My Chemical Romance - I Don't Love You (Bahasa Indonesia) by THoC - Duration: 6:29.-------------------------------------------
Funny Videos 2017 Compilation Can't You Stop Laughing - Duration: 4:05.Subscribe NOW
This Is Why I Don't Do Drugs (ft. SomeThingElseYT) - Duration: 4:04.fuck you have you ever wondered why people say drugs are so bad well stop
wondering now because this story will tell you drugs are bad because they're
expensive nah man I'm just joking I know loads of amazing places get them cheap I
normally buy them dead cheap then sell them to kids for double the price maybe
even triple but don't worry they get a discount if they like my videos
subscribe and comment code kiemce ok for real now me and my mates used to hang
around an area that was close to the soup kitchen so it won't be uncommon to
see people completely off the face on crack heroin meth crocodile free roblox
respect for women and this is one of the funniest things I've ever seen a
crackhead do meme m8 when this corner shop and I was looking at drinks and
suddenly my mate starts laughing the fuck are you laughing up Luke
he then points down the shopping aisle oh my god
what I saw was one of the funniest things I've ever seen in my entire
fucking life some dude was sleeping on the floor but wait that's not it
this dude was lying on a cake this dude was smart
most people slave away at 9:00 to 5:00 to afford a bed not this guy though this
guy just walks into a shop and converts a cake into Burt you're living in 2017
while this dude is living in 2040 the shopkeeper noticed we were laughing so
we came to see what we're laughing at oh good god man not again to all my
American viewers you won't understand what this guy is saying because he's
speaking in chav slang don't worry America your boy Lewis has got your back
I'll translate it for you hello sir please get out of my shop now man a man
needs to sleep my god I want to go up there I'm going to bed
No thank you sir I need to get my recommended eight hours of sleep and
therefore would like to resume sleeping no sir you need to leave now so the guy
gets up and it's just a complete look of relief on the shopkeep his face which
soon disappears because the guy grabs another cake and go sleep on that a bit
later the
left so I can now pay for my drink but before the poor shopkeeper can even scam
a drink another dude walks in you gave me the wrong change where's my 5p no I
didn't you didn't even buy anything come here I don't have your IP yes you do
where's my 5p no sir I don't fuck you so this dude walks up it completely
grabs a full river fucking chocolate I don't know this guy managed to grab so
much chocolate I'm pretty sure his fingers unhinged so he could grab them
all like when a snake's door opens so wide it looks like he's unhinged it Oh
like when a firm least opens its jaw so they can tell all six white males that
they're rapists then it just walks up with a full row of chocolate then we
fought is over but no the cake dude walks back in and says would forward
your boys look at my leg in it proper baseball bad to the knee in it hallo
gents could you please bring your attention to money I have recently been
assaulted with a baseball bat I hadn't given the shopkeeper a tip because I
felt bad for him I used to be a crackhead like you then I took a
baseball bat to the knee but all jokes aside there's a really important message
to take away from this sub just SomeThingElseYT that's not what
the line said the line said to to add you for this planet but I said something
I said sub to me so do it thanks for watching to the end
this video is sawatya on time because my printer has been a little bitch so
please consider sharing I'm ready Twitter just anything also a massive
thanks to Adam for being in this video I'm a youtube recommendation this
recurse chip flake
Pop Culture - We Don't Know - Duration: 3:40.Swim out a little more baby, won't you
Cross this border you know you want to
Edge up on me as I edge up on you
Swim out a little more, let me guide you
'Cause I can tell you wanna ease up
Scared you can't control the outcome
I can see it in your shoulders
Stressing over being lovers
Baby, we don't know where we're going, but I don't wanna let this go
Oohh oohh, oohh oohh oh
Baby, let me take off the pressure, 'cause we don't even have to know
Oohh oohh, oohh oohh oh oh
Tell me what's on your mind baby, try to
You let the phone ring when I called you
I ain't promising forever
I just wanna talk no pressure
Baby, we don't know where we're going, but I don't wanna let this go
Oohh oohh, oohh oohh oh
Baby, let me take off the pressure, 'cause we don't even have to know
Oohh oohh, oohh oohh oh oh
Baby, we don't know where we're going, but I don't wanna let this go
Oohh oohh, oohh oohh oh
Baby, let me take off the pressure, 'cause we don't even have to know
Ooohh oohh, oohh oohh oh oh
V&X, AR-T, NuLife - Drop Life - Duration: 3:31.[music]
DON'T TAKE LIFE SERIOUSLY- ANIMATION STORY - Duration: 4:28.There were two brothers who was living life in a different place.
