Thứ Ba, 27 tháng 11, 2018

Youtube daily or Nov 27 2018

* I meant Dementia (which is related to memory loss and other memory disorder) instead of Anemia .

For more infomation >> Green Tea Or Green Coffee - Which One Is A Better Option? - Duration: 9:48.


Is HIIT Training Aerobic Or Anaerobic? (Best Exercise For Health & Fitness) - Duration: 15:33.

Is HIIT training aerobic or anaerobic? Today we're going to explain it so that you can

set some good goals both for your fitness and your health.

Hey I'm Dr. Sten Ekberg with Wellness For Life and if you'd like to truly

master health by understanding how the body really works make sure that you

subscribe and hit that notification bell so that you don't miss anything. There's

a lot of confusion about training and aerobic and anaerobic, cortisol, blood

sugar... so we're gonna talk a little bit about this today so that you can set

some good goals and understand why you're doing it depending on what your

health and fitness goals are. So let's assume that you have a resting heart

rate of about 60 that's if you're in pretty good shape a lot of people are

anywhere from 60 up to 80 so if you can get it closer to 60 then you've got a

stronger heart and a little bit better oxygen utilization. So that's about

thirty percent of your maximum heart rate and from 60 up to about 120 is what

we call the aerobic range that means that your body is providing oxygen or

air at a sufficient pace to keep up with the exercise so because you're keeping

up you can keep doing it for hours this would be leisurely - a fast walk it

could be a bike ride something that you can keep up for hours and still not feel

totally beat the next day that's about 60% of maximum heart rate then from that

point up we're getting into the an aerobic that means without oxygen

meaning we can't breathe fast enough to completely satisfy the body's oxygen

need so we're falling a little bit behind we can't rely on fat burning and

using oxygen we have to rely on sugar and glycolysis and there's some other

videos I've done in the past where you can check that out so between a heart

rate of 120 to 160 or 60 to 80 percent approximately we're in the an aerobic

range now we're huffing puffing and we can keep it up not for

hours but minutes we can push it and do it for 20 30 40 minutes if we have

enough willpower but it's sort of painful and and we're totally beat

afterwards if we do that and then we get into what we call high-intensity

interval training this is the all-out that give it all you got

do-or-die kind of exercise and because it's it should be so intense you can

only keep it up for seconds and if you could keep it up for minutes then you're

really more in the anaerobic range you haven't really hit the zone of high

intensity where you get some of those specific benefits so your maximum heart

rate is going to vary a little bit and typically it'll probably be somewhere

between a hundred and sixty to 220 and that's because the maximum heart rate

goes down as we age everyone's a little different but typically you're gonna

find it to be roughly 220 minus your age so I am 54 years old so if I subtract my

age from that I should have a maximum heart rate of about 166 so when I really

push myself if I do some uphill sprints or something I can still get my heart

rate to about 175 so it's a ballpark number but it'll give you a pretty good

range of where you need to be and the 220 heart rate would be basically a

teenager so if you're 60 years old shoot for 160 if you're a teenager shoot for

200 220 and that means you're in within a few percent of your maximum heart rate

so I put a hundred-plus here because myself for example can get over a

hundred percent of my theoretical maximum heart rate but once in order to

get in to hit you want to push yourself to where you're very very close to that

maximum heart rate so let's look at what's happening in the body in these

different areas in these different stages so let's look at stress level how

much stress is it to the body and we we talk about cortisol general stress level

and how much does it break the body down because we want to realize that exercise

does not build you up exercise breaks you down

it's the recovery and the proper nutrition that builds you back up so you

can do the exercise again even better so with aerobic exercise when you're

just walking leisurely when you're on a bike ride in the park then it's a very

mild stress so you're not making much cortisol and there is not much breakdown

so there's not much need for recovery or rebuilding there's no challenge you

don't have to get better really to do the bike ride next time then as we get

up we go from mild to moderate cortisol and stress and breakdown to severe to

extreme and what this means is every one of these has some benefits because the

closer we get the more extreme we get the higher the stress level which breaks

us down and that's not a great thing but it is sort of a great thing because it's

the challenge to the body so it tells the body hey you got to really really

get your act together you got to grow stronger so that you can

handle this next time because if you do this on a regular basic basis the body

quickly gets the idea that this is going to happen again and we'd better get our

act together next we look at growth hormone and this is sort of related to

what I just mentioned growth hormone is a rebuilding hormone it's a rejuvenating

hormone it's extremely powerful for anti-aging so powerful that they often

give it as an as a drug but of course when they give it as a drug you

unbalance the body because you're pushing it in from the outside when you

make it on your own you always remain in balance in your

body so the growth hormone impact on aerobic is very low you're not

challenging your body much as we go up you get some and then you get more and

at the hit level now you're making as much as three to four hundred percent

the normal amount of growth hormone and this stays up for 48 to 72 hours it

degrades gradually so even doing a HIIT workout twice a week is gonna keep you

at a pretty high level of growth hormone in a sustained way fitness now this

depends on what you're after now we're talking more about what's your goal the

fitness impact on aerobic is pretty low with anaerobic you get more and more and

once you get into hit you have a lot of fitness impact so now we have to look at

what is your goal I was an Olympic decathlete so my goal was extremely

event specific at a very very high level so that meant I had to practice at the

level and in the same way that I was going to compete because if you're if

you're a sprinter and you're gonna run the hundred meters and it's gonna last

10 seconds and you're gonna be all out you're gonna be on a hundred percent you

can't practice at 70 percent and then believe that the body is ready to go to

a hundred same thing if you're a tennis player or a rower or a mountain biker or

a triathlete you have to do some base training but then you have to gear it

toward your specific goal now let's look at what some different goals might be so

