Ingredients: In the description
Make cuts in the pork
Pour 1L of water into a pot
Add minced ginger, Soybean paste
Dissolve soybean paste
Place Kimchi on pork
meanwhile, prepare all vegetables
Slice onion along the grain
Cut hot Pepper into a half and use top of pepper only.
To cook pork Quickly, cut it with a scissor.
Reduce heat, cover and simmer for 8 minutes
Perfectly Completed
For more infomation >> Braised Kimchi With Pork - Please Follow the recipe... This Is The Best [ENG CC] - Duration: 3:47.-------------------------------------------
The Lion Guard Follow That Hippo Part 6 - Aimee Thorpe - Duration: 3:59.
PLEASE, LIKE, COMMENT, SHARE and SUBCRIBE my video! Thank you very much!
For me pure I did you can swim right now, hang on
I don't see besties anywhere or is little elephant buddy, aren't those my todos friends
Have you guys seen bestie he went to save metodo from the hyenas
What where that way John John the hyenas chased us. We got away
Boys wit cats, you know
Dinner dinner
The current floor through here I should be able to make better time
Almost home a total. Oh
What do we do now? I've got an idea
Hapana parking is ahead hyenas behind that's never a good thing. I need to tell the rest of the guard
Toto ready for Stowe's mode cute that bestie
Little elephants
So much for stealth mode
Kamath all remember your trunk trick. Oh
You came back and you brought your little friend wrong janja he brought all of his friends Oh
Sure am glad to see you, I'm just sorry we couldn't find you sooner better late than never right Big B
You said it little B?
You know, they'd stand a better chance if they just got out of the river well, I'm not gonna tell them
So I just kept spraying them right in the face well best is swam like the wind I'm pacing
You kids had quite an adventure today and you know what? I think you've all learned the bark of the car
Like I said, you're my hero and you're mine you
FOLLOW US AROUND: Panera, Mall, Walgreens - Duration: 10:24.
Marina: Woooow
I like this- this view of you better.
I'm nervous.
Emma: Why? Because you haven't tried it?
Marina: Yeah.
Emma: Take a bite.
Marina: It's pretty good.
Emma: Is it snowing a little bit?
Marina: Yeah.
Emma: Hey bitch.
I hate the cold.
Emma: Me too.
Marina: I hate it!
*Despacito by Justin Bieber plays*
They're Pikmi Pops.
They smell good.
Emma: I've never heard of them.
Marina: Oh.
I already have all of these.
Emma: *Gasp* I want it.
Marina: I love this.
Is this one cuter?
Emma: Is that a unicorn?
Marina: No, I like this piggy looking one.
If you need an idea of what to get me for Christmas..
Emma: These are really soft.
Marina: I know. That's why I love them.
Emma: I thought these were more expensive?
I might actually get one eventually 'cause they're nice.
I wanna be a kid.
Marina: Me too.
Emma: Aww!
Does this move?
Marina: Don't make it move.
Emma: Aw, okay.
Marina: It freaks me out.
I have these on my car.
Emma: That's what you have?
Marina: Yeah.
I got them at Walgreens!
Emma: Hey, Marina. Turn around.
Marina: *gasps*
Emma: What is that?
Marina: Me and Olivia need a Christmas tree.
Emma: That's a Christmas tree?
Is it that small?
Marina: Yes!
We're literally buying a really, like, cheap Christmas tree.
This one. This is a quality one.
So in the holiday spirit.
Emma: Are those slippers?
Marina: These?
Emma: Under.
Marina: Yes.
Ooo. Look how cute.
What do you want for Christmas?
Emma: A life.
Marina: Same.
Oh muy goyd
Ew. That's disgusting.
*vomit noise*
That, like, reminds me of you.
That, like, kinda face.
I don't know why.
Emma (offended): What!
Marina: Not like your face!
Emma: I don't know why but, like, those lash things like..
Marina: ...freak you out?
Emma: Yeah. Marina: Yes.
Emma: The magnetic shit.
Marina: 'Cause like, look at my eyelashes. They're so purdy.
But like, why would I magnetize them to my face?
I'm not a fucking fridge.
I've seen so many ads for this.
Emma: What is it?
Marina: It like removes hair
Emma: I've never seen it or heard of it.
Marina: It's pain free apparently.
Emma: Yeah right.
Marina: Yeah right.
Emma: I don't know why I want that Derma thing
just to see how it works.
Marina: *gasps* SAME!
Ew, lol.
It's only twenty dollars.
What is that?
