Thứ Tư, 28 tháng 11, 2018

Youtube daily have Nov 28 2018

Loneliness is consciousness, an excellent benefit surely.

We are actually not supposed to do something which is going to please other people, but

we are only with ourselves, which is a real blessing.

Imagine that you were called to satisfy the wishes and needs of other people and you spend

your life working for them too.

Undoubtedly, when you are not given something you deserved, you will feel quite frustrated.

You did a lot, but nobody accepted that.

Compared to the time when the admired intelligence is going to create the time for you being

yourself, no one else, only you with the entire Universe, or you and the Higher Self of yours,

now, you will be able to dance and sign to the own rhythm, as well as rhyme you created.

Then, all your efforts will not attract some false acceptance and appreciation, but instead

a natural link with divine reintegration.

People that complain that they feel lonely as they do not have someone waiting for them

in their home or a person to talk with, forget that it is, in fact, an excellent chance to

discover their own self.

Being alone is an excellent time for you –also, it will be a great fun.

The time of being alone is actually the best and a lovely time which God created only for

yourself, to be together with God, to make a conversation, as well as meditate on the

gift which your own body represents.

Also, it is a time for focusing on the center around the heart, as well as slowly and step

by step witnessing the touches of the divine lights which touch you and awake you.

When not being alone, you will never know yourself in the best way.

You will never see who you really are.

You are going to feel lost in that crowd of people, and you will focus on searching for

compliments – every time when they come across, you will feel happy, but you may not


However, unreal things never last, so this is going to disappear, and in that time, you

are going to drop into the place of loneliness.

It will be a condition of not really knowing the inexhaustible inside container of your


Of course, you should not feel lonely, but only shift the mind from your lower to your

higher self inside of you and then you are going to see that it is an excellent period

of life, as you are going to have the ability to fulfill all those promises which you actually

made to God at the time you arrived on this planet and you were born as a human being,

in order to realize who you really are.

You should enjoy your time alone, as well as forget all the conspiracies of your mind

about loneliness.

You were born in the world alone, and you are going to leave it alone too.

You just have to enjoy the journey with all those people that come on your path, but when

being alone, you just have to believe that it is time you will spend with your Higher


Therefore, you should be alone and not lonely.

For more infomation >> Being Alone Doesn't Mean That You Have To Be Lonely - Duration: 3:47.


Iraqi Shiite Cleric '' People who have no faith are dangerous to the society '' - English subtitles - Duration: 0:41.

so , if we take a look at Islam , we find out that it's the most merciful religion to mankind !

and those who claim that Muhammad used to live on looting and his followers were murderers ! '' No , that's not true !

rather , he set out to spread the creed '' There is no god but Allah '' and to bring good to humanity , so he was a man of principles

so , if any one who has a religion , he ( Muhammad ) will never do him harm , i.e. if someone is a Christian

( or ) , a Zoroastrian or a Jew , he will not harm them , and they can remain in their ancestral religions

( on condition that ) they should be good guys by paying the poll tax ( jizya ) and it's all good , OK !

as for the infidels , Islam will demand that they must either convert o Islam or Muslims will fight them , and why is that ? because infidels are empty and and have no faith

and those who have no faith are dangerous to the society

For more infomation >> Iraqi Shiite Cleric '' People who have no faith are dangerous to the society '' - English subtitles - Duration: 0:41.


Ale czy ma pan nazwę PROJEKTU!? / But Sir do you have a name for this PROJECT?! - Duration: 16:52.

Nie cieszy Cię to, Blonnie że mamy publiczność, która

pilnie śledzi i zauważa, że była dłuższa przerwa?

Bo nie byłoby to okropne

jeślibyśmy nie opublikowali nic przez 8 dni i wszyscy by reagowali

"O! Są znowu."

"Czekają po prostu..."

"Nie zauważyłem(am) różnicy!"

Albo w ogóle nie zwróciliby uwagi.

Więc ja to widzę jako komplement dla nas, wiesz?

Ludzie czekają. Tęsknią za nami!

To co? Zmierzymy się z pytaniem i odpowiemy "dlaczego"?

...czyli tak: przechodzą prosto tędy

Ten rysunek nie odpowiada skali za dobrze.

Ale przejdą tędy i będzie czerwony chodnik, który rozwiniemy.

Tam będzie stał oficjant zaraz przed nimi.

Zaangażowana jest w to rodzina i pies.

Mają takie liście palmowe, które mają 8 stóp wysokości (2.44 metry).

Każda osoba z rodziny będzie je trzymała nad nimi formując chupę.

Masz coś przeciwko, żeby wystąpić na naszym vlogu?

Nie mam, absolutnie. Znaczy się TERAZ?


On zawsze vloguje.

Ale nie możemy nic powiedzieć aż do PO weselu.

Nie opublikujemy tego przed weselem więc nie ma obaw.

Czyli masz na imię Jenn.


Znajdujemy się w Baltimore Country Club. W tej chwili tu jesteśmy.

Dlaczego uważasz, że to będzie super specjalne wydarzenie?

Zdecydowanie nigdy czegoś takiego nie zrobiliśmy w Baltimore Country Club.

Albo tutaj w okolicy. Przynajmniej ja o czymś takim nie słyszałam.

Znaczy masz na myśli ślub niespodziankę!

Ślub niespodziankę.

...i jest to ich drugie małżeństwo (każdego z nich)

...i również są...

Pani młoda ma 70 lat!

Będzie super.

Ile lat ma pan młody?

Też jakoś w tym przedziale.

Wszystko pod pretekstem imprezy na jej 70te urodziny.



Ona na prawdę obchodzi swoje 70 urodziny. Dwa dni po weselu.

...i mówisz, że jest dużo fajnych rzeczy zaplanowanych na tą imprezę?

Zgadza się. Ich pies będzie w to zaangażowany.

Wiele osób z ich rodziny jest zaangażowanych.

Wszyscy z rodziny praktycznie wiedzą, ale 120 osób zaproszonych jako goście nie wie.

Więc będą totalnie zaskoczeni w samym środku tej imprezy.

Teraz możemy zmiksować to nagranie z nagraniem z samego wesela

ponieważ je filmujemy i fotografujemy w TEN piątek.

Tą część nagrywamy we wtorek. Dzisiaj jest wtorek?

Czyli za trzy dni! Całkiem jest to na szalonych papierach!

Ojej! Trochę mnie to stresuje! W tydzień świąteczny!

Tak, ale wszystko się uda.

Nic się tak właściwie nie stało. Znaczy się...

