Oh hey Durk.
Oh hey Owe... what's up?
Not much.
what about you?
I don't know, just thinking about stuff
Oh what kind of stuff?
Names I guess... I'm thinking about some names and different things as well.
Oh I think names are cool!
Yeah... yeah sometimes they're cool
Oh hey guys, what's going on?
Oh hey Ingvar! We're just talking about names and stuff.
Oh I love names! Names are great.
Oh yeah? What do you think you're some cool names
Well, I mean they're not that great... but my favorite names are
Yeah, James is a great name! James is my best friend!
oh really? I didn't know that.
Oh well... yeah... yep
Yeah, James is sooo cool. I love James. James is awesome.
Some names are kind of not that important though.
You know, they just don't matter that much. They're kind of important,
you know sometimes they matter but not always
Yeah, and some names are not good. Not at all. But, I know what you mean about the not important ones.
Yeah, you're right, some names are just kind of... bad names.
But you know it's a great name? My favorite name - even though I think
James is a great name - my favorite name is Lunmalias... wow what a cool name and... wow
Oh that's my favorite name too actually. I didn't even think about that, its just so obvious!
Yeah... I guess that's cool.
I think I'm gonna leave now...
Yes... Me too...
Bye Ingvar.
Bye Durk.
For more infomation >> Names | Durk and Friends - cool and fun videos to watch! - Duration: 4:12.-------------------------------------------
Warum ich nicht manchmal keine Videos hochlade... - Duration: 1:30.
Here we go Loopty Loo | Car Cartoons For Children | Kids Videos by Speedies - Duration: 15:34.
Here We Go Loopty Loo
Musically Indian Girl Status For Whatsapp💝Musically Dance Status Video💝 - Duration: 1:06.
Solar System Song | Learning Videos For Kids | Kindergarten Song by Abc Heroes - Duration: 31:23.
Solar System Song
✔Best Tik Tok MEMES Compilation | FUNNY Videos | Ep.03 - Duration: 3:20.
Tik Tok Funny Compilation!
Differences Are Everything | Pepee Tv Cartoons | Videos For Babies by Super Kids network - Duration: 11:06.
Differences Are Everything
No more game videos or content on the internet? Article 13 - Duration: 1:38.
Hello guys, welcome welcome Adna here and today I'm going to upload a very different kind of content, different kind of video.
It's about article 13. It's beyond imaginable.
Article 13 basicly, it's a new copyright blocking system on the internet.
Does not only affect content creators, but also you, who likes to share memes within your social media to your friends.
Actually it's not only on Youtube, but Facebook, Instagram, Watssap, anywhere.
Basicly anything that someone uploads on the internet or you
For example, an image of a car, an house, a street, a toy you bought or your favourite TV show, it belongs to someone, so your content will be blocked
If you record something, you have something on your video, doesn't require to have logos, only the item in your video, the things in your video will be blocked.
That's funny, because if a company uploads something that belongs to themselves, if in that video contains at least 1% of an object or anything from someone else, it can also be blocked.
Go to the description of this video, sign the petition, it's free, and let your voice be heard.
Save the gameplayers!
Yeh adat apni chor do | tiktok double meaning videos | musically funny comedy - Duration: 6:22.
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😋Bhojpuri Funny Status Video 2019💖Funny Musically Status For Whatsapp 2019💖 - Duration: 0:33.
Satisfying Videos That Make You Sleep & Relax | Watch Before Your Sleep and Get Stress Relief - Duration: 20:08.
Satisfying Videos That Make You Sleep & Relax | Watch Before Your Sleep and Get Stress Relief
Satisfying Videos That Make You Sleep & Relax | Watch Before Your Sleep and Get Stress Relief
Satisfying Videos That Make You Sleep & Relax | Watch Before Your Sleep and Get Stress Relief
Funny Baby And Shiba Inu Dog Playing Together - Cute Baby Videos - Duration: 3:43.
Hello everyone!
Don't forget to share these great moments
Wish you have relaxing moments comfortably.
Thanks for watching!
WINNER: 61st CINE Golden Eagle Award—Second Step Middle School Lesson Videos - Duration: 2:38.