After years of separation, They decided to meet at their favourite place during their
Playground on which they have spent their entire childhood.
Hows your life these days ? Whats going on ?
What else can happen in our life ? Wake up, Go to Job, Work There, Came Back
to home and Have Some fun with family.
Don't you have anything to be enthusiastic about in your life ?
There is nothing to add in this routine life.
Just living in that framework.
Having no Joy in this mundane structure.
Why ? You were so enthusiastic about music during your childhood.
In fact, you can play different Musical instruments as well.
Don't you play those instruments nowadays for having some relaxation and fun ?
Yes I Do know how to play those instruments.
I have it in my home.
But after coming back from job.
I am not having sufficient energy to spent some time with those instruments.
Sad to know that.
Tell me about your life.
Whats happening these days on your side ?
Well, I am so happy with my life.
I have everything I want in life.
I am so happy for you brother.
What's your day schedule ?
Wake Up, Exercise.
Doing Business As a profession.
Reading Books at Evening.
And Playing Vally Ball at Night.
What a stunning schedule you have.
But how did you include those two fun activity in day ?
I Live life with the mantra that our parents use to recite all the time when we were child.
Which one ?
"Don't take life so Seriously".
Yeah, I remember that.
I do everything that normal people do.
But that one sentence has given me edge over everyone else.
How ?
I do everything but with humour of witness.
So neither i have any fear of judgement nor influence of others.
I live the way which can give me feeling of being alive from within.
Without any bondage of external factors.
I don't take work seriously nor take fun seriously.
So none of them can affect my mood.
You have great insight brother.
My life is so serious and monotonous just because of that one sentence.
How ?
Just because of the false conceived meaning of that sentence.
I don't put my complete involvement/ I didn't give my 100% to anything.
Neither in work nor in any other aspect of life.
In short I live with a role of victim.
This conversation taught us one important lesson to both of us today.
What ?
Its not about the content we have, it always about the personal context that we have.
Personal meaning of our both for one sentence has differentiate our living patterns.
This is the main difference between us.
You have active intelligence which can observe and learn from existing situation.
It's good to listen people.
But taking the time to think and reflect on what they have said enable us to make right
Otherwise we would just ideolise people or their beliefs whether it is consciously or
Its just personal intelligence that make difference in both brother.
The Same Sentence Lead to Growth Mindset for one
And Fix Mindset for other.
Mayweather vs McGregor on TV: Live stream and TV schedule for delayed Vegas fight at T-Mobile - Duration: 4:15.Mayweather vs McGregor on TV: Live stream and TV schedule for delayed Vegas fight at T-Mobile Arena
CONOR McGREGOR vs Floyd Mayweather is here, and millions of fans are planning on how they can watch the clash live.
All eyes will be on the T-Mobile Arena in Las Vegas as viewers eagerly watch one of the most anticipated fights in history – either by being in attendance or through a screen.
EXCLUSIVE OFFER: BET £10 ON MAYWEATHER v McGREGOR GET A FREE £20/£30 BET. Conor McGregor takes on undefeated boxing ace Floyd Mayweather. When is the fight?. The long-awaited fight takes place tonight – Saturday, August 26.
As with all the big boxing scraps in Las Vegas, the opening bell was expected to sound between 4am-5am in the early hours of Sunday morning.
The fight was meant to start at 4. 15am, but with the undercard running late and US PPV issues the fight will now start around 5am.
US broadcasters Showtime said in a statement: Due to high demand, we have reports of scattered outages from various cable and satellite provides and the online offering.
We will delay the start of the main event slightly to allow for systems to get on track. We do not expect a lengthy delay. How can I live stream the fight?.
Sky Sports Box Office now allows you to stream the fight live via a PC/Desktop/MAC, NOW TV box, iPhone, iPad, Android phone or Android tablet for £19. Click here for full Sky Sports full terms and conditions for the fight.
It makes it very simple for fans as all you have to do is sign up, make the transaction and watch the fight unfold.
Once youve paid, you can then select which viewing online/device you want to watch the fight on using the same login details created at sign up (i. e e-mail address and password).
