In this video let's talk about how you can actually set up
Now there are numerous ways to do this in Google Analytics and
we're talking about things like this.
Where you come into your analytics you go to your top
events in the events report which is under your behavior
reports here and you can go through and you can see the
different actions that are coming through the different
categories that are coming through in this case we're
looking at a Contact Us form on that Google Merchandise Store.
So these are all the specific behaviors that are being stored
by your Google Analytics but how do you get that information in
there where there's multiple ways to do that?
One is using Tag Manager.
If you are not using that, definitely beyond the scope of
this video, but Tag Manager is a must use tool for you.
It's amazing.
It gives you as a marketer immense power to be able to
track very specific behaviors things like did they interact
with my video.
Did they play?
Did they watch half my video or 25 percent of my video did they
finish my video?
You could also tracks things like scroll rate or if they
became a lead like so many great things you can do it.
Google Tag Manager and then you tell Tag Manager, hey send an
event to Google Analytics and then Google Analytics will store
it in the events report.
That's it gets there.
There were also plug ins that you can use this for.
So you've got different wordpress plugins that are out
there is a couple of them that you can see here on the screen
but these are plugins that will automatically send events into
your Google Analytics assuming you set them up to do that.
There are ways to manually do this but this is one that I
wouldn't recommend.
While you can manually tag this it requires you to go back into
the code and update it.
If you're a developer and you're used to that, that's great but
it makes it really hard to change later if you want to do
I would instead recommend using Tag Manager absolutely
incredible tool if you're not using it.
That's the way that I would do this and I would also skip the
custom implementation again unless you are at a skill level
that makes a lot of sense for you tag manager probably will
just be the way that you're going to go.
I'd even skip the plugins instead of using the plugins i
would use Google Tag Manager
That's sort of the mechanisms that you would do.
Then you want to think about how you actually create this event
and the way that you do it is you think about in terms of
It is the little Russian nesting doll.
So first you start with the category.
So in that example we showed we had this contact us as a
category that was showing in the Google Merchandise Store.
Underneath that it was the type of interaction which in that
case they were they on site click.
And then after that it was like okay which type of on click and
they showed phone on site click an email on site click and you
walk through this just real quickly we can see here.
So first I go to my top top level.
So I'm going to go to our top events I'm looking at all of our
top events and I just want to see the categories in this case
so top events are categories.
So this is at the category level.
We go back here's the category level and you go into analytics
to click on the Contact Us.
So now I'm going to basically drill down so I'm just looking
at the next stage case in this case we're coming down to
actions to categorize the action and the action is on site click.
And if I drill down and go further down now I'm at the
event label which you can see here now I'm and the label and
that's where I see email or phone.
So it's levels of information that you get and ultimately you
can associate a value to that as well.
If you would like.
So that's sort of the way that you would structure your events
in Google Analytics.
Finally I want to show you just one other very quick way to use
your events reports in Google Analytics and that is through
this page's report and what this is showing is pages that are
actually being recorded by Google Analytics.
But that also had events on them.
So in this case some I'm in the Merchandise Store. I'm going to
click on the redesigned bags page.
If I click into that, now I'm going to see the different event
categories that reported on that page.
I can see 39 people 18 unique events I should say here.
So 18 unique events were triggered on the contact us, on
that page.
Now how powerful is that.
Again, you can drill down and see on site clicks and then
whether or not they were phone or email clicks that were coming
through. But it really gives you an idea. Starting, looking at
your events and analyzing your events from this pages report is
unbelievably powerful.
So if you are not using events it's a huge section of Google
Analytics that you are not taking advantage of.
Definitely be sure you are.
And if you do have events coming through take a look at the
different ways you can access the events including the events
flow report the top events the overview and the pages report.
Because you are sure to be able to grab insights that you would
not find in any other way.
I would love to know how you're actually using this information
to improve your own marketing efforts.
So if you leave a quick comment below to let us know that would
be outstanding.
Also if you'd like topics around Google Analytics be sure to like
this video and subscribe to the CXL channel.
That we are notified when new videos are available.
For more infomation >> How to use Google Analytics - Track important behaviors! How to setup events in Analytics - Duration: 4:35.-------------------------------------------
How To Fix Kinemaster Export Error - Duration: 5:05.