obviously if your goal is fitness if you are a triathlete then you got to figure

out how to balance this in a way to fit your event if you're a triathlete you're

gonna spend a lot of time right around the lower end of an aerobic because

you're going to be going for six seven eight hours so you can't be

up in here because you couldn't sustain it

but you also can't be down here because then you're not really getting the

fitness level that you need but let's just say someone's goal is health you

don't have any particular not going to compete you're not gonna race you just

want to be moderately fit you want to be healthy you want to maximize the growth

hormone and the all these different variables let's say it and now it also

depends on how old you are so if you're 20 or 50 or 80 years old you're probably

going to have a little bit different goals but let's say you're 20 years old

and your goal is just to be healthy then I would suggest and these are just rough

numbers it's not like I researched this and said this is exactly what you need

to do for this situation but it'll give you an idea I think of where how you can

kind of fit this together so if you're 20 years old then you probably just want

to do somewhere between 60 and 90 percent of your training in the aerobic

range meaning you're breathing slowly you're breathing fully but steadily but

you're not panting and panicking and this is tricky for a lot of people

because they think training is pain they think they have no pain no gain that

they have to hurt in order to get something out of it and that's not true

because at this level you have still doubled your heart rate you have more

than doubled your circulation because each heartbeat pumps more blood

so you're tripled or quadrupled your circulation your drainage your detox

your oxygenation of tissues all of these things are tremendously increased even

at a moderate level long before you actually feel pain or discomfort so if

you're just looking for health then do the vast majority of your time in

training in the arabic range meaning 120 or less in heartrate then you probably

want to do some if you enjoy it if you want like to

Tenace if you like to do spin classes if you like to do aerobics then do some of

that if you enjoy it do some because it's going to get you some fitness it's

moderately stressful and again this depends on how healthy you are to start

with if you're already a little bit fragile then you probably don't want to

get into this range at all if you're just trying to get started you might

spend as much as a hundred percent of your time in in this range and then I

would encourage you to still do a little bit of high-intensity training even if

you do ninety five percent down here and you do nothing here do a little bit of

high-intensity but this also has to do with how fit you

are how healthy are you if you have pain if you have knee pain or back pain or

Achilles pain you're not going to be able to do sprints so you have to adapt

it to what you're capable of doing something that's relatively safe would

be a stationary bike for example you sit down and you pedal as hard as you can

for seconds not minutes or hours thirty seconds you take a few seconds ten 20

second break you go all out again 30 seconds and you just do that until

you get your heart rate up and you do this no more than once or twice a week

if you're if you're young and fit you might do it a little bit more you might

want to do it three or four even five times if it's event-specific but the

older you get and the less event-specific you are you probably

don't want to do this more than once or twice a week for just a few minutes just

long enough to get your heart rate into that 95 to 100 percent range and now you

are dramatically increasing your growth hormone your anti-aging circumstances

and so forth so if you're 50 you might want to go somewhere between 70 to 95

percent in the aerobic range if you enjoy it do a little bit of anaerobic

and do a little bit of high intensity and even if you're 80

years old if you can you might do as anywhere from 80 to as much as a hundred

percent in this range you may do something here if you're really youthful

80 year old and you like playing tennis keep doing that or if you have some

specific hobby and do what you can if you're if you're not fit enough if you

have pain or something keeping you from it then your high intensity is going to

be zero which holds true for the 50 year olds as well but if you can try to do at

least once a week maybe twice a little bit of high intensity because now you

are challenging your body you're telling your body hey we need some growth

hormone we need something to build up the body so that it can get better

so you can get stronger so you can have more vitality and deal with this stress

tomorrow because it is very stressful that's why even though the tremendous

benefits we want to keep this to a minimum very very short duration not

every day because this is low low stress you can do as much as you like do it for

hours if you enjoy it and in the anaerobic range then you do as much as

you enjoy but don't let it become most of the training that you do because now

you're just stressing your body without really getting the health or fitness

benefits so is hit training Arabic or anaerobic well it's on the spectrum so

hit is an extreme version of anaerobic stay tuned to our channel so you can

learn more about health make sure you subscribe and hit that notification and

share this video with as many people as you can because there's a lot of people

who want to be healthy but they're not quite sure how thanks for watching

For more infomation >> Is HIIT Training Aerobic Or Anaerobic? (Best Exercise For Health & Fitness) - Duration: 15:33.


TWICE "YES or YES" Best Funny & Viral Moments 2018 [ENG SUB] - Duration: 8:27.

Momo Try to not laugh here.

*but fail lol*

Mina or Nayeon

MINA lose lol

*Waaaah Jeongyeon!*

* All Jeongyeon stan are u still alive?*

[Shaking] [Squealing]

Momo: Dont Make Any Trouble

-Its Dangerous -Move Off

-Then come over there -Pretend that I'm reporter. -Do this for this.


-Okay, look this way! -Look this way!

Please do a key dance move! A key dance move!

You are in the happiest moment.

Yes. Okay

well, i feel happy when im with you


So much fun!

So happy happy -happy happy

You are happy You are Excited

[Sana Dancing Stray Kids "MY PACE" lol]

Chaeyoung stuck in 2 tower in TWICE (Tzuyu & Jeongyeon) lol

NY: Do u want to change? (position)

[The puppy tears Jeongyeon's pantyhouse] No, No!

Oh, my!

You cant eat it! Come on

Oh My! Look at you!

Oh, is it Momo's? -Oh, my.

Oh, no no no no

No, No!