You cannot watch the event through a Sky or Virgin box if purchased to stream online or via the Box Office apps.
Conor McGregors fight with Floyd Mayweather is seen as the biggest fight ever. What TV channel is it on?.
If you decide to watch the fight on TV, Sky Sports will show the fight on their Box Office channel for £19. They will broadcast it via their pay-per-view service live from Las Vegas on August 26.
In the US, on the other hand the channel and staggering sum to watch it has been revealed. It will cost £77. 99) to watch on Showtime PPV in America in HD, £69. 99) in standard definition.
Boxing stars Floyd Mayweather and Conor McGregor weigh in ahead of super fight in Las Vegas. Floyd Mayweather makes grand arrival ahead of Conor McGregor fight.
JJ Project - Don't Wanna Know (Eng Sub) Live - Duration: 4:02.JJ PROJECT - Don't Wanna Know (Acoustic Ver.) (English Translation) Translation based on popgasa
I don't wanna know
Don't know
The sky is so bright
But why is my heart so cold?
If you could reach out your hand just once
Feels like the world could change
I'll do it, yeah
My heart that's not big
It's bruised and colored, my blue
You said I'll get numb to it when time changes
That things will get better
When I'm alone
I look at our pictures
When I open my eyes in tears
Sadness washes over me, it washes over me
I'm always afraid that without you
How am I supposed to face this world alone?
Can I overcome this blurry place alone?
I can't accept the fact that you're gone
You are still living in me
Though I know, still
I don't wanna, I don't wanna know
Not yet, please don't leave me
Please don't leave me, no
I want to erase, my blue
It's colored too deep, my blue
Though I know, still
I don't wanna, I don't wanna know
Not yet, don't leave me now
Don't leave me now, no
Please don't leave me, no
Those frozen times are turning into memories
Memories goes around and become regrets
I was too impatient in the past, stupid
I was too blind back then
I'm always afraid that without you
How am I supposed to face this world alone?
Can I overcome this blurry place alone?
I can't accept the fact that you're gone
You are still living in me
Though I know, still
I don't wanna, I don't wanna know
Not yet
Please don't leave me, please don't leave me, no
I want to erase, my blue
It's colored too deep, my blue
Though I know, still
I don't wanna, I don't wanna know
Not yet, don't leave me now
Don't leave me now
When I'm only filled with light
We will meet again
As much as I want it so badly
When I'm filled with assurance
I'll believe that you'll find me
Oh no, no
I can't accept the fact that you're gone
You are still living in me
Though I know, still
I don't wanna, I don't wanna know
Not yet, please don't leave me
Please don't leave me, no
I want to erase, my blue
It's colored too deep, my blue
Though I know, still
I don't wanna, I don't wanna know
Not yet, don't leave me now
Don't leave me now
"You Can't Force People To Think" - Duration: 1:44.Dave Rubin: Letting someone speak even if you don't like their ideas.
And then letting logic and reason dictate the answer.
Steve Simpson: Yeah, definitely.
And that's absolutely essential to have a free society.
It's absolutely essential to allow people the freedom to reach their own conclusions,
true or not.
But the way you asked the question, I think was interesting.
It's, have they ever worked?
Have "hate speech" laws or restricting thought, or speech, ever worked?
And my answer to that is, "Well, it really depends on what you mean by worked."
So, in one sense: Yeah, they have worked.
They've worked to enslave entire societies.
I mean, if we look at totalitarianism, they control thought because they need to control
action and they need to control what everybody does.
So the first thing they do is censor, the first thing they do is control what people
can think.
Now, if you look at it from the standpoint of a free society – what we have now both
in America and Europe is very much a mixture of freedom and controls – but you can't
ever succeed in that way.
You cannot succeed to keep bad ideas down by outlawing them.
In fact, all you end up doing is you drive them beneath the surface, and you cause the
very hate and resentment that you're trying to prevent.
And the reason for that is you can't force people to think.
It's just not possible.
You can enslave them, but you cannot force them to agree with you.
We can't believe what we found UNDER the city center! - Urbex Lost Places Markthalle Leipzig Germany - Duration: 12:56.In today's episode, we are exploring a widely branched network of cellars
located deep under a major city.
This place has been an insiders' tip among the local urbex community for years.
These vaults are the last remaining sections of a historic market hall
which was built in the 19th century and demolished some decades ago.
