Mickey's Boo To You Bash
For more infomation >> mickeys not so scary party parade 2018 - Duration: 12:24.
Overcoming Fear of Failure So You Can Succeed as an Entrepreneur - Duration: 6:48.
That word can be so scary.
So how do you overcome fear of failure and not let it hold you back?
Hey there, this is Luisa Zhou and today I'm going to share 3 powerful tips to help you
eliminate that fear so that you can successfully achieve your business goals.
One more thing before we dive right in...Make sure you hit that subscribe button to get
notified when I share a new video every week on building your online business.
When I started my first online business, I was almost paralyzed by my fear of failure,
especially of putting myself out there and having everyone SEE me fail.
Despite all of that, I was able to overcome my fear and build that business to over 6-figures
BEFORE I left my job.
So, let's talk about how YOU can use my tips to conquer YOUR fear.
Secret #1 Stop seeing failure as an end point
When I was starting my first online business, every little failure and rejection felt like
a physical blow.
I remember one time, I submitted an article idea to a very popular website that you might
have heard of - Lifehacker - and I was so certain I was going to get accepted.
Every morning for weeks, I'd check my email and obsessively hit refresh, waiting for the
reply I knew was coming.
It never came.
And I remember thinking...I'm never going to succeed, because of this ONE rejection.
Thank goodness I didn't give up, because after that, I had about 50 other failures,
including about 2 months where I spoke with almost 30 people and had all 30 tell me that
they couldn't afford me.
But because I didn't let those failures get to me and I didn't give up, I got a
yes at person #31, and I was back in business.
I'm making a bit light of it now, but at the time, it was the most painful thing in
the world to face all of those failures and rejections.
I'm sharing this though because I want you to see that for every success, there are many
failures that had to first happen to be able to get to the success.
So, shift your thinking from thinking about a failure as confirmation that you can't
succeed or that if you fail, that's it, game over.
Instead, think about it simply as part of the process.
Secret #2 Ask yourself - what's the worst thing that could happen?
Whenever I feel fear creeping up, this is the question I always go back to.
Really, what's the worst thing that can happen?
When I first started posting content on social media and sharing my knowledge with the world,
I was so scared.
I'm a huge introvert and super sensitive, so nothing about my personality helped.
But, I thought about it.
What's the worst thing that can happen.
If I write something and no one responds, I'll still be OK.
I'll have my job at the time, a roof over my head, and maybe people will laugh at me
and think I'm dumb, but if that's the worst case, that's not so bad.
I did the same thing when I thought failing in my business.
What if no one wanted to buy from me?
Well, I remember thinking very clearly to myself even though at the time I really wanted
to leave my 9-5…
You know what?
Even if I can't make this work, I have a job.
Or I can get another one.
OK getting really honest…
I did think to myself.
If things get really bad, at least my parents will always have a place for me.
I never told them that, and I definitely wasn't hoping that would happen.
But I knew that ultimately, even if I failed in the worst way I could imagine, I'd still
have my life, health, and the people I cared about.
When you think about it that way, that fear is not so scary anymore, right?
Secret #3 - Think about your failures scientifically I remember reading a story about the billionaire
founder of Spanx, Sara Blakely.
When she was growing up, her dad would ask her and her siblings at dinner every night…
What did you fail at today?
And she credited that question with helping her develop an attitude of embracing failure
and seeing it as a learning opportunity.
That story really stuck with me, and that attitude has made all the difference in my
own business.
In fact, in my Employee to Entrepreneur course, it's an attitude that I try to instill in
every single student.
And when something doesn't go as well as hoped, I have epic spreadsheets to track everything
and scientifically figure out what went wrong so that it can be fixed.
I've seen embracing this final "secret" as one of the key differentiators of my most
successful students who are able to build the business and life of their dreams.
And I'm sharing this with you in the hope that you'll be able to do the same for yourself.
And those are my top 3 secrets to overcoming your fear of failure so that you can build
the business and life you want.
Because ultimately, when you weigh your dreams against your fears, I know that your dreams
are so much bigger and more powerful than your fears.
And that's why I also have another video for you, on 3 of the most toxic limiting beliefs
that will hold you back from achieving those dreams.
After helping over 1,000 students build their online businesses, I've seen these same
beliefs in almost every student, even after overcoming their fear of failure.
I've got your back and am not going to let that happen to you, so make sure you check
it out in the description below.
And if you want a step-by-step system for exactly what to do to build your own online
business, sign up for my latest masterclass on the EXACT system I used to build my first
online coaching business from scratch to 6-figures BEFORE I left my 9-5 job.
I'll show you how I built my first online coaching business using just my job skills,
from scratch, with no audience or anything...to $106K in 4 months while juggling my job.
I have it linked in the description, so go ahead and click there and you can sign up
for the training right now.
If you liked this video, please let me know by liking it below, and let me know in the
comments what your biggest takeaway was.
Don't forget to subscribe for my weekly videos, share this with your entrepreneurial
friends, and I'll see you next time.