If you're watching this video I bet you're getting this error message in
Kinemaster right well in this video I'm gonna show you how you can get rid of
that error export problem in your Kinemaster video editing apps so be sure to
stick around until the very end so I can go over all the problems that may be
causing this error what's going on my name is Devin Street helping you build
your online presence and today we're gonna be going over how to fix the
Kinemaster edge when exporting but if you're not already subscribed go ahead
and click the subscribe button there's a new king and master video every single
Wednesday showing you how you can edit and Kinemaster all kinds of tutorials
it's great if you really want to be a pro at this app so you saw that error
message at the beginning and you're probably seeing it when you go into your
Kinemaster app so today we got to talk about how we're going to remove that
error message and there's many things that can cause this error message so
let's just go over all of those and talk about each one and how we can fix it the
first issue could be too high of a video resolution input now this could mean
that you're using something like 4k video in your video when you're not
supposed to your phone can't handle that so go into your Kinemaster app and
check the highest max video resolution settings for importing and make sure
that your videos that you're putting into that project are not that high of
resolution over that resolution you want to have it lower than that if the videos
are higher than that what you simply can do is just go and take those videos and
convert them to a lower resolution through an online converter or an app or
anything like that the next problem could be unsupported chroma key now your
phone may not be able to handle the chroma key feature yet you're trying to
use the chroma key feature in your project in some way shape or form this
can easily be fixed don't worry you don't have to just get rid of your
chroma key completely what you simply can do is the part you want to do chroma
keying you can go over to the PowerDirector Pro
you can stick your video in there and the chroma key should work fine there
and then you simply just take that chroma key export from PowerDirector and
plug it right back into Kinemaster and you should be able to export your
project perfectly the third issue could be that you're using too many video
image text layers all those things it's usually when you see this it's too many
video layers that you're using but this could also show up if you're using too
many image or text layers and simply you're just using too many layers at
once and the project cannot handle this issue simply all you have to do is just
pick out the layers that you feel you don't need in this project that it's too
excessive and simply cut those out and then you should be good to export your
project from there another issue that is similar to the last one is unsupported
video layers many phones can't support the video layers so simply all you have
to do is just go in and remove any video layers you have and if you really want
to use these just like with the chroma key you can go into PowerDirector and
add these and I should be fine through that if all the things I said still
don't work here's a couple things you can do to troubleshoot the issue you can
try updating the app maybe the apps just not updated to a new feature that needs
to be updated so simply just go to the Play Store or the App Store and simply
update the app and then try it from there if that doesn't work try rebooting
your device simply just go and hold down your power button and restart the device
and then try exporting from there also it's advised not to use a screen
recorder or have any apps in the background while exporting so make sure
all of that is closed out before you click the export button and then the
final thing is you may just have to try exporting this on another device just
remove all the project files onto a new device and try it from there because
your phone may not have enough RAM to handle the exporting project I used to
see these all the time on my old Samsung and LG devices but now that I have the
Google Pixel these problems have not shown up at all I've never seen this
error message and I used to see it so much when exporting projects so it might
just be your device is not able to handle this exporting so
those are all the ways you can fix the exporting problems in the Kinemaster
video editing app let me know if these work in the comments below and if they
didn't leave in the comments what your problem might be I might still be able
to help you or someone else down there might be able to help so go down in the
comments no matter who you are and see what you can do but if you want to know
how to edit in Kinemaster like a pro then go ahead and click the subscribe
button and then check out all the video editing tutorials I want to thank you
for watching until the very end of this video and I'll see you in the next video
How to Design a Spinning Ring in Rhino 6 (Part II) - Jewelry CAD Design Tutorial #53 - Duration: 9:48.
Welcome back for the spinning ring part II. We are going to finish this ring
with a spinning part, and it is the Rope like pattern here for the spinning ring.
Are you ready? let's get started!
now it's time to make a spinning part. We want to
do the command is called "Extract IsoCurve" and we want to extract from this
surface right there, and right in the middle. This is where my spinning
ring is going to sit. I need to know what is the circumference of that length of that
circle. Let's go to type it "length" and it will give me 62.832
So I gotta make a straight line
62.832 and then you type it the number, and let's go to the top.
You click there. so that is how long that is going to be. I'm going to work on
my curve for the pattern, and want to turn on a Grid Snap, so it's gonna go
from here to here, to here, to here, so this is gonna be the pattern that I have.
Let me go to use the align tool, and align to the center, so that's one of the
pattern there then I'm going to copy that one to next one, so now I have this
pattern right there. If I'm going to use the Sweep 2 command, I need to have
the cross section, so I'm gonna use the arc tool, and snipping here to here, and
go into the right view and make sure that is vertical there.
Do one more time and to the right view so that's vertical there.
alright so now we also want to connect it here to here, and here to here. Let's
join this one, and this one together. so they are two closed curve. Let's go
through this surface- Sweep 2, rail 1 rail 2, cross section one and two, and
you got something like this. Now we have that there, we need to make sure it is
solid, so make sure that you cap it, now double check on your property. it is
closed solid polysurface. Let's go ahead to look at the top
view. Let's make array all the way to the end, so the command we're going to use is
"Linear Array" and we want to array maybe like 65 of them, and we're gonna go from
this point to that point. Alright, it probably is more than what we need. Let's
take a look. It's almost like we just need to delete these three of them. What
we need to do now is to make sure that the end is flat, so that way you are able
to have them meet it back together nicely. On the very last one I'm going
to trim this one off, and then by using the boolean tool. Let's use the
"Boolean Difference". This one will be boolean out of this guy.
Now we have this. Let's go back to the first one. The first one we
need to cut it as well, but I don't want to trim that one, I actually need to make
a copy of it. otherwise we'll be too short.
I'm going to use the box tool again, and we are going to creating
a box like this, and a little bit longer and again we're gonna use the Boolean
tool "Boolean Difference" that little piece out of this one. Now you
have this, let's go ahead to let me take a look on this. Maybe I need to make a
copy of this one as well. and move that little one there, and so let's go ahead
to boolean all of this. Let's double check our top view.
Let's take a look on this one. it's meeting on the left side, that's
perfect, and we just need to have it a little bit longer, so on this curve I
want to move this point with the "Move" tool. Let's move it to the edge, if you
look at the front view of the band, you're gonna notice that this is like really
sharp point there. It's no way we can cast something like that, so what we
like to do is to creating a solid box underneath it to increasing the
thickness a little bit more. It doesn't have to be more I have about
0.5 millimeters there. I may want to have roughly about one millimeter there, so
that way it has some thickness. then I want a boolean this guy right there.
