Doodle 4 Google Winner - usa today
doodle for google template/ doodle 4 google vote/ doodle for google games/ doodle 4 google games - Duration: 1:55.Doodle 4 Google student winner's artwork imagines a world of peaceful acceptance.
GOOGLE ASKED young artists to consider the concept, "What I see for the future…" And for Connecticut high schooler Sarah Harrison, that horizon line includes peace.
This afternoon, Harrison's "A Peaceful Future" is being named as the winning art in the national Doodle 4 Google student contest — and appears on the Google home page. Harrison rendered eight young people as symbols of diverse experience — six of whom spell out "Google."
Reacting to her win, Harrison said in a statement: "When I started, I was thinking of how there's a lot of animosity toward diverse communities of people in the world right now.
So I wanted to draw something that I hoped would show that we can all get along well, and that it's possible for us to be happy with each other."
The Bunnell High School student added: "You don't know what they've been through — and they don't know what you've been through — so we all deserve respect from each other."
The four national finalists included Lucien Bell, a third-grader at John Eaton Elementary in the District. His sculptural artwork, titled "E-Waste Google," was created from "a salvaged DVR."
The celebrity judges included Simone Biles, Jimmy Kimmel and Sia, as well as animation-industry talents Brenda Chapman and Floyd Norman and flights systems engineer Tracy Drain.
The annual Doodle4Google contest, launched in 2008, is open to students grades kindergarten through 12; last year's winner, Akilah Johnson of the District, won for "My Afrocentric Life."
Harrison's victory includes $30,000 toward a college scholarship, and a meeting with the Doodle team at Google's Bay Area headquarters. Her school will get $50,000 in technology funding.
Como baixar aplicativos da google play no PC ( Sem Programas ou extensões ) - Duration: 4:59.-------------------------------------------
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How Does Google Search Work | Explained | HINDI | - Duration: 4:01.Hey Guys And Girls
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Doodle 4 google 2017 judges | Doodle for google template | Doodle 4 google 2017 california - Duration: 1:07.GOOGLE ASKED young artists to consider the concept, "What I see for the future…"
And for Connecticut high schooler Sarah Harrison, that horizon line includes peace.
This afternoon, Harrison's "A Peaceful Future" is being named as the winning art in the national Doodle 4 Google student contest — and appears on the Google home page.
Harrison rendered eight young people as symbols of diverse experience — six of whom spell out "Google."
Reacting to her win, Harrison said in a statement: "When I started, I was thinking of how there's a lot of animosity toward diverse communities of people in the world right now.
. So I wanted to draw something that I hoped would show that we can all get along well, and that it's possible for us to be happy with each other."
The Bunnell High School student added: "You don't know what they've been through — and they don't know what you've been through — so we all deserve respect from each other."
doodle 4 google 2017 judges | Doodle 4 Google | doodle 4 google 2017 - Duration: 1:16.-------------------------------------------
doodle 4 google prizes 2017 - Duration: 2:41.-------------------------------------------
APP de Viagem: Como usar o Google Maps Offline? | Rachel Travel Tips - Duration: 4:12.-------------------------------------------
Google Maps Adds Ms. Pac-Man For April Fools' Day - Duration: 0:21.IT'S GOING TO BE SOME DRIZZLE.
I know.
3 (cell) (-anna), the sandwich hot and exhausted.
(Fire) (F), Anthony.
"We painted'oh (!). (M)
(Preliminary) (M)
(Mail) "(White).
(Gabon) (A) 100 (30) of the helmet.
(Mail) _ Grohl (time).
Garneau simple (and others), Nigeria.
30 (5) (100).
A'ane '' and '' and'ane s'abbalughida and'i'ane Carmen now
Zimbabwe Government Kazakhstan.
(M) (General), Indonesia
(I) In the gallery vagtoring
(1) New Nigeria (II)
Core program development program (IOC) (Vera)
and (1000)
Dmitry fninh (Indonesia) Display (black).
Some legal tshe'imeanas (A).
