Thứ Bảy, 1 tháng 4, 2017

Youtube daily instagram Apr 1 2017

Hey, hello!

Natalia here, i manage the blog

After a break I decided to return to Youtube.

Due to the fact that not everyone was watching my previous videos and not everyone knows my blog,

I decided to start with the tag of 50 facts about me

It was fashionable a few years ago, but it lets you know the creators and I decided to record it

The first two facts I betrayed at the beginning:

My name is Natalia and I write blog

I am 27 years old

I manage a company that manufactures MUGS in the shape of kettlebells and sportswear.

I never had broken bones.

Friends describe me as a nice smiling and friendly person.

Last year I donated 30 cm of hair to the "Rak and Roll" foundation (They produce wigs for people after chemotherapy)

I graduated from the Department of Interior Design

My biggest passion is exercise and healthy eating

I rarely watch television.

I rarely make makeup, but if i do i try to do it in natural way.

Although I like the matte lipstick.

In primary school and gymnasium I hated running.

I do not like brussels sprouts and goji berry.

I am fascinated with healthy minimalism.

I have less clothes and shoes than my fiancée.

I plan to put braces (straighten teeth)

I can not handle flowers and under my care even succulents are dying!

I love to throw away unnecessary lumps and I love the relief after.

When I was pregnant from the beginning I sensed it was a boy.

I really like the color gray and blue so my ex-nickname is blue-gray

I have a brother and a sister.

I really do not like when people do not clean up after getting the dog out.

I prefer sea than mountains

I work at home and I like it a lot

For more infomation >> FITlovin - 50 faktów o mnie TAG - Duration: 4:40.


HiKPOP - Episodio 06 - Duration: 10:07.

*om nom nom nom*

Welcome to a new episode of... HiKPOP! I'm Mariam, And I'm ✩Estrella,

And today, I don't know about you, but I'm very happy because it's already spring. Well it was since last week but it was still a bit cold,

and today I can feel the heat. I'm not too happy about that, but it's spring, and one of the themes we'll talk about today,

is that cherry blossoms are blooming in Asia, and we'll tell you about it later, but first, remember our social media:

You can find us as Banana Milk TV (@BananaMilkTV) in Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube. And you can find me as @iamNotEstrella.

And you can find me everywhere as @mintplosion. Remember that song requests are live, so go to Twitter and tweet to

@bananamilktv with the #HiKPOP the song that you want us to play for you. (Only during while the show is live).

They're asking on the chat if we're talking, cause they can't hear us.

*Realizing I left the mic closed and facepalming internally...*

We're On Air. We were talking for three minutes...

But we said the same things as always.

We just heard Seo In Guk, and I just found out about two weeks ago that he sings!

I can't believe you. I don't like him, his face is not my style. I saw him acting in a couple of dramas, but I'm not his fan.

I feel like he overacts. Honestly, I didn't know he was an actor. Wait... are we talking about the same person?

Yes! I mean, he is an actor, but I didn't know before because I met him because of his music.

This comeback in particular is special because because he just enlisted, or is enlisting one of these days, in the military service.

So it's like his goodbye, because he enlisted rather quietly, he didn't give out a speech for his fans, because we'll see him again in two years.

But the song... the name I feel like it was the message for his fans. Better together, is the name of the song.

Yup, by the way. And oh well, hope he does well in the military service. (*SPOILER* he didn't. :( He was released 4 days later because of an injury).

Another comeback that I was looking forward, and that we made some buildup the past shows, is Girl's Day's. And OMG, I was impressed by their vocals.

I was not expecting it. What's up with Minah? Like, how? It's not the voices I remember from about a year and a half ago, when they were very average.

It was a fun girl group, with a sexy and cute image, but I felt they didn't have like Spark.

But now with this comeback, I'll Be Yours, that has Yura on the cover, by the way, she's my favorite.

I was really surprised by the vocal level they displayed.

Another very awaited comeback was IU! ~~~ OMG, with Through the Night, a very sweet ballad.

