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How to Make Strong Kava Tea - Duration: 2:53.What's going on guys this is Kyle Shigekuni from DrinkRoot
Today I'm going to show you how to make some very strong kava
Now I'm all about getting the best bang for the buck in terms of kava
and this is the routine that I use that works best for me
I'd love to hear what works best for you guys the different types of techniques that you guys have as well
So definitely respond in the comments below and let's create an ongoing discussion on how to perfect our grog
Okay so here's a couple of things that you'll be needing
You'll need some kava, a strainer, a large bowl, coconut milk
and also a temperature-controlled way to boil water
so for strainers that's a personal preference you can use; a cheesecloth, traditional muslin bag, jelly strainer, I heard of people using pantyhoses
I personally use a 75 micron nut bag. I think that this is the best size and I like it because the consistency.
The coconut milk although it's here for taste it's also very important for aiding the extraction process
The actives kava contains are called kavalactones
and these are responsible for the euphoric and relaxing effects of the drink
When you combine kava root with water it releases many of these compounds. But not all kavalactones are water-soluble, some are fat-soluble.
So when you combine the two (water & coconut milk) the fat acts as an extra emulsifier and will bring out more of the active material in the drink.
This is about two ounces of pre-weighed kava which is about six tablespoons
and that comes out to three to four good drinks.
I recommend about a 1-to-4 ratio of coconut milk to water. But it doesn't have to be perfect.
Now I'm gonna pour in some water this is at 140 degrees Fahrenheit
The reason why is because anything over 140 degrees Fahrenheit will begin to break down the kavalactones
And I'll let this sit for anywhere between 45 minutes to an hour so that it can extract
All right so now the kava has been sitting for about an hour
You can see most of it has seeped into the into the water coconut mixture
Now let's work on mashing this out
It's kind of like squeezing out a sponge or like wringing out a shirt.
The coconut milk is definitely going to ease a little bit of the bite
but I always recommend to keep a bite of fruit on hand. Bula
Hey thanks for watching guys. Remember a great grog starts off with great kava
So make sure your vendor is selling quality noble kava
This brew process is what works for me, but you may have improvements
So if you have any suggestions let's talk about it in the comments below and let's all work together on improving our grogs.
Also make sure to head on over to for details on deals and new releases of premium Vanuatan Kava
How To Creat Android App With Out Codeing ||اپنا ایپ بناؤ اور پیسے کماؤ - Duration: 12:52.Subscribe My Channel
How to remove biofilm from your hot tub - Duration: 3:30.-------------------------------------------
How to make friends and meet new people - Duration: 7:45.what's up everybody wanted to do a quick one for you today on the basic principle
of making new friends and meeting new people I didn't realize how much of a
problem this was for people until I started BROJO actually when I first
went to university I realized how much of a problem this was I've had friends
ever since I was a young child same group of friends we went to high school
together and then I went to university where I literally knew no one there and
all of a sudden I was faced with this bizarre dilemma I don't know how to make
friends I'm like a fully grown adult and I don't know how to make friends and
this caused me so much anxiety that any chance I had in the early stages of
university of actually making friends was ruined by my constant worry about
how to do it and I spent the entire three years of university quite lonely
because of this bizarre inability to make friends I want to start by saying
how normal this is we're not taught how to do it it's assumed that you'll know
how your parents don't teach you your friends are just sort of people you sat
next to in school or people that you work with and everybody's kind of not
talking about this big secret that nobody really knows how's how it's done
okay there are some people obviously who do know but many of us don't and we
struggle especially if we have to move to a new city or we move to a new job or
we just don't like the people that we're associating with and we want a higher
quality circle so today I'm just going to give you a broad approach to help you
go out there and make new friends first off the biggest problem I see with the
coaching that I do the social confidence coaching most people are either trying too
hard or they're not trying at all and many fluctuate between these two so
people are either going out there desperately hoping to make a friend or
find a partner or they give up completely and stay at home playing
video games neither of these approaches works very well and you might think that
you've put a lot of effort in to try to make friends but you might have
missed a key element that would have ruined that attempt for you and that key
element is neediness your biggest enemy when it comes to making friends
ironically is trying to make friends trying hard
desperately trying to fill a space in your life with people when you have
this mindset people can feel it and it's off-putting for them it also puts you
under a lot of pressure overwhelms you with stress and makes socializing
unpleasant for you it makes finding friends at chore which
of course is going to demotivate you all you need to do to make new friends no
matter who you are I've had clients who are strongly autistic I've had clients
with like incredible mental illnesses and various personality disorders none
of them have been incapable of making friends okay it's not really about you
humans really can connect quite easily your biggest enemy is neediness and a
solution all this neediness is to change your focus instead of trying to make
friends and focusing on bringing people into your life instead shifting towards
trying to create a fun and enjoyable lifestyle for yourself your primary
intention should be to enjoy what you're doing and the secondary intention is to
make friends that's the key problem that most people who are trying too hard make
their primary intention is to make friends and that creates so much neediness
for them and they can't see what the neediness is doing it's just repulsive to
people it's not about you personally it's just this sense of you trying to
get someone and they can feel it and they run away from it but if your
primary intention is to have a good time if you learn how to have a good time by
yourself with yourself doing an activity no matter how people feel about you
all that repulsion that you are doing goes away and it's now
easy to be your friend it's easy to meet you and talk to you without feeling
pressure without feeling like I'm gonna have to take care of you or anything
like that so the practical application of this is simply to do what you love
and try to make it as social as possible to give yourself the opportunity to meet
people but primarily be doing it because it's something you love hobbies classes
trips events visiting venues going to do something with a primary intention that's
for you to enjoy the thing you're doing and nobody else has to like you for that
to happen it's not dependent on approval from anybody else now you can go and
do this all by yourself you can read books you can play video games you can
workout at home you can go hiking by yourself if you also want to make
friends and you don't want to sabotage that all you have to do is combine these
things make sure that you're doing what you love
but that it's the social version of it instead of working out at home join a
fitness boot camp instead of reading a book by yourself join a book club
instead of cooking alone go to a cooking class find the social version of what
you love to do and then still go with the primary intention of just doing it
because it's enjoyable but now you're surrounded by people who could be a
great fit for you because they're also into the same shit that
you're into the likelihood that you could be a good match is way higher than some
stranger at like a random meetup okay or a friend of a friend these are people
who are into your stuff they're doing the same thing you love to do it's an
easy conversation to start which brings us to the final point once you're there
initiating conversations these are the kind of three main ingredients to create
new friends one is the mindset of you doing it for yourself just having fun