Only a few meters above this relict of former times
people are going on with their daily routines
having no idea what spectacular views are down here.
In some cases multiple-centimeter-thick and many meters long roots extend across the underground.
Until this day we hadn't set eyes on something like this.
Since this place will be a huge construction site in the near future
and because all the access points were blocked up lately we decided to go with the real name of this abandoned site.
Join our descent into the remains of the old Markthalle Leipzig.
Hidden very well between bushes we found the entrance to the underworld.
This tiny hole was our first challenge.
How in the world is a fully grown man supposed to fit through this?
Well, somehow we managed.
The second challenge was the bad air down there which made it hard to breathe.
There were probably many different kinds of fungal spores, too.
So we decided to play it safe and use our respiratory masks.
"We're right at the street. We can hear folks when they're passing by."
"It says Exit 1. This is apparently the other entrance."
Quickly, we realized that the whole site was in a very bad condition.
This, however, was to be expected but the third big challenge for us.
From time to time, we heard noises from the surface.
In these instances, the silence of the underground was broken by the muffled boom of the tramways or a howling siren.
The market hall was built between the years 1889 and 1891 in the center of the Eastern German town Leipzig.
At the same time, the bustle started in here, it was the end of the local open-air market places.
Around the year 1900 this picture was taken which shows the 7.500 square meter building.
This view of the big atrium shows over 600 different market stalls which all could be provided in the ground floor.
The photo dates back to 1917.
From meat and vegetables to baked goods and wood products nearly everything was traded here.
It is said that there were rooms for a restaurant and even for vets.
There was a water reservoir inside a big tower, acting as motor for six hydraulic load lifts in total.
These elevators could reach several floors and they were mainly used for the transport of the cooled goods from the underground depot to the market area.
Already at that time people were wondering how spacious the basement vaults must be.
Next to the refrigeration system steam boilers and machines were working down here.
The structure of an old hoist is the last remnant of the historic market hall above the surface.
„Old people!"
"This is team Blue, I repeat: This is team Blue!"
"We are surrounded, there are old people on the other side too! Pensioners, they're everywhere!"
"The demographic change gets us all!"
When you are examining the neglected area on the surface carefully
you will find quite a lot of access points which were sealed up.
In the underground, there are many entrances which were filled up with earth, too.
Particularly impressive is the enormous root system in the underground.
Roots of trees which were only a few meters above our heads were breaking through the ceiling everywhere.
Over all these years some of them reached unbelievable proportions.
"Take a look at this giant root underneath you."
"That's sick to see how it's growing in here."
"It looks like it was painted on the wall. It's so dainty..."
"Over there is a much bigger root."
"It's coming from the street, breaking through the bricks and growed all the way down."
An exciting fact is that you can find objects from different ages down here too.
There are fresh tracks of other explorers
but also things from a very long time ago and stuff from between these periods.
Deep inside the tunnels it was pitch-black.
So we needed lamps that can provide plenty of power.
We were glad that we were kindly equipped by Capulux – The Urbex Store.
Capulux is one of the first online shops which focuses on urban explorers only
beginners, but also advanced adventurers.
Here you can find reliable equipment which has been tested in practice.
But enough with this commercial break for now, let's continue with the history lesson.
Air raids in World War II hit the building and the surroundings hard.
However, immediately after the war the market opened again as you can see on this picture from 1950.
At this time, the hall still lied partly in ruins.
That's the reason the market hall was considered as blight in times of the former German Democratic Republic
and so it was completely torn down in 1959.
Only the underground parts remained and were used from time to time.
Something new was supposed to be created here but nothing happened for decades.
The whole site fallowed.
Until today, around 60 years later.
Recently, there were a lot of debates about possible development plans.
There even was talk of a big freedom monument.
Surprisingly the debates finally achieved a breakthrough only a few months ago.
In June 2017, the city decided on a master plan
which provides that there will be a totally new market hall in the near future.
Living quarters and offices are planned as well.
While there was a lot of talk about what should happen with the surface of the site
we were always interested in what's beneath it.
So we were really glad when we finally made the descent into this underworld.
In addition to one or the other rat we discovered a beautiful type of decay that was completely new to us.
Giant roots in the dark underground and marks of bygone times made these vaults to an unreal place.
Although the cellars presumably are going to belong to the past
we will never forget all these unique views.
We hope you liked today's history lesson.
This exploration of the underground was a really special experience.
