Thứ Bảy, 1 tháng 4, 2017

Youtube daily t'shirt Apr 1 2017

-subtitles by decemberdeer-

JH: Hello!

JH: C-Armys! 4 line poem challenge!

JK: Zhong! (which means chinese)

JH: Chinese Armys

JH: Guo (Country)

JK: Guo guo misses everyone everyday (Guo guo is jk's nickname, similar to kookie)

JK: Ar

JH: Ah! Arent you so great?

JH: My!

JK: (Ar-)Mys won't you clap for me?


For more infomation >> [ENG SUB] 放不下中文会话 (Can't Let Go Mandarin Conversation) Ep 3 - Duration: 0:24.


Aspiring Performer Won't Let Trouble Silence Her Voice or Spirit - Duration: 2:38.





























"I love singing"

It makes me feel free and able


express myself in a way I don't


how else I could.








"I've had all different kinds of

rolls, I

love exploring all different

types of

music and comedy.

What does a pirate pay for his


rings. I don't know. A buck an


I was singing every where I can.

Around the house. I was singing


the hosptial."












"Nothing last forever."












I've been up to like 90 pills a




And I have to take like four

shots a

day. That's hard. yeah. You're

smiling about it? Yeah. I know


only temporary.


"Nothing lasts forever."

How confident are you that you


going to get really, really old.


percent. (laughs)








For more infomation >> Aspiring Performer Won't Let Trouble Silence Her Voice or Spirit - Duration: 2:38.


Jerome Rubin - Don't You Feel Safer Now? (Band with Lyrics (CC)) - Duration: 6:39.

words and music by Jerome Rubin

This is a call and response song

and I need you to sing!

You will feel better, Guaranteed!!

When I sing, "Don't You Feel Safer Now?" You reply, {{ I feel safer now!! }}

Don't you feel safer now?

{{ I feel safer now! }}

Don't you feel safer now?

{{ I feel safer now! }}

Little Louder!

{{ I feel safer now! }}

Ahh... That's it!

{{ I feel safer now! }}

Your body is a tremblin' like it never did before

You find yourself just reeling as we're headin' for the floor

You keep pinching yourself, question everything you see

Everything has changed it's just not what it used to be

You're back up on your knees and you break into a crawl

Your phone is tapped, your email hacked, we're gonna build a wall!

You feel safer now?

Don't you feel safer now?

{{ I feel safer now! }}

Don't you feel safer now?

{{ I feel safer now! }}

Don't you feel safer now?

{{ I feel safer now! }}

You can rest assured get a good night's sleep

As you cradle in the arms of your new president and veep

You feel safer now?

Don't you feel safer now?

{{ I feel safer now! }}

The regulations are coming off of industries and banks

The military's going to build new PLANES and SHIPS and TANKS

The so-called judge won't allow the ban to keep the Muslims out

We'll find a bigger better way do not have any doubt

The coal plants are restarting the jobs soon back in place

Rick Perry's gonna oversee our nuclear bombs and waste!!

You feel safer now?

{{ I feel safer now! }}

Don't you feel safer now?

{{ I feel safer now! }}

Don't you feel safer now?

{{ I feel safer now! }}

Don't you feel safer now?

{{ I feel safer now! }}

You can rest assured now get a good night's sleep

As you cradle in the arms of your new president and veep

You feel safer now?

{{ I feel safer now! }}

Don't you feel safer now

{{ I feel safer now! }}

Don't you feel safer now

{{ I feel safer now! }}

The oil pipelines back on track Keystone and Standing Rock

We're now best friends with Russia don't you take any stock

In what you hear that Vladimir has Donald by the balls

In the shadows he quarterbacks he's making all the calls

Dishonest press keep telling lies they are the opposition

They should either disappear or just shut up and listen!

Do you feel safer now?

Don't you feel safer now?

{{ I feel safer now! }}

Don't you feel safer now?

{{ I feel safer now! }}

Don't you feel safer now?

{{ I feel safer now! }}

You can relax, sit back, get a good night's sleep

As you cradle in the arms of your new president and veep

You feel safer now?

Don't you feel safer now?

{{ I feel safer now! }}

Don't you feel safer now?

{{ I feel safer now! }}

In the middle of the night you can hear the sirens wail.

There's POUNDING on your door ICE is on your trail

Do you hold on for your life to your sanity and faith?

Are we safer now than we were November 8th?

The climate is a changin', the ocean's on the rise

Every year's a little bit hotter does it take you by surprise

Oklahoma! Earth is shakin' underneath your feet

Bees are disappearing will you have enough to eat?

Thousands of wildfires burning from here to the Ivory Coast

And the man who's going to save us thinks it's all a Chinese hoax!!