Now our ring is done. It is a close solid polysurface so let me move this
curve down a little bit to the bottom of it, so that will fit into it right there.
let's flow this back to the ring. Let's go to the Transform, you have Flow Along
Curve. Let's pick up this object to flow, and then we want to pick up the
curve right there. let's move on here, to pick up our target curve.
We have this right there, and let's take a look in the middle. oh this is a very
good opportunity to show you guys this we have a perfect fit, and supposedly it
should be fit perfectly, but if you look at the red one its kind of overlapping a
little bit, and I'm not happy with that. So I'm just gonna do one more time
exactly the same thing, we want to pick up this object, pick up this curve. Before
we flow there copy=yes, Rigid=no, do we
wanna stretch=yes. Make sure you are stretch=yes ,and then we click on
this target curve here, so now if we go back here you're going to see is flow
really nicely over there, and then that will be our surface.
Now we look at this a little bit as we say earlier this is its curve on the bottom
of our ring shank there is flat it's actually fighting right now on that
little corner so what I wanted to do is enlarge a little bit. one little
trick right there, if you send this out for print. it will show you a close solid
polysurface, and everything looks nice but you have the extra surface right
there and some time cause the issue that you don't even know where it is. It's
because we flow that we bend that thing coming back to a circle. there's actually
two extra surface right there. To solve this issue a lot of time like
your computer will tell you everything's perfect, but when you send it for
print, when you try to do the STL files something is not right. I'm going to
split this ring by this curve right there, so now I have two of them let me
go ahead to use the cap to make sure both of them are cap. Now
this is a closed poly surface.
We're just not gonna go ahead to boolean unit those two. Sometimes will tell you
the bowling unit fail. It's because the seam is right at the seam.
what do you wanted to do, another little trick is, move it just toward that
together 0.001. You cannot even tell by your eye and then
you should able to boolean. now we have this ring there, we can turn
on our basic ring over there, and you can make it bigger if you want to, and you
can make a double if you want to. I hope you enjoy the trick that I show you
today if this is your first time here we'd love to have you subscribe the
channel, so you will see more tricking tips that I can show you thank you for
watching I'll see you next
The Season You'll Learn How to Knit - Duration: 1:37.
If you've always wanted to learn how to knit, but haven't been sure where to start, this
Absolute Beginner Knitting Series is exactly what you need.
Immediately upon enrolling you will receive lifetime access to this fully developed, one-stop
course to become a hands-on knitter now.
We begin by taking a look at essential knitting tools in detail to help you make your best
affordable purchasing decisions.
Next, we leap straight into hands-on techniques.
Watch video lessons that are up-close, easy to follow, and paced perfectly for beginning
You will quickly understand all essential knitting techniques resulting in the creation
of your very first knitted swatch.
You will receive three great downloadable and printable resources.
First, Knitting Tools Shopping Guide helps you make your best, most affordable purchasing
Next, a Knitting Workbook to reinforce all video lessons
and keep as a handy reference guide.
And lastly, a Knit Stitch Pattern Book to create your favorite patterns while offline.
Students love my easy to follow, fun video lessons that help you learn at your own pace.
Simply follow along with my bite-sized lessons and you will fall in love with knitting, too.
If you're ready to finally become a knitter, ENROLL TODAY and this course will teach you
exactly what you need to know to start knitting now.
How To Use Skype Web Browser Version Without Downloading & Installation - Duration: 1:53.
We can use Skype online version using any web browser.
I mean we don't need to download and install Skype.
We even don't need to use Skype portable version.
We need to browser this website,
From here you can use Skype web browser version.
At first look you will feel it is very identical to Skype software or app version.
Well I am logging in using my mobile number.
If you want you can login using your email address too.
Unlike Skype software version in web browser version of Skype you see little bit less options.
But most necessary features like chatting, calling and searching everything is available in Skype web version too.
From here you can sign out from Skype.
Also you can change visibility status.
Online, away, do not disturb, invisible all options are available as like regular Skype
If you want to go back to main interface go back from here.
Here is settings.
If you have credit you can call from here.
As like usual Skype software you can have voice call or video call.
From here you can search someone for chatting.
For quick access I would recommend you to bookmark Skype.
Also let your browser remember Skype account password.
I personally use Skype web browser version as I don't need to install it on my computer
and put pressure on my only 4GB RAM. So I think its convenient for me.
You can use Skype online version from your iPhone, iPad or Android mobile phones too.
Also you can use Skype web browser version from any browser like Safari, Google Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Microsoft Internet Explorer
In fact from all browsers
Guys if you liked my video please give it a thumbs up and share it within your social media accounts.
Also if you want to see more videos like this please subscribe my channel.
Thanks for watching.
Take care.
How to edit time of yoku block in Megaman Maker 如何在洛克人製作大師設定消失方塊的時間 - Duration: 2:30.
Today I would like to teach you how to edit yoku block's time.
Is it very fast?
First, we need to create a level.
Here is a tips.
We need to set it "2".
Type the level name and than save it.
Go to "file" and type "%localappdata%\MegaMaker"
hxxxx,xxxx is the time of yoku blocks. As I just set them "2", they show "2".
If they are set to "1", hxxxx,xxxx will not appear. Unless you know how codes work, it is recommended to set them "2".
oheda is the code of yoku block. h is the time. d is the item of the upper bar in the game. 6 is "level object". While e is item in d and "5" is yoku block.
