İNSTAGRAM %100 ŞİFRESİZ YORUM BEĞENDİRME - HİKAYE İZLETME - CANLI YAYIN -TAKİPÇİ KASMA - BEĞENİ HİLE - Duration: 11:54.-------------------------------------------
Jane Alexander su Instagram: 'Mi viene da piangere e faccio fatica a mangiare' | Nuova Vita - Duration: 3:44.-------------------------------------------
COMO VENDER COMO AFILIADO HOTMART E MONETIZZE no instagram - Duration: 5:33.-------------------------------------------
How to get Free Instagram Followers - Followers Instagram 2018 👍👍 - Duration: 3:21.Free Instagram Followers 2018
How To MASTER Instagram Ads For BEGINNERS In 2019 - The COMPLETE Instagram Advertising Tutorial - Duration: 25:32.In this video
I'm going to break down the three different ways to market your business on Instagram how to use the Facebook Ads manager
Advertise how to advertise within the mobile app and also probably the most cost effective way to market and advertise your business
leveraging other Instagram influencers
All right. Now if you guys are brand new here to my channel
My name is Jason Wardrop and I teach you how to generate more leads
Make more money and grow your business
And if you guys want a free bonus from me
Then right down below in the description as well as in the top comment section
I have a 100% free Facebook Ads mini course where we do dive into
Facebook advertising as well as Instagram advertising and I have a little cheat sheet for you guys
And also if you guys are brand new here
Make sure you subscribe because we launch new videos every single week and how to generate more leads
Make more money and grow your business
So hit that subscribe button and also if that notification bell so you will be notified every time
We launch a new video. So with that said guys, let's talk about the three core ways that you can market and grow your business
Leveraging Instagram now Instagram obviously is one of the hottest social networks out there right now
So it's a great place to go and connect with your different customers
But the thing is Before we jump in and like we just want to start marking our business on Instagram
We got to think about what business were in and where our ideal client. Our ideal customers are actually hanging out now
There's a lot of customers
There's a lot of potential clients on Instagram
But you got to make sure that it matches well with your business before we dive into things
So there's three key ways to go through and actually market your business
Leveraging Instagram so that you can become a master when it comes to Instagram advertising, right?
so the first way to go through and market your business on Instagram is
Leveraging other social media influencers. So if you think about your market, whatever market you're in there are other
influencers with
Massive followings where if you're just getting started you might not have any following whatsoever or you're following might be very small so it's kind
Of hard to get that organic growth generate those leads make that those sales for your business
So what you can do is go find of their social
Influencers on Instagram that already have a following and typically you can reach out to them. So send them a direct message on your phone
And then say hey, how much does it cost for a promotional pulse?
So for example, let's say I'm gonna jump over here on Instagram
Just kind of show you how this works
A lot of this has to be done on your mobile phone and it's a lot easier to do on your mobile phone
But just for the sake of this example, I'm gonna be showing you guys right here on my desktop
But let's say that you are in the fitness industry
So we're gonna come up here to the search bar and more likely you already probably know the top
Influencers in your market, and if you don't you definitely should get to know them
So let's say we're in the fitness
So we'll just type in Fitness up here and it's gonna pop up some of these different Instagram influencers
So for example like Christian guzmán right here
I know he's a fitness influencer and we're gonna click to his profile and you can't do this on a desktop device
But you can do it on your mobile phone. You can direct message Christian and ask
How much does it cost for a promotional post and typically most?
influencers are gonna have different rates as far as how much it cost to have a post up for a few hours or
Even for a full 24 hours, typically what they'll do
Is you give them an image with the post or whatever link you're wanting to send people to and now they'll leave that post up
For about 24 hours and then they'll take it down. So they'll delete the post
But basically if you want more time, then you can pay more for a longer period of time
Or if you want multiple posts
Then you can go through and say you'll pay how much would it cost to have like 5 posts within the next?
72 hours and they'll give you these different rates and all of these different influencers are gonna have different rates
but the reason why this is super powerful is because a lot of times if you come over here and you look at some of
these different pictures
He's getting 42 thousand likes 240 comments 31 thousand likes
32 thousand likes so you can see how much engagement
55,000 they're getting with each one of these posts
So when it's coming from the actual influencer themselves as opposed to just a sponsored ad on Instagram
Then it's just a lot more beneficial to you and you
Or business and you're gonna get a lot more clicks a lot more leads a lot more exposure
Because they already have that connection with this influencer
and so a lot of times you're able to get that awareness for pennies on the dollar as
opposed to going into the Instagram app and advertising there or even going into the Facebook Ads manager and
Setting up your full Instagram marketing campaign within there, which we'll get to here in just a second
So once again guys you could just come down here
If you click this down arrow, we can see a lot of other influencers
And so usually what I would do is I would go find you know
10 to 15 to 20 other influencers that are in the same exact niche
It's like for example Rob I know he's in this niche as well
and so I would just go through and I would message all these people and ask how much it would be for a
sponsored post on their profile
And typically they're gonna have if they're gonna have a decent sized following like this guy's got four hundred seventy five thousand followers
they're going to have some type of rates in place to be able to just give you right out of the gate and then you
Can go through and track and measure, you know
Is this going to be worth it to be able to get so you come down here?
It's really important to see how many likes and comments that each person's getting because really anyone can go and buy
followers that are like fake followers
But you want to make sure they've got a good
Following but also they've got a good connection with that following
So if they're getting a lot of likes a lot of comments all that stuff, then you want to make sure
that that's happening so that if you're gonna go and invest money into a post is
It actually going to be engaged with are people gonna actually see it or you can actually get clicks to your website
And if that's the case, then it's definitely a worth looking into as far as investment goes
All right. So that is the first way now, let's jump over here. This is kind of Facebook's Instagram advertising page
Which gives you a quick run through and we're gonna hit some of these different points just so you have a basic understanding
Of all the different ways that you can market or advertise your business on Instagram and then we're gonna actually jump into the Facebook
Ads manager and set up an Instagram
Advertising campaign, okay
So right here, there's a few ways that you can go through and create different posts on Instagram that sponsored post
So obviously you could do just a photo ad right you guys have seen these before if you've been on Instagram
It's basically just a picture just like anyone elses account
But it's a sponsored and then we'll have a call-to-action link and then down below it
So there's not going to be any a headline sub-headline or anything like that?