You feel safer now?

{{ I feel safer now! }}

Don't you feel safer now

{{ I feel safer now! }}

Don't you feel safer now

{{ I feel safer now! }}

Don't you feel safer now

{{ I feel safer now! }}

You can rest assured get a good night's sleep

As you cradle in the arms of your new president and veep

You feel safer now?

Don't you feel safer now

{{ I feel safer now! }}

Warning bells are ringing

Warning bells are ringing

Warning bells are ringing!

Warning bells are ringing!!

Do you feel safer now?

Do you feel safer now?

Do you feel safer now?

{{ I feel safer now! }}

Do you feel safer now?

{{ I feel safer now! }}

Don't you feel safer now

{{ I feel safer now! }}

Don't you feel safer now

Don't you feel safer now

Don't you feel safer now!!

For more infomation >> Jerome Rubin - Don't You Feel Safer Now? (Band with Lyrics (CC)) - Duration: 6:39.


India Doesn't Require F 16s When it has the LCA Tejas - Duration: 11:32.

PRIME MINISTER Narendra Modi's visit to the US to meet President Donald J Trump is

now on the front burner, with an emphasis on 'deliverables'.

If Delhi is keen on easing the H1B visa regime for Indian techies, Washington is eager that

Modi sign up for the fourth generation F-16, a deal seen as 'open sesame' for endless

future transactions on military hardware, and implement the Logistics Exchange Memorandum

of Agreement.

If the fourth generation F-16 is the key, what does it say about India that the BJP

Government is interested in an antique American combat aircraft, optimised for air warfare

of the 1970s, as a frontline fighter for the Indian Air Force well into the 21st century?

The Lockheed F-16 and the Swedish SAAB (Svenska Aeroplan Aktie Bolag) JAS 39 Gripen are competing

for the single-engined fighter slot in the IAF, a requirement casually conceived to fill

the gap the indigenous Tejas Light Combat Aircraft (LCA), earmarked to replace the large

numbers of the Russian MiG-21 as the bulk combat aircraft in the Air Force, has failed

to meet.

It is another matter that the delays suffered by the Tejas programme can be traced mainly

to machinations to derail it, including frequent changes in specifications, and the ordering

of the LCA in small batches to curtail economies of scale and deter HAL and private companies

from investing in multiple LCA production lines.

Despite starting with negligible technology and industrial capability, the LCA is operational,

has impressed as a compact, multi-role, highly agile, fly-by-wire, 4.5 generation warplane,

and can even become an export revenue earner for the country.

So, why isn't Modi publicly hailing Tejas as a remarkable story of Indian grit, talent

and technological innovation, and as a showcase for his 'Make in India' policy and the

country's capacity to design complex weapons systems?

He should be ensuring that the IAF is invested fully in the aircraft, and that it is a runaway

military and commercial success at home and abroad.

Except, it turns out that, as Baba Kalyani of Bharat Forge observed at Aerospace India

2017, by 'Make in India' Modi probably means 'Assemble in India', and that too,

any old piece of foreign equipment.

The Prime Minister's aim apparently is to draw American defence manufacturing companies

to set up shop here, solidify India's status as 'major defence partner' of the US,

and use the F-16 (and possibly the Boeing F-18) to extract more 'give' from Trump

on issues dear to him.

The collateral benefits Modi espies are the firming up of the ruling party's financial

support base among NRIs in America (and the West generally), and enhancing his electoral

appeal among the Indian middle-class.

It also suggests that Modi is reconciled to America not delivering on cutting-edge technologies,

or committing itself to jointly designing and developing advanced armaments, a reluctance

evidenced in the US Congress rejecting NATO-partner status for India and the India-US Defence

Technology & Trade Initiative being a non-starter, with only technologically obsolete weaponry

phased out by the US military—the M-777 ultra-light howitzer, the aged F-16 and F-18,

etcetera—being offered for licensed manufacture.

The IAF has always liked the Gripen, the reason why Sweden jumped in with the E variant in

the race against the F-16 Block 70.

But both Gripen E, almost the same as the NG (New Generation) and Block 70, only another

name for the 'IN Super Viper', had entered the Medium Multi-Role Combat Aircraft (MMRCA)

sweepstakes, which Modi settled with his impulse purchase in April 2015 of 36 Rafales from


On a comparative basis though, which of these aircraft is superior?

S Paul Kapur and Sumit Ganguly, in a piece, 'F-16s, Made in India: Second Best may be

Best' in Foreign Affairs, while acknowledging that set alongside Gripen, the F-16 is 'second

best', nevertheless argue that the American aircraft is the better buy because the benefits

to India from dealing with the US, a great power, outweigh the gains from dealing with

Sweden, a fairly marginal European state.

