Thứ Bảy, 1 tháng 4, 2017

Youtube daily an Apr 1 2017

I've been a freelance writer for about five years now, with most of my jobs being ghostwriting

college papers and 50 Shades of Grey ripoffs (that's where the real ghostwriting money

is, but that's a whole separate nosleep story).

While a big chunk of my work these days comes from previous connections with publishers

and local students (Tampa, FL), I often get work proposals on various freelancer websites.

This particular request came in in July of last year: "Write a biography.


Right off the bat it seemed sketchy.

The price was just too good to be true, and well above my pay grade, even for such a complicated


Plus, whoever sent it had no profile picture and no previous engagements on the site, surely

a scam artist.

But curiosity got the best of me and I clicked on it anyway.

I guess a part of me secretly hoped this was legit.

The proposal itself was from one Mary Smith, who was writing me on behalf of her boss,

John Taylor.

Mr. Taylor, she said, had had a rich life, and now that he was retired he wanted to share

his memories of it with the world.

She also said he was impressed with my portfolio and believed I was the perfect man for the

job (with my portfolio being what it is, I could only imagine what sort of memories the

man wanted to share).

As Mr. Taylor was rather fragile in his old age and not at all tech-savvy, they would

require me to come out to Tampa Palms to conduct interviews and take notes.

Some quick googling revealed that Tampa Palms was a rather nice neighborhood, and that John

Taylor was a real person living there, which could still mean the scammers were using his

good name, or had chosen it at random, or any number of things.

But the next few sentences got me even more curious: Mary Smith said if I agreed before

the end of the day, they'd pay me a $5000 advance, which was a serious claim, since

all payments are protected by the website, and the money would go directly to my PayPal


The rest of the details she would give me after I accepted the proposal.

I could no longer contain the excitement.

This was still too good to be true, and I was sure it was a scam, but I thought I'd

have fun with it.

Surely if I clicked "accept proposal" Mary Smith, whoever she was, would blink, right?

So I clicked it.

I didn't expect anything to happen right away, and it didn't.

Nor did anything happen for the next few hours, so at about 10:45pm I decided the scammer

had moved on.

Surprisingly, just half an hour later I received a notification on my phone: "milestone created".

I opened the email and saw Mary Smith had created a payment of $5000, and while I was

trying to process it, I got another notification that said the payment had been released.

Another email popped up, this one from PayPal, saying it would take 1-3 days to process it.

Still, I couldn't believe it � this was real!

A little later I received a message from Mary, saying both she and Mr. Taylor were happy

I agreed to help, and that they'd be waiting for me the following week.

I said I might need a few days to wrap up my previous job and get ready for the new

one, but in reality I needed the time to make sure this was in fact not a scam.

Mary said she understood and left a contact number with a 813 code.

I spent the next couple of days doing looking into Mr. Taylor, but found nothing out of

the ordinary � he was 79 or 80 years old, from a wealthy enough family.

There was a newspaper article about a car accident he was in back in 1991, but nothing

else that drew attention.

By all means, John Taylor didn't seem to be a guy worth writing a biography about, but

what the hell?

As long as he was willing to pay.

The following Thursday I got an email from PayPal � I had become five grand richer.

There was a momentary temptation to block Mary and "disappear", but I quickly brushed

it aside.

The job was real, and that meant there was $30000 waiting for me in a couple of months

(and here my dad thought I'd be a starving writer!).

Once I could think straight again I went online and messaged Mary, saying I'd received the

advance and was available when they would have me.

To my surprise, Mary offered to meet not at the Taylor residence (I had googled the address),

but at an Olive Garden nearby.

While it struck me as a bit odd, I reasoned there was something she wanted to tell me

about her boss, or just make sure I was serious about the job.

A test, in other words.

The following day, I made myself to look professional, dressing up and packing a nice kit of a notebook,

a recorder, etc.

I hoped I'd look presentable to the old man.

I hopped into my old Accord (ghostwriting dough!) and drove, and about twenty minutes

later I made a right turn and parked.

I assumed Mary was already waiting for me, but I decided to call her just to make sure.

The 813 number answered with long beeps, and then went to voicemail.

Two more calls had the same results.

I went in then, and gave the place a look.

There were several women, but none of them looked like they were waiting for anyone,

and when I stared directly at them, only looked away.

I took a table and ordered coffee, making calls every five minutes or so.

No answer.

Getting a feeling I'd been stood up, I paid and left Olive Garden.

In retrospect, I should've just driven back home and forgotten about the whole thing,

maybe even returned the five grand!

But being a responsible person, I tried to call Mary a few more times, and then decided

to drive to Mr. Taylor's house, so that if anything, I'd have tried my best.

Tampa Palms is a nice planned community � perfect suburban houses with two-car garages, kids

on bikes and so on, but driving deeper into it, I found more expensive homes behind tall

gates and nicely cut trees.

I felt like I was in the farthest corner of the neighborhood, as there were no cars on

the road, and all I could see around were trees and iron gates with houses behind them.

One of those houses had to belong to Mr. Taylor.

Sure enough, a moment later the GPS told me I'd reached my destination.

I stopped in front of the gate and got out to buzz in, but it began opening right away,

forcing me to jump back behind the wheel.

I drove up a fine paved road, as the gate closed behind me.

It felt like I'd been transported into another world, quiet and secluded, the way I always

imagined the Hamptons back when I lived in New York.

But the house itself didn't live up to my expectations.

Even though it was huge, it wasn't exactly a palace.

I'd say it was twice as big as the houses I saw in the "regular" part of the neighborhood.

It had columns and some marble, which gave it a somewhat more expensive look, but I had

a feeling it was a deception.

There were two cars in front of the house � a bright red Mondeo, which had to belong

to Mary, and am enormous GMC van, which had to have a wheelchair lift.

I parked next to it and got out, taking my time, expecting Mary to come out to meet me,

but all in vain.

Determined, I walked up the steps and rang the bell.

A minute or so later I herd three different locks go off, and then the door opened.

"Afternoon, Mr. Warner," an old voice croaked from the dim hallway.

I got chills, but stepped in confidently.

The hall was unusually dark for this time of the day, but that didn't scare me.

What did, however, was the old man in front of me.

A shell of a man, to be honest.

John Taylor was the size of a kid, and a starved kid, at that.

His small eyes were set deep in his skull, which was practically visible through his

pale skin, and what few hairs he had on his head reminded me of spiderwebs.

His left hand was gripped around an IV stand (the plastic bag dripping), a tube going into

his arm.

He looked little like the photographs of him I had seen online.

When he offered me his hand to shake, it felt like shaking hands with a skeleton.

His skin was cold and papery.

I put on a smile, doing my best to hide my unease.

Mr. Taylor offered a smile of his own, and he didn't seem to mind me much at all.

"Lock the door, will ya?

That woman, I swear..."

He left me to deal with the numerous locks, as he shuffled across the hallway, the wheels

of his IV stand making awful noise.

I considered bolting then and there, but for some reason I simply locked the door and followed

the old man into what turned out to be the kitchen.

There was a weird stench throughout the house, the smell of an old person who was about to

die, and immediately I felt guilty about the thought, and about taking the money from the

poor guy in the first place.

But then again, it's not like he'd be needing it for long...

"A beer, Mr. Warner?"

I watched him shuffle to the fridge.

"I'm good, thank you."

When he got himself a can, I joined him at the dinner table, and said, "What happened

to Mary?

My called didn't reach her."

He looked up at me, as if trying to remember the name, and then said, "Oh, Mary, yes.

She's around, don't worry.

Good thing you found me."

After a pause he changed the subject: "I trust you find your payment satisfactory?"

I couldn't hold back a smile.

"Very much so, Mr. Taylor!

And thanks for that advance, it'll help a lot!

I wish all clients paid upfront without�"

He cut me off, raising his hand slightly.

"Please, call me John.

I know I look old, but I'm young at heart."

He sipped his beer, and I gave him a small nod, not sure what to say or do next.

I didn't want to push him into an interview until he felt comfortable enough.

I looked out the window at the backyard, which was a wide space covered with yellowing grass

and fenced by trees.

After a few minutes of silence, John said, to no one in particular, "She's a nurse, Mary.

Not an assistant, a nurse.

I'm old, you see, I need people to look after me.

I hope she turns up soon."

He gave me a wink.

I swallowed.

I think I knew what he meant by that, and I could only hope I wouldn't be stuck there

fulfilling Mary's role.

Getting impatient, I took the notebook and the recorder out of my bag and put them on

the table.

John seemingly ignored it, but put his beer down.

I took it as a signal to proceed.

"So, um, whenever you feel like it, John, I'm ready.

It's useful to go chronologically, but feel free to start wherever you like."

He was quiet again for a long minute, then said, "You know who she reminds me of, Mary?

Of sweet old Barb."

I only then hit the rec button, so I asked, "Your wife?"


Oh, no.

I've never been married."

I scribbled 'married?' in my notebook, because I clearly remembered that newspaper article

about John's accident referring to him as a widower.

"Barb was my nanny when I was a lad, back in 1949.

In Colorado, this was.

She was good to us kids.

Always a smile on her young face.

She must've been twenty or so."

He trailed off.

"You were close?

I mean�"

"I know what you mean.


She was like a mother to me."

And then he added: "She went missing in 1952, when I was 13."

There was yet another long pause.

"Did they ever find her?"

I asked, putting down her name.

"I don't think so.

I don't think they were looking hard enough."

There was something about the way he said that last bit that made me wince.

It was as if he was... proud?

As if it was a riddle "they" didn't find the answer to, and he was the riddler.

To change the subject, I said, "So, you spent your childhood in Colorado."

"I didn't say that, did I?

We spent a few years there.

Until Barb went missing."


Again that tone, as if discussing a personal victory, rather than a tragedy.

"Do you want to tell me more about Barb?"

I tried.

I didn't know yet how personal he would allow me to go.

But he hadn't heard the question.

I looked up at him, and saw he was listening intently, his eyes looking through me.

Then he turned his head towards the hallway.

"Did you hear that?" he said.

I shook my head, fearing that the old man's mind was playing tricks on him.

Now I was listening along with him, and I thought I heard steps somewhere deep within

the house.

John stood up suddenly, starting me, the floor screeching under him.

"You need to leave, Mr. Warner."

I sat still for a moment, not sure what was going on.

Meanwhile, John grabbed the IV stand and began towards the hallway.

"We shall continue the interview some other day."

Panicking, I grabbed the notebook and put it away.

"If it's Mary, maybe she could help us�"

"No, I don't think she can.

You need to go."

He was making his way towards the front door, and already reaching out for the top lock.

"And don't you worry about Mary, Mr. Warner."

By the time I made it to the door, it was already wide open, daylight getting inside

and giving the place an eerie look.

I noticed a layer of dust on the floor, disturbed only by our recent activity, but before I

could even think of anything to say, I found myself outside, with the door shut.

I stood and listened for a moment, and it seemed to me John's steps were more energetic

now that he'd kicked me out.

They quickly disappeared inside the house, and I was left with silence.

Only when I got to my car did I realize my heart was racing.

There was something off about this house and about its owner, something I couldn't put

my finger on.

For the time being, I was happy to get the hell out of there and prayed they wouldn't

contact me again.

But they did...

For more infomation >> I Think I'm Interviewing a Killer (NoSleep Narration) Part 1 - Duration: 15:29.


There's an Awakening! | Destination WILD - Duration: 3:17.

