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When to Use "Would" - Duration: 5:46.hello everyone how are you today this is
Marc I'm doing just great thanks for
asking if I were you I would study
English harder would you like milk with
your coffee he would jog only during the
weekends when he was young I would like
to visit Tibet one day she would get
to the airport
some time they wouldn't go to school
after the shooting Even my little nephew
would understand this in this lesson as
you can see we're going to look at "would"
so stay tuned I've decided to talk about
the modal verb "would" pronounced like the
material wood and is the past of will as
you can imagine we use it for the
second and the third conditionals and let
me remind you that if you want to watch
a lesson on the conditionals you make
here now contracted it would be
'D do not confuse it with had pay
attention to that and wouldn't - would plus
not then the basic sentence
would be subject + would + the base
of the verb so let's look at when do we
use would first for polite requests
preferences and questions like my
example would you like milk with your
coffee ? would you like this is very much
used in English another example would
you like to go out with me tonight ?
and in this case we have another verb
after like so we need to add "to" do not
forget that now the second usage or
for repeated actions in the past so when
something happens repeatedly in the past
do not confuse it with used to if you
want to watch a lesson on this part of
grammar you may click here he would jog
only during the weekends when he was
young so an action repeatedly in the
past number three to express desire or
intent for example I like to visit Tibet
one day maybe number four
used in stories to talk about the
thoughts of somebody is having about the
future for example she would get to the
airport some time so this is a thought
she had about her future she would get
to the airport some time now the fifth
situation where we find would if used
with "not" to talk about something that
happened in the past it means that
whoever we are referring to was
unwilling or refused to do something
it's better the example to understand it
they wouldn't go to school after the
shooting so the children after they
heard the shooting they wouldn't go to
school now this is attached to the
second conditional let's look at the
sixth situation where we find would to
indicate certainty in particular
circumstances for example even my little
nephew would understand this would
now let's recap in this lesson we looked
at the modal verb "would" would is the
past of the verb "will" we use it with the
second conditional and the third
conditional don't forget would have for the
third conditional I've listed six
situations where we can use "would" the
most common ones are habitual actions in
the past and polite requests and offers
that's it for today if you liked my
lesson please share it and subscribe to
my channel so that next week you'll get
a new lesson I have to thank you so much
for all your comments and all your
suggestions and maybe what I would ask
you this time is to write your own
example using "would" with one situation or
having said that thank you very much for
watching and see you next week with a
new have a great day bye bye
It Is the Will of God for You to Be Well with Kenneth Copeland (Air Date 5-2-17) - Duration: 22:39.JULIE: God wants my best and, you know, God's same power--I'm
healed, I'm whole. He's not done with me. So if I get to
live to 120, that really gave me a lot of hope.
(Singing) I know my God has made the way
for me. I know my God has made the way for me.
ANNOUNCER: It is God's will for you to be well. Settle that
issue today as Kenneth Copeland equips you with the Word.
Jesus is you're healer and you can live healed pain free
and strong. Next on the Believer's Voice of Victory.
KENNETH: The healer's in the house today. (Cheers &
Applause) His name is Jesus. Father, we thank You for Your
Word this morning. (Audience Agrees) The 107th Psalm, you
said you sent Your Word and it healed them. (Audience Agrees)
And, of course, we know Jesus is the Word. (Audience Agrees)
Hallelujah. There can absolutely be no doubt whatsoever that it
is the perfect will of God that every human being on this planet
be healed and well and strong. (Applause) Amen. (Audience
"Amens") Oh, absolutely. "Oh, Brother Copeland, what about
those terrible, awful people?" Hey, this may come as a shock to
you, but Jesus' blood was not shed for just a lot of sweet
folks. (Laughter) AUDIENCE: That's right. KENNETH: No, no,
no, no. The worst of the worst sins have been blotted out.
(Audience Agrees) Hallelujah. And all it would take is just a
few seconds to receive Him as Lord and Savior. Amen. But I'll
tell you something. He'll heal you and then you can get saved.
AUDIENCE: Amen. (Audience Agrees) KENNETH: Oh, yeah,
absolutely. Oh, I wish I had to go into--the time to go into
some things concerning that, but--and maybe as the morning
proceeds. Open your Bibles with me to the book of Genesis,
please. And let's look in the 6th chapter of Genesis, in the
please. And let's look in the 6th chapter of Genesis, in the
3rd verse, "And the Lord said, My spirit shall not always
strive with man, for that he also is flesh: yet his days
shall be a hundred and twenty years." (Audience Agrees) When
this was written, nobody was born again. AUDIENCE: That's
right. KENNETH: Everyone was spiritually dead. Now, when the
Bible talks about death, it never--unless it specifically
says so, it's not talking about physical death. It's talking
about spiritual death. Spiritual death is to be separated from
God, spirit separation. Now, you remember the Scripture said,
"And when we were dead in our trespasses and sins"? So the
three-fold chord of the curse is spiritual death, sickness and
poverty. That's the three-fold chord of the curse. It came on
Adam when he was what? Separated from God. And God told him, "The
day you do that, you'll die." Well, he didn't die physically
for 900 years. But that day, his spirit became dead to God. Why?
He separated from God. Well, you can't just be separated from God
because there's another spirit in this world. You separate from
God and you're going to be connected to Satan. (Audience
Agrees) Amen. So that's what spiritual death is, and it's
very important that--to understand that. Now, science
has declared over and over and over again that this physical
body should last 120 years. And they didn't get that figure from
the Bible. They finally caught up with the Bible, but that's
not where they--see, that's the reason the Bible is way ahead of
science. (Audience Agrees) And over the years, science is
finally catching up. And science thought they were way ahead of
the Bible, but they've been wrong more than they've been
right. (Audience Agrees) And this things turns out to be
right every time. Amen. Now--ooh, I wish we had time to
get into that, but I don't. What I wanted you to do now this
morning is realize, that is just as much the Word of God as, "by
His stripes you were healed." I mean, God said that. God said
that. So put--lay that as a base under what we're going to see
from the Word this morning, that it is God's perfect will for you
to live 120 years on this earth. (Audience "Amens") That is His
will. If it wasn't His will, He wouldn't have said it. (Audience
Agrees) KENNETH: Amen? AUDIENCE: Amen. KENNETH: Now, see, that's
not a promise. That's a Bible fact. AUDIENCE: Amen. KENNETH:
Actually, "He bore our sins in his own body on the tree, that
we...should live not unto sin, but unto righteousness: by whose
stripes ye were healed." That's not a promise. That is a Bible
fact. That has been done and we can lay hold of it any day of
the week, 24 hours a day, any day of the month. Hey, it is
there and it is established and it is a fact and it's for you.
(Audience "Amens") And it's for me. Now, there are three views
in general. One, really, doesn't even--isn't even worth
mentioning, but still, it's out there, that "God doesn't heal
anymore," and then blah, blah, blah. Well, you can throw that
out because, you--I can personally throw that out
because I've been healed, you understand? So that's gone. But
then there is another view that is held quite widely, that God
does heal, yes, but it's--that--on special acts of
mercy or some special act of faith and so forth, and
sometimes He does and sometimes He doesn't, and then
I'll--ha-ha--in my mind, I'll always hear what I've heard so
many people say, "Well, you just never know what God's going to
do. You just never know." Do you have a Bible? AUDIENCE: Yes.
KENNETH: You can know. AUDIENCE: That's right. (Applause)
KENNETH: (Laughs) Hallelujah. All right. Thank You, Lord.
Thank You, Lord. We praise You, Father. Now, the third view,
which is the Bible's view--and we're going to see this this
morning. Well, in fact, let's go back--let's just turn over there
and read that in I Peter 2:24 that I quoted there a moment
ago. Good to point your eyes on it. And notice this: "Who his
ago. Good to point your eyes on it. And notice this: "Who his
own self bare our sins in his own body on the tree." Now,
that--was that everybody's sin? AUDIENCE: Yes. KENNETH: Well, it
had to be, "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only
begotten Son, whosoever believeth on him should not
perish, but have everlasting life." Whosoever, amen. "He bore
our sins in his own body on the tree, that we, being dead to
sin, should live unto righteousness: by whose stripes
you were healed." Well, was all of that on the same day? Did He
bare our sins in his own body one day and then bore our
sicknesses and diseases some other time? No, no. AUDIENCE:
It's the same day. KENNETH: If you go to what Peter was
quoting, if you go back to the 53rd chapter of the book of
Isaiah, we know He bore our--He bore our griefs, He bore our
sorrows, He bore our sins, He bore our sicknesses, He bore our
diseases, He bore our weaknesses, and He bore our
pains, and He bore our poverty and fear. (Audience Agrees)
Hallelujah. All on the same cross at the same time. And then
He went to hell and paid the price for that curse. My, my,
my, my, my. I hadn't been here that long, I done preach me
happy. Glory to God. (Laughter) Thank You, Jesus. Amen. All on
the same day. Now say it, "It is the will of God--" (Audience
Repeats) "--for me to be well, for me to be strong, and pain
free, for me to prosper, spirit, soul and body, financially and
socially. He wants me well, and I take it. Hallelujah." Glory,
glory, glory. (Applause) Now then, let's go to the 91st
Psalm, please. AUDIENCE: Yes. KENNETH: Psalm 91. Did you ever
notice there's something a bit peculiar about the wording of
the 91st Psalm? If you start--if you just set out to put "I" in
every one of those, it kind of gets crosswise of you. You have
to change it a little bit. Well, it's not written wrong. It's
right. It's a lack of understanding of what's
happening in the 91st Psalm. And so we're going to look at it
this way this morning. "He that dwelleth in the secret place of
the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. I
will say of the Lord, He is my refuge and my fortress: my God;
in him will I trust." Now, that's the way--that is the way
you enter into and dwell in the secret place of the most High.