Okay, let's edit the time of yoku blocks.
Whatever you like. I change them to "1.1", "1.2" etc.
Lastly, save the level. That's it !
Here is the time that I just edited.
Thank you for watching.
How to apply for NRB online form - Duration: 5:01.
Welcome to the Elcometer Channel - Duration: 1:40.
How To Log out Facebook from all devices by Your android Mobile. - Duration: 4:07.
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How To Make Short Film - কিভাবে প্রফেশনালি শর্ট ফিল্ম বানাবেন - Make Vlog, Song, Drama (Like Pro) - Duration: 16:14.
How To Make Short Film
Film - কিভাবে প্রফেশনালি শর্ট ফিল্ম বানাবেন
Make Vlog, Song, Story, Drama (Like Pro).
In This Video I am going to show you how to make professional looking short film, drama,
Vlog, Song, Story etc look like professional or film industry.
This video actullay I sharing some strategy for making more powerful look like boss film.
Bangla film making Tutorial। how to short size for film making। types of camera shots.
How To Juggle 5 Balls Tutorial, Complete Guide - Duration: 33:18.
what up you guys welcome back to another one of these videos my name is Lauri
Koskinen and today we're gonna learn five ball juggling
welcome to one of these tutorials today we're gonna learn five ball cascade and this is gonna be a
complete guide how to learn to juggle five balls so I'm gonna show you all the
steps that you need to take to learn the five ball juggling this is something
that I mean requested to do so many times like so many people ask me can you do a
tutorial on five balls do you have any tips to learn five balls
so I decided let's do it so this is gonna be complete guide to five ball
juggling or to learn five ball cascade to be specific whatever so I'm gonna
show you a lot of different steps that you can take to learn the five balls now
if you already know how to do that step I would still recommend that you try it
and see how could you technique is and then go for the next step
alright let's get started so we're gonna start with just three balls and this is
something you can do like if you want to learn five balls you should already know
three balls and tricks we three four balls tricks with four and then five balls
let's get to it so three balls like this now the first
thing we need to do is high throw so just one ball go a little bit higher and you
practice both hands so every training exercise you do you do with both hands
so it's just one ball higher a little bit higher first and then more higher
and then you just throw one ball or even higher and then just another high throw like
that and then it can be the same ball
now it's hard to say how high you need to throw for the five ball cascade is
usually around here but it depends it varies from person to person so that is
why we're gonna train everything in three different heights we're gonna do
what it's called a normal so what feels like for your five and then we're gonna
do a little bit lower and a little bit higher so that is why we go a little bit
lower throws and that is why we go what is called a
normal 5 height for you and then a little bit higher so you're like 30 40
centimeters higher always like that or lower so around this much okay a little
bit like one and a half feet something like that depending on where you're
watching this and and then we're gonna learn just 1 2 high throws 1 2 and you
start with the right hand and then you start with the left so 1 2 1 2 and you
can also try this lower and then try them higher and once you get two then you
can go for just 3 high throws they get back to Cascade and then three high throws back to
cascade and if you can master that then it's time to just do high throws ok let's
just start immediately with high throw this is just normal high throws now it's up to you
when you have your normal height then you're gonna go a little bit lower
just a little bit lower high throws and then we're gonna go back to
the normal and then a little bit higher
there it is that is our first exercise that we're gonna learn
high throws and again you do the normal height then lower and then higher next
exercise is the flash something like that I don't know I don't know how am I
gonna edit this so let's just keep on doing so the flash means this so you go
1 2 3 high and then you continue back so what you can start you can start from
straight from the hands to 3 flash or then you going to start from here you
can start on hands so you go 1 2 3 it's the same as going high throws but your
pattern is faster so you throw from the same speed as you would throw here 1 2 3
1 2 3 1 2 3 1 and then you come back I got a hit so you go 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3
then you come back and just practice this a practice first from your stronger
hand if you're right-handed practice to start from the right first and then do
the left because it's always easy to practice your good side first and once
you learn that then it's sort of like it's easier to
transfer that knowledge from this side to the other side there needs to learn
completely on the other side so first learn the better side so you can
transfer that knowledge into your weaker side so in my case I would first to the
right side and come down and then practice the left and do it lower first
three one two three and then you can try to work your way up to your normal
height what is your normal so you do lower first and then normal I really
make sure that every throw goes to the same height this is what usually happens
you go first second and the third is really low so one two three so we don't
want that you want all the balls to go the same height so one two three to
really try to make all those throws same height especially the last one because
that is usually the one you're already starting to focus on the ball that is
coming down so you want to focus on also on the balls that go up so really make
sure there's all the throws and especially that last one all go to the
same height and once you come down do what many throws as you have to and then
do it again you come down you relax and you do it
again and if you can you can go to set up throws so you just go one two and
then one two three one two one two three one two one two three and then they go 1
1 2 3 1 1 2 3 then you do the other side 1 2 3 1 1 2 3 1 1 2 3 really make
sure all those throws go in the same height and then it's just a matter of
doing it more than once in a row I'm first you can just go 1 2 3 and then 1
so you go 1 2 3 and then 1 2 and then 1 2 3 1 2 3 and really wait because when
the last ball goes high you have a lot of time see a lot of time before I have
to throw
maybe not that much but you have a lot of time it's very relaxed pattern okay
now once you get this going now it's time again to play with the height so
first you can do once you can do it continuous then you can learn to do it a
little bit higher you can just throw a little bit higher from both hands and
now a lot higher but just a little bit higher right and then you start doing a
little bit lower as well and then you try to do continuous a little bit lower
and then you do your continuous normal height and then you try to do continuous
just a little bit now that was too high it's just a little bit higher
so again you practice all these in those three different heights the normal a
little bit lower a little bit higher this is because you want to learn