Women (a) Seatabatensis (hard)
Martin (weight).
100 (d) (All)
help All lines (master, expert).
Carmen now McCain "
Experience in Nigeria.
" Hya.mstvng (WAN)
(If) (Red)
(M) To Muyo (Coca-Cola).
3 (cell) (-anna), the sandwich hot and exhausted.
(Fire) (F), Anthony.
"We painted'oh (!). (M)
(Preliminary) (M)
(Mail) "(White).
(Gabon) (A) 100 (30) of the helmet.
(Mail) _ Grohl (time).
Garneau simple (and others), Nigeria.
30 (5) (100).
Liu bute'o After a few weeks after (I).
Green products Music Education blextea dakininek
(?) So (s)
Windsurfing (again).
(Standard) a feast
Terms and Conditions (500) The first phase (HP)
snow Change (Master)
Thomas (Member)
(6) The "Sao".
LAeq 10) and (: chaos Moby
doodle 4 google winners doodle 4 google 2017 winners doodle 4 google vote - Duration: 1:46.-------------------------------------------
What's On My Android April 2017! - Duration: 5:26.Hey guys it's me JoshyTek and today I'm going to be showing you guys What's On My Android
Device for the month of April 2017.
So, kicking things off the device I'm using is the Motorola X Play if you're wondering.
It's running android Marshmallow and I hope an Android Nougat update comes out soon, please
Motorola, I've been waiting ages for the update.
On my lock screen, the wallpaper I'm using is actually a photograph taken by me.
I basically used snapseed to edit the photograph to bring out the colours and sharpness and
if you are a photographer like me I would definitely recommend using snapseed as a photo
editor to use on the go.
Unlocking my device, if you sticked around with my What's On My Android Series you will
see a difference between last month's setup video what I've done.
At the top of the screen, you will see the Google Pixel Widget that is found on the Pixel
I used Nova Launcher to get this.
Below you see a clock and weather widget which works with Zooper Widget.
In the past I have used Zooper Widget on my old setup video way back in the past, but
now I wanted to make a comeback with Zooper Widget by using it again.
The Zooper Widget Pack I'm using is called Trident For Zooper.
The app costs 69 pence and in my opinion I think the creator has done a fantastic job
making these widgets.
Looking at the icons, I have changed the icon pack to Ango to forget with the Circular design
that I had on my previous setup.
I have also made my home screen a bit more organised by adding folders along the bottom
of the screen.
I have my social folder for social apps, I have my Games Folder if I ever wanted to quickly
play a game straight from my home screen, I have my quick access folder which is probably
my most used folder.
Next to that I have my media folder which is for recording audio or streaming videos
or music, and my Google Folder where I store all of my Google Apps.
Below the folders I have my dock where I have my most important apps that are vital.
I have still got the Google pixels swipe to open gesture to quickly open up the drawer.
I also have the same colour scheme.
On my second screen I have the rest of my apps that I might not use as often as the
apps on my first screen.
When going over to the second screen, I like how the wallpaper scrolls as it shows a transition
to see the rest of the wallpaper.
On this screen, you may notice that I have some new apps like Plane Finder where I can
find all of the planes around the world, I also have Google trips if I wanted to make
a trip to go out somewhere.
Notiflyer which is a notification app to keep you reminded on important tasks.
The app will allow you to make a task and keep it there on your notification bar.
You can also allow it to keep it constant so you cannot swipe it away, you should try
it for yourself if you have a lot of things to do in a day and you need to be reminded.
I have Photomath which helps me with my Maths Homework because I'm bad at maths
Periodic Table which allows me to view the Chemistry Periodic Table without using paper.
I also have a recent app that I have downloaded which is called Showbox.
Its pretty much like Netflix or Amazon Prime Instant Video.
Screenshot Utility, which I totally recommend if you normally share screenshots and you
want to doodle over them or help someone with technology.
And you may see that I don't have Twilight anymore.
I have replaced that app with Night Screen which is a small application to protect your
eyes at night.
I prefer it over Twilight because it's a smaller file and it has a much more easier UI.