Marina: It's a vape!
Emma: Is it really, though?
Marina (laughing): Kind of!
Both: It's a Himalayan salt inhaler.
Emma: The hell..
Marina: It's vape.
It's the JUUL for all ages.
Don't look. This is what I'm gonna get you for Christmas.
Emma: I saw a cross.
Wonder bible.
Um. What is that? An alarm clock?
Marina: No! It reads you the bible.
Emma: Wait, what?
Do you just type in a verse or something?
Marina: Yep!
It has old and new testaments. You WANT it!
You know you do.
Emma: Hold on. Those are cute. What are those?
Are they squishies?
*gasps* That one's really cute.
The little bear.
Marina: Do they not understand 5'1"?
I can't reach that.
I can't see myself.
Oh, it moves.
Emma: Oh, lol.
Marina: Summer... sdhsjkdgh.
Actually, I had glasses and I left them at Emily's.
Emma: That little piñata thing is cute.
Marina: Break it.
That is really cute, actually.
Emma: What do you put in that?
Marina: You put a gift card in it.
-breaks open.
Emma: Ooo, makeup.
*Random guy laughing loud*
I love fuzzy socks.
Marina: Me too.
They're quality.
Emma: I love this thing.
Marina: Really?
Emma: I use it everyday.
I need a new mascara soon.
Marina: If I can recommend one...?
Emma: Huh?
Marina: I don't know where it is.
But, let's find it.
The Lion Guard Follow That Hippo Part 4 - Aimee Thorpe - Duration: 3:59.
PLEASE, LIKE, COMMENT, SHARE and SUBCRIBE my video! Thank you very much!
So you really think I have what it takes to be a hero sure just don't give up you've already got some moves I do
Like that water spring things you did with your trunk
seriously bo
Really? Oh, yeah
Just be sure to use it on bad guys from now on. Thanks Betty. I will
And who knows maybe you joined a real lion guard someday boy year-old. I
Better head back take care of my toto. Bye bestie
Metodo where have you been? Oh
You know training with bestie and the lion guard Wow
Did they make you a member not?
Officially but say you probably don't want to play bruh. Ten lion guard anymore, huh?
You kidding, but she said I should keep practicing my moves. Let's play right now. Oh
No, we know wait'll I show you this great trick I came up with when I was training with the guard
This isn't as much fun as usual. Yeah, cuz we promise not to be hyenas
It's always more fun with somebody to chase. Maybe we can't be the hyenas
Somebody call my name we have here
Creature up on the obstacle course now it's time for some sweet journey on your mark. Get set go
Um, actually you didn't, huh
Did you really think you were faster than me?
Well, as long as you're both faster than Hyannis, I'm good
Speaking of hyenas. Oh, no because you take another look around you bet Thanks
Oh and maybe look for besties while you're up there good idea. You should have gotten back by now
I mean, how long did it take to walk a little elephant home? What is the point of living in the pride lands?
If we have to run from hyenas all the time, I mean rue don't worry. The lion guard is on the job
We'll find those Highness and chase them back where they belong
Crazy Sea Traditions Pirates Used to Follow On Ships - Duration: 12:51.
crazy sea traditions pirates used to follow on ships brawl you out there who
just couldn't seem to get enough of pirates there's actually a lot of hidden
facts and traditions about these seafaring marauding scavengers that we
might not have known and this includes all sorts of different interesting
traditions despite the aesthetic and hilariously
portrayed Captain Jack Sparrow in the Pirates of the Caribbean pirates
actually aren't not that kind pirates have a long held reputation of being
ruthless killers who come up with some pretty unique ways to execute people
while out at sea they also started several trends including wearing
earrings and hiding treasure they also employed the use of codes and sign
language to talk to each other during their travels at the high sea if you've
ever seen a ship in storm this might be a little odd but these traditions are
what worked for them this pirate code was meant to keep peace among the other
pirates it stated that they could not fight their sailing mates on the water
and could only fight them on land furthermore this informal pirate code
was also meant to control the type of clothing that a pirate would wear in a
sense the pirate code also dictated the uniform that a pirate must wear before
we begin this video about cool pirate traditions make sure you subscribe to
our channel so that you don't miss out on all of the awesome life hacks tips
and tricks from your number one besties make sure you tell your friends about
our channel so they can join in on the fun now keep watching for some of the
coolest pirate traditions you probably didn't know about number sixteen the
Vikings the Vikings are considered to be a form of pirates - and they were
probably the most far-reaching ones of all they raided and looted between the
8th and 12th century and roamed all over Western Europe number 15 the Jolly Roger
the Jolly Roger is the generally accepted universal flag for pirate
with its black background and its skull and crossbones in the front this flag
might be the most known insignia for the Pirates but in reality there is actually
a wide array of versions the first mention of the Jolly Roger flag was in a