for yourself secondary is to meet friends second thing is doing what you
love and doing it as socially as possible and third thing is initiating
interactions when you're there as an additional extra thing to do
but making sure you do do it we have a course at BROJO on initiating
connections we've got a whole practical step-by-step process where you can build up
courage through experience and experiments through meeting new people
and you can apply this at the things that you love to do so we'll show you
how to start the conversation at that cooking class without being fake or
using lines or scripts if you want to check out that course there'll be a link
below but that's the key once I learned this little process once I went out and started
just doing what I did for the love of it actually I did it by mistake I set up
this lifestyle because I'd kind of given up on meeting people I just wanted
to focus on me and ironically that bought me into dancing salsa and zouk
dancing that created a whole community of people many of whom are now my
friends so just getting out there doing what you love and then initiating when
you're there that's the formula all right that's what nobody taught you at
school okay if you enjoyed that subscribe you can click the BROJO logo
somewhere here comment below with your feedback and stories or get in touch
with me personally if you need help with this I'll see you
next time Cheers
How To Transfer iPhone To iPhone 2018 - Duration: 5:52.if you aren't sure how to get all of your photos texts apps contacts and other
things from your old iPhone onto new one I'm going to show you exactly how to do
that quickly and easily welcome to my channel Boy Named Kelly here and I'm your
go-to guy for all things tech well some things Tech I don't know I feel like a
million people are talking about the new iPhones so whatever I'll just skip all
that and go straight to the washing machines no but really hit the subscribe
button and activate the bell so that you can see the rest of my amazing tips
recommendations and other things on how to save money on tech that's actually
worth it today's video is sponsored by speedy coin speedy coin is the best way
to get free v bucks in fortnight along with gift cards for PlayStation Xbox and
more click the invite link in the description that they gave me at the end
of the video or use the code "Kelly" to get started alright let's get started
now the first thing you need to do is make sure make sure you have your Apple
ID and your Apple ID password handy this is important because you cannot access
your info on another iPhone without having the proper credentials now if
you've lost track of that information just head on over to
and you'll be on your feet in no time next it's vital that we backup the
iPhone to iTunes or the iCloud now if you aren't sure how the iCloud works
don't sweat it because I personally don't like to use it myself and nobody
seems to understand it at all anyway actually I personally prefer to use the
iTunes backup against the iCloud backup because I often have too much data to
store on there for free anyways you do have the option to subscribe monthly for
more space but I happen to have a good habit of backing up myself on iTunes at
home now to start an iTunes backup just hop onto any computer at home that has a
current version of iTunes expect to be prompted in iTunes to enter your iphones
passcode and also confirm that you trust this device AKA your computer once
you've done that click on the little iphone icon below the volume bar in
itunes on the left hand side of the screen you will see a few options and
you'll want to make sure that you've selected the tab that says summary on
the section that's labeled backups you'll see a few different options for
how your iphone can automatically backup select the option that says this
computer after you've confirmed this change by clicking the apply button on
the bottom right of the screen you're ready to begin backing up your
iPhone go ahead and click on the backup Now button and then BOOM
you're halfway
done protip backing up your iphone to iTunes
is not the same as moving your photos to your computer at least in the sense of
being able to view those photos on your computer this is because an iTunes
backup is kind of like a sealed package yes it has all the information in it
like your texts photos everything else whatever you have on your phone fun
games yeah but its main purpose is to serve as a safety net in case you lose
everything on your phone the long term solution that I have is to simply
offload those photos from my phone to my Mac in the Photos app that way I can
ultimately have them saved on my computer's backup as well you can never
have too many backups so remember that and there's nothing worse than data loss
if you want to see me cry delete all of my data
after you finish backing up your iPhone be sure to click on the eject button
that can be found right next to your iPhones name on the top left section of
your screen and blammo you're ready to begin moving on to your new iPhone
goodbye old iPhone you a piece of garbage I wish I had a new iPhone I have
an iPhone 7 I've had it for two years anyways wow you are just so good at this
technology thing I can't believe you've gotten this far all the moms watching
this yeah good job anyways I hope you thumbs up this video because I'm
definitely earning it we are both earning I'll thumbs you up as well you
just got to leave a comment down below okay let's unbox that new iPhone and get
that sucker plugged into iTunes the following steps are pretty
self-explanatory you'll just need to make sure that you actually read the
prompts that iTunes gives you in regards to updating your phone and restoring the
backup on to it that way everything transfers nicely you'd be surprised how
many problems can be avoided if people would just read the prompts to finalize
transferring your data from your old iPhone to your new one iTunes greets you
with the screen that reads welcome to your new iPhone select the option that
says restore from backup and make sure the drop down menu has your most recent
backup selected once you click on the blue continue button you are well on
your way when that's finished you'll need to read the prompts to connect your
iPhone to Wi-Fi enter your Apple ID setup touch ID etc aren't you so excited
I'm excited you and I can do all these hard iphone things getting new iPhones
transferring the data no biggie just make sure you keep an eye on your iPhone
to follow the prompts that may give you and also you'll want to make sure that
you change your SIM card from your old iPhone to your new one and if you have a
new SIM card make sure that the carrier has actually activated it
if you have problems with your SIM card contact your carrier usually that's something that
they can help you out with now if something wasn't working out for you
leave a comment down below and I'll totally hit you back if you're not sure
what's going on I'm always happy to help I know that can be really frustrating
when you don't know what to do now this video helped you I'd love for you to
subscribe and thumbs up the video that way YouTube can promote it I want to
make sure that I get this out to as many people as possible alright guys thanks
for hanging out with me on my channel I genuinely hope to be hearing from each
of you I want to know where you're watching from you know comment down
below what country you live in or what state and let me know if this video
helped you or what the deal is or what phone you got because I want to buy a
new phone I'm not sure which one to get let me know which one you like alright
guys thanks for watching be sure to subscribe to catch next video and enjoy
that new iPhone also a big thank you to everybody who watched my other video on
how to fix an iPhone that won't charge I had no idea tens of thousands of people
would be watching it and that it would help so many people I mean there were
some thumbs downs but you know you can't please everybody I guess but thank you
so much for subscribing if you have already and I just want you to know that
I hope I can keep making videos that are satisfactory to you I'd love to get to
know you and I love you guys to get to know me a little bit better I think I'm
a really abnormal person but that's a good thing it's good to be different
it's good to be weird but hopefully we can get to know each other as time goes
on when I upload more videos but I really appreciate you guys taking the
time to watch this and we will see you guys next time
How TO Draw Scenery OF Water Cycle With Coloring Step By Step - Duration: 9:27.
