What's going on YouTube my name's Noah Keiper I'm a gentleman
My name's Joel X and I'm a rapper and welcome to Keiper Bros a channel dedicated
entertaining you and also injecting marijuana straight into our blood
streams... Wow. Anyway today's video we're gonna be reacting to seven scary videos you
shouldn't watch alone, but before we get to that let's go on to our interesting fact
of the day. Now, did you know that OJ Simpson was originally cast to play the
Terminator but the studio was afraid no one would buy him as a remorseless
killer. Funny how that one turned out. Anyway without further ado, let's get on
to the video.
This is allegedly a video found on the Deep Web in which a man sitting on a
chair as I said covered by cloth with a body covered by a plastic bag.
He makes some strange movements and after a while he suddenly covers his face with what viewers
believe could be either vomit or feces, either way it doesn't look very pleasant.
Take a look. Oh my god! They killed Kenny!
Dog! Get out of here. Dogs... So I don't see what so-- terrorizing about this video.
You know, I could do this. I guess it's kind of scary. Okay that's
just gross. It's just gross. Yeah.. *Fake vomits* Why is he vomiting? I mean if I put on a
Halloween mask that doesn't make me vomit. Yeah, things are just getting weird here. The Internet's a very weird place.
After he looks to his right in an almost frightened way. Might be being held hostage
or something. Wouldn't that suck? Oh they wouldn't let him have a sign if he was
being held hostage though. What does it say? Is this someone being held hostage obvious or is it someone's weird art project?
My God! Number six... When girls went exploring in a creepy basement they got a scarier experience
than they hoped. In the video they open a door and inside a strange looking
face can be seen.
Hope nothing crazy happens.
It actually was a little scary.
Can you imagine? Can you imagine how was for them? No information can be found about this video. They're dead.
A teenage girl!
Lately I've received lots of comments of people saying they appreciate blah blah blah. Scariest thing ever. Well once in a while I do like
to bring on an old classic that has never made an appearance on my channel
before. I'm sure many of you already seen the video titled "Girl Ghost". In the video
uploaded blah blah blah. Oh Ive seen that. Oh "Girl Ghost"? Classic! 'Course. Everybody's seen that. Love it. ..then on the stairs and
then inside the house after the girls have run outside. Take a look. I can do that. Ahhh.
Oh my God.
We didn't fake that video at all! The description says they've had weird stuff
like this happen a lot in the house. Now, take another look at all the sightings
slowed down and zoomed in. If that is real that's scary, but I really doubt it.
I'd be terrified.
Yeah, no- I'd probably cry. I mean they're def- they're definitely, this is a setup. I
mean-- do you think this was a fake-YES!- or a real ghost haunting the house
This is a fake! I can tell! I can do that. Very easily.
Al though this video may be a fake...
You have to admit it's very creepy the video is titled mutant animal human face creature and she was a
weird mutant like things locked up in a cage all people can hear talking in the
background. You know how I know this one's fake? She has makeup on. Yeah. Why
would you have scary makeup on it you're just a normal? Just a normal mutant.
The weird thing about it is, the better question is where do these videos come from? She looks
exactly like that girl on the Exorcist. Yeah. Where do these videos come from though?
The Deep Web or whatever. But who makes them? Deep people.
Does stuff like this freak you out? Let me know in the comments.
Not that the United States doesn't have our our fair share of faking, but. I can't say that
that creeped me out though. The video originally uploaded by BeedleFox was titled a Very
Rebirthing and shows a man cutting off the legs of a mannequin doll which
he calls his daughter, he also says he's joined a special
community online where all the cyberbullies hangout. She's my daughter... He ends up attaching
the head of the doll onto a toy cat while some very strange music plays in
the background. He also attaches the legs onto his own
legs and wobbles them around. Okay, but it's just a weird guy. There's nothing
that's-- You know what's even scarier? Look at how harry his legs are!
He's a definite pedophile. Probably.
It's certainly one of the most special hobbies I've seen on Youtube. Yeah, he's special. Definitely. Somebody needs to get him.. Not in a good way either. Surveillance footage managed to capture something
creepy at a factory. A man working there was seemingly just doing what he usually
does--work. Working. He tries to slide a large door shut. It gets stuck. So, he just
leaves it be when car lights then illuminate the door, a ghostly figure can
be seen stuck between the two sliding doors. Take a look.