But there will be a call to action and then down below in the actual description area. You can write some text
But if you put a link in the actual description area, it's not going to be clickable
Just like any other link within Instagram, but you can have the call to action when they click on the actual photo itself
so obviously you have video ads the thing you got to remember is that if you're setting up a
Video ad that's going to be both on Facebook as well as Instagram
So the video ad can only be 60 seconds long, okay
now that's really important remember because if you're setting up a video ad on Facebook
You can actually be really as long as you want. Whereas with Instagram it can only be 60 seconds long
So if you're trying to make an ad that's going to be both on Facebook and Instagram
It's got to be less than 60 seconds or else it won't show, okay?
You can have these carousel ads which are really nice especially as far as like if you're doing e-commerce
Product or even if you're in real estate and you're showing a home a listing, you've got multiple photos of that home
People can scroll down and flip through all the different photos and so it's just like an Instagram photo ad
But you can have multiple photos, which is really convenient
And then right here
We've got the story ads which this is basically you can have a photo or a video but Instagram launch stories kind of copying
Snapchat back in the day, but basically it's gonna be at the very top once you jump on Instagram
and so as someone's clicking on the different stories as they're clicking next it'll pop up as a sponsored post between
their friends stores and the next friend stories
And so once again, there is a limit on the amount of time you can have on this video
I believe it is 15 seconds. Let's see if it's got right here
So it doesn't have the time but I believe it's just 15 seconds
so you got to be aware of that and
Also, another thing is if you look at the way that someone's gonna be holding their phone when they're we through their story adds
They're gonna be holding it vertically
So if you're shooting a video ad that you're wanting to promote to everyone you're wanting to shoot that video
vertically on your phone because then if you shoot a
Horizontally, it's just gonna show up kind of small right here
And that's gonna have a lot of black where you're not optimizing the real estate on that phone
And so it's just you want to make sure you know where you're gonna be actually
Showing this video ad whereas like up here. You can make it a box. You can shoot it
Vertically, you could shoot a horizontally. There's a lot more options if it's just in the Instagram newsfeed
All right, they cut me down here collection ads
This one's really good for e-commerce stores as well where you can have a lot of different images
You can honestly on Shopify
You can track based off what products people have looked at and then based off what they've looked at
You can reshow that to that person on instagram
So there's really some powerful things that you can do with Instagram advertising and setting all this up
So like we said earlier there's a few different ways to go about doing this one
you can obviously connect with other social influencers and ask them how much it would cost to do a
Sponsored or promoted post on their page. Typically it only lasts a certain amount of time
but honestly at the end of the day the weight Instagram and even Facebook works is the posts typically are only relevant for about
24 to 48 hours and then it just gets lost deep into the newsfeed so you don't really need anything longer than that if you
Want more exposure then you could just pay for
multiple posts over the course of let's say five to seven days and you can get more people coming in and seeing your business and
Your products and generating more leads. All right, you can also go through and advertise within the Instagram app
So if you have a business profile
Just you make a post and you can hit this promote button right here as you seen and then the way I like to do
It is going into the actual ads manager, which we're gonna do here in just a second
I'll break down and show you guys exactly how to set this all up
But you'll go to the ads manager and it's just like creating a facebook marketing campaign
but instead of choosing to post on Facebook you're choosing to post it on Instagram and obviously if
the creative fits both platforms
Then you can say hey, I want to advertise both on Facebook as well as on Instagram. Okay, so coming over here
Let's jump in and I'll show you guys how to set this up within the Facebook Ads manager to target people just on Instagram
So we'll come over here and on our Facebook page. We'll go to the ads manager
We can access it right here or in the drop down in this right arrow
So we just click on create ads or manage ads?
so I'm just gonna come over here click on ads manager and
This will take us into our Facebook Ads account
Now if you have never created an a Facebook Ads account, it's gonna walk you through the initial creation, but right here
These are your Facebook advertising
Campaigns. Okay. So what we're gonna do first is will click on create to create a new campaign
And at first it's gonna ask us what is our marketing objective
So what do we want to accomplish by creating this advertising campaign? And the cool thing is that
Facebook Facebook is also Instagram. So Facebook bought Instagram for over a billion dollars
So when I'm talking about Facebook, it's the same thing for Instagram
But they have so much data on every single person on their platform. They know their age. They know their gender
They know what they like what other posts they like what accounts they interact with
They know if people are more likely to watch a video on
Instagram or on Facebook and so because they have all this information
When we're going through and creating a new advertising campaign
We can tell
Facebook aka Instagram
Which campaign what what type of objective of what we want to accomplish with this campaign?
So for this example, let's say we are just wanting people to click off to our website
Check out our Shopify store opt-in to one of our landing pages or visit our website or blog or anything like that
We'll click on traffic right here
And that's basically we want people to click from Instagram and go to our site
Okay, so well come over here. We'll name it traffic
Demo, you can really name it whatever you want
but I like to kind of like give it a name of something that I know if I see that later on the road if
I'm looking through all my
Advertising campaigns. I know what it is specifically for so we might even do down
And they call it demo IG for Instagram obviously and then we'll click continue
Okay, and now this is where we're gonna choose our audience of who we want to target and we're gonna choose our placement
So the placement is do we want to show this ad on Facebook do want to show it on Instagram?
We want to show it on the Instagram newsfeed do want to show it in the Instagram stories
Where do we want to actually have this shown? Okay, so we're gonna come up here and give this a name as well
So we'll say IG and we'll say people in
Dallas for example, okay
So right here this traffic website, we don't have to touch anything right here the dynamic dynamic creative right now
We don't have to mess with that to offer anything like that. We'll come down to the audience
And this is where we choose who we want to actually show our post to okay?