You can't get in there without believing it in your heart and
speaking it with your mouth. And that's what that declaration is.
And you notice it says, "I will say. I will say it." Okay, well,
let's do that. "He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most
High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty." Now,
read that with me. TOGETHER: "I will say of the Lord, He is my
refuge and my fortress: he is my God; and in him will I trust."
AUDIENCE: Amen. Amen. Glory. KENNETH: "Surely he shall
deliver you." Well, now, whoa. Wait a minute. AUDIENCE: Yes.
KENNETH: Now, what's the matter here? "I will say of the Lord,
He is my refuge he is my fortress: he is my God; in him I
trust. Surely he will deliver thee"? Now, that's what I was
talking about. Now, here's what I want to point out to you. "I
will say of the Lord," that is you or me speaking. "Surely he
will say of the Lord," that is you or me speaking. "Surely he
will deliver you," is Jesus speaking. (Audience Agrees) I
said my peace. I'm like Jairus. We studied that last night,
"Man, I said my faith." Amen. "I say of the Lord--I say of the
Lord, He's my fortress: he's my God; and in him I do trust."
Now, who is the Lord High Priest over our confessions? AUDIENCE:
Jesus. KENNETH: Third chapter of the book of Hebrews. All right,
hold your place here and let's turn there because this is
what's happening in this Psalm. The Lord High Priest, Jesus
himself. Hebrews 3:1, "Wherefore, holy brethren,
partakers of the heavenly calling, consider the Apostle,"
or the one God sent, "a High Priest of our confession, Christ
Jesus," or the anointed Jesus. Now, I want you to pay really
close attention to the word "Christ" right there, and the
word "apostle." "Apostle" and "Christ" are both Greek words.
The word "apostle" means to be sent, or a sent one. And we
talked about earlier what "Christ" literally means. The
word itself in Greek just simply means, to pour over, to rub, or
to smear. But in the case of referring to Jesus, it is the
Greek translation of the Hebrew word "messiah," which means to
pour on, to rub, or to smear. But now, you put those two
together, and you have "The one whom God sent and anointed to be
High Priest." Can you see it there? Now, look at it again and
let's see what it's saying because it's telling us
something here about the anointing, the anointing of
Jesus. And this is part of that anointing. It's part of His
responsibility, His anointing as High Priest. (Audience Agrees)
Amen. And there's a lot involved with high priests. And that's
what the book of Hebrews is about. Jesus is our Savior.
(Audience Agrees) Remember the three-fold chord of the curse,
spiritual death? Well, the three-fold chord of the--of
redemption. Spiritual death, Jesus is our Savior. Sickness,
He's our healer. (Audience Agrees) Poverty, He's our
Melchizedek. (Audience Agrees) He's the High Priest of the
blessing of the Lord. He is the High Priest that receives tithes
in these days. And He's responsible for the opening of
the heavens and pouring out blessing that you can't find
enough room for it. (Audience Agrees) So say it, "He's my
Savior--" (Audience Repeats) "--He's my healer, and
He's my High Priest." Let's say it like this,
"He's my Savior--" (Audience Repeats)
"--He is my healer, and He is my Melchizedek."
【Ice Qream】Important announcements from Ice Qream. - Duration: 2:04.Hello everyone!
This is an announcement to say that, I, Tomoko
will graduate from Ice Qream in May.
It's not because I don't like Ice Qream I'm leaving,
it's just because I don't have enough time with school
for dancing and signing with them.
From May, Ice Qream will be only made of 4 members,
but we hope you will still support us!
Tomoko will not be in a medley that we are making for C-ute,
but her last song with us will be Killing Me Softly from Tokyo Girl's Style.
We really love Tomoko, and we are sad to see her leave,
but we will still see each other.
Stay friends!
But we will miss her very much !
Also we have a second announcement to make!
So, Millie, Coco and I will be going to Japan in May!
Millie and I will stay there for 6 weeks, and
Coco will stay there until next January, so it's a long time!
Also, we will try to vlog a bit on our social media page while we are in Japan,
so if you don't follow us, please follow us!
Thank you!
Because Coco is spending some months in Japan
and Vicky is also going to Japan, but to Italy after that,
We will do some duo and trio songs.
We planned ahead a lot of new songs for summer already,
so you will not miss us too much!
Thank you for your support and your love!
Please keep going, Ice Qream is great!
Thank you for watching !
This was...
Ice Qream !
Bye bye ~
Benefits of Saffron Milk in Pregnancy - Saffron for Constipation During Pregnancy - Duration: 4:14.Pregnancy is a time when you receive advice from every mother about your diet, with one
general suggestion being to take saffron in your food.
The world's costliest spice is the most sought after product by pregnant women who
want to give all the best things on earth to the baby in their womb.
There are also women who may advise you against taking saffron because of their bad experiences
with the spice.
This will leave you confused.
You will be in a dilemma whether to take a risk by consuming saffron during pregnancy
or forego its benefits by not eating it.
We will remove all your doubts related to this herb.
Benefit 1 During your pregnancy, you will experience
hormonal surges.
This will have a profound effect on your mood, making you cranky one moment, and impulsive,
depressed and teary-eyed at other times.
Saffron acts as an anti-depressant and helps elevate your mood.
When you are happy, you will glow and look beautiful.
So, the next time you look in the mirror and get upset about your ballooning belly,
just have some saffron-based snack to feel happy and good about yourself.
Benefit 2 Saffron helps reduce blood pressure.
So, if you are pregnant, this unique property of saffron is something that you want to use
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Potassium and crocetin present in saffron help lower your blood pressure and don't
worry because this is scientifically proven Benefit 3
While the thought of expanding, your family is a beautiful feeling, morning sickness can
take away this joy.
You can combat nausea and dizziness with saffron.
Anecdotal evidence shows saffron-infused tea can work wonders with morning sickness.
Benefit 4 Bloating, gas and constipation go together
with pregnancy.
The growing fetus exerting pressure on your digestive tract and the hormonal surges are
responsible for this.
Saffron could be your best friend during pregnancy if you want to take pleasure from optimal
It boosts blood flow to your digestive system and enhances your metabolism.
This, in turn, aids in better digestion.
Benefit 5 As your baby grows, your muscles and bones
will shift and stretch to accommodate the growing baby.
This causes cramps and pain in the joints and stomach.
Saffron is a natural anti-spasmodic and painkiller that soothes these cramps, allowing you to
enjoy your pregnancy.