But here I feel kind of the opposite of what I felt with Girl'd Day. The ballad is nice, easygoing, perfect for when you're going to sleep,

but we don't see IU's powerful vocals that we are used to. Like Ailee, who is tonning down her vocals?

But they tone down the vocals and what else do they have? Because neither dance! We all know, well Ailee kinda does, but IU has two left feet.

*om nom nom nom*

Mnet announced that they're doing another variety, similar to Produce 101, to produce and debut a new girl group,

but with a different method. So it's not so much a Survival, because it said... Idol Foster? (I meant) Idol School

Yup, Idol School, so they're going to be training them. I feel like it's going to be like the female version of Hot-Blooded Men

which was the reality they did to prepare the guys from 2PM and 2AM many moons ago.

And that basically was... like a kind of audition, semi-survival, but the focus was not on passing or not,

but more like let's all train together, and whoever is ready at the moment, will be picked. So the main focus is the training,

not so much the survival like on Produce 101. It sounds like that.


We're back with HiKPOP! Wuuu!

And now I'll tell you about a drama that I'm watching, that I think is funny, but more than that, I'm in love with the main male character.

Like you have no idea! So weird! *sarcasm* What you don't know is that I suffer from the second male lead syndrome.

That's when you usually go for the second male lead, and I suffer from that a LOT. But I just CAN'T with this guy!

The drama is called Strong Woman Do Bong Soon. She's a girl that inherited super human strength.

She wants to work at a videogame company, because she wants to make a videogame of herself.

Because she can't use her powers in daily life... because what the heck, right?

The downside is that if she uses her powers for something other than good, she'll lose them.

The CEO of the company where she wants to work at has been receiving death threats, so he says,

I want a bodyguard. And now that he ran into this woman who is super strong and can handle anyone, he's set on her being the one.

On the other side we have her childhood friend, they grew up together, went to school together, she's currently in love with him, and he's a cop.

And we have a very funny love triangle. The cop also realizes she's super strong, but it's too late, he's already in love with her.

The policeman is Ji Hoo, who we saw recently in Scarlet Heart. But the way the main lead looks!

Gosh! Just with his eyes he shows so much love and warmth! He reminds me of the kind of look that Gong Yoo makes in Goblin.

Just with his eyes, he melts you! His eyes drip love! And I think he does an excellent job. How he acts for you to feel that love

through the screen without even saying a word. He just stares at her, and she's not even looking! She's lost in la la land like all female leads!

But he makes you feel it. I highly recommend this drama, it has a healthy dose of romance. It's not over yet,

and it also has a lot of comedy. And a very interesting love triangle.

Off Air With his laser eyes, the main male lead will melt all the girls.

The Cherry blossoms are blooming in Asia! Kyaaa ~~ That's the prettiest thing in the world!

Today we'll recommend five places where you can admire the cherry blossoms. (Ignore the Off Air sign).

The first place is Jinhae Cherry Blossom Festival in Gunhangje. Gunhangje.

The dates... remember that Cherry Blossoms are only in season for about a week, so the dates vary between March 26th, to mid-April.

The second place is Jeju. And in Jeju they bloom earlier, only from the 23rd to the 30th of March, like we said, only a week.

I'm assuming this (the early blooming) is because it's way more to the south than the rest of the country.

And it's an island by the way. One of the best romantic tourist spots in Korea. Everyone wants to go.

And in We Got Married they always send the couples there for something. They always pull something from their hat.

The third place is Daegu Yongyeonsa Temple, where the street of the Cherry Blossoms is.

And the fourth place is in Yoido... Yoe... Yeouido? Oh gosh, I wanna kill myself because of our pronunciation.

I didn't even try, it's too many vowels together and I can't say them. From the 4th to the 13th of April.

This is one of the latter places, so if you plan to fly to Korea right now, this is probably the one you can catch.

And the last place is Seokchon Lake in Seoul. Or the Lego... Lego? (Lake in Spanish is Lago)

Lake! Seokchon Lake. Those are five places where the do some kind of event or are recommended to go watch the Cherry Blossoms

in case you are planning to go in the very near future. We've reached the end of this episode, thanks for joining us!