So let's say that we are in the fitness space
So we want to show it to you know people that are interested in fitness
So if we come down here, we probably don't want to just say fitness in general because fitness is pretty broad
Like is it gonna be more focus for men or women?
It's gonna be more focused on weight loss or maybe you're trying to get a 6-pack or build muscle anything like that
So we want to actually get a little bit more targeted with our advertising so it's not just speaking to
Everyone out there. So for this example, let's say we have a product or service or something
Whatever it is that is close to since where we've kind of been coming with the whole Fitness route
Let's say it's close to like p90x like at-home workout video training program
Maybe we've got like a little home workout course or something to go through and build strength build muscle get get fit
So we can come in here and for the detail targeting we will type in
Ok, it should have something so we've got about 1.4 million people in this audience
so instead of this Dallas one will say Instagram will say
Alright, so now we'll come down here
And as far as the location really that like I like to typically start out with just the US
But you could go through and do the US and Canada or wherever you're located
Whatever country you're located or wherever you want to have your ideal target customers and then as far as the age goes like p90
is pretty general pretty broad so all this leave that open-ended if you do have a
Specific market, like you're wanting to go through and work with women ages 18 to 30
You go through and put that in there. The one thing to keep in mind when it comes to targeting and your audience size
Facebook typically likes larger audiences and based off of your ad copy and you're creative
So whether it's a video or image Facebook can kind of target who the ideal people are that are more likely to actually engage
With that post and click to your website. So make sure you guys keep that in mind a lot of people
I feel like a lot of beginners go through and they try to get all the interest is like super narrow down super niche
They try to go and get a specific age range and get that exact person super ideal and a very tiny audience
But typically what I found is that your advertising dollars are better spent leaving a little bit more wide open
But giving Facebook just a little bit of direction
So make sure you keep that in mind as you're going through and creating an audience to go through and target
And then coming down here to our placements now, we're setting up an Instagram app
Facebook says that the automatic placements is
Recommended but that means this can be shown on Facebook on
Instagram on their audience network every place that it that Facebook can actually go through and show an ad
And I don't love that because if you go and have a video
It's gonna show up different on your stories on your Instagram newsfeed on your Facebook newsfeed
And so I usually like to go through and select specific
Placements so that my ad creative is actually gonna match up with that placement. Okay
so will come over here will click on edit placements and
I don't want to do anything on Facebook because this is a tutorial on how to go through and mark it on Instagram
So we're gonna uncheck this
we're gonna uncheck audience Network uncheck messenger and we're just gonna focus on
Instagram now
If we wanted to just to show up in the news feed then we just click this and we can uncheck the stories or vice-versa
If we just want to do the stories, we'll click on that and uncheck the feeds
But we want to make sure that whatever creative we're using. So whether it's a or image or whatever it is
It's gonna actually match up with that specific placement. So let's say for this one. We're gonna do an actual newsfeed one
we're gonna uncheck stories and then we'll come down here and we can choose a
Budget of how much we want to spend now we could do a daily budget
so let's say we want to spend five bucks every single day or ten bucks every single day or
We could say hey we want to do a lifetime budget and over the course of the next month
We only want to spend let's say we've got a hundred bucks to go through a thousand
We've got a hundred dollars to go through and spend on our Instagram marketing
but typically what I like to do is I like to do the daily budget because if the campaign is performing well
Then we can just leave it running and if it's not performing well, then we can always go through posit cancel it. Delete it
Whatever we want
So we'll come back here to the daily budget and we'll just run the ad set
Continuously starting today and maybe let's say we're gonna start out at five dollars per day
All right, so five dollars per day, it's gonna be over the course of a month
It's gonna be about a hundred and fifty dollars or thirty five dollars per week. And then as far as the
optimization for ad delivery it's saying link clicks, which let me just kind of break down the difference between link clicks and
Landing page views so anytime for link clicks anytime somebody taps on your ad on Instagram
Facebook will charge you and that will count towards the cost per link clip
But if somebody's in a spot where they don't have a good data or good Wi-Fi or anything like that
Then they might never actually pull up your website your blog your ecommerce store
Whatever you're trying to send them to so if you want a little bit more accurate data of how many people are actually
visiting your website
I like to do Lannie pageviews because that means they not only clicked on the ad but your page
Actually loaded so you want to make sure that happens and that's able to be done with the Facebook pixel
Which I have another video showing you how to create that how to install out how to do everything
So we'll add that up here in the top that you guys can go through and watch that if you're unsure on how to go
Through and create the Facebook pixel install it and everything like but this is going to give you a lot better
accurate data when it comes to tracking people that are actually clicking and
Seeing your website, your cost per landing page view is going to be a little bit higher than your cost per click
But it's just gonna be higher quality information
So from here, we'll could choose landing page views and we'll click on continue right here
And this is where we're gonna actually create the ad of what people are gonna see inside their Instagram
Newsfeed. Okay. So right here
we're gonna choose what Instagram account we want to go through and show it from so if you haven't connected an Instagram account
They're going to ask you to connect an Instagram account and then we can choose the format
Now we talked about I showed you kind of up here. There's a lot of different phone formats. The collection ads the story ads
Carousel video ads and photo ads and so this is where we actually choose this. Okay
So let's say for this example
we'll just do a single image ad it's the most common the most basic but just scrolling through you'll just see an image and
So coming down here
We'll upload an image from our desktop if you already have one you want to use
Or if you don't have one you want to use but you still want to use a professional-looking image
Facebook has a deal with shutterstock where you can have all these free stock images that look really nice. So if we click on this
We'd come in here and let's say we'll type in fitness
Okay, so we'll see like what different posts they've got so this one looks like okay
It's both men and women this might even be a p90x type of workout. So we'll click on that. We'll hit confirm
Okay, so this will be what the image is looking like
This is a little example post of what our ad is gonna look like on Instagram
Okay, so it's going to have our profile picture
it's gonna say sponsored ad and then we can go through and add some more information and you can see kind of like
The Shutterstock and all that stuff here this watermark
Once it goes live that's not actually gonna show up so you don't have to worry about that
Okay, so then we come in here. We type our message
Maybe it's like get our free
workout series
Or whatever it is. And then let's say you our website is we'll just say Google for this example
So we'll just copy and paste this and we'll put it right in. Here's our website URL and
Then I usually like to have for the the call-to-action. I usually like to have learn more
Okay, and you can see the pixels missing from this page because Google doesn't have a Facebook pixel on their page, obviously
but as I mentioned earlier guys
If you want that Facebook pixel tutorial on how to install that on your page and help you with your Instagram
Advertising and the tracking track and everyone that's coming to your page
I'll have that link to the video up here that you guys can go through and check that out and watch how to do that
Before you actually go through and set up your Instagram marketing campaign
Okay, so then from here guys
That's pretty much it
The it's really going to be important what you throw in here into your copy
of what you're actually saying to get somebody to want to click and then also the image the goal of the image is to get
Somebody's stop scrolling and check out what you have to offer and then the actual text right here is to sell them on
clicking so the image is to get them to stop scrolling and
Then the text the goal is to sell them on why they should click not necessarily sell them on your product
That's what your sales page should do. But to sell them on why they should click
Alright, so then from here, all we got to do is hit confirm and you are done. You are good to go
That is how you set up a full Instagram advertising campaign. Alright?