Where are we supposed to be looking?
Oh my god! Wow. Crazy. Scaaaary. It's number two worthy. Yeah one of the top ones.
Real ghoul. Was this the ghost of a former factory worker caught on surveillance camera or
was it a hoax? Ghost of a former factor worker.
From creepy YouTube channel Ben's Playhouse comes this disturbing video
called "Hide and Seek.mov" be in which a strange creature's approaching the
cameraman. When the video cuts to the next clip
That's the strange creature? A man with a mask on running away from us. Wow. What?!
Nobody's ever worn a mask before and crawled. AHHH
All videos on the channel are cryptic and it would take quite the research to
figure out the true meaning behind it all.
Something horror analysis channels have done before. Some have described this
channel as the Deep Web of YouTube. What's it called? Ben's Playhouse? That's kind of a counter intuitive name.
This has been scary videos you shouldn't watch alone. I hope you enjoyed the video and if you
did then subscribe for more scary content. Wow. Don't subscribe.
Or buy his merch. Okay, um, you go ahead and do that. okay
Oh anyway, um, thank you, well would you think about that video? Uh terrifying at
times. Terrifying. It was the scariest thing I've ever seen in my entire life! Anyway
I don't really have much to say about that. If I had to rate it yeah in terms of its
"scariness" it's out of scary why not as scary I'd probably give it like a like a
cool four, four, and a half. Okay yeah. There was that one scene that, that was a little
made us jump off our breaks. But um I'd probably give this a... I'd probably
give this a four and a half too - did you say 4.5? It wasn't
really that scary I mean I've seen a lot of---faaaaake! Yeah, what he said. Anyway uh well
like comment subscribe and we'll be making a new video every single day
every day of the freaking week man and uh you know if you enjoyed it and If you
enjoyed this one that's awesome! That's cool. Like, comment, subscribe. Yeah. Just do all
that and uh, farewell. Thank you for watching.
we wanted
For more infomation >> 7 Scary Videos You Shouldn't Watch Alone - REACTION! - Duration: 11:29.-------------------------------------------
Musically Full Hot Girls Videos Compilation 2018 - #Couple #kiss #Hot #Girl #couplekiss #musically - Duration: 2:27.
Digital Marketers Reacting To Old Videos | *CRINGE* | - Duration: 7:14.
(halting techno buzz)
- It's a secret that only 82 people ever found out.
(Dan laughing)
Hi, it's Lloyd and Dan from KPS Digital Marketing.
Last week we put out a video
about how you can improve and look back,
and it's a bit cringey, but it's good that you've improved
and now we're gonna react to our old videos,
which are gonna to be very cringey.
- Yep, and if you like what you're seeing,
give it a good old like, share, subscribe,
all of that good stuff.
- Let's get into it.
So this is Dan's first ever video.
By the way I wasn't part of the business at this point,
it's called: How to find customers on Twitter
who need your business.
Today I'm going to be showing you a very quick tutorial
on how you can use a very clever online tool, called IFTTT
which will help you find people who are searching
for problems on Twitter, which your business can help solve.
- I think he's recording it in a cupboard somewhere.
(Dan chuckling)
And recording the audio on a potato.
(Dan laughing)
(muffled vocalisation)
- I think I recorded it like that.
- I'm just so scared, I'm recording the video like this.
(Dan laughing)
- 24 people have liked this.
What is there to like about this?
- It's got more views than most of our youtube videos.
- Couple thousand views there,
well done, Dan, on your first video.
So now we've got tutorial,
Google Alerts: Find interesting and new content easily.
- I already know what's coming.
- Hi guys, Dan here from KPS Digital Marketing.
So today I've got a very quick tutorial for you
which is going to talk you
through how you can be using Google Alerts
to really save you a lot of time
when you're looking to find content to post on so--
- You look like a 12 year old boy.
- Hello, I've just done school.
- Hello, these Google Alerts
will really help you grow your business, like mine.
I've gotta a huge business.
(Dan laughing)
You're really quiet again.
- [Dan] I don't think I discovered audio
until at least ten videos in.