Episode #6 of HiKPOP! We'll say goodby with a song by CNBLUE, Between Us. See you next week.

There you go Zyanya. Annyong! ~ Bye! ~

For more infomation >> HiKPOP - Episodio 06 - Duration: 10:07.


Fitness model Clara Felicia Lindblom - Duration: 2:34.

Thank you for watching

support us

by like and share this video

For more infomation >> Fitness model Clara Felicia Lindblom - Duration: 2:34.


The Originals 4x04 Extended Promo "Keepers of the House" - Duration: 0:31.

Look guys, I know what we're up against.

This thing is dark, it's angry.

There's a force my family and I are here to erase.

It's quite the monster you got lurking in there.

You wanna see mine?

It wants those other kids.

I think it wants me too.

I'm going to keep you safe, always and forever.

The Originals, all-new this Friday at 8/7c on The CW.

For more infomation >> The Originals 4x04 Extended Promo "Keepers of the House" - Duration: 0:31.


Nina Rodríguez - Heroína (Video Oficial) - Duration: 3:49.

For more infomation >> Nina Rodríguez - Heroína (Video Oficial) - Duration: 3:49.



hello fellow tubers this is Kieran and

welcome to this week's my top fives in

grounds akkas and pannas please like

comment, share and subscribe, number five is

from my bro Quassi amazing flow this guy

is really developing over the last few

years go check is Instagram account he's

working hard and he's developing his

skill set he's also very supportive of

other Street footballers and other

groundmovers in general and he offers

a lot of support to everyone out their

nice stuff. Number four is Ice Cold Skills

Ice is an absolute fantastic first

watch and in the American scene and here is

just absolutely wrecking this player and

I should have probably like I sound on the

the reactions of the crowd are just

absolutely fantastic

Number three Jeand Doest again and just

a very set of some of his like the

nutmeg and pannas type moves

his three that it was asking

people's question of I've got to prefer

the last one maybe he absolutely

retrieve the possession but they're all

akka pannas which is nice that looks

different set ups, similar maneuvers but

obviously here with the like the elastico/flip-flap type maneuver but

setting up with like an around-the-world

motion I just want from Jeand's

creativity so he's a natural on on these

videos really when it comes to the top 5

Number two, Anders Fil

Copenhagen Pannahouse player absolulte, he's just got some

of the best flow I've seen, I love his editing for these videos

well and amazing stuff it's got great

control and I just really enjoy watching

him. number one this week it goes Montasoccer for creating one of the

best commercials i have ever seen for a

ball release, i love martial art I love

Bruce Lee and all that kind of stuff

I've been a big practitioner from

when i was younger, so to see Soufiane

Bencok in this, advertising their new

one inch punch ball and I think this is

the freestyle variant its more of a

freestyle video but you know what Soufiane

can do in street football and it's just

an absolute beautiful little put

together I think it's a little longer

than this if you go check out their

facebook page but probably my most

favorite advert I've seen for a ball I

love the style and design of montas

anyway so it's a win for me and if

you've enjoyed this video please leave a

like comment share and subscribe I'll be

back next saturday with more my my top five

For more infomation >> MY TOP 5 IN GROUNDS AKKAS AND PANNAS FORM INSTAGRAM THIS WEEK 01/04/17 - Duration: 3:21.



For more infomation >> İNSTAGRAM MAVİ TİK ALMA - Duration: 3:25.


EXPLODING WATERMELON CHALLENGE !!!!!!!!! - Duration: 5:44.

NO,NO dont touch him

why are you pulling his brains out?


Hey,today we are reporting from boundary point

We are going to take interview from BILLY

We dont know his last name


How are you?

How you like Estonian weather?

What you think about Weeknd"s new album?

Ya,I like it too

Why are you ingoring us?

If you keep iggin us,we gonna destroy you

Its your choise then

He chooses rubber bands!!!!!

We gonna destroy Billy

We got rubber bands

He didnt answer on ours questions....