Moreover, they claim, it's a selection that will build 'trust' and 'bind the two

countries together' in the larger geopolitical contest afoot against China.

Allowing the assembly of F-16s in India is not the preferred option for America either,

they maintain, as Lockheed would rather have India as a 'customer'.

And, after rubbishing the Tejas as under-powered, under-performing and not induction- ready

aircraft, they aver that the F-16 or even the Gripen will reverse the trend of the Air

Force's supposed depleting squadron strength.

But a 'second best' fighter plane for India in the context of the top- of-the-line

Su-30s for strike missions and MiG-29s for distant air defence in the IAF inventory makes

no sense unless Delhi agrees with Washington's assessment of the Indian military as second

rate and India as Third World.

An economic case for the F-16 was reportedly made by Ashley Tellis of Carnegie Endowment

directly to Modi.

Predictably, he greatly under- estimates the F-16 unit cost and lifetime costs, and exaggerates

the size of the supposedly uptapped global market for 500 F-16s, and for spares for more

than 3,500 of this aircraft operating worldwide.

Also, his contention that the production monopoly of this aircraft immunises India against a

US cutoff of critical items for the F-16, is iffy at best.

But the knowledgeable Tellis can be convincing especially to an Indian audience predisposed

to believe him.

The fact though is that with the up-front payment for the transfer of the F-16 assembly

line to India and for the full complement of SKD and CKD kits for aircraft assembly,

there's no incentive for Washington not to shut down the F-16 or any other supply

line at will should Delhi not conform to the contingent US policy interests.

In light of Trump's 'America First' outlook, there's already some backsliding

with Lockheed saying that 25 per cent of the production of F-16 spares and critical assemblies

would be retained at its Fort Worth plant in Texas, which could be a precursor to its

deciding that continued production of this aircraft in small numbers in the US serves

its interests, just so workers don't lose jobs and Trump is kept happy.

In the event, paying an awful lot of money for a vintage aircraft and, instead of facilitating

the country's entry into the global supply chain, seeing the F-16 become an albatross

around India's neck, is a real prospect.

Then again, how does the Tejas compare with the other planes?

According to the just retired LCA project chief, Commodore CD Balaji in an interview

to Aeromag Asia, the LCA "is far superior to the MiG-21 in all aspects", and "far

ahead in terms of technologies and performance …to the Chinese JF-17 [flown by the Pakistan

Air Force], and [is] at par with Gripen."

But which aircraft has the operational edge?

In aerial warfare with Beyond Visual Range weapons, the ability to locate an adversary

aircraft is of paramount importance, and here a fully loaded LCA has a lethal edge in terms

of its very small radar cross section of 0.5 sq m.

Relative to Gripen's RCS of 0.7 sq m plus, and of between 3 sq m and 6 sq m for the F-16

and Rafale, the Tejas, is virtually invisible.

Making the LCA stealthier still is the fact that 40 per cent of its body is made of radar-absorbing

carbon composites versus 25 per cent for Gripen, and 10 per cent for F-16.

Moreover, armed with an entirely tested and proven all-Indian designed and developed ordnance

suite of the Surdarshan laser- guided bomb, Astra air-to-air radar-homing missile, and

outfitted with the Uttam Active Electronically Scanned Array (AESA) radar, the Tejas weapons

system is powerful.

The weapons (like the French Meteor missile at $5 million each) carried by Gripen and

Rafale, on the other hand, are all inordinately expensive and will incur very high expenditure

to obtain and periodically to replenish the weapons stocks for the lifetime of the aircraft.

Further, unlike Gripen E, which has yet to pull speed taxi trials, will enter Swedish

service in 2020, and whose AESA radar has tested 'unstable', the Tejas has logged

over 3,000 flying hours, successfully negotiated the most onerous flight regimes, and proven

itself in war exercises in the air defence and ground attack roles.

Notwithstanding everything in its favour, including national pride, should the Tejas

be sidelined, it will perpetuate India's status as an arms dependency and mock the

country's technological ambition.

If the F-16 is chosen, it will end up reducing India to a spear-carrier for the US.

Were Gripen to get the nod, then as the long-time DRDO's resident wit, the now retired rocket

engineer, V Siddhartha punned, it will be because Modi believes in 'SAAB ke saath,

SAAB ka vikaas'.

For more infomation >> India Doesn't Require F 16s When it has the LCA Tejas - Duration: 11:32.


Michael Jackson - Don't Walk Away [ENG/PL] - Duration: 4:25.