(Lloyd laughing)
- I really do think,
I don't want to wake Mummy and Daddy up
while I'm recording this video,
so I can't speak too loudly,
but honestly, I've got a huge business.
Okay, I've picked this one
because I just don't get the logic of it.
So, Dan's posted about,
oh no, Dan's posted four tutorials.
Like this, hi, I'm just going to teach you
some really good stuff, and I've got a big business
and all that other stuff.
- No, it's like that.
- And then after doing four of those he thought,
obviously, - Next logical step.
- It makes sense to post a video called,
Huge beached whales spotted in Thanet, Kent!
Let's click on that.
And it's, as you can see, filmed on a potato.
It's actually louder than the other videos
because of the wind.
(Dan laughing)
So now you've got your four subscribers
interested in digital marketing.
Show 'em a whale!
(Dan laughing)
What was your logic on that?
- Basically, a whale beached
on the beach down the road from the office,
and I ran down there and I recorded that on my phone,
and on my potato.
And then, I got calls off the Sun and the Mirror,
all these newspaper's reporters trying to get that video,
and then I put it on this online thing
and I sold it for 120 quid.
(Dan laughing)
- Nice.
And that was more than he made
in the whole business so far probably.
So he almost changed direction into whale spotting.
So the next one, you're gonna enjoy this,
How to find, upload and recycle
your greatest ever tweets in two minutes.
- Hi guys, Dan from KPS Digital Marketing here.
In this short snappy video tutorial
I'm going to show you exactly how you can find, upload,
and recycle your greatest ever tweets.
- [Lloyd] Oh, you've added some music.
(Dan sniggers)
Oh, short snappy video tutorial.
It's gonna be snappy guys.
- [Dan] I think this is alright.
- [Lloyd] Do you?
(Dan laughing)
That's why I do the videos now.
(Dan and Lloyd laughing)
No, it's better, it's shorter and it's quick.
- I think for a first-ish video,
- Well it's your fifth now,
you've already had four tutorials and a whale video.
- Do you know this took me about five days to make?
Honestly, I rerecorded.
- Well, at least 74 people really enjoyed it.
- Five days work.
- Yeah.
Right, Dan really liked using words like this,
when he first did stuff, so this is
Supercharge Social Media Engagement
with this one Secret Strategy.
It's a secret.
It's a secret that only 82 people ever found out.
You ready?
- Hello guys, Dan from KPS Digital Marketing here.
Today I'm going to talk you through a really quick tutorial
on how to embed your Twitter updates
into your websites and blogs.
And this is really gonna help you drive engagement
and social media growth on your Twitter profiles.
- [Lloyd] I think you filmed this on a smaller potato.
It's actually fuzzier than all the other ones.
- [Dan] If you listen, I'm so nervous,
I literally am gasping for breath so I can hardly talk.
What's this, not really.
- It might be some kind of, so what do you wanna,
what's the call to action, Dan?
- I don't know
- Social media growth.
(Dan laughing)
- I didn't know what a call to action was then.
- Next one is,
Twitter Lead Generation Card: Full Setup Tutorial.
Now this one's got a couple of thousand of views as well.
- We get a lot of comments on this one,
I mean this is completely cold.
- This is a long one, nine minutes and 50.
God, you really went for this one.
- This is so boring.
- Oh, stop, listen, learn!
Stop, listen, learn!
- Hi guys, Dan from KPS Digital Marketing here.
Today I'm talking you through, step by step,
how to create something called
a Twitter Lead Generation Card.
- [Lloyd] I also like how you framed the whole video
so you're right over here, that's good.
And lots of head room there, your chin's just about,
(Dan laughing)
Oh hi, I'm Daniel Knowlton
and I'm gonna super charge your Twitter strategy today.
- Most ever viewed video.
- This video, - (lip popping) Mic drop.
- Annoys me so much,
'cause I spend a lot of time and effort
and we spend money on equipment to make our videos.
Much better quality, better videos.
And, some of our videos don't get a huge amount of views.
This is our most viewed ever video
with 16,000 views.
- It's the worst video.
- Which frustrates me so much.
Save time and make money with RSS Feed Automation.
- From KPS Digital Marketing here.
Today I'm going to show you a really great tutorial
and I'm going to show you how to set up a tool called IFTTT
and what it's going to do
is it's going to automatically post.