He peed!

Wait, No, no!

You peed!

You peed!

What are you doing?

For more infomation >> TWICE "YES or YES" Best Funny & Viral Moments 2018 [ENG SUB] - Duration: 8:27.


Hit Or Miss But It's Cursed - Duration: 0:12.






(Screaming for death to embrace me)


For more infomation >> Hit Or Miss But It's Cursed - Duration: 0:12.


Property in London: To buy or not to buy? - Duration: 5:05.

For more infomation >> Property in London: To buy or not to buy? - Duration: 5:05.


Send PDFs or Any Files From Chatfuel Chatbot Using Google Drive, Dropbox or WordPress Site | C+I 42 - Duration: 8:25.

In this lesson, you'll learn how to send PDF to your user using your Dropbox,

Google Drive or even WordPress website. login to Chatfuel and go to your bot

Automate section, add a new group and name it PDF file.

Create a block and name it PDF file as well.

Just so you know, Chatfuel already has a plugin that allows you to send video or

audio to your user if you are using Dropbox or your own server to host the

file. At the moment they don't have PDF plugin yet that's why we have this

lesson. So if you are sending video and audio file you don't have to use

Integromat, you can use Chatfuel plugin for that unless your file is

hosted in Google Drive. Now let me remove these two plugins and we will continue

the lesson.

Insert a typing action

and a text card just to indicate to the user that the file is loading.

After that, add a JSON API plugin.

Now let's go to Integromat to get the URL.

Create a new scenario,

Search for Chatfuel and continue.

Select JSON Listener.

Add a new webhook and name it however you want.

Copy the URL to clipboard, go back to Chatfuel.

You may leave the type as GET. Paste the URL here.

Uncheck this option so we don't get an error message then go to Setup AI.

Add a new AI rule with the keyword PDF then direct user to the "pdf file" block.

Let's head back to Integromat, click OK

and add another Chatfuel module, select JSON Response.

Under the messages, add a new item. Object type will be generic file but if you are

sending a video or audio file make sure you select it accordingly.

Now we will need to paste the file URL here. Just a gentle reminder here, make sure the

file size is not more than 25 MB. We will start with Dropbox. Go to your

Dropbox account, assuming this demo.pdf is the file that you want to send to your user.

Click on the share button,

create a link

then copy the link.

I will paste the link here just to show you how I change the link that can be

used in Integromat. You can download this document in the resources section.

For a Dropbox link it is very simple just change the number at the end from 0 to 1.

Once you have done that, copy the link and go to Integromat then paste the

link in the file URL. Add the item, I will add a text message

below just to indicate where is the file coming from.

Add the message and click OK. Since we are not sending any user attribute

from Chatfuel, we don't have to run the scenario once. So just save the scenario

and turn it on to run the scenario immediately.

Just type in pdf, the file should appear.

Next we will proceed with Google Drive. Click on the Chatfuel module and edit the

file type. Login to your Google Drive,

right click on the demo.pdf then select get shareable link.

Copy the link,

I will paste it here just to show you how I change it. You can actually paste it

directly in the Integromat. Now select the red color text just like this

copy it and replace it with "open?".

Copy the URL, go back to Integromat

and paste it in the file URL.


and I will change the text to Google Drive.

Save the scenario and we can test the bot.

It's working well. Now for the last part I will show you

how to host a file in your WordPress website.

Login to your WordPress website. Under the media section, click on the "Add New"

button to upload a new file. After that click on the "Select Files" button and

select your PDF file.

Once the file has been uploaded, click on the edit link beside the file.

Copy the file URL and go back to Integromat and paste it here. Click save.

I will change the text to WordPress.

Save the scenario and we can test the bot again.

Now you have learned how to send PDF to your user using the files in your

Dropbox, Google Drive or even your WordPress website. Thank you so much for

watching, I hope to see you in another lesson.

For more infomation >> Send PDFs or Any Files From Chatfuel Chatbot Using Google Drive, Dropbox or WordPress Site | C+I 42 - Duration: 8:25.


Man Up or It's Over! - Duration: 3:43.

- Brittany says her boyfriend Cyril,

is an immature spoiled momma's boy.

(audience boo's)

She is here today to tell him he's got to man up

or it's over, please welcome Brittany and Cyril.

(audience cheers)

Brittany so why do you call Cyril a momma's boy?

- Because he literally tells her everything.

Which I do like the fact that they're close.

I don't want it to be misunderstood, but it's just.

- Let's establish how old everybody is here.

- I'm 28.

- [Interviewer] And how old are you?

- 27.

- Okay, thank you.

(Brittany hums) (audience laughs)

- Proceed.

- Yeah so they have a really close knit relationship

which I like but, I don't want her

knowing my personal business like things

that she shouldn't know, he will go back

- Such as?

- Just things about my childhood I guess,

he will go and share.

I don't really...

- So Cyril why are you telling your girl's

business to your momma?

- I mean I feel like, if we're having a conversation

and things come up about me and my girlfriend

I'm gonna tell my mom about it.

We're all a family, we have nothing to

be embarrassed about.

- Can I ask you Cyril.

- [Cyril] Yeah.

- Do you think Brittany is jealous

of how close you are to your parents?

- Uh, definitely I think both of em are,

I think, I think it's on both sides

I think cause, me and my mom are really close.

And it's not just me and my mom,

me and my dad are close as well.

And it works both ways, cause I mean

there's probably things that I tell her

about my people that she probably

- Cyril you maybe talk too much dude.

(audience and panelists laugh)

Talking too much to your girl,

talking too much to your momma.