control first of all you don't know the height of your five balls so it depends
on the speed how fast you throw and the dwell time and everything but once you
learn this when you learn all in three different steps you can actually do the
Cascade much faster because you have learned control it in the three
different heights so whatever it is your height that you want to do you can do it
so that is why we learn plus it teaches you control you'll be able to do higher
throws it gives you better technique for later on to learn more tricks and when you
do the lower it gives you more speed and accuracy as well so it's just
overall very good technical exercise to do all these three different heights
alright and now after this we're not going to do harder exercise now now
we're gonna do what it's called a dwell time exercise so dwell time means
how long you hold the ball in your hand before you throw it again so if it's a
very short dwell time that means you hold it very short amount of time if
it's very long dwell time it means you hold it for long time so you can also
say like slower and faster what we're gonna now call it the short
dwell time and long dwell time so we do both of these
this is high throw now this is the normal dwell time just normal
speed that I will juggling now if I want to do long 12 times so throw like a
slower pattern so I throw as late as possible and again it's the normal
height and now we want to go this a little bit lower height and you throw as
late as possible and then you're gonna go a little bit higher while still
throwing as late as possible and again you try to control and only make perfect
throws like that now these teaches you control
again if you do make a little bit mistake or something or one ball gets
thrown a little bit lower or too high whatever that it breaks the rhythm of
your 5 balls when you practice this already that you can do wait a little
bit longer and then throw faster that will help you and teach you control so
this is why we do it to learn better control and now we're gonna do also the
short dwell time the faster pace so we go to our normal high throws and now we're
trying to make that faster like this now we get it fast now what we're gonna do
is bring it a little bit lower and we try to be as fast as we can and again
focus on good technique only good throws and really focus on good technique and
then you try to get a little bit higher than your normal cascade and if you
do make a bad throw come down and start again now this teaches you again control
speed and control speed and control you want that 5 balls is difficult so if you
just go learn it like this it's like I learned somebody show it to me like this
is how you do 5 balls oh thank you and it took me one year to figure out
because I just saw it once and no exercises so when you do all this
exercises you can learn it much faster like you can learn it in weeks instead
of a year so some people can learn it even faster than that so
do these steps learn them okay anyway now we did the dwell time exercise in
high throws now we're going to do the 12-time exercise in flash so it sounds funny but
you get your normal flash and now we're gonna do a slower flash so it's
basically you start now now like really late and then you're
gonna yeah so it's the first that you start as late as possible so you get the
lower and then that's higher and really focus on those throws that they all
go to the same height like that okay and then we're gonna do the short
dwell time exercise all the same so we go to normal and now we try to get speed
clearly so we wait before we throw the first one did we so we can go to diddily
diddily diddily and then lower diddily diddily diddily diddily and
again focus on the good throws and then we try to be higher so
you wait before it's or the first so you can go I don't know why
but I like to say didily like that so this is again the dwell time
exercise this will teach you to be fast but control your throws again you need
this for the five balls and you need this for when you want to go tricks with
five balls and when you wanna go up to six and seven balls and even nine and
whatever you need that speed with the accuracy this will teach to you okay the
next exercise is the snake so when it comes to doing the snake the snake
pattern is this so the balls follow each other in a pattern that is so it's like
a snake going around like this so the first ball is head and the last ball is
the tail so that's how it goes but a lot of people mistake this exercise they go
like one two three one two three and that is not the correct rhythm and I see
a lot of teachers teaching that but they just don't know what they're doing like
they don't know what they're doing that's it period
so when it comes to doing this snake pattern the correct rhythm is one two
three one two three one two three one two three one so it's like that
so Ton Ton To Ton Ton To Ton so if you start from here we can start and you can
start with two balls this is something important you have to learn eventually
three balls in one hand so you can start it right away from here or if you still
find it difficult you can practice just this you practice from one hand to
another and how to hold three balls in one hand take one ball in your palm like
this now you hold it with your you just squeeze it with your pinky and
ring finger okay now you have your thumb and your index finger middle finger free
grab the one ball now if you lift your middle finger that is gonna be the place
to hold the last ball so this is how you hold and you drop or you throw that one
in the middle finger and then you throw the one from the index finger thumb and a
ring finger no middle finger index finger and thumb and then the one with
the middle finger sorry pinky and ring finger you're gonna hold it just
normally and throw so that is it that is how you hold the three balls in one hand so
you can practice like this first because you need to or you don't have to but
it's good to learn the left side as well do all this
so now let's get into the correct snake pattern so what I said you can
start from here snake or you can start three from one hand I think it's good
to learn the three from one hand but if you find it too hard first learn first
from here and then go from there so let me just show you to you how it is from
three in one hand first we're gonna go one two and three so just this you
practice on this side and then go from left one two three one two three and now
you're gonna get the speed to this one two tree and it try to be one to feel
just a little bit faster one two three one two three and then you just start
to add that speed now we're gonna learn continuous throw and this is what
we can start from here I'm gonna go the two in one hand you can start with that
so you go right right left so again right right left
stop there and then we're gonna go from left you're gonna go left left right and
right right left left left right so it's ping ping ping ping ping ping
so right right left and then left left right and now this is gonna be so you
can start right right left and then left again so right right left left right
right left left and now you can do one more left
so you go right right left left left and now you end up three in here now it will
be just you continue that you can start from the left you go left left right