- [Lloyd] I've just got out of bed and I haven't shaved.
(Dan laughs)
- [Lloyd] But honestly I can really teach
if you've got staff.
- [Dan] Please, have you got five pounds spare
to put in this little pot?
- You loved the old positioning as well
of the camera set up.
- I didn't know what framing was.
- Chin's nearly at the bottom,
loads of space, look up there!
Look how big this room is.
(Dan laughing)
- Well, we all start somewhere.
You can see how cringey that was for us to watch
- Cringe!
- That was difficult to watch.
Please let us know your favourite bit
or your funniest bit of that video.
Let us know in the comments below
and we will see you next time.
Amazing Chocolate Cake Decorating Compilation 🎂 Most Satisfying Videos For Chocolate Lovers 😍 - Duration: 10:28.
Amazing Chocolate Cake Decorating Compilation
Fear | Durk and Friends - cool and fun videos to watch! - Duration: 3:35.
Oh, hey Lincoln. What's up?
Not much Durk! How about you?
Not much. I haven't seen you in a bit.
Yeah. Actually, I have been worrying a little bit, I've been a little scared.
Oh really? What scares you?
Well, not much, but I've just been worrying about Moon Day
Why have you been worrying about Moon Day?
What if it's not as good as it could be?
Well, y'know, we all just have to do our part, and try to make sure it's good, and hold other people accountable
and try to make sure other people do their part.
Oh, well I guess when you put it that way, there's a lot less to be worried about, because I think everyone's doing great.
Yeah, I think so too.
Hey guys!
Hey, what's up Mark? We were just talking about scary stuff!
I think scary stuff is cool!
I used to be scared of
but now I'm only scared of being lonely and people who aren't good or cool.
Well, yeah, that just makes sense.
There're lots of people that it's ok to be scared of even if they seem good.
Yeah, lots of people are scared of me, but it's ok because then I become friends with them. I just seem scary.
I know what you mean. I have several friends, including you guys, that seemed scary when I met you, but you're cool!
Yeah, it's ok to think scary things are cool!
But some things you should be afraid of.
Yep. Alright, well it was good talking to you guys. I'll see you later.
Pashto Funny Videos tiktok 😂 پشتو ویڈیو خامخا یی وگورے#TikTok Musically - Duration: 6:02.
Pashto Funny Videos tiktok 😂 پشتو ویڈیو خامخا یی وگورے#TikTok Musically
YouTube Thumbnail - How To Make/Design Custom Thumbnail For YouTube Videos (Professionally) - Duration: 9:07.
YouTube Thumbnail
How To Make/Design Custom Thumbnail For YouTube Videos
In This Video I am going to show you how to make YouTube custom thumbnail in adobe Photoshop
Design a custom thumbnail for attractions more people engaging in your videos.
for get more views fast and subscriber increasing.
Thumbnail represents your video.
If you want to attract viewers than you must have a lucrative video thumbnail.
ফানি ভিডিও || Funny Videos || দুই ছেঁচড়া || Dui Chechra || New Bangla Short Film 2018 ||Natural Tube - Duration: 5:31.
{ New whatsapp status launch by 【SURYA LOVELY VIDEOS】 - Duration: 0:41.
✔Best Tik Tok Collection Videos Of Asian | Khmer 🇰🇭 Girls #29 - Duration: 3:31.
Tik Tok Khmer!
How to Increase Engagement on Your Videos - Duration: 5:03.
(inspiring music)
- Hey, I'm Keri Murphy,
and welcome back to Inspired Living TV,
where we inspire lives and empower entrepreneurs.
And I first have to say congratulations.
You have started to use video,
you understand the power of video,
and now you're wondering, how do I get people to actually
engage in my videos, watch my videos, share my videos?
I get your pain, my sister friend, and in this video,
I'm gonna be sharing with you how to get more engagement
around your videos.
So the first thing I'm gonna ask you is
how are you starting those videos?
Are you starting you video with, "Hi, I'm Keri,
"and today, I'm gonna share with you about my cat
"and how my cat walked down the street
"and ba-ba-ba-ba-ba."
Now there are some people that I'm sure love cats,
so no offense, but that's really not the way
to get someone engaged in your video content.