Życie się stało. Czasami trzeba się skupić na płaceniu rachunków i jeśli człowieka przyciśnie

bo musi więcej popracować to po prsotu musi popracować.

Jest to... jest to trochę trudna

pozycja dla nas, ponieważ

zdecydowanie doceniamy Wasze wsparcie

na Patronite i na Ptreonie i zdecydowanie chcemy nadal dostarczać materiał.

...więc nie czujemy się z tym dobrze jak nie dajemy rady nic opublikować przez dłuższy okres niż standardowe

trzy dni.

Ale czasami nic się nie da na to poradzić.

Jest już nawet odpowiedź pod tym pytaniem.

Po angielsku: nie, jest to po prostu życie, na które trzeba zarobić żeby normalnie żyć i...

...o to właśnie chodzi.

Dokładnie tak. Czasami po prostu...

David, David... powinieneś przestać to robić bo się trzęsie.

Jest podwójna stabilizacja.

A, to w porządku.

Today is a very significant day in USA.


So in our language the celebration of giving thanks. So it stuck.

Last year, I have to say tooting my own horn

I made a film about Thanksgiving and Black Friday that

frankly I like a lot.

I think it was pretty good.

This year we're not filming anything special.

But I thought we have to mark the occasion,

this day and at least show the table, at which we'll be sitting.

We are invited to Philadelphia to our friends Karolina and Rafał.

Traditionally now because I think this is the 3rd time

we'll find ourselves over there on this special day.

They're doing quite a party and a solid one

considering this is a Polish Thanksgiving. It's a very American Polish Thanksgiving.

So at least we have to, have to...

to give it some justice at least show the table at which we're going to be sitting today.

I haven't had any food since the morning, to leave enough room because I know that

this is going to be serious.

Shadow wherever I turn. Somehow

the light isn't working today very well.

Oh this smells well!

You didn't burn it, did you?

Nie, to jest wędzony. Będzie bardzo dobry w środku.

This is the smoked one?

It smells so good.

Nigdy wcześniej takiego nie robiłem.

Bez deklaracji. Żadnych deklaracji!

Na tym się sprawa kończy. Czasami trzeba po prostu. Wiesz, trzeba...


Popracować dla innych ludzi, a nie dla siebie.

Trzeba się skupić na pracy.

Na pracy, która przynosi natychmiastowy dochód.

Ponieważ... w tym momencie mamy mały dochód z kanału na YouTube

ale jest on marginalny.

Powiedzmy prawdę, jest marginalny. To nie jest dochód,

który robi dość dużą różnicę w naszym życiu żeby przestać zajmować się innymi rzeczami.

Chyba tak to się da najlepiej ująć.

Jeszcze do tego punktu nie dotarliśmy, ale

Zdecydowanie chcemy nadal pracować nad tym kanałem, rozwijać go

i może kiedyś dotrzemy do takiego punktu, nie? Kto wie!

Kolejna osoba napisała w komentarzach, że

są YouTuberzy, którzy grożą swojej widowni

że całkowicie przestaną publikować materiał jeśli

przestaną otrzymywać wsparcie na Patreonie itd.

Czy to nie trochę za daleko posunięta manipulacja?

Tak. Znaczy się ostatecznie

w tym samym czasie robisz to dla publiczności, ale również dlatego że Cię to cieszy

i podczas gdy bardzo by się chciało

przestać robić inne rzeczy pod względem biznesu i tylko prowadzić ten kanał

to nie możemy obarczać nikogo innego odpowiedzialnością za taki wybór.

Myślę, że ludzie zawsze szukają

Nie wybór. Chodzi o to, żeby mieć możliwość podjęcia takiego wyboru.

Płacenie naszych rachunków to nie WASZA odpowiedzialność.

Nasze ubezpieczenie itd. to NASZA odpowiedzialność.

Dokładnie. Moim zdaniem ludzie szukają łatwych sposobów na życie.

Wiesz, ale by było fajnie jak będę sobie biegał z kamerą

publikował filmy na YouTubie i miał z tego dosyć dochodu

żeby faktycznie porzucić wszystko inne i żyć komfortowo.

Nie, żeby nie brakowało wielkich YouTuberów, którzy

dalece przekroczyli taki poziom.

Ale dotarcie do takiego miejsca jak zaczyna się od zera

nie jest już takie łatwe.

Czasy, kiedy można było publikować cokolwiek

i liczyć na to, że ludzie z Tobą zostaną tylko dlatego że są przyzwyczajeni

do bycia z Tobą na YT się skończyły.

Moim zdaniem.

Skończyły się?

Tak myślę.

Ja tak nie uważam.

Ja widzę kanały...

Nie zgadzasz się?

No cóż... jest tak: ja widzę kanały, które

na czymś takim właśnie się opierają, ALE

dotarły już do ilości subskrybentów, które im na coś takiego zezwalają.

Może zatem wykorzystali okres złotych dni, żeby dotrzeć do tego miejsca.

Teraz już tam są i ich poziom się utrzymuje.

My nie dotarliśmy tam w czasie złotych dni.

I have to vlog this live right when it happened because then I'll forget.

I'm leaving Lowes store that recently

mentioned, in the previous vlog. That's because I was surprised by

the Christmas decorations that were already on full display there.

Anyway, I was in that store today to get some equipment

that I need to work on some things around the house.

To put things very generally.

And the lady that was assisting me at the checkout

asked me at some point for the name of the project.

I said there is no name of the project because this isn't any official job.

I'm just doing this for myself.

No, she has to enter the name of the project in there.

I'm thinking to myself this has not happened to me before because

maybe sometimes they ask for a project name but when

you say there is no project name they just move on.

In this case for some reason she wasn't able to skip this step.

So at some point she started sighing... like..


I still did not have the name for the project but for the second or third time I said just put whatever in there.

"Winter tree cutting" - whatever you want, really.

All right, she got through this somehow eventually.

I paid and when she was printing the receipt

she started calling one of her work mates.

First time the coworker did not hear her, the second time she finally approached.

At this point that lady is telling her:

"Listen, can you move me somewhere else please because I am supposed to avoid stress!"

So poor David is thinking

Well I didn't know I was so stressful, What did I really do!

It's totally not my fault that the system wouldn't let her move on

without entering the project name.

And I did not have a project name. Next time I should

have one ready in advance.

You have to have a project name ready so the lady does not experience stress.

I don't know if this story is as funny as it was in real life

It's just that when you are leaving a store in USA you are used to this

niceness in overdrive.

Have a nice day. Happy Holidays!