Jack Ma: Is This World War 3? (motivation 2017) - Duration:'s so easy to launch a wall but it's
so difficult almost impossible sometimes
the Terminator war the Iraq war
Afghanistan war is that finished no
trade war I believe one thing when trade
stops the world starts trade is
something that people start to
communicate trade is something people
exchange culture and valley and I will
be happy if China USA agree on something
and Alibaba business business model
destroyed I would destroy other power
model by stopping the war fitting
because how can you imagine the first
largest economy of the world second
largest economy of the world have a
tradable it's going to be a disaster for
two countries and for the world if we
can anybody can do something to stop it
do anything to stop it.
let me start with it which is to say
that you just spent some time inside
Trump Tower in and when to go visit with
Donald yeah our president-elect in the
United States tell us about that meeting
that's very productive meeting
much better than I thought than I
expected what did you expect
well I heard a lot and a watch like
anybody i watch all the news and heard a
lot about him so when I go inside us all
hmm anything that but he's very sort of
open minded listened what I talk so I
think I'm very happy about results and
filed when he he said he offered so Jack
let me walk you down they seem he's very
happy by the results we had can I ask
how does a meeting like that happen do
you call him does she call you well how
does this take place well that's that's
the question I'm asking myself because
some some day I got some requests from
people say Jack do you want a meeting
the president-elect I say is that true
or not cuz I'm not ready for that
because I don't know what to talk about
and then few days later I got another
request I got a several requests and
then I saw one email which were friend
and it's very sort of specific I thought
I thought about it I think yes maybe I
should go and have a talk and at least I
think president-elect on the Trump would
be happy to hear what I want to talk
about so I went and what did you tell
them about the small business talk about
agricultural products talk about the
trade between China and the USA we
especially focused on Todd telling about
how can we bring this small business in
America sell them to China to age it
through our network which can create a
lot of jobs for them and you committed
to create what you say is we're going to
be 1 million jobs in the United States
yeah over in that five years yeah now
that's not a million jobs that I will
evolve it's
but you're not hiring a million people
no we are all totally Alibaba employed
put together it's like a forty five
thousand people we cannot hire one
Miller I cannot imagine I can manage 1
million people now explain to us how you
think about the us-china relationship
given some of the comments that Donald
Trump has made about China being a
manipulative manipulated that did that
come up there in your meeting well I
think first the in America there's a
freedom of speech right so he can see
whatever he want and I respect I
understand but of course I have my views
we did not debate about the china-us a
trade or manipulation with in a debate
with another we actually agreed on
something small business developed in
the Midwest America helping the farmers
their small business there to exporting
to China so we all agree but something
that we do not discuss about the you
know the American did job losing the
China and Mexico and this can I share
with you my ideas please yeah first I
think 30 years ago when i justá--
graduate from the universities I heard
America and a wonderful strategy they
also the manufactured job service jobs
they also manufactured to Mexico and
China also the service jobs to Indian
there's a book called the world is flat
Tom Friedman yeah a league at the near
time and I think it's a perfect strategy
know that the American said we just want
to conclude the IP we just want to
technology we just want a brand to leave
that the law and a job for the world
grace strategy and second is that the
American international companies made
millions millions of dollars from
globalization the top 10 top 100
companies in America amazing I remember
when I graduate from university I try to
buy a paper the Motorola paper cost me
$250 my pay at that
times ten dollars a month as a teacher
and the cost of making that beeper is
only eight dollars for a chip so past a
thirty years
IBM Cisco Microsoft they made a ton of
woman the money the profited made a much
more than the four largest banks in
China put together the moat china mobile
phone china unicom in or whatever you
name it put together still these
multinational companies made more money
so the a market cap grew more than 100
times in past 30 years
but where'd the money go this is what I
would care as a business people I always
care about the balance of shit where the
money coming when money go past of 30
years the American had 13 wars spanning
fourteen point two trillion dollars the
money going there what if there's been a
part of them money on building of the
infrastructure helping the white cause
did the white colors and blue colors no
matter how strategy good it is you're
supposed to spend money on your own
people right only not everybody can pass
Harvard like me we got gotta main our
Chris education right we should spend
money on those people who are not a good
at schooling and the other money which I
curious about is that when I was young I
heard America's bat fold fold and Boeing
those big manufactured companies last 10
20 years I heard about his Silicon
Valley and Wall Street the money go to
the Wall Street and what happened year
2008 the financial crisis wipe it out
nineteen point two trillion dollars usal
off then wipe it all of the white colors
and destroyed 34 million jobs globally
so what if the money is not a Wall
Street what if the money spent on the
Middle East middle wealth of the United
States developing the industry there
that could be changed a lot so it's not
the other countries still jobs from you
it is your strategy okay but you do not
distribute the money get the money and
things in a proper way this is what I
and now we were having a backlash and
that backlash is a rebuke of
globalization and so much of the
conversation frankly that we have here
and that backlash is happening in the
United States but I will say President
Xi was here yesterday you had lunch with
him and he was quoting Abraham Lincoln
what did you make of that well I would
say that globalization is a great stuff
it's it's the US developer countries to
teach us how to do globalization I
remember 2002 or one would people trying
to join the WTO everybody in China
wasn't worried with me I was worried
because what if all the international
products come to China destroy our
industry and we have to lose a job so
convince the China after 20 years then
you guys are telling say this is a
terrible thing
I believe globalization is good but
globalization need to be improved
this is Donald Trump presently liked
want to solve it the problems that
globalization I think should be
inclusive globalization in the past of
30 years the globalization was
controlled by 60,000 big companies a
hundred years ago globalization was
controlled by several kings and emperors
what is next to 30 years we can support
six million business doing business
across the board what if in next 30
years we can help support 20 minute
small business can do business across
the board so this is something which I
believe globalization should be
inclusive and do you think that the
words of President Xi will happen in
reality which is to say now that China
has largely acted on its own behalf for
many many years and now is effectively
saying that the US needs to continue
acting on everybody else's behalf
yeah I think you know the world does
need some Assad being such a mr. Xie
yesterday said it's a wonderful time
it's a best time or the worst time the
world need a new leadership but the new
leadership is about working together
this is what I understand we do not
necessarily need one specific leader to
teach us what to do what not to do but
the world had to partner together this
is what I think and I think I like as a
Chinese as a business people I like I
feel proud for what President Xi said
yesterday as a business person I want
the world to share the prosperity
together to join the force together as a
Chinese I'm happy about what he
committed yesterday he said you know he
speaks like us takes the responsibility
of the second largest economy as the
China's second largest economy he has to
take some responsibility this is the
first time I heard a Chinese leader make
number commitment he said next 10 years
we are going to import 8 a US dollars
this if you live you make me feel
excited because China is transforming
from exporting to importing if there's a
concrete number if we can fulfill it
this going to be a huge change to China
and to the world which i think is it's
easier today for China to be interested
in globalization because of the benefits
that accrue that can accrue to China
because you're continuing to develop
then it is for countries that are quote
unquote developed well first the WTO
rule is not designed by China it's not
night by China I will say there's
something that I want to change the WTO
is designed a lot longer rules designed
for big companies and pastors and only
big companies can do it and China
definitely benefit a lot from opening I
think China shall learn one thing that
we grow in the past of the years it's
because we open to the world
we'll continue to open our way not fully
American business that wants to affect
we go into business and China has a very
difficult time has to partner
effectively with a company that's there
already this is why I said China has the
problems too the world has problem and
China has definitely a lot of problems
China should open we should have been
more confidence this is what I feel
yesterday a fear the confidence of mr.