So once again guys if you want my free Facebook Ads mini course
And it goes into Instagram as well as well at my face Facebook ads and Instagram ads cheat sheet
Down below in the description as well as in the top comment
You guys can go through and download that a hundred percent for free
But just as a quick recap of the three different ways to go through and mark and advertise your business on Instagram
You can go through find other Instagram influencers that are in your niche reach out to them
Find out how much it cost for a promoted post
so obviously for this Fitness niche you can go through and find these different influencers and
Think about who your audience is going to be following obviously. These are male Fitness influencers
So that's gonna be different than the female fitness influencers based off your market
Then you can come over here and as shown down here on this page you can ties within the Instagram app
So if you have a business Instagram profile
You can make a post and promote the post
Directly within the Instagram app or my favorite way to do it is going through into the ads manager on Facebook on your computer
Just because you're able to have a little bit more leeway and a lot more
Options when it comes to your targeting your setup and all those different things
So that's really the way I like to go through and do it
So anyway, if you found this video helpful, go ahead give it a thumbs up also drop a comment down below
Let me know what you think. I would greatly appreciate that
And if you guys are brand new here to the channel
Make sure you guys subscribe and hit that notification bell because we launched new videos every single week on how to generate more leads
Make more money and grow your business, right?
So thanks so much guys for watching this complete tutorial of advertising on Instagram
I hope that it helped you with getting started with marketing your business on Instagram and
Even on Facebook and all these different platforms to be able to go through and grow your business
And with that said thanks for watching and I'll see you in the next video
Is Pornography Always an ADDICTION?? - Duration: 21:59.Alright so I know what you're thinking. You're thinking, "Another episode about
pornography?" Yes. All the episodes we had before we're really good and this one's
gonna be really good too and I think you're gonna benefit from it so sit back,
relax and watch the rest of this episode.
So Daniel, where are you from? I'm from San Francisco area. Alright, okay. And
Daniel, you specialize in sexual behaviors in the field of marriage and
family therapy. First, thank you for being here, thanks for talking about something
kind of uncomfortable cuz you know in the latter-day Saint culture, we
we don't like to talk about things that make us uncomfortable, we're just like "uuuh
sex uhhh" like we just...
It's a normal conversation in my house. Oh is it? Me and the five kids. And the wife.
It's free reign in our home. We're very open. I think it's an important topic to discuss. Well,
on that subject, when you started helping families, you realized that there was an
issue. An issue. A big issue. It's interesting because I actually had no
desire to address any types of addiction and we studied it as a coursework in
college and it just seemed like a very intense and overwhelming and a lot of
what we were studying and working with was substance abuse and I had one of one
of the actual experts in California was one of my professors and so she would
give me these just brutal stories and I was like, oh man you really have to be
someone special to work with the needs of an addict so I went and I was
hoping to go more towards marriage and family relationships in just
strengthening the family and what we can do there and so as I started doing that,
I started going into practice, I started getting calls from LDS members. One
particular member had called me up and she had asked if she could come in and
see me about her porn addiction and I said, I was thinking to myself I says, "Boy, this
isn't something I really want to do." So I pushed back, I said, "I got some references to
some other people I think you might want to see" and she's like, "They're not LDS
and I really want somebody who understands my faith. I understand that
you're not--" I explained to her, I says, "I'm not very,
that's not my specialty, it wasn't at that time and she says, "That's okay I just
need a place to-- this is kind of my last resort."
And that was a big confession of hers and I was like, "Okay let's respect that,
let's see what we can do." So I started to meet up with her and it was it was
pretty impressive she had spent 15 years in combatting her pornography
addiction and it was interesting because I went in there with the hopes, "Okay,
let's get you into ARP 12-step program or some other type of program to start
helping address this," thinking she hasn't tried any of this, this is just like her
in the closet experience. But she says, "I've done all that. I'm grounded the
temple, I'm actually a worker at the temple with, you know, with permission of
my my bishop and my leaders but this continues to resurface. I've been in ARP,
I've done 12-step, nothing's working, nothing works for a long period of time."