We tried ours best


We got that 1st one





OU my fingers

You dont have fingers :D

I'm so tireeeeeed

We can end ours video like that

That was new video from WHAINOTE :D

See ya in the next video :D

I hope thet Billy is really juicy and sweet

NAhhh,Its same green inside :D

Hurry up,its getting dark in here


Billy you little bastard :D!

Are you ready?

We gonna show you action

Erik,show him what you got ;D

Just throw him up


I see your brains ! :D

How it tastes,is it good ?

Is it sweet?

Sweety BIlly BOY :D

You like it ?


Very good


It smells like watermelon there,like bubble gum ,you know

There is toilet ????

Where ?


What can you say?


Im gonna just eat it

For more infomation >> EXPLODING WATERMELON CHALLENGE !!!!!!!!! - Duration: 5:44.


Xenia | The Road to Nerdfighteria - Duration: 3:22.

Hello, Nerdfighteria! Hi, my name is Xenia

and I am half-Greek, half-Dutch, but at

the moment I am studying and living in

The Netherlands. I'm studying

communication management and I'm

rounding it up this year, so yeah! About

Nerdfighter....being a nerdfighter. I

haven't commented a lot nor made videos

nor really. Except as being an

observer, I really haven't done stuff.

This is my first video and I'm super

excited, so I'm really curious. Let me

tell a little bit about how I got to

know you guys and see the amazing work

you've been doing. In 2012 - I don't

remember when - YouTube actually gave me

an ad that I was really interested in

and it was about Crash Course World

History! It was amazing seeing John talk

about the history in such a different

way than I was used to.

At the same time, I had read a book by Ernst Gombrich.

oohhh, his name......An austrian! Called A Little

History of the World, so it really looked

a lot alike because it had this like

bird view of world history and not

focused from a nation's point of view. I thought that was

mind-blowing because I always had

learned history from the point of view

of the Greeks and it's a weird history

and not a lot of people know about it,

but it's so different than the way John

presented it. That being said, Youtube

sometime recommended that I watch the

Vlogbrothers videos and so I did. And I

got hooked. I look at them every single

time and I cannot wait until the next

video comes out. I might even

like it more than Crash Course and

much more than everything else they've made

because it's so honest and so down to


Now I want to let you know that I'm

going to be at VidCon Europe because it's going

to be in Amsterdam, which is really

really close! And I have offered to be

volunteer. I think they're going to plan

me in, I hope, for many hours, but also if

you see me, just say hi, and if you have any

questions about Amsterdam or about The

Netherlands in general, and if you want

to go by train and see places, or if

you're looking for a hotel or you just

want me to check something for you, yeah.

The Netherlands is not really

tourist-friendly in my opinion, so if

there's anywhere where I can help

you, just let me know!

I'm on Facebook and Twitter and Instagram and on

Youtube, so contact me. Let me know.

I can't wait to see you guys! And I

haven't done this a lot before, so here

you are! Don't forget to be awesome!

For more infomation >> Xenia | The Road to Nerdfighteria - Duration: 3:22.


[ Test ] Just4Keepers Kon-Ekt Pro Hyper Roll II - Duration: 8:15.

Hi Keepers, I'm happy to see you again,

Today we gonna test a new glove, worn by Blandine Joly, goalkeeper for the french woman national team and Montpellier

We do this this video not so far away from Montpellier,

in the south of France, in the Gard district, it's the same area.

It's time to show you this glove from Just 4 Keepers

a glove from the top range collection

called the Just4Keepers Kon-Ekt

a glove with a finger surround cut, like the Uhlsport one

a mix of rollfinger and negative cut

I cannot wait to try it, the foam is thick

It looks very nice

I cannot wait to give my opinion after the test

To give you as much information as possible about this glove

It looks very nice, the colours are amazing, with the sun the rendering will be super

Here is the Just 4 Keepers Kon-Ekt Pro Hyper Roll II

On the back hand :

flashy and fluo colors ( yellow , black and green ) and in the middle this big J4K Logo

a big shock zone, independant from the latex panels of the back hand, for a perfect ball punch with the fist.