How TO Draw Scenery OF Water Cycle
How to Write a Book Faster | AuthorTube Writing Tips - Duration: 14:21.Are you looking to write your book faster?
In this iWriterly video, we will discuss 14 tricks to finish your manuscript sooner.
Coming up!
Heya, book nerds!
I'm Meg LaTorre, and on this episode of iWriterly, let's talk about how we can write
a book faster.
Before we get into today's content, hit the subscribe button and ring that bell if
you haven't already.
Here on iWriterly, we create videos about how to be a successful modern-day author and
we fangirl about books.
As a quick disclaimer, not every writers needs or wants write faster. But if you're watching this video, you are likely wanting to increase your productivity when it comes to how quickly you write your manuscript.
But if you don't write your manuscript quickly, there is no shame or condemnation.
I think sometimes writers get into this mindset where we affiliate our productivity with our success as a writer and our ability to write good books.
One doesn't correlate with the other. You're not a bad writer if you write books more slowly.
All that said, despite our different speeds for our creative process, a lot of writers do want to write books faster.
The aspiration to write a book more quickly could be due to a variety of reasons or circumstances,
such as needing to adhere to deadlines (self-imposed or from a publisher), to provide a constant
stream of income (specifically, for self-published authors), and more.
In addition, most writers wish to dive into the worlds in their heads and have multiple
completed works.
Regardless of the reason, many writers strive for efficiency in order to write more books.
There's no judgment or condemnation if you are satisfied with your pace of writing.
But if you would like to increase your writerly output, consider utilizing these fourteen
Research your topic in advance
Don't go into your book without some knowledge of the genre or topic you plan to write.
Do your homework in advance.
This could mean learning about:
Setting – whether it's real or fictional Warfare and weaponry – specifically for
fantasy writers Technology – specifically for science fiction
writers History – specifically for historical fiction
or nonfiction writers General facts
The protagonist's vocation – especially if it's different from yours
Get to know your characters
It's hard to write a story about a person (or people) you don't know.
Do some exercises before you sit down to write in order to get to know your characters more,
such as character questionnaire or profiles.
Before I write, I want to get to know the 1.)
protagonist(s), 2.)
love interest, 3.)
main secondary characters, and the 4.)
Below are a few examples of what you can write down about each of your characters:
A few of their many physical attributes Any quirks or repeat mannerisms
Their desire/what drives them at the beginning of the book
Their heart's truest desire (what they need vs. what they think they want)
Their general character arc (how they will change in
the beginning vs. the end of the book after the main plot events)
Some writers like to discover who their characters are as they write.
However, consider doing some type of exercise to help you get to know your characters first.
In addition, record everything about these characters in a separate document so you can
go back to your notes later.
It's rather inconvenient if your protagonist starts off the book with blue eyes and end
the book with green eyes.
Outline what you will be writing in the upcoming writing session (or more)
Personally, I'm a hardcore plotter and like to outline my entire manuscript.
If you're a plotter as well, consider outlining your entire book before you start writing.
However, if you fall on the pantser end of the spectrum (a writer who "flies by the
seat of their pants" and doesn't plan anything out in advance), you may want to
write down what you think will happen in the next chapter or scene before you write so
you don't get stuck because you don't know what's happening next.
Make a writing schedule for the coming week
Some people like to write every day.
Some don't.
Some can't.
Personally, I like to write at the same time every week day.
But that may not work for you.
If your schedule is constantly changing due to work or other life circumstances, take
a look at your upcoming week and set aside some time to write.
If you can plan out farther than that, great!
If you want to write at the same time every day and thrive on routine (like I do), then
consider making an ongoing schedule.
But be purposeful about setting aside time for writing so you don't come to the end
of the week and realize you never (or hardly) made time to write.
Set realistic daily/weekly goals
Rather than simply saying, "I'm going to write one hour each day," give yourself
goals to hit within those writing sessions or by the end of the week.
If you have one hour to write, you may find your mind wandering for part of it or you
may not feel entirely motivated to write the entire time.
But if you say, "I'm going to sit at my computer to write for one hour each day and
aim for 500 words or more," you have given yourself a tangible goal to work toward.
Get in the mindset to write before your writing time
Not everyone can sit down and immediately start writing.
Start mentally preparing yourself before you write.