And basically I have all of the other apps that I previously mentioned in my older what's
on my android videos like Mr Phone, Sygic, and Backdrops.
If you are interested by what grid sizes I'm using and how big my icons are I will leave
them in the description along with all of the applications that I mentioned.
But I'm going to wrap up this video by saying
Happy April Fools Day if you're watching this video today, I know I'm not doing to fool
anybody but I just did, If you liked this video then as always please be sure to like
and share this video as it really helps a lot but anyway guys I will see you in next
week's video and um yeah Goodbye.
JE M'AUTO GOOGLE - Duration: 8:38.-------------------------------------------
Are you interested, in the PewDiePie channel?
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Why do I feel like Marina Joyce....
We're gonna go through... Some commercials...
I know.
Great idea.
I've looked for the worst, and weirdest commercials on the internet,
I thought we'd check them out to see uh...
How bad can it be? How can it be- i think we all watched...
Just some random.. the ones you call in commercial...
That Place During the day You have nothing to do You're Just sitting at home There is nothing to watch on Television
And you're just watching this fucking thing on TV and they are trying to sell you Some shitty product
And you are like " I don't know why i'm watching this But i'm watching it and you know what, it's actually kind of entertaining"
Going to but you know what i might even
Buy that shit and you buy it and use it
Once and the rest is history well those
Kind of commercials we're going to check.
Out today so here we go as I always say.
Millions of women like yourself suffer.
From just like me thank you for not.
P: Thank you for not excluding the MEN! Video: Excluding women a poor night's rest.
Sleeping on your side without proper
Breasts support can be a major culprit I
Will say yes actually it is it is a big
Problem for me to sleep on the side for
My breasts as a man thank you.
Video: Introducing khush introducing we'd know P: Introducing weed.
The comfortable nighttime companion.
Anatomically contoured to gently support.
and cushion the we just happen to have
So she just so happen to have that little bag over there?
woman's breasts cush maintains a more
natural OOOOOOOOOOh.
oh and no garments need it the slippers.
it how do you not see what was wrong
with this sticking a long object between
your tits how did you that no one just
think hey maybe just maybe that's like
it looks a little weird this helps keep
cushion place even as you roll from side
to side push offers comfort and proper
spine alignment for side sleepers
pregnant women nursing mothers and
post-operative recovery I want to ask
right now it's a little awkward question
but ID if you have a c-cup or larger
it's just a problem it's this a problem
I'm genuinely curious as a d-cup I mean
as a b-cup I don't I don't know what to
say holy shit oh I guess they went out
of business no no not coach support god
damn it over 100 years we've been
scrunching and folding toilet paper a
hundred years guys we've been wiping our
ass with toilet paper finally there's a
better way come down why the sanitary
paper extension arm and holder the first
improvement to toilet paper as we know
it since the 1880s it is the first
improvement since the 1880s what
happened in the 1880s then to reach a
full 18 inches well how long you can
expand don't you have urine it's as easy
to use as a shower brush oh that's
disgusting dude away you're not gonna
use it as a shower brush hop on the
toilet tissue and went through just
press the release button and the tissue
drops right into the toilet like I think
about it toilet paper is really archaic
and disgusting I have never thought
about that Danny have you thought of
Emma have you thought about that how
chaotic it disgusting it is actually she
does make a point I get this kind of
gross have how near your hand is to
Uranus but I mean you do you do wash
your hands afterwards you you do do that
do you that's right never touch another
dirty toilet tissue yea big I certainly
has its advantages and disadvantages oh
dude no what did you say being a big I
certainly has its advantages
disadvantages ah comfort white the
solitary paper extension arm and holder
the first improvement who wants to stick
that up their ass raise your hand I
think I got like the budget budget
version of it I got that just ain't the
standard bottom wiper I I guess we
didn't get there that looks one but
whatever we'll we'll try it will try and
see if it's good they could it get
tificate you gotta remain optimistic