And as I was hearing her, I was at a loss, I was like, "These things I
thought were supposed to work. What's happening here?" And so I made a
commitment to her, I says, "I'm gonna figure this out with you." And so we
started to talk about it understanding exactly what's going on so as I started talking
to her, she was, first of all she was starting to tell me about-- what I found
was interesting, first of all, she came in with a story that was overwhelming and
at first impression was she was engaging in pornography, you would have
thought maybe four hours a day and every day with the weight and the burden that
she was coming in with and I started to do an assessment on her and I came to
find out it was much, much less, a couple times a month maybe at the most
for small periods of time and so that was the first thing that was surprising
because when I go back to my addiction classes and what I knew at that time,
whenever somebody comes in says they have an alcohol addiction, we do an
assessment, "Where are they at? How bad is it?" But here she was coming in with
self-diagnosis she believed that she was an addict and there was no indicator
within any form of substance abuse, you know, under that model that she was
actually an addict. She had an occasional use. This was still
concerning and she still wanted to figure out how to overcome it. So you
said that your client, when she came in, she said she had a pornography addiction
so what do you think is the problem with generalizing all pornography use with
addiction? Well addiction is a very serious term. It's lifelong, right? You
talk to any substance abuse addict and they will tell you even
when you've been sober, you're still an addict. This is a very scary, very big
term and it weighs on people so when you have clients, when you
have individuals who identify as an addict and they experience, they come
across pornography at anytime and they have any duration with that
experience, they see themselves as a lifelong addict. That is a huge, huge
burden for them and it makes it very difficult for them to address
and seeing themselves as an addict is often more of the problem than the
actual problem that makes them scared to go ask for help. I'm thinking of all
these teenagers who are dealing with this right now and just knowing that
they're probably thinking, "Oh my gosh, I'm an addict, I'm going to deal with this
forever." It would just make it that much harder to go talk to someone about it.
Yeah, you can imagine a 13-year old, the year previous, this innocent child who's
excited going to church, bearing their testimony, all the sudden starts to have
these hormonal rushes, comes across pornography and has all these
curiosities and all these feelings. This is scary. Yeah, now I have to confess this
very evil thing, this very overwhelming thing to my bishop. Now I'm being labeled
as an addict I need to get the help that an addict would as opposed to
somebody who just came across pornography.
Children will do one of two things, in fact, often kids will come-- parents
will bring their children in to my office and you know, usually when they're
about 13, 14, 15-years old and the parents will report to me their behavior's
completely changed. They're very anxious, they're depressed, they're not
socializing as much. Usually that's an indicator to me that there's a potential
that they've been viewing pornography and that they're not actually sharing it
with their parents and so when we explore that usually is the case. They're
afraid to say it. They see themselves as this addict or that they have committed
this atrocity that they can't get away from and that they're becoming something
that they're so scared of. Well and I think there's wisdom in that if they
had this idea that they're an addict, and then if they do end up going to some
counseling or something and the counselor finds, I mean, yeah your kid's
not an addict. He's not addicted. And the parents are like, "Well the problem
isn't solved." Well the reality is your child is not addicted to porn, he's
almost, I don't wanna use it for normal but, how do we say that? And I don't, I think
it's important for this discussion to start right there with the parents is
I think it's important as a clinician never to come in and destroy a concept,
right? You know, parents will come in and they hear that their child is seeing
pornography and they may go to the idea they're addicted or we got to prevent
the addiction and it's important as leaders or as clinicians
to not necessarily rip that idea from them but say, how do we make this as an
opportunity to learn and grow? For example, one kid came in one time and I
was working with him and his mother in some family dynamics and very positive
situation but they're working through some teenage growing years and he came
in one day and sometimes we met separately and just to talk things
through before I bought his mom in and kind of met up with her and talked about
goals and outcomes and one day he came and he was just staring at me, just blank
face, like a deer in the headlights and he wasn't interacting with me like
he usually had in the past and so I kind of pushed back on him exploring what's
going on, what was in his mind and he let me know he was watching pornography the
day before and he'd come across something that really just kind of
shattered and really put an impact on him and it was overwhelming and I
think this is really an opportunity for parents and especially clinicians to be
able to engage the topic, not to create more fear around it. He's already scared.
He's a good kid, serving in the church, and he came across
something that was scary to him and he didn't know how to process it.
Instead of reinforcing that it was bad, I took the opportunity and used it as an
educational opportunity and so we discussed what was overwhelming about
that, is there questions you have about that behavior, and as soon as he was
comfortable with talking about it, I engage with him again and said, "Would you
be willing to have the same kind of conversation with with your mom?" And he
kind of had that look on his face like, I'm allowed to have that conversation
with my mom? And that was both representative of what we generally see
what they usually-- I can't talk about this with even my parents but a desire
to, that was there also, I want to. So with his permission, I brought his mom in and
and I shared with her, I says, your son has come across some pornography but I
think this is a wonderful opportunity to learn how to actually engage him in the
conversation and so we were actually having a conversation there in the
meeting where he got to learn from his mom what he had saw and have a
discussion with her and it had changed the dynamic of their relationship. I
think we miss those opportunities. So it's not so much going in and saying, "You're
not addicted." But taking the focus off it and seeing this as an opportunity to
actually have a productive conversation and to build a healthy relationship. Now
he's learning how to have a conversation with his mom, he will hopefully be able
to have the same type of conversations with his future spouse.
In a general sense, is it fair to say that the way our culture works and in
Orthodox religious culture, the approach to pornography is not always the best
because, you know, if I want to say look, you take a teenage boy, right? And he's
has hormones, you know, that's just the way it is and you say, okay there's
no sex, no masturbation, no pornography at all, you don't even talk about it, we
don't think about it, there's nothing. That's not realistic for a human being
especially not in 2018, right? So then they do those things anyway and they're
just quiet about it and that's how you develop
these bad habits and the doing things in secret and you create a really unhealthy
sexuality and then, you know, you come to BYU, you go to St. Mary's, you go
wherever you go and then you get engaged, you get married and then you bring that
to a marriage, that's not good. I think not talking about it and just
putting it away and pretending it isn't there just because it makes us
uncomfortable has really long-term negative effects and ends up hurting
multiple people. I'm really glad you brought that up, going back to the
first case I was talking about with that female client, that was probably the
biggest issue with her and I think I see that with just about every client I work
with on this topic is this all-or-nothing mentality. It's either no
pornography or I'm viewing pornography, as opposed to-- so what happens is this
dynamic of, gosh it's been reinforced with this idea of section 82 verse 7,
"When you repeat your sins, it's as though you've never repented before" and so it
eliminates any type of progress and so it's often, I'll speak with this
first client that is mentioning and other clients where they've been
resisting, resisting, resisting pornography and then they view it and
it's as though they have never repented before. And guess what their mentality is?