[striking a match]


NARRATOR: It's late March in the Cairngorm Mountains

and the hills are on fire.

The old heather is being put to the torch

to stimulate new growth for the grow season.

Traditionally, this inferno marks the end of winter

and the start of spring in this wilderness.

But spring is the most unpredictable

of all seasons in the Highlands.

Temperatures regularly range from minus 10 to 20 degrees.

So to achieve success here, animals have

to battle with the extremes.

It's all about timing.

[bird sounds]

Mate, nest, or give birth at the wrong time and lives

can be lost.

But get it right, and these mountains, forests,

and rivers provide the perfect place

to raise the next generation.

[bird sounds]

It can be so good that some travel thousands of miles

to reap the bounty the Highlands has to offer.

[music playing]

For more infomation >> There's an Awakening! | Destination WILD - Duration: 3:17.


President Fuchs makes an emotional concession to the Gator Nation - Duration: 0:42.

I appreciate all the comments I've received today regarding my declaration that we will

drain the University of Florida Swamp and that our campus will be alligator-free.

After further consideration, I've concluded that maybe it's best we remain the Florida Gators.

So effective immediately, I'm rescinding my executive order to drain The Swamp, and

I'm issuing a new executive order.

We will proudly forever be the Florida Gators!

And we will fill The Swamp with tens-of-thousands of Gators.

Happy April Fools' Day everyone.

It's great to be a Florida Gator.

Go Gators!

For more infomation >> President Fuchs makes an emotional concession to the Gator Nation - Duration: 0:42.


Flach mcqueen in an underwater shark race - video for kids - Duration: 3:01.

For more infomation >> Flach mcqueen in an underwater shark race - video for kids - Duration: 3:01.


Far Cry 3 - Takeover An Outpost #4! [Using The Weakest Shotgun!] - Duration: 4:50.


For more infomation >> Far Cry 3 - Takeover An Outpost #4! [Using The Weakest Shotgun!] - Duration: 4:50.


How to Draw an Airplane Easy Step by Step | Drawing and Coloring | Teach Drawing To Kids - Duration: 8:01.

How to Draw an Airplane Easy Step by Step | Drawing and Coloring | Teach Drawing To Kids

For more infomation >> How to Draw an Airplane Easy Step by Step | Drawing and Coloring | Teach Drawing To Kids - Duration: 8:01.


to be a friend. - Duration: 2:19.

For more infomation >> to be a friend. - Duration: 2:19.


How To Setup LifterLMS Settings For Your WordPress Online Course Website - Duration: 27:49.

Alright so now working actually take a look at the learning management system and I'm

to show you how to do the initial configuration for the learning management system so first

it's right here LifterLMS and when you activated it adds unfortunately it adds a lot of menu

items here but that's okay because it's going to make it easier to organize everything so

it adds this one right here LifterLMS and it's can be our main settings and reporting

and all that number and explain all these options and then it adds a courses tab and

this is where you can organize your your courses and your lessons in your quizzes and manager

reviews are to do all that right here and then you have a same right here for memberships

and is honestly less options because memberships are pretty much course bundles and other protected

content on your website engagements is really awesome and working to go through this as

well this is how you can automatically send emails and generate certificates to your students

and this is such a power feature right here and then here is the orders and this is working

to manage all the orders to be able to create coupon codes in your also to be able to use

this really cool voucher system I use that all the time if you ordered InMotion hosting

or Elementor and he said hey give me access to that course you promised me the way I do

it as I email you a voucher and then it's all done it makes it so much easier to give

people access to your courses or to sell access your courses maybe at a seminar or something

along those lines where you're not doing it all digitally or on line so let's click on

LifterLMS in first go through the settings and will give it the initial configuration

okay so this is kind of your dashboard right here in its your activity for the week and

this is actually really cool I love the fact that they have this in right here you can

see all your enrollments for the week registrations net sales and how many lessons people have

marked completed and these are numbers that you always want to see going up obviously

the lessons completed shows you that people are using your course are going through the

materials and you want to always be pushing these numbers up but there's also a reporting

area but this is just your kind of overview in your dashboard scroll on down this page

bed so right here is going to be the version of LifterLMS that you have I suggest you always

keep it updated because they're always making little tweaks and they happen pretty amazing

at adding features to make the platform more powerful just this last week they added a

feature where someone marks a lesson complete they can also go back and market uncompleted

in case they accidentally did that so right here is going to let you know the version

number and you can keep upgrading it whenever they have one out and then down here are some

tools and utilities that you might need to use from time to time if they tell you if

you're having any kind of issues or you need any kind of support they might tell you to

click on any of these buttons right here now I've never needed to click on any of these

buttons and hopefully you won't either so that he is the general tab and then we have

these various tabs right here that are the different areas that we need to configure

in LifterLMS order to do that all right now versus I can look at courses and so here is

the settings for courses and what I like about this platform is it's not an overwhelming

amount of settings so we just really have these four settings on this page and we really

actually don't even need to change anything on it now right here was that option I was

just telling about if you want and make it so that your students can mark a lesson as

incomplete if they make a mistake you can enable or leave it disabled right here I haven't

even considered whether I want to enable it myself right here is where you specify course

catalog notes that page where LifterLMS just takes over so I don't like to use that as

my course catalog XM and I'll walk you through deleting this page in a later video and so

this is the settings right here for that page boring to do it manually with that short code

that we used to create the course catalog page in the prior video next six take a look

at memberships and it's pretty much going to be the same thing when I can attach any

of these settings same thing word takes over that page but right here's an interesting

feature if you want to restrict your entire site and making in a membership site and the

whole thing is a locked down to only people that have access to this membership you could

do it right here this is actually a newer feature and I haven't really thought you all

the best use case scenarios of it so essentially it's just going to lock down your entire site

and the only people that are going to be able to access it or people that have purchased

your membership I guess this would be good if you had lots of courses and you had a single

membership and there's all kinds of things going on your website and content you want

to block the whole thing down globally that's essentially what this is going to do is lock

your entire website down globally perhaps I can actually make a video on this because

I could see people wanting to do this that want to use LifterLMS to create an entire

membership website so will touch on that in a later video most likely so next is a councils

go ahead and click on that and these are just the settings for the members dashboard note

the members dashboard it's not like the course index page in the membership index page were

just totally takes over the page we should actually change this from the one that the

default installation selected to the one that we created so go on the drop down right here

and I'm in the selected it's this right here members dashboard someone go ahead and select

on that now these are just some of the technical aspects of all those tabs that it automatically

generates its best to leave these the way they are but I think the reason they put this

here is if your websites can be in a different language you can put these page slugs in the

language that you wanted to be in your native tongue so let's scroll down next are some

important options there the user information options and these are the requirements and

restrictions when someone is creating an account or checking out so you're gonna want to understand

this and you're going to make want to make the best decision for yourself so the first

option right here is disable user names I actually like this this is essentially configuring

your system so that when someone is creating account in their purchasing a course that

they don't get the option to select a username when they log into your website therein or

just use the email address that they have and I really like this I would suggest keeping

this checked nexus is password strength and actually this kind gets on my nerves I mean

my online course website is not NASA I don't need this restrictive password policy to put

on my users and it's going to kind of frustrate them if I make them use a bunch of special

characters and their password that they're knocking to remember anyway I mean our courses

are valuable but it's not like this is the NSA or the or something like that and it's

life or death information I'm not gonna force someone to use some insane password so I actually

recommend changing this from strong to maybe medium or weak and actually week is totally

fine it's up to you I receive someone's going to use password is there password you can

prevent that if you let this be the on the week setting however I'm not necessarily so

opposed to having that because someone wanted to break into your website they would need

another persons email address anyway so right here is this additional password strength

meter I don't like that either some and uncheck that so anyways you can choose whatever you

want based upon the security you want on your site if you are going to make this a strong

I do suggest having this checkbox checked so that people can know if they're not making

a password that meets your requirements next we have this option to make it so someone

has to agree to your terms and conditions and then right here you can actually have

a link to a special terms and conditions page that you would want to make on your website

I don't use this personally but if you wanted to you can go ahead and add that now right

here is that check out fields thing that I was talking about a prior video where by default

it's going to make them put a first and last name and I suggest you keep that is a requirement

but the address you know this is like a digital online world I don't care what your address

is so I suggest if you don't have a reason to capture someone's address changes from

required to hidden I prefer a more simplified checkout process and there's plenty of studies

that show the more questions you ask when someone is checking out the lower the conversion

is going to be so I make that head and I don't want your phone number I make that hidden

just like that we can leave this checked right here the email confirmation that so when someone's

checking out they have to type in their email a second time just so that they make sure

they enter it right I tell you on my website before I was using this people would create

an account with the wrong email address and it we can create a support headache for me

because now they're asking me where their email is when they didn't actually put their

email incorrectly because they're just moving too fast and so this is going to be a good

option for you to have checked even though some kind of a pain for the person but it's

gonna prevent the support that comes your way now this open registration field option

this is up to you I personally do not use it but I have a different flow that I use

on my website so whether or not you enable or disable this is going to be based upon

if you're going to use the voucher system and if you're going to have a free course

available for someone so here's how my system works I have a free course and when I want

to give someone access to a paid course I send them a voucher and I give them instructions

to order my free course which will create an account on the website and then in their

member's dashboard they can go in and redeem the voucher now if you don't want to have

a similar workflow and you're going to use the voucher system you can enable this open

registration so someone can come to your website register and then we can have a box there

were they can put that voucher in so it's completely up to you I personally don't use

this but just in case you're going to use it now or later let's change that address

the hidden because that's consistent with how I am already setting this up so down here

is the account field update and so this one summons and their members dashboard and you

give them an option to update their account this is what they can update so I don't ask

for the address omen to make that hidden and I don't ask for the phone number and I'm in

a make that hidden however if you are collecting people's address and phone number you dimpling

and I want to have this not be hidden and have it be optional so I'm going to click

on save changes so we can save some of these changes I've already made, click on checkouts

and let's look at the options here now this is perhaps one of the most important settings

pages that we have here and it's going to set up our payment processor and those different

options so here we are the checkout settings we don't need to change the checkout page

we don't need to change the confirm payment force SSL now I am to have a video and I actually

have videos on my channel about getting a free SSL certificate essentially fury to take

payments on your website you have to have an SSL certificate so that all the the credit

card information and all that as it gets passed through your website it's encrypted that is

what an SSL certificate does now in this video series we are going to be using PayPal and

when someone makes their payment there can actually be sent off to PayPal however I will

add a video for those of you that want to take a payment on your website on exactly

how to accomplish that and it's very possible to integrate stripe which is the most popular

way to accept credit card payments on your website so even though if we are going to

use an SSL certificate were not can even need this option because we would just make the

entire website HTTPS or make the entire website be served up over SSL sorry if that got a

little technical they're definitely not my intention okay currency options set your country

set your currency and then said how you want the currency label position to be and this

is all stuff that you should know for your country you can just go ahead and set that

in there you can hide the zero decimals if you want I'm just gonna leave that all default

so here we go with PayPal now I included in the download package a plug-in that when you

installed it and activated it it makes it so you would now have this option if you didn't

follow along in the video where I'm uploading the plug-ins and activating them you're not

going to see this options you might want to go back and do that so we do need to have

a way to take payments on this website for these courses now PayPal is a very common

way to sell goods on the Internet and we have some PayPal integration right here so first

you check on this box to enable it and then right here you can change the title that someone

sees during checkout and then the description so this would be the option you should know