So war das best4-Event 2018 - Duration: 1:34.
You miss DIA Huihyeon so much !? - Duration: 2:06.
Here is DIA photo shoot field!
[What is the concept?]
Today's concept diamond is boyish, the dreamy,
girl crush and party!
[The expected members and why?]
For me, SOMYI..!
The youngest member, SOMYI among us!
Because her face fits on dreamy concept~
and she will be an adult in about a month!
I wonder what it feels like to be between 19 and 20 years old.
I'm looking forward to it because it looks different!
I'm really looking forward to JENNY~
She got cut her hair shortly from our recent activity,
was good for her~
I think she will make good photo in a great way for any concept so I am most looking forward to JENNY!
I'm actually looking forward to myself~
but feel embrassed saying myself~ so..
I thought EUNICE was really awesome~
Today, I could saw so many beautiful aspect of EUNICE~ I know she is beautiful naturally!
I've seen too many awesome sides~
She is such a nice sister originally so looks much awesome~
[The point of DIA photo album!]
I think it's really a point of view that we tried various concepts.
I think you will be able to see DIA's new side has not seen before.
We would like to ask you to see while looking the photos,
edge of our hand! and eyes~
[Speak to fans] DIA photo project albumproject with Makestar! Those of you who haven't joined it by far!
You still don't think you should join even if you see the photos?
Like this~ eyes are shining!
Like this~ a photo album with hand-edge living can only be with our DIA~
Some of those don't know if we're working on our project~
It's not too late! Please participate a lot~
So macht man Mayonnaise: Anleitung von Spitzenkoch Fabian Günzel - Duration: 2:25.
Helene Fischer Show 2018: So heiß wird ihre Weihnachts-Sendung , Gemeinsamer Auftritt - Duration: 11:30.
When Chester committed suicide I was so sad, he saved me many times. So now I'm here to save others. - Duration: 5:12.
Hello my name is Leah Justyce.
I am just about to go to work, hence being in the car.
I also make vids when I feel like making vids, most of the time I am thinking about so many
things while I am working that I get in the car and bang I make them.
I work most days all day then I come home and actually work on my websites and my other
businesses all day.
So when it comes to being in the car this is like sitting on the toilet time, you know,
you know what I mean.
How the really great ideas come to you when you are sitting on the toilet, that is what
I get in the car and blah I have to tell my story.
I run, I started running again.
I used to run to Linkin Park, ok and I loved it, loved it.
That was my running music and so when Chester committed suicide I, I could not run anymore.
I couldn't, I was so sad.
Their music helped me when my son was stabbed.
When you deal with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and the hardest thing for me was, I have no
social network.
I had no family, I had no friends to even understand what I was going through and you
really actually need people that have dealt with it.
That have moved on that have let go.
To communicate with, because people never understand what you are going through until
they have dealt with it.
You know and when they are dealing with it, please everyone, the whole world stop turning
because of everyone sort of feels that they are the center of the universe.
So please Leah stop doing everything and pay attention to those people.
Give your all to them, that was my life you know that?
That was my life!
The reason why I started this channel was becauseI ipicked myself off the floor many
times, many times.
I can actually talk about that, what I just spoke and I did not cry.
I did not cry, so thank you Chakra meditation.
I have been doing some really massive spiritual things in the last few days.
I have been on this journey really all of my life and there were these massive lessons
that had to happen.
So my son had to get stabbed because, if you heard the way he talks now he is amazing.
He always was but now it comes from here, it comes from his soul what he talks about.
Amazing, amazing.
You know my daughter is 10 and she is the same and I just go ahhh my children.
They just inspire me so much I tell you.
I wish that all parents felt like that about their children, I do wish that my parents
felt like that about me.
Still today, my dad is dying.
He is really really sick and so there will be a post I am sure that he passed.
I think my dad was more spiritual than he thought cause things that he had said in his
lifetime, but because he was so angry he never fixed his soul now he is really sad.
Because he is worried to sleep, because now he does not know now he is scared of death
you know.
That is when you know that things aren't good.
I think when they become scared of death, sad, sad.
So that's that, that is this post.
It has not become a good one has it?
I wanted to say that I am running, that is what I wanted to say.
That I am finally able to run because I have been able to remove that block of how much
they meant to me and Chester saved me.... so many times.
Their music saved me so many times, and then he did that so you know I was just like shit
what hope do we have.
Thats what I thought last year, what hope fo we have?
That is what I thought, you know.
The hope that we have is the choice that we make, we make the choices to live the way
that we want to live.
You know.
That is the way I speak now, the way that I am now.
My name is Leah Justyce I hope to inspire you to be the best version of you if not I
hope I make you smile.
I want to say just do what you want to do, research, look into things that really make
you feel better for yourself.
Can you feel the shift in the world?
Well I can that is for sure.
The Law Of Attraction.
com.au jump on the forum have something to say.
Go check out my art, Leah Justyce Artist.
I have some things up there and on Bluethumb as well.