Ultra stick grip details on the thumb , glove's name " Kon Ekt " just below the J4K logo

you can see a representative pictogram of the glove's cut, just here

That's all I can say about the back hand and colors

It's a Giga Grip foam, 3,5 mm

It's really good foam

The particularity of this glove are the zones, on the thumb and the to fingers in the middle

We are on a surround cut like , like the Uhlsport one, a mix of roll finger and negative, the result is a glove very close from your hand

You can see different latex part between the 4 fingers and the palm, and the same with the thumb and the palm

The wrist is manufactured in mesh, with this little part for donning the glove

it's an elastic closing strap

Always effective for a perfect fit

the strap is very huge,

a custom zone

On the edge of the closing strap, the latex have the some colors as the glove, and the little J4K logo

It's time for the test of this technical looking glove !

happy to see you again

Antoine number two was invited in this video

I'm gonna start to talk about the glove

about his qualities, I liked the cut

just a clarification, most of the time I use a 9 or 9,5

this one is a 10, because it's a surround cut like Uhlsport or the Rollotek from RINAT


it's a negative roll finger cut in fact

Now it's a very common cut

don't hesitate to take an upper half size

if you do a 9 , 9,5 take a 10

The grip is good

the foam is thick

On this cut , the weak point is on the finger tips

the latex has jsut begun to be detroyed

it's a common fact on this kind of cut

look closer on the finger tips

that's normal

On this cut, the latex is always destroy after a few times on the fingertips

an another very interesting thing,

the latex zones on the palm

In one hand you have a perfect ball catch, but on the other you feel all the seams and it's very tight on the fingers

just here, it's very tight

near the thumb I felt the seams

the flex is quite good

for me the flex is not so bad for this kind of glove

the glove looks well, finishes are good

for me the big default is the closing strap

because he is not solid

an another bad thing , it's the latex part from the strap, because it's really hard to catch them when you have the glove on your hand

and it destroy the foam on the fingertips

It's better to destroy the latex foam on the pitch than when you try to pull off your glove !

But it remains a good glove

I'm really surprised

I had heard about J4K since a long time

now a can say it's a good brand

Thanks for watching

see you soon for a new Keeper Spirit video

follow us on social networks and subscribe

For more infomation >> [ Test ] Just4Keepers Kon-Ekt Pro Hyper Roll II - Duration: 8:15.


Woman Hilariously Recreates Celebrity Instagram Photos part 2 - Duration: 2:25.

Woman Hilariously Recreates Celebrity Instagram Photos part 2

For more infomation >> Woman Hilariously Recreates Celebrity Instagram Photos part 2 - Duration: 2:25.


Moon River (Breakfast at Tiffany's) in the park - Violin Cover by LC | Violintube - Duration: 2:20.

Today I'll try something totally new!

My little sister & me who you already know from the La La Land videos

- record a new video for you guys!

*crazy singing* 🎶 we are so exciteeed! 🎶

So now we'll go to the park to do this!

*don't talk so much! We have to go now!*

Okay, we gotta go - come with us!! :)

For more infomation >> Moon River (Breakfast at Tiffany's) in the park - Violin Cover by LC | Violintube - Duration: 2:20.



For more infomation >> WEAK FOOT PENALTY CHALLENGE!! - Duration: 3:23.


Instagram Phishing Website Tutorial [HD|German] [DOWNLOAD FREE] - Duration: 4:26.

For more infomation >> Instagram Phishing Website Tutorial [HD|German] [DOWNLOAD FREE] - Duration: 4:26.


HOME FIRES on MASTERPIECE | The Final Season: Coming April 2nd | PBS - Duration: 1:01.

(siren blares)

- [Woman] This is not an easy time.

I'm in the same boat as several women here.

What one would give for simple, dependable order.

I had to give everything I have.

- Do you need a lift?

- We wouldn't mind.

♫ Who ever clears

(bells peeling)

♫ Leave your things

(grunting and yelling)

- [Alison] Whatever I can do for you, Francis.

- [Sarah] I'm not ready for this sympathy.

- When your name is cited in this divorce, Laura.

Might result in a very public humiliation.

- Don't you realize how dangerous what you're doing is?

- Erica, please.