I'll leave the same PayPal and pay with PayPal so it's crystal clear that someone's paying

via PayPal now if you had a multiple gateway situation this is where maybe you had stripe

and PayPal which is actually a good idea to give people options of how they want to check

out you can choose the order set the order right here which ones can be first which ones

going to be second now if you're testing the PayPal integration you'll check on this box

and if you're having some issues and you need to potentially debug it you would check on

this box now when you are going live with your payments your office again I need to

uncheck this in your you need to uncheck this as well so here's where it's going to get

a little technical and there is going to be some information that Juergen have to do on

your own and it's a little on the complicated side so the way the PayPal integration works

is you need to go to PayPal and get three pieces of information you need to get an API

username an API password and an API signature and when you put those three pieces of information

right here your learning management system will be fully integrated with PayPal now here's

where it's a little different okay if you have an old PayPal account now I'm talking

a PayPal account that might be five or 10 years old my PayPal account is actually 15

years old if you can believe that those old accounts any of them you have access to create

an API username password and signature you just have it because you have one of these

grandfathered old accounts of your creating a new PayPal account or as a more recent PayPal

account maybe within the last year or two you actually have to upgrade it to a business

account it snores no cost in doing it but you do have to go in and put in some business

information or whatnot and there's actually phone number for PayPal that you can call

to get that all squared away now all you have to do is click on this link and is can he

give you the instructions on PayPal's website to get your API username password and signature

you need those in your you need the pesos in here in order to get your PayPal integration

going now if you wanted to use a different payment processor that's fine they do have

some add-ons that LifterLMS provides you can click on the add-ons tab and they have an

add-on for stripe just you know Juergen have to purchase that from them if you want the

stripe integration and essentially stripes can allow you to take credit card payments

on your website and is a little easier to set up to take the credit card payments on

your website but if you're just starting out PayPal is going to be totally fine I use PayPal

I don't use stripe it all I might add it at some point but I don't even use it now so

essentially just need to get these three pieces of information from PayPal and save this and

your PayPal would start working here's a prefix for the invoice that's going to show on PayPal

this would just be something that you would have to so you know where this payment came

from so you can have any prefix you want in order to identify those different payments

that people are making and with PayPal there's instructions is actually really cool you can

modify the checkout pages style on page Powell's website so you can have it have your logo

and things like that and there's a link here with information that's actually really easy

to do now if you're going to sell anything that is going to have reoccurring transactions

so that's if you want to sell something and they have to have this reoccurring payment

you have to enable something called the reference transactions on PayPal's website and what

that is is when PayPal is automatically taken out that next payment and that next payment

that is pushing those transactions and that information into LifterLMS so the to stay

in sync so you're in a need to enable reference transactions just go ahead and click on this

link right here and they'll have all the information about it I personally don't have reoccurring

transactions but it's pretty easy to set up and then once it's enabled on your account

you can click this check button and it will verify that you actually have that in the

right here you have a manual gateway if you wanted to sell course access via check or

something like that you can enable this or disable this I'm actually to go ahead and

disable it now I'll just leave it enabled why not so if you don't want this go ahead

and uncheck right here are some go ahead and click on save changes and now when I click

on the engagement tab now engagements are you engaging with your students when they

are going through the process of taking your course and we actually set those up here in

the engagements tab but for the setting this is where working to set the settings of what

those emails are to look at so for instance the sender's email address so for me I actually

like to keep it adamant WB see the name of sender my blog I probably wouldn't want that

so for me I would put this and that's how I like it to look and then you can put some

text here that will show in the footer of the email and you can have maybe a logo appear

in the header of those emails that can further brand the emails that get sent to people and

then we have the certificate settings right here in this is essentially if someone completes

a course you can issue a certificate and is actually a good idea because some people like

me personally I wouldn't print it out or anything but if there's some kind of academic aspect

of your online course in your online learning platform that your building you have this

certificate option here or you can have it automatically generate and send a certificate

of completion or an award or something like that this is actually good component of game

of vacation where people get these rewards and so that would be technically over reward

issuing out a certificate like this so go ahead and see my changes thus far and lastly

we have this integrations tab so essentially there's these two WordPress plug-ins once

called BB press and once called Buddy press now what these do is they add different features

to your website but it comes at a cost of complexity so BB presses GNU enable you to

have a user forum on your website and buddy press is actually, like bring in an entire

social network onto your website personally I don't use either of them I don't recommend

using either of them because they are highly complicated and it's can add some complication

to your website now I am to make a video on how to create a user form now the user form

solution that I like is more of a questions and answer solution similar to what you might

see on a slack exchange work where people can put their question and and you can answer

another people can answer and they can vote up an answer or vote down an answer and I,

like that better for a user forum then BB press but it's up to you if you wanted to

use BB press I'm not going to go into BB press but I will go into this alternative solution

to have a user forum on your website now days a lot of people don't even have it on their

website they put it on Facebook and via a Facebook group and you can have a private

Facebook group that only people in it are the people you've accepted now there's a benefit

of having it on Facebook and for me I rather have a private user form as a Facebook group

because what's really nice is people are going to get the activity of that private Facebook

group in their normal Facebook feed so April that already on Facebook anyway there in a

see what's going on in the group in there to be able to participate that way versus

if you just have it on your website and got a come to your website they got a login and

they've got a check it so this is a way of having it on Facebook to to pull people back

into your website but it's up to you if you want to explore these I'm not gonna go over

them and I'm not gonna recommend them I think it just places too much load on your website

and it's going to just add too much complexity okay now before I end this video I want to

click on this add on's option right here LifterLMS there the way they make money is the core

plug-in is free and then they sell these add-ons and that's how they make money to continue

improving the core plug-in that they give away for free and they have these in various

add-ons here now you don't need any of them but if there's some feature that you want

and they have it available as an add on it you might as well just go ahead and purchase

the I don't is going to be cheaper than doing it yourself so here's that stripe a payment

gateway that you can add here is the PayPal add-on which I included in the resource download

if you wanted to use LifterLMS with WooCommerce and have that beer check out you can go ahead

and get this right here if you wanted to integrate LifterLMS with MailChimp you could go with

this right here if you wanted an affiliate system you can use affiliate WP now they don't

make affiliate WW P it but it's the most popular affiliate management platform and it fully

integrates with LifterLMS I should make a video on that because I'm actually in the

process of adding this to my site here is a plug-in to add integration with LifterLMS

an active campaign or Infusionsoft or onto report or drip now I have an alternative to

this but the product hasn't launched just yet and fully integrates with LifterLMS and

this can also integrate with some of these serve says including the marketing automation

platform that I use here is a convert kit integration is another affiliate platform

if you wanted to create complex registration forms for LifterLMS you can do it with gravity

forms and here's an add on for that and then pretty much is all of these add-ons right

here so next we have this reporting tab here in this actually really cool I'm the only

student in here but anyways this is where you could see a list of your students and

you can search for your students by name right here and this actually really nice and you

can see where your students are in your courses with their enrolled in what they've completed

all of this great stuff you can see it all right here and find those students it's actually

a very powerful and nice that they have that there and then right here when I click on

the sales tab we can see some information on your sales door if it says error just click

on retry and this is good so you can get a overview of how your cells are doing and you

can sort it by year or month this month last month last seven days or even put in a date

range and then lastly we have this enrollments tab here for the reporting where you can get

a kind of a dashboard look at your enrollments over time you can also toggle these filters

are right here you can filter it by course or by membership so you can really dig down

and see some interesting information and did I miss that filters as well for sales yes

there is a filter right here for sales okay so here is a really cool feature that I think

this was mom might've been added not that long ago and this is an important export feature

for courses you can build an entire course and then you can export it and then you can

import it if you wanted to say duplicated instead of starting from scratch or duplicating

a course you can make a course and move it to a different website it's actually very

powerful to be able to import and export your courses next we have this system report right

here now if you have to get support for LifterLMS a lot of times they were going to want to

see this system report right here it was the same thing with Elementor they have the system

report and this will give them all the information that they needed to know the environment that

your website is in and to know how you have your website configured so it's just a budget

technical geeky information about your site in your hosting environment what you have

installed on your site so they can go ahead and better assist you in troubleshooting your

website anyways this was these settings and we have gone through so much we've already

created the front end of the website we've already gotten through our settings we have

our checkout process we have everything done we've already gotten through so much I'm really

really proud of you so far

For more infomation >> How To Setup LifterLMS Settings For Your WordPress Online Course Website - Duration: 27:49.



The first clue is that it is something to eat.


No its not a cookie.

Not a cookie..

The second clue that is something round


NO! Its not a cookie!

Not a cookie.

So third clue, Third clue-- Just thought it might be cookie.

The color of this thing is orange

Something to eat, that is round, and orange..



Just thought, one last chance, y'know?


Okay, uh uh uhh.. let me give up!


How can you give up?!

It's something to eat this round and orange it's an orange!

It's an orange! Me like that fourth clue is it an orange?



For more infomation >> ITS AN ORANGEEE (SUBTITLES) - Duration: 0:47.


An interview with the French artist Victor Tricar - Duration: 4:25.

In fact I don't know if I consciously decide what to paint.

It's so instinctive.

I paint because I need to paint, it's more a need.

Of course, there are a lot of existential questions

that come up again and again in my painting.

Questions of life, death, existence, suffering,

the inner struggles between the forces of light and darkness

that play out in every human being.

In fact all the struggles I have in my life to try to understand the world,

to try to make myself understood – all that comes across in my painting.

So a lot of inner struggles to grow, all my struggles to be a better person,

all my struggles to try to understand the big questions of good and evil,

all that comes out of my painting.

In fact it's a release of all that.

And in my painting I sometimes find answers to my questions too.

I ask questions in my painting.

When I paint, sometimes I ask a question,

and in what comes out afterwards, I occasionally find answers.

At times, it's the people who look at my paintings who help me decipher them.

Every time there's something happening in my paintings, what I call messages.

It might sound a bit pretentious but I really get messages sometimes,

with answers to my questions.

In fact, in recent years a huge amount of what I painted I've not seen

with my own eyes, because it's all these struggles going on inside.

It's a strong feature of my current style.

People often say to me: "It's quite violent, what you do",

but these inner struggles are violent.

Doing something violent or non-violent is not a choice for me.

It's been a life-saver for me, it's enabled me to breathe,

to be able to release everything that was going on inside.

So it's like a kind of oxygen that's saved me I don't know how many times,

in allowing me to paint and express what I was feeling inside,

it's really saved me.

Now I think my painting will be a little less focused on the inside

as I open up more to the outside.

In the coming months, I think there will be things

looking more to the outside in my creative work,

so my painting might be more figurative.

What I've painted up to now was kind of more facing inward,

so we'll see what happens next.

For more infomation >> An interview with the French artist Victor Tricar - Duration: 4:25.


vanillabox, an open source desktop laser cutter from Just Add Sharks Ltd - Duration: 3:38.

Hi I'm Dominic, I am the co-founder of Just Add Sharks

and we started Just Add Sharks as makers who had laser cutters

We were often asked which laser cutter would we recommend

and we really looked around hard to find something

that if we were starting again with laser cutters from scratch

we wanted to find something that we would use.