- Okay everyone's talking to me about their problems,

their issues, and you know, so um,

I Have to be able to vent as well.

- Then I feel that's right okay?

- Who's help to help?

- It, he does talk a lot, but it's funny

because he doesn't tell his mom his business.

- Ohhh!

- [Brittany] So how close are they?

- Oh then now, now it's coming out, now it's coming,

you over there telling everybody else's business

and then not telling your own, right?

- No I definitely tell my business, I tell her,

I mean whatever is going on with.

- She's like, no he don't, no he don't.

- Whatever is going on, I'm not afraid to talk about it.

- She would find out, she would have to literally find out.

I would be...

- Wait a minute, we know mom knows some of the business

because you all were living with your parents

and Brittany you threw something at Cyril

you put bleach on his clothes, that was about.

- Oh God yeah.

- Tell us about that.

- Okay I was auditioning for this modeling gig

in Houston, and he just got upset

and broke my things first,

so yeah I bleached his clothes.

(audience laughs)

- I don't just.

- Cyril, why'd you break her things?

(audience applauds)

- Why y'all clapping now?

I don't just get mad over anything.

Who just gets mad, just to get mad.

- What did you do, to break her things?

- I don't know how a lot of our arguments start

but I do know that when we have a disagreement

she'll start comparing me to other guys.

- Ohhh.

- She'll start saying oh, I never met a guy

that does this, you're not a normal guy.

You act like a little bitch.


- Ohh!

- I mean it gets, she escalates things very quickly.

- [Vivica] Okay!

- We could be arguing about butter and toast.

- Yeah I don't know, I thought meant both of you

get at each other, because you also tell her things

like well that's why you don't have a college degree,

that's why you don't have parents.

(audience murmurs)

You even told her that she looks like a trash bag?

- There were times in the beginning of our relationship

where yes, I would say over the top things

I would cross that line.

And almost on purpose because she says

the says the things that she says to me.

- Yeah you're getting at her with stuff you

know is gonna hurt her!

- I didn't quite get there, but you know, I got close.

- She's calling me momma's boy,

she's calling me a momma's boy,

she's always saying your parents coddled you.

- They did.

- You've never been through anything real,

blah blah blah, and it's just like,

how do you, why do you do things

to me that you don't want done to you?

For more infomation >> Man Up or It's Over! - Duration: 3:43.


Political scam or real deal? Absentee ballots show up in mailboxes unprompted - Duration: 1:52.

For more infomation >> Political scam or real deal? Absentee ballots show up in mailboxes unprompted - Duration: 1:52.


GTA Online - Pier Race 1:50,967 60 fps (or maybe less) - Duration: 2:08.

such landing wasn't part of plan =\


Clouds didn't make it

it's fine. They're back

thank you for wathcing!

For more infomation >> GTA Online - Pier Race 1:50,967 60 fps (or maybe less) - Duration: 2:08.


Picking a site for D5: College Hill or Clifton - Duration: 1:47.

For more infomation >> Picking a site for D5: College Hill or Clifton - Duration: 1:47.


SVR Secret Or Hidden Video Recorder | How to Shoot Video Secretly even Phone Locked | In Hindi 2018 - Duration: 11:53.





For more infomation >> SVR Secret Or Hidden Video Recorder | How to Shoot Video Secretly even Phone Locked | In Hindi 2018 - Duration: 11:53.


Tribute Acts: Harmless Fun or Musical Scourge - Duration: 3:24.

("Immigrant Song" by Dread Zeppelin)

- [Narrator] It's a music business truth

that the past is never dead,

and so, from ABBA The Concert, to Dread Zeppelin,

cover bands and tribute acts raise the Grateful Dead,

reunite the broken up, and reeanct the great performances

of yesteryear again and again, with uncanny fidelity.

The 21st century has seen a zombie-like plague

of imitators shamble through the venues of our land.

Are they just good, clean fun?

Or are they the too-eager-to-please equivalent of junk T.V.?

Artless spackle to fill that cold, existential void?

Cover bands refer to groups that perform a variety

of popular songs, while tribute acts focus on one artist.

Some, like the genre-defining Beatlemania,

that ran for more than a thousand performances

on Broadway in the late 70s,

look and dress like the originals.

Others don't.

While cover bands provide weddings

and bar mitzvahs with stale tripe,

tribute acts can achieve national, or international success.

Though the late Gail Zappa insisted that

the Frank Zappa tribute, Project/Object, and others,

pay for the privilege of playing her husband's music,

most tributes exist in the industry's backwater,

which ain't always such a bad place to be.

There you're find absurdist twists,

like the all-female Lez Zeppelin, the all-dwarf Mini Kiss,

and the all-portly Misfats.

And the venues most tributes play

are often way more rockin',

and with cheaper beer than those surveillance state arenas

the real Zep would play if they ever reunited.

Where else can you hear Gabba,

combining The Ramones and ABBA,

Beatallica, and Skapeche Mode,

dedicated to, quote, "Ruining both the 80s and Ska,"

and possibly have a lot more fun

than seeing the so-called real thing?

Cover and tribute bands have been around since

long before musicians were expected to write

their own songs, and they arguably attract bigger crowds,

ticket for ticket, than smaller artists,

struggling to find audiences for original material.

Even The Beatles started out as a cover band.

As in jazz, playing covers is a School of Rock in itself,

where musicians learn the rules of songwriting,

arranging, and performance, in front of paying crowds,

and probably even fund their own projects.

From The Rolling Stones, to Haim,

many renowned acts cut their teeth

playing and bonding over covers.

When a famous group's original members

continue to perform its repertoire,

they're often doing something a tribute band

can do just as well, if not better.

