is there conspiracy at Google about conspiracies hi thanks for watching
today I want to talk about conspiracies because there's something recently that
I noticed that I found kind of interesting
now when I think about conspiracies it's reminds me of that old George Carlin bit
have you ever noticed when you're driving that anyone who's driving slower
than you is an idiot anyone driving faster than you is it just creeping
along and that's the thing with conspiracies everything that you believe
is totally rational makes sense right anyone that doesn't believe what you
believe is just naive but anyone that believes something beyond what you
believe they're just a crazy conspiracy theorist and I think that's what is
really interesting when it comes to this subject it's all relative and we all
think that we are in the exact right place
we believe that Facebook is listening in on our phone and anyone that doesn't
believe that they're just naive how can they not believe what is totally true
and we think of anyone that thinks that the political establishment are actually
lizard people right those people are insane now I'm not putting any judgment
on any well maybe I am a little where do you read about them well I've been going
to the subreddit conspiracy for many years I've gone there and read about
things it's a fun place to go and it has hundreds of thousands of subscribers
millions of people visit this website all the time if you wanted to find this
on Google if you go to google and type in "reddit conspiracy" it doesn't show up
yeah something about Finland and some other things show up that subreddit with
millions of people that visit it doesn't show up in Google results I even
typed in "subreddit conspiracy" that's the name of the subreddit and it doesn't
show up in Google results that's just a little bizarre when you go to other
search engines like Bing right I know it's 2018 but Bing and DuckDuckGo you
put in "conspiracy reddit" boom there it is number one results here's where you
go to learn about conspiracies but on Google it just doesn't exist and it
makes you wonder who at Google doesn't want the public to find this subreddit
now I don't know right that's just a conspiracy right we have no evidence
that people at Google are actively trying to make sure that people don't go
to this subreddit to read about conspiracies but it is odd that you
can't get the results in Google in fact I encourage you to try it for yourself
go to Google type in Reddit type in conspiracy and see what you get you
don't get slash are slash conspiracy which is a pretty big
subreddit and probably the number one place that people discuss conspiracies
in current year now I like the term conspiracy analysts because I like
reading about these ideas and deciding for myself if I think there's any merit
to them or not and it's always interesting when thinking about
something that's secret you know we don't have proof of I think it would be
fair to call the Russia investigation a big conspiracy theory right it's been a
couple of years there's been zero evidence of collusion but because the
mainstream media is pushing it that's just a normal normal thing I think if
anyone else were pushing that theory you would be considered a conspiracy theory
but a conspiracy theory according to the subreddit is just a hypothesis that some
covert but influential organization is responsible for a
or event and I find it interesting that Google does not want you to do this I
don't know why but let me know your thoughts in the comments peace help me
reach my goal of 2500 subscribers
For more infomation >> A Google Conspiracy About Conspiracies: Subreddit Hidden From Results #conspiracy - Duration: 4:55.-------------------------------------------
St Andrew's Day 2018 Google Doodle - Duration: 3:34.
Today the Search Engine Google is celebrating St Andrew's Day 2018 with animated Google
Doodle in the UK.
Saint Andrew's Day is the feast day of Saint Andrew.
It is celebrated on 30 November - 3 December.
Saint Andrew's Day is Scotland's official national day.
It is a national holiday in Romania.
What was St Andrew known for
One of the Twelve Apostles, Saint Andrew is the Catholic patron saint of fisherman who
founded the Church of Byzantium.
He was a disciple of John the Baptist.
It is a national holiday in Romania (since 2015)Saint Andrew is represented in the New
Testament to be the disciple who introduced his brother, the Apostle Peter, to Jesus as
the Messiah.
He is the patron saint of Cyprus, Scotland, Greece, Romania, Russia, Ukraine, the Ecumenical
Patriarchate of Constantinople,San Andres Island (Colombia), Saint Andrew (Barbados)
and Tenerife.