That could mean listening to music, lighting a candle, rereading the chapter you wrote
before, reviewing your manuscript outline, and so on.
Avoid editing as you write
If you want to draft fast, there isn't time to edit as you write.
Take off your editor hat and allow yourself to write words that may suck.
Avoid editing until you finish the first draft (if you can), or if you need to edit as you
go, consider editing at the end of each chapter (and not while you're drafting).
Use placeholders
If you don't know the name of a character or what to call a planet or city in some fictional
setting, add a placeholder.
The way I write placeholders will look something like: [PLANET] or [PROTAGONIST'S BFF].
That way, I can search the document for the brackets and easily find the placeholders
when I'm editing.
In addition, it allows me to continue drafting without having to stop and think about the
perfect name.
Utilize the Pomodoro Technique (also known as "writing sprints")
For those of you unfamiliar with the Pomodoro Technique, it's similar in theory to a writing
It's a time management method created in the 1980s by Francesco Cirillo where you work
in timed intervals, usually 25 minutes in length, and it's separated by short breaks.
You only have so much brain power to accomplish a task before you need
a break; and you will get more done if you focus entirely on a single project for a shorter
time (vs. on multiple projects for a longer period of time).
Personally, I've found that writing for 20 minutes, resting for five minutes, and
then repeating those timed intervals has increased my writerly output.
Experiment with the time of the intervals to see what works best for you.
Set a timer
Going along with the Pomodoro Technique and writing sprints, set a timer for when you
are writing vs. resting.
That way, you don't have to be distracted by looking at the clock to see if you are
at the end of your writing sprint.
You could also set a timer for longer breaks so you don't use up more time unexpectedly.
Write in the same place or at the same time (or don't)
To make writing a habit, it's important to be consistent—and sometimes that means
writing at the same place or same time.
Most writers want to get to a point where they write so much that if they don't write,
it doesn't feel quite right (because the need to write is now ingrained in them).
Consider making accompanying habits alongside writing frequently so when you go to the same
place to write, for example, your creative brain is ready to go.
On the flip side, rotating the location where they write helps some writers to be more productive.
For example, writing at a coffee shop may have less distractions or temptations to do
things other than writing (vs. writing at home, where you could be distracted by chores
or things around the house).
Learn what works for you (either changing things up or making a routine).
Track your progress
Keep yourself accountable by tracking your progress.
Sometimes, writing down how much you wrote each day and seeing you wrote several chapters
by the end of the week is encouragement enough to keep going and working hard.
Manage your expectations
Depending on your experience level, you will want to manage your expectations.
If this is your first novel, it will likely take you much longer to complete it than it
would for someone who has ten books under their belt.
Learn what your baseline is.
Try out a few writing sprints to see how many words you usually get in a session.
Then, work hard to try to increase your productivity and learn to write faster.
Don't be afraid to write a crappy first draft
In the words of Terry Pratchett: "The first draft is just you telling yourself the story."
As I said in the How to Write More Words video: "Your first draft is supposed to be an imperfect
retelling of the perfect story in your head."
Give yourself permission to be imperfect as you allow your imagination creative freedom
to tell the story of your heart.
Thanks for tuning into this episode on iWriterly on how to write a book faster.
If you liked what you saw, give the video a thumbs up.
It lets me know you like this type of content and want more.
If you're new here, welcome!
Consider subscribing.
I post writing- and bookish-related videos every Wednesday.
If you have questions about anything we covered today, leave those in the comments below.
Be sure to connect with me on my other social media platforms, including Twitter and Instagram.
I also have a monthly newsletter, Book Nerd Buzz, which includes exclusive insiders and
giveaways for subscribers.
When you subscribe to the newsletter, you'll receive free copies of the How to Format Your
Manuscript for Submission template as well as a querying checklist.
All of the links are listed below.
That's it for today.
As always, keep writing!
How to draw Red spider lily | Cách vẽ hoa bỉ ngạn đơn giản nhất - Duration: 6:06.-------------------------------------------
How to roll and secure the main door of the Nallo GT and Kaitum GT's extended vestibule - Duration: 0:52.Hi, I'm Petra Hilleberg. I am here with a Kaitum GT
and I wanted to show you how to roll the GT entrance of the Kaitum GT and the Nallo GT.
So on the GT, you can see here that there are two sets of toggles here.
The lower toggle is actually the one that you want to use to roll the GT entrance door.
The upper toggle is to roll the whole front of the Kaitum and Nallo GT doors.
So when you want to have the whole front rolled you use the upper,
but for the regular door you use this toggle.
How To Contour Your Nose (In Arabic)| طريقة كونتور الأنف - Duration: 9:46.Hello! my name is Huda from Hudabeauty
and today i am going to show you
how to contour your nose
i get a lot of request to make this video
nose contouring is so important in makeup
when you wear makeup
you cover your nose with foundation
if you don't contour
even if you have a small nose
it won't have any dimensions
it will look flat
so it's a very important part of your makeup
today i will show you my technique
to make your nose look better with makeup
the first thing i use is primer
make sure you use a good primer
in order for your makeup to stay in place throughout the day
so i like to use an excellent primer
this one is Matte Perfection from Hudabeauty
i really like this primer
it helps the makeup stick to your face
this is also good for oil control
so that you don't look shiny
your skin will not look oily during the day
i will use a little bit of this primer
all over my nose
this will make your makeup last for a long time
like i said, it will also help with oil control
as you can see i haven't drawn my eyebrow yet
because i want to show you
how your eyebrows affect the look of your nose
they can make it look slimmer
and now i am going to apply some foundation on my nose
i am using the color Macchiato from Hudabeauty
you can use any foundation you have
you can see how my nose looks bigger now
because of the foundation
so when you apply foundation on your nose
it will look larger
this is why you should contouryour nose
when you wear makeup
foundation will make your face look flat
it won't look natural
i am done with the foundation and i will start contouring
after the foundation
you want to set your nose with a little bit of powder
this will ensure that your foundation stays still
when you apply your contour powder
you should always contour on a face that has been set with powder
you should never contour with powder on top of a foundation
so it looks smooth
and seamlessly blended
so i am applying a little bit of powder on my nose
you can use any powder you want
i am using this palette from Mac Cosmetics
this is their contour kit
i am using light medium
i like this palette because you can achieve a lot with it
first i am going to apply a little bit of bronzer
all over my nose
my nose sticks out a little bit
so i like to make look smaller
i am using this shade
you can use it as a bronzer as well
and i will apply it all over my nose
then, i am using a small brush
this one is from Zoeva
Number 235
it's called Shader
i am now using this shade
it is called Sculpt
i like to take my eyebrows as a reference
i start to contour down from the inner part of my eyebrows
as you can see, my nose looks very thin now
i am going to apply a little bit under the tip of my nose
if your nose is wide, you can contour the sides
apply the contour shade on the corners
and if you want to make it look even thinner
take some loose powder
this one is Easy Bake in the shade Banana Bread
and i am applying it
on the sides of my nose
i am taking some off of my hand
this is too much!