For more infomation >> Michael Jackson - Don't Walk Away [ENG/PL] - Duration: 4:25.


tal tal + bi soo ( tangqishiI ) don't deserve - Duration: 1:16.

why are you helping me?

little fool

i can`t really be falling for her

you can fool others but not me.

he was your lord. your ally and perhaps much more.

kill her!

kill me if you must

don`t die...

i have so much to tell you

you have to live and hear my feelings

he saved my life

is that all?

For more infomation >> tal tal + bi soo ( tangqishiI ) don't deserve - Duration: 1:16.


India Doesn't Require F-16s When it Has Tejas - Duration: 10:37.

Welcome to WARN, today we discuss. India Doesn�t Require F-16s When it Has


PRIME MINISTER Narendra Modi�s visit to the US to meet President Donald J Trump is

now on the front burner, with an emphasis on �deliverables�. If Delhi is keen on

easing the H1B visa regime for Indian techies, Washington is eager that Modi sign up for

the fourth generation F-16, a deal seen as �open sesame� for endless future transactions

on military hardware, and implement the Logistics Exchange Memorandum of Agreement.

If the fourth generation F-16 is the key, what does it say about India that the BJP

Government is interested in an antique American combat aircraft, optimised for air warfare

of the 1970s, as a frontline fighter for the Indian Air Force well into the 21st century

The Lockheed F-16 and the Swedish SAAB (Svenska Aeroplan Aktie Bolag) JAS 39 Gripen are competing

for the single-engined fighter slot in the IAF, a requirement casually conceived to fill

the gap the indigenous Tejas Light Combat Aircraft (LCA), earmarked to replace the large

numbers of the Russian MiG-21 as the bulk combat aircraft in the Air Force, has failed

to meet. It is another matter that the delays suffered by the Tejas programme can be traced

mainly to machinations to derail it, including frequent changes in specifications, and the

ordering of the LCA in small batches to curtail economies of scale and deter HAL and private

companies from investing in multiple LCA production lines. (See my �The Tragedy of Tejas�,

February 17th, 2017). Despite starting with negligible technology and industrial capability,

the LCA is operational, has impressed as a compact, multi-role, highly agile, fly-by-wire,

4.5 generation warplane, and can even become an export revenue earner for the country.

So, why isn�t Modi publicly hailing Tejas as a remarkable story of Indian grit, talent

and technological innovation, and as a showcase for his �Make in India� policy and the

country�s capacity to design complex weapons systems He should be ensuring that the IAF

is invested fully in the aircraft, and that it is a runaway military and commercial success

at home and abroad. Except, it turns out that, as Baba Kalyani of Bharat Forge observed at

Aerospace India 2017, by �Make in India� Modi probably means �Assemble in India�,

and that too, any old piece of foreign equipment. The Prime Minister�s aim apparently is to

draw American defence manufacturing companies to set up shop here, solidify India�s status

as �major defence partner� of the US, and use the F-16 (and possibly the Boeing

F-18) to extract more �give� from Trump on issues dear to him. The collateral benefits

Modi espies are the firming up of the ruling party�s financial support base among NRIs

in America (and the West generally), and enhancing his electoral appeal among the Indian middle-class.

It also suggests that Modi is reconciled to America not delivering on cutting-edge technologies,

or committing itself to jointly designing and developing advanced armaments, a reluctance

evidenced in the US Congress rejecting NATO-partner status for India and the India-US Defence

Technology & Trade Initiative being a non-starter, with only technologically obsolete weaponry

phased out by the US military�the M-777 ultra-light howitzer, the aged F-16 and F-18,

etcetera�being offered for licensed manufacture.

The IAF has always liked the Gripen, the reason why Sweden jumped in with the E variant in

the race against the F-16 Block 70. But both Gripen E, almost the same as the NG (New Generation)

and Block 70, only another name for the �IN Super Viper�, had entered the Medium Multi-Role

Combat Aircraft (MMRCA) sweepstakes, which Modi settled with his impulse purchase in

April 2015 of 36 Rafales from France.

On a comparative basis though, which of these aircraft is superior S Paul Kapur and Sumit

Ganguly, in a piece, �F-16s, Made in India Second Best may be Best� in Foreign Affairs,

while acknowledging that set alongside Gripen, the F-16 is �second best�, nevertheless

argue that the American aircraft is the better buy because the benefits to India from dealing

with the US, a great power, outweigh the gains from dealing with Sweden, a fairly marginal

European state. Moreover, they claim, it�s a selection that will build �trust� and

�bind the two countries together� in the larger geopolitical contest afoot against

China. Allowing the assembly of F-16s in India is not the preferred option for America either,

they maintain, as Lockheed would rather have India as a �customer�. And, after rubbishing

the Tejas as under-powered, under-performing and not induction- ready aircraft, they aver

that the F-16 or even the Gripen will reverse the trend of the Air Force�s supposed depleting

squadron strength. But a �second best� fighter plane for India in the context of

the top- of-the-line Su-30s for strike missions and MiG-29s for distant air defence in the

IAF inventory makes no sense unless Delhi agrees with Washington�s assessment of the

Indian military as second rate and India as Third World.