book from 1724 titled a general history of pirates by Charles Johnson however
there are many versions of this flag such as Blackbeard's flag which featured
a skeleton toasting the devil while spearing a bloody heart number 14 female
pirates pirates weren't just relegated to men women could be pirates too Anne
Bonny and Mary read were both female pirates and bonny was so impressive that
she served as the first mate while Mary Reed chose to dress as a man in order to
hide her identity when Anne Bonny and Mary read ship were captured the two
women were subsequently jailed it was in prison where Anne blamed her captain
Calico Jack for their imprisonment she said sorry to see you there but if you'd
fought like a man you would not have been hanged like a dog did you know how
the infamous Blackbeard got his name well make sure to stick around to the
end and you'll find out number 13 dirty water in order to
prevent the sailors in the British Navy from drinking the dirty water that was
contaminated with algae and microbes the British Navy would give each sailor a
pint a little over five shots of rum each day to mix with the water the
Pirates just like the sailors in the Navy would drink what was readily
available to them and because there were large quantities of rum in the
Caribbeans the seafaring people could mix rum with in an assortment of liquids
the Pirates enhance this grog by adding lemon juice which is said to prevent
scurvy and sugar into the mix number twelve the eyepatch
pirates are regularly portrayed with an eyepatch but that doesn't seem to mean
that all pirates are missing an eye a lot of pirates used to wear eye
patches so one eye would always be adjusted to
the night that way when they went below deck they could remove the eyepatch and
instantly see a lot clearer surprised by these facts yet well keep watching till
the very end as we continue to count down the number one pirate traditions
you didn't know about number 11 pirate clothing as mentioned earlier the
Pirates attire albeit fancy and fashionable was born out of necessity
rather than a penchant for looking good the earrings of pirates were meant to be
a form of insurance so that if they were to die the gold or silver earrings could
be melted down to pay for a casket and other funeral necessities some pirates
even had their home ports engraved on the inside of their earrings in hopes
that they would be shipped back home for burial if they were to die so if you
were a mega fan of Pirates of the Caribbean and liked to dress up like a
pirate from time to time take note of this pirate tradition number 10 the red
flag the bloody red or red flag was even more fearsome than the Jolly Roger flag
the red flag designated that no mercy would be handed to captured ships it
meant that if captured everyone on board the ship or boat would be slaughtered
number 9 buried treasure as much as movies would
like to portray pirates burying their stolen treasure it wasn't actually so
common back then pirates would usually steal whatever ships were carrying
across the Atlantic and those tended to be lumber cloth and animal hides however
one pirate William Kidd was recorded to have
buried his treasure on a tropical island Williams stored his goods in an area off
the coast of Long Island but a supposed ally dug up his treasure and used it as
evidence to convict William of being a pirate
number eight gay marriage pirates may have been practicing gay marriage as
early as the 1600s two male pirates could join in mate alloted which is the
French word that could be the origin for the pirate greeting ahoy matey it meant
that they could share all their plunder exchange gold rings live together and
receive death benefits if one were to die before the other number seven the
connection between Julius Caesar and pirates pirates once captured Julius
Caesar and when the Pirates only demanded a ransom of twenty talents
approximately two hundred thousand dollars today Caesar just burst out
laughing remarking how the Pirates did not know who they had captured and
demanded that they asked for fifty talents instead during his 38 days and
capture Caesar would regularly partake in the Pirates activities and even wrote
poems that he would recite to them when the pirates didn't understand Caesars
poems he would simply laugh in their faces and call them illiterate savages
he would regularly threaten the Pirates with death such as crucifixion and by
hanging but the Pirates labeled it as boyish playfulness when the ransom
finally arrived from medalists Caesar manned his own ships and captured nearly
all the Pirates who he later crucified number six pirate earrings a pirate's
earrings were not only to pay for caskets and funeral necessities but they
were also used to hang wax on them in order to avoid hearing damage from the
cannons going off pirates would stick wax in their ears and around their
earrings as a form makeshift earplugs a pirate's earrings
also came with a lot of superstitions some pirates believed that earrings
could prevent seasickness while others thought that it could fix bad eyesight
however many pirates believed that a pair of gold earrings could prevent them