I'm Martin Raynsford, I'm the co-founder of Just Add Sharks, and I'm also the engineer

We founded Just Add Sharks because we have a passion for laser cutting

and we wanted to share that passion with other people

Hi, I'm Ian and I work in product development

At Nottingham Hackspace I've used the Just Add Sharks laser cutter for projects

For things like BarBot, which is an automated cocktail bar that we made

We call our machine vanillabox, that's because it's a beginners machine

It doesn't have any excessive over-engineering, doesn't have any ridiculous features

you take a USB cable, you plug it into your PC or Mac, and you can get cutting

The vanillabox has a gantry mounted tube which shortens the laser path and simplifies the alignment process

We've managed to squeeze in a 300 x 600 millimeter cutting area

We want people to get into laser cuting, so the whole system is designed to be ready to run from day one

when you get this laser cutter home you will have everything you need to turn it on and begin cutting straight away

The 35 watt tube will get through up to 5 millimeters of laser ply, laser MDF, and acrylic

foam, paper, card, laserable plywoods, acrylics, polypropylene, styrene, leather,

rubber, plastic; not metal, but you can engrave metal

you can engrave ceramics, you can engrave glass,

you can cut silicone you can cut rubber

We've got our own ideas about how we're going to upgrade it in the future

but we're also listening to what the community wants, and what the community is saying

We're crowdfunding this laser cutter so that we can bring the product to market

and make sure that it meets all the appropriate regulations and approvals required for the UK

Being open source allows users who are interested and wish to do so to tweak the design and enhance the product

then hopefully contribute their developments back to the project at the benefit of the wider vanillabox community

In the four years since we started Just Add Sharks, we've continued to engage strongly

with the hackerspace and makerspace world

getting involved with Electro Magnetic Field, going to Maker Faires

and one thing we hear over and over again it there's a demand for an open source laser cutter

Now there are several projects out there and we want to complement those projects, build on the existing work

it's one of the reasons that this machine will ship with VisiCut open source laser cutter software

I can confirm that vanillabox is an awesome tool for makers

For more infomation >> vanillabox, an open source desktop laser cutter from Just Add Sharks Ltd - Duration: 3:38.


Abstract Painting Tutorial - Duration: 3:59.

Hey guys! We're Evan and Katelyn... and Katelyn's mom

and today we're going to do abstract art tutorial so the

goal of this is even if you don't

consider yourself a painter you can

still do this art let's go!

We add water to the canvas because without water you

won't be able to get smooth blends

because it'll grip/bond with the canvas

we'll start with titanium white as the base

Payne's gray will be the accent color

so get your brush a little bit wet

pull a little bit of the white out

then pull just a little bit of the panes gray

but don't blend it all the way.

When you pull it across here you should get mostly

white with a couple streaks of blue in it

and we're starting with horizontal

strokes right here... oh, I mean

vertical strokes.

Up till now, it's been fairly

basic you get it wet. You get the ratio

between white and payne's grey correct

but now it gets a little more tricky

because we've been going just straight

up and down, but now we're going to add in

some variability... up and down, left

and right. Higher concentration of white

higher concentration of Payne's gray.

I like concentrations that are a little

bit asymmetric... and I'm

going to do that in my bottom right

corner then I'm at a left-right stroke

in the top left right there now I'm add

another up and down stroke in the bottom left

I'm going to work some left and

right stroke into the bottom right also

(Katelyn: so you're kindof cross-hatching your strokes a bit so they're not all in the same direction?)

Evan: yeah

right here you apply it at about a 45

degree angle but when you want to blend

it you go down really low so i'm going

to add a little bit of whites to my

brush then I'm going to go at a low

angle so blend got in so you see how

that up and down stroke that I did too

still there but it's blended that's kind

of what I wanted to go for so right here

I want to blend this so I'm going to get at that

low angle and you apply very gentle

pressure so try to do that blending

stroke again, get like as low as you can

and then just very gently let the weight

of the brush pull it. Do downward stroke of white

right there and then pull it across to

smooth it out. Yeah. I kinda like what white streak.

So I forgot to do the edges...

So I'll add with a little bit of paint to the

edges, so it's not just bare canvas

(Evan: Should I lean my head in?)

(Katelyn: Yeah there you go, that's pretty cute)

Alright, now that the first coat is done,

let it dry. It'll take about two hours,

and then we'll come back to add the accents.

(Katelyn: I'm allowed in front of the camera again)

So basically what we're going to do is add

copper tape to these canvases. So we recommend

drawing out a few different patterns that

you could lay your copper tape in before

actually applying it to canvas.

You can't really go wrong, which is the whole point of

this tutorial. It's going to end up

looking good. Okay, I'll go back to filming now.

You kind of lay it out.

where you're gonna want to go and cut it to length

I pre-bend it this way... so otherwise when

you take the tape off it really curls.

I pull it really tight and then press it as I go.

I think we're done!!

You taught me something new!

*high five*

For more infomation >> Abstract Painting Tutorial - Duration: 3:59.


#ExamineTheEvidence: An Emotionally Charged Confrontation | Season 1 Ep. 2 | SHOTS FIRED - Duration: 0:36.

Officials say those remarks are from Joshua Beck,

an African-American deputy.

Who ever leaked it wanted to hurt him.

Any ideas?


Deputy Beck, I'm the father of the boy you killed.

I've received hundreds of calls asking

why Beck hasn't been arrested.

How would you answer?

Ma'am, do you want this done right

or do you want this done quickly?

I'm expecting you to do both.

Wait, so a family member shot this?

Voice on that video was my nephew, Junior.

ASHE: Know where he is now?

I know where he'll be tonight.

[music playing]

For more infomation >> #ExamineTheEvidence: An Emotionally Charged Confrontation | Season 1 Ep. 2 | SHOTS FIRED - Duration: 0:36.


Luxor Hotel & Casino Las Vegas - Luxury Las Vegas Hotel Tour - Duration: 9:01.

For more infomation >> Luxor Hotel & Casino Las Vegas - Luxury Las Vegas Hotel Tour - Duration: 9:01.


How to use an overhead projector in worship ministry - Duration: 3:46.

There's a lot of great new choruses out

there that are not in your hymnal, and

using an overhead projector in your

worship ministry is a great way to

expand the song library and keep things

new and fresh. Here's a couple of tips

to make your overhead projector ministry

shine. Hey, it's Dave Dolphin from the online

website www practical worship blog (all

one word, no spaces) com. All you need to do

is get on your computer, log on to the

world wide web and 24 hours a day, seven

days a week we share tips and ideas and

practical advice for the everyday

worship leader. So when you're using an

overhead projector in your worship

ministry there's a couple of things you

want to have on hand at all times. The

first thing is a Sharpie, because

sometimes the lettering on these

transparencies will flake off and you

might not notice it until right before

you need it and there's not enough time

to make a new copy. You can take the

Sharpie, fill in that missing letter or that

missing word right before you need it,

and you're good to go. Also have a good

cloth and some cleaner nearby. Finger

smudges are going to happen no matter how

careful you are, but if you keep your

cleaning supplies really close by it'll

always keep your ministry clean and

professional. Finally I like to use a

ruler. In fact I tape it to the side of

the machine, so that when you are

switching out the lyrics you can line

that up and the lyrics are straight

every single time. Now when you are

running an overhead projector you need

to be ready for anything, and so

organization is going to be key to that.

We like to keep all of our songs in this

file folder. Now you can use a three-ring

binder, but if you do use a binder I

recommend that you put a piece of paper

in between all of the transparencies.

Otherwise if that binder gets too close

to the heat of the projector, you're

going to fuse those transparencies

together and then you got to do both

songs at the same time—I don't know.

We keep all of our songs alphabetized in

this file folder. Now we do put all of

the heavy rotation songs like

"Shine Jesus Shine" and "Lord I Lift Your Name On High,"

we keep those here at the front

really accessible. And then also those

bump-chick medley songs like "Jehovah Jireh"

and "I Will Celebrate" and "Blow the

Trumpet In Zion," we keep all of those

together here in the back, because it

seems like every weekend that we do one

of those medleys there's always one song

that the worship leader throws in that

we did not

practice. Now a couple of ways to keep

things professional. If you're the one

running the overhead projector, I

recommend the night before that you clip

your fingernails. Because if you're the

one up there on a Sunday morning that's

switching out the songs, your hands are up

there for everyone to see and so we want

to make sure that our hands are well

manicured to eliminate distractions. Also

you can use a piece of paper to cover up

some of the words so you can focus on

the section that you are singing, but

it's not a necessity. Finally if you

need to make a copy, maybe as a backup

or for the youth ministry, it's really

important that you examine your slide

carefully. If not and you miss a finger

smudge, it'll be there forever. So that's

just a few ways to make the most of an

overhead projector in your worship

ministry. Here at Practical Worship we

love sharing ideas and tips and

practical advice for the everyday

worship leader. Join us next time as we

look at the latest audio mixer from

Mackie. Also there is a brand new

dcTalk "Jesus Freak" choir program that we'll

check out, available now both in

split-track cassette and compact disc. In the

meantime we would love to connect with

you online. Join us in our live chat room

on America Online. Just use the keyword

"practical worship." For more great

practical advice join us on the world

wide web at

For more infomation >> How to use an overhead projector in worship ministry - Duration: 3:46.


Open Windows 2014 Crime Thriller Unrated Full Movie HD - Duration: 1:40:31.

You OK?

My head. I don't know what's wrong. I can't sleep.

A pain back here? Like... like something bit you?

Yeah. How do you know? You too?

Mark? Listen,

this may sound weird but... is anyone else awake?

Is anyone having trouble sleeping or something?

Mark, are you there?

Wait for me here. I'll go.


We all need to get out of here. It's a psychic attack.

They're here! I tried to make it back in time.

It's too late.


- No! - Come on!

Remember your family.

Remember the first time.

Remember the terrorism.

My head hurts. I'm turning into one of them.

Stop thinking.

If you stop thinking they won't be able to get into your mind.

How am I supposed to do that?

I know how.

"Dark Sky: The Third Wave"!

I know!

All right, all right! After this exclusive preview...

by the way, thank you for that...

which I should mention is being seen

not only by everyone here but also everybody on the Internet

who's streaming the ceremony from the official website. Hi, everybody!

OK, but after this, let's bring an end to this schlongfest, get down to business.

Everybody give it up for Jill Goddard!

I love you!

Thank you!

We meant her.

We? What do you mean, we? You're the only one talking.

I'm here with my friends.

If they were your friends,

they wouldn't let you make such an ass out of yourself.

OK, so, as I was saying, after seeing this exclusive preview,

I feel like I have to know

if a certain "character" gets killed this time around.

The white t-shirt, Jill.

You're asking me if the white t-shirt I'm wearing in that scene survives.

OK, I'm already a little embarrassed.

Oh, come on, don't. The "Coming Soon" sign appears

right when my shirt is about to come off. It's supposed to make you think about it.

OK, I guess we're not gonna have an answer for that question, folks.

Jill, seriously, it is a huge pleasure to have you here.


I mean, in this one, she's using her psychic powers...


Sorry. It started recording before I had a chance to place the camera.

Maybe I should stop and start over again.

Or you can just cut this part out.

This is recording, right?

Personal introduction.

Hi, there. I'm Nick Chambers

and I'm the webmaster at

You know, pictures of Jill, scans, videos, articles.

Some of my stuff is some of the first posted of her.

But that was just lucky. I'm not a reporter. I don't work for an agency.

Presentation of...

I already talked about my website. Sorry.

What do I expect from...

I'm really happy I won. I know a lot of bloggers entered the contest.

I've never been to Austin before. It's really nice.

