, they
give up their babies [indiscernible].
They give a up a lot of stuff for cancer right, ...alright I lost an ear for it
big deal...
I'm still here.
Well, I can't do what I used to do but I think that's due to the radiation in my years ... cuz
I drove truck for years...
Semi, cross country.
>>>wow... what a difference
CHESSER: They had to decide to something to put my
glasses on.
TRAINER: You know basically everybody knows about hearing aids, dentures, prosthetic limbs, ... but
if you said to somebody a prosthetic nose it wouldn't ... I never knew.
CHESSER: Have something to put my glasses on now it's always a question if that happened to you
your mind is going nuts because it's not cosmetic for your psychological state, it's very important.
TRAINER: I've had patients that have sat at home for five years... will not leave the house and
for me to get them out of the house to get to the office and then make them something
so they can go out... it's a big deal.
>>>Damn, I got ears again.
Thank you...
thank you.
>>>It's a pleasure.
>>>I ain't that much of a pain to work with, am I?
no... no.
CHESSER: He does good work.
The VA in Tampa area is the best VA treatment I've had seems like they really care about
the Vet.
>>>Turn around here so I can see... wow, gotta get use to me again, don't ya?
>>>Yes, I do.
>>>If they see you more than twice they know your name when you walk in, you know, ... and
that helps.
TRAINER: Look pretty good from here.
¿Consumir sustancias controladas me puede hacer que me nieguen la petición de visa? - Duration: 1:24.
Tom: The Scripture That Helped Me Love Christ More - Duration: 3:52.
I had exited the Church, I guess, for about 25 years because at the time, I
felt there was not a place for me there.
I knew that I was gay, and, and just
couldn't find a place of how I could reconcile that with being a member of
The Church of Jesus Christ.
I had been away from the Church for quite a long period of time.
Despite a happy life and many things I really enjoyed, I just felt that there was
greater meaning to be had, a deeper purpose. And as I started to come back to church,
in some ways I felt like I was having a crash course in doctrine.
There was, you know, a lifetime of learning that I had missed, and
so I would spend time on
topics, trying to feel like I could get a better understanding. And one day I was
reading in the Doctrine and Covenants in section 20, the verses that talk about
justification and sanctification. It's section 20, verses 30 and 31:
"And we know the justification through the grace of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ is just
and true; and we know also, that sanctification through the grace of our
Lord and Savior Jesus Christ is just and true, to all those who love and serve God
with all their mights, minds, and strength."
And when I was
reading that verse, I was trying to understand what's the difference between
justification and sanctification? Now, what do they mean?
But it occurred to me
as I was looking through that, the sense of justification, which is our reliance
on the Atonement of the Savior, that His sacrifice makes it possible for us to
approach Him in repentance and ask that that sin be wiped away and that it would
be remembered no more.
And that sanctification to me seemed to be then a
lifetime of doing that, of approaching the Savior and asking
that something would be remembered no more.
And I thought more about that and
about His atoning sacrifice and what that must have meant.
How could He do it?
And not what was a sacrifice, or how was it accomplished, but how could He, the one
perfect person who understood what was ahead of Him,
how could He do that?
And in a moment of clarity, or inspiration, and revelation
without words, I had such a strong feeling of love—that how He could do
that is through His love for each of us as His brothers and sisters, as the
children of our Heavenly Parents. That it was simply His love for us that made Him
willing to do this incomprehensible thing that I can't still understand or
wrap my head around or know as He said, how difficult to bear. And that made me
think of that beautiful verse in Isaiah that "with His stripes we are healed."
And I felt in that moment that I wanted to be one of those people who loved Him,
that sanctification could come after a lifetime of loving Him because of Him
first having loved me.
