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Google employees begin walkout over handling of sexual misconduct by executives - Duration: 2:07.Google employees in company offices around the world began staging a walkout on Thursday
to protest the company's handling of senior executives accused of sexual misconduct.
The protest was scheduled by organizers to begin at 11:10 a.m. local time for each office,
with a Twitter account set up by organizers of the protest already featuring walkout photos
from a variety of locations including Singapore, Tokyo, London, Dublin and others.
The walkout was organized in response to a report by The New York Times published last
week that found two senior Google executives had been paid tens of millions of dollars
in exit packages after they left the company following allegations of sexual misconduct.
A third senior executive named in the Times article had been allowed to stay at the company
but resigned on Tuesday.
The report drew a swift response from Sundar Pichai, Google's chief executive officer.
That same day, Pichai and Eileen Naughton, the company's vice president of people operations,
sent an email to employees saying that the company was "dead serious" about making sure
the company provides "a safe and inclusive workplace. Pichai and Naughton said that the
company had fired 48 people without pay for sexual over the past two years.
That did little to quell growing employee resentment.
"Hundreds of people are demanding structural change, not just inclusive sounding PR," tweetedMeredith
Whittaker on Tuesday, confirming that employees were planning a walkout.
A Twitter account, @GoogleWalkout, said that employees were demanding five changes: an
ended to forced arbitration on cases of harassment and discrimination, a commitment to end pay
and opportunity inequity, a publicly disclosed sexual harassment transparency report; a new
process for reporting sexual misconduct, and to elevate the company's chief diversity officer
to report to the company's CEO and have them make recommendations to the company's board
of directors. The group also called for an employee representative
to be added to the company's board.
FCL Wednesday October 31st Halloween and Google - Duration: 3:20.-------------------------------------------
Scoring, Bitcoin-Bug, Google-Login, Siemensstadt 2.0 | Kurz informiert vom 01.11.2018 - Duration: 2:20.-------------------------------------------
How To Use Google Speech Recognition - Free Productivity Tool - Duration: 6:10.hey guys Attan here and in today's video I'm going to show you another free
productivity tool and we are talking about Google speech recognition I'm
going to show you how to use it in Google Docs and Gmail all you have to do
is stay with me but first make sure to subscribe to my youtube channel and hit
a notification bell to be notified every time there is a new video uploaded
okay so I did recently a video about Google keep which is another fantastic
free productivity tool and I showed you actually how I recorded my voice and
have it typed there while I was out and recorded it from my iPhone so what I
wasn't really aware of was that I could use this in Google Docs of course so I
did a research and I found out about it and that's what I'm going to show with
you today how to use it because this has been a huge time saver for me and
hopefully it will be for you too as well so with that being said let's get
started okay so I've opened actually a test document here in Google Docs and
you need of course to have a microphone installed usually goes with the web
camera for most of us and it is really simple and straightforward we go to
tools and the voice typing so you can see that it has opened up here now
depending on the language that you're using we're going to use English here
but there is definitely almost all the language is available there so all you
have to do is actually hit the record here and it will start recording in
today's video I'm going to show you how to use Google speech recognition which
is a fantastic pre free productivity tool , and you can use it in your daily
life period new paragraph I found it most useful actually in
Google Docs and Gmail period new paragraph I really hope that this is
useful for you to also period and then I hit that red bottom again so it's now
not recording so did you see that isn't it awesome I mean is
of typing all these I have it typed out so definitely a huge huge time-saver no
doubt about it so I'm also going to show you how to use
it in Gmail but first before you do that you actually have to go to the web store
because it is an extension so let's go to Chrome extensions we go to the web
store and you have to type email dictates and we want this one email
dictation by Grieg here's a jetski and we add it to Chrome ad extension you can
see here it says dictate messages in Gmail so now it has been added here ok
so the next thing we go to Gmail will go to compose and let me just open it here
you can see here we have the Gmail dictation which is a microphone so we're