I bless you and I hope that you have a fantastic day. I send you my LOVE and GRATITUDE.
"Sturm der Liebe"-Desirée von Delft: So war ihre Hochzeit!! - Duration: 2:55.
Smartphone Akku - So schonst du deinen Akku und verlängerst die Akkulaufzeit - Duration: 2:09.
Liberty Girl Fighting So Others Can Have Clean Water Appears On 'Steve Harvey Show' - Duration: 1:02.
How Your Tech Skills Mean So Much More with the CIA | DDI Careers - Duration: 0:31.
I helped build a network that will increase our speed.
I helped build a network that will increase national security.
We made 83 million dollars from this software.
We made our country safer.
This automation will save time.
This intelligence will save lives.
I made it more social.
I made it more secure.
We're increasing profits.
We're defending America... and the world.
The difference between a tech career in the commercial sector versus the CIA?
Join the CIA and help protect our nation by transforming digital intelligence.
Metro waste authorities overwhelmed with so-called Amazon effect - Duration: 1:11.
Tom Lehrer | "So Long Mom" (World War III Anthem) - Duration: 2:05.
Why does Saudi Arabia produce and support so much global terrorism? - Duration: 31:16.
Shalom, Salam Alaykoum were fellow sciencers, it is I, Aaron Freeman, not a scientist
but a sciency optimist and here I am today with my ace buddy the Sultan of
sociology professor Ahmad Sadro professor of world Islam - Islamic world studies at
Lake Forest College here in beautiful Lake County just north of Chicago. Good
to see you brother! Nice to be here. So the question of the day is: Why does the kingdom
of Saudi Arabia create and support so much terrorism?
first of all there's a gigantic assumption in that question which is
that Saudi Arabia DOES create and support a bunch of terrorism. Is that a
fair assumption to make? To begin a discussion it is the word terrorism is
is thrown around by various countries every stage calls the operators they
don't like terrorists and so it's kind of a term of abuse but terrorism has a
very specific meaning and in that sense Saudi Arabia could be said to be the
greatest sponsor of terrorism in the exact sense of the world then other
countries accused of it for instance Iran could ever hope to be
can you okay it is an exact meaning in sociological terms yes yes so terrorism
basically what it means is attacks on civilians to score political points and
it applies to groups such as al-qaeda and its franchises most of them are
giving in in Syria Gepetto Nostra for instance or a Gershon
or in Africa Boko Haram and you know groups like that Isis let's not forget
let's not forget the atomic state there are these are all are kind of franchises
and their ideology their kind of Islam that they stopped
type 2 because this is religious terrorism the kind of Islam we subscribe
to without exception is Wahhabi Islam that
is propagated only by Saudi Arabia in our world there is another state that is
Wahhabi Qatar and the categories are kind of have been allies of Saudis in
the past but there are the tensions and definitely they don't do the kind of
propagation of this ideology and the support in both material and military
terms of these terrorist organizations in in Syria that said that the Saudi
Arabia has been engaged and cannot be match for anybody else
they have also spread this ideology this kind of death cult ideology of Wahhabism
around the Islamic world using their petrol dollars and they respond this
kind of terrorism in Pakistan that eventually turned into Taliban that took
over Afghanistan and all the way from Indonesia to Tunisia and into Europe and
even the United States they send these missionaries and they say this kind of
heralds of their version of Islam that is Wahhabi Islam not not not of people
Mohave is a terrorist but every top every terrorist is Allah
so now what we were saying is that the Kingdom the KSA I love referring to them
is the KSA they are they support a particular Wahhabi is kind of Islam I
know you what are you saying that it is because of the Wahhabi version of Islam
and that Saudi Arabia is in the thrall of the Wahhabi version that is why we
end up seeing so much so many of the groups with connections to to Saudi
Arabia because most mahom ISM is a kind of an interpretation of Islam that is a
perfect culture for terrorism it is revivalist is too mechanical and
it has this fundamental expectation of going back to the origin of Islam which
is in the you know seventh century the place that is now occupied by Saudi
Arabia the country itself is only 86 years old only two years or three years
older than the king of the of the land Salman is a recent invention but in that
place we find that it was the origin of Islam and and the pretension is that
they want to live like people who lived at that time and in that time the Arabia
was a very tribal place full of tribal warfare and valorising the violence and
and this kind of either you are with us or you're against us kind of this
Manichean ideology and this is a perfect match for all kinds of terroristic
activities and is no accident that terrorists in the Islamic world Islamist
terrorists have gravitated to Baja BISM and they have not gravitated to any
other traditional form of Islam when they're Sunni Islamic Islam now our
bodily growth points out that the revivalist impure tentacles sounds
familiar yes so yeah those are those could be
very dangerous ideas because you can you could have a Christian is very much like
we use the word Islamist you can you can weaponize Christianity Judaism Hinduism
any one of them could be weaponized I've been working eyes it to become the creed
of terrorists and we all know you want to do away with the traditional
interpretations and this kind of puritanical and and revivalist attitude
is a perfect match for that kind of desire to weaponize a religion but so
there are certainly religious fundamentalists all over the joint
certainly they're religious fundamentalists and even uh you know
elliptic fundamentalism in the United States but we only see in from coming