Take a look at the website of our partner Capulux – The Urbex Store.
You'll find the link in the video description down below.
There's also a promo code which you can use to get a 15% discount on your orders.
We hope you liked today's history lesson.
This exploration of the underground was a really special experience.
Take a look at the website of our partner Capulux – The Urbex Store.
You'll find the link in the video description down below.
There's also a promo code which you can use to get a 15% discount on your orders.
Animal Behaviors That Still Can't Be Explained - Duration: 5:31.We learn more about animals every day as science continues to unlock the great mysteries of
why these non-humans do what they do... but we don't know everything.
There's still a ton about nature's creations that baffle us to this day.
Here are a few animal behaviors that still can't be explained.
Why do cows face north or south when eating?
You probably don't think much about what direction you face when you eat, aside from "towards
the TV", but cows do.
Almost universally, a cow will face either north or south come dinnertime.
And while we know how they do it, we don't actually know why.
According to one German study, cows can sense Earth's magnetic field and will align their
bodies to face north or south while eating, sort of like a compass that goes great with
A-1 sauce.
What's more, the study discovered that deer also adhere to the north-south thing —
but why?
When birds conform to the planet's magnetic field, it's for navigational purposes, but
mammals don't migrate the way birds do, rendering this magnetic path seemingly pointless.
And a later study revealed that, in larger herds, the cows paid less attention to the
direction they faced while chowing down.
But why the change?
Animals rarely do stuff for no reason.
Biologist Richard Holland's best theory is that mammals did once routinely migrate a
lot, and the north-south thing is a leftover evolutionary feature.
But that, like everything else, is simply a theory.
How do animals predict earthquakes?
We've known for a very long time that animals know when the Earth is about to start shaking,
and we even know why.
You learned this stuff in basic Earth Science: an earthquake produces two types of waves:
a small P-wave, and a larger S-wave.
Animals can sense the tiny P-wave that comes before the S-wave much better than humans
can, so when they do, they know it's time to run.
What's baffling, however, is that some animals can sense an earthquake weeks before it actually
According to historical records, in 373 BC, a huge earthquake rattled Greece, but the
rats, snakes, and even centipedes all got to stepping long before the natural disaster
made its presence known to humans.
To this day, we have no idea why.
Researcher Joseph Kirschvink theorized that there may be more warning signs to earthquakes
than we can currently sense, which animals are reacting to.
But despite all of our fancy equipment, we still haven't sensed a thing.
Point, snakes.
How do sharks navigate?
Despite Shark Week being America's #1 holiday, there's plenty we don't know about sharks,
like how exactly they navigate the ocean.
Despite much of it being dark, empty, watery space, sharks can effortlessly go wherever
they need to go, sometimes over thousands of miles, without getting lost.
Scientists from the Scripps Institution of Oceanography think it has to do with the sharks
sniffing their way home.
There, scientists took several wild leopard sharks, moved them roughly six miles from
home, plugged their noses with cotton, and released them in the opposite direction of
their stomping grounds.
Other sharks without cotton in their nostrils returned right to their hideout, but the ones
who couldn't smell wandered aimlessly.
"Whoa, you smell that?"
But despite the experiment's findings, not everyone's convinced.
Marine biologist Kim Holland from the University of Hawaii at Manoa thinks the cotton-balled
sharks' confusion was just due to having stuff shoved up their noses, which would probably
disorient anyone.
Other studies dispute the chemical idea, suggesting that sharks use changes in light and temperature
as clues they're near the finish line.
For now, both sides' guesses are as good as any.
Why do crows hold grudges?
Crows are scary smart and, as it turns out, surprisingly petty.
As researchers in Seattle learned in 2011, not only do they remember the faces of humans
who held them captive, they'll foster grudges to the point where they'll attack, peck, and
dive-bomb their ex-captors, even years later.
To a crow, revenge is a dish best served forever.
Why they do this, however, is unknown.
We know crows have incredible memories, but we don't know why they insist on attacking
somebody they don't like.
Instead, researchers are focusing on ways to keep the crows from dive-bombing people
into oblivion — like treating them better while in captivity.
Whether that works to curb their revenge-fueled minds remains to be seen, but it certainly
never hurts to be nicer to animals.
Especially the ones who remember.
Why do lonely ants die?
Ants are incredibly social creatures.
If you run into one, chances are there are about 15 million more nearby.