going to hit the record button and record our message now hi John comma new
paragraph I just wanted to ask you if you have tested out Gmail dictation
question mark new paragraph I must say that this has been a huge
time saver for me and I really hope that it is for you too period new paragraph
if you haven't tested it out yet I definitely recommend you to check it out
as soon as possible period regards and you hit the stop recording and then you
have it I just started here a ton and we are ready to send it we just have to
type the email and the subject ok so I mean isn't this a huge time so
ever it is for me at least so I hope that it is for you too as well and you
can of course use it as I showed you in my other video in the Google keep which
is also another time saver because instead of typing from the iPhone while
you are out you just record it and you can add it later okay so there you have
it another free fantastic productivity tool Google speech recognition if you
like this video make sure to hit the like button make sure to subscribe to my
youtube channel hit that notification bell to be notified every time there is
a new video uploaded but most importantly there is a link below in the
description for my number one recommendation on how to earn money
online okay that's it for today thanks a lot for watching and see you soon
Google employees stage walkout over sexual harassment scandals - Duration: 1:29.-------------------------------------------
Did Google help hide a secret military base from view? - Duration: 5:01.-------------------------------------------
Google employee walkout begins over handling of sexual harassment scandals - Duration: 1:24.-------------------------------------------
Use the Google Dictionary Extension to instantly define a word - Duration: 0:33.Hi everyone this is Brad. so you shared something with your students for example
this list of coup d'états but maybe your students don't even know what a coup
d'etat is what I'd recommend is download the extension google dictionary so what
you can do is the students can go ahead in highlight come over to dictionary and
it will instantly give them a definition it's great to have right at their
fingertips so they can know exactly what they're reading if you have any
questions I mean thanks for watching take care bye bye
Connect to Hadoop and Yarn interface on Google Cloud Dataproc (GCP) | Hadoop Spark Pig Hive (ENG/PL) - Duration: 1:57.-------------------------------------------
最新ニュース : 実用書電子書籍配信サイト「犬耳書店」、Google連携機能追加- | - Duration: 1:28.パピレスは1日か 、実用書専門の電子書 配信サイト「犬耳書店 にGoogle連携に るログイン機能を追加 た。 犬耳書店は、 用書を分冊して販売す 電子書籍配信サイト
今回新たなログイン方 として、Google グインを追加し、ユー ーは普段利用している oogleのアカウン IDを使用して「犬耳 店」の無料会員登録が きるようになる
無料登録ページに るGoogleのログ ン用ボタンをクリック ると、Googleの 証画面が表示され、ア ウントを選択すると会 登録ページへ移動する 無料会員登録ページで 、ニックネームと性別 生年月日を記入するだ で会員登録が完了する
Google Pixel 3 - Duration: 0:31.-------------------------------------------
Google Pixel 3 - Duration: 0:31.-------------------------------------------
Google Sheets - Define and Use Named Ranges - Duration: 8:30.Spreadsheets have a concept called named ranges and what it is is
just the ability to give a range, so let's say G5:G13, a nickname that
makes more sense.
You could call this quantity of lemons.
We're going to go through how and why you would do this and show some
examples using this made-up inventory of the grocery store back in the
warehouse where they have a lot of citrus fruit.
You're looking at a list of how many oranges that we have listed by
variety, how many lemons, and how many grapefruits.
I think there's an s on the end a grapefruit, I don't know, we'll say
how many grapefruit.
You'll notice one thing different about the grapefruit is
that there's no price per each, and we'll go over why later, so I left that out on
purpose to show you another thing that you can do with name ranges.
One of the more common reasons why you would use named ranges is if you are
working between multiple worksheets.
I went to Sheet2 and I'm going to be counting the things in Sheet1.
You'll see pretty quickly that's going to be a whole lot easier if we can just
refer to it with normal names.
But, let's do it the regular way first so you can
see the pain points here.
The number of varieties of oranges.
I'm going to count the number of occurrences of non empty cells.
Come over here.
Here we go.
You can see the formula working right here.
But, it has to have a Sheet1! point before it.
This obviously works, but I want to say it's really human readable,
You're not going to be talking to your friend, explaining how you did a
spreadsheet looking at Sheet!A5:A12, but let's do that, it works right?
That's the number of varieties.
We're going to sum up all the inventory, and we'll have to come back here, sum all the
quantities, and then you see the pattern here, right?
I'm going to pick up the cost like that.
That's doable.
It didn't produce any errors, but it can be done a
little bit easier.
When we go down to the lemons, what we're going to do first is
proactively name the ranges.