An economic case for the F-16 was reportedly made by Ashley Tellis of Carnegie Endowment

directly to Modi. Predictably, he greatly under- estimates the F-16 unit cost and lifetime

costs, and exaggerates the size of the supposedly uptapped global market for 500 F-16s, and

for spares for more than 3,500 of this aircraft operating worldwide. Also, his contention

that the production monopoly of this aircraft immunises India against a US cutoff of critical

items for the F-16, is iffy at best. But the knowledgeable Tellis can be convincing especially

to an Indian audience predisposed to believe him.

The fact though is that with the up-front payment for the transfer of the F-16 assembly

line to India and for the full complement of SKD and CKD kits for aircraft assembly,

there�s no incentive for Washington not to shut down the F-16 or any other supply

line at will should Delhi not conform to the contingent US policy interests. In light of

Trump�s �America First� outlook, there�s already some backsliding with Lockheed saying

that 25 per cent of the production of F-16 spares and critical assemblies would be retained

at its Fort Worth plant in Texas, which could be a precursor to its deciding that continued

production of this aircraft in small numbers in the US serves its interests, just so workers

don�t lose jobs and Trump is kept happy. In the event, paying an awful lot of money

for a vintage aircraft and, instead of facilitating the country�s entry into the global supply

chain, seeing the F-16 become an albatross around India�s neck, is a real prospect.

Then again, how does the Tejas compare with the other planes According to the just retired

LCA project chief, Commodore CD Balaji in an interview to Aeromag Asia, the LCA �is

far superior to the MiG-21 in all aspects�, and �far ahead in terms of technologies

and performance �to the Chinese JF-17 [flown by the Pakistan Air Force], and [is] at par

with Gripen.� But which aircraft has the operational edge In aerial warfare with Beyond

Visual Range weapons, the ability to locate an adversary aircraft is of paramount importance,

and here a fully loaded LCA has a lethal edge in terms of its very small radar cross section

of 0.5 sq m. Relative to Gripen�s RCS of 0.7 sq m plus, and of between 3 sq m and 6

sq m for the F-16 and Rafale, the Tejas, is virtually invisible. Making the LCA stealthier

still is the fact that 40 per cent of its body is made of radar-absorbing carbon composites

versus 25 per cent for Gripen, and 10 per cent for F-16.

Moreover, armed with an entirely tested and proven all-Indian designed and developed ordnance

suite of the Surdarshan laser- guided bomb, Astra air-to-air radar-homing missile, and

outfitted with the Uttam Active Electronically Scanned Array (AESA) radar, the Tejas weapons

system is powerful. The weapons (like the French Meteor missile at $5 million each)

carried by Gripen and Rafale, on the other hand, are all inordinately expensive and will

incur very high expenditure to obtain and periodically to replenish the weapons stocks

for the lifetime of the aircraft. Further, unlike Gripen E, which has yet to pull speed

taxi trials, will enter Swedish service in 2020, and whose AESA radar has tested �unstable�,

the Tejas has logged over 3,000 flying hours, successfully negotiated the most onerous flight

regimes, and proven itself in war exercises in the air defence and ground attack roles.

Notwithstanding everything in its favour, including national pride, should the Tejas

be sidelined, it will perpetuate India�s status as an arms dependency and mock the

country�s technological ambition. If the F-16 is chosen, it will end up reducing India

to a spear-carrier for the US. Were Gripen to get the nod, then as the long-time DRDO�s

resident wit, the now retired rocket engineer, V Siddhartha punned, it will be because Modi

believes in �SAAB ke saath, SAAB ka vikaas�

For more infomation >> India Doesn't Require F-16s When it Has Tejas - Duration: 10:37.


[FNAF GMOD] I CAN'T FIX YOU - Duration: 0:48.

Oh I Uploaded a Video

And you wanted to check

But there is no video here Seriously

now you can Unsubcribe from this channel

Are you still Here !!???!

STOP Watching this ;-;

Black Screen SERIOUSLY

I'M so proud of myself because I Uploaded a video with black screen

I want to say something about this video ...

Today is April 1 2017 so what that means is....


Sorry for wasting 40 seconds of your life

For more infomation >> [FNAF GMOD] I CAN'T FIX YOU - Duration: 0:48.