right right ok now we're gonna start making it continuous so we're gonna go
right right left left left right so 1 2 3 1 2 3 ok so right right left left left
right and this is the pattern now once you can get this try to do it from the
beginning with very accurate throws so all the throw go to the same height and
same place the first one and the last one and the middle one everything goes
up the same height and in the correct pattern so right right left left left
right right right left left left right right right left left left right so that
is the correct rhythm now again from here you can start try to bring it a
little bit more down so you go right right left left left right right right
left left left right and then you can try to bring it higher once you learn it
as well sorry I had the wrong rhythm
like that now you can do this as well bum bum ba 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 but that is
not the correct rhythm for 5 balls like that is poorly done exercise for 7
balls okay or what I'm gonna say poorly I mean you should do it higher for seven
balls but it is not exercise for five balls it is not three ball snake for five
balls okay so the correct rhythm is Ton Ton Ton Ton Ton Ton get it Tin Tin you
get it and did I know you did okay but that is it that is it for the three
balls you see how many steps you can do with three balls and trust me if you try
them all even if you know them before if you try them all in different heights
and you also do the dwell time exercises you will learn that five balls much
faster right let's get into four balls so with four balls there's a little out
of different exercises I'm gonna show you the most important ones the first is
just half shower what we're doing in the crossing pattern so we build this
this is the first one that we want to learn so what it is you go high-low so
with the right hand you go up higher and then you go lower
obviously you want to juggle four balls first we want to do this but so we can
do it once so you just go high low and then continue both throws are crossing and
then you come from here and then either one - that's good right hand throws the
high throws and the left hand first lower but it's still right left
right left right left right left right left right left okay and where to look
I look more of the upper upper ball the higher ball but my eyes still sort of
like follow glimpse of it even if it's in your peripheral vision or then you
just quickly peek but you don't want to turn your head if you want to peek do it
do the lower high enough so you can peek it without moving your head so you just
move your eyes alright that's how you look and then you learn the others hand
side as well and if you start if you start to go like this padam padam padam
the balls are too close to each other so you need to make the higher a little bit
higher and the lower a little bit lower so you get this
pom pom pom pom pom pom pom instead up there Bam Bam Bam see that now they're
closer each other pom pom when they're the other one is higher and the other
lower you get that done son son son and that is the rhythm that we want to learn
now so you practice that and again once you get it continuous so you just add
one trow at a time then you can make it lower and higher as well
now the next pattern would be once you do that on both sides it will be that is
called 53 next would be 5 3 4 so you go 5 3 and then you continue the 4 but you
only continue it one time 5 3 4 5 3 4 so you get 5 3 and then 4 5 3 and then 4 so
high cross low cross straight throw high cross low cross straight throw I'm going
these steps very very fast because I don't want this tutorial to take long
time but you can always pause it watch it again I'm still giving you the
steps now ok and if you can continue here you just try to go high low
straight high low straight and again if the pattern is messed up you usually
need to throw that high throw a little bit higher and keep the low crossing a
little bit lower right so next exercise is this 2 crossing throws one two both
go up to five ball height one two one two and again on this five three four
you can practice this one to learn it a little bit lower and a little bit higher
as well just to learn to control your patterns and your tricks controls
alright so this one two and then for the left side one two and then you can add
one more one two three oh sorry no wrong exercise so now we're gonna do this
exercise and it's gonna go from one side to the other so you go right left and
then left right left left and you gonna end up all three here just transfer one
ball one left left right sorry and I've one left right left
damnit I dropped No so right left left right right left left right and now we
want to do it from the left side so left right right left
pom pom pom pom so this is a little bit poor so it's not fun pom pom pom but
it's bump bump bump bump like that and again try to make all the
hight especially that last one the second one as high at the first one so the both
balls go all the ball go high and then again try to keep on going so want to
pin pin pin pin pin pin pin pin pin and again from here you can do the higher
and lower so you practice it's a little bit lower and you also practice that a
little bit higher so you learn to control right and now you can do the
dwell time exercise on this one as well so you try to practice throw a slow as late
as possible that's first and then you go short dwell times so you try to throw as
fast as possible now this is
it's not the correct rhythm but again you can do it to teach a little
bit more than speed and control as well it's not a bad exercise it's just a
little different pattern different rhythm but it still I think it's still
helpful okay after this we're gonna learn to do you can do like it's not
necessarily which one is harder but we have one more we have five five five one
and five five five one four and then we have the flash so this is the five
five five and then you transfer go one two three cross and you transfer the one
ball to the other hand so 1 2 3 cross 1 2 3 cross another drop NO there so you can
after that you can try to get into the 4 ball pattern ok and they started again
I'm from here you can do it for the left side 1 2 3 & 1 2 3
transfer and continuing juggling and then you can just do it continuous so
1 2 3 and it starts always from the same hand so first you try to do it
once then you try to do it twice and if you can't do it you can be faster sorry lower and then you can go higher and then you learn the left side as well
like 1 2 3 three one two three and again as always
try to keep all your throws at the same height now after this comes the flash
now I know I'm very fast with this but you can always pause and practice these
and later and watch them okay step by step so then we have know we can also do
that sorry I forgot we can also do that so it changes sides so we go one two three
and we do one four you go once on this side and then you do it from the left
side now because of that one four that one straight throw that stays in the same
hand the pattern keeps on going now now we'll really make sure that all those
throws especially that last high throw gets thrown as
high as all the other ones and again that pattern you can then go once you
learn it you can learn it lower and then higher well but just like this much