from so so how is from Saudi Arabia we see a version that is much more
evangelical II violent why Saudi Arabia why there why be there money you know
what hobby with States around why Saudi Arabia there is only one other hobbies
stake around and that's Qatar are there other Muslim countries none of
them are Wahabi they're that version of Islam Wahhabism it's very much against
traditional Islam and their pretension is that they are the true Muslims and
everybody else has deviated from the true path and so they are very zealot in
in propagating their ideology and as you said when when you have this kind of
this is not a good combination it's kind of about the witches brew if you want to
turn a religion into a perfect culture for terrorism this kind of puritanical
attitude this kind of revivalist attitude this kind of attitude that that
overturns a thousand years of it 1400 years of tradition in favor of a kind of
a new understanding of religion that is really a dangerous idea and it has
proven to be a perfect match for those who desire to turn Islam into a death
cult into a terroristic ideology okay but Saudi Arabia is a wealthy state it
is a wealthy state it is a relatively well-educated certainly the men are
relatively well educate and I guess as I understand it a good percentage of the
people who are getting online degrees are Saudi women so are you saying
there's nothing unique about Saudi culture in particular that it's merely
that's how the culture is dominated by this Wahhabi version of Islam that's the
bright line it's the Wahhabi version of well the Wahhabi version of Islam is the
state cult it's a state religion in Saudi Arabia it doesn't follow that all
the Saudis are wahabis indeed we have Shiites in Saudi Arabia that are great
wine yes there is a great Shiite minority in Saudi Arabia that are that
is greatly under the oppression of the of the Saudi state and and you know they
are discriminated against so once this is kind of like a historical accident
that this particular tribe that dominates Saudi Arabia the House of Saud
became Wahab became under the influence of this reformer Mohammed Abdel Wahab
and they happen to be the group we had befriended by Lawrence of Arabia who
basically got them to revolt against the Ottomans in return for sovereignty and
so basically they they got to rule the whole country and another bonus that
they got was to call the country after their own tribe at that time in 1932
when Saudi Arabia became independent and Herbert Hoover was a president the
United States now was this but we can learn some a rib Arabian yes okay so now
you know the other number are a good buddy Nikki just tweeted yeah really
really interesting point about back to the good ol days because there was a
time when if you wanted to be studying you some science you had to be hidden to
you a Muslim country that Baghdad was the place for science and if the Wow if
you could I can easily imagine a version of nostalgia nostalgic Islam for the
back in the good old days that would say let us embrace the 800s through the
through 11 up til 1100 and embrace the great scientific history of our people
we the stars were named for mostly the
stars in the sky have Islam over Arab names so why is it then the old timers
didn't look back to the 9th century for their inspiration of the good old days
well Muslim reformers wanted to kind of ask this coin sir the question why have
we muslims lagged behind Europe there was a great deal of nostalgia for the
age of Renaissance of Islam 8th century to 11th 12th century as you as you
mentioned and this is the time when Islamic world is really their font of
human civilization and where Europe is in the depth of its Dark Ages and in
fact I hope I meet but that is what one of the to this very day to this day the
reason you and I are able to talk is because of an algorithm that an Arabic
word algebra this is an Arabic word this the sciences as we know them are
overwhelmed by the good old days in Islam yes I think we should have
actually another conversation about that that age of the islamic renaissance that
gave us algorithm al algebra alcohol and and the great strides muslims made in
mathematics you know the greeks were great at geometry but their greek math
was not great because they didn't have the concept of zero and they had because
of the negative numbers and so muslims adopted this from the indians and they
combined the greek the indian the chinese and the indigenous islamic
science philosophy and and and literature to create this kind of great
ferment of of islamic enlightenment okay so you get this mythical as Mali's
enormous 11 back to that what is our wrath looking at the Islamic
civilization they considered Islamic civilization a deviation of the original
is found in desert Islamic prophet Muhammad before you know
400 500 years before there this Renaissance of Islam they want to go
back to the kind of imaginary delusion of simplicity of Islam that they can
never actually access okay so I guess I'm I guess what I wanted what kind of
going here is that I think that there I assume that there is something unique
about Saudi culture and particularly let's say that the the WA Hobbes are a
Saudi a part of Saudi culture that lives even to this day in the set the center
of the country the niche where there they have they have no access to the sea
and I guess so my what I really want to say is that it's not their fault
I'm want to say okay this is me what do you want all right
but it's not their fault because they did the the WA Hobbes live in the center
of the culture was innocent of the country totally completely utterly
landlocked and they don't get input from other cultures so that they are you know
like the the Philistines Palestinians who were a seafaring culture and saw
everybody and met all kinds of other people and certainly in in Iran and
certainly in the South Iran where there was a big infusion of lots of different
cultures and this curious sociologist is that a part of the explanation for the
kind of literalist literary obsession with the with the hops in the niche well