(acoustic music)
ALISHA: Right now, your brain is changing.
It's transforming from the brain of a kid
to the brain of an adult.
(panel sliding noises)
TYLER: You spent the first part of your life
soaking up as much knowledge as you could,
and now,
your brain wants you to explore your world,
discover new things,
and become more independent.
This is your time to mature into the person
you want to be.
ALISHA: But that doesn't come without its own
unique challenges.
- Alisha! - Are we annoying you yet?
Oh I know this has to be bothering you.
Our brains are made up of cells
called neurons.
(upbeat music)
When you learn something new,
the neurons grow and connect.
They make an actual path
for thinking and remembering.
The more work you do,
like trying new things
and pushing yourself to ask questions,
and even failing at stuff and trying again,
the more connections and paths you make.
- (clapping) Alright! - That's so much better!
If you don't push yourself to try new things,
if you just sit back and
do the stuff that comes easy,
then you're missing the chance to strengthen your brain
and really get smarter.
- What?
(percussive music)
Emotions are never in charge of your decisions.
You are.
Sometimes it can feel like
your emotions are in charge,
and that's not always fun.
Emotions can be really powerful.
When they take you by surprise,
you tend to just react
based on your feelings.
- I was here first! - (clanking noise)
But... wait!
Do we really have to listen to our emotions?
(music ends)
This is the Real Voices project.
(cheerful music)
We asked over 250 students in 10 locations
to talk about life in middle school
using our video kiosk.
We then take their stories and compile them into videos
that show you what other students go through,
so you know you're not alone.
We learned about why we experience
such intense emotions,
and that those emotions help us
grow and mature.
But we don't have to let our emotions
control our actions.
We can choose the actions we take.
- Right? - Right!
You might be using some of these skills today
in your daily life.
ALISHA: While others will come in handy for the future.
As long as you take a moment
to think about what you've learned,
you'll be ready
to use your new skills when you need them.
Right, everyone?
ALL: Yeah!
(cheers and applause)
How I made YouTube Covers/Videos | Part 1 w/EN SUB | İBRAHİM BİRDAL - Duration: 13:10.
Hello. Welcome to the İbrahim Birdal YouTube channel.
In this video, I explain all the processes of how to do electric guitar arrangement videos.
I also show you the daw and vst programs that I use while making arrangements.
I'm going to re-arrange, Show Must Go On from the band Queen.
You know, recently with the new movie Queen is very popular these days.
I'm going to do a new arrangement for the song and video this process.
I'll show you how to do the first one-minute episode, not just the entire song.
It was a very long video.
I decided to publish the video in parts.
In the first part
how do I decipher all the partitions of the song.
I took this prosses to the camera.
Let's watch now.
First I am going to listen to the original song.
While listening I am going to play my guitar.
I have played the song before.
Ok. Let's listen to a cover of the song.
Clicking the first video.
Tight singer.
....and the Queen gets in.
My honey made some snacks for me :)
Let's get back to work with full of energy.
Let's listen a guitar cover of the song.
Ok. Listen to this.
We have the same guitar with this guy. (Rg2550)
Let's listen to another guitar cover.
This section is important. If you want your work to be original, you should not imitate what has been done before.
I always seen this guy on YouTube.
Now I am looking for orchestral arrangements.
Anyway, I don't interfere.
Orchestra with drums Ok good but I wish there were an electric guitar plays power chords.
The listening is over. I adapt keyboard scores to the guitar.
Next step;
I'm going to imitate the vocal melody with the guitar by listening.
I need to follow to the right scale.
First key is B minor, than a modulation to the C#m.
In B minor key the are two sharps f# and c#.
Than C# minor, there are four sharps in this key,
f#, c#, g#, d#.
First try.
Playing the guitar parts.
Now. I will look the bass guitar parts of the song via watching a cover video.
First try.
Very good.
We watched what I did while I was making a cover song.
I usually play by ear and use YouTube videos to receive quick results.
After learning all the parts of the song.
The real job is arranging.
When making the arrangements;
you need some imagination and earfulness and the ability to use the program
In the second part, we will look closely at these stages.