♫ Have you ever wondered what it's like

- We are all fighting in our own way to prevent

an even worse time to come.

♫ Fight until the end

For more infomation >> HOME FIRES on MASTERPIECE | The Final Season: Coming April 2nd | PBS - Duration: 1:01.


トイレの壁に怖い写真【ドッキリ】 - Duration: 6:04.

For more infomation >> トイレの壁に怖い写真【ドッキリ】 - Duration: 6:04.


RED VELVET NUTELLA COOKIES (cake mix ) - Duration: 3:31.




EGGS - 2

OIL - 1/3 CUP




For more infomation >> RED VELVET NUTELLA COOKIES (cake mix ) - Duration: 3:31.


My First Video In Spanish - Duration: 4:23.


Guys, guys, guys, guys.

We need to talk. Ok?

We need to talk.

Like that.

You guys!

(dont know how to translate this)

You guys might have noticed something.

I'm not talking in English!



The truth is, I promised you guys

a year ago that I was going to make this video.



And, I know..

I'm half-stupid in spanish...



The story of my Spanish, in spanish.

Without grammatical errors,

Without a strong accent,

and without sarcasm.

It was the year of 2004

when I realized other languages other than English existed in this small world.

I was only 8 years old,

and for the first time, I left the bubble of the US.

And I flew to the country of Guatemala.

Without my parents, obviously.

I was 8, guys.

I remember what surprised me most, wasn't the food.

the volcanoes,

the weather..

But, the language.

I literally didn't know that parts of the world

that had different cultures in the form of spoken language, existed.

But my ignorance wasn't necessarily my fault.


We live in a world that speaks English.

Tourism is in english,

Signs are in English,

The interent is in English!

And my tweets,

and videos..


And that's why millions of americans stay satisfied with their closed world.

In fact, only 15% of Americans consider themselves Bilingual.

I was sick of waiting for the world to learn my language,

It was time.



I was going to learn every single language in the world!!

Fast foward to my last year of Highschool...

I almost missed the opportunity to get my diploma.


Because I was failing a class.

What class?

Yeah, you can guess it.


I didn't want anything else than to learn a language

but I just couldn't!

All the tenses,

all the conjugations...


They were impossible to learn.

And.. my teacher hated me.

I thought I didn't have the abilities to learn another language.

And thats why I gave up my dreams to talk to other cultures.



I don't wanna lie...

I didn't move just to learn the language, there were other reasons...

But in my first day, I fell in love with culture...

with the food..

with the music...

with this...

and, the language.

I joined a school where spent hours studying



I put notes on my wall with every word that exists.

I would like to tell you guys that this process has been easy.

But it's completely the opposite.

it was really frustrating when I couldn't understand my friends.

I mean spanish is the second fastest language in the world.

But little by little this world is becoming less....

ughh.. how do you say it?

But little by little this world of spanish is becoming less...


A new world. :)

yeah it's true..

sometimes I understand like half of what my friends say to me..

Maybe I make mistakes,

Every day..

Every sentence.

And maybe I used Google tranlsate more than a few times in this video,

But I don't care guys,

because it's a process.

Life is a process.


Process. :)

And I'm going to work until I acheive my dreams.

My dreams to...



The end.

Special thanks to:

For more infomation >> My First Video In Spanish - Duration: 4:23.


WISDOM TEETH REMOVED! (Hilarious Aftermath) - Duration: 13:16.


How'd it go?

I don't even know what they did.

You never what?

I don't know what they did.

You don't know what they did?


I told you, remember?

I told you it was gonna seem like you went down and then you immediately were awake again.

They told me I was gonna feel drowzee and I didn't feel drowzee.

You didn't feel drowzee?

Nah, so then I hypnotized myself.

I said I'm gonna go to sleep

and then I went to sleep.


Are you hungry?


No, do about let's go, um, let's go next door

He said wait an hour.

I know, but we'll just, um

We'll get some food and we'll take it back to the house.

You're not even filming my face.

Wassup guys?

How do you feel?

I thought she was walking a dog.

No, she doesn't have a dog.

You're already a bit swollen.

You're swollen.