you know this guy's geographical and climatic illogical argument for me one
of me again I know you are now I'm not dismissing that I I actually want to
agree with you that as part of the explanation we can leave out the climate
we can leave out their economic way of life and we can't leave out access to
the to the outside world as elements in the great mix of causes that create a
particular cultural situation with the Wahhabis one can really argue that this
desert interpretation of any religion mostly not basically I would say the
lack of agriculture and dependence on trade and warfare and husbandry that
really does have a great effect on a culture because when you don't have
agriculture basically you don't have the participation of women with husbandry
travel warfare and trade men control the economy and the female an influence
actually goes down approaches zero in areas where you have more agriculture it
is more participation economic role of the women and religion of these areas
will not be as harsh and as discriminatory and as patriarchal and as
violent so I would say yes climate has something to say about this and the
environment but let us not forget that the historical accidents are also very
important the fact that this particular tribe was persuaded by Mohammed Abu
Lahab to follow his way of interpretation of Islam where as he was
dismissed and kicked out by other tribes whom he tried to convert this particular
tribe accepted this and they happen to be the tribe he was that was befriended
by their by the British and if that had not happened this we would not really
have this situation so yes the climate and the geography is important but but
they are not determining factors all right now this is a really interesting
point in the blink brings up can you talk a little about
the difference between the sheer Shiite Sunni and Shiite Sunni and Wahhabi
that's a very interesting distinction I think please expand sir yes so the first
Shiite and Sunni is basically it's a debate over succession of Prophet
Muhammad it's not a really theological debate that you have between Orthodox
Church and the Catholic Church or Catholic and Protestant churches it is
not theological it is historical and it was a succession debate who should
succeed Prophet Muhammad that is where sharks only split
starts the Sharia the interpretation of law is really not that different between
Shiites and Sunnis and theology is not that different
the main difference really was a political difference going back to 6:23
the Prophet Muhammad died and the debate over who should succeed him he was
little airmailed in here Shia means fall apart yes because they
were the followers of Ali nephew and son-in-law Prophet Muhammad and suppose
to Sonny which is the followers of tradition there are the people in him or
in his Sunnah means tradition right traditional so you basically have
tradition on these verses verses followers and this is the split that
occurred after the Prophet Muhammad the father a successor and the traditional
is argued whatever the community agreed upon that person should be basically the
tribal horse trading that led to the election of Abu Bakr and then Omar and
Othman before any God to have his turn as the mastcam if they believed that
those four caliphs caliphs Orhan EFA's are the rightly guided leaders after
prophet mohammed these four leaders the Shiites believe that the last one Ali
should have been the first and the first three are actually the usurpers
but mojave is basically waha is a new form of revivalism that split
off of Sunni Islam one of the four schools within the Sunni Islam called
Hana Oh Carl called Hanafy Muslims I'm sorry called Han many Muslims and
he's a radicalized form of Sunni Islam and that rejects traditionalism whether
you know that this there traditionalism of traditionalist Muslim the Sunni
Muslims but also it Anathem Isis and declares as heretics all the Shiites can
as I want to say that you know I'm sure you're gonna tell me where I'm wrong I
don't think I'm totally wrong here but I think what you're saying is so the Jews
we believe that the god of Torah Yahweh our God Torah was is D God the
Christians say no after yeah after the reign of yahwah and there was jesus and
i think i think that's kind of what you say was the sunni-shia saying that that
the Sunnis who believe they are the traditionalist they believe they are the
yahwah like they're like the sort of like the jews and the shia are sort of
like the christians they think that after the rate of viy became the reign
of Jesus how wrong is that I think that's wrong you know this is not like
between Jews and Jews and Christians it this is much more subtle actually it is
based on on who has the right to succeed the Prophet Mohammed should it still be
charismatic you know the way you know the house of Jacob becomes like is
promised by God to be there with leaders of their above Israelites the Shiites
believe the house of Prophet Muhammad the successor should come from that
chasm a decline the swing we say no it is open to Muslim consensus
whoever Muslims can agree upon that person would be illegal and there is a
lot of arguments between the first three followers of Prophet Muhammad
and and the last one that is ally the shared video he should have been the
first and so the Shiites and Sunnis have this kind of subtle disagreement on the
principle of leadership shears are more charismatic and Sunnis go more with
tribal agreement so either all right is there of course being everything in the
science the optimist I want to find a the the bright side of all this all
right so for example in theory the Saudi you see not every single Saudi is
necessarily Wahab and necessarily a violent a supporter of violence and even
the royal family in theory are allies of the United States nonetheless there's
good evidence that substantial members of the royal family Prince Mandar Bob
andar Bush was a active supporter of the 9/11 is one of the 9/11 hijackers so how
does it work out that the royal family which depends for its support on the
west the Saudi National Guard is trained by the US all their weapons come from