Everybody smiles.

And this lady just during the last phase

of the whole checkout process

just ignored me saying to her friend

"Can you please take me away from here? I'm supposed to avoid stress!"

Czyli w momencie kiedy Casey docierał do miliona subskrybentów powiedział, że najlepsza

rada, jaką sam kiedykolwiek usłyszał od...

jak się nazywa ten Brytyjski YouTuber?

To był... on nie jest Brytyjczykiem... Rowan?


Rowan Atkinson to aktor!

Dlatego myślałeś, że jest Brytyjczykiem.

Bo myślałeś o Jasiu Fasoli.

To nie jest...

Roman Atwood.

Dlatego myślałeś, że jest Anglikiem bo myślałeś o Jasiu Fasoli.

Tak dobrze znamy własny przemysł.

Nie, ale teraz rozpoznajesz imię.

To pokazuje jak blisko śledzimy poczynania tych wszystkich wielkich.

Ale on nie jest w tej samej... on robi dużo kawałów itd.

Nie. Oczywiście, nie - my jesteśmy inni.

To po prostu nie nasza...

Tu nie znajdziecie kawałów.

Nie o to mi chodzi. Chodzi o to, że my nie...

Nie zależy mi osobiście na oglądaniu ludzi,

którzy wkręcają żonę żeby myślała, że ich dziecko spadło z balkonu.

To było brutalne, to prawda.

Ale rozumiem, że jest publiczność na takie numery. To nie nasza działka.

Tak czy inaczej jak Casey dochodził do miliona

powiedział, że najlepsza rada jakiej udzielił mu kiedykolwiek Roman Atwood

który wtedy miał o wiele większy kanał

brzmiała: po prostu cały czas publikuj.

...i mi się wydaje, że tak to już nie działa.

Myślę, że...

Obojętnie. Wszystko zależy jak się tą informację zinterpretuje.

Po prostu cały czas publikuj.

Ty na przykład opublikowałeś ten film "Jak brzmi Polski dla Amerykanki"

i wygląda mi na to, że gdybyś nie starał się cały czas czegoś publikować to nie byłoby tego filmu.

A poszło mu bardzo dobrze.

No tak, tamten zadziałał bo ja jestem mądry.

A, czyli go zaplanowałeś?

Jakoś pamiętam, że wiele razy mówiłeś mi że to było szczęście.


Tak prawdę mówiąc to uważam, że

publiczność nie jest głupia.

Nie da się im podawać czegokolwiek

i widzę to również w komentarzach. Ludzie często

odnoszą się do innych vlogów, gdzie

ludzie posyłają dosłownie cokolwiek z ich codziennego życia

To jest moje śniadanie, to są moje spodnie od pidżamy. Teraz będę oglądał telewizję, o! tu jesteście!

I wydaje mi się, że ludzie zaczynają od takich vlogów odchodzić.


Ale czy napewno?

Być może jest nadal ten element "jestem do Ciebie przyzwyczajony i chcę zobaczyć co nowego"

ale trzeba widza czymś zainteresować, chociaż trochę.

Ja nie uważam, że ludzie od takich kanałów odchodzą.

Nie możesz po prostu jeść avocado cały dzień i to jest dzisiejszy vlog.

Nie uważam, że ludzie od takich vlogów odchodzą. Myślę, że

Ty i twój kanał, to co stworzyłeś ma inne cele

niż takie kanały. Ty nie chcesz pokazywać takiego rodzaju materiału, ale

od tamtych kanałów ludzie nie odchodzą.

To po prostu nie jest Twój styl. Twój styl to więcej

opowiadania historii.

I w ten sposób docieramy do drugiej części tego pytania

"Czy brakuje nam pomysłów". Oczywiście, że nie!

Mamy tyle pomysłów

że nie będzie miejsca przez resztę naszego życia

żeby je wszystkie wdrożyć.

Problem nie polega na braku pomysłów na vlogi.

Problem polega na wdrażaniu pomysłów, które przynoszą zwrot.

Czyż nie?

Tak.... i również

wdrażanie ich to zupełnie inna sprawa ponieważ

niektóre z nich wymagają czegoś więcej niż tylko włączenia kamery

i skierowanie jej na nas.

Jest dużo pomysłów, któ®e

wymagają większego

większego zaangażowania. Większej inwestycji i większej ilości czasu.

Więc po prostu nie tak łatwo je zrealizować.

A jeśli chodzi o pomysły na dzienne vlogi to biorą się prostą drogą z naszego życia.

Wiesz, od ludzi których spotykamy. Ludzi, którzy znajdują się na naszej drodze.

Czasami tych ludzi wyszukujemy.

Jeśli mamy jakiś konkretny pomysł, który wiecie... jest bardzo warty zfilmowania.

i wyniesienia na światło dzienne.

Czasem są to tylko historie.

A jak nic się nie dzieje i nagraliśmy coś g.......go

nie chcemy tego publikować z powodu

tego co Roman Atwood kiedyś powiedział.

Nie chcesz po prostu publikować.

Nie, nie chcę po prostu publikować.

...i tyle.

Moments like these a person simply wishes

they were recording.

You wish you had some camera on you that would be

that would always be recording and then you could for example jump

You wish you had some camera on you that would be recording all the time and then you could jump

let's say 5 minutes back at any given moment.

And save this period of 5 minutes from let's say 5 minutes back in time.

I even saw projects like these on kickstarter a few times

or in other places but I don't think any of them got finalized. As far as I remember.

Blonnie co myślisz o tej kolacji na Thanksgiving. Czy to jest to do czgo jesteś przyzwyczajona z...

Jestem gotowa do jedzenia.

Czyli to znaczy zamknij się i daj mi spokój?


For more infomation >> Ale czy ma pan nazwę PROJEKTU!? / But Sir do you have a name for this PROJECT?! - Duration: 16:52.


Have you ever done this for your customers? - Duration: 1:40.

I've got a really quick way to increase your customer's experience with your business

Really quick... like I'm talking 30 seconds quick. You ready? It's actually what I'm doing right now.

It's recording a video to them.

All you have to do - a quick 30 second video to let them know that you're thinking about them and

if you want to add something personal in there, like 'I noticed that you bought 'X' last time

Hey, would you consider buying 'Y'? It goes great with what you just bought last time.' Or if you have clients you can mention something

personal that perhaps you have learned about them. Maybe they're going on a trip somewhere,

maybe they just had a big event in their lives. It's just a way to say, 'hey, listen,

I appreciate you. I'm thinking about you.

30 seconds. That's it.