Michael Jackson - (I Can't Make It) Another Day [ENG/PL] - Duration: 3:56.

For more infomation >> Michael Jackson - (I Can't Make It) Another Day [ENG/PL] - Duration: 3:56.


[MMD]I won't say i'm in love | Aphmau and Kai - Duration: 2:13.

Aphmau: If there's a prize for rotten judgement

Aphmau: I guess I've already won that

Aphmau: No man is worth the aggravation *Aphmau pushes Kawaii~chan and she Screams

Aphmau: That's ancient history, been there, done that!

Kawaii~chan, Katelyn,Teony: Who'd' ya think you're kiddin'

Kawaii~chan, Katelyn,Teony: He's the Earth and heaven to you

Kawaii~chan, Katelyn,Teony Try to keep it hidden

Honey, we can see right through you

Girl, ya can't conceal it APHMAU: NOOO

We know how ya feel and Who you're thinking of


No chance, no way I won't say it, no, no

You swoon, you sigh why deny it, uh-oh

It's too cliche

I won't say I'm in love

I thought my heart had learned its lesson

It feels so good when you start out

My head is screaming get a grip, girl

Unless you're dying to cry your heart out Oh

You keep on denying

Who you are and how you're feeling

Baby, we're not buying

Hon, we saw ya hit the ceiling

Face it like a grown-up

When ya gonna own up

That ya got, got, got it bad

Whoa: No chance, no way

I won't say it, no, no

Give up, give in

Check the grin you're in love


This scene won't play,

I won't say I'm in love

You're doin' flips read our lips

You're in love

You're way off base

I won't say it She won't say it, no!

Get off my case

I won't say it

Girl, don't be proud

It's O.K. you're in love


At least out loud,

I won't say I'm in love


For more infomation >> [MMD]I won't say i'm in love | Aphmau and Kai - Duration: 2:13.


Don't Let Me Down - The Chainsmokers | TUTO CHOREGRAPHIE POM POM GIRL - Duration: 9:06.

For more infomation >> Don't Let Me Down - The Chainsmokers | TUTO CHOREGRAPHIE POM POM GIRL - Duration: 9:06.


Google Autocomplete Fail Pt. 3 - DON'T TRUST INTERNET DATING ADVICE - Duration: 2:32.

What's up everybody Ryan Clevenger a.k.a. instaclev thanks for clicking on my video

today's video is going to be another Google autocomplete fail autosuggestion whatever

you want to call it but before we get into that I am trying to get to 100 subscribers

that's my short-term goal so if you could go ahead and subscribe to my page it will

be much appreciated but let's get back to the topic at hand and that's google autocomplete

if you ever use Google at all if you're breathing you have you start typing something in it

will suggest it like fill it out for you and give you suggestions to help you out and a

lot of times it is helpful but sometimes it's confusing concerning however you want to say

it this is one of those times so The other day I was on Google and this is what I hit

how to get a passport how to get a guy to like you how to get a girl to date you if

you're having to get on the Internet to figure out how to date or to get somebody to like

you're probably behind the eight ball already but let's go ahead and start with

the females on this one how to get a guy to like you have a pulse?

that's all you females have to do it's not hard to get guys to like you just breathe

be alive that's a good start another good start is maybe use proper grammar you were

in such a big hurry to figure out how to get a guy to like you you couldn't spell out the

word you come on take your vocab past the first grade level maybe that'll help with the

guys the men that actually want to have conversation but other than that really you guys just have

to have a pulse that's it now to the next one how to get a girl to date you well just

be yourself find a girl you have some common ground with if it's a certain girl and she

doesn't like you for you fuck her, go find someone that does start dating her you're

going to be happy and guess what when you're happy girl 1 is gonna see you happy and she's

gonna want you but guess what she can fuck off because you're happy and she aint shit

that's it for today's video thanks for watching like I said at the beginning of the video

I am trying to get 100 subscribers so if you enjoyed yourself and you want to see some

more go ahead and subscribe right here if you want to check out some more videos you

can do so right here but as always I hope your sex life improves 110% especially you

people googling how to get a date I hope your sex life improves other than that I'm out

For more infomation >> Google Autocomplete Fail Pt. 3 - DON'T TRUST INTERNET DATING ADVICE - Duration: 2:32.


T MAN WILLIAMS - VUKUTU (Liberian Music 2017) - Duration: 3:31.

Please Like, Comment, Share & Subscribe

For more infomation >> T MAN WILLIAMS - VUKUTU (Liberian Music 2017) - Duration: 3:31.


Tình Không Trọn - Tommy T. R - Duration: 1:40.