Thank you for watching the video.
Remember to subscribe to the channel. See you in the next video.
10 Strange (But Interesting!) Facts About Sunglasses | RMRS Men's Style Accessories Videos - Duration: 9:09.
Facts About Sunglasses [0:00:00]
Did you know that in the United States every fourteen seconds somebody sits on, breaks,
or loses a pair of sunglasses?
In today's video, strange, but interesting facts about sunglasses.
[Music] First up, sunglasses can make you look cool,
mysterious, and even more attractive.
Now, the first part of this research comes out of Nottingham Trent University and what
they discovered is that sunglasses make people look cool because they add a sense of mystery.
Now, out of the University of Nevada, they had a study and what they found is that mystery
equals desire.
So, people wearing sunglasses actually they had more intrigue with them, they actually
came off as more attractive.
Now, I know what some of you guys are thinking, Antonio, I need a lot more than a sense of
mystery to be attractive.
Don't worry.
Sunglasses also have you covered when it comes to symmetry.
Symmetry is something we naturally look for in another partner or another human being,
we look for a balance in the face.
This tells us they've got good genes.
Now, all of us naturally have a bit of asymmetry, that's when one side is different than the
But, where people look at are the eyes and that helps them determine does this person
actually have more asymmetry, therefore less attractive.
The cool part about sunglasses, they create this symmetrical look and they hide the eyes,
so actually if you've got a bit off, these right here are going to make you look more
The next strange fact, sunglasses affect how you behave.
You're actually less generous.
So, this comes out of the University of Toronto.
What they found is they gave $6 to participants.
They said, hey, go ahead and divide this up.
Some of those participants who are wearing sunglasses when they were dividing up the
money, what they found is because they felt more anonymous, they were less likely to be
So, if you're asking somebody for a donation, make sure that they take off those sunglasses.
Next up, your sunglasses lens color matters a lot.
Now, brown lenses, they can cause some color distortion, but they also increase contrast.
Gray and green lenses are considered neutral because they maintain true colors.
Amber and yellow lenses are optimum for object definition.
Basically, you're going to be able to spot things better that's why these lenses are
incredibly popular with skiers, hunters, boaters, and pilots.
Now, blue and purple lenses are loved by shooters as they can increase the contrast of orange
targets against the green foliage.
Oh, by the way, you like those infographics?
Guys, I'm linking to them down in the description as well as Real Men Real Style.
My website, we got a free app, I've got free courses, I've got so many great e-books
you need to check out because we've actually improved almost all of our e-books.
I can tell you these things are solid, they're great.
You're going to go in there and learn about shoes, you're going to be able to learn
about watches, you're going to be able to learn about anything, so that you can start
to use style to become the man you know yourself to be.
The next interesting fact about sunglasses, they're older than modern civilization.
Not this pair, but if you and you look at ancient hunting masks, what you'll find
is they actually had small slits for the eyes.
The reason they did this is if you're hunting on snow, think of all that glare you can't
see anything, so you would actually use those slits to only allow in a little bit of light
and then they could actually better see and hunt.
Now, another interesting fat is that sunglasses have been a status symbol for a long time.
Let's go back to 12th Century China and we will see the smoky lenses made from quartz
actually were used to hide people's expressions.
So, talk about poker face, but I think they were actually used apparently by judges who
didn't want people to see actually what they were thinking.
And then, let's go to ancient Roman times let's look at the Emperor Nero.
So, he's wearing these jeweled glasses whenever he's watching the gladiator fight.
So, when did sunglasses became mainstream?
Who do we have to thank?
An entrepreneur named Sam Foster.
In 1929 after a decade of failure, this guy start selling these sunglasses on the beach,
basically Atlantic City beachgoers started seeing these things picking them up.
Some movie stars apparently saw this started wearing them and all of a sudden, everyone
wants to wear sunglasses because movie stars are wearing sunglasses and that's when it
started to pick up.
Now, Sam Foster got things going, but this next fact that the Air Force actually created
the first sunglass company is really interesting.