from drowning number five not all pirate ships sported a Jolly Roger flag some
pirates for the Bahamas would have their flags specially made by a sail makers
Widow who only took payments in brandy Blackbeard's flag a skeleton holding an
hourglass in one hand and the other holding a spear through a heart number
for walking the plain pirates didn't actually make people walk the plank they
usually just kill people straight away but if they were to torture their
victims they would maroon a person on a deserted island whip them with a leather
whip or perform an act called keelhauling keelhauling meant dragging a
person in the water from the back of the boat or ship number three every boat or
ship had their own rules and sets of conducts these rules would have to be
abided by everyone on board and they included how the loot would be divided
who had what chores and what was expected of all people one such rule
that almost all ships had was that there was no fighting on board all disputes
between pirates were to be settled on the land and if you've ever seen a ship
in storm you probably know how chaotic it is and there were also rules placed
on board for pirates in the event they did get into a pretty bad storm number
two what a pirate really is although many people assume pirates to
be eyepatch wearing scimitar wielding bandits a pirate is actually anyone who
commits a crime while at sea these crimes could range from robbery to
violence to murder number one Talk Like a Pirate Day every year on September
19th it is international Talk Like a Pirate Day so on that one occasion you
can spend all day talking like a pirate and it would be perfectly acceptable and
if one day isn't enough you can even alter your facebook settings to a pirate
language in my opinion this day should also be called national Pirates of the
Caribbean day now that you know some of the coolest facts about pirates here's
an interesting fact about Blackbeard and how his name came to be
while everyone loves and knows about Captain Jack Sparrow from the Pirates of
the Caribbean what do you know about the infamous Blackbeard Blackbeard maybe one
of the most terrifying and well known pirates in the world he was born as
Edward Teach but he later got his nickname Blackbeard for his thick black
beard and also for his fearsome composure Blackbeard was much more
inclined to use his intimidating presence than violence to rob but in
order for Blackbeard to maintain his terrifying appearance he would weave
hemp into his beard and onto his hair so that when he lit the hemp on fire it
would look as if his beard was on fire and smoke would billow from his entire
head so quit your fan of Blackbeard or crazy pirates from the Pirates of the
Caribbean this video probably taught you a lot about pirate traditions now you
probably didn't know about so whether a boat or a ship and storm was causing
mayhem on the sea or pirates were on the hunt for buried treasure there were lots
of different things pirates did that you probably didn't know about alright
captain did you know about any of the facts in this video which one was the
most surprising for you let us know in the comments section
below game over enjoyed this video hit the like button and share with your
friends also subscribe to our channel for more videos like this thanks for
Cute Timo follow & take care mom don't want go far | Follow all step mom go | Monkey Daily 2138 - Duration: 10:34.
ついておいで「Follow Me」 | こどものうた | Super Simple 日本語 - Duration: 1:47.
Follow me
It's as easy as can be
Follow me
1, 2, 3…
Clap your hands.
Spin around.
Bend your knees.
Touch the ground.
Follow me
It's as easy as can be
Follow me
1, 2, 3…
Wiggle your fingers.
Tippy toe.
Stretch up high.
Wave hello!
Follow me
It's as easy as can be
Follow me
1, 2, 3…
Flap your arms.
Stomp your feet.
Pat your back.
Take a seat!
The Lion Guard Follow That Hippo Part 5 - Aimee Thorpe - Duration: 3:59.
PLEASE, LIKE, COMMENT, SHARE and SUBCRIBE my video! Thank you very much!
They really chasing us
Brains they're playing pretend but it's about to get real. Come on
They got away, what do you want to chase now? I got an idea. How's about we chase you?
Doesn't matter there's still the little elephant
Seriously there's no reason to be afraid
Maybe not for them. But zebras are the most delicious animals in the pride lands and the hyenas know it
It's true deal with it
Where's Matata oh
Not again don't listen to these little troublemakers
True but toes in danger and he's all alone
Not for long stay here, Oh No
Well, hey you think the good news is I didn't see any hyenas. The bad news is I also didn't see besties
It's not like besties to wander off when we're on alert
Something's wrong. Come on. We gotta find him
It won't be long now he's getting tired
All right fellas, let's get him
Hey little buddy, welcome for help. It's no use
Nobody's comin just you and us
You can for me sure I did you can swim right?
Then hop up now, hang on
Don't see besties anywhere or is little elephant buddy aren't those my todos friends
Have you guys seen bestie he went to save metodo from hyenas
What where that way John John the hyenas chased us. We got away, but Matano didn't
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