XI that he is ready to open more to the
child to the world this is what I
suggest that we should solve the problem
by business community by negotiation WTO
China joined WTO for suit for 20 years
or 70 years I have done the number but
the past years that I think we as a
business we as a country with the world
we have to review something right but
not because imbalance the things we
stopped it you've been calling for
something called ewt P yeah what is that
this is what I would talk about is that
the WTO was great but they mainly
designed for developer countries big
companies there's no opportunity for
small business we want to build up a W
electronic world trade platform to
support young people small business
thanks through mobile phones internet
they can sell buy across the board and
the other thing is that the other two is
is a very interesting organization when
you put the Doha round we put 200
government offices in a word room asked
them to agree on something it's
impossible I can never imagine that they
can agree on something together business
should be designed about business people
so we believe II W TP should be
something that the business people sit
down together agree on something
negotiate or something and get
endorsement from the government or talk
a little bit about Alibaba and the model
itself because I think for many in the
West if you will they don't necessarily
understand it and to the extent and I to
Natalie that the extent that I could try
to compare it to
Amazon which I know you think is an
unfair comparison one of the things
that's so fascinating to me is that
Amazon and Jeff Bezos have pursued what
might be described as a very asset heavy
business model they're buying airplanes
they want only entire supply chain from
beginning to end
and Alibaba has effectively an asset
like business it is very much in terms
of the retail piece of this the opposite
you don't want to own the warehouses you
don't want to own the logistics
companies how do you think about that is
Jeff Bezos right or you right and is
there is there going to be a meeting in
the middle I hope those are right and
because the world can never have a one
bottle if the world has only one correct
a model there was too boring right we
need to have all kinds of models and the
people who do the bottle should believe
in the models and I believe what I do
right the difference between Amazon and
us anything is more like an empire
everything they should control
themselves buy and sell and our
philosophy is that we want a bigger
ecosystem our philosophy is to empower
others to sell empower others to sit to
service empower make sure the other
people are more powerful than us making
sure with our technology our innovation
our partners our 10 very small business
sellers they can compete with Microsoft
IBM our philosophy is that we we think
using Internet technology we can make
every company become Amazon remember one
thing today for ourselves our GME last a
year is more than 550 billion US dollars
to high people deliver for us we need a
five million people so how can we
high-five minute people deliver things
for us to deliver the things we thought
the only way we do is empower the
service company not just companies
making sure they are efficient making
sure that they make the money and making
sure that they can hire more people
without only in the whole chain can you
do it as effectively the idea that
you're having watching Amazon
being able to deliver things now within
hours literally we made a hundred twenty
five cities deliver within one day last
year in London ten years ago deliver one
thing from Beijing to hounds or ticks by
the eighty days
now you can deliver things from the Han
from Beijing to minimum glory or some
city within 12 hours it's improving you
can never expect these things happening
within 24 hours we have patience so I
think can you imagine that we doing the
1111 singles day we sold 17 billion
trillion billion dollars and by
delivering more than 600 million
packages within three days this is
happening and this is what we feel proud
of it's not how much money we make is
not how powerful we are we think because
of the technology we can make the
technology very inclusive that every
small companies can use it this is my
dream because I said my first business
1992 in China as a small business in
order to borrow money
five thousand US dollars from bank took
me three months to acquire to fail so
difficult to be a small business today
with the technology we can empower them
this is something I want to do one of
the critiques as you know and it
continues to linger around Alibaba is
the piracy issue this is an AI there's
an IP issue and it's an issue all over
China but if you take the brunt of a lot
of it now how much progress have you
made in your mind and how do you think
about some of the regulatory bodies in
other countries including the US that
continue to criticize Alibaba for these
issues first when we start do this
business at the business like this size
you have to take all the criticism you
have to listen what is right what is
wrong and the second is ecommerce when
you put 10 minutes small business
empower them to sell we do not like MS
and buy we cannot even you buy we buy
55 trillion dollars of 55 550 billion
dollars you cannot check every products
so the model itself and the e-commerce
or the self may have a lot of this
clause and third I would say in the past
17 years we are the leader of this empty
privacy this is the IP protect IP but
the second that we are Internet
companies we do not have the law
enforcement we find this guy is selling
product cheaper you know fake products
we delete them we cannot arrest them but
we have huge progress last year alone we
put 400 people into jails we delete a
370 million fake product listing on our
site I want to say we are the leaders
and we are using the big data to check
who's buying who's manufacturing who's
selling what is that dress so now I'm
happy about the whole world especially
China all the government organization
start to realize the issues so I would
tell you a good thing is that today when
you go to those criminal group which I
call them criminals those fake products
manufacturers sellers you praise the
quality though of some of these I will
talk about it later
right those criminals that they can go
anywhere but not not help on team or
because using our data we trace where
they are who they are what's address
what they mount I will deliver this to
the PlayStation and working with that to
arrest the quality issues is something I
want to share with people it's not by
praising the fake products I want to say
that for so many years those branded
companies you have to be very careful
because the fake products their quality
improving is scary
that is the difference between us
because when you finally guys the thing
that people said this is fake and you
have to find people you have found a
third party institution to check it as a
fake or not we find sometimes the
quality is better and I tell you another
thing is that even scary
a lot of there's a one brand company he
said we are selling fake products we
check everything it's nothing wrong so
what is Ross would buy the product from
his flagship and delivered to that this
is a fake you know thing we buy shop buy
things from the Flex shop of this brand
and deliver back it's the fake products
they say it's a bit confusing
this is fighting against the fake
products is the war against the greeting
human greediness it's not easy you
cannot have finish it but you have to
continue to fight and I want to say we
put two thousand people 1 billion I'd be
every year fighting again bet it can
never finish the role within two years
but I'm happy
whether people criticize me criticize us
the most important is that we are happy
about the progress we made but if people
praise me so you know when people say
Jack you're wonderful I know I'm not
wonderful right all about the great we
are not great we're just a seventeen
year old company but when people say
you're doing nothing no we're doing a
lot of things be that the argue you guys
the debate you do what you believe one
of the things you mentioned was using
big data on the piracy side but the
other thing that you're using a lot of
that big data to do is provide credit
and effectively banking the unbanked and
what's so fascinating to me and I hope
you'll share it is we've talked about
the sesame credit you know how how you
are able to use big data effectively to
figure out who deserves credit and who
doesn't in a marketplace where some of
these people had no credit history
before okay well before we do that we
had a system co-teach computers
learn how to empty fake products teach
the computers to learn how to because we
have a leap a lot of people try to use
all the ways to cheating so we teach the
computer how to do that the cheating
things so we've been doing that for ten
years until now there is called
artificial intelligence because we've
been doing that we are a data company
eight years ago we said to ourselves
Alibaba should not be an e-commerce
company we should be a data company
because we have the data from consumers
we have data from the the manufacturer
updaters from the logistic companies and
transactions but we think how we can
make a data really beneficiary to the
society what China need is that we have
a lot of great people all the small
business they are very they're very
credible but the other we don't have a
credit system for that so how can we
using a credit rating system based on
the data so we have put it giving
everybody a sesame a rating system that
is so powerful in the past four years
because every individual every small
business if they have been using our
services we give no rating system so
we're giving loans in the past five
years with giving five million business
loans the only about borrow $5,000 three
minutes we can decide whether we should
give you money how much you want to get
with ins it one second the money will
being account and zero people touch so
we called three one zero either today
the sesame rating system become people
baking the mother-in-law want to say hey
you want to date you which my daughter
show me a rating system of the fascinate
card so it's so funny we go to the
people want to rent a car people want to
rent a bicycle they will say show me
your sesame carts good because if they
do not have pay back if they do not
fulfill the radius is going to blow down
and they can never rent a house right
this is what we want to build up the
system that if you sell or buy fake
assessing the cars we're sure I'm going
to open up to questions but a final one
for me there's been a lot of speculation
that you're going to get into the
business of Hollywood your name has
appeared a highway Baba group at the
beginning of a couple of big films
what is the ambition for Alibaba in the
entertainment world
um the beginning were like this several
years we every five years we have a
review for our strategy now our strategy
is always look at the thirty years and
ten years every strategic decisions we
make we have to ask one question the
disposition we make solve society
problem because we believe the biggest
social property assault the most
successful you are so if we do it this
cannot solve any social problems we
don't do it second is this project is
going to be successful in ten years if
it's going to be successful in ten years
let's do it if it's going to be
successful in one year or one month not
what I say forget about it because why
you can be successful in one year or one
mouth so we all have to put term and
five years ago we had a big debate about
ten years later 20 years what are the
things this China society the world
leave want so we say happiness and
health to H strategy so happiness and
health we believe hollow you know the
movie industry bring people happy
because today nobody is happy
rich people are happy poor people not
happy and you know at least when I watch
movie out you're happy but right so I
think we should partner with the
Hollywood especially like a lot of you
know we have a different way of living
and in China the movie we have a lot of
heroes but China movies heroes always
dead the American Dream over here will
never dies
if all the heroes die who want to be the
hero so my movie I want to make the hero
live right so this is this is I think we
should learn a lot and it's only about
two years so we have another eight years
ago I want to make our company that it's
not ecommerce it's something that giving
people inspirations given people because
I learned a lot for example I will say
that my favorite movie forest the gum
you know life stuff
this is I learned and that inspired me
that is why when people call me crazy
skipping past the 70 years you're
crazier doing something that will work
your stupid how can do that model admins
in this model evening this model why
elbaba this model I told myself force
the gum set go ahead I would care about
what the other people and the other
thing first gun said nobody make money
out of the caption whales people make
money by catching shrinks so we serve
small business fair enough
Gmod Splatoon - Night on action *With Subtitles - Duration: 13:07.Eldar: Hey Boxy!
Boxy: Yes?
Eldar: What are we waiting for?
Boxy: Wait for that Guy, There!
*Who could that be?
*John cena?
*Dat walk animation.
*Dat stand up animation.
*Dat walk animation.
Night: Hey guys, sorry for taking so long.
Night: I had some problem with payment.
*Hi Night.
Eldar: Oh you got new Boot color?
Night: Yea..
Night: Hey Skippy.
Skippy: Yes, Night?
Night: Yesterday....about..
Night: About you guys met my boys....
Night: Is my guys nice?
Skippy: Which one?
Night: Charlie..
Eldar: Just tell him.
Boxy: Yea...Is that hard to said?
Skippy: He..Nice :3
Night: Splendid.
*Another talk..
*Scream of scare.
Boxy: What just happen?
Eldar: I don't know!
Boxy: They running from what?
Skippy: Human Police?
Police1: THIS WAY.
Boxy: WHAT just happen?
Boxy: What we gonna do now?!
*Talking each other with Worry
Officer Ryan: Hey, you there? Is that Inklings?
Officer Ryan: Yea! you there!
*Dat walk animation
Officer Ryan: This not place for you now.