In Germany, the feast day is celebrated as Andreasnacht Saint Andrew's Night in Austria
with the custom of Andreasgebet Saint Andrew's Prayer and in Poland as Andrzejki "Andrew's
festivities in Russia Andrew's night.
St. Andrew has been Scotland's patron saint since the country declared its independence
in 1320.
Relics of the martyred disciple have been enshrined in a Scottish monastery since the
eighth century, making the town of St. Andrews a destination for pilgrimages.
The blue and white "saltire" design on the Scottish flag is known as Saint Andrew's
Today's Doodle commemorates this national holiday with Scotland's national flower
the thistle.
Legend has it that in the 13th century an invading army of Vikings tried to sneak into
the country barefoot—until they stumbled onto a thorny patch of thistles, alerting
the Scottish clansmen who turned them away.
Scotland's affinity for thistles is also represented by The Most Ancient and Most Noble
Order of the Thistle, the highest honor the nation can confer on any individual.
A celebration of Scottish culture, St. Andrew's Day is a time for family and friends to come
together for an old-fashioned gathering known as a cèilidh featuring storytelling, hearty
Scottish food, traditional music, and step dancing.
The holiday marks the start of Scottish winter festival season, kicking off this year with
three days of music and film festivals, museum programs, and a torchlight parade through
the streets of Glasgow.
Scotland is also encouraging fairness, inclusivity and all manner of good works with its Make
Someones Day campaign, carrying on Andrew's saintly legacy.
Happy Saint Andrew's Day, Scotland
Thanks for watching
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Interactive World of Warcraft map by Google Maps dadesign - Duration: 1:46.
world of warcraft and blizzard are now 15 years delight us with their updates and
Easter egg besides, over the years the mountain world is so
increased that even veteran of Azeroth lost in its location
if you too want to do something interesting flooded the link to the store and
buy cool games at a discount one of fans of the game found a solution to this problem
he created an interactive map of the game google maps player shared with others
fans of the game his creation on an interactive world map can be well
consider all locations including zones Argus and Draenor and switch
between maps continents can be in a couple clicks'
the ability to put labels on the map is not provided but a couple of useful
additional features it still has clicking on the special horse
you can see the location on the map entrances to all dungeons and raids
and he added an opportunity to the site to happen between the game cards before and after
the battle for Azeroth since this Supplement has changed the old
locations of the game switching to the old one version of maps players Alliance will be able after all
buried in the green Darnassus as he was. before the burning of the great tree Horde by the way
apparently, the authors of a single card Azeroth our site pechnik and last summer
he talked on the portal of the well, floating about how was the process of creating this map
more detailed photos can be found in our Zen in Yandex if one is that
this video sucks put dislike and write in the comments why but if
VIDOS divine in put like and sign
all the blessings
Google Cloud and RAD-AID Partner to Provide Imaging Storage at Lao Friends Hospital for Children - Duration: 2:36.
终于知道你为什么收不到Google地址PIN码信件了,用亲身经历告诉你如何正确填写收件人地址 - Duration: 4:30.
How to add a background image / picture in Google Slides - Tutorial - Duration: 1:07.
First, let's open up Google Slides, and create a blank presentation
We will add some text, and then upload our background image
Go to: Insert, Image, Upload from computer
Select the image you want to set as a background
Right click the image, select Order, and then Send to back
As you can see, it went beyond everything
All done!