But as it turns out, they're not just social because there's strength in numbers.
In fact, if an ant's left alone, they will literally die — and do so super-fast.
In a 2015 study, a species of carpenter ants was shown die off after a mere six days after
being separated from their friends, who lived an average of two months when allowed to be
Kinda makes A Bug's Life seem extra dark now, huh?
The isolated ants were observed walking much more than social ants.
And while they ate as much as social ants, much of the food never left the crop area
of their stomach, where ants store food meant to be regurgitated for family.
So, they ate a lot, but very little wound up in their digestive tracts, so they all
but starved to death.
And we don't know why.
It certainly sounds like depression, but why do their digestive habits change so much?
Are they looking for family, as the study theorizes?
"I'm gonna follow him home.
Kill his whole family."
Right now, all that's certain is that a lonely ant is destined for death.
That is, until science figures out a way to create…
Thanks for watching!
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Trump Won't Stop Attacking Republicans, And They Might Be Ready To Turn On Him - Duration: 4:30.What do Senators Murkowski, McCain, McConnell, Flake, Graham, Heller and House Speaker Paul
Ryan all have in common other than the fact that they have horrible policies because they're
all Republicans?
If you answered that those are just a few of the Republicans holding public office that
Donald Trump has attacked on Twitter in the last few weeks, you are correct.
The list of Republican, sitting Republican Representatives and Senators that Donald Trump
has publicly gone after, both on Twitter and during speeches and rallies is growing by
the day.
No one at this point is safe.
He is blaming these Republicans for things that didn't happen, although he thinks they
He's preemptively blaming them for things that have yet to happen and may not even happen.
But the more important thing is that he is doing it publicly.
He's doing it without shame and he's doing it to be a bully to get them on his side.
One of the more interesting stories that emerged this past week was that Donald Trump has been
calling many Republicans in the Senate, not just Mitch McConnell, but he was one of them,
and that happens to be the most public feud going on right now.
But he has called several Senate Republicans to yell at them for not stopping this Russia
investigation and for not going out there and publicly defending and privately defending
Donald Trump, the President of the United States.
Then he proceeds to go on Twitter and talk bad about these people, talk about how horrible
they are, how weak they are, how spineless they are, how awful they are.
Then he expects them to be loyal to him?
I've said this many times in the past and I'm going to have to apparently keep saying
it til the day he leaves office, but Donald Trump is not a smart human being.
Anyone who thinks he is, is also not a smart human being.
Donald Trump is in a position right now where there is an ongoing investigation that threatens
to take down his entire presidency.
On top of that, we're hearing an awful lot of rumblings about invoking the 25th amendment
to remove him from office, which doesn't require any kind of trial or prosecution.
You just get enough members of the House and Senate and the Vice-President to go along
with it, and boom, the President's gone.
That's something that's a very real possibility and don't think that Mike Pence isn't chomping
at the bit to get that done.
When your only hope for staying in office until 2020 are these Republicans in the Senate
and to a lesser extent the House, does it make a lot of sense to go out there and attack
them publicly?
Does it make a lot of sense to cuss them out on the phone like you did with Mitch McConnell?
I don't think there's anybody in this country that would think, yeah, you know what?
That is a winning political strategy.
Good job, sir.
I think most people are starting to look at this as what the hell is wrong with you?
Even if your personal insults and attacks weren't enough, think about the damage you're
causing to the Republican Party.
Do you think those wealthy Republican donors are just going to sit there and let you attack
their investments?
Because that's what these people are.
They're assets of major corporations and major Republican donors like the Koch brothers or
Sheldon Adelson.
They're not human beings to these wealthy donors.
They are their assets.
When you start going out there and attacking them, there's going to start to be some rumblings
of impeachment among that wealthy donor class.
The donor class that overwhelmingly supported Mike Pence over you.
Don't think that there is not talk behind the scenes with these people and possibly
even with Mike Pence because they have been meeting with him privately, of getting you
out of office.
If I were you, Mr. Trump, I wouldn't be attacking people on Twitter.
I'd be sending them flowers, telling them how nice they are and how great they are and
what a great job they're doing.