alright now we come to the flash so we say one two three when we do this now
we're going to throw four one two three four and stop there one two three four
and stop there and do it from the left as well
one two three four and stop there now just add one more throw to this so you
go one two three four one and then you stop and then you're gonna add two
trolls so and also do this on the left so one two three four a one then do it
from left side where do they do do pull left as well then you add two throws one
two three four one two one two three four one two
once that feels good do it from the left one two three four one two one two three
four one two okay now after this you just add more throw so then you go 1 2
3 4 1 2 3 and after that you do it from the left side and then 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
and then try to keep the pattern height as good as you can 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 so I
mean the pattern height is your what you would call your normal 5 and you'll
learn it on the way like what feels good for the rhythm wise but you try to make
all the throws to go to the same height again I know I keep repeating that but
that is very important so make sure that you do it and if
you're not sure if you do it film yourself or ask a friend who is a
juggler they will know and they will tell you or you can see from the video
now after this you will practice this lower and higher so once you learn to do
the flash you can practice it lower and again 1 2 3 4 1 1 2 3 4 1 and then it
will do that and then you practice a little bit higher as well like if you
don't know how to juggle these 4 balls like this there's no reason to go for
the 5 balls like if you don't know for you think you know five now so practice
the forward first first a lot worse first anyways that is the 4 ball
exercises not all of them but one of the most important ones so do them and then
let's go for the 5 ok so the five balls is now you're ready to go I hope you
have practiced this how to start three from one hand and now we're just gonna
do one ball at a time we're just gonna do one and you can do I I want to start
necessarily practicing straight from the left hand as well with these five balls
I will learn first from the right hand and once you can do it like ten throws
or so then add the left so you start like every other time with the right
hand and every other time with the left or at least like every third or every
fourth from the left because you need to press this at left side as well plus if
you have heavy balls you're gonna do so much extra muscle work with one side and
then you don't want one muscle to get big and the other one's a weak so you
want to practice both sides but first practice the better side and then do it
from the left as well or whatever it's the weaker for you so then 1 2 then 1 2
3 and you just practice that 1 2 3 and the rhythm for this is like it's not 1 2
3 you should get like 1 2 3 4 and then you catch the ball one-two-three-four
catch one-two-three-four catch one-two-three-four catch so that should
be a rhythm and then you add one more one-two-three-four catch catch catch
catch one-two-three-four catch catch catch catch I know you don't have to say
that out loud I'm here alone now so it's fine other than like you people
watching in okay so and then we add one more throw one two three four five one
two three four five and that is flash congratulations if you nailed it you did
it yeah whoo so let's continue so after that after you learn the flash you want
to make sure that you practice it for a while like you make really good throws and
all the throws are same height one two three four five now this is much easier
than you think if you practiced all those steps if you learned all those
steps and this is much much easier than you think now after this before you
start adding more throws practice a little bit that speed and accuracy so
try to do a little bit lower so you have to be a little bit faster from boom boom
boom boom and again you can practice just one throwl at a time
and then go like 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 boom boom 1 2 3 4 5 oh yeah and then you
make a little bit higher just to learn that's control as well now after this
then you're gonna start adding throws so we're gonna do five throws and with the
left hand you can just add 1 2 3 4 5 6 just go 1 2 3 4 5 6 like that so you
just add 1 more trouble 2 3 4 5 6 and then another one once you get that you
can add 1 1 3 4 5 6 7 ohh 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 and then you just keep
on adding one throw at a time now make sure that from the beginning you start
good throws and all throws are good now you always sort of add one more throw
and once you get up to the 10 once you have done this 10 then you can start
practicing from the left hand as well just try to little flash from the left
and the way to think about if that left hand is pretty tricky this is a mental
thing that you can do what you can do is and you can go and 1 2 3 4 5
so instead of trying this one too because you have practiced from the
other side you can just go and one two three four
five and one two three four five and one two three four five so it's sort of a
mental exercise for you first of all you do six rows so that's very good but also
you don't start that one with the left because you have already tried that one
with the right so it can be a little bit this mental trick that can help you a
lot so you go from the left you go one two three four five instead of that you
go and one two three four five and one two three four five so you really think
that one being from the right hand even if you start from the left now after
this once you get the ten throws you can start just trying to get more and more
and more now remember again always start with good throws because if you start with
a bad throws it's gonna be hard to keep that pattern going okay and if you're
having difficulty with that five ball go back to three balls and four balls and
every time you practice this five ball start with three balls just start going
quickly through those exercises and then go quickly through those four ball
exercises you can just spend five minutes and three balls five minutes on
four balls and then you can spend that 10 15 20 minutes on that five balls but
don't just go straight to five balls do those exercises first and once you learn
them you can just do quickly use them as a warming up okay so it's like a
technical warm up and then boom you're good to go with the five balls anyways
there was a long video thank you so much for watching this this was the complete
guide to five ball cascade okay I've seen a lot of videos people teaching
five balls and it's basically they just show you do this and then you know okay
so there are actual steps that you can take so learn these step-by-step learn
all those steps and then if you already know some step try and see how good you
actually are try the different heights and speeds all the dwell time exercises and
then go if it's easy for you just forget about it go for the next one okay thank
you so much for watching if you like if you want to see more
definitely hit that subscribe button and I'll see you in the next video
How to use the OpenSceneryX Installer - Duration: 1:50.