this will also make your nose look straight
as you can see, my nose looks so thin
it is too thin actually
and then i am going to brush the powder off
so it looks more natural and blended
i am using the bronzer
to blend everything seamlessly
i am using the same brush
i am taking this bronzer
i really like this shade
and i am brushing the powder off
and then i will apply some more bronzer
so just a tiny bit of bronzer on the sides
don't apply it on the center
it looks nice and thin now
for the last step
if you like to use a highlighter, go ahead
i don't like to use it on my nose that much
i don't think it suits my nose personally
since it is tall and going a bit forward
the highlighter will enhance this
i like using the bronzer
to make it look natural
i like to do heavy contouring on my nose
because i use a flash when taking picture
and when you use a flash
the contour fades a lot
and i want it to show more
the last thing i like to do
is to draw my eyebrows
as you can see my eyebrows are far apart
so if you want to make your nose look even slimmer
try to draw your eyebrows closer together
if they are very far apart
your nose will look wider
and if your nose is too slim
you can draw your eyebrows farther apart
i want my nose to look slimmer
so i am drawing my eyebrows closer together
so am
because i only want to work on the inner part
this eyebrow pencil is from IT Cosmetics
it is called Warm Blonde, so it is very light
i am drawing tiny hairs right here
very lightly
i am going to use a darker color for the rest of the eyebrow
and as you can see
this makes my nose look so much slimmer
so that was the last step
as i said before, you can apply highlighter
if my nose was thinner i would
but my nose is tall
so the highlighter would not suit me at all
in this video i only showed you how i contour my own nose
i can do another video on different types of noses
mine as i said is tall and going forward just a bit
if you have a different nose let me know
so i can make more nose contouring videos
just let me know in the comments down below
what you want to see next
and i will take your request into consideration
my Arabic is a little bit better now
i find it easier
at first it was so difficult
but i am improving every day and i hope you enjoyed this video
i will see you guys later!don't forget to subscribe to my channel
and thumbs up this video
How to Make a RC Car at Home Easy - Remote Controlled Car - Duration: 12:05.
How to: Open a my Social Security Account - Duration: 1:22.>> "MY SOCIAL SECURITY" IS A
How To Analyze A Property And Run Comps - Duration: 9:34.You want to know if you have a smoking deal in real estate so you need to run
the numbers, you need to analyze, you need to run the comps, you want to know do I
have a really good deal? Today, I'm going to show you exactly how to do that with a
very simple tool. And today, I'm also going to share with you how do you find
really amazing hot deals. Now, join me. I've got Burton. He's in town from
California with Props Dream. This is my go to real estate software for cutting
out all the Realtors or all the unnecessary people when it comes to
buying a house with maximum discounts and maximum equity. Now, Burton. I'm asking
you, I'm going to put you to the test, okay? I'm going to be testing your software and
here's what I want to know. Can you help me in less than a minute, find a hot
smoke and deal that has a significant... Let's call it a 20% equity position? -Okay.
-You're up to the challenge? -Absolutely. -Okay, awesome. -We're going to go back to Salt Lake
City and I'm using some of the criteria you're very familiar with. So I'm going to
look for something that's owner-occupied. I'm going to filter through the MLS looking
for single-family and using your criteria. 3 to 5 bedrooms, 1 and
2 bathrooms. -Entry level, hot. -I'm also going to look for anything on the MLS
that's active or failed. -Okay. -What I also what I'm going to do is look
for anything that's listed below market price. And it's currently on the market
as well. -Now, I'm going to put a max on 230,000. Because really, I
like to be below the median and so that just means we're going to be there. -Right.
Now, we can... For me, I like to look for any type of owner so I'll leave that alone
value time. So, what I'm going to do is I'm going to look for properties that are
listed up to 230,000 but our system calculates it at a value of
$260,000. -Now guys, you need to watch very carefully because
you can get the software for free. It's something special that I negotiated with
Props Dream. For all of my investors, I want you to have access to really good
deals today at no coast. and so, I want you... I want you to
literally duplicate exactly what he's doing on the free system that you can
download in the link in the description. And for your area, be below the median
and you have to know your numbers a little bit. But check it out.
I want my estimated value at 260,000 or greater. So
basically, we're saying, "Find me something..." See, there's a margin between 230 and 260.
"Find me something under 230 that's at least worth 260 that's giving us a gap."
-Absolutely. So now that we've done that, we're going to go ahead and apply. And we narrowed down 16 results out of 10,000 MLS list.
-Okay, so out of 10,000, we brought it down to 16 of the hottest deals that are
below the median. Do you guys see how amazing that is? Let's look at the first
one here. What do we got? -348, East.