Because at the end of the day, those very people that you're attacking and alienating
and demonizing in front of the American public, those are the only people that can save your
Chris Brown - Don't You (NEW SONG 2017) - Duration: 4:11.CB Black pyramid
Conor Mcgregor "Don't Be Afraid" (Mayweather vs McGregor) - Duration: 8:24.the story you are about to hear is true only the names have been changed
until they get hit by me it's whole another ball game when they get hit by me
Ohhh he slept him!
Suprise Surprise motherfucker, the king is back! I don't just talk the talk I walk the walk
Im just the best there is and that's it
If you look at Floyd's past opponents they've all feared him they have all given him respect
They all doubted me. they all doubted me. Doubt me now, doubt me now. Me I can strangle him inside five seconds and
that's no joke. I said I'd knock him out in the first round, and i knocked him out in the first round. You can call me mysticmac cause i predict these things
I don't give a fuck about him i hold no respect for him, i will not show him respect in
the fight I don't think he last four rounds and that's being honest
This fight's not just about conor against mayweather. it is really ufc fans against all of fighting
Not only do i think i will beat him, i think i will also make it look easy
gonna be easy to hit Floyd it is not gonna be easy but what that video shows
you if he does get that left through just one time Floyd's head is going to go way back
and if Floyd does get his right through one time Conor's going to look around and say. Did he just hit me?
I'm not sure, cause i think he did but i'm not sure be im not sure i felt it
opportunity to prove to everybody to validate UFC when nothing could be
further from the truth you're going to lose this fight because the fighter
involved was willing to virtually give up all his advantages for this fight
In my mind it's an easy fight. if we go 8 ounces, he's not going 2 rounds. So there ya go
if he actually can land that shit there's thing nobody's gonna ever box
Floyd like that from a karate stance he's been doing a lot of that Taekwondo
footwork thing where he switches back and forth switches stances if he can
keep that kind of distance it's gonna be very hare for floyd to hit him too, its a totally different feel
He's going tot land shots because with this fight i'm going straight ahead. Normally it's more, taking my time being
very cautious but this time im going straight ahead one thing that you must know like the
sport of boxing and about combat sports remember this, the same way you give it you have to be able to
take remember this
And im guaranteeing you thism you going out on your face or your back. now which way you want to go?
That's right, sit quiet you little bitch
I dont see anyone in the division that troubles me, not one of them. they don't move like i move, they don't think like i think, and the don't talk like i talk
at the end of the day we get in and fight. I think facing me is intimidating enough. i'm going to come forward, go at him
He's saying he's gonna come at me, i'll tell you what. he's saying he's going to come at me
i'm telling you all I'm gonna go at him let's see who takes the first back step
even higher moving faster and not afraid so I have
better eyes I put my face asleep determination I do regret to sleep
a word to the wise so long to my limits you gonna take a picture I'm bowing what
you're only gonna work for the man and forever so I'm writing these lyrics so
mark my words as God is my witness whatever you say my words cannot live it
I'm a forgiving and pray for a world where I do not regret it
we're grantees the beasts in your mind attacks when you try to unwind regrads
an unstained dream drowned in a sea of time has walked on the silver lining
dream of the Platinum shine boss come across my mind either I jump or I stay
inclined but what if I lose what if I fall on that booze what if I fall off
track feeling the Blues whatever I ain't what
I choose kept them all way back but what if I told the girl even stay
back many moons past the start to say that city gone all the way got damaged
what it was at the back of my mind shit camera winding hard to this kind of
damned spines to describe my back he goes on my fears to relax so my friends
got read out my stress so sit down to confess to my mind ever thinks it
affects my chest so my body's gotta trust me song ready for the Odyssey here
good fight I thought i smoked him the early rounds I thought i bust you up the earlier rounds but i tell you what
Your one composed individual you didn't get rattled. That's what a true champion does
respect I mean I gotta give respect - that was a
hell of a fight
The Deaths of Biggie and Tupac to Be Explored by Ice-T and Soledad O'Brien - Duration: 2:12.For Complex News, I'm Hanuman Welch.
The deaths of 2Pac Shakur and the Notorious B.I.G. remain two of the most defining moments
in hip-hop history.
The two titans of rap whose lives were cut short haunt rap fans as both mens murders
remain unsolved.
Until now, potentially.
Friday, Fox announced an upcoming two-hour special to explore the deaths of slain rappers
2Pac Shakur and the Notorious B.I.G.
Rapper, author, actor, and director Ice-T will co-host Who Shot Biggie & Tupac? along
with Emmy Award-winning journalist and author Soledad O'Brien, as the show takes a deeper
look into what amounted to cold cases during at least two police investigations and one
FBI probe.