I'm already here, I might as well engage in it.
Use this as an opportunity, right? Interesting. Probably not that blunt all
the time but if I have to go confess anyway... Is there self-mastery in that? No.
There's no way to recover from that. This is what this one individual was
having experience with and why she saw herself as an addict is she was actually
never progressing. So we changed the way that we measured her progress, we
introduced it to her bishop, we introduced it to her, and that was
actually track frequency and duration. That is key, that is absolutely key.
Let me give me an example. She wanted to eliminate pornography out of her life so
in the old way, it was let's see how long I could go. In fact, some bishops will say,
go to weeks. Do you know what that means? On day 15, you get to enjoy as much
pornography as you want, right? So some leaders will do that, right? They'll say,
let's see if you can go two weeks without pornography and then what? Well
somebody hears that and says, "Great, I'm gonna embrace that idea I'm going to go
ahead and try that." Three days into it, guess what?
They're probably repeating the behavior because they're looking at the two weeks
as eternity because the bishop's really not giving the permission to engage on
day 15 so this is kind of the reoccurring program-- I'm going to stay away from it as long as I
possibly can. So it's sheer willpower, right? It's, "But I failed, I'm not gonna
tell my bishop about this. I'm just gonna try to secretly do it again and again
and again." So what I introduced was this idea of, let's track your progress, let's
create true self mastery, you know, I think the gospel teaches us that anytime
we're pursuing Christ, that we're drawing to Christ, the Spirit will be with us, it
will encourage us and strengthen us. So as she was laying out her plan, she says,
"This is my baseline. This is the frequency in which I usually engage in
pornography and the duration." So now if she finds herself engaging in
pornography, she can say, "Oh my goodness, I'm here. It's been a minute,
it's been two minutes, I could be successful by ending it now. I created
progress because in the past I would have been here for 30 minutes, 40 minutes,
today I'm successful. Does that make sense? Small wins. That totally makes sense. If you feel like you
keep trying and trying and trying and it just never works, you have to try
something else. Yeah, absolutely. I think the point here is taking this
as an opportunity to learn that you can develop self mastery as opposed to
seeing yourself as an addict. Very, very few people are actually an addict who
come into my office who claimed to be an addict. I'm experiencing pornography. I
think there's a couple things that we can do. I think it's important to
actually see where you're at, track where you're at and measure your progress in
a long term period of time. How much, for how long and start to measure
yourself downward so that you don't see yourself as failing every time. You know,
a lot of my clients will come in and they say, you know, I text my friend
every time I looked at pornography. Well why don't we use that as an opportunity
to text your friend and say, "I was only there for five minutes this time, this is
a huge success. I chose to leave it in the heat at the moment."
As opposed to-- and then it gives something for the friend to be positive about too. Because if the friend
keeps getting texts like, "Oh, again and again," it's like, sorry. I would
imagine they don't know what to say. Yeah, it's, if I may say
this, it's not viewing yourself as a victim or a prisoner of that episode but
rather how you won that battle, you know? You were still in the
battle but it ended before you won that battle and then you can
view yourself in a way that's making progress and not just as an addict and
then that's how you're on the road to kicking it. I think that's important for
church leaders to understand too. What I do with when bishops reach out-- and
I want to draw a very clear line, I'm obviously not their spiritual leader but
when they reach out and they ask what can I do to help out
the youth or spouse who's engaging in pornography? Encourage spiritual
awareness. Usually the child or the individual who's engaging in that
pornography already knows it's wrong, it does very little good to have somebody
else tell them that what they're doing is wrong. I have seen success come with
every bishop who encourages sacrament passing and temple attendance while
battling their pornography and encourages them to take this to the Lord
in those moments. I've seen less success when bishops usually engage in by saying
we've got to remove this now. Again, I want to be clear I'm not telling how
Bishop should do things but I think there's a measurement or an
opportunity here for us to engage as leaders by encouraging them to take it
to the Lord as opposed to removing it when they're trying, when they're coming
to you to discuss this and in relationships also it's critical
that, you know, in marriages we should be open about everything and I'm not asking
that spouses necessarily show the-- yeah-- I'm not asking for them to show the porn
but if a spouse of somebody who's struggling with pornography, the
individual already knows that they're struggling. I've had good men come in who
are just great fathers, successful employees, doing well in life who are
priesthood holders but can't understand why they keep repeating this behavior. If
the spouses can embrace them where they're at. I asked one husband, I said,
"What is it that you experience when you see pornography?" And what was a pretty
routine question that I asked, he teared up immediately.
Here is a stoic individual, this just good man breaking down into tears and,
"What's going on?" He says, no one has ever asked me that.
I've been even too scared to consider it myself. I've been just trying to pray it
And so I helped the wife understand how to engage him in that where he's at,
not necessarily explore the porn but what his desires are, what his passions
are, his interests, he just wanted to be able to connect with his wife and that
provided an opportunity for her to connect with him. "Tell me more
what's going on, what draws you to it" and being able to create that safe space
creates healing in connection like you guys have talked about before. If we
can do that, I think we can make our youth more successful. We find
opportunities to teach about healthy sexuality in the gospel and we could
connect with our spouses. Every individual is different but I've noticed
a common factor when when leadership can use these opportunities like sacrament
and temple attendance. The success of the individual skyrockets. We don't want you
to be defined by this sin. When you're a disciple of Christ,
you've been atoned for, you're not defined by that sin but you can be yourself as a
work in progress and that is the mindset that will bring you
closer to Heavenly Father and understanding his character and his
personality more and even with the subjects that are uncomfortable like
this, he knows about it and you can overcome them eventually.
Also, thank you so much. For more information on this, go find and join the
Facebook group, "Improving intimacy in Mormon marriages"
and you can... *whispers* that's the part where you're supposed to say,
"Subscribe to 3 Mormons!" We also have other social media, Facebook Instagram and Twitter.
So comment below, tell us what you think.
I Dyed My Blonde Hair Cardi B Blue | Hair Me Out | Refinery29 - Duration: 5:18.I know everyone's gonna be like, "Girl, this is a wig."