One of the biggest mistakes I see is that
people start their videos all about them.
And the marketing adage goes, no one cares about you
until they know that you care about me, me meaning you.
Got it?
Okay, good.
So, when it comes to your videos,
one of the biggest and easiest ways
to get more engagement is to make it about them.
Don't make about you.
The videos that go viral are all the ones
that strike a chord, that lights someone up,
that help them see or feel something.
See, video is all about helping someone feel something,
and in order for them to feel it, you have to feel it first.
So you always want to start your video with why.
The why is why is someone going to watch?
If you noticed, in the beginning of this video,
I said, "Congratulations. You're using video.
"Now you're wondering, how in the world
"do I get people to watch it?"
That is the why.
I'm not talking about me or my expertise.
So when you press Record, I want you to look
through that camera lens, speak to that one person,
and start with them.
What is their burning desire?
What is the challenge they're having
that you have an answer to?
And then make sure that you engage them
within the first three to eight seconds
'cause that's all you got to keep someone watching
and then it's smooth sailing from there,
almost, until the end,
and that is where most people drop the ball.
Not the mic, the ball.
Now, at the end of the video, you've got them.
They're excited, they're engaged,
they're sitting at the edge of their seat,
and you say, "Thank you. Have a nice day."
What are you doing?
You want to have a CTA.
No, that was not something you need to call the doctor for.
That is a call to action.
Call to action, see?
People who are engaged in your videos
usually want to do something after.
So tell them what to do.
But don't tell them too many things to do
because a confused mind never buys.
So please don't say, "Post. Share. Comment.
"Go buy this. Go do this."
They're like, "I don't know what to do," right?
Give them a strong, clear, concise call to action.
Now I have lots of people watching my videos
and few people comment.
So one of the things I'm gonna ask you to do right now
as a CTA is post a comment on this video.
Was there something that you got from it?
Did it get you excited?
Did you have an aha moment?
Did you think it was ridiculous?
Whatever it is, please post it.
And for your call to actions, you can ask people
to post a comment, you can ask people to share it,
you can actually direct them to your website,
but don't just direct them to a website.
It's like, "Here. Go into my home,"
and people have no idea where to go.
Actually direct them to a specific page, a specific offer,
where there is a oneness of focus.
So free offers are amazing.
Those are great call to actions.
We have one, and we get thousands of people
that opt in every month because we have a strong CTA.
You're getting it now, aren't you, right?
So again, it can be comment, share, go to my website,
download this free thing, join my community, subscribe.
Whatever it is, just say it with confidence.
Demand a call to action.
And then people will be excited, and they actually will,
and that, my friend, is how you get more engagement
on your videos.
Start with the why, do not make it about you,
and end with a strong call to action.
You do these two things on a regular basis,
I promise you your engagement will increase.
Are you excited?
I'm so glad.
So now, you again get to post your comment below
and share this with someone else
because when you are inspired, guess what happens?
That's right, you inspire others.
Thank you so much for putting your message out there,
for watching this video, and as always,
remember to keep dreaming it, living it, and being it.
Until next time.
(gentle music)
Row Row Row Your Boat | Videos For Kids | Nursery Rhymes For Babies by Bob The Train - Duration: 31:31.
Everyone...let's start rowing!
Row, row, row your boat Gently down the stream,
Merrily merrily, merrily, merrily Life is but a dream
Row, row, row your boat Gently down the stream,
Merrily merrily, merrily, merrily Life is but a dream
Row, row, row your boat Gently down the stream,
If you see a crocodile, don't forget to scream!
Row, row, row your boat Gently down the stream,
If you see a crocodile, don't forget to scream!
Row, row, row your boat Gently down the stream,
Merrily merrily, merrily, merrily Life is but a dream
Row, row, row your boat Gently down the stream,
Merrily merrily, merrily, merrily Life is but a dream
Gosh that was tiring
See you Soon..
How I Made YouTube Videos/Covers | Part 2 w/EN SUB | İBRAHİM BİRDAL - Duration: 25:28.
Hello. Welcome to İbrahim Birdal YouTube channel.
In the second video, we will take a closer look at the process of designing the song with Cubase.