Hey ladies welcome back to my channel on this channel we talk about life food
family and fun and today we're doing a concealer review for those of us that
don't have perfect under eyes so stay tuned and let's do this
you look good really thanks
it's this concealer all right so today we are looking at a concealer that I
found actually off of Instagram and I had never heard of this before there is
a link on Instagram to go and buy this but I found it on Amazon so I ordered it
off of Amazon and this is called cover perfection the magic concealer and it's
from Omni beauty that is what it looks like and I think was 12 dollars or so
online and it says 7 in 1 the magic concealer when you see the videos on
this they're actually wearing this as foundation but I just use it as
concealer and you get .88 fluid ounces for the 12 or 13 bucks
it has a squeezy tube here and so good packaging simple to use easy it's nice
and thin and sleek, good for travel so the color that I got is sand and it's
kind of a beige undertoned neutral undertone concealer it's a good color
for me and the reason that I was looking for this is that I have used the Tarte
shape tape for a really long time and I do like that but especially in the
winter months for me it can get really drying under the eyes and I still have
to set it with a powder just to make sure it doesn't crease but then it looks
really dry and if you have any kind of texture or fine lines or puffiness or D
all of the above then you know that can get a little bit kind of crapey and
gross underneath there so I was looking for something that's a little bit
creamier but isn't going to you know smear around
all day cause my eye makeup to smudge fade crease all of that and that's kind
of a tall order so with this one though I found this
to actually hold up to the hype I don't know if their hype is their hype no
one's even heard of this I don't know if there is hype, but I found that this
actually did hold up really well it looks nice and smoothing under my eyes
it stays all day it doesn't crease if I set it with a powder and then when it is
set with a powder it doesn't look super dry it's a good color and you know it is
12 bucks or 12 or 13 dollars but you get quite a good amount in there and this is
gonna last me a really long time so I really like this for mature eyes I also
do not like the mature kind of thing I mean if you've watched my channel at all
I don't know much surety isn't some of it please start acting like adults but I
do actually really like this for under eyes that are not smooth and young and
beautiful so I'm gonna insert some pictures of one side one of my eyes
being done and the other one not and then another picture of both of them
being done and this is all in natural lighting no filters and things like that
and you can see what it looks like for yourself okay so I think that this
concealer is worth checking out you can get it on Amazon I will have a link
below in the description box just click on show more or if you're on your phone
just hit that little triangle in the bottom right hand corner beneath
this video and you can check it out and order one for your self and it's a good
concealer if you're having a great day stay
inspired try some new things and I'll see you in the next video
get to know me /تعرفوا عليا اكثر / يوتيوبر جزائرية / تعزية و مواساة / miryam de lux - Duration: 9:53.
[1#BuJo] December - plan with me! [PL/ENG SUBS] [venntris] - Duration: 4:03.
From September I started to create my first bullet journal.
At the beginning I was quite sceptical,
but making it is great fun and, as for me, it works much better than a regular calendar.
It is customized especially for me.
I don't know if I'm going to run this series regularly, rather not.
I don't decorate rather imaginatively, almost every month looks very similar to me.
I say right away that I don't make too many pages a month, it's just enough for me.
I don't need mood trackers or irrigation.
I only have a tracker for things like learning, reading, drawing, make-up, hair rubbing and sport.
For BuJo I mainly use pastel highlighters from stabilo , they enchanted me with their colors.
In addition, I use washi tapes, which I buy in the Dutch store - Action.
This month I decided to make dutch door style weeklies.
I saw a lot of inspiration on the instagram and pinterest.
I was curious how it would come out.
I don't know if I'll stay with it, but we'll see.
I stuck a strip of ribbon on the edge of the sheet of paper and rounded the corners.
On the left side I made a simplified calendar for December, a shopping list and what I have to do.
On the right side I made rectangles for my social media statistics and playlist.
As I mentioned earlier, I don't need too much space, so I did it every week on one page.
By the way, I made room for writing down ideas for videos and other things.
During the days I still like to make small squares so that I can mark what I have already done and what I haven't done.
In the comment you can write me if you have a bullet journal and if it works for you. <3
See you soon! <3
Halsey - Without me | cover by SANDEE - Duration: 3:09.
found you when your heart was broke
I filled your cup until it overflowed
Took it so far to keep you close (Keep you close)
I was afraid to leave you on your own
I said I'd catch you if you fall
And if they laugh, then screw them all (All)
And then I got you off your knees Put you right back on your feet
Just so you can take advantage of me
Tell me how's it feel sittin' up there
Feeling so high but too far away to hold me
You know I'm the one who put you up there
Name in the sky Does it ever get lonely?
Thinking you could live without me Thinking you could live without me
you know, I'm the one who put you up there I don't know why (yeah, I don't know why)
Gave love 'bout a hundred tries (hundred tries)
Just running from the demons in your mind
Then I took yours and made 'em mine (made 'em mine)
I didn't notice 'cause my love was blind
Said I'd catch you if you fall (fall)
And if they laugh, then screw 'em all (all)
And then I got you off your knees Put you right back on your feet
Just so you can take advantage of me
Tell me how's it feel sittin' up there
Feeling so high but too far away to hold me
You know I'm the one who put you up there
Name in the sky Does it ever get lonely?