If you want,

you can book a time off and do several of these at once and then send them out

or if you just want to do them ad hoc like this where you just sit down and decide to record a video to someone, you can.

That's the awesome thing about it. Almost all of us have smartphones, so it's really easy to do. It's just a matter of

getting up and doing it.

Then you can send it out an email or Facebook messenger or LinkedIn inmail - doesn't matter.

The point is, it's the gesture. It doesn't have to look slick and fancy.

It can just be you walking through the park and just recording a video to let them know that you're thinking about them

What a great way to increase your customer's experience of your business

For more infomation >> Have you ever done this for your customers? - Duration: 1:40.


Should I Have Surgery Abroad? | What You Need to Know - Duration: 2:18.

if you're travelling abroad for any procedure particularly cosmetic surgery you need to

be aware that there are huge risks involved with the doctors as to whether or not they're

regulated what is the regulation in the country that you're visiting is it regulated at

all if you're investigating a doctor look at his profile has he got good comments is

there anything bad that you are finding you know do your usual social media search about

the individual but from a risk point of view you need to know when you sign a contract

with a doctor for a particular surgery that not only are they going to do the surgery

but they've got a plan in place for if any complication happens if anything goes wrong

you need to know that there's a team of people available to be able to treat you carefully

if the procedure doesn't go quite as planned Obviously you've lost money in terms of

how much you paid for your treatment but also if you've been so severely affected that

you can't work that you need care and assistance say for example you came back and the surgery

was so catastrophic that you were bedbound or ill and going in and out of hospital to

have that surgery remedied your work and livelihood would be affected you'd need additional

people to help you that is what forms part of a claim that you can claim as a result

of something that has gone wrong a successful claim is based on evidence you need documentary

proof it is usually borne out of arranging a contract with a medical expert abroad if

you've gone to see somebody at a clinic you usually have signed documentation in order

to arrange the treatment all that documentation everything that you have in terms of receipts

or any other documents for the travel you need to keep and put together so then we can

advise you on the claim people are often concerned that when they've

had something go wrong whilst abroad be it on holiday or when they have taken a trip

to have surgery done that they can actually pursue a claim when it goes wrong in England

so even if you've had surgery in somewhere like Turkey or Hungary the law allows you

to be able to pursue a claim in the courts of England and Wales and even though we'd

be looking at the applicable law of that country you can still pursue it here

For more infomation >> Should I Have Surgery Abroad? | What You Need to Know - Duration: 2:18.


UPDATING You On My Weight Loss Journey-Have I Gained Weight❓ - Duration: 5:14.

hey guys back with another video today I'm checking in with you guys it has

been a while I've been putting up a lot of my juicing videos for you guys to

watch so I haven't been that missing in action but you haven't seen my face so I

thought that I would make a video letting you guys know what was going on

what was the status of what was going on with the weight loss journey and have I

lost any weight or have I gained any weight

well the question to that is I have not gained any weight I am currently on a

juice cleanse juice why I won't call it a juice cleanse I'll say a juice fast

because I don't want to focus on drinking tons of juice because I want to

do a juice fast which is similar to a juice cleanse but you don't require to

drink as much juice as you do want to juice cleanse because I want to still

sort of mimic the you know the same thing as a fast or water fast

so I drink about 32 ounces of juice to 64 the most of juice daily which is

enough for me I don't feel hungry I'm currently on day 6 of my juice fast I'm

trying to get this little bit of weight that I need to get down down faster so

that's why I decided to do another juice cleanse

well juice fast I keep saying juice cleanse and what I'll do is when I get

to the goal weight that I said I needed to get to I will then go on to

maintenance and then I will further do between 6 to 3 day juice cleanse with

refeeds in between until I get to my normal size for my height in my age that

I should be I was about 14 months ago and I'm trying to accomplish getting

back to in the present time so yeah that's what I'm doing I'm just doing it

on juice fasts right now on day 6 I already said that I've lost about 5

pounds in six days if I for an example do 30 days of just juicing you know

which you see that it goes by really quickly because tomorrow will make a

complete seven days I will say on average in a 30 day juicing cycle just

drinking juices and no solid foods you can lose on average between 25 and even

30 pounds so it's not a bad deal and you're not hungry the whole time that

you're on the juice fast which that's why I love it and it also resets me

again so that when I go back onto eating fingers crossed I don't go crazy with my

food intake which that's something I want to talk to you in another video

about as well is when I get off this juice cleanse what I'm going to do and

I'm just gonna say juice cleanse cuz I keep saying juice cleanse and juice fast

what are my plans as far as what I'm going to refeed off of and am I gonna

still be juicing well I can answer that question right now yes I'll still be

juicing and I'll be drinking a 16 to 32 ounce juice every single day because I

have to keep up on the detoxification and healing process of my journey which

is a lifetime journey this is going to be in place so that I you know as I get

older I don't have all these ailments that people are plagued with because of

getting older and not taking proper care of their body now so I definitely still

will be juicing but how I'll be eating you know for the remaining of the time

that I'm here will be talked about in another video

everything's preference you know I'm not trying to fit into any groups and follow

how they eat I'm gonna eat what I want to eat

I want to eat it how I want to eat it but I just want to discuss with you the

sorts of foods that I will be eating when I'm full-time again eating solid

foods so just want to check in with you I just want to let you guys know that I

do miss these videos where we're interacting you can see my face but I

also do like showing you my juice recipes so when I say certain juices to

you I only have one savory juice for an example you already know what the

ingredients are in the juice so that you can duplicate it at home for yourself so

with all that being said please subscribe to the channel like it share

this video make it a favorite and I'll see you guys in the next video bye for


For more infomation >> UPDATING You On My Weight Loss Journey-Have I Gained Weight❓ - Duration: 5:14.


Do You Have Low Self Worth? This Is The One Thing You Need To Do To Fix That - Duration: 5:41.

Hey guys, Sarah Espinoza here in Imperial Beach, California.

How are you all doing today?

I am so excited to talk about the thing I'm going to tell you.

So, If you want to have better self worth, you gotta do this one thing.

One thing, that's it.

To have more self worth.


So, if you have been, you know, feeling kind of bad about yourself, or feeling disappointed

in something, you know...Maybe you haven't completed something that you wanted to do

or maybe you're not getting the results that you wanted to, it causes your self worth to

go down.


So, here's what you need to do in order to get your self worth back up.


This one thing.


So, before I get into that I just wanted to say hey, my name is Sarah Espinoza, Cali-preneur,

I live in San Diego, Imperial Beach actually, and I have seven kids!