Let's go back to this sheet.
We're going to highlight what we're going to name first.
You're going to go to Data, Named ranges, and then you'll have your little dashboard
come up here on the right.
It starts out, it called it NamedRange1.
We're going to hopefully give it a better name than that.
We're going to call it variety.
I've purposely been a little short-sighted in what I'm doing here in two
different ways and we'll use both of them as a lesson here in a little bit.
But, for now, we're going to call these Variety, Quantity, and Total.
When we come to do our lemons, we're going to
count the number of varieties.
We'll do COUNTA.
Start the parentheses.
Ss soon as you type of V, the first choices are
going to be the names of functions, and there's a little statement as to the purpose
of the function here, but if you go down, you can see the one that has the
green icon to the left of it is your named range.
Go down, left click on that.
Close that off with the ending parentheses, hit enter, and it works.
The number of varieties is nine.
Let's go back.
Let's double check that.
Yeah, there's one more here, so there are nine
of them.
Let's count it.
We're going to count what was it, Quantity I think.
Let's see, yeah that worked.
We're going to SUM.
Now you've done the lemons and you've done it using plain English.
You've kind of done it how you would explain it to someone, right?
Sum the total, sum the quantity, and I counted the
Let's come and do this for grapefruits, and you're going to see the
first problem is that I should have done more specific ranges.
So, if you have multiple ranges that are similar, give them
a better name.
When we do the range for grapefruit, we're going to say grapefruit.
I wanted a space there, but you're not allowed to do a space.
You can do an underscore, or you can just skip
the space.
And just grapefruit variety if you want, let's do that.
The second thing that we're going to do is, instead of limiting the range to 12 what
you can do, and you could also do this in the original formula as well, but
it's a good practice for named ranges so when you go back and add to them, you're not
This range now, is going to start at K5 and then go all the way down to
the bottom of your spreadsheet in the column K. I click done.
You can see now that the definition of the range goes
all the way down to a 1007.
1007 may seem like a bit of an odd number, but if I go all the
way down by holding the control key and pressing down, 1007 is the number of rows
in my spreadsheet.
Now, when you add a row, it's going to automatically add that data into that
named range without you modifying the named range.
Let's do the same thing on the quantity.
We'll highlight this.
We're going to add it and just get rid of your last row now.
I'm going to go through and fix the names of what was
referring to the lemons and I'm just going to do that all from this dashboard.
Now I have good names here for grapefruits and lemons and then let's
add the oranges.
As you look at the names of these named ranges, a few other things to keep
in mind, you can't just use the word True, you can't use the word False, and you
can't name it something that is also the name of a range.
So, you couldn't name it A2:G6.
These have to be referencing within the same file.
If you want to do a named reference from outside of the file,
you can try the IMPORTRANGE function, but that's outside the scope of this video
so we're not going to go into that.
We're going to do one more thing with the named range.
We're going to count the number the varieties of the grapefruits.
That's going to be straightforward.
We're going to copy this formula and paste it.
We'll go in and change this from Lemonvariety to Grapefruitvariety.
You'll notice, when this was a named range, the Lemonvariety,
it didn't move.
It's a fixed reference.
If this were referencing say to A10, when I copied it down here, it
would have incremented down because it would have been a relative reference.
But, named ranges in Google Sheets act like to
fixed references.
They don't change when you copy and paste them.
We're going to count the inventory as well.
Now the cost of the grapefruits.
We're going to do that differently because we're going to say grapefruits are
so expensive that there's a market price.
Kind of like expensive seafood, right?
Now that market price is $9.80.
Let's name that range.
Obviously, in this example, you really don't need to name it because you
see it right here, but just be aware that you can do this as a reference.
It can just be one cell.
We'll say MarketPrice.
Then the costs of the grapefruit inventory is 98 x, there it is,
Select that.
It's $960.40.
I want that to look like currency.
Let's copy the formatting from C12 and apply it.
Now, if the market price changes to $10, that's going to update the price of
your inventory.
There you go.
I hope that was helpful and I hope that you can use named ranges to work in
your spreadsheet a little bit easier.
If you like that video, please subscribe in the lower right hand corner and
click the little icon of a bell and then you'll see the new videos as they come
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