The property values 264. It's listed at $200,000. -Boom! That's what I'm talking
about right there, okay. That was maybe longer than a minute because you were
explaining, grace period. You're all good. Dude, friends, you got a look at this. This
is a home that is listed for $200,000, it has an estimate of 264,000. Let's look at
the next one. What else would this...? 1613. So estimated value of 290,
currently listed at $200,000. -Okay. I'm just going to breathe for a second because
I'm going to pause. I'm going to take a bathroom break but really I'm just
going to pull up my cellphone and I'm going to call this person up be like, "Hello, I have
an offer for you right now." Guys, an estimated value of 290, purchase it for
$200,000. Now listen, you could have a team of Realtors going through all
10,000 of those deals all day long. And most of them are going to tell you this,
"It's not possible. You can't find that much equity." But I'm telling you, the deal
of the decade comes along like every day. You just need to know how to look for it.
In PropStream, they're making it easy which is why I asked him to give you a
free account or at least free trial so that you can check this out. Do the same
thing. Literally, get a deal in your area right now. Look up the next one. I just
got it. I just got it now. So, he found 60 grand on the first one, we've found
$93,000 on the second one. This is a property on redwood
road. -271, listed at 229. -Okay, so this was 229
271. We're looking at a $54,000 discrepancy. So friends, check it out.
We just found 3 smoke and hot actually live deals that we can call and
I guarantee you, if I'm making that phone call I'm going to be getting 1, 2 or
3 of all of those deals. People are always complaining, "I don't know how to
run the comps. I don't know how to find the good deals." We have found them. Now,
let... This whole video is about running the comps. Let's take the first one that
we had found there. -Absolutely. -And actually, take the second one. Because
they had $93,000 of equity. That is awful suspicious but
hey, if there's ten thousand homes on the market, there's bound to be one person
that's listing in a third below market. -Alright. -So our system will give you
access again to County reported comps as well as MLS listings. So, the first is we
have 15 comps to this property. -And those are all listed without a
half-a-mile? -Correct. -Okay, that's awesome friends. You've got, you know, we're always
looking for 3 comps.3 things that have sold in... In a half
mile radius. Or if you know that your properties in a weird location where
you're bordering up against like commercial or like a million dollar
residency, you know, eliminate those ones. You're trying to stick with homes in the
area that are the most like your home. So you don't skew the numbers. -Absolutely. So,
here, we can also now filter our comps. We can say we want something similar to our
property. 4 bedrooms, minimum 1 bathroom. -Because that's the home we're
looking at is a 4 bedroom, 1 bath. -So, now our system has identified four of
them with this average sale price of 288. -Okay, so check it out. What happened was
that it is that we went down from 93,000 to $88,000.
They basically said, "Hey, if you're going to eliminate the irrelevant
comps that are in the area and stick with the homes that are the most recent
and bedroom, bathroom and size", now we've only got four real comps. You want to
select the best ones. And right now, they're still showing eighty plus
thousand dollars of equity. -Absolutely. Now, the next step I would like to do is
look at the hundred and fifty most recent MLS activities within a one-mile
radius around the property. Here, I can see things that are active. Like this is
active starting September 11. It's a 3-bedroom at 249. But we can
now look for the 4 bedrooms....
So, let's look at active four bedrooms. So, here are we are going down. Here are
the active four bedroom. So, we have one that's active. 4 bedroom, 2. Was
active on August. So, is listed starting on August being listed at $372,000
-Which is $90,000 even higher?
-Absolutely. -Okay. So, you can see you've got 373, 936, 370, 499, 609,
274. So, we need to get to the relic. So, can we actually... Can we do a
comparison here on just the MLS listings that are the most relevant? -Yeah. So, what
I normally like to do is I like to sort out by the most by sold. So I'm going to go
here at the top and change the status. So, it shows me all the sold properties. So
now, I'm just looking to find any 4, 2 bedrooms that are on the sold results.
Here's a 4, 2 that sold in February for $309,000.
Another one that's sold in Maine for 274. -Yep. -There's one that's sold
315 and may. So idealistically, we're now showing you information that
the realtors have access to but you have access to it through PropStream. -Now
guys, this is really incredible because you need to understand that when you
work through a realtor, someone needs to pay them. And the seller is always going to
be paying 6% out of pocket. 3% to their agent for listing, 3% to your for being
the buyer's agent. 6% on a hundred grand is $6,000. 6%
on %300,000 is 18 grand.
Instead of the seller actually paying %18,000, to the
Realtors, they can actually give that $18,000 or a part
of it to you in the form of a discount on the property. So, this is a really
powerful negotiating tool. Friends, when you're trying to get a pile of equity,
this makes it really easy because it helps you cut out the middlemen when
necessary. Helps you go right to the source, helps you know upfront what the
best deals are. Helps you run the comps on homes that have sold, what the active
listings are. And basically, you've got all the information at your fingertips
so that you can run the numbers and then make intelligent offers. Now, this whole
thing, this whole system, instead of me teaching you how to pencil it out by, you
know, the calculator knew by hand which I
still do anyway. I'm old school, I'm also new school and I'm using systems like
this. And I'm telling you, out of all the real estate software's that are out
there to help you find good deals, negotiate good deals, get the contact
information of the best deals, learn how to run the comps for the best deals, PropStream
is my chosen software. It has eliminated the need for any of the
others. When I'm in the mood for a good idea,
boom! It's right there at my fingertips. If you want that, I've gone to them and I
said, "Hey, I want to negotiate, you know, less fees." And you guys charge anyone
else. It's already a really reasonable, super, inexpensive system but I've asked
for the best deals on it. And have also asked for a free trial, no questions
asked for you. And I'm negotiated that on your behalf and it is available. So, all
you really need to do is click the link in the description below and start
finding the good deals, running the numbers and go get yourself a good deal today.