I've been online since 2013, and I've had a lot of ups and downs.


A lot of ups and downs.

I've had a lot of results in short times.

And then I had times when I had nothing and I was wondering why?


And so, when I heard this today, from Jim Rohn, I got so excited to share it with you.

It's really going to help you in your business.

And by the way, HOW IS THIS VIEW!?!

This is part of what I'm talking about.


So, I had my team meeting yesterday and I was talking to everybody in my team and I

said, you know you have to have a marketing strategy.

You have to have On-Purpose Content.

And, you know, you have to plan out the videos that you're going to be doing, and then you

have to take action and do them, right?

And I said one thing I want to accomplish this week is I want to get out of my house,

and I want to do videos by the ocean, or on the go, or you know, definitely not in the

car, cuz that's not good.

But, um, I live in San Diego for God sakes!

For God sakes man I live in San Diego!

So I better get out, you know, I want to get out and show the beautiful scenery that Iive

in and not be inside my home office so much.

Because that's the thing about working from home is, is you get to be free, to go wherever

you want, whenever you want, right?

And so, I made it a goal yesterday, to shoot my videos at the ocean, or somewhere else

really cool, so get ready for all of that.


But, let's talk about that one thing that's going to help your self esteem.

Ok I'm going to turn around so you can see.

I wonder if you can see him?

There's a surfer right behind me, oh my gosh!

Ok, um, let's see if I can see him in my background.

It's so so so sunny at this side.

Alright, so the one thing that you need to do, is...YOU NEED TO ACT.

That's the only thing that'll bring your self worth back up is you need to take action.

So, by not taking action, it creates you to not take action in something else.

So, Jim Rohn says that one thing affects the next thing, that affects the next thing, and

it's all true!

Everything effects eachother!

So, if you feel like you're in a slump, if you feel like, you know, you're not doing

as good as you could, or maybe you had this desires, but now the desires have kind of

gotten dry.

You know, they've kind of gotten away from you.

There's a name for that.




So, when should you take action on something?

Exactly when you feel it.

When the emotion is high.

You need to set yourself up a discipline! ok?

And a discipline is going to keep you doing what you wanted to do.

So whether it's losing weight, right?

being healthy, what do you need to do?

QUICKLY, when you KNOW it's what you should do, go for a quick 10 minute walk.

And then set up another time where you're going to do it.

Set up a pattern.

Set up a time of day.



So that's going to help you.

I"m going to switch hands.

That's going to help you with keeping that flow going of

Positive, quick action.

What if it's that you think that you want a really good library?


um, I want a library like so and so.

That was Jim Rohn's example.

Well then go buy a book today.

Buy book 1.

And then, next time you get a check,

get book 2.

Next time get book 3.

You know, it all starts with taking action now.

When you have that,

when you have that feeling, the emotion. ok?

So, that is how you can get your self worth back.

For more infomation >> Do You Have Low Self Worth? This Is The One Thing You Need To Do To Fix That - Duration: 5:41.


Why do clouds have names? - Duration: 2:39.

Welcome to another Stories From The Stores

I'm joined today by curator Alex Rose

and she's telling us about Britain's obsession with the weather or at least clouds

What's going on Alex?

People have long been fascinated with the clouds

but clouds have long been a problem for scientists because they're so transient.

By the time you've described one it's kind of changed into something else.

So they always felt like they were beyond scientific description.

I mean is there really any scientific description needed, because you've got three:

big, small, dinosaur!

Yeah that pretty much sums it up

but there was a man working in the early 19th century who wanted to give more

scientific names to the clouds and so he came up with a classification system

that divided them into three main families. He gave them Latin names though.

He called them Cirrus which is the Latin word for curl of hair

Stratus which means layer

and Cumulus which means heap or pile.

In order to capture the sky that he was looking at and help his own understanding

he made lots and lots of sketches and watercolors of the sky and the cloud structures

and that was what helped him to see patterns in what he was looking at and to come up

with his classification system.

So are these sort of specific forms of clouds here?

Yeah that's right, so here we've mostly got a cumulus cloud

so the heap or pile, and there's also some Cirrus and Stratus up in the sky.

This one is a kind of hybrid version. Howard also wanted to describe how clouds changed

how they join together and split apart, so this is a Cumulostratus cloud.

So you say it's science but this looks more like art, why did he draw these?

It was to help him understand his own observations.

Because the clouds kept changing so he needed to find a way of recording them and

comparing things he'd seen from day to day.

On these he worked with another artist who filled in the landscapes

but art works like these are essential for

him communicating his ideas to the wider scientific world.

Okay so he's classified the clouds from these drawings but why do we care?

It's a good question.

So when Howard was working, meteorology was still a really young science

and it was still very much about gathering as much data as you possibly could

in as many observations as you could

and kind of hoping that patterns would appear from those observations

But Howard's scheme allowed us to start to view the clouds in a scientific way.

For more infomation >> Why do clouds have names? - Duration: 2:39.


60 Seconds to Success | If You Have Your 'WHY', Your 'HOW' Will Come! - Duration: 1:03.

My advice you know for promoters that are struggling is, this product will not

let you down. There is no niche market for the Thrive

Experience. Everybody needs Thrive, everybody!

Be persistent if you want to be successful, you have to be persistent and it takes

some grit you know? A lot of rejection, so remember the Thrive Experience changes

lives. You have to make a business plan and remember what your - what your goal is.

Is your goal to change lives? So my advice my advice for new promoters

is, have your why. This is my why you know? The Thrive Experience will not let you

down. The product changes lives and if you have

your 'why', your 'how' will come.

For more infomation >> 60 Seconds to Success | If You Have Your 'WHY', Your 'HOW' Will Come! - Duration: 1:03.


Arsenal have 'MAJOR' problem to deal with hours before Europa League clash - Duration: 3:50.