He can not write a full sentence

And if it is missing part after

Just as life can not be perfect

Which themselves entangled once pain

The room will be like night

If he still lacks part sun

And when dawn was waking up

He was soaked in silence

Past life is not a dream

He just lived in panic

Feeling she read when the party who

This heart will remain full of dapper

Visiting eyes awake many nights

It is also because I

SH Nouvou tall wealthy

Sorry you are no

The years he lived in

Torture and memories

Then when you look back in the mirror itself

Only see skinny and power charges

Feelings all these years I can not forget

Although he has played the role well

Genre or reading sad that I

He is still remembered

I will remember forever the memories gradually

Though even more painful cuts

He just smells unlikely conceptions

But you never know where

My love can not give you

He just wrote on this music

And if we go back, he accepted the pain

Although there were many scratches

For more infomation >> Tình Không Trọn - Tommy T. R - Duration: 1:40.


I'm sorry but I can't do this anymore. - Duration: 0:19.

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

For more infomation >> I'm sorry but I can't do this anymore. - Duration: 0:19.


Why I Don't Do VEDA | Kate's Adventures - Duration: 5:17.

Hi everyone! It's coming up to that time of year again where everybody participates in VEDA.

If you haven't heard of VEDA, it's "Video Every Day in April"

and similar versions happen throughout the year

where people take on a challenge to upload a video every single day of the month.

Now I've been on YouTube two years, I've seen plenty of VEDAs and similar things happen,

I've seen a lot of people have a lot of great fun,

but it's not something I've ever participated in myself

and it's not something that I plan to participate in any time soon.

So today I just wanted to share some of my reasons as to why I don't do VEDA.

Whenever I think about VEDA, there are two big reasons that come into my mind

as to why it would be unrealistic for me to take part and the first one is to do with content.

Now I've done daily vlogs before, I do a sort of daily vlog whenever I go on holiday

and the videos that come out of that can sometimes be like 15 to 20 minutes long.

It can sometimes be really difficult to get everything that's happened

and everything that's captured into 15 to 20 minutes.

But that's when I'm on holiday, that's when I'm exploring new places

that's when I'm doing something adventurous.

Most of the time on a day off

I'm just sitting at home, just having what I consider to be a regular day

and that would mean that if I were to do VEDA,

I would probably be doing little videos about whatever's on my mind.

I really don't have that much on my mind!

After a week the videos would probably start to dwindle down in quality

and I don't really want to subject anybody to 30 videos of me just babbling nonsense.

My second reason for missing out on VEDA

is probably the reason that a lot of people skip videos during VEDA

or miss out on VEDA altogether or quit VEDA

and that is the amount of time and commitment that doing 30 videos a month would take.

If you've never tried to make a YouTube video before,

with all due respect you're probably underestimating how long it takes

and how complicated it can be.

And another thing that I do on my videos that a lot of people choose to skip out is captioning

and that takes a lot of time too but I really feel like I'm not comfortable

with a video going live until it has captions on it.

I've had to do it a couple of times and I feel so so bad whenever I have to do it.

I like people to be able to understand what I'm saying one hundred percent

and have all the tools that they need to understand what I'm saying.

So VEDA is a video every day and that's not just filming, that's not just editing

that's having it up every single day and that's why VEDA's a challenge,

that's why people drop out. It's genuinely something that cannot be underestimated

and I know that for me personally I would find it very stressful

having to constantly think of deadlines and having to constantly work within such big pressure.

It's just not something that I would find enjoyable.

I have so much respect for everybody who's giving VEDA a go.

If you're a creator who's doing VEDA I wish you the very best of luck,

I hope you have a great time during April, I hope you learn lots as a creator

and things that maybe help you out with YouTube. I just hope you have a great time.

VEDA for me isn't going to be possible in the traditional sense,

but I'll maybe try and find a way to join in in my own little way.

I'll maybe write down like a different video idea every day or I'll maybe find a video to caption every day

I haven't really decided yet but I'd love to do something in April

that kind of helps me to grow my YouTube channel in my own little way

and kind of join in with the fun in my own little game. I don't really know what I'm going to do.

So if anybody has ideas of how I can join in VEDA without joining in VEDA, put them down below.

Um also if anybody's going to be watching VEDA, if anybody

has any suggestions of who I should be watching during VEDA, put them down below too,

I'd love to hear your suggestions. I find that I watch a lot during VEDA.

As don't really much, definitely not as much as anybody doing VEDA.

So thank you so so much for watching and enjoy April. Thanks everyone, cheerio!

I can't believe it's been like almost two years since I started my YouTube channel.

It's went so quickly but then I've got over 150 videos like where did they come from?