How to Choose Your Next Bowling Shoes | Tips - Duration: 10:28.-------------------------------------------
How to Show Keyboard Viewer Menu in MACOS MOJAVE (Bangla) | ম্যাকওএস মহাভে তে কিবোর্ড ভিউয়ার মেন্যু - Duration: 4:55.How to Show Keyboard Viewer Menu in MACOS MOJAVE (Bangla) | ম্যাকওএস মহাভে তে কিবোর্ড ভিউয়ার মেন্যু
How to play Silent Night on the recorder (X-Mas challenge) - Duration: 6:13.Hello music friends, ahoy young music sailors, my name is João, I'm a music
teacher and I'm in love with the idea to help music students and teachers
worldwide with the journey to a different planet ... the world of music!
this concept was awarded worldwide by Microsoft education and I want to share
it with you in each adventure, so today we will rock "Silent Night" on this
instrument here - the recorder! We will use the recorder like a game controller of a
video game! What? So, yeah anyone can learn it and this
Christmas you can surprise your family members by playing this tune on the
recorder. If you share it with us we have a surprise for you, but I will explain
that at the end of this video. But for now let's dive into the world of music
let's Classplash!
Yes...but maybe it was too fast for you. So I will play slower showing you the
fingering positions again and you will see also a colored sheet music. Each color
represents a bat of the gameplay but at the same time the corresponding music
note in the sheet music. Afterwards you can go back and try to follow up with me
in the gameplay
Do you get it? Are you able to play it on the recorder? Then surprise your family
members and show us how you have done it on social media. For that just use the
title: "I rocked Flute Master on Christmas in the world of music" and tag your
friends and family members. If you tag us you will be actually able to win one
of these and the video game! If this adventure was too hard for you, then
please find the video called "How to learn recorder using Flute Master" or
just download the app to get the full experience. So wherever you are on this
planet, thank you so much for tuning in and I wish you a Merry Christmas and a
Happy New Year! Adeus!
How to Use Google Translate App for Genealogy - App Review - Duration: 3:02.Welcome back to another episode on Genealogy TV. Today I am doing another
"App For That" segment this is a little review of the Google Translate app. If
you don't have it on your phone you should, especially if you're doing
records if you're looking in the archives for records from overseas. Now
I'm going to demonstrate this on a website but obviously Google has
Translate on a website this would be great for documents though that if
you're on location somewhere and you need to translate something you can do
so with this app. So this is really cool. Okay so here's the Google Translate app
I'm gonna click on it and I have already pre-loaded it with Danish to English
because I have Danish ancestry and so I go to the Danish websites a lot. Now I
have set this website to be in Danish as it was originally as it was originally
set so I will show you this this is so cool. So... we've got Danish to English
already set. All you have to do is click on the camera and now we have a camera.
And so all we have to do... check this out we're gonna align this over and it
starts to translate as you hover over it. Is that not the coolest check that out.
Now is it perfect? No, but it certainly gives you an idea of of what... Sometimes
you have to hold real still or move around a little bit to get it to
translate but you can certainly do this probably easier with documents than I
can demonstrate it on a website... but this is the Danish archives. Let's go up here
oh look Danish demographic database see? Isn't that cool?
Welcome to DDD. Alright so there you have it the
Google Translate app for your cellphone. It's a must-have if you have done
research where you've jumped the pond and you are on location. Love it, love it,
love it. Gotta have it.
I Freak Out About Snow And Don't Know How To Get A Cat The Sims 4 First Person Ep. 6 - Duration: 16:49.hello my fellow awesome people and welcome back to the sims 4 first person
and as you can see well as you can see a lot of things
so you can look at my beautiful face mmm I know its awesome isn't it
and i also got seasons now i'm so excited
and i also got kids room stuff and parenthood is stilll don't have get famous because
i am a college student i know i don't look like a college student i know i look very much younger then that
but um um i am in college
and i have a little thing called student loans so
i gonna wait to i buy get famous for the price to go down before i get it
or ask for it for christmas or something but i will get it eventually don't worry
i'm so excited i can finally begin my first video with seasons its gonna be awesome
since it is winter i'm gonna start out with winter here
when you're not bundled up in doors have some fun in the snow or on the ice
don't forget to decorate for winterfest or plan your new years resolutions
oh i have to click the little check! my face was covering it!
take that face
ok were going to our little wait where is he right now
HE HAS SCHOOL! Now he has to got to that teacher no one likes. i'm actually gonna have him ditch school cause
this is not going where i want to take this episode
i'm actually gonna get them a cat today cause skydon
recommended that we get them a cat
and chase around the little critters in san mysuno
so that sounds fun
switch to control him
and then i guess i can have him ditch school after that uuu
i'm not gonna cut this part out cause while its loading look at my face
you know i have to keep reminding myself to look at the camera
instead of this thing its so hard but look at my face
its beautiful isn't it. HUUUUUU!
look at their winter outfits oh my God!
oh my God!