 The Group E game had been scheduled to be held at Stadion Vorskla in Poltava - around 185 miles east of the Ukrainian capital

 However, after martial law was declared in some regions of the country, UEFA's emergency panel announced on Tuesday night that the match will now take place in Kiev's Olimpiyskiy Stadium

 But that has caused chaos with travel plans with a leading supporters' group declaring it a "major inconvenience" to both fans and the club

 Around 500 Arsenal fans were expected to make the trip to Poltava - with some already affected by the late change

 ARSENAL TEAM NEWS - HOW GUNNERS WILL LINE UP IN EUROPA LEAGUE CLASH John Williamson, an Arsenal Independent Supporters' Association committee member, was already in situ for Thursday night's game having planned ahead

 Asked how the announcement had affecting plans, he told Press Association Sport: "Dramatically

 "We arrived in Poltava on Tuesday with an original plan of spending four nights here, returning home on Saturday

 "Having been to Kiev three times previously, We have just decided that on matchday we will go by train to Kiev, return to Poltava on Friday and go to Kharkiv on Saturday for our flight back to London

" A statement released by UEFA on Tuesday confirmed the venue change and said other fixtures may fall foul of the political tensions in the region

 It read: "UEFA's emergency panel has today taken the decision to relocate FC Vorskla's UEFA Europa League group stage match against Arsenal FC from the city of Poltava, following the introduction of martial law into certain regions in Ukraine

 "The match will now take place at the Olimpiyskiy Stadium in Kiev on Thursday, November 29 at 1855CET (1755GMT)

 "UEFA will continue to monitor and assess the security situation in Ukraine in the coming days before making any decision on potentially relocating other matches

" A small group of Arsenal support staff were also already in Poltava before UEFA's decision - with Williamson unhappy about the governing body's handling of the situation

 "It's a major inconvenience not only for the fans, but for the team as well," he added

 "Having spent a night in Poltava, I see no issues whatsoever with the match being played here

 "I understand the political issues in surrounding areas but there are no problems in the town

I feel that UEFA hasn't assessed the situation and has overreacted." Arsenal are already through to the last 32 of the Europa League and will win the group with victory over Poltava in Kiev, having beaten the Ukrainian side 4-2 at the Emirates Stadium in September

For more infomation >> Arsenal have 'MAJOR' problem to deal with hours before Europa League clash - Duration: 3:50.


Asst. Fire Chief: Child Playing With Lighter May Have Sparked New Kensington Fire - Duration: 2:15.

For more infomation >> Asst. Fire Chief: Child Playing With Lighter May Have Sparked New Kensington Fire - Duration: 2:15.


Dad only dates bisexuals so they can have threesomes with him and his girlfriend - Duration: 1:06.

A dad has revealed that he only dates bisexuals like his girlfriend so that he can continue

to sleep with other women - while they are together.

And he has a message to critics to those who disapprove of his lifestyle, saying: "If there

are girls out there that want threesomes, why should I be with one that doesn't?"

Global auto exporter Elan Ram, 36, from New York, USA, met his girlfriend, Kat Horton,

26, from Alabama, through the dating app OK Cupid in 2017.

They met after he specified on his profile that he was looking for a girl who identifies

as bisexual only.

Elan has had a rule for many years to only date girls who are bisexual so that they can

both be involved in an open relationship together without the risk of cheating.

They both insist that there is no jealousy between them as long as it is strictly a sexual

encounter and that they sleep with other girls together as a couple.

Elan, who has a son, Pierce, 10, also teaches other couples how to live this way.

For more infomation >> Dad only dates bisexuals so they can have threesomes with him and his girlfriend - Duration: 1:06.


The Talk - Sharon Osbourne Says She and Ozzy 'now have the same passwords' Post Marital 'troubles' - Duration: 0:24.

For more infomation >> The Talk - Sharon Osbourne Says She and Ozzy 'now have the same passwords' Post Marital 'troubles' - Duration: 0:24.


Should Cleveland Browns fans have playoff fever? The Donovan Live Postgame Show - Duration: 21:48.

For more infomation >> Should Cleveland Browns fans have playoff fever? The Donovan Live Postgame Show - Duration: 21:48.


I have HAD IT with these Trojan L16 flooded lead acid batteries! - Duration: 3:33.

You know, I'm just gonna be straight and honest with y'all. Dealing with these flooded lead-acid batteries is getting very, very old

The other morning, this is what I woke up to on my 24v battery bank: 22.61v. So, I knew something was wrong

Just real quick...a sidenote

I installed a four outlet deal on my local

switch right up there. So now I got four outlets

Anyway, let's get back to you these batteries. I found two batteries that were at

4.35 volts and the other one was like, 5v

and I took


from that string that I pulled off in September and I think I got them somewhat in good shape

But, this whole battery bank is a "ticking time bomb"

on longevity, you know, it's just a matter of time before all these are done

So, all these voltages that I taped the batteries was what I started with

and right now

I am equalizing these cells

Per the data sheet from Trojan for this

specific battery. As you can see all the Midnite Solar(s) are in equalization

set at 32.4v. And yes, I'm using a temperature sensor probe on the batteries

So, let's take a look and see what's going on here

This one, that one's doing good all three are

bubbling well, that one is doing pretty good

I think, this one, the center one right there

It's bubbling but not as aggressive. So I'm just going to let this thing equalize. So that one's good there

That one appears to be good

Is it this one? Yeah that cell right there on the end

It's bubbling, but it's not that good

And yes, I know how to do a specific gravity test using a hydrometer and all that. And I did that all last winter

Or was it January of this year?

messy, stinky, hot


ruined pairs of jeans

stuffy nose

eyes watering, skin irritation...good times

There, the spec sheet says 32.4v and there's your specific gravities. And I did a complete, no kidding


on an Excel spreadsheet, all this. In the interim I threw these vent caps in the dishwasher with two

detergent pods and they came out great. (And) just blew the

soap out of them. They're dry, good to go, ready to install but not while I'm equalizing and inspecting so

There you have it. I'm pretty much done with these Trojan flooded lead-acid

batteries. Now I have other Trojans that are AGM's that are just doing fantastic on my other systems

A little side note here. I move the stereo

AV receiver

up top there and put in some heavier duty wire so

Alright guys, there you have it. Thanks for watching. I appreciate your comments and we'll see you next time

*fan blowing*

For more infomation >> I have HAD IT with these Trojan L16 flooded lead acid batteries! - Duration: 3:33.


Do Airbnb or VRBO Come with Cleaning or Have a Maid on Staff? - Duration: 4:30.

Do most Airbnb's come with a cleaning service?

That is a great question, and we're going to talk about that today.

Hi there, I'm Angela Brown and this is Ask a House Cleaner.

This is a show where you get to ask a house cleaning question,

and I get to help you find an answer.

Today's show is brought to us by

That is a website for all of the house cleaners and the Airbnb hosts that do the turnover

service to get it ready for the guest before they come, so they do all of the cleaning,

they change the linens, they make the beds, they put on all the lights, and they make

sure the keys are where they're supposed to be, and they decorate the house, and make

sure there's shampoo, and conditioner, and all of those things.

It's staging, it's cleaning, it's creating the ambience as a guest that you expect when

you arrive.