Officer Ryan: You must go to the exit! this is DANGER now.
Eldar: What going on Officer?
Officer Ryan: There are terrorists around here Four of em', and got some weapon that can kill all of people here at you Inklings too.
Officer Ryan: So please go to the exit for your own safe...
Night: I will go nowhere!
Officer Ryan: Huh?!
Officer Ryan: What are you saying?!
Officer Ryan: Are you seriously?
Officer Rod: Yes, HE seriously
Officer Ryan: What are you trying to say sir?
Officer Rod: Don't you recognize him Ryan?
Officer Ryan: NO! he just normally inklings but why?
Officer Rod: This Inkling was human military former before.
Officer Ryan: What?! for real sir?
Officer Rod: His name was Knight Ozersky or Captain Knight Ozerskyi He join us and pass many battlefield, We could use his help.
Officer Ryan: Are you really Captain Knight Ozersky, from Former leader of Elite Squid?
Night: Yes, I am.
Officer Rod: Oh..Please sir. We could use your help sir, Can you help us again?
Night: I am agree to help.
Officer Rod: Yes, thank you sir!, We know we can counting on you, sir!
Officer Rod: Please sir, come with me this way.
Night: Hold on, Officer.
Night: I must ask you one favour.
Officer Rod: What is it sir?
Night: Could you please, Leave one of you men here, for protect my firends.
Officer Ryan: Okay, i will do it.
Night: Okay, we good.
Officer Rod: Good sir.
Officer Rod: Now, come with me this way!
*Be careful Night!
*Dat Running animation...
*There are Fighting thing ahead, so low your sound now :3
Officer John: Oh Thankness! We did not expect to see you here Knight!
Officer John: We are you doing AROUND here? ARE you gonna help us?!
Night: YES! So report me what going on and what is your status?
Officer John: Yes, there are four terrors try to rob the bank and they bring some firepower as well!
Officer John: Our status was really bad, we lose 2 men, and under heavy fire, these terrors was well at useing weapons as well!
Officer John: So we could use you as Extra Thic..Help!
Officer John: NO NO NO MEN DOWN!
Officer John: OFFICER DOWN!!
Officer Rod: HEY! 4/9 this is officer Rod. We meet swat team now.
Radio: This tim...
Officer Rod: I SAID NOW!
Radio: Okay, we will send Swat team on your way, about 1 sec.
Officer Ryan: Okay here, This is what I am talking about!
Officer Ryan: Swat team!
Officer John: WOW, that's so fast! Kay-9 be careful!
*Rip, Pass F to Pray.
*Night thinking
*Pass ALT+F4 to Pick up
*Night Stand ready
*U HAX?!
Bad guy: Hey guys, I got the money let move!
*Oh Shiet
Bad guy: Got to find place to hide.
Swat leader: That guys not around here! THIS WAY!
Bad guy: Yeah that it, I am almost dead ha ha ha ha ha
Bad guy: Huh, what is that noise?
*W8 wot?!
*Dafuq r dey doink here?!
Callie: Is he gone?!
Marie: QUIET
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Swat leader: HEY THIS WAY!
*Violence Scene
Callie: Help us....
Bad guy: Hahaha, I'll get away from me, or I will shoot the seafood.
Marie: Please...
Bad guy: I said get away from me, Do you hear what? I just said for these sushi will be my dinner.
*Hey Dude
Bad Guy: What is it, homie...
*Thank you, for saving us!
Night: Nah..( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Night: This just my duty.
Night: Wait WAIT, Hold on girls.
*This is for kid?
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Swat 02: Did i just smell somethin'?
Swat 04: This smell like sushi....
Swat 04: Lmao
Callie: This good to have you here.
Marie: FLOP
*Uh..Oh..Here we go again..
*Sound from his head
Swat 03: What happen to him?
Boxy: He just got some flashback from his past...
Sting - Inshallah - إن شاء الله with (Lyrics) - Duration: 4:57.-------------------------------------------
Vivo V5 Explodes when Charging - Will it become another Galaxy Note 7 - Battery Problem in V5? - Duration: 4:00.You might have seen "Vivo V5" unboxing and review and might have enjoyed its 20MP moonlight
selfie camera, but, this is not good news.
Vivo V5 Explodes when Charging - Will it become another Galaxy Note 7 - Battery Problem in
Two "Vivo V5 phones" have been reported of exploding while charging, but still Vivo India
has not commented on this.
Does this problem persist with other vivo smartphones as well.
Two "Vivo V5" Phones Reported to Have Exploded While Charging.
The "Vivo V5" was released last November as a seflie-focused phone.
The phone has a 20MP Sony IMX376 sensor for its front facing camera, so you see why it
is aimed at selfie lovers.
Sadly, the "Vivo V5" is not in the news for its camera but for
its recent explosions.
In the past few weeks, there have been two reports from India of the "Vivo V5" exploding
while charging.
The first happened in a local store where the phone was left to charge.
An image of the accident shows a large part of the plastic back plate got melted off.
A week later, another incident of the Vivo V5 exploding while charging was reported in
Karnal, a city in the Indian state of Haryana.
The second incident has lead people to believe that it is no longer an isolated incident.
Two units exploding within the span of a week is bad for the company�s image.Although
Vivo has not made any comments about the issue and we are not aware of an on-going investigation.
However, we can be sure there is no recall happening yet.
Following the launch of the original Vivo V5, the manufacturer has released the "Vivo
V5 Plus" with dual front cameras, the Vivo V5 Lite
and the Vivo V5s.
So what should you do if you own a Vivo V5?
Since the incident is limited to when the device is charging, there is no need to worry
about it randomly catching fire in your pocket.
Asides that, you might want to monitor the phone while charging.
If you notice it starts to get unusually hot, quickly unplug.
It is also advised that you do not leave your phone charging overnight or charging on an
easily inflammable material like your bed.
And lastly, do not use the phone while charging.
Vivo V5 Explodes when Charging - Will it become another Galaxy Note 7 - Battery Problem in
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| vivo v5 sharmaji technical | moonlight camera
Trump's Tax Plan Will Only Benefit People Like Donald Trump - Duration: 3:36.This week, Donald Trump released his new I guess you'll call it a tax plan.
What it really reads as is a giveaway to people like Donald Trump.
According to analyses, the only people who will benefit from Donald Trump's new tax plan
that he wants to put in place are the top 1%, including Donald Trump himself.
In fact, the treasury secretary even said, "I don't think this plan is going to help
anyone in the middle class or below."
He's not even trying to hide it anymore.
The treasury secretary admits it like, "Yeah, this isn't going to help anybody but the wealthy
elite, but we're still going to do it."
Anyone in this country that voted for Donald Trump under the guise of some sort of ... like
he was some sort of Republican populist has been fooled, and I hope you understand that
I hope you're not still sitting at home thinking that Donald Trump is some kind of GOP populist,
that yeah, he wants tax breaks for the wealthy, but he also cares about the little guy, those
in middle America, you know those Rust Belt states that swung the election electorally
in his favor, the ones that Hillary Clinton ignored.
I mean, god that's all it would've taken is for her to make two, three trips out there,
talk to these people.
Instead, she ignored them, allowed them to be conned by one of the greatest con artists
of our time, who's now our president, and now he's making no secret, no apology, no
smoke and mirrors on this about a tax plan that is only meant to benefit himself, because
that is what the presidency is to him.
It's how can I make money off this?
How can I personally benefit from this position?
He is taking full advantage of that.
We've seen that with the taxpayer-funded trips to Mar-a-Lago and other Trump properties.
We're seeing it with this tax plan.
We're seeing it with everything he is doing.
Nobody should be fooled anymore at this point.
The evidence is clear.
Donald Trump is not an economic populist.
He is the worst of the worst of what the Republican Party, and to be honest, the United States
has to offer.
He is a thermonuclear disaster waiting to happen.
He is a tax break for the wealthy.
He is a racist, misogynistic jackass.
Everything bad about this country can be rolled up and formed into a Donald Trump.
All of the traits that we look out and see in this country in certain people, the traits
we despise, the traits we want to move past, Donald Trump has every one of them.
Somehow, he conned enough people in this country into thinking that he was going to be a good
president and was going to take care of them.
This tax plan lays all of that stupid talk to rest.
There is no more "Well maybe he's going to be a populist."
That's done.
We have seen from his policies, we have seen from this tax proposal exactly what he wants
to do, and what he wants to do is put more money in his own pocket.
Trump Just Revealed His New Tax Plan And It Will Make America Rich Again - Duration: 2:04.Trump Just Revealed His New Tax Plan And It Will Make America Rich Again!
By Danny Gold.
Donald Trump has been talking about taxes since day 1.