Shakur died on September 13, 1996 after being targeted in a drive-by shooting on the Las
Vegas Strip.
The Notorious B.I.G.—born Christopher Wallace—was similarly killed in a drive-by shooting in
Los Angeles on March 9, 1997.
The former friends and collaborators turned rivals remain linked some 20 years after both
were killed.
Fox's choice to cover the two iconic rappers is a curious one, given how Fox News correspondent
Geraldo Rivera and other of Fox's news pundits have previously criticized hip-hop music and
Rivera famously said, during a critique of Kendrick Lamar's 2015 BET Awards performance.
"This is why I say that Hip Hop has done more damage to young African Americans than
racism in recent years."
Shakur's case remains unsolved, with conspiracy theories abounding.
In April of 2008, the Los Angeles Times retracted a story by Chuck Phillips insinuating Sean
Combs orchestrated the 1994 Quad Studios attack on Shakur.
"The Times has since concluded that the FBI reports were fabricated and that some
of the other sources relied on—including the person Philips previously believed to
be the 'confidential source' cited in the FBI reports—do not support major elements
of the story,"
Former LAPD captain Kevin McClure shut down a task force investigating B.I.G.'s murder
in 2010 noting a lack of results.
"We kept pounding the doors on the same cold leads.
The shooter is most likely dead.
You cannot ask him who paid him.
We don't know who gave the money."
That's all for now, for everything else subscribe to Complex on YouTube, for Complex News, I'm
Hanuman Welch.
SKATEPARK RULES | DON'T SNAKE !!! - Duration: 3:30.hello everyone Benji here it's time to explain all the
things you should and should not do in a skatepark rule number one pay attention
When it's your first time in a skatepark and you don't have a lot of experience
sit on the side of the skatepark to just see what's going on. Where are the
peoples riding where are they going it's really
important like you're crossing the street that's super dangerous always
look on both sides see what's going on be aware of what's going on
I'm addressing this message specifically to the parents I would not recommend for a
kid under six years old to come to a skatepark it's a very dangerous place
they can get a hit they can hit other people the skatepark is not a playground
be responsible please
If you're waiting for you turn on the side of a bowl or
quarter pipe never wait on the coping because it can be dangerous if someone
comes to do a grind or stall it can hit you so always wait between 60
centimetres and one metre away from the coping always look right, left and far in front
of you when it's your turn when no one is in the bowl then you can drop
Most of the time in the skatepark you have lines lines are the trajectories that the
people take to ride most of the time it's parallel they always go back and forth in one direction
Never ever zigzag through these lines
It happens sometimes that you have to cross the skatepark
look right left far in front of you because the danger can come from
anywhere but you know the lines guys so be aware when you cross make sure no one is riding
If you have a bowl in your skate park
don't forget only one person at the time in the bowl there are corners in the
bowl it's possible that you don't see someone coming from the corner so always
one person at a time
now something I see way too much in the skate parks. People or kids sitting on the spots
a skate park is not a chilling place
if you want to sit down sit down on the side of the skate park you have benches
you have grass or whatever never on the spot because people ride this spots and
they're not going to warn you that they're coming they're just going to come
If you want to chill, always on the side of the skate parks
Don't drop ina bowl if you can't get out by yourself because you're going to
annoy everyone there and it also can be dangerous for you and the others
And finally guys, especially to the scooter riders, don't snake. Don't cut the
lines of the others it's not respectful it's dangerous so
please pay attention thank you so much for listening to me
I hope this video helps don't forget guys it's really important to spread the
word so feel free to share this video if I forgot to say some rules please write
it in the comments so everyone can see it
don't get angry because it's not helping at all just explain the situation to the
kid and parents that are annoying you and this will help a lot to make the skateparks a
better place see you guys bye bye
Troublemaker Heather Just CAN'T Get Grounded!! - Duration: 4:43.-------------------------------------------
What Texans Do When It's Flooded And They Can't Drive Their Pickups - Duration: 0:37.One, two, three, four!
Rev up your engines!
It's time for the Scotty Kilmer Channel.
This is what Houstonians do when they can't drive their pickup trucks on the highway anymore.
Feels so good H town.
So we might be having a little rain here in Texas but the cowboy spirit still reins supreme!
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