So, in 1936, the Air Force realizing that pilots were flying in these high altitudes
being, you know, that light is just really bad up there, the goggles just are not working,
they need an elegant solution to this.
So, they got Bausch and Lomb this company to go over and start creating the first aviator
Now, Bausch and Lomb realizes this is an opportunity, so in 1937, they created the company Ray-Ban
to actually be the distributor and the maker of these sunglasses.
So, Ray-Ban invented the aviators, but this next fact who was the first poster boy is
going to be interesting because it wasn't an aviator, in fact, they didn't even have
that name until the 1950's and 60's though the first poster boy for aviators was a non-aviator.
And, in 1944 when he landed in the Philippines after his famous 1942 I will return speech,
everyone saw these photos all over the world.
That was Gen. Douglas MacArthur whenever he landed and he had those on, everybody wanted
[0:04:57] Next up, 99% of people do not know what polarized
sunglasses actually do.
No, I made that up.
But, what I'm not making up is the early research on polarized sunglasses thought that
it could protect your eyes from the light coming off the blast of a nuclear weapon.
Now, I don't know what happened to the people looking at those nuclear weapons, but I do
know that if you buy polarized sunglasses nowadays, what you're going to get is something
that's going to protect you from glare and that's what you want.
Glare is light coming from different directions that's going to distort what you're looking
at, so if you want to be able to see something directly in front of you better, you want
to go with polarized glasses.
But, if that doesn't bother you, then I guess you don't need them.
So, now, the million dollar question, do you need polarized sunglasses?
I think that they're nice to have.
I wouldn't maybe pay double for it, but it is something that I like the anti-glare
Whenever I buy sunglasses, I look for something that's going to actually function and serve
me well.
Now, are these going to protect me from a nuclear blast or at least the light?
Ah, I'm not going to try testing that, but in most cases I do think it's worth spending
a little bit extra to get good glasses.
All right, guys, so I know that you learn something new in today's video.
Let me know down in the comments what you thought of this and go check out the description.
I've got links to the infographics, links to more the guides at Real Men Real Style
going over sunglasses, going over watches, going over shoes, all of these free tutorials
and guides are there for you so that you can become the man you know yourself to be.
And, guys, if you want more maybe you're noticing this shirt and this pocket square
combination you're like, Antonio, how did you pull that off?
Guys, I've got you covered in this video right here, how to always match your pocket
square with your outfit.
I talk about ties, but I also go into the shirts a little bit, I talk about the suits,
I talk about this as a canvas and just to give you a quick tutorial.
This right here what I went for obviously a loud shirt and the pocket square right here,
a very simple white cotton pocket square with the square presidential fold.
This combination works well with the sunglasses.
Not too bad.
I could go out if it wasn't freezing cold right here in Wisconsin.
Or I could put on a jacket which by the way, I've got this video for you right here,
the ultimate guide to finding the right winter jacket for you.
See, I've got you covered here at Real Men Real Style.
Tons of great information, guys.
I love what we do and I love you being a part of this community and, yeah, let me know down
in the comments what you guys think.
I am always looking to learn from you guys.
That's it.
Take care.
I will see you in
the next video.
[0:07:17] End of Audio
Top 10 Scariest Home Videos That Will Keep You Up At Night - Duration: 9:24.
Whooaaaa who else is going to buy a bolt for their doors?
How's it going YouTube?
I'm your host Landon Dowlatsingh
People say you are supposed to feel safe in your own home.
But what happens if someone breaks in or its haunted by a violent ghost?
I think the saying "home sweet home" went straight out of the window for the people
on this list.
So, lock your doors, burn some sage and have a priest on speed dial because we are going
to jump right into our list of the top 10 scariest home videos that will keep you up
at night.
Let's get this party started in at number 10 with the creepy intruder.
We all know that it's common sense to lock your doors and windows whenever you're not
home or sleeping.
But sometimes intruders are smart enough to get passed through your locks.
For this family, they had their entire house on lock down while they fell asleep on the
couch watching Netflix.
But that didn't stop this creepy guy from breaking in and watching them sleep.
Pay attention to the top of the staircase, he is wearing a white hoodie.