How to Rank on Google's First Page for Competitive Terms - Duration: 5:18.
hey everyone is Neil Patel here for another Q&A Thursday video
I know let me tell you we have a topic today that you guys are gonna love but
first off I'm here with Adam Liddell chief from viewership hello everybody
and this week's question is this is from Mark Mitchell London's mortgage agent
clearly real estate guy based on his picture yes he says I followed your
advice watch your videos the last two months they've worked wonders he's moved
from rank number 87 to number 11 on Google for his keyword estate in his
area mortgage broker London Ontario however he's stuck at 11 how does he get
to that first page or he's finally gonna start driving some real traffic to his
website I've given a lot of advice on SEO and videos and tutorials talking
about how you can increase your rankings from things like building links to
content marketing to optimizing title tags and I'm not gonna talk about that
kind of stuff on today's video you can look up some of the older videos yeah
I'm going to teach you guys a little piece of advice when it comes to SEO
that most people don't know when it comes to ranking on the first page it's
really easy to go from like being in the top thousand to top hundred it's a bit
harder to go from being number eighty something to page two page three and
what you'll find is as you're continually climbing up it takes longer
and longer to generate higher rankings and get to page one in my office
people have a joke especially on the sales team and they say something
they're like do you know what the perfect place to bury dead bodies is
where page two of Google cuz no one would look that nice right it makes
sense because no one really goes there so what Google is doing is you're
looking at a lot of user metrics not just how many backlinks you have our
social shares they're looking at things like how many people are clicking on
your listing staying there and not bouncing back and they're hoping that
they're finding the answer that they're not doing another Google search for
related query because that tells Google that your web page solved their problem
remember when someone does a search query they're looking for a solution to
their problem so don't think if your web pages you're here to sell a service or a
product yes you have a product or service but that has to be a solution to
their problem and the best way to increase your
rankings is slow and steady it really does win the race because what Google's
looking at is are you getting more clicks than other people around you if
so we should slowly and gradually increase your rankings and the reason
they do this is because on page one there's a lot more volume a lot more
clicks so they're more picky on what they show on page one because if they
show crap people will have a bad experience and not use Google again if
you kept seeing crap on page one of Google would you use it no yahoo the
right one or you gonna be right no one uses any of that no one uses and that's
what I'm getting at is because the first page is where the majority of the clicks
are no one goes to page two as my sales team says yeah you need to make sure
that you're patient because if you're patient if you're not patient you're not
gonna get to the top whenever you want sometimes it'll take months a year or
whatever it may be I have a question on this
yeah I mean interrupt you but I'm actually just curious if you do search
pay pay-per-click does that help your ranking no it does not
they don't give you any indicators it's very nice huh and then on top of that as
you're slowly getting your rankings know that you have to be patient
but the biggest trick is once you figure out how to provide more value than other
people so you figured out your solution so that way people want to stick on your
website and not bounce back you got to come up with a more appealing title tag
so good at Google search console look to see all the keywords that are driving
your clicks they'll show you the impression count the view count make
sure you're putting the right keywords within there and similar to YouTube
marketing you want to vote curiosity you know you want to get people to click
alright if you just say something that's boring and stuffing keywords no one's
gonna click through but if you do something that's appealing like if
you're a real estate agent the number one real estate agent and assuming it's
true on your London Ontario or whatever the region is you're more likely to be
like oh cool this is the best guy right or maybe like need help selling your
home I've sold over five thousand six hundred and twelve homes in London
Ontario it's too long of a title tag but you get the point you could end up using
that as your meta description but by having something that's appealing you're
gonna get more clicks and slowly you'll go from number eleven to number ten to
nine to seven and you'll slowly climb because what happens is when someone is
a Google search and if you click on number two instead of number one and a
thousand other people do that it tells Google hey everyone prefers the second
listing over the first one maybe we should switch him an eventual right it's
genius and you can see your data in Google search console once you change
your layout title tag and meta tag if you're getting more clicks over the next
thirty days because I'll show you the click-through rate yeah I mean it's just
like anything you know it's all about the user you know improve the user
experience and you're gonna win in the end it sounds like right yep cool
so that's it thank you for watching this week's Q&A Thursday video if you have a
question that you want answered on next week's video leave a comment below
either way all answer it thank you for watching subscribe comment share like I
appreciate it
Google Scholar - Duration: 1:46.
You're probably familiar with Google. You probably use it every day.