You should be comfortable doing whatever to it but,
this is a very expensive unit.
I love the fact that it's blonde but also it's virgin hair.
It's sourced from one head.
I can't believe I'm about to dye it blue.
My name is Destiny Taylor and I'm gonna
get my hair transformed into Cardi B Blue.
Before I go through my hair transformation,
don't forget to subscribe below.
I'm a creative hustler from Indiana,
living in sunny California.
Growing up I had three sisters
and we always just did our own hair.
I'm most nervous about trusting someone else with my hair.
I had this horrible experience in high school
where I actually bleached it, and I colored it orange.
After that color, my hair was this short.
So I've really been indulging in,
just the privilege to be able to transform myself into
whoever I want to be with wigs and extensions.
I'm excited for this transformation for two reasons:
one, I love Cardi's first and second mixtape.
Gangsta Bitch Volume 1 and 2 was my ish.
But also just who she represents.
She just popped out a baby.
She's back on stage,
back in the studio with blue hair.
It represents my alter ego that I push to bring out every day.
It's bold, it's energetic,
and it's so vibrant, and strong.
I'm gonna fill that newness
that I've been longing for.
My name is Daniel Moon, and I own Hair,
the salon in downtown Los Angeles.
Hey, hey!
Welcome to Hair!
Thank you!
Come on in.
Wow, this is such a cool space!
I'm always excited to work with the wig
because the challenge is always to make
it not look like a wig.
I'm just nervous with the bleach that it will get over processed.
Again, I had that horrible situation with my natural hair
so I would hate for that to happen with
this very expensive wig.
Alright, I hear you want to go Cardi B blue.
That's my favorite blue right now actually.
I just want to be bold and fearless like Cardi.
Alright, so what we're gonna do is we're going to change it up for you.
We're gonna open up your face a little bit more
and lock in your eyes,
keep it nice and flirty, and sexy.
Nice, I've never had bangs before so this should be interesting.
Well, get ready for it, here we go.
I'm ready.
So I got 4 different shades for you.
I like to give it a bit of movement and contrast
so you have a lot of dimension in there.
Alright Destiny, now that we've got your blue base on,
we're gonna get to the fun part with the three blues
and get the electric magic in.
During the process, I felt like I needed a little bit more pizzaz.
A little bit more electricity so I created my own custom blues.
Bowie blue, and then a Dodger blue for Los Angeles baby.
I can't wait to see how it looks once it's dry.
Yeah, you think it looks good now, just wait.
I've never had my hair blue before,
I hopping it really compliments my melanin.
This color is amazing!
Now that we're nice and dry, now we can get to the fun stuff.
Are you gonna do them really thick and fringy?
Or are we doing something thinner?
Well, let's just say it's gonna be a surprise.
Oh god.
Oh my god!
I look like a little Barbie doll!
Yes you do.
Oh my god!
Straight from the moon.
I love this so much!
This hair, it makes me feel very sassy.
A lot of spunk.
What's so cool about black hair,
and the culture of it,
is just how prominent extensions and weaves are in it.
We can transform our hair
and become who we want at any moment whenever.
I'm always excited to see a wig absorb the color exactly how we mixed it.
I haven't had anyone other than me put their
hands in my head in like eight years,
and Daniel did an amazing job.
He's the first person I trusted with my hair and he's great.
The way that I help my clients maintain their
brightly colored hair is I make them custom
colored conditioners.
So you can maintain it at home.
I hope that every single person in the world
wakes up knowing that the love that they receive
is only the love they put out.
how to get 10k followers on instagram free no human verification | tips&tricks - Duration: 1:19.subscribe my channel for more videos
Les Reines du shopping : Sarah topless sur Instagram, ses photos les plus sexy - HOLA news - Duration: 2:13.Sarah, une jolie Belge de 29 ans, fait partie des candidates de cette semaine des Reines du shopping. Cette professeure de danse au physique avantageux est très active sur Instagram, où elle pose souvent en petite tenue.
Dans Les Reines du shopping, le show ne se passe pas uniquement sur les écrans de télévision.
Certaines candidates sont très présentes sur les réseaux sociaux, où elles postent de nombreuses photos qui savent attirer l'attention du public.
Il y a deux semaines, Jessica avait par exemple donné un coup de chaud aux téléspectateurs de M6 avec ses photos sexy.
En septembre dernier, la jolie Marion avait elle aussi enflammé Instagram avec ses clichés en body. Cette semaine, la nouvelle star du net est Sarah.
A 29 ans, cette professeure de sport et de danse venue de Waterloo, en Belgique, a impressionné ses rivales dès son arrivée au showroom.
Brigitte, la doyenne de la compétition, a relevé qu'il n'y avait « pas un gramme de gras sur cette fille », très sportive.
Et ce corps zéro défaut, Sarah n'hésite pas à le montrer sur Instagram.
Clichés en bikini, poses topless sur la plage, photos en maillot une pièce très échancré… La jeune femme semble passer la plupart de son temps à la plage,
Mais depuis cette semaine, ces derniers la suivent aussi pour son aventure dans Les Reines du shopping. pour le plus grand plaisir de ses abonnés.
Très taquine, Sarah enchaîne les critiques acides envers ses rivales (« Ça pourrait lui plaire, parce que c'est hyper ringard ») avec un malin plaisir.
Des petites piques qu'elle aime d'ailleurs mettre en avant, puisqu'elle poste les extraits vidéo dans sa story Instagram.
Et à voir les teasers de M6, ses abonnés devraient avoir droit à un sacré festival de bons mots.
Emilie Nef Naf pose seins nus et montre ses formes sur Instagram - HOLA news - Duration: 2:01.En vacances au Mexique, Emilie Nef Naf profite du soleil pour bronzer topless. Sur Instagram, elle a déclenché une vague de chaleur en publiant un aperçu de son séjour où elle pose seins nus dans un tanga sexy.
Emilie Nef Naf a fait de l'ombre au soleil. C'est ce qui ressort en substance des commentaires écrits par ses fans sous sa dernière publication Instagram.