I guess they were watching something good on Netflix because he just couldn't look
All jokes aside, this is actually pretty terrifying and I hope that couple invested in some stronger
locks and maybe a vicious guard dog.
Up next in at number 9 we have a Scary killer clown on security camera.
Enough said.
I don't even need to see the footage, I already have chills going down my spine.
But I know you guys are into creepy stuff so here you go!
I hate when they tilt their necks like that!
If I was that couple, I would be packing my bags and moving to a new state where killer
clowns aren't known to be wandering around the neighborhood.
Something needs to be done about this clown epidemic.
From clowns to a Possessed barbie doll in at number 8.
A little girl was innocently playing with her two barbie dolls when this happened.
This is not okay!
Is this proof that Toy Story is real?
Three things need to happen.
One, she needs to grab that doll, turn on the fireplace and throw all of her barbie
dolls in there.
I don't care if that Barbie is innocent, she needs to die.
But wait, why was this litter girl being filmed?
There's just so many creepy things going on in one video so let's move on.
Number 7 introduces us to a Scary stalker.
A woman was walking home when a car with a creepy man pulled over and asked her if she
needed a ride.
Obviously, she said no but she told him that she lives right here at this house.
Well that was her first mistake.
The next day, the car was seen again passing the house several times.
This behaviour continued for days until the car actually pulled into the driveway.
The old man stopped the woman again telling her that he is old and he needs help around
his house and driving.
Well, that sounds like the beginning of his murder plan.
He even left her a note in his mailbox.
Does this husband not care about his wife?
Instead of filming this creepy stalker, how about you call the police?
Maybe visit the closest precinct and give them his license plate number so that the
officers can pay him a visit.
I mean, it isn't rocket science.
The Bjork stalker home video makes it into number 6.
BEE ORK was a famous singer from Iceland but one of her fans from America had a very unhealthy
obsession with her.
He tried to mail he a bomb to her home in London that was supposed to spray her with
acid but it was stopped by the Police.
Her stalker, Ricardo Lopez wrote a diary and filmed 22 hours of videotape of himself and
all of his creepy plans that he had to murder her.
He even made a video of himself committing suicide.
All of these tapes that he made are all highly disturbing and I wouldn't recommend watching
the whole series…I don't even know how it's still on YouTube.
Angry poltergeist fights its way into number 5.
I don't know what's scarier, someone physically breaking into your home or an angry poltergeist
violently destroying your house?
At least you can see the person breaking into your house and call the cops but you can't
do anything about the poltergeist.
Let's take a look, Is this real life right now?
Is this ghost looking for a snack in the kitchen or something or did he lose his keys?
I don't know what got him so fired up but I would be pitching a tent in my backyard.
There is no way I would spend another minute in that house with that hot head.
Sneaking into number 4 we have The woman from the ceiling.
What would you guys rather have, a rat infestation in your home, or a creepy girl that lives
in your ceiling?
I guess they are both similar…
I mean they both love to eat your favourite snacks, they creep around your house and they
both can scare the shit out of you.
But I'd rather take my chances with the rats because look at this.
This girl actually went into the fridge and drank their precious milk.
Now that's crossing the line.
She can eat his Cheetos but she can't drink the milk.
Once the owners saw this video, they called the police and she was immediately arrested.
But just like rats, once you have one…you know there could always be more lurking around
the house…
A Baby watcher brings us to number 3.
Nanny cams are great because you can see that your child is safely sleeping in their cribs,
but they've have also been known to capture some pretty terrifying things.
Like this guy. is he serious right now?
He broke into a home, watched the baby for a bit, walked over to the mom who was sleeping
and exposed himself and left.
The world is a scary place my friends.
It's one thing to do that to you while you are sleeping but when you add a defenceless
baby into the picture, the creepiness level goes through the roof.
Up next in at number 2 we have a very Rude ghost.
Okay, I'll be the first to admit it, that was pretty creepy but just wait…things get
really out of hand.
I think this ghost is pissed because she didn't let him wash his hands.
Too bad he isn't capable of washing the dishes or paying the water bill because that's
a lot of wasted water.
Even the dog isn't happy with this destructive ghost in the house.