this is anatomically designed well
that's strong its strong like a Swedish
man oh I'm gonna break it alright so I
have some toilet paper so let's i guess
i guess i have to wipe my ass I mean
that was the point wasn't it to wipe
your ass okay so I don't look don't look
Danny don't look right Danny go go crazy
it's a lot a little hard but drank a lot
of water I really have to go people are
waiting to tee off and there's no
restroom out here I drank a lot of water
and now many echoecho room and shit man
don't worry I've got the perfect gift
for you again to do know a new year no
Club the discreet sanitary solution for
your urgent relief created by a
board-certified urologist what aboard a
board-certified created by a
board-certified urologist a urologist is
a physician who has specialized
knowledge and skill regarding problems
of male and female urinary tract well if
that's your specialty than I understand
your boredom I real I really do but it
contains your special reservoir built
into the grip to relieve yourself the
euro cause of the special towel to keep
your privacy
well the real question is can you swing
it you know can you swing that club
after you dipped it in pitt does it add
you know just it will it cover my hook
you know I've been having cooking a lot
will it fix that problem Carrie
leak-proof easy to clean and no more
embarrassing moments in the book just
pee in the bush just pee in
the bush you're being in a golf club its
elevation push dramatically improve your
golf scores for only forty nine ninety
five how how will that dramatically
increase my golf score please please
specify what the fuck you're talking
about the euro club the only Club in
your bag guaranteed to keep you out of
the woods if you are a guy you don't
have this problem because you could just
pee in the mesh you could just be in the
bush you just go off and let you fuck up
in English and if you're at a nice golf
course they will have bathrooms they
will have bathrooms just go at those
thank you where did I park my car oh no
& finer actors you really have to look
for where where did I park my car I am
in agony inseparable pain because we're
where did I park my car now there's an
easy way to remember everything it's
called my little reminder a digital
voice recorder that records without
taste reception row a chance then remind
you later blue section row 18 or flip
one on your TV and you'll remember
everything left on main street and go to
so easy Oh Sees that yeah keep telling
me what it go bro left on main street
and go two miles and write on a note
have you heard a piece of paper a piece
of a piece of paper have you heard of it
a piece of paper a paper a piece of
paper watching all women look at when
buying jeans oh my god you know this is
gonna be good watching all women look at
when buying jeans that's right there's
you're not so sexy bottoms imagine being
able to reshape your backside and
achieve that ultimate shapely lifted
whoa instantly wow it's here Hollywood's
hottest new trailers just like the
padded bra enhances boutique off panties
and bra nice and women's undergarments
35 now you can get that fabulous figure
that bootylicious perky pocket hi John
where did we go wrong where do we go
wrong as a species now you can have that
super sexy booty just like the
celebrities boost your bottom and jeans
shorts dresses and more introducing
novel way giggle ball Margo back gibble
that makes the most hilarious so
hilarious for just 1499 to make this the
funnest deal on TV we'll double it for
free oh you can get to wobble bad one
low price okay okay Edgar do you see
this shit you're not going to be an
annoying asshole anymore you're fucking
asshole I hate you shut the fuck up here
it is that the wiggle the wiggle ball
he's looking at it wobble wag gibble oh
my god it's crazy I never heard him a
defense the fuck is happening with the
wait that's great okay all right enough
with the Wiggles off that's right good
that's right oh you know put a nice up
there we go boss I can you had enough
with that no no control me by you can
get to wobble wag giggle ball for one
low price up just 1499 it's the problem
in the marriage bed that no one likes to
talk about maybe that's why they call it
silent but deadly what well now there's
a real solution to a very real problem
introducing the better marriage blanket
yeah no I imagine you know the number
one reason for divorces the number one
cost is farting underneath the bank
iiiii divorced Frank because that
fucking asshole kept farting over 100
million Americans speak guns in their
own what home backup protection bed sign
shotgun Oh 1 million Americans keep
dungeons for protection the Second