Actually, I just checked in the hotel a couple hours ago.

I still can't believe I'm going to meet Jill Goddard.

I hope my interview with her works out. I don't want to spoil her dinner.

I promise I won't be as nervous as I am right now.

Thanks for everything.

I'm surprised, honestly. Have you shown us too much?

OK, tell him that.

Once you see this scene in the final film,

you'll see there's a lot more to it than meets the eye.

Oh, shit. It's a wet dream. I knew it. I knew it...

That's the exact moment when I wake up from a dream... it is, isn't it?

No, no, no, it's not a dream. I assure you, it's not a dream.

- I hate dreams in movies. - Hate dreams in movies?

What is that? Some thing with European directors?

- Hello? Nick Chambers? - Yeah?

Are you Nick Chambers?

Are you the contest winner who gets to have dinner with Jill Goddard?

- That's me. - I'm sorry to bother you.

My name is Simon Chord. I work for the official Dark Sky

- website and... - Yeah.

I'm sorry, but did you just try to send us a video?

Yeah. Just now.

I'm sorry. I clicked record before I had a chance to position the camera.

- Oh, that's OK. - And I mixed two questions into one.

That's OK. By the way, where are you right now?

I'm here, at the hotel.

But the convention is happening right now.

- I know. I'm watching it. - Aren't you at your hotel?

I'm watching it on my laptop. They're streaming it from the website.

You mean they didn't invite you to the event?

- Yeah? - Nobody has contacted you?

The producers of the gala didn't call you to say the contest was cancelled?

What? No, I thought I was supposed to wait here.

- Cancelled? - One second.

I think we have another question.

Yeah! Back there?

OK, so, hi, Jill. Just wanted to say this latest part of the saga looks great.

Can't wait to see it. So, this is your third movie with Dave and the first one

you've made together now that you're officially a couple in real life.

Did it make a big difference working together this time?

Well, there was a lot less sneaking around.

- I've got a question for Richie. - Nick, can you hear me?


I'm sorry, Nick. There's nothing I can do.

What happened? You mean I came all the way out here for nothing?

I don't know, Nick. Let's just sit tight. I left them a message.

- Man, this breaks my heart. - But this doesn't make any sense.

They just sent me an e-mail asking me to record a greeting for you.

What the hell is she staring at?

What? Who?

She's looking at her bag the whole time. What, is she afraid her coke will fly out?

What? What are you talking about?

- Sorry, hold on a second. - Last question of the night.

First of all, congratulations for the performance. I'm a big fan of the saga.

Jill, I wanted to ask you about these recent rumors, about a leaked video.

I was not in any homemade porn video that got stolen.

That's right. I've got it here. You have to pay.

Come on, Richie. The movie's good.

It's funny. You don't need to make up a story

about me appearing in a porn movie to get people talking about it.

Wait, wait, Jill. Are you saying the producers started the rumor?

- Hey, Nick. - I made a joke with myself...

But don't worry. Don't worry.

Drag this link into the Dark Sky website.

What's this?

It's a surveillance camera in the theater.

I can control it from here.

I can zoom it.

I can move it.

Her cell phone.

- The model is perfect. - What for?

Can't you take a photo? We have the best view in the house.

- What are you talking about? - You know exactly what I'm talking about.

I've seen better cleavage, but it'll look great on your website.

She's never shown her tits before. For us, that's the final frontier.

Where are you calling from? Where are you doing all this?

Hold on. Hold on.

There, all set. Click on there.

Of course you were trained up in Europe

but you've been mainly making movies for Americans lately.

What is the difference between American audiences and European audiences?

What is this?

Chord, are you there?

Shut up! Turn off the volume of the window or she'll hear us!

Sorry. I forgot this program boots with the mike open.

- So, this is... this is... - It's her phone.

You can look at anything you want.

Her messages, her pics, her schedule, her contacts.

Don't worry, there's no way we can get caught doing this.

She thinks her camera is off right now.

Why did you give this to me?

Can you keep a secret?


She's the one who canceled the dinner for no reason.

All right, OK, OK, we could go on for hours.

Tomorrow somebody from the distributor will make up some pretty excuse,

like they always do when she acts like a fucking bitch.

- You mean she cancelled the dinner? - Yeah. A little while ago.

I can't believe it! I came all this way and nobody told me.

You can see who she's calling.

Tony Hillman.

I think that's her... Yeah, that's her agent.

- Hi. - Hi.

I'm sorry I couldn't pick up. It just finished. I'm coming straight over.

I didn't know what time the cocktail party was over.

- It's just starting. - You're not staying?

I thought it was on your schedule!

I rushed out of there so I could come and see you

without having to justify myself to anyone.

Now I have to justify myself to you? I only have a couple hours I can spend with you.

- I'm sorry, damn it. - You know that.

I've been waiting all day to see you.

Holy shit! That son of a bitch booked a hotel room a month ago

and flew all the way over here. What a bastard.

She's going to see him? You mean, they're going to...?

I can't believe it! Looks like you'll be going back to L.A.

with a much better souvenir than dinner with that bimbo.

Outside the theater, on my way to the limo.

You know where the Grand Wells Hotel is, right?

- I'll ask the driver. I think it's nearby. - OK. I'll be waiting in the room.

- See you in a flash. - See you.

Did she just say the Grand Wells?

What's wrong?

That's where I'm staying.

- Are you serious? - Yeah.

Hold on, wait a second. What room are you in?

Room 700.


- 700. - Why?

You taped the greeting with a video camera, right?

Yeah, I have one.

They gave this to me in reception.

- Good. - Why?

Wait, Nick. It's a video call.

Jill, where are you?

Hi. I'm going straight back to the rental.

- I talked to Richie. He's pissed. - Yeah, well, so am I.

- Not the same thing, Jill. - They should have consulted me first.

- Why didn't they? Were they too ashamed? - Jill, please.

"Jill, do you mind if we say" you got caught masturbating

- for your boyfriend on a webcam?" - Give me a fucking break.

- Rumors get thrown out there all the time. - They're talking about it everywhere!

It's the best rumor I've ever heard and it's probably got its own

- team of publicists spreading it. - Jill, I don't give a fuck about that!

- Should I click on this, Chord? - Sure.

...convention, and screw up your schedule?

You know what all those people you stood up will think? You do, right?

I bet people are saying they saw you in the bathroom,

- I bet people... - Is that what you're worried about?

Nobody saw me doing any drugs because I didn't do any drugs.

Yeah, right, bitch. Get the camera closer to the window.


- I don't want to. - I know you don't.

No, I... I mean I don't want to renegotiate.

- What are you talking about? - I can't do this anymore.

Aim at the other wing of the building.



You can do that?

Wait a second.

How is that possible?

Room 686.

OK? You'll feel better tomorrow.

I didn't just decide this.

It's been bugging me for a while now.

It's been bugging you for a while now and you didn't even say anything?

I've got another call, Dave. We'll talk tomorrow.

No, Jill, Jill, Jill?

- It's me, Jill. - Hello?

It's nothing. Reception just called. There's a problem with the room.

- What are we gonna do? - A leak or something.

They gave me another room. Room 686. I'm on my way over now.

- OK, I'm almost there. - See you soon.

Don't worry. Turn the lights off.

They won't see you with your lights off, especially if they're fucking,

which is what it sounds like they'll be doing.

What? Chord, wait. I'm not going to...

What is this?

What's what?

What is this?

- What are you talking about? - Another window just opened up.

- No, it didn't. - What do you mean?

Wait a second.

It's him. It's Tony. Turn off the lights or we're fucked.

Shit, Chord. I'm done with this.

Don't worry, Nick. Just give me a second.

OK, Nick. I have a ton of work tonight.

- I'm signing out. - You're leaving?

I'll still be here connected. Call me anytime.

- But... - You can turn off the camera,

you can turn off the computer, do whatever you want.

But remember, it's her fault you're stranded at that hotel.

I think it's only fair she should offer you

a little entertainment in the meantime.

- Hold on a second. I... - You're a nice guy, Nick.

She's the one who goes around screwing over guys like you.

I'm just getting even. See you soon, Nick.



First of all, we want to assure you that nobody can detect or trace this line.

It's personalized software we recently created ourselves. So...

if you want to talk to us, you are completely safe.


Well, what? What do you want?

We want to work for you, Nevada.

What? What did you just call me?


- Hi. - Hi.

- How are you? - Good. Listen.

You look great.

What's wrong?

Dave called me right after you hung up. Imagine how scared I was.

- Are you serious? - Yeah, yeah. But don't worry.

You know, he thinks I'm in L.A.

- I didn't think he'd call you. - Well, I'm your agent.

Who else would he call?

- Want some? - No, I don't.

You don't have to worry about Dave.

I managed to calm him down.

I've become an expert at calming down actors.

What did you tell him?

That you're OK,

a little stressed, that it'll go away.

That you weren't serious about not wanting to renegotiate, that you're upset...

You know I've been thinking about it for months.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know, I know, I know, but...

but you weren't serious about it. OK? All right.

OK. You have to wait until the timing is better.

And you know Dave, he likes to think that he's all up to date,

and if you suddenly tell him something like that,

- he'll just go... - I want to break up with him.



We've been over this a thousand times, Jill.

It's too soon. OK? Why can't you trust me on this?

Maybe because you're such an expert at calming down actors.

OK, I'm going to order something for dinner.

Just think about it, OK?

Jill? Jill, where are you going?


- Nick? - Chord, he's looking up here.

The lights suddenly turned on and then he saw the camera.


Jill's agent. Jill left but he's still in there and he's looking up here.

I dropped the camera. I can't see him. I don't know what he's doing.

He's left the room and he's calling reception. We can hear it.

- Let me check... - Shit!

Shut up.

- Reception. Can I help you? - Hi. I'm in room 686.

I want to know what room is right across from mine.

One floor up. At the end of the hall.

Oh, that's room 700. It's not occupied.

- Is there a reason you're asking? - What? It's not occupied?

If you'd like to take a look, I can order a card key

- from the main office. - Shit!

OK, thanks. I'm on my way.

Great. Thanks for calling.

What the...

The main office.

The first floor.

It must be... there it is.

He's coming this way. I have to get out of here.

You can't leave your laptop and your video camera in there.

- I'll bring them with me. - There isn't time, Nick.

He'll be there before you reach the door. Do as I say, OK?

Do as I say and everything will be fine.

Put your stuff under the bed where the arrow's pointing.

The video camera and that suitcase.

- Everything but your laptop. - Under the bed?

Do it.

In there.

- What's in there? - There's a bag. Open it. Hurry!

See the two metal teeth? The taser has a switch on the base.

It's very simple.

When the guy walks into the room, you zap him with it from behind.

He won't even see you. When he wakes up, he'll be in an empty room, that's all.

- I don't... - Either that or you'll have to face him.

No offense, but he looks like more than you can handle. It's your call.



What the...?

Shit, shit. Shit!

Quick, move that nightstand.

What is this?

The gag is for his mouth and the cuffs on the wall are for his hands.

- What? - He didn't see your face

and I erased you from the hotel registry. You're clean.

But you still need to get the hell out of there before he sounds the alarm.

This way we can make sure he stays quiet but doesn't go anywhere when he wakes up.

- No, no, no, no, no, no. - We don't know how long he'll be out.

What will you do if he comes to and you're still there? Zap him again?

You know how dangerous that would be? Do it for him, Nick.

- What if I just leave? - I can only get you out of this

if you do everything I say. If you're not going to, I'll sign out right now.