Is Roger Waters a Pink Floyd tribute act

when he recreates The Wall?

That's up to fans,

but it's still a performance of a performance,

no less than authorized Genesis coverers, The Musical Box,

who use props donated by Peter Gabriel,

or The Queen Extravaganza, initially conceived

by Queen members Brian May and Roger Taylor,

who symbolically handed over their instruments

and took offstage roles.

With literally thousands of tribute acts to choose from,

you probably don't have to

look far to satisfy your hankering.

To paraphrase an old album title,

"50 million Elvis imitators can't be wrong."

- ♪ I can't help falling in love with you. ♪

(upbeat music)

For more infomation >> Tribute Acts: Harmless Fun or Musical Scourge - Duration: 3:24.


Sadhguru - Should you listen to your brain or your heart ? - Duration: 12:52.

Moderator (Abhijeet): Namaskaram, Sadhguruji.

The first question that I want to ask is actually related to me.

I am in the last year of engineering, so now there is a very big decision that I have to

make now and people have told me that if I take decisions from my heart I'll be successful

in life.

So… but there lies a problem.

The problem is that I am…

I don't know which thought is coming from my heart and which thought is coming from

my brain.

So how can I figure out like which thought is from my heart and which is coming from

my brain (Cheers/Laughter/Applause)?

Sadhguru: (Laughs) The heart makes only two sounds lub dub (Laughter).

Unless the local girls are disturbing it and it's going little (Laughter) crazy, otherwise

it makes only two sounds.

Rest of the noise is all coming from your head.

This idea that something comes from the heart, something comes from the brain is a... it's


But unfortunately a whole lot of people are taking it literally.

There was a time in many parts of the world, particularly in Arabia, the medical science

in Arabia believed the blood is pumped from the liver.

You might have heard Urdu sayings about kaleja (Referring to Urdu word meaning liver), you


Have you (Laughs)?

Because they believed blood is being pumped from the liver because liver is a far more

complicated organ, than the heart.

Heart is a simple pump.

So, do not give it anymore responsibilities other than continuously pumping the blood

and keeping you alive.

Unless somebody here breaks it (Laughter).

So about the "last year of engineering", tch, I want you to change that language because

this happened...

Can I tell you a joke?


You are pretty serious about this, that's why I'm asking.

This happened, a very celebrated scientist was at a dinner and he was not grandly dressed

or anything.

He was looking very ordinary.

So the lady who was, you know (Laughs), sitting next to him didn't pay much attention to him.

She doesn't know who he is.

But after sometime just to be polite, to make some conversation, "May I know what do you


He said, "I am studying science."

She said, "Oh, I finished that in my tenth class" (Laughter).

So you are not going to… you know, you are not in the last year of engineering, maybe

the course.

But not the last year of engineering, because for your entire life if you learn engineering,

when you are dying after hundred years, okay?

I am not preponing it.


Moderator (Abhijeet): I hope ___ (Sounds Like – sir/so).

Sadhguru: (Laughs) After hundred years when you are dying, you would still know... if

you are a constant learning process, you would still know you know very little about engineering.

With that little, many things happen, that's different.

So don't be in the last year of engineering.

I know the program may be closing.

But not the last year of engineering, okay?


And engineering, essentially engineering means to have things the way we want, yes?

When we say this building is well engineered - I am not saying that (Laughter) - if we

say this building is well engineered or an automobile is well engineered, what it means

is its functioning the way we want, yes?

Of all the pieces of engineering on this planet, of many pieces of engineering, a tree is a

fantastic engineering.

Even a mountain is fantastic engineering.

Because it stood there for a million years, that means it must be a good engineering,

isn't it?


Something that stands there for a million years must be well engineered.

Of all this, the most sophisticated piece of engineering is human mechanism, isn't

it so?


Most sophisticated of all the pieces of engineering.

Now because it's a sophisticated piece of engineering, it needs a certain level of attention.

Otherwise you don't figure it.

Now that we gave you such a highly… no, hi-tech piece of engineering, I am asking

you, did you read the user's manual?

Moderator (Abhijeet): I think there is no user manual… or no (Laughs)?

Sadhguru: How can they make such a fantastic engineering without a user's manual?

Maybe it doesn't come with a booklet attached to your neck when you were born (Laughter).

But indications must be there, isn't it, how to use it, hmm?

Is it true, somebody who is an athlete or a gymnast or someone else like that, learns

to use their body than a whole lot of other people, yes?

Obviously, at least one aspect of the physical engineering of the body, they seem to have

read the user's manual about the physical aspects.

Is it true, certain people are able to use their mind better than others?

Maybe they read another part of the user's manual.

So now, (Sounds like – bit?) this heart manual and the brain manual…

See the problem is, most people are prejudiced against the brain.

But this is a question ____(Unclear) always comes to me, "Sadhguru, I want to meditate,

but thoughts are coming."

The common question everywhere.

I ask them, "See, I will make you meditate, we will stop the liver, we'll stop the kidney,

we'll stop the heart.

We will stop everything, okay?"


No, Sadhguru" (Laughter).

So you want the liver to function when you are meditating, you want the kidneys to function,

you want even the spleen to function, you want the heart to function, but you don't

want your brain to function for some reason.

This is simply because brain is a new equipment that you got in the evolutionary process.

This level of cerebral development happened more recently compared to the other systems.

If you cut open any mammal, they all have all these parts, isn't it?

Every part that you have here, all of them have.

Even if you open a frog, most of you… you are Biology department (Laughter)?

Even if you open a frog, almost everything that you have he also has, isn't it?