the US how is it that their royal family ends
up be supporting people who are supporting terrorism let's just say so
you know the funny thing is that this House of Saud after the discovery of oil
in Saudi Arabia again that is another historical accident Saudis were not
always wealthy they were dirt poor it was only there the discovery of oil that
made them so enormously powerful in terms of their financial resources and
the financial resources they basically have befriended and partly corrupted
American aristocracy including our presidential heirs odds aristocracies
the house of Bush the house of Clinton the house of Obama and now the house of
Trump they all have been suborned by the Saudi
money these are Cindy wealthy people and it's not only
are leaders you know the Silicon Valley when NBS they're the famous a guy who
ordered the murder of keshavjee wait just for fun whose MVS the case
with someone has been watching the conference of Saudi Arabia the son of
the King King Salman who order according to CIA's records and everybody else he
ordered the murder of this keshavjee and his American junkie in the Turkish Saudi
embassy in Turkey he was strangled and cut up into pieces right so still you
know President Trump came out and said yes but we are not going to allow that
to interfere with our business interests so basically what I'm saying is that
this enormous economic resource has allowed Saudis to even corrupt the
American business the American leadership political leadership the
American journalist the amount of money they are throwing around in Washington
DC the amount of money they are throwing around to buy and an established TV
channels there was a famous scandal when Saudis boom spending hundreds of
millions of dollars by the estate TV station to broadcast their own
propaganda against Iran in Persia in England this just came out so they can
he can buy a lot of influence with their money and they can corrupt other people
with their money so but on the other hand you can't separate the Saudis in
the Saudi royal family these princes from the Wahhabi some of them are less
religious than others some are more Osama bin Laden himself like the entire
family are secular and into hedonistic practices but he happened to kind of
find God and become this ascetic Prince millionaire jihadist in in Afghanistan
so it is not strange that you would find connections between their perpetrators
of 9/11 fifteen out of the nineteen were Saudi
nationals Saudis citizens as and many of them were were supported by various you
know degrees of separation that said from there from the royal family but
Americans decided the American Bush the house of Bush decided to basically brush
this under the rug and allow and disallow any revelations of the
connections between the Saudis and the events of 9/11 so on the bright side hey
on the bright side and say what if there is one there is a bright side there is
absolutely right as you know as we were chatting about earlier there was just
last year a the families of the victims of 9/11 or granted mission by US courts
to go forward with a lawsuit against certain Saudi nationals for their
support prince bond arming one of them for the support of the 9/11 hijackers
and I assume rooted in the fact that as you correctly point out 15 of the 19
were Saudis so that they're in even now and I was further saying that it is an
optimistic note that even now for the birther is roundly excoriated by even
some Republicans for his unwillingness to accept the conclusions of the US
intelligence now did now tell me say what what is a silver lining
well the silver lining is that there may there there's there are there's public
relations pressure against the Saudi support of terrorism as in people even
Republicans criticized me I hope for example I would argue I would posit to
you my dear friend that you could argue that the murder of khashoggi was a
terrorist act that was a it was violence intended to have a specific PR effect as
in chilling any possible public criticism
of the house of saud is that unfair on my call it terrorism but it is it is a
regular tyrannical oppression of the journalists and that the Saudis have
been doing for years and years this just this just got out and got out of hand
because he happened to be an American green hawk card holder and is an writer
for for Washington Post other than that you know they have been doing this
forever but we don't hear about it it's not a scandal but this one is came a
scandal I mean they waged a war on Yemen a murderous war full of you know Walter
a war crimes created the worst humanitarian disaster in the world and
he didn't have the effect that the murder of the shocked jihad what did
Stalin say about the omelet no no about that 25 mil one man's death is a tragedy
yes is a statistic but again I I call it a silver lining is that one because it's
more public it's more this being more public and more roundly criticized it's
easier to fight against because we can see it more clearly and to the fact that
the US legal system one of the more robust legal systems around on its good
days has now has cleared the way or to a certain is then cleared the way for
victims American victims of Saudi supported terror to hit him in a pie
bond this is a little bit of a silver lining no I would say it's it's a very
very you really have to be extremely optimistic to consider that to be light
at the end of the table okay I'm just saying the optimist okay
granted that is if you wanted to end with a bitter note of optimism I'm gonna
let you let me just think my ace buddy the Sultan of sociality
sorry I think it would be fun to do this do it a little bit more
but a little more depth about this what I want to thank all the folks for are
getting nick and impaired and URL again for listening and so we'll see you
hopefully next week we can chat a little more about that whatever is happening
interesting in the news in sociology absolutely let's do it
thank you my dear brother Chuck you soon
Nurko - So Far Gone (Lyrics) feat. Autrey - Duration: 3:33.