Thinking you could live without me Thinking you could live without me
Baby, I'm the one who put you up there I don't know why (yeah, I don't know why)
You don't have to say just what you did
I already know (I know) I had to go and find out from them
So tell me how's it feel (oh-woah)
Tell me how's it feel sittin' up there
Tell me how's it feel sittin' up there
Feeling so high but too far away to hold me
You know I'm the one who put you up there
Name in the sky Does it ever get lonely?
Thinking you could live without me Thinking you could live without me
Baby, I'm the one who put you up there I don't know why (yeah, I don't know why)
God of War 4 - A new destiny | I kill to the Dragon - Duration: 28:33.
~Mari, say you love me | Lukanette [Miraculous LadyBug Speededit] - Duration: 3:04.
The Penguins of Madagascar Stop Bugging Me #2 - KIERAN GRAY - Duration: 3:31.
PLEASE LIKE, SHARE, COMMENTS & SUBCRIBE Video! Thank you very much!
days but I think we can beat those numbers who's up for some experimenting
huh where's our man is Kowalski pop open a can of trash for our guests
thanks Broza but we didn't come for eats I did okay he did the rest of us came
for bro systems yeah this exterminator is trying to give us the old heave bro
I've always wanted to grapple with an exterminator exterminator who it just
sounds dangerous all right you little creeps we're it bro he Mian oh you want
to make this a bro-down
mine playing another game
man under car Kowalski
microphone is online also my eardrums are bleeding well there's nowhere the
exterminators gonna get the jump on us with our technological superiority
so bro-fessor what now what we have here is a good old-fashioned stakeout hours
of mind-numbing boredom followed by a few precious moments of soul rending
terror we wait some twenty questions shoot person place or thing thing is it
bigger than a breadbox yes and New Deal Umbro meow is it battery-powered yes and
quit shaking the pro koozie has it ever been on the moon yes and no no come on
you got to give me something yes I do a new I do action stations
it's show time who ordered the pizza
all-nighters make us bro-dacious ly hungry so hmm fine get rid of the
evidence and let's see by the way Kowalski it was the spirit of adventure
no I almost guessed that
we had a date with destiny destiny broker hugs well boys looks like this
exterminator is a no-show you mean brochure out of linguistic
curiosity what do you call your actual brother Steve why never mind
oh gee I can't believe we have to say goodbye to this vermin-infested filth
trap you can visit our Borough Hall at any time you want bro oh thanks
Sabrina Carpenter - Sue Me (Audio) - Duration: 3:00.
Remember when you said that there's no second chance?
Oh baby, I heard you been hoping you could change the past
You miss the longer nights, you miss the long goodbyes,
You miss the longer nights
(Yep, yep, yep, yep, yep)
Well did you ever think that it was hard for me?
Do I get off like nothing happened, nonchalantly?
I got you feeling like, I got you feeling right
I got you feeling like
(Yep, yep, yep, yep, yep)
That's my shape, I made the shadow
That's my lane, don't wear it out though
Feeling myself can't be illegal, illegal
So sue me for looking so pretty tonight
Wearing your favorite color under the lights
For moving on, doing everything right
So sue me for being good friends with your friends
And running into you at the place that we met
For being something you can't forget
So sue me
It's hard to see me on when you've been off as hell
But I'm not gonna throw myself because you adore yourself
I know it's hard to see what you don't want to see,
I know it's hard to see
(Yep, yep, yep, yep, yep)
That's my shape, I made the shadow
That's my lane, don't wear it out though
Feeling myself can't be illegal, illegal
So sue me for looking so pretty tonight
Wearing your favorite color under the lights
For moving on, doing everything right
So sue me for being good friends with your friends
And running into you at the place that we met
For being something you can't forget
So sue me
Oh, I, I, I guess I'm hard to ignore
Pick up that jaw off the floor
So sue me for looking so pretty tonight
Wearing your favorite color under the lights
For moving on, doing everything right
So sue me for being good friends with your friends
And running into you at the place that we met
For being something you can't forget
So sue me
Sue me, baby
I like me better Warriors Map Intro (BluestarxThrushpelt) - Duration: 0:21.
They are laughing, ok??
Bluestar changes her eyeliner immediately
She's magic
I need to get a life I know
Watch the other parts
I actually kinda like this
Shocker, ikr?!
Thanks for 55 subscribers
Love you guys <3
<3 <3 <3
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