It is only... the big difference is only the cerebral development which is a more recent


Because it's a more recent happening, most people have not figured how to handle it.

So user's manual is very important.

You don't read a user's manual just before you discard the machine.

You read it in the first few days, isn't it?


If you buy a phone do you want to read the user's manual in the first three days or after

three years when you are throwing it away?

First three days, isn't it?

So, knowing how this (Referring to oneself) functions is very important.

Never did ever heart generate any thought or intention.

Tch, well, when you looked at the young girl heart beat (beats?) more, that doesn't mean

it's saying anything.

It's just trying to compensate for the other levels of excitement that's happening (Laughter/Applause).

The heart is not trying to say anything.

It is only compensating, you need more blood so it's pumping little harder (Laughs).

That will happen even if you run up the staircase, yes?

What happens to you, little panting, when you fall in love, also happens physiologically

when you run up a staircase, yes or no?

Fear also does that to a whole lot of people.

So heart is not trying to say anything.

It is just trying to make sure every part of the body gets the nourishment of blood


So it's your brain speaking in different tongues.

What's your native language?

What's your mother tongue?

Moderator (Abhijeet): Assamese.

Sadhguru: So, because when you know two, three languages, sometimes it gets confused, sometimes

it speaks in English, sometimes in Assamese, sometimes in something else.

So you are thinking different people are speaking, heart is speaking, mind is speaking, no.

There is thought and there is emotion, people think these two things are saying different


They are not saying different things, the way you think is the way you emote, isn't

it so?

Right now if I think, "Oh, she is the most wonderful person on the planet," I just

have to think.

Then my emotions become sweet towards her.

Now I think "she is the most horrible creature on the planet," now my emotions become nasty,

yes or no?

I cannot think she is horrible and have sweet emotions.

I cannot think she is wonderful and have nasty emotions.

Isn't it so?

But today I thought she is the most wonderful person and my sweetness was flowing, suddenly

she did something tomorrow that I don't like, I think she is horrible.

Thought is agile.

It changes direction just like that.

Emotion is little sappy, it takes time to turn around.

So that period, you struggle as if there are two dimensions of thing happening.

Because thought is saying one thing, emotion is still going sweet.

Because it takes time to become nasty, tch.

Everybody struggles, but it catches up or no after sometime, hello?

Today you thought she is wonderful, sweetness was flowing.

Tomorrow she did something you don't like, you thought she is horrible.


(Sounds like – Your/the?)

thought is clearly saying she's horrible.

But emotions are struggling because they can't turn quickly.

They take time to turn.

But after a week or ten days or two months, depending on how deeply you are engaged (Laughs),

after sometime, emotion catches up with the thought.

Emotion also says, yes she is nast... horrible, so we'll… let's be nasty to her.

So they are not speaking dif... different languages.

One is agile, another is little slow in its corners.

For more infomation >> Sadhguru - Should you listen to your brain or your heart ? - Duration: 12:52.


Jonathan Perkins Injury Lawyers: How to handle situations when you or your family members are injure - Duration: 4:07.

For more infomation >> Jonathan Perkins Injury Lawyers: How to handle situations when you or your family members are injure - Duration: 4:07.



Hit or miss?

I guess they never miss, huh?

You got a boyfriend, I bet he doesn't kiss ya


He gon' find another girl and he won't miss ya

He gon' skrrt and hit the dab like Wiz Khalifa

For more infomation >> [MMD] HIT OR MISS [ORIGINAL MOTION] - Duration: 0:12.


#Tera_ghata Doraemon version. Animated representation only for entertainment. Must like or dislike👍 - Duration: 4:39.

Latest Hindi song

Animated Hindi song

For more infomation >> #Tera_ghata Doraemon version. Animated representation only for entertainment. Must like or dislike👍 - Duration: 4:39.


Word or PDF Format Resume - Duration: 4:53.

Hi everyone. In today's video, I'm gonna answer a question that is asked of me

all the time: Should I be sending in my resume via a PDF file or a word document?

Stay tuned, I think you're going to be surprised by the answer.

I recently heard from a client who had applied for a position online to an

employer and the hiring manager actually got back to him and expressed his

disapproval for having received the resume in a word format. And, I was kind

of surprised by this. I thought that's kind of unusual for a hiring manager to

be that troubled by a resume format to actually say something to a prospective

employee candidate. That was until I realized that this hiring manager was

probably not on top of industry trends, as far as you know, career transition and

career development, and what was happening out there essentially in the

industry. What I mean by this is that 10 years ago it was, just it was a

no-brainer that you didn't think twice about sending a resume in PDF format.

Number one, there were a lot of word viruses that were going around at the

time, but number two a PDF format just made the resume itself look much more

professional and much more presentable. Because it takes a Word document and it

creates it into an image and the image is very good on the eyes. But here's the

thing, a lot has changed over the last 10 years and probably the biggest factor in

this change is applicant tracking systems. So nowadays with over 250

resumes coming in for just about every single job opening out there, recruiters,

hiring managers, they just simply don't have time to be looking at the resumes.

So in comes the applicant tracking system. In fact, a recent study by the job

board - which I'll leave a link in the description below. Because

it's a great resource to be able to match your resume up to the job

description and see what keywords are matching well. Anyways,

getting off topic with that, but the study by jJobScan actually found

that now over 98% of Fortune 500 companies are using applicant tracking

systems. But, the thing is is you don't have to be a large fortune 500 company.