Vst plug-ins that I use on Cubase ara;
Addictive Drums;
I use addictive drums for a long-time.
other programs on the market also existing
such as "the best is what you know best" they say, I continue to use.
I use some other vsts with Kontak 5
Chorus and Piano vsts, we will see them too.
Aso I'll show you a vst program for classical orchestral partitions.
I would like to mention that the audio recording technologies are a unique area of expertise and I am not an expert.
There is a long-standing effort and hours of time behind this.
It wasn't easy for me to reach the programs I'm using right now.
The programs I started with were extremely bad and far from reality.
But over time some things have begun to improve.
I still improve myself as the day goes by.
If there are professional sound engineers following, they don't get it wrong.
My profession is teaching
my aim is not to give lectures on this subject.
Now, let's look at the videos I took.
I'm in production mode right now.
If this keyboard is ahead, I'm in projection mode.
If this keyboard is ahead, I'm in projection mode.
It is good to keep the song open and ready.
Cubase opening .
New file.
First step is;
opening a midi track.
not an instrument track.
Shortcut F11
for VST Instruments.
Addictive drums.
This is default setup of AD.
I use different set up.
This is my Set Up.
Let me show you briefly for the first time.
Set up page here.
You can change the set up by clicking 'L' button on the left top of every kit.
As you wish.
Choose any of them.
This for Snare.
You can edit all of them.
You can edit Eq, compressor parameters and add distortion etc. in here.
You can add reverb and edit reverb type in here.
There are ready to use beats/loops in here. Any playing style.
Let's look.
You can choose one of them and edit it for your song.
Not only Metal, Funk..
Even Jazz...
Well, this set up not very convenient for Jazz.
Hard rock...
But to be honest I don't use this beats/loops.
I prefer to write the beats from scratch according to the character of the song.
Opening drum map set up.
This is important.
I made this map to see all parts of drum set up properly.
Activate/choose Addictive Drums in here.
Different beats for Snare.
Snare and side.
Different beats.
Hi-Hat varieties;
Lots of Hi-Hat beat types. Open-Closed
This is not default drum map I listed these.
If you choose no drum map.
It's not clear what's where.
This seems to be regular, but their names are different.
Hand Clap? But It's snare.
High Tom? But It's Hi-Hat.
Not usable.
So I made this list.
Ok. That was Addictive Drums.
Plus this VST usually;
If I plan to use orchestral instruments
I use this VST.
Let's look.
Show must go on stars with strings introç
Let's try this sound.
I didn't practice the song.
Actually, first step is to set the Tempo of the song.
Let's find the tempo.
Tempo speed seems like eighty.
Let's hear this tempo.
Let's listen to the original song.
This is good I think.
Actually, the accent of the song is like this.
I'm planning to change that.
Like this.
and I'm planning to play this riff on guitar not on keys.
Let's listen.
Other guitar will play power chords under this.
Like that.
Going on;
I am writing beginning click to drums.
This beat has more louder sound.
Why am I writing this at the beginning?
After I record the backing track I record the performance take on Amplitube.
Than I export the performance take on Amplitude and I drag it to Cubase for mixing operations.
Now I will show you how to write the drums in detail.
But before,
I won't use this. Let's cancel.
Let's open the choir VST instead of it.
Choosing the Sustain effect.
Staccato is dashed sound.
Legato; connected.
Marcato; adds some accent to the sound.
I am going to use sustain for long sounds.
You can choose ensemble or only men and only women separated.
You watched the design process.
I'm going to record the guitar takes in the next step.
You can watch the third video of the series for details.
Thank you for watching this video.
Remember to Subscribe to the channel. See you in the next video.
Pashto Funny Videos tiktok 😂#TikTok Musically - Duration: 11:46.
Pashto Funny Videos tiktok 😂#TikTok Musically
Prema Nagar Movie Scene Full HD || Telugu Videos || ANR || Vanisri || Suresh Productions - Duration: 5:53.
Weld County DA Releases Videos In Chris Watts Case - Duration: 1:55.
Ex-Gang Member Finds His Purpose After Losing His Sight | 80,001 Video Short - Duration: 6:42.
Most people will meet 80,000 people in their lifetime. Three new people a day
every day for about 75 years. Eighty thousand people you will meet and every single
one of them has a story. Today I just want to stop and introduce you to one.
