clash of clans
clash of clans
birthday boom spell
birthday boom spell
clash of clans slimmyshank birthday boom spell
Hello, everybody welcome back to the channel of course my name is always a slow me shank and for today's video
birthday boom spell
I thought we'd go out and use this new spell what the flip is it called the
the Wizards new Spell so no sign of the builder and
The Wizard has taken over
He's cooked up something big to crush
and confuse enemies
Birthday boom is here to brew for a limited Time I?
clash of clans birthday boom spell
clash of clans
clash of clans
clash of clans
birthday boom spell clash of clans
All right, well it looks like we must use two birthday brooms which I got cooked up
I've heard about the spell. I heard they're bad, but
birthday boom spell birthday boom spell, birthday boom spell
clash of clans clash of clans clash of clans
summon an explosive surprise to celebrate the anniversary
this clip
Summon and explosive surprise to celebrate the anniversary
This classy give damages and stuns nearby building his troops interesting interesting interesting
Also with this we're also gonna be using a the Lava L'union and some go we be and other strategies
You'll see it's gonna be awesome. Let's get into the first attack flip bungalow, holy hell look at this loot. Look at this loot uh
Okay, is this this flip okay? This is the Spell I?
Here we go
Is it do I do it on the townhall? What do I do? I don't wait do I I'm gonna do it
I'm Gonna do it
Here we go
What the fudge what?
I'd rather fudgeing slow dance with Bruce Jenner than look at that again
Okay, what the hell?
let's go in with the attack and
one more hound going in
Minions in behind and Warden in behind we don't have as many spells, but I do want this
Watch him a thingy call it. I want the
Wardens ability now. I'm trying to speak fluently I
want the
250 Gems is what I'm mostly looking forward to free spell on that
Boot looms are going in it looks like we're gonna take out most of this base to be completely honest and we could have taken
Out a lot more if we swapped out the two
Birthday Broom whatever you call. It spells dude. I'm pissed off, but it looks like we're still doing good
We are sweeping up the base going after the sex bow. We are gonna. Take that out right there and and and
Where else is the gold where else is the gold we want the gold we want the gold Badly?
Okay, let's do three here. Oh, please give it to me. Oh are you kidding me?
There we go, okay, the barb king is Gonna get that one
and the Archer Queen will get this one I
okay, let's put in hold ah
This their hogrider for stretching archers are gonna take out the elixir pump will pump
No, never mind. All right. Let's put the queen. Oh my no. No why why?
Why the hell would you do that?
What the hell come on go inside the base go inside? Are you kidding me you have to be joking me?
Don't go inside the base now you go in sight you don't go around
Ability all right screw this this is stupid
Here we go. We're going in. We're gonna use the kings ability real quick and just end this battle. I'm pissed off
I'm also vegan, but I'm more pissed off
Screw this battle we're gonna get two hundred seventy-six thousand gold which isn't the best
I think I just broke my hand which is also awesome
But uh return home and let's check out on our status of this wait, oh
we only get one I
Thought if we use two we get two okay?
What the heck okay? Well? I'm gonna do I'll just see you when going straight up be right back all right
We are back on the main base. We have our go wee-wee, army trained up
Which is golem Wizards witches and wall breakers, and I do have of course the two
What what is it birthday boom spell see?
Great spell dude. We're gonna go in and use these two birthday booms and see what we can do with them
Wow here we go here. We go. We have found a base with a decent amount of gold and I
My God damn warden is on hold up riding battle and battle return home
Goddamnit, switch it to ground art we're going back in blow here. We go. Here's an actual base that
I have my actual warden on the ground on the ground and we're gonna break into this base real quick
We're gonna go in from the bottom and see what we can do
I think if I place one golem here one on the air sweeper and all that and one on the archer tower and sort of
break in that way
This could work
Let me just let me just figure them. Let me just figured this out boys. All right. We're Gonna put
actually wait hold off waiting
Okay, and that worked okay. Good good and now
Just the Fort here awesome. Awesome. Awesome. Okay, we got
Golem in the Centre Golems on the sides
Wizards in all behind and
Which is in behind?
Warden King
Queen let's put the jump spell down in the core Rage warns ability Kings ability at the same time
We are going into this base. Maybe let's go let's go
rage Spell
Birthday spell free spell on the clan chirps poisons upon the clan Chirps Queens ability going in oh my goood
What if we don't win this oh?
We got to win this at least
Oh get just get the townhall and when we're done. We're done once we get the townhall done done. I don't care about the whole
We got our victory three trophies. I'm out
more coke we we we're now on oh and my baby dragons are level twelve on the the baby village or
Other village whatever the hell you want to call it, but awesome
Awesome stuff on I don't want to bore you guys to death, so I'm gonna do a bunch of attacks
And I'm gonna come back to you when we're at nine wins and we're gonna do our final Tech here on the video
I will see you in a tech number ten all right. We are back in for the final competition. You know
I love them I've never used them on the main Village
We're gonna be using them baby dragons, and you might be asking yourself lemme
How did you get so much gold so fast and how do you already get up to nine?