With a baby

Uh, yeah! I know.

Sport Clips! They got good food!


Sport Clips has good food.


We're gonna get some mashed potatoes and gravy from Chicken Express


Did you say eww?



Do you not want mashed potatoes and gravy?

I mean, mashed potatoes sounds okay.

I don't know if I wanna eat mashed potatoes.

You don't know if you want to eat mashed potatoes?

Wassup guys! I just got my wisdom teeth taken out.

So things are weird.

Hi, um

can I get an order of, uh


Can I just get an order of mashed potatoes and gravy?


Just the regular mashed potatoes?



With a Big Gulp

No, you're not getting a Big Gulp

That's it.

That's it?

That's it

It'll be $2.05

Thank you.

205 dollars?!

Yep, 205 dollars.

Are you hot or cold?

I'm gooood homie

You're gonna get it?

Is that what you said?

I said I'm GOOOD homie

Oh, okay

I'm glad you're good

Are you thirsty?




How long was I asleep before you came in?

uh, well

(gibberish) was I awake?

I don't know how long you were awake cuz they didn't let me go back there.

How long did it take?

Uh, well, it took about

Two hours or so

I was sitting for like an hour


I had pre-op practice sleeping.

Ohh, that's good.


I'm glad

I want pizza.

Um, okay

Do they make milkshake pizzas?

No, they don't make milkshake pizzas.

What do I look like?

I just look like a retarded chipmunk.


(window opening)


How are you today?

Good how are you?

Pretty good

Oh shoot, umm...

hold on

She forgot all of her money.

No, my wallet's in the back.

We're gonna have to exchange goods and services.

Can you tell he just got his wisdom teeth out today?



How are you today?


I could totally drive home right now.

High on drugs riding the Ruckus.

Remember you can't operate any motor vehicles for 24 hours.

Million viewssss

If you tried to operate the Ruckus you would crash the Ruckus.

I can feel my tongue moving around but it's not numb.

It's because the rest of your mouth is numb.

It feels like they just stuck a

giant, like, stress ball in my face.

So when you eat, you're probably gonna have problems.

You're gonna have...

probably gonna dribble

you're gonna


This is terrible music

That's not your purse.

Yeah, that's not my purse.

Where's your purse?

My purse is in the back.

Do you need it?

Yeah, we're gonna put on the Space Jam soundtrack.


How about we can put that on when we get home?

But then I'm not in the party mobile.

Hey. Call out.

Hunter Honda was acting like this a week after he took his teeth out.

A week after? I highly doubt that.

Yeah, that dude is weak sauce.

(laughing) oh man

You are calling him out.

Buh-bye, nice to meet...

Yeah, say buh-bye dental place

That needle that put in me didn't hurt enough.

The needle didn't hurt enough?


Did you want it to hurt more?

Yeahh, the more it hurts it means the more superpowers that you get.

Ah, I didn't know that's how it worked.

Yeah, did it hurt for you? How was your surgery?

Well mine was like 11 years ago, but it was it was okay?

My mom said that when I got in the car

I looked at myself in the mirror, I started crying

Cuz I was swollen and sad.


Hey yo hit the like button because if you don't hit the like button then Youtube doesn't give me any views.

That's what they said.

I don't know if that's how it works.


You okay?

Uh, yeah right now, cuz I got no pain.


They stuck my face with novocaine.

Yeah, I'm gonna have to go to...

I should do a rap battle cuz novocaine rhymes with pain.


I need some hot beats yo!


Where the hot beats?

You're not listening to me.

Yeah, you need some hot beats, but I don't have my phone up here so I can't put on the Space Jam soundtrack.

Okay, we'll find it.

Oh no, it's all the way over there?

Yeah, you can't reach it.

Watch out, homie.

I got it.

You got it?


I lost it.

Your phone is in the pocket of my purse.

I got it.

You got it?

(singing) Keep on pushing

movin on up


Wrong application

Hey, you know what I really want?

What do you really want?

Tapioca pudding

We don't have any tapioca pudding.


Oh, but do you know what?