Sur cette photo en noir et blanc, la gagnante de Secret Story 3montre presque tout.
En vacances au Mexique, la jolie brune de 30 ans profite de la chaleur et ne s'encombre pas de vêtements.
C'est topless sur le balcon de son hôtel qu'Emilie Nef Naf a fait un coucou coquin à ses nombreux admirateurs virtuels.
Simplement habillée d'un tanga sexy, l'ancienne star de téléréalité cache à peine sa poitrine avec l'un de ses bras.
Une séance de bronzage torride, qui a émerveillé tous ses fans.
Emilie Nef Naf n'a même pas eu besoin d'inscrire une légende sous sa photo, qui a reçu tous les suffrages des internautes.
L'un d'eux note que l'ex de Jérémy Ménez est « très belle à moitié nue » quand un autre écrit : « Magique cette femme ».
Les courbes d'Emilie Nef Naf en font rêver plus d'un, comme cet anonyme : « Ça y est,
je crois que je suis tombé amoureux ! » Une vision du « paradis » qui inspire à certains des phrases très poétiques : « Le soleil s'est fait éclipser par une beauté encore plus lumineuse qu'il ne l'est lui-même ».
Vous l'aurez compris, Emilie Nef Naf est au top de ses formes. Elle qui est toujours aussi fière de sa perte de poids sait qu'elle n'a pas travaillé pour rien…
Download Instagram Videos With or Without Application - Duration: 4:08.Hello welcome to the channel GearLiveTec I am Rafael Santana
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if you have any questions or suggestions please leave us
comments thank you and see you next video
Jimmy Butler Trolled by Former Timberwolves Teammate on Instagram | - Duration: 3:56.Jimmy Butler Trolled by Former Timberwolves Teammate on Instagram |
Jimmy Butler was in the spotlight for the bulk of the 2018 NBA offseason due to trade demands in an effort to be moved from the Minnesota Timberwolves.
While it took a few games into the current season for a deal to work out, he's now officially a member of the Philadelphia 76ers.
The deal made sense for both sides, and the Timberwolves received Dario Saric, Robert Covington, Jerryd Bayless, and a 2022 second-round pick in exchange.
Following his recent move to Philadelphia, Butler has played four games for the team, two of which were at home Apparently, one of his former teammates with the Timberwolves took note of a recent moment he posted on social media and decided to call Butler out.
Only, this had nothing to do with basketball, nor was it a shot at Butler's tenure with Minnesota.
Instead, when the Sixers guard posted a photo with NBA legend Allen Iverson, veteran big man Cole Aldrich simply wanted to know how his locker got so messy this quickly.
It's a fair question from Aldrich, who spent the past two seasons with the Timberwolves.
While the former No.
11 pick in the 2010 NBA Draft didn't see big minutes during most seasons in the NBA, he found a role with various teams over the seasons.
He and Butler didn't share the court much in Minnesota, but they apparently are somewhat friendly off it.
Currently, Aldrich plays for the Tianjin Golden Lions of the Chinese Basketball Association.
Jimmy Butler's Start to Sixers Tenure.
Although Butler has played just four games with his new team, he's averaging 18.3 points, 3.5 assists and 3.3 rebounds while building a rapport with his new team.
The Sixers have had success since the Butler deal, going 3-1 over that span, specifically winning three straight games following their victory over the Phoenix Suns Monday.
The Timberwolves have had their own success following the trade, reeling off three consecutive wins as well to start the post-Butler tenure.
While they lost their last game to the Memphis Grizzlies, they still sit at 3-1 since the deal.
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if Dealt.
Russell Westbrook Following Bradley Beal on Instagram Turns Heads | - Duration: 4:35.Russell Westbrook Following Bradley Beal on Instagram Turns Heads |
Let the Bradley Beal trade speculation run wild as the most recent fun comes in the form of the Oklahoma City Thunder.
While the Thunder are an unlikely destination for the Washington Wizards guard, that didn't keep things from getting a little crazy this past week.
Beal has been linked to a variety of teams and is expected to draw a strong trade market.
And while it hadn't seemed as though the Thunder were in the mix, when your star player, who follows just 1,130 people on Instagram (compared to his 11.5 million followers) makes this move, it grabs attention.
Shortly after the trade rumors picked up steam, Thunder guard Russell Westbrook followed Beal on Instagram.
Obviously, this doesn't mean the Thunder are set to go all-in on acquiring Beal to pair up with Westbrook and Paul George.
For what it's worth, Westbrook has only followed two other people since that point, but also followed Kyrie Irving and Fred VanVleet recently it seems.
Thunder Fans All for It, but It's (Sort of) Shut Down.
While the idea of Beal teaming up with Westbrook, George and big man Steven Adams is fun, one tweet exchange on that same thread may sum up the situation best.
In short, the Thunder may have a tough time creating a package strong enough to compete with other offers.
Schroder + Abrines + pick(s) is pretty much the only deal that works.
It works financially, though I'm sure Washington would get way better offers.
— Corey DeMoss (@CoreyDeMoss) November 20, 2018 .
And then things took somewhat of a turn and there were some realistic options, and a level of optimism from fans who aren't willing to throw in the towel on the idea of this happening.
Crazy thing is I was actually doing a few trade scenarios earlier and OKC could come up with a package of Schroeder & Roberson and a 1st for Beal and salaries would match.
Not very appealing for Wizards but it is possible.
— Big Slime (@SheWantMo_Joe) November 20, 2018 .
Schroeder, Roberson, Ferguson, 1st BAM — skol shit (6-4-1) (@mushy_banana28) November 21, 2018 .
Don't ever doubt Sam Presti he's the 2nd best when it comes to trades — Daniel R Gonźalez (11-8) (@JabronyLin) November 21, 2018 .
As exciting as trade speculation is, there hasn't been much that has linked the Thunder as a destination for Beal.
Then again, it's not wrong to say that we shouldn't doubt Sam Presti, who's made a few head-turning deals and moves over his tenure as the team's general manager.
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