How did that happen?! It's like somebody just went snap and I'm here.

However long you've been here, thank you for watching. That's really cool of you. Cheerio.

For more infomation >> Why I Don't Do VEDA | Kate's Adventures - Duration: 5:17.


Snakehips On MØ Collaboration and The Meaning Behind Don't Leave - Duration: 2:45.

Our new single is called "Don't Leave" and it

features Mo, she's like one of our favorite

singers about at the moment and we kinda been

into her stuff for ages.

Yeah we're big fans.

Yeah, all of the stuff she's done in the last

couple years has been really cool.

And yeah we just had, we kinda had this basic idea

for the song like at the end of last year and it

just kinda sounded like it would really suit her

voice so we just kinda reached out.

We kinda met her, actually, around the same

time as well.

At festival yeah

At this festival in the UK

And yeah we just got working on it, she really liked

the idea and we ended up just kind of sending

things back and forth until it like came to what it was.

It's definitely more of like a story.

It tells more of a story than our other songs.

It's a big more of a like, it's like a kind of love

story about like this troubled relationship

I guess and it's all like "Ya know I may not be

perfect but ya know, we good"


But yeah it's kind of like, it's kind of...I feel like it's

quite relatable.

It's really honest and it's like, it's kind of sad but...

Uplifting as well...

The music video, we wanted it to be a lot more

narrative and really go with the lyrics and fit

the story and yeah Mo stars in it, she was awesome.

But yeah I think it kinda shows her like boyfriend...

Cheating' on her...

Playin around....

Playin' the field.

And then she gets pissed off and then she's like

shouting at him at the end of the video, it sort of climaxes.

What's the outcome though?

I don't know what the outcome is.

We don't know...does he take her back,

does she take him back?

I think it was kinda don't know what's

gonna happen.

It's like "No one's gonna love you better than me

but what are you gonna do man?



Potentially, we kinda like, we finished

off a whole bunch of stuff and we're just kind of

figuring out what the best way to put it out is.

Whether we wanna do like a album or if we just wanna

put out tracks, I dunno.

We're just gonna see how we feel.

There's like loads of cool people that we've been

working with.


We are gonna leave you with that.

But we got some cool stuff coming soon so...

We'll give you one letter and then you have three

guesses to guess who it is.

Yeah, but you still only collectively have three guesses.

Okay so...D





That's all your getting.

That's all you get.

For more infomation >> Snakehips On MØ Collaboration and The Meaning Behind Don't Leave - Duration: 2:45.


Don't Hug Me I'm Scared 7 - Duration: 0:52.

Today is the best day ever

I am eating nachos right now

Oh yes I am

Lets all have fun together! ;)))


I know exactly who you are.

I know what that was.

I can't hear anything

who has not been living under a soft warm cushion like spongebob friendly circle you very nice gentlemen i belive you know me.

I am billy the silent floorboard

Hello billy the silent floorboa-

Thats my name, I will repeat it, floorboard the silent billy Rather, billy the silent floorboard

You are perfectly fine.

Keep talking and we will have a nice time together in my boat I had enough money to buy because I am rich

That sounds really boring.

For more infomation >> Don't Hug Me I'm Scared 7 - Duration: 0:52.


Minecraft DON'T TAKE DAMAGE 1 Map *MAGYAR FELIRATTAL* - Duration: 15:51.

For more infomation >> Minecraft DON'T TAKE DAMAGE 1 Map *MAGYAR FELIRATTAL* - Duration: 15:51.


The Masks- Don't mask yourself: Short film - Duration: 3:03.

Alright guys this is really important

test tomorrow and you have to learn all

your prepositions, infinitive now oh thank

you for bringing her to me,

hello Malya

this is our new student

umm... ok guys

its grammar time please find your

partners all right

Do you want to be partners?


you're doing great okay

"I can't do this anymore"

you're doing great okay just just keep trying

you learned this at your old school right?

just keep on trying, you are doing great!

Do you need a break honey?

this is not what it looks like

No this is what I see, my friend betrayed me like that

she did not betray she's it's just...

No! No, she is...

she has some disabilities

Like what?

here and she can't talk okay

what is it supposed to mean

It means that she can't talk and she can't hear

This is not fair and not funny either.

"What happened?"

Nothing happened, you are doing great

I can really see that you are working and you are really doing great.



Hey Joshika, look I am really sorry, Please forgive me

thanks Malya

so I see you work things out

yeah we did so the good thing is we all

learned something here okay and I'm really sorry

for disrespecting you the other day

Now all right let's learn

Major Crisis..... Phone "Epic Fails"

Film by Joshika N.R.

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