- OK, see ya! - No, no, no!

Tie him up. Now.

All this stuff... you put it here. Why?

Hurry up. Grab your laptop and get out of there.

What about my stuff?

Come on, Nick, grab your laptop and get out of there.

Don't shut it, you idiot! I need to guide you so nobody will see you.

Keep it on. You have enough battery.

The hallway is empty. Go outside and turn right.

There's a service elevator at the end of the hall. I'll send it to your floor.

You have a rental car in the garage, right?

- Yeah. - No, wait!

If you stay there they'll both see you. You can't let anyone see you.

- What do I do? - They're headed right for you.

The door on your left. Room 704. I just opened it. Don't make any noise.

Stay still. You're not alone.


Good evening, sir. Can I ask you for something?

We're doing an equipment check.

Would you mind turning up the volume on your television?

Oh, sure.

Thank you very much.

Leave the room. Now.

Great. The elevator's right there. Take it to the garage.

That was you! The guy from reception?

- It sounded just like the other voice. - I'm pretty good at impersonations.

Hurry up. There's no time to lose. There's nobody on that floor right now.

- We can do this, Nick. Hurry. - Are you sure no one has seen me?


all that stuff in my room, the cameras...

Don't worry. They're totally secure, completely untraceable.

Nobody will know you were there.

That means... you've already been in my room.

If I'd told you I prepped the room just in case, you'd have freaked out.

Where are you right now?

- Where are you talking to me? - OK, you made it.

We got lucky. The garage is empty.

- Who are you? - Quick. Quickly, get in the car.

Our luck won't last.

You're forgetting the computer, damn it!

Sorry, I must have left that on.

You were in this car?

That's right. Open the glove compartment.

Stick it on your dashboard facing the road.

No, I'm not hiding in the back seat. Hurry up, damn it!

Where are you? Where are you watching me from?

Do it.

Why? What for?

Put the camera on the dashboard.

What for? Why are you doing this to me?

I want to see you. Show yourself!

It's just as easy for me to show this to the police, Nick.

All I have to do is press a button.

I'll explain it to them. I'll tell them...

They won't even ask you, shit for brains.

- They already know who you are. - Hi, there. I'm Nick Chambers

and I'm the webmaster...

They'll have seen you explaining how you won a blog contest,

which nobody ever authorized.

A blog contest which all of a sudden...

Poof! Just disappears.

How long have you been doing this to me?

It's up to you, Nick.

Where to?

I gave you an arrow. Follow the arrow.

- Where are we going? - Drive!

Nick... turn off that awful music, will you?

- You're the one who left it on. - I'm sorry, the CD has me curious.

It's not exactly your style of music. Actually, I know your tastes.

You hate crap like that as much as I do.

Are you sure the CD is yours?

If you'll excuse me, I need to go for a second.

Keep driving. I'll be right back.

Excuse me, Nevada.

What is this? Why are you calling me Nevada?

We've seen each other before. We met on April.

What? I don't know what you're talking about.

We know the rule. If a hacker wants to work for you,

he has to prove himself by hacking you first.

This is what we did, on April. We uploaded a greeting onto your system.

Then, later that day, you called us back.

Here's the video file.

What makes you think you can contact me like this?


- Nevada? Are you Nevada? - Yes, I am.

At first we thought it was strange of you to cut us off like that.

If you wanted to meet us, why cut us off?

Then we figured you thought the connection might be unsafe.

So, we've been reinforcing it.

Wait, wait, wait. I'm not Nevada!

That's right. If you show your face,

we show ours.

My name is Pierre Da Rocha, Triop 1. This is our base in Paris.

Nick? Who's talking?

Did you hear a voice?

It was...

- the radio. - I don't see any radio on your computer.

The car radio.

You're almost there. Wait for me when you get there.

Excuse me, Nevada, sorry.

You are in the middle of an operation.

That's not your real face, it's make-up, right?


We understand, this is not the best time.

We are going to leave an open window for you to talk to us, whenever you want.

Remember... you are the best... but we are close second.

Remember the trick I played on Jill's cell phone?

Well, it's even easier to do it with her computer.

She's in the apartment they rent for her.

She has no idea her webcam is on.

- What's that? - Her computer. From inside.

I uploaded a file to your desktop. The red rectangle...

I want you to drag it to her windows. Upper right corner.

It will open automatically on her computer. Do it right now.

What is it?

When it opens on hers, it'll open on yours as well.

You'll be able to see everything.

- What is it? - Do it.

Chord? What is this?

Is that you? What are you doing?

What is this?

You're the one who wanted to see me so badly.

Listen to me, Nick. Right now you've two options.

Either drag that message for Jill to her computer


I'll give it to her personally.


Chord, wait! No! What are you doing?

It's up to you, Nick. Send her the file or I'll go upstairs after her.

Wait, wait! I'll do it!

Shit! What the fuck is this?

- Jill! - Hi.

- You OK? - Yeah, I'm fine.

- You don't look so good. - Why? Did you watch the presentation?

No. I mean now. You look pissed.

No, sorry. I just heard something fall downstairs and I got scared.

OK, Nick, wait until they're done talking.

Send the message as soon as her friend hangs up.

- OK. But tell me... - I'll be back in a while.

Hello? Chord?

- It's impossible for me to reach you. - You're talking to me right now.

Tony called earlier.

Carol, I...

I'm going to sign off. I want to go to bed.

He said you and Dave had another fight.

Tony is worried about your relationship.

He thinks you should spend more time together.

So, Tony's worried.

Yes. He said your...


Can you get inside my computer and see everything I see?

Do it now.

He's trying to help you, Jill.

There's a man hiding in her house. He's watching everything I do.

He's hiding in her house. She doesn't know. She's in danger.

Have you got a ping-pong camera?

- We can use it to geolocate you. - What?

OK, it is you. It's on your dashboard.

- Those cameras are awesome, Nevada. - Forget about me.

She's the one that matters. She's the one in danger, damn it!

It's a critical moment in your career. You can't blow this.

The media is just waiting for you to fuck up again.

You might think that they've pardoned you

because they've been off your back for a while. But they haven't.

If you announce that you're retiring now, you'll be crucified. You know that.

And if you change your mind and try to make a comeback, you'll be a laughing stock.

Seriously, is there anything I can do to help? Anything you need?

- Yeah. - What?

Well, Nick.

What are you waiting for?

Send it to her.

Tell me what it is. As soon as you tell me, I'll send it to her.

Shit, Nick.

We've already had this conversation.

Even an idiot like you can figure out that if I wanted to hurt her,

I already would have. I don't want to,

but I will if you force me to.

OK! I'll send it, I'll send it!


That wasn't so hard now, was it?

Jesus Christ. No.

Chord! Jesus, Chord!

If she puts down the phone, I'll turn off the juice.

Tell her. Write it in the text window.

If she picks it up, Tony's mouth will never be the same again.

Tell her to stay put.

- Can you see me? - Tell her, damn it!

OK, Nick.

You can take it from here.

Go ahead.

Where... where's Tony?

What do you want from me?

- Tell her, Nick. - Tell her what?

What you want from her.

- I don't want anything. - She'll do anything you ask, Nick.

- I don't want anything. - Like at the hotel, right?

You're a fraud.

Stop! Please, stop!

Chord, wait! OK, OK, OK!

Good. See how easy this is?

It's all in your head.

It's already there.

- OK, now let Tony go. - Sorry.

- Stop! - I don't know what else to say.

- No! - OK, OK!


- Good! Jesus Christ! - Like this?

Are you kidding me?

OK, wait, wait!

Yes, wider, of course.

Before now you had to settle for those lame photos

you had on your filthy website.

You're finally going beyond the final frontier?

Like this?

- What do you want? - OK.

- What do you want? - Chord, let me think, god damn it!

What's there to think about?

Oh, this is good stuff.

Better than those pics of Jill where you can barely see her panties.

You like that stuff but it's kind of a tease, isn't it?

- Listen, I have an idea, OK? - Come on.

Tell me where you are and I can come over there. I'll do anything you say, OK?

Hold on. We're failing at something pretty basic here, Nick.

That bitter look on her face has to go.

I understand.

Can I wipe my face?

Yes, she can. Of course she can.

I can... I can come over there like this.

Cut the crap, Nick. We're off course here.

Her robe's closed again. Tell her to open it, damn it.

You don't want to see me in person?

How's this?

Fuck you, Nick.

Tell me... tell me how you want it, you fucking son of a bitch!

Hey, hey! Look, look! Now we're talking!

Keep going, damn it! Don't let her close the robe again.

That's a good idea. Let's see how it goes.

I understand. Just... just give me a second.

You're heading in the right direction.

- Keep going. - OK.

- Chord? - Keep going.

Oh, yeah. Very nice. That's what I'm talking about.

- What's... Oh, shit. I can't believe it. - What was that?

She must have picked up her cell with her left hand.

- She's calling the cops! - The cops?

Don't worry, I blocked her signal earlier. We're the only ones who can hear her.

Smart girl, smart girl.

OK, Nick, where were we?

She's already doing great.

Maybe a little more... more...

Well, sometimes the simplest things work the best.


OK, Nick. This is all I need.

He cut the connection.

He cut it? Are you sure?

You're on your own.

Jill, it's over! It's over!

- Help! Please help! It's an emergency! - It's OK! Everything's fine.

Help is coming. Stay where you are. Don't go anywhere.

Jill! Jill, no!



Nevada! Nevada!

It's OK, listen. We're extracting the information from the police server.

The police? Damn!

- Are they far away? - They've already sent units to the house.

Fuck. Fuck.

What is he doing? What is that?

I don't know.

- What do the police know? - They've got the situation under control.

They know he's in there and they know he's armed.


Don't worry. They're almost there. They will arrive in half a minute or so.

Oh, putain! Guys! Guys! Look at this.

What is that?

It's the police. They have access to these security cameras.

What? There were cameras all over the house the whole time?

Find Jill! She has to be there somewhere.

There he is! Wearing a mask! That's him.

He's by a woodpile on the first floor.

- I don't see her anywhere. - Keep looking.

I only see him.

They're here! They're here!

Pierre, what exactly did you tell them?

- Do they know about the guy at the hotel? - What? We didn't talk to them.

What? You didn't call them?

No! They were already on their way when we spiked them.

I thought you did!


Who the fuck did?

One second.

Assault team, we've got all the exits covered.

Green light. Green light.

It doesn't seem like the subjects can hear us.

What is he doing?

Hold on. Wait!

What looks like a hunting knife. He's holding it up at eye level.

Wait a minute.

- He's picking something up. - It's the same log.

The subject is coming out. I repeat. He's coming out. I repeat.

He's in there. Now he's trapped.

He's pointing the rod right at you, guys.

What the fuck?

It's a trap! He set them up! He's been toying with them this whole time.

Chord isn't in there. It's a recording.

So, it's a video with time delay.

- Then where is he? - Shit.

Where's her house? What's the address? How do I get there?

Fuck. I'm right down the street! Fuck!

Wait, wait, wait, listen, stop!


Nevada, there's a problem. The police are putting out an APB.

They've traced the signals from the cameras in your apartment.

- What did they find? - The cameras pointed to your computer!

They think it's you! They know where you are!

Oh, my God!

All the cameras in the house are ping-pong cameras like yours, Nevada.

Who is this guy?

Hello, Nick.

Sorry, Nick.

Chord, listen. Where are you? Where's Jill?