You got more and more companies in the mid size range that are also using it as

well, and one thing about applicant tracking systems - not all of them play

well with PDF files. A lot of them just will have trouble parsing over the

information - the content in a resume into the applicant tracking system, the

database. So, bottom line is this: If you are sending your resume in to an

individual, or you know it's going to be received by an individual directly, or

maybe it's being hand-delivered in, or carried in, then make it a PDF file. It

makes it a lot more professional. But, if you're uncertain or maybe you do know

that it's probably going to go into an applicant tracking system, then I would

highly recommend, highly encourage you to consider sending it in as a word doc.

Because I want you to understand this, not all applicant tracking systems are

the same. Some of them are gonna be a little bit more robust than others. But

you don't know what ATS system that company may be using. So you got to ask

yourself: Do you feel lucky? If you do, then go ahead and send it in as a PDF

file. But with all the work that you're putting into your job search, I would

definitely just eliminate all risks from the table and send it as a Word

document when you're dealing with an applicant tracking system. Because again,

you don't know which one that they own out there and there's a lot of different

versions. A lot of different companies making them. So, I hope you found this

short video informative and useful and if so make sure that you hit that

subscribe button that is below this video. I upload new career tips and

strategies every Tuesday, and by subscribing to this channel

you're gonna make sure that you don't miss any of them. Thank you so much and I

will see you in the next video

For more infomation >> Word or PDF Format Resume - Duration: 4:53.


Unboxing 10 YES or YES albums (part3) - Duration: 10:37.

Hello Everyone

Today's November 26th


The Yes Or Yes promotions were already ended

I finally got my last 10 albums

A huge package arrived today

which should mean it concludes the rest three packages from three different sellers on Gmarket

(I accidentally filmed the mirror so I have to weirdly zoom in for 3 sec)

And I want to show you guys the posters

There's no much space left on the wall

I put one on by the door

This may be the C version

I don't remember. Never mind

This is A ver

oh that one was actually B version

and this one is C version'

Now let's unbox the albums

I will put these posters away

I put these albums in each stack according to their sellers

I won't show you the pre-order cards since I have done so in my part 1 video

In this way I can easily identify if there are two albums that are exactly the same

Usually albums came from the same seller and of same version (sometimes different versions)

could possibly have the exactly same cards and CDs

And actually the black ones are the A version

I had been mistaken the red as A ver.

The first one

Momo's CD

which I didn't have

This is called the YES or YES card

I have all three kinds of them so I won't show much of this card in this video


Dahyun has a lot of photocards that are of same poses this time

It's quite hard for me to tell the difference

Dahyun again


I remember I have this one

This one would be the same ver and came from the same seller as the 1st one

having the highest possibility to be the same content

Sana's CD

I had one

school meal club again

This YES or YES card I got lots of school meal club and the [Nayeon, Jeongyeon, Momo] one

I only got one [Sana, Jihyo, Mina]





It didn't repeat at all

Mina's CD

still school meal club


This Mina card again



I also had this one

Although there are no exactly same albums

The cards I already had keep coming out

Sana's CD again

I got lot of Sana's CD this time

school meal club as usual


I think this card is super cool

Driver Jeong


The hand card

I don't know whose it is

This album is so good that it didn't repeat any card I had

Now is the 2nd seller

Tzuyu's CD

which I had

Big sister line

don't know who again

It might be Chaeyoung's


it can't focus

Driver Jeong again

I got this one just now


the Cd I had

I might not got all 9 CDs even if I bought 19 albums

school meal club again

I had this one but I forget whose it is


prettier than the flower


I got this one again


Chaeyoung's CD

another one I had

Finally got this one




the last three

It seems impossible to get all the CDs

Chaeyoung's CD

This might be the same as the previous one

school meal club again

I haven't seen this hand card before


I got two hand cards in this one album

The last two

Tzuyu's CD again

I got lots of school meal club this time, the cards and the CDs

I just said




The last one

Till now I got 6 out 9 CDs

The CD I had again

big sister line





I don't know whose it is but I think I didn't get this one before

I will sort all the cards

It feels like the repeating didn't improve so much even though I bought the albums from separate sellers

I put all the cards in the order of type and member's age

I got 58 out of 90 in total

at least it passes the half

which is better than last time

when I bought 18 albums and there weren't even half of the total different cards

I put the repeated cards reversely in the blank spot for better viewing

I will have a hard time collecting the cards in near future

That's it for today's video. Thank you!

For more infomation >> Unboxing 10 YES or YES albums (part3) - Duration: 10:37.


Payless Vs. Designer Shoes (GAME) - Duration: 13:06.

For more infomation >> Payless Vs. Designer Shoes (GAME) - Duration: 13:06.


Should it Be Math or Maths? - Duration: 10:08.

Aluminium or aluminum, zee or zed, and removing u's from certain words or not- among the

many discrepancies between American and British English, perhaps none conjures as much religious

fervor as math vs. maths.

So which one is correct?

Well, really neither is technically more correct than the other.

It's all just language and conventions different groups of people want to use.

At the end of the day, language is all about communicating effectively and the rules that

surround it are meant to serve that end, not language serving the rules and conventions,

contrary to what many an individual who refuses to accept the evolution of language might

otherwise try to have you believe.

As nobody is likely to get confused at all what someone is saying when they say math

or maths and saying one or the other is the accepted way to do it among two rather large

groups of English speakers, the idea of saying one is definitively right and one is wrong

is a little rich.

But that's not terribly interesting.

So let's stoke the fires a bit and see if we can't shed some light on how this particular

difference between American and British English came to be.

To begin with- which was first, math or maths?

It turns out, while you'll often read that the math lovers of the world win this one,

this isn't actually correct, though it is true that even in the UK it's not been until

the last half century or so that saying maths was more common than math.