Well, get ready, because today the President revealed his tax reform plan and it does 1
thing very well: Stops the Government stealing from the Middle Class!
This really is an incredible tax plan, just like the President promised us.
The key provisions are:
Change the 7 tax brackets to 3 tax brackets of 10%, 25%, and 35%
Double the standard tax deduction to eliminate middle-class Americans having to itemize
Lower to Corporate tax rate from 35% to 15%
Eliminate Tax breaks built for special interests and the super wealthy.
See what I mean?
That right there is what it looks like when a US President has the American people in
This little sheet of paper, however, was not his only way to explain his plan to the public.
He also made Steve Mnuchin and Gary Cohn personally deliver a press conference today explaining
the ins and outs of the new tax reform plan.
Liberals are going super nuts over this.
They keep claiming it will �hurt the deficit.� Well, it would, if it didn�t ALSO provide
more American jobs and industry, leading to an increase in total income and a lowered
So basically, if you are a lower to middle class American or a business owner, President
Donald Trump has your back.
Let�s help him get his REAL plan spread around by sharing this with our family and
BREAKING! New FBI Investigation Launched, Top Democrat Involved – Finally The American People Will S - Duration: 2:13.BREAKING!
New FBI Investigation Launched, Top Democrat Involved – Finally The American People Will
See Justice…
Bernie Sanders has ended up back in the spotlight, and not for a reason that he at any point
saw coming.
Heatst that the FBI and Justice Department are researching Jane Sanders, the spouse of
the Vermont Senator, for exaggerating gifts keeping in mind the end goal to get a bank
advance for Burlington College, where she was the president.
Before leaving in 2011, Jane guaranteed the college had secured more than $2 million in
raising support responsibilities and promises with the goal that she could get $10 million
in credits.
This was an unmitigated lie, as Burlington College gotten just a small amount of what
Sanders had guaranteed.
Burlington College has since shut down.
Brady Toensing, bad habit seat of the Vermont Republican Part, has long said that Jane distorted
Burlington College's accounts to get the advances.
A year ago, he composed a letter to the U.S. lawyer calling for Jane Sanders to be examined
for government bank misrepresentation, a wrongdoing deserving of up to 30 years in jail and $1
million in fines.
It now shows up the national government is following up on these cases.
What do you think about this?
Do not hesitate and write your thoughts in the comments section below.
Share the truth, be patriots!
Thanks for reading.
WE WILL WIN [ROCKET LEAGUE #16] - Duration: 10:08.- What's up guys hope you're doing well.
I'm Scooter Magruder.
This is Scooter gaming!
And today we are playing some Rocket League.
You already know.
I'm joined by SalmonsDontDie,
Jonathan Salmon.
What up though?
- [Jonathan] We will win, we will win,
we will win, say it.
Repeat after me.
- We will win.
- [Jonathan] We will win.
- We will win.
- [Jonathan] We will win.
- I like it.
I feel it.
I like that.
You needed some new catch phrases.
- [Jonathan] We will win is my new catch phrase?
My new one is we will rock you.
- That's like someone else's.
Someone already.
Here we go!
Jon, we will win.
Say it.
- [Jonathan] We will win.
- I like it.
I like it!
- [Jonathan] We will win!
Oh my God we're gonna lose.
- Here we go.
Oh yes, yes!
Jon, Jon!
- [Jonathan] We will win.
- We will win!
- [Jonathan] We will win.
- We will win!
Okay, okay.
Do I do it?
It's been done.
It's been done.
- [Jonathan] Wow, go.
Go, go go!
- It's okay Jon, because you know why?
We will win.
Oh, interesting.
Oh these guys are trash.
Light touch.
Exactly, exactly what I needed.
- [Jonathan] Look at the struggle to get up and over.
Just oh my gosh.
But you don't believe?
- Oh my gosh.
- [Jonathan] I was trying to find you man.
We will win.
- We will win, okay.
My bad, my bad.
I got it.
That's why they scored we didn't say it.
- [Jonathan] Look, look.
We will win.
Soft touch.
Fake out.
- [Jonathan] Oh my God.
- Jon, your aerial game.
- [Jonathan] Bro you don't understand the angle
that I just had to take to try and get that.
- Super suspect.
- [Jonathan] Ridiculous.
Oh my God.
Hey man.
It doesn't sound like you think we will win.
- Oh I think we will win.
- [Jonathan] Sound like a nonbeliever.
- But not because of you though.
Thank you Jonathan.
Oh my gosh get big!
We will win!
We will win, we will win!
You know what, let's run it back.
Let's run it back.
We gotta find new match.
We gotta make sure that we will win works.
So far we're one for one.
Do we go two for two Jon?
- [Jonathan] Of course, wanna know why?
- Why?
- [Jonathan] We will win.
- Bangz.
I don't know if I wanna take that class
that Professor Bangz is teaching.
- [Jonathan] I'll tell you what I don't want to do it.
- Suspect aerial.
- [Jonathan] Power move.
- Oh.
Yeah I hate this map.
- [Jonathan] You're welcome.
Say nothing to me, that's fine.
That's crap.
That should've been a "W."
That should've been a bucket for me.
- Here we go.
Uh oh.
Triangle formation.
Please get big sir.
Give me this.
Give me your boost.
Oh my gosh.
- [Jonathan] Oh my goodness.
- What the heck?
Jon are you there?
We're done.
Here we go.
I got it.
Ball control.
Oh my gosh!
- [Jonathan] Wow.
From my angle it looked very garbage.
- It was very garbage.
I take full responsibility.
Oh my gosh.
You're by yourself,
you're by yourself.
Still by yourself.
They're coming up.
- [Jonathan] Noo.
- We will win.
- [Jonathan] We will win!
- I'm not losing to anyone named Professor Bangz.
absolutely not.
- [Jonathan] We might lose.
But you might lose to Cody though.
Cody might do it.
Oh fake out Cody's helping.
Go man go!
Get that!
- Calm down.
- [Jonathan] I got blown up.
I got blown up!
Oh my gosh.
- Are we falling apart as a team?
- [Jonathan] We might be.
It's only because you've been away
out of town for 116 months so welcome back.
- I'm gonna have to take this game over single-handedly.
I think that's what's gonna have to happen.
- [Jonathan] What?
- Feed me the ball.
- [Jonathan] No man.
- Feed me the ball.
- [Jonathan] Feed me I'm the one who's hungry here.
- Are you?
- [Jonathan] Yeah jit I'm super hungry!
I'm starving over here.
It's a ball deficiency.
Look at you you're a...
- Where are you?
- [Jonathan] Dude, coming back.
What do you mean where am I?
Coming back from the tip off where are you?
- We will win.
We will win.
- [Jonathan] You're the guy who's always talking
about staying in the goal.
- I had to challenge that.
- [Jonathan] From the corner?
- I had to challenge that.
- [Jonathan] That makes no sense.
- I literally.
- [Jonathan] You can never mention anything about me
ever stepping out of the goal ever again on the tip off.
- That was not a tip off.
- [Jonathan] Yeah it was man.
That's where I was coming back from.
- You needed to be there.
That's why I attacked.
I expected you to be there.
That's on me,
that's on me for having expectations on you.
- [Jonathan] No man, no man.
- You gotta know your personnel.
Know your personal at all times.
- [Jonathan] Not what happened at all.
- Jon you gota touch something.
Oh my gosh.
Wow, just gonna take my boost like that.
I was getting ready to talk so much trash.
It was right on the tip of my tongue.
But I like it.
I like what you're doing.
You know what Jon?
We will win.
- [Jonathan] No I don't wanna hear it.
- We will win.
I've been saying that this whole game.
Oh my gosh get big Cody.
Magruder time is upon us.
Magruder time.
We're in Magruder time.
You already know what's about to happen.
Jon I like where your head's at Jon.
- [Jonathan] I don't wanna hear it.
- I like where you,
Jon I've been saying this whole game.
What have I been saying?
- [Jonathan] I don't know man.
But I don't wanna hear it.
You don't believe.
- We will win.
- [Jonathan] Go!
- You know what I do believe in Jon?
The fact that we will win.
- [Jonathan] Olympic soccer team.
- Oh my gosh!
I know y'all saw that save.
Oh Jon! Get big.
Give me that.
Uh oh.
Oh yes.
I believe Jon.
Oh no never mind.
I believe!
- [Jonathan] Get big man.
Look at the effort.
Oh my.
- What the heck is wrong with these people?
Jon I've been saying this whole time.
This whole time I've been saying,
what have I been saying?
- I might have to get Brodie for this.
'Cause you don't believe in me man.
- I've been saying I believe this whole time.
- [Jonathan] Look at this.
You don't believe.