It's called turnover service. Now, I would like to share with you this.

On the website, there's an area called gifts, and if you stay at an Airbnb, and you love

your host, and you want to get them a little something extra, these are the kinds of gifts

that hosts love.

On to today's show, which is from a person that's going to stay at an Airbnb and they

want to know, does it come with a cleaning service?

There is a cleaning service that comes between every guest, and that's called turnover service.

They're going to get the place ready for the next guest.

But there's not a mid-stay cleaning that is typically provided with a short term stay.

Now, a long term stay, which is more than five days, usually does have some kind of

a cleaning service that will either provide extra towels, or extra sheets, or maybe they

pick up the laundry, or something like that.

They will give you rules and regulations for a long term stay.

Now, lots of people that have multi week, let's say that it's two, or three, or four

weeks, they have a mandatory cleaning that they say "Just in order to maintain our house,

we're going to come in every week and clean the place."

That does include part of the cleaning service, and you are charged for that.

It comes with the contract.

It's not included in the price, because you do have to pay extra for the cleaning, because

they have to hire an extra cleaning service to still come in and maintain the house.

If they didn't, suddenly this place would look like your place, not saying you're a

slob, but some people take liberties when they're out on the road.

So, in order to maintain the property so that when you leave, it's right back to where it

was without a whole bunch of serious cleaning.

Mid stay cleans are what they're called, and that's for long term stays.

That's like five days and beyond.

Usually even within a week period, all they're going to give you are extra towels and extra


They don't actually come in and clean.

They may come and take the trash away.

It's going to be something simple.

Most Airbnb's, or most vacation rentals, will have a closet, or a set of cleaning supplies,

and in there, there should be a multi-purpose cleaner, a glass cleaner, there should be

a vacuum and a mop, there should be the basics.

If you find yourself in a situation where you made a mess, you should be able to clean

it up and make it back to new before you leave, that way you're not going to be charged extra

for an extra cleaning, or a cleaning deposit, or whatever that was extra because it didn't

fall in the categories of whatever you paid for.

Most Airbnb's will clean up between long term stays, and they do absolutely clean up

between every short-term stay.


But, if you're just there for a couple days, three/four days, kind of know you're kind

of on your own.

Check with the rules and regulations for every property that you stay at, because every host

has the ability to change their rules just a little bit.

For the most part, there's not a maid, there's not a person that's going to come every day

and make your bed, they're not going to do turn down service, they're not going to bring

you goodies every day.

They're not going to restock your mini bar.

Once you're there, you're there and you're kind of on your own.


If you found this tip helpful, please share it with a friend, and until we meet again,

leave the world a cleaner place than when you found it.

For more infomation >> Do Airbnb or VRBO Come with Cleaning or Have a Maid on Staff? - Duration: 4:30.


Filex Monkey Seen in Amari group have relationship with female monkey/Felix look thin much no food - Duration: 10:33.

For more infomation >> Filex Monkey Seen in Amari group have relationship with female monkey/Felix look thin much no food - Duration: 10:33.


The Kennedy Grandchildren Have Grown Up To Be Gorgeous - Duration: 4:39.

The Kennedys are the closest thing to royalty that we have in America, and it seems the

famous family will stay in the public eye through its next generation.

These days the grandchildren of John F. Kennedy and Robert Kennedy are striking out on their


Here are the Kennedys making the biggest splash!

Rose Schlossberg

Caroline Kennedy was the only child of JFK to have her own children.

And the eldest of JFK's grandchildren, Rose Schlossberg, graduated from Harvard with a

degree in English, and got her Masters at NYU.

Outside of being known for looking a lot like her grandmother, Jackie O, Mashable reported

that Rose writes and stars in a web series called End Times Girls Club, a satirical look

at beauty and makeup tutorials…set during the apocalypse.

"1, 2, 3, Hi and welcome to End Times Girls Club"

Rose told Mashable,

"It came up as a response to seeing the way that New York responded to Hurricane Sandy.

[…] Specifically, girls in damsel in distress mode.

I thought it would be interesting to create this world where girls have to be survivalists

without compromising their cute factor."

Tatiana Schlossberg

The middle daughter of Caroline Kennedy, Tatiana Schlossberg wasted no time in launching her


After graduating from Yale, Schlossberg got an internship with the New York Times, and

worked as an environmental reporter until July 2017, shortly before she got married.

"One of the defining relationships in my life is with someone I've never met.

My grandfather, president John F. Kennedy"

While she's not pursuing a career on Capitol Hill, she's not afraid to get political; As

of late 2018, she's writing a book about climate change.

Jack Schlossberg

The youngest of Caroline's brood, Jack Schlossberg made his mark at a young age.

In eighth grade he co-founded an organization to provide lighting to low income housing.

And while at Yale, People reported that Schlossberg hosted the 2014 Profile in Courage Awards.

Kennedy Library Foundation chair, Ken Feinberg, said of Jack,

"like his grandfather, he is no shrinking violet"

Jack even flexed his acting chops for his acting debut on Blue Bloods in 2018!

Joe Kennedy III

"Don't you think you're being compared to all the Kennedys that came before you"

"But you just, how the heck do you compare yourself to President Kennedy on every speech

right…you're not gonna be as good"

Robert F. Kennedy had 11 children, and many grandkids to carry on his legacy.

And Joe Kennedy III is the one most closely following in his footsteps as he was elected

to Massachusetts fourth Congressional district in 2012.

Kennedy described the pressures of politics with such a famous name, telling Boston magazine,

"People think my family pushed me into running for office.

The person who pushed me most not to run for office was my father.

He said, '[…] It is going to be an absolutely brutal experience for you.

So make sure that this is something that you yourself want to do and not some sort of invented

idea of obligation.'"

Michaela Kennedy Cuomo

Michaela Cuomo is part of two big political families; she's the granddaughter of RFK and

the daughter of New York State governor Andrew Cuomo.

And Michaela has already delved into activism, herself.

"One in five women and one in sixteen men are assaulted in college"

She's personally designed t-shirts to raise funds to promote assault awareness.

Robert Kennedy III

"Hi this is Bobby Kennedy III, we're live at Sundance at the afterparty for The Last


The oldest child of RFK Jr. and his first wife Emily Black, Robert Kennedy III has developed

his creative talents.

He's a writer/director/producer of the documentary ELEW: Live from Infinity about musician Eric


And according to Westword, he won a grant in 2016 to make a film about Hunter S.Thompson's

run for sheriff in the '70s.