In the shopping center

where the dentist is, I found a really cool donut place

and they have

Tapioca tea, bubble tea, and they have donuts, and cake balls and macaroons

But I can't have solid food.

No you can't have any of that.

But when you're healed we can go.

(music starts)

Doo doo doo doo

Time keeps on slippin

into the future

Time keeps on slippin slippin slippin

into the future

I'm gonna fly like an eagle

to the sea

Fy like an eagle, let my spirit carry me

I wanna flyyyyy

...can't get enough to eat

wanna shoe the children

no shoes on their feet

I wanna house the people

Oh yeah there's a solution

fly like an eagle

Is that him or me that smells so bad?

No, that's that car

to the sea

Where did I wake up?

Where did you wake up?

Yeah was I in the bed?

Was it the same place that I was when they put me in.

Um I don't know where you were. I wasn't there when you woke up.

Oh. Lame.

You don't love me?

I do love you, but they didn't tell me when you woke up.

They only told me when you were ready to leave.

Oh that's lame.

I wanted to know what it was like seeing me open my eyes.

I know, I missed that unfortunately.

Next song.

It's time to take you to its full potential (gibberish) game on the instrumental and

first things first since your date of birth you've been kinda confused about what your life is worth

You can do anything that you wanna do.

All you gotta do is put your brain into it.

Take your time and educate your mind. In the long run I'm sure you'll find that you can walk the walk you can talk the talk


I'm very impressed with your rapping skills.

You can be a winner too.

Movin on up

Everybody we're movin on up

movin on up

you're a winner!

Movin on up

You're a winner!

How fat am I?

You're not fat, you're just swollen.

Nah, it just looks like I got in a fight.

Kind of.

But it's okay cuz I'm bigger dude and they probably am(sp)

freakin passed out on the floor right now


Jab, baby!

What am I biting?

Where's your baby?

What am I biting?



You're pregnant.


Everybody we're movin on up

movin on up

you're a winner.

You gotta keep movin

Everybody we're movin on up.

...body stop you nooo nooo

Hey guys, I'm here in my car

with my brand new Lamborghini bag

But you know what I like more than my Lamborghini bag?

Your Lamborghini bag?


You know what I like more than my Lamborghini bag?










This does not say Lamborghini.


Oh, okay, we're keeping that a secret.

What's that?

You got a drink.

I have to drink?

You got a drink!

Yes, I have a drink.

I wanted an iced tea, but they didn't have iced tea

So she gave me ice water and put tea bags in it which was kind of weird, we're going to hold

What a bunch of hoes.

(gibberish) space KABOOM!

Just work that body, work that body Make sure you don't hurt nobody

Take that thing into overtime.

Hey DJ!

Hey! Letsss go.

Everybody get up, it's time to slam now.

We get a real jam goin down, welcome to the space jam.

Move your hands in the air if you feel fine

We're gonna take it into overtime

welcome to the space jam

Abby said I can't listen to the music anymore.

No, you can listen to the music. But you're probably not going to be able to use the parts where you're rapping in your video.

It's called a cover.

Oh, okay

Fair use

ah, okay

I don't know what counts.

something like that

Is that a camera or is that a light?

Yeah, the light has a camera.


The car

Oh, the car? Yeah, the car has a camera.

It's a backup camera.

Maybe he's an undercover cop.

I don't think he's an undercover cop.

I don't think undercover cops drive pilots.

He's spying on you.

He's spying on me?

Yeah, but he's (N)SA


You don't know my life!



I can't wait for you to be off of your drugs.

So you can watch this video.

You're probably gonna get really bored cuz you're just sitting here filming nothing.

Say what?

I ain't filmin nothin

You're filming the road.

You're just jealous. Man, roads are awesome.

They take you places


How you supposed to go places? (or something like that)

Well, trains don't use roads.

Your mom doesn't use roads.

Yeah, neither does your mom.


Yeah she does.

Did you tell your parents you were getting your wisdom teeth out?


My dad said they just yanked his out.

They yanked them?


Yeah that's how they did it in the olden days.

Okay, bye for now. I'm gonna do an Instagram livestream.

Oh goodness...

See you later.

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