Ah! Oh my God!
look how it looks in first person
oh my God! What! AAAA!
i like this already! yes!
aaa! wait? do we have the same outfit as him?
ok wow okay so yeah were gonna have him ditch school
so we can get a cat and everything
leave work early if you want to call school work then ok
um what was i gonna do
oh yeah get a cat! because this kid
hes been trying to get with some girls and it hasn't been going well
so i think his parents will get him a cat to make him feel better
i don't know if the phone works in first person we'll see
oh it does! A!
yay! um...
i don't know if a kid can adopt a pet though
i know a kid can't abopt a kid beacause that would be
nuts if they could
can you imagine a kid adopting a kid
ok hire a service i don't know if they can adopt a pet
oh! they can! they can! yes!
ok awesome!
i would have to switch to one of the parents if i uh couldn't do that
lets wait for them to all load up so we can decide which one we want!
fee $200 do we have enough we do thank God
i don't know if the parents go to work
i gave them jobs but i don't control them only the kid
Cupcake! o! thats such a nice name
o! look at that one! i might get that one!
i'm gonna look at all of them
Zoe. Ha ha those eyes i like that
Porkchop! Ha ha thats a funny name
ok so i'm totally going with cupcake
no offence to the other cats i love animals love them all
but we're getting cupcake here
whens he going to come i hope he comes fast
oh i hope he comes fast
A! A! A! the cats here yay!
yay! cupcake is here!
yay! a!
ok so i did cheat a bit to get
to get awesome's energy up i wouldn't normally cheat like that but
i wanna get right in to it
i don't wanna have to take care of him or anything
i wouldn't normally cheat i know some don't like it when lets players cheat
i can't promise i'll never cheat but i will try to keep it on the downlow but i can't promise i'll never ever cheat
oh my God! a rat
we got a cat just in time we literally got a cat just in time
wait is the cat in our family yet
hurry up and eat kid
oh my God!
whats that stink over there
ok go go go
new years eve starts- New years eve!
what?! we didn't even have christmas
the power! why did the power go out? what?
did we forget to pat our bills what!?
maybe its a weather thing
why is the cat thing not working
i have to exit first person for a minute
end adoption?
wait! we actually have to like...
we actually have- ah! oh my God theres the cat!
do we have to get her to like us or something
to actually make the adoption work
please let us have a cat please
we just wanna go to san mysuno
chase some of the critters with the cat
i don't know can i just have the cat please
should i cheat? i'm sorry guys i know i said i would keep cheating on the downlow but
i might cheat to get her to like us or something
don't call her a vampire! we know what a happened last time we did that!
ok can we like have our cat
ok wheres cupcake we want our cat!
ok i'm going out of 1st person for just a minute
see if we can find the cat
I SWEAR! If the cat is on the ceiling!
look at that shadow
i'm gonna freak
ok we can't see the ceiling
can't see the ceiling
God how do we get the cat
wait where did she go
can we just have our cat please uuuu
oh my God there he is or there she is cause its a girl sorry
what? you ditched us!?
ok first of all we already ditched school today
second of all you ditched us on that date so we have a
a cat now. okay?
ok thank Goooood finally figured out how to do this
sorry guys uuu
despite loving animals in real life i never really
play with pets too much in the sims
in ethier 3 or 4 so sorry that
i don't fully know how to do this
are sure you want to adopt this pet?
taking care of a pet is a big responsiblity
why else would we have went through all that
last name! uuu! i forgot want their last names are!
Just make the last name frosting cupcake frosting!
Cupcake Frosting
haha. becuase i don't remmeber what my own people's
last names are
yay! oh my God!
oh look at that!
we're holding a cat in first person
thats so awesome
omg yes SimguruKate was like
talking about how awesome it is to hold
cats in like first person
and you don't understand how awesome it is until you do it
um did it work
wait wait we have to find him wheres cupckae
wheres cupcake cupcake cupcake
stop it
were he'd go
where did she go
uuu why are we having so much trouble with this cat
wait! whos leaving?
please tell me we got to keep the cat
did we get the cat
why is it not in the thing?
wheres the cat
do we not get to keep the cat
lip smacking noises
are we not going to get the cat
we get to keep the rat
we don't get to keep the cat but we get to keep the rat
bitch didn't let us keep our cat so
i just created our own
and look
i'm so happy how our car turned out
i'd thought i'd be bad at this but i'm pretty proud
pretty proud
pretty cute cat
and i gave her the same name Cupcake Frosting
and she is affectionate
shes playful
and shes friendly
and now we're finally gonna have a cat
but OMG guys
we so need to get back at the other woman who didn't
let us have a cat
like omg thats gonna be our enemy in the sims
like we have a recording so we have her name i think it
was Saya or something was her name
you know what we'll find her we'll find her
i don't know how we'll find her but we'll find her
and we'll get our revenge on her for sure
omg we're freezing this poor cat omg what are we doing
should we wait for it to get cooler?
play with laser... omg let see how this looks in first person!
h! ok!
omg look at that ok wait wait wait hold on
ok a!
(laughs) look!
playing as the cat in first person and trying to get the laser
ok i'm going back to the kid now!
wait wheres his head!? ok! he almost lost his head!
ok i don't really see
sorry to Skydonn because he recommended that we uh
try to get them to chase birds or anything
Skydonn if you could tell me in the comments exactly what you meant
like how do i get the cat
to chase birds or whatever
in San Mysuno that would be awesome
i'm trying to do what you recommended but i can't really do it here
oh! and he also recommended that i teach people how to get in first person
so how you do that is um
you just press tab and shift at the same time and you can be in first person
so i can click watch mice
but i can't have the cat actually do anything to the mice
i think thats because um
the cat is only a kitten at this time
aw look at it!
look at it actually go to the hole and everything
omg! it ran into it
omg look at that! (laughs)
that was awesome so so i think um
we can't really do much with the cat or the mouse at this time
since the cat is only a kitten i think
i think maybe when we age it up we can
we can um
um what was i gonna say
maybe when we age up the cat
we can have the cat chase the mouse or something i think
we'll see
because i really have no idea
so I'm sorry to Skydonn and eveyone else
but i couldn't really figure out how
to get the cat to chase the mouse or something
we might have to age up the cat or something and thats it!
because we did get the cat as a little kitten
so we could live through
the cat's whole life
so yeah
but i'm gonna leave this part off here guys
thank you so much for watching
and dealing with me not knowing how to play this game apparently
even though i decided to do a whole lets play on it
and i don't even know how to play
thanks for watching guys
please be sure to hit that like button
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share the video
do everything! everything!
ok i love you all! (claps) stay awesome!
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