I need you for one more thing.

I need you to keep everybody distracted for a few minutes.

Do that for me and I'm afraid that's all.

- It's time to say good-bye. - Chord, wait.

I want you to know one thing.

I hope you feel guilty when you find out what happened to Jill tonight.

- Why? What's going to happen to her? - Because it's your fault, too.


Chord? Chord?

There he is! I've found him!

He caused an accident. It seems he ran away.

He can't be far.

- There! - Where is he?

Corner of West 24. Half a mile away from the crashed van.

- Where is that? - Forget it, you're headed right for him!

No, no, no, no!

- Where are you going? - How far away is he?


Shit! Sh... Shit!

The road! They're blocking it!


Can you tell me where he is right now?

Nevada, here.

Turn right on the next intersection.

Where is he now?

He's turning down West 12! You'll see the accident any second now.

You need to turn around.

Why around it? I can't stay behind him?

No! The accident blocked it! You can't get through.

You have to turn right. If he turns right, he'll lose him.

- What did he say? - Turn right.

What are you doing? Turn right!

Goddamn it. I can't get out! Fuck! Shit!

Let me back on the road! Get out of the way! Move it!

OK, they're falling behind.

But don't stop. Don't stop.

Where is Chord?

I lost him!

There's an alley 100 yards... ahead.

Turn in.


We lost him? We lost Chord?

Son of a bitch. We don't have a chance unless he keeps flipping trucks over.

We can't trace him and we don't know what kind of hardware he's carrying.

What's that?

My website. Chord is controlling it.

I'll do anything you say, OK? I'll do anything you say, OK?

Son of a bitch.

I'll do anything you say, OK?

What is that?

It's not just your website. It's... oh, my God. It's a massive virus.

Most of the addresses are showing the same thing.

That's almost 1/3 of the global network.

- How can he do that? - I have absolutely no idea.

He's doing it from the same terminal he used to get inside my computer.

- You might be able to trace the source. - Yeah. Right.

You were able to tap the ping-pong cameras. The ones he had all over the house.

You want us to tap them again? It could be dangerous.

- The house is full of agents. - No, not those. He has more.

His bag is filled with them. Didn't you see? They were spilling out.

- Shit, you're right! - Can you locate them?

It's harder if they're moving, but...

I did it!

I traced the website. I found it. His server.

Seriously? Can we get in?

He detected me and put in a firewall. His equipment is very good.

But I was able to copy a video file.

What is this?

Are those...?

That's how he had the Internet in his pocket.

Where did he get these kind of servers?

What made you pick that file?

Look at the name.

Triops Team Call. That's us! Wait a second.

April 16th, that's the date of our...

What is it?

That's our greeting. Don't you remember?

We sent you this, then later, you called us back.

That's your equipment, Nevada.

And if that's your equipment, then, then that's you.

Shit, shit.

That's Nevada! The guy with the mask is Nevada.

Nevada's in the middle of an operation and we're screwing it up!

If Chord is Nevada, then who's that guy?

He's a nobody! He's a decoy!

Nevada has been using him and his connection to throw off the police!

That's why we confused his shitty laptop with Nevada's terminal.

He's been tricking us the whole time!

I never tricked you! I never said I was Nevada. My name is Nick.

There they are. The 23 ping-pong cameras, all together.

It's his car. He's heading west on Endfield.

- Turn that off! - What? Jill is that car.

Deconnecte ce trou du cul.

Pas question de me deconnecter! Fait es ca et vous verrez!

Tu parles francais aussi, putain de mytho!

J'ai jamais dit que je parlais pas francais!

Who cares if you do speak French!

Why are we still connected to this enfoire?

If you disconnect me, I'll tell the police about you!

Oh, yes? And what will you say?

We won't leave anything traceable on that cheap laptop of yours.

I got you!

Erase his hard drive!

It's right here.

What did you say?

It's right here. I made a copy. Fuck you!

Why did you do that?

Because I'm sick of this shit!

Should I turn left or right?

If you turn right on East 2nd, you've got a clear path.

Chord is nearby. I'm going to cross the signal from the ping-pong cameras.

What are you doing? Wait a second. Nick. Nick!

Keep going. Keep going until you get to the bridge.

There is something very, very few people know.

Do you remember this?

That was Nevada! He organized the heist,

took the ransom money, and returned the painting damaged.

This is the police detective who disappeared overnight

after arranging the ransom payment.

And this is the restorer who charged a fortune

to remove the stain from the painting.

Look closely. They're both Nevada!

Remember when little Danny was rescued and it was all a hoax?

The Guinean flu epidemic?

When Marker Financials disappeared? And the Wall Street extortions?

They were all Nevada operations.

This was Nevada. This was Nevada.

And this guy. Even this guy. He can be anyone!

Do you understand?

The man with the mask is Nevada. We'd better stay out of it.

- The map! - What?

Look at the map!

He's here. Nick?

I'm looking right at him.

You should see him any second now.

He's going to pass right in front of you in 3,

2, 1...

He didn't recognize you.

Wait, wait, wait a minute.

- Let me try something. - What are you doing?

The feed from all the cameras,

they can be generated as one signal if we cross the frequency.

OK, you can see it, right?

When the ping-pongs are closed together,

they can build a real-time 3D model like this.

It's a bag.

All the cameras are inside of the bag. From the shape of the bag,

it could be lying inside a trunk.

- Hold on! - What?

Put it back like it was before, when you could see the bottom.


Look how the shape of the bag changes right there.

- Look, right there. - A foot! It's a foot!

It's hers. She's in the trunk.

Nick, listen. In the last 5 years,

Nevada has organized more than 30 carefully designed revolutionary operations

and has never produced a single victim.

A single victim! Don't you get it? He isn't going to hurt her.

- The girl is safe. - He's already hurt her enough!

He's right, Pierre.

Is there any doubt it's him?

Nobody in the world has this kind of technology.

He's the only one capable of this.

That's true, but Nevada would never have done something...

You always have to wait until the end!

It will make sense in the end! It always does!

What's that up there? Could it be...

Is that a cell phone?

Yes! It's her cell phone!

What are you doing now?

Jill? Jill? Can you hear me?

Behind you. In the bag.

Jill! Can you hear me?

It's me, the guy from before.

- You? - Jill!

- We're gonna get you out of there. - How?

- Just keep your voice down. - I'm in the trunk. My hands are tied.

- We're following your car. - Where is he taking me?

Jill, listen to me. There's a knife in the bag.


There's a knife in the bag. You can reach your hand in there and take it out.

You might be able to use it to cut the rope.

That's it.

A little to the left, Jill.

That's it. Can you feel the blade?

Yeah, I got it.

Shit, red light. Stay away from him.

- No, no, no, he should keep moving. - No, he's going to see him.

- He's going to see him. - No, don't worry.

- Listen to me. He won't see you. - No, he must turn back.

Just listen to me. He should act normal.

- He should keep moving. - Nick! Turn back now!

I see police cars just east of there. They keep coming.

What's he doing? Why's he waiting there?

Shit! He saw me!

They saw you, Nick. I can't divert them this time!

Oh, no, no, no!

We're losing him, we're losing him!



Those sirens... is that you?

Yeah, that's me. Just give me a minute.

What are you doing, Jill?

There might be... a lever.

- Lever? What lever? - The seats might be retractable.

- What did you say? - Nothing.

Jill... what are you doing?

- I might be able to get to him. - And do what?

- I have a knife. - No, no, no. Don't do anything.

Stay where you are. Don't let go of the knife, just stay there.

The sirens.

We're behind you. We're almost caught up.

I don't hear the sirens anymore.

He's 3 blocks ahead. Keep going.

He's in front of you. You'll see him any moment. Keep going straight.

That car straight ahead? He's coming in the opposite direction.

Yes. Didn't I tell you?

- Fuck! No! - It's on the map!

I know! Shit! Shit! Shit!

- Jill, wait... listen. - What?

We're right behind you. Can you hear the sirens again? Can you hear them now?

- Yes. - Then sit tight and wait!

Not in this trunk.

Nevada! It's me, Pierre! With the Triops, in Paris!

- Nevada! - I blocked him!

- What? - I blocked him!

Unblock Nevada!

Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!

Pierre! Where are you going?

Pierre! Pierre!

- Pierre! - Hey, what's going on?

Pierre, where are you going?

Pierre, stop!

I have to help him! I have to help him! I have to help Nevada!

What's going on?

What the fuck is... yeah, listen!


Nevada, behind you!


No, no, no, no!


That is the call he... he made back... back to us... that day.

But I don't understand. Why is he hiding?

What the fuck? Who is this?

What makes you think you can contact me like this?

Nevada! Are you Nevada?

Yes, I am.

I just killed Nevada.

It may've looked simple enough, but it was actually the hardest part.

All the servers are mine now.

Now I can make the most popular website of all time.

This is what I took.

And there's the rest of it.

There will be bigger fires, Jill. Wait and see.

I'm sorry.



Jill... can you hear me?

Chord! Where's Jill?

Where she's always been.

- On the Internet. - I'll do anything you say, OK?

I'll do anything you say, OK?

I'll do anything you say, OK?

I'll do anything you say, OK?

- I'll do anything you say, OK? - Please! Stop that music!

I'll do anything you say, OK?

- Take out the CD. - I'll do anything you say, OK?

I'll do anything you say, OK?

I'll do anything you say, OK?

- Throw it away. - I'll do anything you say, OK?

I'll do anything you say, OK?

I'll do anything you say, OK?

I'll do anything you say, OK?

I'll do anything you say, OK?

- I'll do anything you say, OK? - Shitty music.

I'll do anything you say, OK?

I'll do anything you say, OK?

I'll do anything you say, OK?

I'll do anything you say, OK?

I'll do anything you say, OK?

I'll do anything you say, OK?

Hello. Sorry, what you're seeing isn't a stolen video.

This is not a recording.

The explosives you see behind Jill Goddard

are programmed to detonate in one minute.

Jill will not survive the blast.

The detonator is synchronized with the counter on this website,

which you can see right here.

If more than half of you who came to this website

looking for a stolen video leave right now, she lives.

If you stay, she dies.

You have 10 seconds.


It's amazing.

You can watch it later.

I'm recording it. I've been recording everything I've done.

This will be the final shot.

Years from now, everybody will see it.

They'll know what I did for you.

Everything I've said was true. The counter was real.

Do you want to know how many people left the website?

How many feared for your life?

I'm sorry.

Not even 10% of the bastards.

There you have it.

That's the world you're leaving behind.

By the way... sorry I had to knock you out.

- I just... - Leave behind?

What do you mean "leave behind"?

What are you doing?

No! Wait!

- It's OK. Calm down. - Wait a minute.

Just wait!

Are you still recording?


Do you mind?

No, but...

Only 10%?

Only 10%.

I think I understand now.

There were plenty of other ways to do this, but...

You wanted to open my eyes, is that it?

None of this is new to you. But I wanted you to see it.

Who are you?

How do you know so much about me?

I've been watching you for a long time.

I know you better than anyone.

And I know what everybody was doing to you.

When people see this,

I don't want them to see me tied up like this.

I want them to see me walk out of here on my own two feet.

No! No!

Listen to me, please!

Point the gun at me! Point it... point it at me as I go in!

If you're careful...

people won't see the gun in the video.

They'll think I chose to go in.

I've been tied up for too long.

I arranged for the fire to crush the building in a few minutes.

Nobody will find us down there.