Learn the alphabet | Letter A | How to write | Modern Cursive | Pevan and Sarah - Duration: 1:56.
hi Cubs are you ready to get your finger out we're gonna try and write a capital
'A'. Now capital 'A' has two lines and they both start at the top let's try it
together and a bridge across the middle and that's the capital A let's try a
lowercase 'a' get your finger out and you draw a circle with a stick and a tick
here we go and that's our lowercase 'a' now 'A' can make an 'A' sound like ant and
Apple it can also start the word astronaut and all these words start with
the letter 'A' okay Cubs get your finger out and let's
try a capital 'A' let's try another capital 'A' now let's try a lowercase a
don't forget the tick and one more lowercase
Thanks finger! Finger says: See ya!
How to suck carbon dioxide out of the sky - Duration: 6:17.
Carbon dioxide gets a lot of grief these days.
It's the main cause of the global warming that's already damaging coral reefs, ice
caps, and coastlines.
But for eons, life survived on Earth because natural processes kept CO2 levels within limits,
preventing the planet from getting either too cold or too hot.
So, if we want to keep earth from warming more than a few degrees,
we probably need to supercharge those natural processes, in a hurry.
Or maybe even invent some new methods to suck carbon out of the sky at an even bigger scale
The question is, can we capture all that carbon before earth becomes too hot for us?
Hey guys, I'm Joe.
Behold the mighty carbon cycle!
Life's most important element is never created or destroyed, it's only moved around.
Natural sources of carbon like volcanoes and decomposing trees add carbon dioxide to the
sky, heating up the Earth, while natural carbon sinks like oceans, growing forests, and weathering
rocks remove carbon from the atmosphere, cooling off the planet.
These carbon sinks may offer clues on how we can limit global warming.
Here's one idea: add tiny amounts of iron to certain parts of the ocean to jumpstart
massive algae blooms
that suck up a bunch of carbon.
Hopefully, they die and sink to the ocean floor, locking the carbon away, just like
the carbon-rich algae whose skeletons formed the White Cliffs of Dover millions of years
But when we've actually tried this, it turns out other microorganisms end up eating the dead algae
and breathing out that CO2, which then re-enters the atmosphere instead of being locked away.
Ok, so why not just plant more trees?
They suck carbon out of the air and turn it into trunks, leaves, roots, stuff like that.
But we've been taking carbon that got buried over millions of years, and putting it back
in the air basically all at once, and there's just not enough room to plant all the trees
it would take to suck all that carbon back out of the air, especially because we currently
use a lot of land for other things, like growing food.
Ok, supercharging natural carbon sinks like this won't be enough to keep earth from
What if we also shove carbon underground ourselves?
CO2 is pretty unreactive, and there's only 4 molecules of it for every ten thousand molecules
of air, so it's hard to grab and concentrate it.
Luckily, plants are amazing at it - it's pretty much what they do.
If we plant a lot of fast-growing grasses, they'll turn a lot
of CO2 into living tissue.
Then we can burn them to turn that living carbon back into a concentrated stream of
carbon dioxide.
Finally we grab that CO2 using carbon-scrubbing devices and inject it deep underground, permanently
removing it from the atmosphere.
It's a promising approach.
But paying farmers to grow grasses could incentivize them to expand their fields into native ecosystems
that already hold a bunch of carbon in plants and soil.
So converting those ecosystems to grasslands would release massive amounts of carbon, when
putting carbon underground is the entire point.
That's not good.
You know what's good?
They use chemical devices to remove excess carbon dioxide from their cabins and spacesuits.
If we employ a similar strategy, say for uh, THE ENTIRE ATMOSPHERE we can take CO2 right
out of the sky.
Scientists call it Direct Air Capture, and it involves strong chemicals like lye
that can snare carbon dioxide.
This method takes carbon out of the atmosphere, but we can also prevent the carbon from going
into the atmosphere, by grabbing it where it's most concentrated, in smokestacks.
Remember those scrubber things we can use to capture carbon after we burn plants?
If we place them in power plants or refineries we can remove pollution before it enters the
atmosphere - and then, yes, shove it underground.
These two methods–scrubbers and Direct Air Capture– have worked in small scale experiments,
but most large-scale attempts to grab and store CO2 underground have failed economically.
These technologies could get the job done, in principle, but right now, it doesn't
cost companies anything to put CO2 into the sky, so there's pretty much no financial
incentive for companies to avoid it, or to take it out.
But as a civilization we do pay a cost if we can't get carbon out of the atmosphere:
runaway climate change.
So to keep Earth from dangerous warming, we need to clean up the skies.
The most direct way to do that is to stop putting more carbon in the air, by transitioning
away from coal and gas and by using energy more efficiently.
But here's a tough fact to face: there's already so much carbon dioxide in the air that keeping
climate change under control will probably require us to deploy carbon sucking methods
on a massive scale.
If we don't, life on earth will massively suck.
#69 How to steal her heart- magic, trick 여친 생기는 마술 | Sang 생쇼 (Eng Sub) - Duration: 9:39.
tutorial on how to make this beautiful white beaded necklace - Duration: 12:40.
tutorial on how to make this beautiful white beaded necklace
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