Oftentimes, we take for granted the simple sights that we see. The fall leaves on
the ground or footprints in the snow. Your kid on the seesaw...or at the pool.
Her hair in your face or eyes as she works. The road under your bike or your
car. The puppy at the park or his ears as they flop. The view from a bus or a ride.
A kite in the sky. Cheers with friends...a FaceTime call.
His back when it works. Now, imagine if all of that was plunged
into darkness in a split...second. This is Lamont and that's been his life
now for 17 years... darkness. Lamont is blind. But according
to Lamont, his vision has never been clearer. Listening is the key.
People talk, talk, talk, and people's eyes are distracted for a minute.
And they don't heard nothing nobody said to them.
So you just gotta close your eyes sometime and just listen. And that voice in that
conscience in your head is gonna tell you to do the right thing. He grew up
with an 89-year-old foster mother in the Dallas projects and like so many
abandoned kids he longed for money, a purpose, a family. Lamont started selling
drugs. I was making like $1,000 a week and that's at the age of 12 so just
imagine a 12-year-old kid with a thousand dollars in his pocket at the
end of the day. What you think he's gonna do? He'd want more and by the age of 12
Lamont found himself the youngest founder of the Dallas 4-1-5.
The Bloods. Lamont was now known as "Buckwheat." He was an enforcer and his
life became the color red. Until one day, everything changed. It happened here at a
house that's now been torn down during a drug deal gone bad.
Despite where we at, it changed my life forever. January 2, 2001 I was shot
in the head. I wasn't shot by the rival gangs I was
shot by my own friends. That's why I say your friends are like buttons on the
elevator: They either gonna take you up or bring
you down. I couldn't see instantly. I had no life perception it was just total
pitch-black. [Ambulance sirens]
[Heavy breathing] I heard some footsteps and I asked the guys to come and help me. The guy come
help me and he was a smoker and I trusted him with my life and I said on
the curb and I waited on the ambulance to come and
my journey began after that. Lamont soon learned that his Dallas "Blood Brothers"
weren't brothers at all. Like his parents, they abandoned him.
So Lamont spent his days alone...crying. They there for me when I sat in my
house when I cried for a month straight because I felt like it was the end of
the world and I wasn't crying because of the darkness I was crying because of the
abandonment. I had sacrificed my life. I sacrificed my
freedom. I sacrificed my family. I sacrificed a lot of my friends just for
a gang that wasn't even there for me when I needed them the most. Just to come
by and just say, 'Keep your head up.' But his depression ended the moment he
realized that it was affecting his young son. I said, 'Man, I'm affecting a six-year-old child. I said, 'I
gotta change.' So I got up, I washed my face, and I put a smile on my face and I
would say 'I'ma go outside and I'm gonna smile.' When I went out and I started
smiling and a person that walk up they smiling and I could feel their smile.
I could hear their smile. 'Oh, you lookin' good, baby.' And they happy 'cause I'm happy. I said 'wow, I affect people.'
So, from that day on I've been wearing the smile. Sometimes it might be
fake but I gotta keep that smile on because, you know, I affect people.
In fact, Lamont had affected the lives of thousands.
He now spends his time speaking at schools and working with the Dallas
Police to warn kids that joining a gang is not the answer.
Warning them not to become another face on a t-shirt. I'm going to die for you. I love you.
I'm going to be right there. They're not going to be there. They're not. When you go to jail,
they're not gonna write you. When you add on to our cemetery...
when you're dead and gone they're not gonna bring you flowers. They're not
gonna come visit you. It's a task that Lamont believes he was chosen for.
I think God has his chosen ones that he knows that could handle this because it's
very hard. I just make it look very, very, easy. And it's a task that doesn't scare him.
One thing I tell all kids is that in order for you to leave a gang, you have to be
courageous that's all you have to be. Stand up to them. If you don't stand for
something you'll, fall for anything. So, yes sometimes we take for granted the
sights we see. But life is all about perspective. I used to think that was the
worst day of my life but now I think that's the best thing that God ever just
did for me. I thank God for opening my mind and opening my heart because now
I see more than I've ever seen in my life. You will meet 80,000 people in your life
but this is just my story.
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