She needs to get out of there asap.
Finally, topping this list in at number 1 we have The brutal intruder.
The original video is very graphic and violent so obviously I'm not going to show that.
But one night a woman and her three year old son were spending time in their family room
when a man broke into the house.
He ran over to the mother, punched her in the face and began to violently attack her.
As this was going on, her three-year-old son was on the couch watching the whole thing
The intruder dragged the mother to the basement and began to rob the house.
Luckily the three-year-old wasn't injured but this whole thing is actually terrifying.
If you haven't already started locking your doors even when you are at home watching Netflix,
I would start now.
Better yet get a fancy alarm system because this should never happen to anyone.
Well there you guys have it…
Top 15 Scary School Teacher Encounter Videos - Duration: 19:39.
Mr. Reynolds This clip shows footage of a Tulsa city teacher
breaking something across his desk and then proceeding to throw a chair and a student
desk across the room, all the while, shouting, "Is that what I'm supposed to do?"
He then kicks a student out of the classroom, telling him not to come back.
KJRH -TV published this clip in January of this year, 2018, writing, "Tulsa Public
Schools Superintendent Deborah Gist on Thursday addressed a video that surfaced of a teacher
throwing a desk in class."
Directly after the incident, Gist told the media that the teacher in question wouldn't
be teaching the rest of the week and later said he was unlikely to teach in a Tulsa Public
School classroom ever again.
Teacher Standing on Desk The video shows South Carolina teacher, Lisa
Houston, pulling the hair of her student, who is sleeping at his desk.
The 27-year veteran teacher at Palmetto High stands on the student's desk, nudging him
with her toe and patting his face, trying to wake him.
While not excessive, compared to some encounters on this list, it did send social media into
a frenzy and resulted in an investigation.
The verdict?
Houston retired early in what her lawyer, Ryan Beasley, called a "forced resignation."
And many students were not on board with the school board's decision.
In fact, they marched in her support at their school, calling her "one of the best of
Even the boy in the video wrote a letter in her favor, and his father said they never
requested disciplinary action to be taken against her.
What do you think?
Was this behavior worthy of a forced resignation?
Busted iPhone A middle-aged female teacher is giving a presentation
for her students on a projector.
In the middle of her presentation, a loud beeping is heard.
It seems that a teenage boy in the front row has received a call on his phone.
Instead of powering down, he takes the call with his head bowed.
And instead of continuing with her lesson, the teacher rips the phone out of his hand
and smashes it to pieces on the linoleum floor.
Then, she just gets back to business.
The verdict is mixed on whether this action was justified.
In the comment section of this video, YouTuber Peter Pinter wrote, "Deserved!" while
Brett Merrow wrote, "What an ill-tempered display of a lack of self control."
Do you think the teacher had the right to do something like this?
I think just taking the phone away for the rest of class would have been sufficient.
Prank Gone Wrong We've all done it - played pranks on our
poor long-suffering teachers.
But some students push the prank a bit too far, past the point of no return.
Published by Timothy Wagenseller in October of 2013.
In the video, one of the pranksters shouts, "Computers suck," then promptly smashes
the keyboard against the computer.
Destroying the computer; keys start flying everywhere.
He tries to break the keyboard over his knee, then he picks up the computer monitor and
chucks it against the wall.
Needless to say, the computer teacher doesn't keep his cool.
He walks steady across the room and tells the man in no uncertain terms to leave.
He continues to walk towards him as the student backs away.
Offscreen, it's clear that the teacher is following him out the door.
Though the teacher's reaction was certainly frightening, what he didn't see was that
the pair had placed a hidden camera and are seen switching out the school computer for
a dummy computer, complete with a dummy keyboard.
It's said he shortly retired after the incident and I don't blame him.
Dragging Student Many of the entries so far have been filmed
by students, themselves.
But what happens when security cameras catch teachers behaving badly?
One Kentucky teacher, Ashley Silas, found out the hard way.
Silas was caught red-handed "guiding" a student down a hall.
And when I say "guided," I mean dragging a six year old.
Silas claims she was "forced" to drag the boy, because he was acting up.