We'll be safe for a long time.

A very long time.

Is the gun down so no one can see it?


OK, I can start again... from over there.


you stay there.




come closer so you can see me better.

If you start at my feet...

and slowly move back up to my face...

when they see, when they see how happy I am,

it'll be a surprise.

What a bunch of crap, Chord.

What? Who are you?

You know who I am.


Yes, I am.

It's pathetic enough that you went to all this trouble to meet a movie star.

Now I can't let you screw things up like this.

And don't even think about hanging up. I'm trying to help you out.

- What? - I don't care if they catch you,

but I can't let them confiscate my servers, you idiot.

- It makes me sick. - But...

But right now, I have to save your ass. The kid saw your face.

You mean Nick? Nick's dead.

Nick's alive, you fool.


but... but...

Move, you dumbshit! Go after him and shoot him for good.

- Hurry! - Shit!

I have a lock on the police position.

I'll let you know when they're close.

- Then... you're alive. - Of course I'm alive.

You botched the job. You can't even shoot someone in the back.

I was coming from an operation. I was wearing a bulletproof vest, genius.

The saddest part is if you'd looked closely at your recordings,

you would've realized. Go ahead. Take a look.

Don't worry. He isn't going anywhere.

Look for the moment right after you shot me.

Look at me. Look closely.

- You heard me. - I didn't know who the fuck you were.

But yes, I heard you say something out loud.

"Now, I can make the most popular website of all time."

And that was my only clue.

As soon as I recovered, I checked out that website and its owner.

Nick Chambers.

But he was just some poor kid jerking off with a normal laptop.

So, in order to find you,

I did what I've done many times before.

Play a role. Change my face.

I became Nick Chambers.

- Son of a bitch. - What? Don't shoot him!

What's wrong?

Don't you get the real reason I have you leave the warehouse?

- You really don't see it. - See what?

That kid you're looking at doesn't know a thing.

- He's been asleep all day. - What?

Since I nabbed him at a gas station on his way from L.A.

- Wait a second! - He's been in the trunk the whole time.

What the fuck is this?

He's not the one you've been playing with all night. I am.

- What? - Look at your screen.

- But... - Hi, Chord.

Well. It seems you're not the only one driving around with someone in the trunk.

How can it be?

This is the real Nick Chambers. Don't worry, he's OK.

I stole his identity and his computer so I could find out who you were.

And find a way to hunt you down.

And now what you're watching here is time-delayed.

I got the idea to use video with time delay from you.

By the time you see this, I might already be saving her.

This recording was the only way I could thank you.

Thank you, Chord.

By the way...

this CD is mine. The band is called "Suicide" and they are awesome.


- Over here! - Yes!

Fuck! Fuck, Fuck!

Jesus Christ!

Please, open the door.

Jill. Please, you've got to believe me. Jill.

You... you... you need me!

It's over.

My God.

All of my favorite movies,

music, books...

My equipment.

Don't worry. I can get us out of here.

Not right now, of course, but...

we can wait for them to...

You want one?

At this point, the producers of "Dark Sky: The Third Wave,"

the actress' latest premiere,

have announced they will make an official statement in the next few hours.

I owe you an apology.

I've been tracking that madman all this time and...

I had no idea of what he was really up to.

I didn't know you were in danger, that he was going to hurt you.

By the time I realized, I...

I didn't have enough time to react.

I think I could have prevented it.

I could have prevented everything that he...

everything he...


Who the fuck are you?




What are you going to do after all of this?

Disappear. Actually, I'd very much appreciate it if you didn't mention me.

- What's in it for me? - What?

What do I get out of it if I don't tell anyone about you?

While the Internet is recovering from the attack,

tickets for "Dark Sky: The Third Wave," the film,

are being sold at a record-setting pace.

It is a tragedy, a real tragedy.

But now, I think the best way to honor her is to enjoy her work.

She was in the prime of her life, of her career. She loved this movie.

She was so enthusiastic about her work. I can't believe it.

I'd like to as well.

You'd like to what?


Sure. For how long?

Long enough.

For more infomation >> Open Windows 2014 Crime Thriller Unrated Full Movie HD - Duration: 1:40:31.


Alex Rodriguez gushes about 'amazing' Jennifer Lopez: 'We've been having a great time' - Duration: 1:41.

For more infomation >> Alex Rodriguez gushes about 'amazing' Jennifer Lopez: 'We've been having a great time' - Duration: 1:41.


RHONY: Dorinda's Former Life As an Aerobics Instructor (Season 8, Episode 16) | Bravo - Duration: 1:49.

Just today, just today, I was getting wasted on the bus.

- We did a step class. - We did a step class.

- Oh, my God, I thought you were gonna kick me in the mouth.

You're good. You got that moves.

- I do, I'm very good. - You got that moves.

- I was, hard to believe,

an amazing aerobics teacher,

but specialized in step.

Move, and bring your arms down.

Chase that little old bikini you love.

That's it, it's yours, honey.

It's yours!

- Yours for the taking.

- Now flash your hands.

And push it up.

Two times in front.

And push it out.

Hold and hold.

Lift up two inches.

You would have been in my class,

and you would have been in my class.

You wouldn't have been in my class.

- I'll step the sh-- out of you.

We could do a step off, all right?

- Yeah, we would have been very competitive.

- Oh, my God. - I would have eye-balled

this one in my class and thought,

now this bitch thinks she's gonna take me down.

I'd be like, "You in the brown hair,

stand right in front of me just so--because I know you--"

- Oh, you wouldn't need to tell me.

I was always in the front of the class.

- I saw you do that weird body position

where you lifted your leg in the back and stuff.

- That's different. That's balance.

I can do any yoga pose.

- How's that work in the bedroom?

- I could do a headstand right here on this wood floor

for the meal.

- Do a headstand? You're gonna just do it,

like on the main-- - Yeah.

- Oh, jeez. - Excuse my thing.

- You're not gonna hurt yourself, right?

- Please don't hurt yourself. - I'm not gonna hurt myself.

Take it easy, everybody. - Yes, let Dorinda spot you.

- This is a challenge. - Just take it easy.

Don't look at me and don't talk to me.

- There it is. - That's impressive.

- There it-- That's impressive.

Look at that.

[cheers and applause] - That's good.

- Are you kidding me, Bethenny?

Like really, Bethenny? Like, wow.

For more infomation >> RHONY: Dorinda's Former Life As an Aerobics Instructor (Season 8, Episode 16) | Bravo - Duration: 1:49.


Dr. Kamel al Najjar an Ex-Muslim: on Western converts to Islam and terrorism - English subtitles - Duration: 1:51.

all the Westerners ( men & women ) who blew themselves up among innocent civilians and / or who plotted that had recently converted to Islam

and they didn't show any violence or terrorism before converting to Islam

and I can give you some examples for that : e.g. the 32-year-old Belgian woman Muriel Degauque blew herself up against U.S. military convoy in IRAQ

after she had converted to Islam and married a Moroccan Muslim man

Richard Reid the shoe bomber who wanted to detonate an American Airline had recently converted to Islam

the 31-year-old Australian '' Joseph Terrence Thomas converted to Islam and he traveled to Afghanistan and Pakistan

and he participated in a plot to detonate the airplane of the Pakistani president '' Pervez Musharraf '' but his attempt failed

a 22-year-old English man '' Nicky Reilly tried to detonate a restaurant in Exeter in England after he had converted to Islam

and the American woman '' Jihad Jane '' ( Colleen LaRose ) who was wearing a head scarf

confessed that she schemed a plot to assassinate the Swedish cartoonist who drew Muhammad

and she traveled to Ireland and Sweden to scheme a plot to do that after she had converted to Islam

so , all those Westerners didn't show any violent tendencies before converting to Islam and they were in the age range between 30-40 years old

how did they live between 30-40 years without committing any terrorist acts but once they converted to Islam , they started to carry out explosion and terrirism

Muhammad himself said in the Hadith '' I was made victorious with terror for a distance of one month's journey

and the booty has been made lawful for me and was not made so for anyone else

For more infomation >> Dr. Kamel al Najjar an Ex-Muslim: on Western converts to Islam and terrorism - English subtitles - Duration: 1:51.


Skam Thomas & Herman gets an apology 2016 - Duration: 4:10.

I'm here on Norway Cup, and I've heard that William from Skam is here.

As you know, things didn't go incredibly well last time...

so I've brought flowers to repair the damage a little,

and a very nice card, so we'll count on this going well.

I have great expectations to this card, that it'll go with him into his grave.

Not that it will be a secret, but that he carries it with him.

This can't go wrong: "In deep compassion".

William! It's me! It's Fanny!

William is standing... I feel it in my knees that he's less than 50 metres away from me.

I can't give the flowers now, but I'm thinking of giving them to him if he scores a goal,

then I'll run. I will. So this will be fun.

My god, sorry about last time! - Don't say sorry...

- I'm not really that mean. - You weren't! it was the funniest I've seen.

- Now we're at it again. - Round 2? - Yes.

- I have to say right away, we didn't think the interview was bad, we thought it was the funniest we've seen,

we were caught off guard, we haven't laughed this much ever since.

- That's good. I've brought flowers to William now, with a card that says "In deep compassion",

because I said his face looks dead. - It's fantastic. I think he'll be very happy with that.

- That's what I hope, I hope that won't say "what the fucks this". - No no no,

The day after, we never thought it would be so fun to see it, it was very fun. - It was very awkward, hey!

- Me, I thought it was fun. It was fine. - Aw, a pat on the cheek. So you're gonna support him right?

- Yes, I became Drillo's assistant, so I've brought this megaphone that I'l learn how to use.

- Oh, what are you gonna say? - I don't know, I have to learn to use it first, then I'll scream stupid comments for 25 minutes.

- It's good William!

Go for it!

William! Thomas! Sorry, you won't get away from it. Hi, we have to go through it.

- Herman! Have you gotten interviewed already? - This just has to happen, it's like a band-aid.

I've brought flowers. - For me? - But the most important is the card. Which of course...

Hold that, look for the card later. It says a lot of nice things on it. I think it's something you can bring with you.

- I don't know if there is a card here? - It is, it's just fallen down, it's a tricky surprise.

- Shall I read it? - Ok, alright. But you must read the front first.

- "In deep compassion." - Compassion, yes. - "Dear William/Thomas, sorry that I said you looked dead in the face. Greetings, your best friend Fanny."

- Oh it's so nice. But really, I didn't mean anything by saying that. - It's all fine.

- I don't think you look dead in the face, you've been playing football and...

- I'm happy, we won. - Yes, congratulations! - Thank you, thank you.

- Was it fun playing? - It was very fun playing.

- Who did you find the most fun playing against, of the celebrities? - Morten Ramm

- Yes, it was. I was cheering for you both, I screamed "William! Morten!"

- It's all true. - That's cool. - What have you done this summer?

- I've enjoyed myself, I've been in Vietnam and been here and there, London and such.

- I see. Enjoy yourself a lot, thats fun. And I have to ask since it's a new season of Skam soon: Can you reveal anything?

- I can't reveal anything. - This is top secret, oh well.

But there's a lot to look forward to? - I guess there is.

- A little unsure there? No? - No, there's a lot to look forward to, definitely.

- How great! Well played, you were so good, continue to enjoy yourself. - Thank you, you as well.

- Then we're friends right? - We are.

- You'll see more of me! No, I'll leave you be. Oh, I must take a picture, sorry.

There, thank you. - Thank you so much.

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