- This whole time I've been saying.
This whole time I was like Jon,
You know Jon's been practicing.
I remember, he didn't wanna play me. He's been practicing.
He been getting better.
I appreciate everything that you do Jon.
- [Jonathan] Look, take that.
Please hit that and set me up, wow.
- I set you up.
- Alright I'm out.
- Speak to the people Jon.
Speak to the people Jon.
What do you want to say?
- [Jonathan] Listen, for all the nonbelievers,
any time you've asked yourself
why is Salmons sitting in silence,
it's because he's focused
and he's pulling the game out from within
ladies and gentlemen.
I'm dropping the mic right now.
Peace out.
- If you enjoyed this video press the like button.
I make new videos every day.
You wanna see great game play like this?
Come back tomorrow.
There'll be another video.
As always No Jugamos Juegos
Throw me the alley.
- [Voiceover] I'm a grown man.
BLAST! There Will Finally Be Justice, The White House Plan Will Infuriate Hillary Clinton … - Duration: 3:07.BLAST!
There Will Finally Be Justice, The White House Plan Will Infuriate Hillary Clinton …
At the point when Donald Trump was running for president, he promised that he would hold
Hillary Clinton accountable for her different criminal exercises in the event that he won
the decision.
Presently, it shows up he is completing that guarantee bigly.
The Daily Caller detailed a House Committee is looking for charges against the IT organization
that dealt with Clinton's private email server, alluding the matter to the Justice
Department for the impediment of equity and putting forth false expressions.
The referral for Treve Suazo, the CEO of Platte River Networks, was issued by Texas Rep. Lamar
Smith, the director of the House Science, Space and Technology Committee.
"With a new administration in place, I am hopeful that the Department of Justice will
appropriately respond to the referral.
We can not allow companies with valuable information to stonewall us in our oversight efforts,
"Smith said in a statement.
Platte River started dealing with Clinton's email server in June of 2013, months after
she exited the State Department.
House associates said for the current week that Platte River "flatly refused" to
respect two subpoenas for records identified with its work on Clinton's server.
They included that a Platte River specialist, Paul Combetta, gotten no less than 50 cautions
about hacking endeavors on Clinton's server beginning from Korea, Germany, France and
the U.S.
His lone reaction to these messages was making a request to be expelled from the ready system.
Combetta later argued the Fifth amid a House hearing last September alongside Bill Thornton,
another professional.
"Failure to comply with duly issued subpoenas and obstruction of a congressional investigation
will not be tolerated," Smith said in a statement.
"As a result, the Committee is referring Mr. Treve Suazo, CEO of Platte River Networks,
to the Department of Justice for prosecution under federal laws pertaining to failing to
produce subpoenaed documents, making false statements to Congress regarding possession
of documents, and obstructing Congress.
What do you think about this?
Do not hesitate and write your thoughts in the comments section below.
Share the truth, be patriots!
Thanks for reading.
Ubuntu Unity Desktop Will Live Forever - Duration: 10:06.Mark Shuttleworth made a shock announcement on 5th April that Canonical were abandoning
mobile convergence and would therefore cease funding development of the Unity desktop.
Ubuntu 18.04 was to see the return of Gnome as the default desktop.
Some people were happy with the news, but there were quite a number of people who were
rather saddened by it.
Despite all the criticism against Unity from the noisy minority, there was a silent majority
who did enjoy using it.
In fact Gaming on Linux carried out a small survey and found Unity was the 3rd most popular
Ubuntu with Gnome desktop will be very different in terms of layout and behaviour to Unity.
The Unity launcher will be gone, as will the global menu, heads up display or HUD, and
the easy ability to search for files in the dash.
Just because funding for Unity has ended it does not mean the desktop will vanish, for
example Canonical pulled funding from Kubuntu some years ago, yet the distro is going
strong, having found new funding from Blue Systems.
However, I think getting new financial backing for Unity could be difficult, since Canonical
stood the most chance of making convergence work in Linux, yet they failed to
turn a profit due to lack of interest in the market.
But it does not mean the community can't pick up the project and take it forward, and
that is exactly what has happened for the newer Unity 8 desktop, in fact it has been
forked twice, the first fork called Yunit is focusing on Desktop, and the other fork
UBPorts is focusing on Mobile.
Both forks have significant work to carry out as Unity 8 was some way from being a finished
product when Canonical pulled the funding.
For one thing Unity 8 is well entwined with the Mir display server, which unfortunately
never received support from any of the major Graphics card companies, and that forced Canonical
to develop the entire display system themselves, which I suspect was no small undertaking.
As for Unity 7, the Desktop we have been used to for some years on Ubuntu Desktop and Laptop
computers, well it uses Compiz and Gnome plug-ins, and there have been no forthcoming forks.
Although Canonical have said that Unity 7 will remain in the repositories.
Great, so no problem then?
Well not exactly, Unity 7 with Compiz has not really been entirely stable, and thats
as things stand now.
What happens when progression happens with Gnome, GTK, the Kernel, and X11.
Oh and Compiz doesn't work with Wayland display server, so its stuck with the ancient
Who can say what will happen, maybe things will be ok, but I'm going to guess at some
point Unity 7 will fail with the newer versions of Ubuntu.
The current supported versions of Unity 7 are in Long Term Support releases of Ubuntu
14.04 and 16.04, which are supported until 2019 and 2021 respectively.
And I suppose I should also mention that at time of recording its also supported in the
interim release of Ubuntu 17.04, but that is the final version.
So four years left with an officially supported version of Unity.
But won't the system be very old and stale after so many years?
Well you can upgrade the kernel using the Hardware Enablement Stack, and also utilise
third party Launchpad repositories to install fresher newer software onto your computer.
Okay let us look at the alternative, having a Unity-like styled desktop from another distribution.
For the past three years I have been using a Unity-like style in KDE and I absolutely
love it.
I have the top panel shrunk to the right-hand side, and I allow applications to display
underneath it, thereby maximising vertical space.
The application dashboard is very fast, responsive, and I would say superior to Unity dash.
It can search for both applications and documents.
Results for documents can be found with just one single letter or number as the search
The left-hand panel is setup in the same style as the Unity launcher, and you have the same
behaviour in launching / switching applications with the Super or Windows key and numerical
The only thing I miss is the heads up display, but I believe that KDE Plasma will see a HUD
implemented in a future version.
The KDE Qt applications are different to Gnome GTK applications, and at this point I will
annoy Gnome users by stating that in my humble opinion the Qt applications are superior.
Honestly it wouldn't be so bad if Gnome didn't keep removing features each release.
Although I suppose some would say simplified.
I say they are a nothing but a hollowed out husk of what they used to be.
Dolphin is one of the best file managers available in any OS.
Kate text editor comes with fancy code highlighting, and also a scrollbar which can allow you to
zoom into segments of your code further down the page without actually scrolling to that
Clementine is one of the prettiest music players.
I could go on, but there are so many Qt applications to choose from, and development is happening
at an aggressive pace.
A Unity style is achievable in Gnome with the use of several add-ons.
At least if you did like the GTK applications from Ubuntu then they will be available and
working natively in the Gnome desktop.
A global menu is in development, and there is also a HUD called Plotinus which is also
in development.
When I tested out Plotinus it only worked in some GTK applications, and actually failed
in Firefox and Inkscape because the activation key clashed with existing keyboard shortcuts.
The application launcher can find both files and documents, although in my experience it
heavily favoured applications as search results, to the point that I sometimes had to type
the full document name before results would appear.
As I mentioned the GTK applications are the same as in Ubuntu, so won't discuss them
any further.
There are other desktop options, for example the Cinnamon desktop from Linux Mint, which
can be turned into a very nice looking Unity style.
The applications look very similar to Gnome, but tend to have more features as they were
forked from earlier in GTK3 development, for example Nemo file manager still retains split
screen browsing and type-ahead search.
The application launcher in Cinnamon allows you to find both documents and applications,
however there is a caveat in that the document searcher only looks for previously opened
Unity, Plasma, and Gnome searchers will search for documents on the system regardless of
whether they have been opened or not.
But if its too much effort to customise a desktop then you could go for a point-and-click
desktop switcher, for example Zorin, Ubuntu MATE, or LXLE.
I think the Unity style in Zorin was only in the pay-for version.
Its been a long time since I last looked at LXLE, so things might have changed with the
Lets look more at the other option – Ubuntu MATE.
In my last review of Ubuntu MATE 17.04 the Mutiny (Unity styled) desktop was rather unstable,
however the Ubuntu MATE developers will be investing time and resources into improving
the desktop for Ubuntu 17.10.
I expect we will see a better functioning Global menu, HUD, and improved launcher.