Attacks out of ten for the builders boom whatever the hell it is and I'd simply respond haha
I'm a baller, but let's do this final attack ready go
Alright. I think we've found ourselves a decent base to attack now bear in mind
I've never used the baby dragons on here
I do have three baby dragons in here in one balloon
And then I have my warden on Air which I've made sure don't trust me
I got it to rages one freeze one poison one raging pan causal and two of the birthday cakes
The birthday cakes alright. I'm gonna put one here just to snatch off the storage and one on the Wizard tower dude
I don't like I I don't know it's so different than in the builders hold these ones are a lot stronger
And I will admit that
Alright, so we're going in. Oh the air bombs gonna release. Oh, not even close dude baby dragons are strong, holy, hoh?
Alright, so the baby dragon did some decent work on there. We're gonna put one there
Uh I want to try and get that storage, but I'm not sure how we're gonna do that actually
Okay, okay. Let's just actually spread out the rest of the troops in a way sort of to not clump them up
But sort of get a decent spread on them all the movie dragons are going in
And then we're gonna put five on the bottom with the warden in behind rage Spell rage spell going in
Birthday cake surprise going in dropping it. Oh look at these maybe dude these baby dragons are strong, holy how
Do you see this?
Let's go oh my God
What though oh my God, okay? That was kind of amazing now. We're actually gonna go in for the massive kill
I'm gonna put a rage spell here. Oh flipping hell. I miss it alright. We're gonna use the Kings ability
Freeze in a second, I'm the queen and inferno oh I missed the inferno
poison there
Come on
Let's get the rest of the gold we got to get the rest of the gold because if we don't I'd be absolutely pissed off
Give me the rest of the gold baby
alright abilities been cloaked um
oh no alright. I don't think we're gonna get the other gold storage however. God dammit. We are close. We're at 9
Point 1 million gold, and I think if we do one more quick attack we can get up. Oh and we got ourselves
Legendary where the hell is it did I get my 200 oh I already got the 250 gems awesome
Let's do one more attack and get ourselves up that other archer tower cuz I know we can get it
Let's just do one more attack. I will see you in attack number 4 alright
We are back and with this army. It is the regular
Lava L'Union, I love it. I love it with the regular spells and everything. We're at 9 point 1
Million gold and all we need is nine point five let's
Let's do it dog
Alright. This is the what we've been looking for this is what I'm talking about
the queen's on this side, so I think we're Gonna go from the
tip-top tippy-Toes and
Alright. I know how to do this base
Sexually I know how to do it, and I also know how to do it aggressively
So we're gonna do one round here 3 balloons on each cannon argit our 3 3 3 and then when we round here
3 balloons, and then spread the rest of balloons worn behind
Swarming in the minions behind. Oh no free spell there haze. I had to freeze the clan chips
I don't like wizards in the clan castle. I don't have the skill to
Cut I don't have the skill to commentate and do a battle the same time I also around
I don't know the skill to freeze to just poison troops and have them stay there. I can't goddamn speak okay
We're gonna do a rate of free spell on both there was
Are just on one the wizard tower that's fine. We're not getting one of this loot
I will tell you that a little bit worried. I'm not gonna lie. Oh there. We go. There's a loot
Oh can we get this town hall by the way give me this town hall Daddy Daddy. Oh?
That was bad fudge okay. Did I don't want to do okay?
I'm thinking by the way, I'm digging
Okay, let's try this. I'm gonna put a barb here. I want him to go. I don't know for
Hey, fudge hell, whatever two more wall breakers here. I I guess whatever um
hold up, we got to take these out I
Just want to take out the skeletons dude scott. We got to take out the scopus. That's a that's a problem. Okay. No, I
Just want to see holy hell, all right. We're gonna have to put in the rest
King going in wall breakers are going in just take it out. Take these outs. I can't ah
Damn it, okay this guy guys. This is not good. This is bad news, and I think the only way for me to get this
flippin hell, dude. Are you kidding me okay?
Wait for the king to bash off the wall, and then I'm gonna get Papa's ability in a bits right with okay
I'm gonna see if there's a giant bomb here first of all let's just wait
There is not abilities been cloaked or used. I should say I'm gonna wait for him to take out all this stuff
We're at nine three three five okay. We're doing really good now. We're gonna put down the queen. She didn't go for the Townhall
All right, why the heck would you?
Queen no you don't
You crazy person?
crazy queen you silly goose
You are retarded. You're actually crazy silly
Why the fudge I opened a path directly for you
Alright ability span use are you lucky dude open up this wall all right hurry. We have 15 seconds
God damn it hurry hurry the hell up
All right eight seconds eight seconds. Give me the gold oh
five seconds oh
in with the bonus, that's nine point seven
Billion gold that's what I'm talking about um we're gonna go in and upgrade. I can't stop burping the Archer Tower five
four three
Two one
Wow there we go. That's another archer tower, but other than that guys
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So make sure you stay tuned for that and of course as always
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Thank you guys very much for watching and I am out see you next time peace
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