Google crawls through pretty much the entire free Internet, searching for what you're looking
for, which means that in that big pile of results you may find
some scholarly sources written for academic publications, especially if
you look for them by name. But you also might find a lot of sources
that aren't scholarly at all. To use all the power of Google
while limiting yourself to mostly scholarly sources, we have Google
Scholar, a free web resource that allows the user to search sources that are
predominantly academic, including journal articles,
citations, theses, and other content from academic publishers.
Certain google searches will automatically bring up Scholar results.
Further results can be found by clicking "scholarly articles for."
But if you're looking for reliable information, especially scholarly sources,
it's best to just start in Google Scholar itself. In order to get
full Penn State access in Google Scholar results, it should be accessed through the
librarie's website. Click on the "Database" tab, then search for "Google."
and Google Scholar comes right up. Using this search box
will make the Get It at Penn State link available in your results, linking you
to Penn State full texts. As when searching for any
scholarly content, Google Scholar tends to give you the best results when your keywords are
more focused. As you can see if I search Google Scholar for the broad
concept of "transgender" my results vary greatly in subject.
But focusing my search to something like "healthcare" greatly streamlines
my results. To read an article, I simply click on
the title or click on the Get It at Penn State button.
小松菜奈:初の点灯式にドキドキ 「OK Google」で表参道に明か… - Duration: 2:22.
女優の小松菜 奈さんが2 9日、東京 ・表参道で 行われたク リスマスツ リーイルミ ネーション 「Goog le Pi xel p resen ts 表参 道イルミネ ーション 2018」 (12月2 5日まで) の点灯式に 登場。
グーグルのス マートフォ ン「Pix el」を手 に「OK Googl e。
表参道のイル ミネーショ ンをつけて 」と呼びか けて、1. 1キロにわ たるけやき 並木に一斉 に明かりを ともした。
点灯式イベン トの出演は 初めてとい う小松さん は「普段か ら買い物で もよく通る 表参道の点 灯式という こともあっ て、います ごくドキド キして緊張 しています 」とコメン ト。
けやき並木の イルミネー ションの明 かりを眺め 、「こんな すてきな瞬 間を味わわ せていただ けるなんて 思ってもい なかったの で、感動し ています。
今年の冬のい い思い出に なりました 」と瞳を輝 かせていた 。
今年の表参道 のイルミネ ーションは 、Goog le Pi xelが演 出する「マ ジック・イ ルミネーシ ョン」がテ ーマ。
150本のけ やきの並木 に温かみの あるシャン パンゴール ドのLED 約90万球 を装飾した 。
同3~25日 には、イル ミネーショ ンをバスの 上から楽し めるピンク のオープン バスも運行 。
表参道交差点 付近の青山 通り沿いに あるカフェ 「Comm une2n d」の前に 設置される バス停から 、先着順で 誰でも無料 で乗ること ができる。
期間中の土日 祝日は「G oogle Pixe l」で写真 撮影ができ るフォトス ポットが表 参道の並木 道の街角庭 園に登場す る。
How to use Google Photos in online storege - Duration: 9:42.
como trocar o plano de fundo do google - Duration: 4:07.
Basic Bee and Flower Ecology Google Chrome 2018 11 29 12 25 20 - Duration: 1:12.
This is sumn bout bees
This tab displays "The World" and it sets all of the instance variables for the simulation.
This tab creates the bee actor and its actions
This tab creates the flower actor and how the bee interacts with it
This tab creates the seed actor and deals with the transformation to the parent flowers color
This tab creates the 3D camera angle and connects the button and keyboard to it
Make Money with YouTube and Add Bank Account to Google Adsense Account Under 18 😇 Tips Tricks Hindi - Duration: 8:25.
How To Rank No. 1 On Google Within 7-10 Days | Digital Learning 44 - Duration: 6:20.
How To Rank No. 1 On Google
How to Block ads Permanently on Google Chrome Mobile in hindi/urdu - Duration: 3:59.
Ads Block Setting For Google Users
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