The applications look as though they fell out of Gnome classic desktop, well put it
this way if you used Ubuntu 12.04 or before it will take you right back to those days.
They have at least advanced on from GTK2 to GTK3, yet retained the classic look, and plentiful
older features.
Caja file manager, like Nemo, has the split screen browsing and type-ahead search, but
also has an additional feature of customising folder colours.
I don't know if the launcher will be able to find documents, I'm going to guess not,
but who knows how much things will change in the next few months?
So what is the best option?
Well unfortunately there is no perfect solution.
It is a shame that the Global menu in KDE doesn't work with GTK apps, and the Plotinus
Hud in Gnome does not work with Qt apps.
It seems both desktops fail to work properly with applications from their opposite number.
This was a feature that Unity managed very well.
Whichever way you look at it both Gnome and KDE Plasma desktops take a bit of effort to
turn into a Unity style.
My tutorial videos for each are a similar length, with KDE being slightly longer to
Although it does have more features to customise, and I got distracted showing how to improve
the font rendering for GTK apps.
Have a look at some of the videos on my channel, I've done reviews of Gnome, KDE Plasma,
Cinnamon, and MATE desktops, as well as another 20 plus desktops that we have available in
I'll leave a few links in the video description.
If you like my videos then please consider being a Patreon and support Quidsup.
You can pledge as little as $1 a month which is just $12 a year, or you can pledge a little
bit more, every little bit does help and I really do appreciate it.
Thank you all for watching and as always I will see you later.
5 Reasons Jinder Mahal Will Be a Major Heel in WWE - Duration: 3:07.What started out as a joke to many has swiftly evolved into people wondering if Jinder Mahal
really has a future as a top star in WWE.
He's not only got himself a title match with Randy Orton, but he's actually working
a proper feud with him that is quickly becoming one of the best of the year so far.
So, here are 5 reasons why Jinder Mahal will be a major heel in WWE!
I know we keep coming back to this, but Jinder Mahal's body has gone from average joe to
bodybuilder in just a little while, and that has really helped him in WWE.
He'll almost always make his opponent look small in comparison and immediately makes
the babyface look like the underdog due to his intimidating size.
Along with his muscles, Jinder's facial expressions just convey anger and aggression
in a way that not many do, along with other subtleties that just scream villain.
Now that Jinder has been getting some real time on the mic, we've seen his much- improved
promo skills at work.
He sounds legitimately angry on the mic and he's been able to rile up the audience whenever
he talks.
In addition, Jinder has been getting real heel heat unlike most others on the roster;
a lot of fans legitimately hate Jinder for one reason or another, and that is something
WWE loves.
With the lack of real villains like him nowadays, you can be sure Jinder will keep getting pushed
as long as he gets booed.
Now Mahal is decent on his own, but making him the leader of a stable and surrounding
him with heels is the smart thing to do.
With The Singh Brothers, otherwise known as the Bollywood Boyz, at his side, Jinder will
be established as the leader of the only true heel faction on either RAW or SmackDown.
He can use them to beat down other superstars and help him win matches, which will only
add fuel to the fire and make fans hate him even more.
Jinder doesn't necessarily have a lot of grace in the ring, but as a physically intimidating
heel, that might be a good thing.
Jinder is obviously strong, so a rough style in the ring fits him quite well.
Using strikes like elbows and knees as well as big power moves all contribute to his heel
image; think Samoa Joe for example.
It may not please wrestling purists, but a tough, less polished style is the best way
for Jinder to portray a proper heel (as long as he doesn't continue to concuss people
that is).
The number one reason why I think Jinder will be a top heel in WWE is the fact that it would
piss a lot of people off.
For one reason or another, the majority of fans hate Jinder Mahal, so seeing him get
pushed to the main event scene and staying there is sure to keep people feeling that
I see Mahal's current situation the same as what many wanted for Roman Reigns; a superstar
that fans loathe being turned heel to embrace the hate.
And those are 5 reasons why Jinder Mahal Will be a major heel in WWE.
Are you convinced that Jinder has a spot as one of the company's top bad guys, or will
he fade away after this feud for the belt?
Let me know down below.
Thanks for watching, and I'll catch you in the next one!
IT'S OFFICIAL! Rex Tillerson And James Mattis Announced They Will Keep Us Safe, This Is The End For - Duration: 2:45.IT'S OFFICIAL!
Rex Tillerson And James Mattis Announced They Will Keep Us Safe, This Is The End For North
Rex Tillerson and General Mattis declared what the U.S. will do with Kim Jong Un and
his play area North Korea.
The comrade leader demonstrated that he is not keen on arrangements and he picked the
most difficult way possible to take in his lesson.
Perused more beneath:
In an official statement issued on April 26, Rex Tillerson and James Mattis and the Director
of National Intelligence Dan Coats called for America to understand the "urgent"
danger originating from North Korea.
This official statement came in the meantime as the instructions in Washington to which
every one of the 100 US congresspersons came to.
The President is said to have conveyed introductory statements at the briefing.
The briefing was depicted by Senator Chris Coons (D-Delaware) as "sobering."
This came directly after the enormous show of live rocket and torpedo fire on the shoreline
of Wonsan, North Korea.
This came directly after joint live-fire drills with South Korean strengths in Pocheon, South
Listen to what this admiral says about the North Korea threat:
On April 26, Admiral Harry Harris, Chief of the U.S. Pacific Command was heard saying:
What do you think about this?
Do not hesitate and write your thoughts in the comments section below.
Share the truth, be patriots!
Thanks for reading.
H/T LibertyWriters News
Scary YouTube Videos That Will Keep You Awake - Duration: 11:54.Why are Scary and Creepy Videos so fascinating for most of the people ?
Well, they surely help our mind to go to the darkest places imaginable,
places that are so far detached from reality.. that we even might become afraid.
In this video, we will look at Scary YouTube Videos that Will Keep You Awake .
The first clip was recorded by a girl, who is snapchatting herself.
When the app find's something else, the girl get's seemingly disturbed.
Here we see an old Indian politician, who was giving a live interview at the time.
While he talk's to the press, something terrible happens.
The man suffered a stroke, and passed away right in front of those TV cameras.
A creepy old harp player, who was bought at an antique store.
The owner claimed, that this doll went on by it's own a couple of times in the night.
Could it be possessed ?
This video is called Creepy Giant and depicts a huge menakin, which is controlled by a large
amount of people.
It wondered around town to.. scare people?
It just has something unsettling to it, on which i can't really put my finger on.
A nightly CCTV clip from a camera, which picked up a creepy figure in the middle of the night.
Several workers had accident's on this property.
Could it be one of their disturbed spirits?
This is a creepy claymation cartoon, which is so terrifying, that it ultimately was banned
in many country.
It is called Mysterious Stranger by Mark Twain, in which we see 3 innocent children, who come
in contact with
the devil.
Thank you guys for watching today's episode.
I hope you could enjoy it.
Please leave a like and subscription to Frostmare.
Stay frosty!
McMaster phones Seoul to confirm U.S. will shoulder THAAD cost - Duration: 1:57.The U.S. reaffirmed they will pay for the cost of the THAAD deployment in South Korea,
in accordance with the terms of their bilateral agreement.
Washington's national security advisor called Seoul on Sunday morning, after President Donald
Trump's comment caused confusion about the future of the anti-missile battery.
Kwon Jang-ho has our top story The U.S. has confirmed once again that South
Korea will not have to pay towards the deployment of the THAAD missile defense system, despite
comments made by Donald Trump earlier this week.
Seoul's presidential office revealed that in a phone call on Sunday morning lasting
35 minutes, Trumps' national security advisor, H.R. McMaster, is said to have explained to
his Korean counterpart, Kim Kwan-jin, that when Trump said he wanted to make Seoul
pay for the costs, he was simply making general comments about the U.S. public's wishes on
the issue.
McMaster is said to have assured Kim that Trump and Washington consider their alliance
with South Korea the top priority in the Asia-Pacific region.
On Thursday, to the confusion of Seoul officials, Trump said in an interview with Reuters, that
he had informed them that it was 'appropriate' for Korea to pay the bill for the system,
which he estimated at costing a billion dollars.
Trump repeated this stance, in an interview with the Washington Times on Friday.
The battery is already close to being deployed, after the U.S. began moving key components
to its designated location in Seongju County on Wednesday.
The defense ministry said the installation could be completed and fully operational in
a matter of days, but it remains unclear whether that will happen before Korea's presidential
election on May 9th.
The future of the THAAD deployment has been a key topic among the candidates.
Sunday's call is hoped to have put the cost issue to rest once and for all, but that will
depend on Trump and what he has to say about it next.
Kwon Jang-ho, Arirang News.
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