Kyra Kennedy

The daughter of Mary Kennedy and RFK Jr., Kyra Kennedy has made her headlines for bad


After being refused entry to a club, Page Six reported that the then 19-year-old allegedly


"I am a Kennedy, Google me.

If you don't let me in, the governor will be calling."

Though Kyra may seem to be acting out, she's had a traumatic life.

Her mother, Mary, took her own life when Kyra was just 16.

Kathleen "Kick" Kennedy

"Hello prospective life agents, I'm here today to talk to you about my adventurous life"

Kathleen "Kick" Kennedy is another artist in the family.

Daughter of RFK Jr. and Emily Black, she's an actress and philanthropist who's appeared

on Gossip Girl and Newsroom.

But despite her New York actor's life, she insists she's not a party girl.

When the Post asked how she spent New Year's Eve back in 2014, Kick replied,

"Like a cat lady!

I fell asleep around 10:30."

For more infomation >> The Kennedy Grandchildren Have Grown Up To Be Gorgeous - Duration: 4:39.


Preview: The Simpsons Have Lotto Fever | Season 30 Ep. 9 | THE SIMPSONS - Duration: 0:15.

For more infomation >> Preview: The Simpsons Have Lotto Fever | Season 30 Ep. 9 | THE SIMPSONS - Duration: 0:15.


Why Can't You Have Fences Over a Certain Height in the Front or Backyard? - Duration: 6:02.

The primarily purposes of a fence include to keep animals in, people out, and perhaps

even so others can't see into your yard.

But if this is the case, why are there laws that limit how tall fences can be?

Also, what would happen if you ignored the law and built a monstrous fence anyway, or

planted a row of tall trees around your property instead to try to get around the fence height


Contrary to what you'd expect from such an innocuous object as a fence built on your

own property, the laws surrounding the building and regulation of fences are hugely complex.

As noted by the Lectric Law Library, fence ordinances in suburban and urban areas can

be remarkably robust and are often bewilderingly complicated and austere.

Also, since the majority of fence laws are handled on a local level, some of what we're

about to say may not specifically apply to the area in which you live.

All that said, although the rules surrounding the building of a fence are very strict, they're

notoriously difficult to enforce.

For example, let's say that the fence laws in your area state that no fence can exceed

6 feet in height, which is fairly common in many regions.

If you went ahead and built a fence that was 7 feet tall, it's generally only going to

be an issue if someone complains.

And even then, there's no guarantee anything will come of that complaint, particularly

if your neighbors wait awhile before complaining or the structure was there before a new neighbor

who then decides to complain moved in.

This is because local authorities are usually unwilling to weigh in on very minor infractions

of such laws because the cost of doing so outweighs the potential benefits.

So, if nobody complains and the fence is of otherwise sturdy construction, it's highly

unlikely you're going to be forced to tear it down.

This is in part due to a legal principle known as "substantial compliance", which is

defined as follows:

substantial performance is a legal principle which says that if a good faith attempt is

made to perform the requirements of the agreement even if it does not precisely meet the terms

of the agreement or statutory requirements, the performance will still be considered complete

if the essential purpose is accomplished…

In regards to fence laws, this basically means that as long as a fence you build is mostly

compliant with the local laws of your area, you can argue yourself some wiggle room if

it's not exactly the correct height.

But why is there a limit on how high fences can be anyway?

Well, broadly speaking this is mostly for the benefit of other people.

While a 30 foot high fence may not bother the person who built it, it could very easily

impact the day-to-day life of his neighbour by blocking light, air flow, or view to their

home, among other things.

As mentioned, an accepted (but by no means universal) rule of thumb is that a back yard

fence should be no more than 6 feet tall.

Of course, there are exceptions, for example if your back yard borders a busy road, you

can apply for a one-time permission from your local authority to build a much taller fence

to block out noise and view of the cars and trucks driving by.

Of course, if there is an intersection near where you're building that fence or if the

road is curvy, so your fence might block the view of drivers around a corner, then you'll

probably be denied.

This brings us to front fences.

In this case, a commonly accepted but not universal idea is that they should be shorter

than a back yard fence, often limited to between 3-4 feet in height.


Well it may be your first instinct to assume that this is something to do with maintaining

the aesthetics of a given neighbourhood.

But no, as alluded to a few sentences ago, the main reason front fences are invariably

required to be shorter is because roads tend to border them and taller fences can obscure

the vision of drivers.

For instance, a driver in this case may not be able to see kids playing in the road right

around a bend.

And, of course, with fences around houses that happen to be on corner lots, an overly

tall fence could potentially turn an intersection into a collection of deadly blind corners.

So what about natural fences like trees and bushes?

Well, for the most part they're treated the same way fences are.

Although, in some cases border trees or shrubs are allowed to be slightly taller than fences.

But, in general, they're held to approximately the same standards as a man-made fence, so

no loophole in the law here.

If your trees or shrubs impact your neighbour's enjoyment of his or her property, said individual

may be able to legally compel you to trim or even remove them.

On the flip-side, as with fences, if you plant a giant row of trees or bushes and nobody

complains for a good amount of time and your plants don't obscure traffic, you'll probably

be allowed to keep them even if someone many years later complains, unless something significant

has changed about the tree or bush in the interim.

In the end, while there are numerous laws surrounding this topic, it almost always comes

down to how nice or laid back your neighbours are and whether your fence or shrub is causing

any traffic safety problems.

Weirdly, the one thing the law really can't dictate is what your fence looks like, to

quote FindLaw: "In most cases, except in a very few communities, the appearance, style,

or design of a fence is unregulated by local law."

Which means that although your neighbour can complain about you building an 8 foot tall

fence, there's generally nothing they can do to stop you building a 6 foot tall one

and covering it in pictures of Justin Bieber.

The only exception is if your new fence violates a blight ordinance, which varys from state

to state, or if it's constructed maliciously for the express purpose of annoying your neighbour,

in which case it can be legally defined as a spite fence.

(Yes, that's a thing.)

In regards to spite fences, they're defined as "A fence built not to any beneficial

purpose but, rather, to annoy a neighbour."

Perhaps the most famous spite fence of all was the one built by Charles Crocker in the

late 19th century.

Crocker wanted to purchase a small San Francisco property from one Nicholas Yung, but Yung

refused to sell unless Crocker doubled his offer.

Crocker, instead, responded by building a massive 40 foot tall wall around his property.

The two men took their dispute to the grave and the wall only came down when their heirs

settled their differences.

Today, such constructions are illegal, thanks in part to cases like the one between Crocker

and Yung.

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