But I don't wanna wait for you no more
Lets say I'm losing faith
But I can't get enough
I could lose ya
You hold me closer when I'm feeling low
But I'm so gone and tired of, thinking bout good times
But I know it hurts in the end
I don't wanna feel it again
You'll never come through
Call me hopeless I just know that
just need you
I don't need your body type I
But I don't wanna wait for you no more
Lets say I'm losing faith
But I can't get enough
I could lose ya
You hold me closer when I'm feeling low
But I'm so gone and tired of, thinking bout good times
But I know it hurts in the end
I don't wanna feel it again
You were my energy
We can never one and done but
Get a rise out of me
You were always the one to
What Is Black Garlic and Why Is It So Good For You? - Duration: 2:56.
Do you know what black garlic is?
Although it may just look like rotten garlic, or garlic that has been cooked for too long,
it's actually become very famous around the world due to it's culinary uses and health
It becomes black when the garlic heads rot enough to become black and develop a smooth,
sticky texture quite similar to the texture of dates.
What about the flavor?
If you don't really like traditional garlic, you may enjoy this black version which is
sweeter and earthier and many people describe it as being very tasty.
The most interesting part about this black garlic is that it can be consumed in large
Due to how rich its flavors are, it has become very popular in cooking, but what really makes
it special are its amazing health properties.
Originally from Korea, black garlic was created as a health product and was considered a better
tasting way to benefit from garlic's properties:
It calms your nerves Most people may not know, but black garlic
is able to improve your mood, relieve anxiety, and decrease stress.
It prevents heart diseases Thanks to allicin, black garlic is become
a great ally to our heart and circulatory systems health by thinning our blood, reducing
blood clotting and decreasing the risk of a stroke or thrombosis and also lowering bad
cholesterol levels.
It improves our body's defenses Garlic is known for improving our body's
If you're feeling like your immune system is low or if you catch the flu or colds often
then black garlic may be the thing for you.
Certain studies have even suggested that it can help prevent cancer.
It combats fatigue Aged garlic is great for anyone who wants
to increase their physical resistance.
It also combats fatigue and improves sleep quality.
It helps treat respiratory problems Black garlic is also considered to be a great
remedy for fighting common respiratory diseases, allergies, and even asthma symptoms.
It's a diuretic Since it's rich in potassium, this garlic
is recommended for people who suffer from liquid retention, edemas or kidney problems.
It's good for your skin People who have skin problems such as dermatitis,
acne, psoriasis or rosacea can benefit from ingesting raw garlic.
Since it contains sulfur compounds, this ingredient also contributes to the formation of collagen,
a key protein for skin health.
You can find black garlic at natural products stores, but if you want you can also prepare
it at home.
In the next video we'll teach you how to prepare this recipe at home, stay tuned!
Why are Hungarians so sick of politics? - Miért nem érdekel minket, ha valaki ellop kétmilliárdot? - Duration: 8:32.
I don't like talking about politics,
absolutely not,
I'm not even willing to follow it,
I'm happy in my little world.
I'm happy caring about my own life.
I'm perfectly well in my own little world.
When someone mentions politics in a group, common reactions include
"Let's avoid that topic"
"It's a buzzkill"
or "It'll just get someone mad"
and "Just talking about it will not change a thing"
This attitude,
not giving a shit about politics,
is known to more sophisticated circles as "apolitical behaviour".
The ancient greek
did not call people who didn't care about politics "apolitical"
they called them "idiots"
as that is the actual origin of the word.
Why is not caring about matters that affect us considered accepted, regular and cool?
Now, let's get this together.
Maybe the most understandable reason for
avoiding the topic of politics is its ability to create conflict.
"Rot in hell, you son of a bitch!"
Of course we know about many groups
who can talk about politics without conflict,
but usually, these groups consist of people on similar platforms.
"Oh yes"
But apoliticals rightfully think that since their
political opinion is unknown to their peers
and it's not a cohesive force of their group,
revealing it could only lead to arguments
with friends, family and colleagues.
Who could possibly want that, right?
People already fight about enough things every day.
There are way fewer excuses for laziness though.
Talking about politics
does not only mean screaming about the liberals and the Nazis.
The political discussion means explaining positions
aligning with ideologies and public affairs, the collision of arguments.
It is an intellectual task,
which requires an investment of mental capacities and concentration.
That is exhausting as hell.
To a lot of people, it is a taxing task just
to comprehend how much 1300 billion Forints actually are,
"I'm a bit confused"
and the astounding riches of Lőrinc Mészáros
are in a different dimension.
"What do you mean by corruption?"
It is much easier to grasp and condemn
visible signs of flaunting one's wealth,
such as a Rolex watch,
a private helicopter,
and many get outraged at small-scale corruption,
like the case of the 15 million Ft Nokia box.
These sums are easy to understand
but the hundreds of billions of Forints that are mentioned
in connection with today's oligarchs are almost impossible to picture.
To demonstrate the difference between
a million and a billion:
A million seconds make up 11 days,
but a billion seconds are approximately 33 years.
This argument is maybe the most common, and the most painful as well.
"Why should I care about this? It changes nothing."
"Gyurcsány (previous PM) stole too, now Orbán steals..."
"At least now Hungarians are stealing, not multinational companies."