At first, the school didn't agree.
The teacher was fired.
But she appealed the decision and was rehired as a floating teacher in the school system
with a seven-week unpaid suspension for her conduct.
Snapped Teachers are often pushed to the brink of
insanity by disruptive students.
Sometimes these weary teachers snap.
And when they do, it's not pretty.
YouTuber enterdacipher published footage of one of these snaps in October of 2010.
After saying he has the power and he knows it, the teacher becomes more confrontational.
That's when he starts overturning desks and going absolutely crazy.
At one point he says, "Do you know who started the fire in this school?
He then picks up something - a book, maybe - and slams it onto the floor.
The students start running scared, fleeing the room, screaming.
Viewers are mixed about whether or not the unruly students had it coming.
Some think the teacher was in the right and, under such duress, anyone might break.
Others think that the teacher overreacted and should have just called security or sent
those misbehaving out of the classroom.
No-Nonsense Teacher Though we don't know the events before this
video began being recorded, a confrontation has broken out between two students.
As they get closer and closer, it seems only seconds before everything gets out of hand.
But luckily, the teacher is not having any of this nonsense, in an angry tone, he tells
both boys to sit back down.
One complies while the other leaves the classroom after being bombarded by the teacher.
Though it appears the teacher's patience was certainly tested, it was good he prevented
the situation from getting much worse.
Who knows what would have happened if that he hadn't been there.
Restrained Have you ever been restrained indefinitely
by a teacher?
This kid has.
Published by VT Jima in April of 2014, this video shows a young male student being restrained
on a school bus by his female teacher.
She is holding him tightly on her lap with both arms, as the boy slowly panicks.
She tells him she wants him to calm down and pats his arm, as he wiggles and squirms to
get away.
A while later, and the boy tells the teacher to let go of him and tries to slam his head
against her.
This is when she snaps.
Standing up, she takes the boy's head and pushes it forward, while still restraining
him with her other arm and tells him he needs to stop.
It seems the boy's behavior is delaying the bus' departure.
Another pair of arms appear in view as someone else attempts to help restrain the boy, after
he tries to break free again.
The boy says the new woman who stepped in is laughing, although the clip doesn't show
her face.
In fact, the student seems to think this is all fun and games.
It is…until someone gets hurt.
Band Breakdown SE7EN13 published this mental breakdown on
September of 2012, writing, "This music teacher has had it with the talking."
After a squeaky score, the conductor stops the band, and they immediately break into
song…a song of disruption and chitchat.
The teacher doesn't take it in stride.
He shouts at his students to stop talking, grabs the nearest musical instrument that
he can find - which just so happens to be one of his student's violins - smashes it
against the wall then breaks the bow over his knee.
The class immediately goes silent.
Then the music teacher says to the student whose instrument he just snapped like a toothpick,
"You know what day it is today?"
"April 1st," the student replies.
History Repeats Itself SumnerZilla53 published this insane video
in November of 2013, writing that the teacher on record is Mr. Fratto and that he is, in
his opinion, "a little crazy."
See for yourself.
Fratto, who teaches History class, is heard telling a 'Charles' to "quit eyeballing"
Charles, as it turns out, is a stuffed shirt, propped up at the teacher's desk.
The teacher does seem to be a little…off.
Between telling Charles off and mimicking him, he suddenly leans forward on his cane
and, on a totally other subject, asks the class, "Hey, do you guys believe in legends?"
As Mr. Fratto continues with his lesson, all the while leaning forward on his cane and
telling of town squares packed full of townspeople to witness "the burnings."
Mr. Fratto then says he doesn't care if they believe it or not, but he believes it.
Then he whips around again sporadically and shouts at 'Charles' to quit eyeballing
After that, the finale…
"That's it!"
Fratto yells, before striking Charles with his cane.
He knocks the stuffed shirt until it falls out of the chair, then he throws his cane
to the ground.
So, what's going on here?
Many in the comments section are wondering the same, with some declaring that they thought
Charles was a real person the whole time (I'll admit: upon first watch, so did I), while
others say he must be "on something."
Some agree that this is disturbing.
What do you think?