But to start with, Math. as an abbreviation for mathematics dates back to at least as

early as June 4, 1847 where W.G. Hammond wrote in his diary "It rained so that we had a

math. lesson indoors."

Again, it is commonly stated that Maths is a later invention, first attested to in 1911

in a letter from English soldier and poet Wilfred Edward Salter Owen where he wrote,

"The Answers to Maths.

Ques. were given us all this morning."

It is next seen again after this in 1917 in a September edition of Wireless World with

"Extremely 'rusty' in 'maths.'"

However, it turns out there is a much earlier known instance of someone writing maths, interestingly,

occurring in America.

In his Letter from the Secretary of War written by War Secretary John C. Calhoun in 1818,

a man referred to as "Chs.

Davies" is listed as "ass. prof. maths."

There is also a third variation of this popping up in 1836, where it states, "Edward C.

Ward, Prof. of Math's"

"Math's" also appears in The Merit Roll of the Cadets of the Virginia Military Institute,

published sometime around 1854.

It turns out one T.C.

Rice and P.H.

Worhsam were, to quote, "Deficient in math's."

(No doubt had they known over a century and a half later they'd be called out on this

in a very public way and it would be all anyone would ever remember of them, they would have

studied harder.)

In any event, in these cases, the apostrophe simply functions as the placeholder for the

missing letters between the math and the "s".

It should be noted here that in all these early variations of math, maths, math's,

it's not thought people actually pronounced the abbreviations this way, instead just using

it as a short hand way to write mathematics, which would then be spoken fully, similar

to how you'd say "Professor" rather than "Prof" when encountering the abbreviation

"Prof." as in the previous example.

It wouldn't be until around the mid-20th century that it appears people actually started

to use math and maths as proper spoken words, rather than just a written abbreviation.

Unsurprisingly, for no known reason, even though both were used on either side of the

pond for a time, the "math" version of the abbreviation ended up being more popular

than its plural-sounding "maths" in the United States, whereas eventually the opposite

was true in the UK.

However, it's also noteworthy that it wouldn't be until around the 1970s that maths would

overtake math as the proper form in the UK.

Before that, usage was a bit more mixed on that end of the pond.

This all brings us to the argument often leveled at the pro-math speakers of the world as the

definitive reason people should say "maths" and not "math"- that mathematics is plural,

thus its abbreviation should be.

Beyond the tenuous supposition that an abbreviation of something plural must inherently also be

in plural form, those who say "maths" don't say "My favourite subjects are maths."

They say, "My favourite subject is maths."

Similarly, there is no such thing as a "mathematic" to have more than one of.

(Or, at least, not anymore- at one point mathematic was more or less used to describe a polymath.)

But the main point being that mathematics is not a counting noun.

While you might say, "I have two mathematics classes," you'd never say, "I have two


There is just the broad field of study known as mathematics, similar to how we have physics,

linguistics, economics.

In these latter cases, nobody says "econs" or "lings" if they are going to shorten

the words; they say "econ" and "ling".

(Physics is another beast altogether as, to our knowledge, nobody verbally abbreviates


And even if it was Phys, it wouldn't be clear whether the person was contracting the

ending s or simply including the fourth letter.

Though perhaps we really should pronounce this abbreviation as "Fizz" is a rather

appealing name for a field of science.)

Despite all this, particularly when querying humans of the British persuasion, folk-etymology

tends to lead said individuals to assume that, despite their own usage demonstrating the

contrary, mathematics must be plural because of the trailing s.

It may even be that this idea is the reason the s was originally tacked on at the end

of the abbreviation in the first place, with some individuals thinking mathematics was

plural, despite common usage.

There is some evidence in support of this where around the time these abbreviations

started to pop up, you'll find a few instances of people actually treating mathematics as


For example, in Baldwin and Cradock's Library of Useful Knowledge- Mathematics, publishing

in 1836, they say "Now the mathematics are peculiarly well adapted for this purpose…"

In truth, mathematics is simply a mass noun (like music, water, faculty, garbage, furniture,

evidence, humanity, luggage) that has an 's' on the end, similar to physics or economics

and, again, is considered uncountable and generally treated as singular in the way its


(Although, it is noteworthy that some mass nouns that refer to a group of some thing,

like faculty, can go either way in usage- for instance, "The media is sensationalizing

the news."

Or "The media are sensationalizing the news.")

But unfortunately for the "mathematics is plural" crowd, other than a few isolated

instances in very recent times (likely stemming from the misconception that mathematics is

plural), it's long been the case that mathematics has been almost universally treated as singular

in common usage.

You might at this point be wondering if mathematics is not plural, how did that "s" get there

in the first place?

While there is some debate here, this seems to have come about owing to a common convention

around the time mathematics popped into English where it was en vogue to use a plural name

for different fields of study, such as economics, linguistics, physics, acoustics, etc.

This practice seems to have been adopted borrowing from the related terms in Ancient Greek, like

physika or, in this case, mathematika.

But at the end of the day, both math and maths are just abbreviations for mathematics that

turned into proper words, with some choosing to go with the contracted version of the abbreviation

instead of the shorter "math" and it just sort of catching on one way or the other from


Neither math nor maths is more correct than the other in the general case, though if you

happen to be writing for an audience that you know predominantly uses maths, you should

probably go with that, and vice versa, unless you're just one of those people who like

to watch the world burn.

And either way- god help you if you're a British person working with many American

script writers and talking to a world-wide audience on a platform particularly known

for commenters with no filter…

The problem of math vs. maths is just the tip of the iceberg



sorry individual.

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