"I wish I could steal like that!"
Alright, the last one may be a bit of an exaggeration,
but the attitudes of disillusionment and impotent disappointment
can be found anywhere.
"I live my life, caught up in my world,
and that is what I care about.
Me talking about politics would mean nothing, so to speak."
A possibly valid point as an individual does represent
very little when faced with the powers-that-be
that leave the individual in trouble instead of serving them.
This feeling is only strengthened by the fact that
it's not only the dozens
of boring television talk shows that do not matter.
"Mr. Prime Minister!
You said you usually make that distinction, but you did not."
But the protests attended by tens or hundreds of thousands
of people fail to have consequence
for the power
or any positive effect whatsoever.
So what could your average person achieve
by venting his political frustrations?
The other self-absolving strategy tied to disappointment
is the lack of political confidence.
Everyone dares to argue about who the better footballer is,
or which one is the better burger chain,
but many of them fall silent when it comes to political parties or politicians.
This stems from the fact that forming a political opinion
is mostly a moral question,
and it is about a real choice of value,
and it is immoral, really,
to be unwilling or afraid
to choose between sets of values.
Many also feel that politics is something about
which you can only express an opinion if you know a lot about it.
If they cannot defend their viewpoint.
They risk becoming laughable.
This is a fear that is justified.
"Well, well, well, well,
this... this...
lock reduction...
"What is lock reduction?"
"Well, I just heard something."
But everyone has the right
to form their opinions on politics based on
their situation and their own experiences,
the worst case scenario is that they are wrong,
and will have to rethink their stance.
That's still better than being apolitical.
That is all for the general attributes of apolitical behaviour
It will be discussed further
what are the special factors in Hungary that help it spread?
"Well, I think it's better
if I don't know what's going on in the country."
"Politics mostly just annoy me,
I don't watch TV, I'm not reading the papers."
It is important to pin down that a politician is merely
a servant who is tasked with guarding the keys to the pantry,
and if we see that pantry getting empty,
then that servant can be removed.
And if politicians talk to journalists
from non-government media like this…
"I'm willing to talk to the press,
but some simply do not fit that definition."
The hungarian football...
I don't answer to fake news factories.
...that signals an utter confusion regarding their roles,
as they are not only neglecting the journalists
but the masses of viewers and readers whom they represent as well.
It is a complete misunderstanding when politicians
believe they have the right to answer
only to media outlets they like, while the rest can shut up.
Politicians are
elected officials meant
to serve the public,
and it is their duty to inform constituents
by answering press inquiries.
"Can you not ask me something I can give a positive answer to?"
Getting no answers is infuriating for a while,
but as time passes, it becomes business as usual.
But incomplete information is not
the only thing increasing apolitical behaviour.
Systematic attacks on non-governmental organisations,
suffocating independent representation of interests also affects this.
The job of NGOs would be
furthering the causes of
human dignity,
freedom of expression,
rule of law,
respect for human rights
including the rights of minorities.
When a government carries out attacks against
these causes and NGO-s raise their voices
or perform activities that the government does not like,
they get in the crosshairs immediately.
"...who serves what interests...
Foreign interests,
or domestic interests…"
That really takes away the will to care about
public affairs from a lot of people.
Of course, there are the politicians outside the ruling party,
who play the role of the opposition with varying levels of credibility.
"Oh, for heavens above, who was it, Soros, or who?"
The "cooperation" and the self-consuming,
half-assed tactical trickery of the opposition every four years
really do give a wonderful incentive
for those prone to apoliticism
to not give a damn about the whole thing.
"Well, it's just that I am not really into politics,
I don't care"
"I can't change it alone,
if a lot of the little people get together then maybe
there can be something, but it doesn't come down to a single vote."
So to conclude what we've talked about so far:
To solve the dilemma of apoliticism,
one must learn to accept the fact
that there are many things in this world
that we seemingly cannot control.
Climate change,
fuel prices,
Hungarian football,
and of course, politics.
But in reality, we have a degree of control
over all these things, but we either don't know that
or misjudge the importance of our power,
so we don't feel that our opinion changes anything.
Absolving ourselves from any responsibility,
pushing that responsibility onto others
only helps political systems that stand
because people believe their offer
of exchanging political inactivity
for a more peaceful, easier life.
"And at the end of the year,
if the numbers check out,
I'll probably provide another raise."
The campaign against NGOs, the press,
and anyone publicly dissenting does serve this exact purpose:
There shouldn't be any criticism,
nor any willingness to listen to any criticism.
To those who conceited, good riddance.
But if you don't think this is alright,
you still have many options to
get informed,
to argue,
to voice dissent,
or make a stand for values you hold dear.
This is the attitude that makes it much harder
for politicians and their circles to deceive society
because they could be facing more informed,
more conscientious voters
Instead of easily manipulated apolitical ones.
"I don't know what they will be like...
But I believe they'll do alright."
Nightcore - So Close - (Lyrics) - Duration: 3:00.
Lyrics on the screen
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