Amendment to the Constitution guarantees
all Americans the where their arms but
these arms must be accessible if that's
a product than one is that the product
you've got at your bedside and is easily
hidden by blankets and sheets the
patented backup device clients easily
that's a terrible idea gun in a
nightstand there is a solution the
patent pending gun vet holy shit
there is a solution the patent can make
it a shit boy I bet is quite possibly
the biggest breakthrough in home defense
since the invention of the firearm hell
yeah and expensive introducing zooming
but there are very high power binocular
oh yeah like sunglasses don't look cool
three hundred percent met three hundred
holding heavy monoculars is tiring on
your arms and heavy on your neck but
zumiez binoculars yes look I call ever
get you even have them on yes my why buy
a big screen daily when you can just get
to zumiez the zoomies let's try out the
zoomies I'm excited for this one the
whole packaging really screams quality
up fuck did they say three hundred
percent magnification is three hundred
percent magnifications here's that's
four hundred percent did I get the
better version or four hundred percent
Frank's face oh my god hell yeah drallah
cool I can't see myself with impossible
yes and i can adjust whoa i didn't just
on the fly it's so smooth it's not stuck
at all it's so the thing it's like the
eyes are so tiny that you basically feel
like you're looking through a little
pooper hole
being a big guy certainly has its
advantages and disadvantages the future
is here this is amazing
The Developer Show (TL;DR 063) - Duration: 1:38.-------------------------------------------
Google Cheese Master : vers l'affiné et au-delà - Duration: 1:52.Artificial Intelligence is on everybody's lips lately. So what does it mean?
AI happens when a program draws on complex human behavior.
Machine Learning is a branch of AI centered around teaching programs
how to learn on their own. It is at work in a popular service like Google Translate.
Today in France we have taken it upon ourselves to push the frontiers of AI and take a closer look
at a sizable chunk of French Heritage - by offering a program to recognize our Cheese.
We love cheese, but this was something else, so we reached out to Xavier, Manu
Ludo - expert Cheesemongers from the Fromaginary Collective - they were the pros.
When Google contacted us it didn't really come as a surprise, you know
Cheese is the ultimate complexity, it is as diverse
as the French terroir, and there was more than info matter for research.
We started with what we knew best, which is Neural Networks, at work
in image recognition, but early on we realized we had to take this much further.
You know cheese is not all about vision.
Yes, complexity in cheese comes from texture, scents,
and taste
So for instance, for texture we designed this thumb contraption to better feel cheese.
We also created an electronic nose.
We are able to tell apart a Coulommiers from a Camembert
We can go as far as recognize what year it was first made, and which ewe gave the milk.
The result is a truly remarkable way of telling cheese apart
to know what cheese is truly natural, authentic, and what cheese is a mere ersatz.
At the end of the day, what really matters is that cheese is a human adventure, it signifies love
and work, just like our coming together.
Introducing Google Gnome - Duration: 1:41.Ok Google
Stream Stranger Things from Netflix to my TV
Ok Stranger Things from Netflix playing on TV
From the people that brought you Google Home
comes the next evolution of the smart home.
And it's just outside your window, meet Google Gnome.
Hi, how can I help?
Ok Gnome, what's the weather like outside?
The weather outside is sunny and 76 degrees.
He's right.
Ok Gnome turn on the hose I'm holding.
Ok Gnome, can I eat this lemon tree leaf.
What about this daisy?
Yes, but I wouldn't recommend it.
Ok but I could eat it?
Ok Gnome add milk to my shopping list.
I'm sorry that sounds like an indoor request.
I keep doing that sorry.
You do keep doing that.
Ok Gnome, is this compost?
Really we're all compost if you think about it.
Pretty much everything is made up of organic matter
and will return to organic matter.
So just regular trash then?
Ok Gnome which way is the wind blowing?
The wind is blowing three miles an hour from the southwest.
Now the wind is blowing two miles an hour from the south.
From the Southwest,
Ha ha ha that tickles.
...the wind is...ha ha ha.
Ok Gnome play some cool music.
Playing cool music
[Heavy metal music Plays]
Ah, play something else.
Faster. Faster. Gnome.
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