No Pomegranates Matts Legit published a video of a super strange
and scary encounter in October of 2017, writing, "Teacher mad about Pomegranates.
Will we ever find out why?"
Already, the description makes the story intriguing.
Watch the clip and you'll see it's even more curious than described.
The teacher, standing at the front of the class, in front of a projector demands that
the classroom "say it"…that is, say, "No pomegranates."
She shouts the phrase with gusto, and her students repeat unenthusiastically.
She urges them, "C'mon."
And then it gets quite scary.
Red-faced and screaming, she jumps up and down like a toddler throwing a tantrum.
The classroom is completely silent.
Probably in a state of suprise.
"I don't want them anywhere near here," she says.
"Am I clear?"
Thankfully, one soul in the comments section has an explanation.
YouTuber Headlock123456789, wrote: "For some context, she was talking about negative
vs. positive reinforcement.
It was a psychology class."
Bad Teacher This clip begins with the teacher in the middle
of a rant about what "real" is.
Apparently, it hurts and isn't nice.
Along with ranting and raving about "real" life, the teacher, identified as Steven Roth.
The rant is full of strange thoughts and mocking.
Throughout his speech, the teacher claims that no one cares about the kid, and his manner
of ill treatment is preparing him for the real world.
Tough love, so to speak.
"When you leave here, no one cares that your special," the teacher says.
Through the entire video, Roth's entire demeanor is aggressive.
Then, when the student says he won't be called "special" when he gets out of school,
the teacher takes it a step further: he approaches his desk to intimidate the kid, asking him
what he's gonna do.
Roth faced disciplinary action from the school district in New Jersey.
Strict No-Texting Policy Sometimes, college professors can be just
as crazy as those you encounter in high school.
Paul travis phillips published this clip in August of 2010 showing how seriously professors
often take themselves.
When a student is caught texting in class while the professor is speaking, instead of
letting it slide, as most professors might, this one takes action.
After asking if the student is texting and getting a confirmation, the professor navigates
the rows of student desks, holds out his hand for the phone, and returns to the front of
the classroom.
There, he says he has a strict policy about texting.
He snaps the flip phone in half and puts both pieces into his glass of water, while
the classroom watches, in sheer suprise.
The student is pretty upset, as would anyone be.
He packs his bags and leaves the classroom without a word.
Teacher Meltdown This video, published by TV Hao Kan in February
of 2017, is short but to the point.
In it, the teacher is clearly having a meltdown, as he screams at the top of his lungs, juts
his finger into each of his students' faces, and slams his fists onto the desk in front
of him.
Apart from saying he's going to throw the students out, it's hard to tell what he's
ranting and raving about, he's spluttering so much.
But what is clear is he should probably retire yesterday.
Before we get to number 1, my name is Chills and I hope you're enjoying my narration.
If you're curious about what I look like in real life, then go to my instagram, @dylan_is_chillin_yt
and tap that follow button to find out.
It's a proven fact that generosity makes you a happier person, so if you're generous enough
to hit that subscribe button and the bell beside it then thank you.
This way you'll be notified of the new video we upload every Tuesday.
Break Time Some teachers really need to take some anger
management classes.
This one especially.
This surveillance footage shows what sometimes happens behind closed doors to our most vulnerable:
our children.
A teacher from Riverdale School in Ohio was caught on camera grabbing a six-year-old student
aggressively in a hallway.
The kindergartner was headed out of the bathroom when his teacher, Barb Williams, approached
him, grabbed hold of him by the front of the shirt, and pinned him to the wall.
Held there, Williams squeezed the child's face, then lifted him off the ground by his
You can see his head fly back when she does this.
Eric Hoffman, the Riverdale Superintendent, suspended the teacher without pay for ten
days and warned her that she would be terminated for any further misconduct, citing that her
actions were "completely unwarranted and unprofessional."
But this punishment wasn't enough to the Nelsons.
Despite Ian being moved to a different kindergarten class in the school, they wanted her fired.
They planned to pursue charges with the Hancock County Sheriff's office.
Not sure if the charges stuck, but they certainly had proof of excessive force in this video.
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